Sherman In Attack On Pension Bill Chrfe Federation A g e n t Pleads for Delay—Socialists Demand Action A LB ANY,—There is no country In the world wbens the poor an Better off than in Hm*^...

...The Minister of the Interior has prohibited tht delivery by post of the "Arbeiter-ZeSung...
...This test eliminated three district judges, four circuit Judges and Lenroot and Olassie...
...tJisS» 1 Sheen aarrin* SYShe office to whieh he Was elatted 9mc*#ast October, when Be wsp wppotntsst by tbe ftxecotfre Board t» « ua> tjaexptred term af Ed Ward Bftrry, Erie, a/ho was made t genea* ortanMr at thtt time...
...1923 was marked by renewed emphasis on work among industrial employees, with the special object of combatting Communist Influences...
...As announced by the Minister of War, General Cihoski, the Government has resolved on an examination into the cases against political prisoners at present pending in Roumanla, According t° official sources there are at present 4,000 such eases pending...
...Tbe total number of railroad workers in November was 1,6*0,459 compared with 1,734,430 the previous month and 1,739,061 in November 1937, The decrease from October was largely seasonal involving the laying off of ^35,3*0 maintenance of way employee...
...Manning win be presented to ¦ special meeting...
...Norris Stands Firm But Norris refused to be stampeded or flattered...
...So Norris told an comers thai every nominee must be shown to be nc "surprise" candidate, so far as the public was concerned, and the Judges for the 10th circuit must watt anyhow...
...Fuller whether there was any reasonable doubt as to the guilt 3f Sacco and Vansetti...
...The facts came out when the publishers of the record wrote Lowell, Attorney Thompson, and Attorney Ehrmann, asking them to explain a short, obscure paragraph in the record saying that copies of La Notisla had been brought before the committee by Guadagnl and Bosco...
...Coolidge was getting ahead of the law...
...As for the two men recommended for the 10th Judicial circuit by Norris* progressive friend, it was clear that the law creating this new circuit had not taken effect until some days later than the time they were named...
...Freud and others, have signed these memorials...
...By holding back from the Lowell committee's report to Oov...
...The oaav" tfa> otBce*s drooler read to part as Btlows: 'According to tbe new Protection et the State Set, the Party is not irsBSBSa...
...Responsibility for foisting htm cm the country will be put on the incoming administration...
...Norman Thomas will sum up briefly on an economic program for peace and open up discussion from the floor...
...The organ of the dissolved Croat Peasant Party has, under an order issued by the Minister of the Interior, been suspended after having been confiscated four times...
...One senator was assured that tbe White House, for the ""first and last time in Coolidge a term, begged Norris to do it a favor by slipping the official robe upon the shoulders of Curtis Wilbur, the outgoing secretary of the navy...
...This would fix the capitalization of the C.N jr...
...As a result, in spite ot wage increases granted during the year, the November wage bill of the railroad Industry fen 11,592,045 short of the total paid tbe workers in the same month a year ago, a saving which went to swan the owners' profits...
...By personal investigation, he said, he knew that the luncheon for Williams took place May IS, nearly a month later...
...Among the peasants...
...During those three years tbe operating deficits aggregated 360,399,000...
...The "offence" committed by Mania Ehrlich consisted in nothing more terrible than the carrying round of Communist placards...
...of mem hen on Snday, March 10, beginning at * pjn, at the «**•* Iafjfc tuta, US Latost street, and jam SB* up bis work the fnDbwmg day...
...Tecumseh la chairman of the Welfare Department of toe National Crrte Federation...
...L. I. D. to Hold Annual Dinner Friday, March 5 The Annual Dinner of the League for Industrial Democracy will be held this year Friday evening, March 15, at the Aldlne Club, 300 Fifth avenue...
...Every effort will be made to run the dinner promptly so as to allow some time for questions and dieeusslon of tbe numerous and very interesting questions that are bound to arise...
...In all :'.-.2T civilized countries where Socialism ::, sCrong such policies have been succc-r::ully carried out...
...New York, rickets will be 32.50...
...During the war he was Major-General In charge of British Railway transport in France...
...g Thi*B expected to be the beglnninspw esBtBetta organisation work In Phila||fphtg« AS Socialists and sympathisersvasre Invited to attend the Sunday reception...
...Seven af thes»ru*Btn...
...around one billion, its capital value at 8*4 % on the basis of last year's earnings...
...It is becoming one of our major Industries...
...Daly says that Industry In New Tor* State Is in a tery bad way, is decbning rapidly and eould„not possibly afford to pay any further taxes...
...Charity is a nice salve for the uneasy consciences of the rich...
...under the auspices of an eminent legal committee of such conservatives as Newton D. Baker, ZUhu Root, and John W. Davis...
...Think, for instance, of all the objections that have been made to the Capper Resolution...
...He took the posjalnn that the pohusfbasS right ft know who Save been proposed By tbe t**atden*4br lifetime terms upon the .bench, and to voice these opposition to these selections if, ouch oppogltioa exists...
...Present at the hearings which were held before the f"-"*1*1 committees of the two bouses of the legislature were Q. August Oerber, representing the recently formed Labor Legislation League, the «Tti«T^» between New Tork trade unions and the Socialists to press for legislation far the workers, Edward Levinson far the International Leather Goods Workers Union, and MeAUster Coleman, representing the Socialist Party... the need for old age pensions of some sort at this time that action should be taken at once at this session ot the legislature...
...In consequence of the boetile attitude of the bourgeoisie in regard to questions of important soda] reforms however conditions were not favorable for a Socialist Government, and therefore the officials of the Party unanimously decided once more to make, ne attempt to form a government...
...She went home to Bessarabia, but the next day she was again arrested by the police and sent back to Mislea...
...Lowell's letter does not dispute the facts...
...Anything that can be done to remedy it, no matter bow inadequate from any far-visioned viewpoint, should receive our encouragement until such time as we are able to press energetically through our own representatives for our own measures...
...Compared with the previous year there were 19.914 fewer shopmen...
...New Tork City, Sunday, March 10th, 8 SO p. m. sharp...
...On 23 January the organ's* ations were informed by tbe central caBss that daisatTitlrn was imminent...
...tbeJalist lata itSeretai sanvwansjaww*-mmw m m ^g^VHMp^gftVTBKB"r*'~ ^^^^^¦C ^JJflrV wSspaawsBBwgawiW ft* S an Maej n nitS anata aa* trades antSa ¦Mr waTtho, triage* «?tj!a f*j5B urdon of trds city...
...Comrade Dr...
...Daly and Mr...
...Thornton took over tbe job of reorganizing the railways, assisted by a Board of Directors, on which labor was and still is represented by Tom Moore, president of the Trades and Labor Congress...
...The MWnia Oovornmeat appears to take the view that amnesty might imperil the "safety of the Roumanian State...
...Budens attacks Ralph Easier, Secretary of the .National civic Federation for his oposltlon to Old Age Pensions and for the support be gave to A R. Mar Donald a private detective who introduced the yellow-dog contract in the Real Silk Hosiery Mills at Indianapolis, Indiana, and in other plants, according to Budens...
...To draw closer Socialists working in the union movement and strengthen their influence in the local centres some 30 local propaganda and discussion clubs for trade union Socialists have been set up...
...witMn one month, » permit to carry on Ss activities...
...George Soule, an editor of the New Reppublic, win speak on the use of an Trn'" embargo against an aggressor nation...
...It appeared that she had been placed "by mistake" on the list of those pardoned, whereas in reality her sentence had only been reduced by two years...
...Every one of these men will have to run the gauntlet of Norris' inquiry into his fitness for lifetime powers over the liberties and property of his fellow citisens...
...Beside him site toe red-faced, beavy-Jowled Mark Daly of the Associated Industries, the lobbyist for the Open Shoppers of the State...
...Pistiner ' demanded the complete dissolution of the Siguranza, introduction of a modern police force, and fulfillment of the promises of the new Government to right the wrongs inflicted by the earlier Governments...
...In accordance with a report of tbe Sigaranaa, legal proceedings for offenses against the safety of the State have been begun against ail the speakers at a meeting called by the Committee of Action for the Obtaining of a General Amnesty in the town of KischInew...
...The Journal of the tree railway workers' union of Croatia, "UJedinjeni Zeljesnlcar," has been confiscated...
...Socialists of Finland Complete Many Months Of Intense Activity Helsingfors,—The last few months have seen Intense activity in the Finnish Social-Democratic movement...
...A special Commission was set up to carry on Socialist propaganda amongst industrial employees... asditioa to tha orsas no saw holds, the Reading man is aJso a mamtmi of tbe State Legislative Committee and secretary sf the State apaawrdaw c i—litea...
...But Norris and Wheeler and others can talk for hours or days on his record of unfitness, when his name doe* come frp again...
...All included the total Indebtedness of the rest of the world to the United States probably exceeds $25,000,000,000 by a fairly wide margin, with at least 315,000 000,000 of it owing to American capitalists...
...In tbe autumn a study course was held for Secretaries of tlse 14 district organizations of the Party" and laborers, following efforts made in 1927...
...Pistiner concluded with the words: "Dead men cannot be brought back to life, but those who are languishing In prison for their ideals must immediately be restored to liberty...
...Think of the tariff legislation now pending...
...Nine years ago the government, having made loans of *239,000,000 to keep the private roads going, took over the ownership of the bankrupt railways, and assumed responsibility for the payment of their major securities, roughly ft.000,000,000 at 5 p.c...
...The City Prefect at Belgrade immediately required the Pans to obtain such ft permit without deksy, whereupon the central office nhmlttaj the program and rules to tbe authorities, A few days later, however, when the Party Secretariat asked for information to tbt competent quarters as to the probable decision, it received tbe answer that only those parties would be allowed to carry est their activities which unconditionally at* cepted tbe standpoint represented by the present regime, so that in consequence all parties would be required to dissolve which stood for democracy.' "The Party's organisations were sated to put through the liquidation proceedings without delay...
...They were sure of it because on the same day a public luncheon had been gTven by a group of Italians to James T. Williams, Jr., then editor of the Boston Transcript...
...On that accident may turn tbe future quality of federal court justice affecting every worker in the country in his right of industrial self-defense...
...Professor of Theology, ex-Deputies Lunescu and Panlsca, the wellknown writer Costa-Foru and advocate Petrascanu...
...He was knighted for his services...
...Think of the possible imperialism of the next administration and bring your questions to the dinner...
...The fact that Lenroot went secretly by night to see Albert FaU, when the former secretary of the interior came back to Washington to "teU everything' 'to the Senate investigating committee, and that FaU then refused to testify, will not dlsqalify the Wisconsin ex-progressive in their eyes, as judicial timber...
...mmiifflM Bn'""rn11 *' DialiX ¦P^t ffcfet > ceBtial SoIptlsn, «f which Comrade »a<arigwr is hwdttstit and Comrade Dewinsje Secrekary, will consist of two sections, of w%lcn ens win deal wtth Socialist propaganda by means, ot the cinema, whilst tbe other wffl concern itself with the eoanmercial It has also been decided to make a number ia*|illip|Siii1s films for tbe forthhamljS p^giiamentery elections...
...Urge Probe of Finances Of Civic Federation A demand for an investigation into the finances of the National Civic Federation, of which Matthew Woll Is the Acting President, is made by Louis Francis Budens, Managing Editor of Labor Age in an editorial in the current issue of that publication...
...The next day the two Italian witnesses brought before the LoweU committee copies of an Italian newspaper, La Notizla, with an article showing that a luncheon for Williams had actually taken place April 15... ttk9 Government, the risSfcnal fcaBjjatS jywruy» d^sayis^hajmaasty as enormous number of communications reach the Council of Regency, demandhoeratioB of the political prisocen, ant the setting St liberty of Bajor and other victims of the oligarchy...
...The new Senate is reactionary, by a very decisive majority...
...This huge figure takes no account of the billions owed the government by wartime allies, nor of private investment abroad in an its forms...
...The evidence Lowell suppressed showed that Saooo was in Boston arranging for a passport on April IS, the day of the crime at South Bralntree, Mass...
...Tbe discussion following the dinner win be on the general topic, "The Economics of Peace...
...Decisions nullifying dvil liberties for minorities are made by these political judges as surely ss occasion for them can' be staged...
...Raymond Leslie Buen of the Foreign Policy Association will apeak on imperialism and peace...
...Every day passed by our champions in prison is a disgrace to the new Roumanla...
...T. Constantlnescu...
...4. The number of labor representatives was increased: the Social-Democrats won 163 new seats, the Comunists 61...
...Sherman In Attack On Pension Bill Chrfe Federation A g e n t Pleads for Delay—Socialists Demand Action A LB ANY,—There is no country In the world wbens the poor an Better off than in Hm*^ The ilinp British, French or Belgian worker would be |M to leave all bone tor ft chance to Bw to the average pool Bouse In One eoontry...
...The new organiser l i —si eeaof New Bedford, Mass, and wtth active able to MM up a good parts' orsnnnavtion...
...He was looking ahead, to the long procession of corporation lawyers whom he expected Hoover to name to the federal bench...
...The representatlvea of the Socialist and labor forces present said: "A thoroughgoing policy of social insurance is essential in any civilized oom:-..iuiLy...
...The laborers' congress strengthened the bonds which unite the industrial workers to the Party...
...In the opinion of tbe an snejaaj yap x saae ot was unfit...
...At a mass meeting arranged by the Social Democrats In Ceernowits the amnesty and the Slguranza (the secret police) were discussed...
...Nor will they be embarrassed by his record as a power trust lobbyist...
...Pardoned "By Mistake" Tn 1933 the sixteen year _old school girl, Mania Ehrlich, was sentenced in Bessarabia to 10 years imprisonment for an offense against the Safety of the State...
...New Sacco Record Hits At Lowell Evidence Proving Anarchists' Innocence Was Held From Gov...
...President Sullivan of the State Federation of Labor spoke strongly tn favor of an old age pension bin, as did representatives of the American Association for Old Age Security, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and various social service agencies...
...Injunction Judges are made by politicians in the Department of Justice, the White House and the Senate...
...Charity takes the aged poor from their homes, divides the wife and husband and leaves them to the cold mercy of professional keepers ot atahooaes Old age pensioning allows the recipient to spend his or her last days at home, escaping from the indignities of Institution altsm...
...Babbi Wise In Bepiy ' Aceross the aisle Babbi Stephen Wise arises and skins these two alive with his verbal scorn...
...The bill was reporteoVunfavorably by the federal relations committee, despite efforts of the Connecticut Federation of Labor...
...Norris happens to be chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee...
...And no hint of tt appears in the official record of the proceedings before the committee...
...General Zadlk, has Issued an order for the reintroduction of the state of siege in the border districts of Bessarabia and the Bukovtoa over a zone of 30 kilometers...
...Later, 18 conferences of Socialist local government representatives were held The conferences considered the question bills for refcrm of taxation which have been introduced in Parliament, and set themselves to remove misunderstandings which had arisen between workers and peasants in regard to local rates...
...Since November 1933 the railroads have oat down tbe month's payroll by »il,4«M3i...
...15,204 fewer maintenance ot way workers, 7,330 fewer clerical workers...
...American Investment Empire Expands During 1928 CHICAGO—(FP)—The total of foreign capital Issues publicly offered in the United States since 1914 has passed the $18,000,000,000 mark, according to a U. 8. department of commerce report covering the full year 1928...
...FP)—Pressure by the open shop Connecticut Manufacturers Assn...
...Tecumsen Sherman is taiktod in the Assembly bail of the Hew York State Legislature at Albany...
...A number of German Social Democrats have also sent a telegram to President Maniu demanding the putting hi to force of the promised amnesty...
...Sherman, iptirtttf for the "Welfare Department" of Mr...
...The police then seised the archives, account books, money and miscellaneous Party property, some of which they took away with them, whilst the rest they left in place and sealed up the doors of the Secretariat...
...19, searched all public places for copies at the Vienna "Arbeiter-Zeitung...
...Yugoslavian Socialist Party Is Disbanded in its Msaa af 21 January, publishes Ssf foOowtag taformatioo eoncermlng the fif •oration of the Yugoslav SodaBst Party.* "Asvearty aa 30tb January, tbe ewahsf office of the Party warned the sfflJasal mgaiilsattnns that tbe Party was bsssg dissolved...
...Len root's Judgeship Is Held Up Norris Stand Bar* Utilities* Agent From Reward Coolidge Gave Him wy ASHiNUTON— CFP) —Oeorge Norris as chairman 4* the jtsfjplary fMpi greet, by prevSattng eosgBrmSsBIs* of sane federal judges...
...This is of Importance to railway workers, because now when they ask for higher wages the capitalist papers protest that the CNR... actively wallowed to the same bloody mire that clings to Judge Webster Thayer and Fuller...
...Olassie was so rank that his nomination would probably have been rejected...
...But no hint of all this appeared in the report of the Lowell committee, charged to report to Oov...
...According to information published is the "Volkstimrae," the police on Jan...
...LoweU disbelieved their testimony...
...Connecticut Kills Child Labor Amendment HARTFORD, Conn...
...On tbe other hand there were 439 more train and engine service men than in November 1937...
...Major Bell's view is understood to be that of the Board of Directors for Pres...
...and of its sister parties...
...was strong enough'to kin the ratification of the federal child labor amendment tn the legislature...
...At the session of tbe Chamber of Jan...
...The new government was then formed by tbe bourgeois Centre Party with the help of a few Conservatives...
...A number of well-known personalities of Western Europe, amongst them Thomas and Hetarich Mann, Helen Stocker, K. Michaels, Hatha Ko-wita, Albert Einstein, Prof...
...One of tbe measures which the Roumanian Democratic Party and international labor have emphatically demanded of the new Government Is now to be carried out...
...Oerber, Levinson and Coleman, while an of the bills for old age pen Mows are ridiculously inadequate and while they contain restrictions which Inhumanely limit the number of those eligible for pensions under their provisions, so pressing...
...30 the Social Democrat, Romulu Dan, questioned tbe Government concerning this matter and demanded the complete abolition of the state of siege even to the frontier districts...
...The following speakers, amongst others, addressed the meeting: Ex-Senstor Alexandrl, S. Giobanu, member of the Roumanian Academy...
...The Social-Democratic Party contributed to the fall of the Farmer Government in December 1928...
...Operating profits last year were around $55,000,000—several millions more than needed to meet charges on all securities in tbe hands of investors...
...When It was suggested that there might have been two luncheons, he said "It cannot be so," and remarked that the discrepancy in dates had destroyed 1ft sericus alibi...
...These conferences served also as preparation for local on Dec...
...But they sit unmoved because they have been tipped off that aothinc win be done about old age pensions-except to appoint another 'Investigating committee...
...while the bourgeois parties registered a loss...
...All the decrees of the military dictatorship will sot suffice to prevent the Yugoslav proletariat from hearing the voice of the Internationa...
...ationa ware mad* on March 1, and the other tare—Lenroot and Olassle for tbe court of customs applets had bam made too lata in the session for ft serious inquiry into their gueJlflcaUons...
...No sooner had the list of Judicial selections sen sent to the Senate by Goaltjga than aorta was the target of an almost continuous barrage of appeals from senators, the White Hawse end even from Chief JueOew Taft that ho permit this or that man to be tarediatfly confirmed...
...The time to draw the line against rubber-stamped judges was when Coolidge tried to railroad them through the Senate in the confusion of adjournament week...
...Fuller, evidence which be himself admitted constituted "a serious alibi far Sacco...
...In 1933 a consolidation of the older government railways—lines from the Maritime to Montreal and from St Johns to Winnipeg—and the recently acquired Orand Trunk, Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern were effected...
...He refused to give any information as to the object of his return, but it is probable that he entered tbe country with the object of rfaiTwtwg tbe benefit of the proposed amnesty...
...To prove this two Italians—Felice Ouadagni and Albert Bosco—came before the Lowell committee...
...2,171 Killed in Coal Mines During 1928, U.S...
...The ex-Deputy Alexander DobrokeanuGherea, who was sentenced in 1935 to ten years severe imprisonment tor Communist activity in contumaciam, and fled the country, has* been recognised by agents of the Siguranza in Bucharest and arrested...
...OulsiJe of any decent, humanitarian viewpoint, social insurance, a cardinal pcint of which is old age pensioning, is directly in line with the elimination of waste in the shape of charity which is but the filling of bottomless jugs...
...Ffsller npjCS...
...Matthew WoD's organisation, says that giving indigent industrial ml in ens over the age of seventy, one doBar a day until they die would lead straight to ft"-**1*-™ tax this country...
...The Minister of War Cihoski has given orders that all political cases should be carefully enquired into, and that, where there is no ground for further proceedings, the case should immediately be dismissed...
...l^y4»rr*w**oa» of t*e socialist party* rsngaUtea for tbe state Irgtsli tura, Canada Roads Had 80 Million Deficit in Year Report Issued on Railways Operation Before Government Took Lines Over r (B7 a New Laadar C***a«a*aA««t> MONTRBAL, — That private railways now comprised in tbe Canadian National Railways had to a single year an operating deficit of tOO.OOOfiOO is news to the general public brought out by ft report on the question of remodelling the f)n«r.^ structure of the government system, compiled by the late Major Graham BeU, Deputy Minister of Railways, just before his untimely death...
...Railroads Lay Off Maintenance Employes Railroad employment in November dumped to a level 44,802 below November 1*21, according to tbe interstate commerce commission...
...Two district Judges were confirmed—Cox of Mississippi and Woodward of Ottawa, HI., whose claims seemed to be wen established...
...should pay interest on a book-keeping capitalisation comprising most of the blunders and worse of private management over years before increasing wages...
...Par this the Socialists have :sa fighting for thirty years...
...The late major recommended a re-capitalization of the Canadian National by writing off the interest charges due the government for loans to keep the private roads going while bankrupt and to repair them to a state of safety after the run-down properties were taken over...
...Industry with Its mass-production and its technological unemployment is fining its human scrap-heaps with men little over forty...
...A questtonBafre has been sent to each cinema manager, tbe replies to which win make it possible to estimate the amount of support which can be counted upon...
...Premier Mackenzie King looking around far a chief executive while on ft trip to England, consulted J. H- Thomas, British Railway Workers, leader, who recommended Henry Thornton, an American trained on the Pennsylvania Railway...
...Of course it is not to be assumed that the new Senate will not confirm Lenroot and Wilbur and most of the others, if Hoover gives them another nomination...
...The position of Messrs...
...for which be was electrocuted...
...The new management turned operating deficits into profits—profits totalling 9183,844,000 (or the six years ending December 31 last...
...AppwriinaisTj 4,001 vanla attended...
...8,3778 fewer in the miscellaneous transportation and yard service groups and 13S fewer officials...
...Sherman are there to oppose all the varloos proposals for pensions for the seed poor which have been Introduced Into the laftalature this session...
...She has already served 8 years of this sentence In the women's prison of Mislea...
...A. LAWRENCE LOWELL Of ¦*• Harvard, brahmin of Boston brahmins, was not merely accessory to the Sacco-Vansettt murder...
...Of this number 1,734 fatal accidents occurred to bituminous mines and 447 to anthracit Roumanina Bans Appeals For Amnesty ^mo«**t$e* Character * of JleW Government Hemains Unproven—Secret Police Active., P^B^'prJuseS^y^e Blank <JwT fcsA MgaAtj^to *j>derj^»ag|s...
...A short time ago she was liberated, and Informed that she had been pardoned...
...That is the high light of the fifth volume of the Sacco- Vanzetti trial record, yuet published by Henry Holt te Co...
...Norris had madi bis point—that henceforth federal Jvdgei are not to be created offhand, but are tc be confirmed only after every chance has been given the public to show cause why they should be rejected...
...One-third of an the people in this country sixty-five years or over are dependent on some form of charity in this the richest country In the world...
...The KbS najjr'V cinema office has alSadp'aeessjad the official co-operation of jjji iat iipjun i ii to the provinces of BfcgwM iiagiiliiiii Namur, Ghent, salntsflcotpk TSgnhout, Menln, etc...
...One of Norris' closest friends on a western federal circuit bench came to the capital, and urged that Phillips of New Mexico and McDermott of Kansas, who were described as liberal and humane Judges, be assured of their Jobs...
...For three years it retained the old executives, each road operating on its own...
...But it is no more a substitute for social insurance than are the hypocritical welfare schemes put forth by such slimy organisations as the National Civic Federation...
...sw a mm MeJsfWfsafcsswfe* PafedsgpbJa, Iw^pMKb m local orwmi^^ZrSSrSSmrmi Prank Manning aC Xjrw BMtlffl lev come permanent kxal orgensesr of the party...
...Reports WASHINGTON—Accidents In coal mines fat the United States during 1934 caused 2,171 deaths, tbe Department ol Commerce announces...
...Oswald Garrison ViUard win speak on tariffs and peace...
...On 24 January, the central Secretariat of the Party to Bst* grade received communication of the decree ordering the dissolution of the Party...
...Fichandlcr to Speak At the Educational Forum "The Educational Forum- win hear Alexander Fir handler dettver an address on "What I Saw and Heard in Russia" at ISO West 89th street...
...They had met Sacco in Boston that day, April IS, they said...
...The situation is critical...
...Brahmin LoweU apologised to the two "wops," admitting his mistake and the honesty of their testimony...
...The Roumanian Social Democratic Party is fighting energetically against this measure...
...Thornton went to England and held high office on the Ore&t Eastern Railway...
...Thornton to Tom Moore...
...Even the Croats, who according to the official communiques were supposed to have greeted the coup d'etat with joy have already been taught a lesson by the censorship...
...The fact that, after the solemn proclamation of an amnesty, this girl, sentenced when she was not yet of age, and having already served six years of her sentence, merely receives the favor of ft two years' reduction of her term of imprisonment, and, after being set free by mistake, is dragged back to her dungeon, makes terribly clear the tragedy of the postponement of the general amnesty I Tbe Commandant at J assy...
...By the direction of the Council of Ministers he was handed over to the Military Tribunal, where prooedelngs against him wfll be resumed...
...banned, but it nevertheless obliged to dVr tain...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 8

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