TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas CALVIN COOLIDGE. Calvin Coolidge has laved down the nost powerful office in the wotld to his successor, elected four months ago, who has been enduring the...

...t course, all this vermin belong to a past stage • >! Iii.jtory hut this by no means is any guarantee m:n*i their return to power, although it is not 1\ that they would retain it very long...
...No effort was made to ascertain the sums collected and spent by thousands of district, county, city, ward and precinct organiations...
...Observe the hne up at Albany...
...f Toward the observance of the prohibition law while it is the law he takes the stand an honest president must logically take...
...A postponement of the date to give time for the new Congress to repeal the national origins clause was prevented, under pretext of respect to the Sabbath, by none other than our friend Senator Ive Robinson, Democratic candidate for Wee-President wbcee chief denounced the national origins clause to the campaign...
...Coolidge all the big guns of almost every editorial office roared a salute...
...He experimented with the automobile and eventually produced one that now bears his name Although the ripe fruit of his invention, the Buick car, is today a favorite, Mr...
...We confront hundreds of feudal kings ruling many millions of subjects...
...He speaks for the classes that exploit labor, the classes ihat consign aged veterans of industry to neglect and degrading charity...
...First he got on the "escalator of Massachusetts pontics...
...by rushing in a sob...
...Then Congress adjourned with the national origins law clause of the immigration law unrepealed and the date of Its proclamation, April 1st, unchanged...
...Ha would lose his interest in "getting together'' with them...
...How much strength has he...
...We always flashed back, **tue capitalist politicians...
...Of one thing we may be sure...
...It is not, but it is part of our program which _is also shared by enlightened trade unions...
...Campaign Funds yytTH a cosMatasi guvtuueucnt of sank*, industrial i corporatiens, overseas investors and profiteers in general infttlu<l at Washington the stock market is steady...
...Two years ago the National Civic Federation sent a letter to all the states urging postponev ment till it made a report on old age pensions and Tecurnseh Sherman, representing that chloroform society, was at Albany Tuesday repeating this game...
...harto I gr&m, Illinois...
...e • That woman In Massachusetts who received a sentence of sixteen years for taking part in a hold up now knows that it Is necessary to legalize a hold up to make it safe...
...The new secretary of War as Congressman had a record that makes him a poor man to serve ex-offlcio on the Water Power Commission Moreover we are suspicious of any lawyer as Attorney General, no matter how able, who was partner to the reactionary Pierce Butler, now of the Supreme Court Whether time and fuller information wUl modify these judgments tor better or worse only time can telL Congress, more particularly the Senate, did two bad pieces of work in lti closing hours...
...For the rest he gave us his usual philosophy—no government in business in competition with private business but plenty of government in business through tariffs, no public ownership of utilities but regulation and state regulation which has broken down at that This be mixes with the talk of a glorified social worker about the likatlnij of education and health...
...You do not deny this in your reply to my letter...
...Ok yea...
...We merely add that sewer politics and oil polities In recent years show that the politicians are training for tha Job wa expect of them...
...Thus (icrman, Russian and Hungarian monarchists are forming a new Holy Alliance and it appears that they have plenty of funds...
...The new administration must choose between imperialism and internationalism, drastic limitation of armaments and an open race in navies and maybe armies...
...tor £" ** ***** girls say tha* there Is a* tottsfj vtesattag the totoacttoa...
...We are trained for the running, the umpire sees that there is no shenanigan, and those with the best character and ability win...
...Then Harding's death and the nauseating scandas...
...Those who think that there is no class consciousness in this country should explain why the big masters of finance and capital generally hays their way at Washington...
...V*^m Ricks, Richmond...
...The law is more unfair than the present quota law, every candidate for president opposed it, it wul greatly embarrass Mr...
...So many people learn when it is too late...
...The I. I. D. brought down Clarence DarrOw to defend John Brophy, leader of the miners who is not a Communist, and Brophy was freed...
...As a matter of fact, in the economic life of this country the monarchist principle is stronger than in any other...
...Oar ana attest to A D. Alexander...
...I believe those who are fighting the I. L. D. are doing harm to the labor movement...
...Its treasury Is ^'^^^M secretary, John J. Niefcal...
...See that tt happens aaSH again...
...That's what happens to a parson who does not play the game like Fall, Doheny and other professionals...
...It is the plotting and intrigues of these parasites and their "-nion for the established dictatorships that make the future of Europe uncertain...
...The press bowed down and worshipped the man who helped Andy Mellon untax big newspaper proprietors along with the Dther rich on the ground that that was the way to help the poor...
...We are not speaking for Upton Sinclair and ow correspondent, should address his Question sa him.—Editor of The New Market Invites Plunging orders the paper to be sens toRWBji or same other victim at eer ssanaj prosperity...
...The Monarchists Astir lTH a half dozen nations of Europe ruled by dictatorships and the old monarchists in a number of others forming an alliance to restore the old gangs to power the slogan of "a world made safe for democracy" becomes more absurd than ever...
...ef THE NEW LEADER saw* ersesee amiss Asaoag the Say I City ieaiars who have raasaay |fe the sapor ea their stones, staff...
...Who that desires a more decent world does not covet the enmity of Tecurnseh Sherman...
...Twenty-two subs arrive rrooi •* verslty of Kansas, sent by BSR aa This is a record that other stossata try to reach...
...If any organization uses money to feed and clothe labor strikers and to keep their leaders out of Jail, I think that organization should be given support by all those to sympathy with labor, even though it may be Socialist, Communist, Anarchist or a branch of the Baptist church...
...Great liberals, these Democrats and great on unity...
...m hundred to take idvantag*_at *| made by THE NEW LEAPaSV*g of Freedom" and a years savavSjHH S3.00...
...These sums represent only a guess for the committee adds that the total cost was "much in excess of the figures shown in this report...
...Sa, Tshgj are atrsaay a saaserisar, s—sa»,j to a friend and the beak wSj fc...
...L. L. White h a resident at * a New York State town bat at a keeps in touch with bnportaat kaj tags by reading the dally New Isafet Milwaukee and our ova X L EVADER...
...The same game has been played in the matter of old age pensions and similar legislation...
...There are plenty of signs the-t we can no longer drift...
...The government is an impartial umpire...
...Half of the members of the Hoover Cabinet are rated as millionaires...
...If ever a man had reason to believe in a certain kind of Providence it was he—and his party 1 In office he was shrewd enough, well enough warned, prudentially honest enough to avoid further scandals (yet he made or tried to make some outrageous appointments like Warren's and West's and most of his appointments to the tariff and trade commissions "> and to look economical...
...Both to tone and substance his talk of limitation of armaments and the conditions of peace in his Inaugural Is in advance of his earlier insistence on "armaments big enough to prevent even the fear of invasion...
...R. Salerno of Lawions*^saaB| renewal and a sub that gos§ is a birthday gift H* M)**ffl rare The gift wfll be MghW rraphed copy of McAlhstsr Jj P kaisers of PreedoaL' By ah- mail aa I want to bt *sS] Favored first hundred...
...In 1926 the Communists reported to Moscow that the l. L. D. had raised about $500,000 for the defense of Sacco and Vanzettt...
...Will the National Civic Federation please save the nation by calling attention to the fact that this protest cornea from "Reds...
...The first aaaesstj mt the beak are —'inaaass...
...That exceeds the financial rating of a few farmers and workers we know who voted for Hoover...
...Even if Hoover were not personally aggressive in forming poUcy be would hav...
...The A. r. of L news service declares that American labor is opposed to state paternalism and then goes on to support the high tariff claims of big business which is stats guarantee of big dividends...
...Hoover still wants milk from contented cows and stlU calls it individualism...
...S. W. eaawi street and Eighth si saw...
...Nearly thirty years ago he sold a plumbing plant for a hundred thousand dollars...
...For the rest he did nothing much and let events and his subordinate* take care of things...
...Since the great mine strike of 1902 corrmrission after rommission has been appointed and report after report has been made on the mining industry while the industry has become more chaotic each year...
...If the great total was known it certainly would make an impressive showing...
...Socialists, trade union men, social workers and religious leaders of ¦i tfanced social views, including Catholics...
...Wt ktor regularly from CM Pogorelee, translator-secretary if | Jugoslav Federation...
...Maybe his Inaugural address will ten something...
...The name of the writer of this letter win be furnished you If it is necessary...
...So the two ebscbj tew useless duplication of effort" 0*1 ment is that we wlU not ovalax t time...
...If they like to elect a man to the highest office without knowing his program on any vital subject why should he worry...
...their report ensptavsizes the sincerity of the officers in wanttag not only an honest count bat a conspicuously honest count* Sherman, Drug Vendor QNE of the tricks employed to delay action on legislation of interest to the workers of the state and nation is to urge further study through a commission...
...Yet few men made a worse campaign But tor that the fault is the American people's...
...TWpnosV beak is SUa...
...We are all running a race...
...i lx -mug and medieval Sherman, polished Uriah with a full stomach and ample wealth, ambled i. ore the committee to say that he was opposed to nil such measures...
...What's the answer...
...I hardly see how you can expect liberal people to agree with you when you keep on "nagging" the Communists because of technical points ta their doctrine...
...The next four years win have to see conscious choices...
...Nicholas orders a Congress of the Romanoffs to meet and Grand Duke Cyril, heir to the Romanoff crown, has called it to meet in April, probably in Budapest where the Horthy dictatorship has its own plans for a Haps burg restoration...
...Hoover is a militant defender of the present social order yet he was not WaU Street's first choice and is still looked upon by Big Business with a UttU apprehension lest he occasional!;- try to tell it something instead of docilely listening like the great Cal' iu...
...However Hoover has talked and will talk there is little love between him and his predecessor and he wUl not spend his time following Coolidge policies—not even if he did feel obliged to reappoint the sapping and senile Uncle Andy Mellon to office...
...Ead he not been the ideal president_for WaU St...
...9 Alfred Raker Lewis, secwssff^jl land Dtst., Socialist Party...
...You can draw your own...
...And we doubt tne ability o1 some of its members, notably the aged and sainted Mr...
...Yet the C F. made a report one year ago...
...IN A NUTSHELL Tears ago we Socialists enjoyed a wheeze when somebody asked us who would do the dirty work under Socialism...
...CeJM actwity \ Br...
...According to the Hoover dictum Buick didn't have character and ability and yet there is the Buick car...
...bis appointments may tell mora But mostly the years will tell...
...The wisdom of doing nothing ansj...
...Then a strike which be did not settle and which he tried to dodge made him famous, largely through a brave sounding sentence written after the crisis probably by another man but signed by Coolidge...
...Simply that Hoover heaved hokum like any other politician and it does not differ from what other politicians have marketed to get into office...
...see Mayor Walker insists that he was not at the Sharkey-Stribling fight...
...The best lawyers were engaged and not one miner is now to Jail...
...While we in this country sympathize with' die popular resentment against the monarchists it should not be forgotten that many of our influential bankers and capitalists favor the reactionary ' movements abroad...
...Sherman spoke for the capitalist interests of up state manufacturers and the anti-union corporations* affiliated with his drug society and for the organized real estate interests of this city...
...to act as Coolidge did not...
...Had he not honestly deferred at every point to the superior Intelligence, and the wisdom of Big Business...
...The Hoover Cabinet may be "wen balanced " and able...
...Meanwhile the miners and their families are human sacrifices to this fakirism...
...9, is rather beside the point You dispose of my questions with one sweep, by citing one case where j the International Labor Defense failed to keep two "Communist comrades" out of Jail...
...It is truly*Urn My check for $2 enclosed, (g Simon, Detroit, Mick...
...That's really the RXBfT 1 to send in sub...
...Of course there are the Harry Thaws, the Falls, Dohenys, Sinclairs and their kind, but kindly forget 'em...
...On the -her side was Mark A Daly, of the Associated , u-rnes J. A. Hall, representing New York real ve interests, and Tecurnseh Sherman with the ,; supply of the drugs of the National Civic Fed• ..m...
...It was s pleasant and encouraging thing to receive a copy of the report of Messrs Roger Baldwin and Arthur Garfield Hays to praise of the scrupulous care and honesty which flismtaitaad the conduct of the ejections to the LL.O.W.U...
...J. Lewis DUbow, New York *mmm 'calamity of smug Herberts ass tton...
...Testing Hoover Hokum JN HIS speech of acceptance last year Herbert Hoover explained just how our social system works...
...The Sacco-Vanaettl Defense Committee to Boston reported to its Bulletin ot December, 1938, that it had repeatedly asked for an accounting of this fund and could get none from the L L. D. What was the money used for...
...The L L. D. is what Communists call an "Innocents' dub," meaning by this that they get money for Communist work through organizations whose real purpose is masked...
...Buick died Tuesday so poor that he was unable to rent a telephone in the shabby little flat where he made his home...
...X flaR 1SSS Beat New Tank avenges SH Newstoae, S. R earner AotorTtot Broadway...
...We have no desire to continue this controversy as we have to the past few years published ample evidence of our view of the I. L. D. Our correspondent has only recently confronted this issue and for this reason he seems to think that our attitude is prompted by pure cussedness...
...It now appears that Indians of the Six Nations in New York State have been robbed of approximately 18 million acres of land...
...Our readers will recall the large sums contributed to both firms by powerful bankers and capitalists to whom a thousand dollars mean no more than a dime to the reader...
...Their appointment was a good move...
...We select this one item of evidence Crom a large mass...
...Ljl's also investigate the propaganda for such measures, the implication being that thejthave their origin in Moscow...
...Vinson quotes a letter from a writer in Pittsburgh stating that the I. L. D. had helped workers In trouble, to the number of 3,000 to the Pittsburgh district alone, these referring to arrests and trials The letter is absurd on its face as that number of miners was not arrested or in need of legal aid to that district...
...If George III could observe as todav ha would enjoy a merry chuckle...
...Gflbert Stair af New 1 mm jji into the affioe a few ears ssa object ef his visit, was to say, f| hand in a sab, renew ah eaa, m THE NEW LEADER wan a afig fctTttese...
...Ilea sen, I a> your paper stimulating and vsst%to a friend in New Britain, Ooea* G. T. Miner sends a new sat as renewal...
...which they were asked by Pres...
...Perhaps it is so, but we prefer to turn to the Mother Goose tales of our childhood for realism...
...We can sow turn to a consideration of the cost of the establishment, for this is an age of efficiency...
...m "Local Watertown is a **• *3 tton...
...Then a tired and hot convention nominated him for the vice presidency which was going begging...
...We hope that we will not be classed with the Bolsheviks by calling attention to the contradiction...
...lowing: J. CaSaaaa, N. W. eanarj aresussi?*C^ssaa...
...From the NEW LEADER MAILBAG THE I. L. D. AGAIN* Editor, The New Leader: Your answer to my letter concerning The International Labor Defense and The Workers International Relief, published: in your issue of Feb...
...Coolidge said that he had minded his own business...
...Get together so that another Hoover may not sit in the White House...
...Such statements are given currency by Communists who to turn will deny that they are Communists if asked...
...Schlessinger to supervise...
...This is the moral that some ot our "liberal" papers which dont like Coolidge will likely forget...
...Also I have good reasons to believe that these two organizations have fed and clothed strikers so that the strikers might not be broken...
...But you wul miss one point to thinkingback over the years since 1916, Wilson, and Harding, and Coolidge, and forward to Hoover if you do not see how great as is the office of president King Boidnrtm is greater and makes them all servants of iiis win in trade and fiscal policies at home and abroad...
...For Mr...
...The writer of this letter was framed up and if not for the L L. D. would be in Jail now...
...In one matter and only one matter does President Hoover take a step to advance of candidate Hoover...
...Before going out of Office Mr...
...He sends la aeosatoaf* per While over there," wrltei anaHM •vf If 0W XrGTW&Ju , jr^^^HaT sT^s^SH^ sf^envt^^a-eHS* arrive as a result ef AagaS .ffM A REAL OXFT Jen...
...But he sun gives no adequate program of peace...
...Matthew* Woll is president of this drug Vi- and it is alliance wtih such notorious en¦ '«.-•= as that capitalist coalition at Albany that has ' •! dissatisfaction in the labor movement...
...Finally he had a charming wife to cover his obvious social deficiencies...
...a • • Exiled royalists win soon hold a Congress in Europe, Whether the Standard Oil Company will send our Crown Prince, John D. Jr., as a fraternal delegate has not yet been decided...
...C. T. Stoswy ef Salt IstoCSrS NEW LEADER "mad «ht' «M which n ssaks" He always to* si iillssi ntt with a sab or ssam, PtUasnrgn k w« St** has a growing ras not OatarftJ Is one ef the sweeten who a ** that...
...Aa he has dodged the bus and Interboro fights he probably wanted his record in Florida to square with his record in New York...
...No wonder Coolidge joined the Church...
...Bii ¦While writing the cheek, I samel other sub...
...Had he ever had any idea that wasn't 100% American and Rotarian...
...Our answer is, for the Communist movement...
...Also you failed to explain why such a man as Upton Sinclair, a Socialist, should be connected with Communist organizations...
...In time of the miners strike the I. L. D. handled 3,000 cases,to the Pittsburgh district...
...The corporations that own the country can also add that their business was always in his mind...
...Then cames Peter Kisovtt tj I same citf, with Jwo new suit, 'Don't want to mitt m sites a / look eagerly for news of Sni activity here and abroad...
...see One membership card in the Socialist Party is worth more to the farmer and worker than a million votes cast for the boodle parties of capitalism...
...I am disappointed with a*T| try," writes a native of SooOsng Set been here a couple of yean...
...The Senate Committee on Presidential Campaign Expenditures has investigated and made a report...
...It appears that the Republican firm of contractors collected $10,062,115 during the campaign and the Democratic firm obtained $7,222,681...
...It was staged in the legislative hearing at Albany last Tuesday...
...Pew chapters in American history have been more remarkable than the rise of this small town bill-collecting lawyer to the Presidency without any qualifications of personality or ability save a certain Yankee shrewdness and unbounded luck...
...Th* Democrats of Mississippi, state ot tht fewest 11 tenuis and most lynching*, led in this since Mississippi would lose, and rightfully lose, representation...
...it gives no promiee ol liberalism...
...This is done not only to this country but to all countries where they are organized...
...Our most powerful corporations dominate the life of more human beings than many of the petty monarchs of history have...
...see Now that the Communista have made complete arrangements for the "revolution" in their national convention all that is required to pull it off is a permit from the Tammany Police Department—providing it doesn't rain...
...Taw workers here are backward sag mn go to South Africa...
...As for "nagging" these gentlemen, we would Bke to haw the writer ef the above associated with Communist organisations about one week...
...I have a letter from a laborer in Pittsburgh, Pa., which I will quote in part: "I read to The New Leader your question about The International Labor Defense, and the answer did not satisfy ma I am writing to you because the L L. D. in Pittsburgh and elsewhere is really helping and saving workeja^from prison...
...More than most vice presidents was he insignificant—not even was he slated for renominatlon...
...Brawn wood, Texas...
...If company unionism continues to grow in this country within ten years the average wage worker will not have to visit a prison to know what the capitalist Ufa of "Americanism'' is...
...Meantime the Hohenzollern crowd have made public the testament of the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia...
...There are no more pious gestures like the Kellogg peace pact which can be made to satisfy the peace lovers while the imperialists take the tricks...
...talking little, the shy reserves of the Yankee bincollecting lawyer, were made into the myth of Coolidge genius...
...We axe expected to believe that these contributions were made by these gentlemen solely without regard to their material interests...
...In a period of apathy following the world war and its immediate aftermath of social excitement, ta a time of relaUve—only relaUve —prosperity these tactics got by...
...In Illinois the unions are now fighting for similar legislation...
...see Those reporters who are said to have stood outside of Hoover's residence in Washington for hours in the snow will appreciate how the working class will feel when Hoover governs for our ruling Babbittry...
...In Germany the reactionary "Steel Helmets" have been implicated in a plot to seize East Prussia and the monarchists are again yelping against the republic...
...Enormous economic power is a deadly enemy of democracy and this is the reason why many leaders of American capitalism admire Mussolini...
...With TBI a, LEASER far sae year...
...Three mere sabs treat Sat la* the coal and Iran pelkse...
...Calvin Coolidge has laved down the nost powerful office in the wotld to his successor, elected four months ago, who has been enduring the absurdly long wait with dignity and well concealed impatience...
...The Good appointment is the worst...
...Suppose we mention David D. Buick who died this week in Detroit...
...WaU Street and indeed Main Street wanted nothing better...
...So be goes to join in history the company of the great while he still lives to cash to his prestige at some fabulous figure I The moral...
...What sort wUl Hoover make...
...Coolidge did nothing to uncover them but his very inconspicuousness, his New England frugality, his well staged oath of office to his father's oil Ut farm house, made him the ideal figure head of a party that had to make the people forget the back slapping, pitiable Babbitt from Ohio...
...A new ami time and a donation of put sear "Never stop sending THE Hi LEADER feme...
...see A publishing firm has offered Calvin Coolidge a dollar a word for his literary output, a sum which considerably exceeds anything that workers and farmera received from his administration...
...TM that the little birthday gift •* give eonrage to THE *C"^^B Jim Oneel brings to 3 ""^H renewal...
...Let's investigate some more...
...Net a* the harass ef lajlsgj^j the schawl lenders, as Ssst safjj them arc given little er aa ajeat ffj This is saw ef the reasons Sh* seers of PisesVssa...
...Certainly no man ever had better training than Hoover has had...
...e e e A young chap Irving In Staten Island was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for stealing one dollar...
...We will...
...N. Porch, S. W. 0 FmaVsa street as* BniliS BAH FOR KANSAS...
...Which is no pun but the truth...
...I hare reasons to believe that both these organizations, even though they have internal opposition, are organizations which have given relief to strikers...
...Then he paid us the compliment ot saying that such legislation is Socialism...
...First a threatened filibuster once more defeated the reapportionment bin for the House of Representatives, now eight years overdue...
...Neither is there any reason to believe this stock market prosperity, this wild orgy of profits and poverty can continue...
...Even his curious flirting with a renominatlon which he did not choose uptake yet never really rejected was accounted to him for some sort of esoteric righteousness...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 8

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