A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Famers and Freedom and The Morning's Mail B^taV^t flirtr*"* reading one of the first books to B^Sj—Too paper made from corn-stalks. f y ^gjr enough this book is...

...It might reach the blown-up posturing of countless big and little leaders in all sorts of places, and puncture them back to their natural measurements in unimportance...
...His appeal was essentially to the industrialised sections ef his land...
...Socialism owes nothing to anyone...
...The aims and purposes of the Section, as you know, are to develop among the women members an intelligent interest in the work of the party, and share this interest with their friends and neighbors...
...And sow, fellow citizens, comrades and friends, we win take up the usual collection—tt any...
...B. Miraldi of Philadelphia orders the paper for a niece...
...Furthermore, the money should be returned by March 9. Let us do this thing right...
...The Soviet government has become too big a thing for leadership ef Individuals...
...John Xrrtne of The World at one end and Joseph Krutcb of The Nation at the other, all the critics of Eugene O'Neill's "Dynamo" stand like the embattled farmers at Lexington, and send forth reports of "Dynamo" heard round the world...
...A proper understanding of the Trotsky affair might legislate for the A. F. of L. really going into its proper sphere of liberating the workers from bondage...
...As fcshSS w*tb flve highly intelligent cats our i^ed ¦tij^jator is not pressing...
...jysiit aaa the packers who were the top byM/gjf boys...
...the wish to "belong" and be the driving power, as ta "The Hairy Ape...
...Lenin laid out the road, and Trotsky drove the whipped hordes of paaaaat sheep back to a tart ef shelter...
...Love them, of course...
...And be might have gone on with little effort, had he learned that one hundred and ten million dirt fanners were an awful tot of people, and the settlement of their multitudinous problems could not come about with one man's theoretical divinations, however brilUant and inspired he might bs...
...their religion, politics and pleasures...
...The contract system, pontics and the spoils system have been responsible for cruelties that are shocking...
...Nation* are proud of their dramatists and artists—why, I do not know—for as nations they have nothing to do with their production...
...Lucie De Jardin was, during the war...
...James Oneal...
...It would be interesting to know how widespread this practice was in the old south...
...for beauty and love, at In "Desire Under the Elms...
...Nor am I inclined to believe that Stalin alone encompassed the fsll of Trotsky...
...No oat man Is big enough to stand in its way...
...Middle town, bp Robert 8. and Helen MerrU Lynd...
...While not pleasant reading the book is an interesting contribution to economic and social history of one southern state...
...A few of the world's really great men have done that big thing before...
...Aspst with her, having had some experience with ¦satrats ourselves...
...At last that individual, "the average man," so useful to writers and speakers, gets bis Innings In Mlddletown...
...We must make them acquainted with this new Germany, where there is no longer any room for hatred but only for love...
...These are the boys with beards BrsBssttous folks tell dirty stories...
...An Introduction To O' Weill wv^TCTH St...
...For the sake of Russia, I hope I'm right...
...Our children mutt understand and lota ens another Use brothers, irrespective of the poUtltal frontiers which divide them...
...She cleaned PJjaf the fighters and reloaded them and at the BJj* *** care of her two children and so both Wy* ••ry last stand...
...It is difficult to reconstruct what Lenin would have come to had he lived into this day...
...Comparison of this history with the study published by Professor Kelso for Massachusetts in 1922 reveals little difference in the evolution of poor relief in the two states except that colonial views survived longer In North Carolina than they did in Massachusetts...
...P*te Joined the Socialists, built up a fine business P"«»»wsBlthy...
...England and France, where they win see that the proletariat undergoes the tame sufferings everywhere and everywhere te struggling against the same system of exploitation...
...We take for our subject this evening...
...Dynamo," produced by the Theatre Guild, has divided critics and families...
...There would be a great moral value in such self-renunciation...
...Be corrals 4 yearlies this time...
...In odder wolds, to use a mlltgroasian "axpraasion...
...She says: "There are stUl to my country many people who win not believe that a new Germany has come into existence...
...And not because he ruled, but because be had learned the wisdom of merging himself into a common purpose...
...And these will be found j^**™ of our party struggling with courage PJWbsa for the coming of the new day...
...All of our live-stock Pajj ^ oewkroaches and where is the mouse who bhjtT,™"*-1^ whiskers Into our home...
...for religion and meaning of life, as in "Dynamo...
...If farmers can LgjEaW»radncts, which now go to waste to the sal?MMTrr~* a profit, then Indeed the problem of BfSwfll approach a solution...
...Here we have the record of the customs, traditions, superstitions, institutions and taboos of the small town...
...The benevolent feudalistic capitalistic company unionism was far in the offing...
...Perhaps then our Matthew Wolls, win retire to the pleasant premises of Life Insurance selling, and -the rest of his underlings go out into the sweet world and bring in the poUdes...
...Shipley's is a well written introduction to a further and fuller study of America's greatest dramatist, even if not the world's greatest dramatist at the present time...
...In the period from 1838 to 1856 there were ten such slaves claiming the attention of the poor wardens of one county...
...This book of over 900 pages Is a veritable arsenal of facts ss we used to say In the period 8. X. (Soapbox Bra...
...Or as the Manual For Elementary Schools of Indiana, in which Mlddletown vegetates, puts it: "The right of revolution dee* not exist in America...
...The small town poohbahs held them in fear and respect...
...The biggest of us flop soon or lata In the play...
...Their experience and their interest are needed at all times, but more so now...
...Let an of as, big men and small, brilliant ones aad lowly ones, 1st us all learn the magic of working together...
...For the first time in American history a dramatist has appeared on its scene, as great as any dramatist in the world, if not the greatest in the world today...
...Because now that the Women's Section has undertaken a big venture in taking the whole house of the Civic Repertory Theatre for March 12...
...W. R. Snow, Chicago Secretary of the Socialist Party, is always on the lookout for subs...
...Such leaders ought to be sent into Turkey as an escort and working committee for Leon the Lost, And now I come to our own house...
...The spirit contained in the quotation deserves our admiration and respect...
...See, smell, hear, taste and feel America first...
...They escaped and came f twtry in September, 1873—a panic year...
...Let us differ if we must and speak oat oar differences...
...What guarantee Is there for peace to our time...
...Mlddletown is the book of the American folkways...
...wife gloomily remarks however, "No scientist K-gjfcsjajsd a profitable use for coffee-grounds other —Lpaassf UP the floors of speak-easies...
...1 am S2a»!nLWb0 believe that ^ old davs were the reached me that presently Oscar AmerHB5^0°r delighted midst...
...the prices ranged from 95 cents to $3.50 per month...
...Imprisoned by the Germans and underwent a great deal of suffering...
...It Is almost like a test of the section's strength and its Influence upon the whole membership...
...The desire of the Women's Section is to stimulate among the women a keen desire to know and undented the difficulties and complexities which surround our daily life...
...Here are th» Inhabitants, their carrying!, on fully d>o omenta ted...
...O'Neill may present a problem he has never to date attempted to give an answer...
...Let there be no superior postures, bo positive theorizing, no struggle tor power or distinction...
...He does know be has a poetic gift, he does know he is a craftsman of the theatre who can do things on the stage never done before...
...Unionists possessed a seal like that of religious devotees...
...And for all of his genius and talent aad pride, and for all nf his urge for power, Trotsky learned that one hundred and ten million moujiks are a terrible big bunch of people...
...No phase or activity of his life Is overlooked More than that, his life is compared to that lived in the hair cloth furniture and pug dog period of the nineties, in an Illuminating manner...
...History has a way of brushing its heroes aside without the daintiest regard for sentiment or gratitude...
...Nor It It to any fair purpose to deny them the applause due for the completion of a work unprecedented in the story of civilization...
...The practice of apprenticing dependent children in England was followed in North Carolina and the policy of auctioning the job of overseer of poor bouse* to the lowest bidder occasioned abuses...
...S. A. cte Win...
...a hundred or so Ameringers ¦^"^••'Ameriea But there is no mass proC|_**r'B6"ers...
...A revolting phase of poor relief is the hardships and neglect of the comfort of the recipients of public charity...
...Gosh, seems like the dark ages, yet the big section of the population, then a town of 11,000, had that which the workers as a class lack today, a vision and a program...
...He writes: "When very young my to think for himself...
...He had the traditional Marxian distrust and disregard for the peasant...
...The Section is, therefore, justified in thinking that It can be just such a stimulant—if it were to receive the necessary co-operation from all women in the party...
...5*»s»^Lmail other morning came a smirking ¦^•sk^IfjL11 we wante<i the "exterminator...
...The long survival of the old English practice of apprenticing dependent children is one of the surprises of this study of North Carolina...
...One ef the many saeaategs ef aessecraey Is that It Is a form ef giiisnistisil in which the right ef rerehrUen has been Its*," Mlddletown It a dandy antidote for the speeches of official greater* and other flamboyant spielers...
...He was born of the Bfc asbfltty and married a wealthy French girl...
...im^^ • • • ¦M-*L—ej says: "The American farmer has every sbassar* la the material comforts which the mod¦rLaeaial and economic system provides...
...Yesterday we reKfg tetter from a lady in an insane asylum in ftestd She'said that she was not half as nutty fcaejiillji of the psychiatrists at her institution...
...On P**of last year my father died at the age of 93...
...Grover te bade, all tanned up and full f hsTr** 'nd new schemes for regulating us pedes°r another he did not run across on his MsnskS who shot Arnold Rothstein on the Fourth But he says that "be has him on the BgiLkf* lot* of things to think sbout besides t^sitiller, especially when that gambler left be" 1 -"^ tnerimlnating letteaa MeAHatar fJolaman...
...My leanings have always gone toward the humble, the timid, the kind, and the ones who make sacrifice without aid of trumpet and brass...
...Here are all the characters to be found in a small mldwestern dty, one of scores and scores, ah of the same pattern...
...A Speech on Peace The following extract from a speech in Germany by Lucie De Jardin of Belgium should prove ef Interest...
...3531 ffl gfes saga ag ess An Wilt...
...Draw your own conclusions...
...The fact that they have no immediate victories to point to, no trophies of honor to disport for their unremitting labor in the Cause, makes their glory all the brighter...
...The next time Bote starts to tell us the story about the two salesEtesrt going to announce that we are, ourselves, payjatrkt and charge J 25 for hearing that antique I «**• i . a • • kks^ wants ns to gat her out of the insane anym Ma think on the whole she is better off where ¦a, Base did get loose what sort of a world would ¦ah...
...That 1* as it should be, we humans, being what we are, To be a stngnlar loader of events, or the, fate of a people, or even ao potty a Job aa exists in a political party, exacts too much of the stsntlardlsad human fibre...
...Edited by Pauline M. Newman CONCERNING WOMAN A department of newl »nd views of particular interest to the woman «i too labor movement...
...And let it go at that...
...itsaaaa*» hook Indicates a coming revolution B2!tt5ra«g...
...But we know in our hearts Kant* a aa essential by-product of the profit sysZ aa that so long aa it Is only-the workers who Xrftga tt* effects, by and large, we will go right Yjaslag both men and materials in the shape of Bbp products and uncalled-for luxuries...
...Indentured servants, aged or incapacitated slaves, free persons of color, dependent and orphan children, and misfits in general were the subjects of legislation...
...Visits by parties of young people to neighboring countries bring us a long way nearer peace...
...Call ma a poet, an emotionalist, and the rest of the stuff if you like...
...It might take some of the puff and blaster out of the little union offices, and waft in a few breaths of much-needed idealism instead...
...You Germans should send many, many of your children to Belgium...
...As late as 1922 the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare reported conditions regarding the feeble-minded, of horrible neglect and of brutally crude methods of treatment, that impress the reader with a profound sense of disgust...
...Are the workers better off today than in the nineties...
...Meet the reve-end clergy, ad men, tewn boosters, rotartans, realtors, 1*oes, eagles, moose, elk, exchangeites, holy rollers, flying Jumpers, united brethren, pillars of fire, k'ansmftn, odd fellows etc., etc...
...Back to your typewriters 1 There'll be no revolution today...
...Ml which would permit the existence of such fcjaisatlliilhsiu as capitalism, Jimmy Walker and PjPJtaa of the American Revolution, should long ¦Fhatkad their heads examined...
...the books and magazines' they read, the houses they live In, the installment buying they stagger under, the credos of each section of the population...
...As for myself, I have never be«n given over tcMhe votive nonsense of holding "big men" in high regard...
...He canl**ttboB* benefits if half or more of what he ^kscotnes s waste product as soon as his crop ia 5- A market for industrial purposes for the ^wueroducts of crop production offers a means "jK« eaapsrte utilization of an the farm products, ¦KgwT profperity to farmers...
...The 1929 sfTi* Qaanmnists would call my father 'a yellow "Two of his children died during the siege of f ^aat cams the Commune...
...He writes a play, be produces a conflict—his characters talk for themselves...
...PlbjajSL*** we could think of a number of uses for ?JtgZ^L™ other places than East 10th Street The SSL!f°~ *or example is a dandy prospect...
...There is a living rwjhJedom If you like, whose radiant presence jl^^•darkest day...
...Pta glorious heritage ? And what a story that P*Jj*have told Having just finished writing F~*M with the careers of certain "Pioneers of P"*" than is a peculiar thrill in thinking of those tJ^fraaton was indeed precious and to be pur****** the cost of one's life, if necessary...
...To Women Socialists The New York Women's Section of the Socialist Party is looking to you, women, to make this all important organization what it should be—numerically strong and powerful...
...a searcher for realities beneath realities...
...This booklet of Mr...
...However, this record shows a number of cases where old slaves were thrown upon the poor rates...
...Why dont they share in the task of building a women's movement within the Socialist Party...
...We had a revolution 141 years ago which made it unnecessary to have any ether itiehHlta la this eesmtry...
...The discussion will continue longer than "Strange Interlude" has already run...
...Whatever we may think of the Russian adventure, one thing is certain...
...The latest to band by Roy M. Brown (Public Poor Relief in North Carolina, Chapel Hill...
...In the period of the old slave regime one argument made by slave owners was that they cared for their slaves in old age and sickness, contrasting this benevolence with the practice of northern manufacturers turning their laborers adrift when there was no work for them...
...The greatness of the Georgian paaaaat will show itself in the days to come...
...I rate Eugene O'Neill as a dramatist far above George Bernard Ehaw...
...tall corn grows...
...Drama though founded and ingrained with characteristic nationality and character of the people where written and produced, if it is really great drama...
...Pyws received a serious and to our mind, fasPJ*I "tier, from a man whose father was in the f taaBTgnt...
...Of twenty-seven persons disposed of in this way in 1821...
...More than ever the workers of Middletown, and now we can cover a wider territory, are living in a machine age, an increasingly automatic age, ruled by the laws that had their birth in stag* coach days...
...Public officials naturally turned to English legislation .and some of Its worst phases were adapted to colonial needs...
...Agy^w^try.'' It la written by George M RomWT^M* survey for the Department of Agnig5*f *• Industrial use of farm products...
...The "fuller life" I.e., the workers' share In progress, (sic), radio, movie and above all, the auto, is in part responsible for the change...
...written and produced since the writing of the booklet, gives one a complete picture of O'Neill as a dramatist, is wellwritten and will create thought and discussion, and sometimes a difference of opinion between readers and the authors...
...Our friend tsrtSwe if tremendously excited about this whole gLkasef tmninating waste and we too feel that lots EaaVd be done about it...
...It Is we af o have the Joy of working for Its advent that are in eternal debt, It ia a movement in which the destiny of the whole human race is involved...
...We women, who are fighting against war with all our strength and with untiring zeal, have decided to invite young Germans to Belgium, to conduct them through our country, to show them the battle fields In whose blood-soaked soil German, Belgian, French soldiers lie buried, and our plan Is also that our young people shall one day visit you and learn to understand and love your country...
...No one man is brilliant enough to become the sole traffic cop for its Journey...
...Pauperism, dependency, orphanage and insanity became a concern of settled communities to colonial America at an early period...
...a consummation with the beloved as in "Welded" To see or read O'Neills plays as if he is trying to fully solve a problem like the problem of the Intermarriage of white and black In "All God's ChiUm Got Wings" is to measure O'Neill with a measuring stick that win find him always wanting, because he attempts no solution...
...I l*ra lecialist and have been one ever since...
...We have noMtestier that they are not too crazy not to get pi set far tins pleasing activity...
...I do not consider O'Neill in Shaw's class as a thinker, however...
...So far the section has received the cooperation of the faithful few...
...Promises to eliminate...
...Marco Millions" like "The Fountain" failed because of poor acting, just as "The Emperor Jones" might have failed except for a Charles Gilpin or a Paul Robson...
...And until m-gsjai does this she refuses to become excited jHttmttnn of by-products...
...With Trotsky aa with Napoleon, the vanity that poisons an of us at times, came in fiercer done...
...I am not talking of a thinker, an essayist, a dialectician, a sociologist, an economist or reformer...
...With Trotsky however, the story is plain...
...Hie value for Russian history is at an end...
...The proceeds win be given to the plenum and those guiltless of left deviations, for the purpose of providing the Mam Street nuclei of Middletown with the book of that name...
...These have always been my heroes...
...HtsWj*^ comes into power we hope that we will Kg* J*f "terminators...
...We can make tooth-paste and Cr*J*1 but where is the formula for the makrjl" »*t stan...
...Her husband was shot before her eyes, and she believed herself doomed to the same fate...
...Perhaps it were best to just recline on the obvious and say that his "body and brain would have broken down anyway under the tremendous self-imposture of thought and toil...
...Louis Leuzi of Illinois sends his check for S9 to cover subs and the set of books...
...avaall ta asteresting these days...
...As one who has followed bis plays from bis earliest province town days, and has had just a little to do with many of them, as well as producing his "Emperor Jones" and The Dreamy Kid" on Broadway, the success or failure of O'Neill productions have never been my criterion...
...surely will keep us Pa* »way from those "dens of vice" which jg...
...To have given up our youth aad manhood ansercessfuly as it appears now for the Cease should never be e matter or grief...
...It continued till the enactment of the Juvenile court law of 1919...
...Especially strong men, forceful leaders, organizing geniuses, brilliant boys, and the like...
...The majority of people we meet are in the Bat as the lady, only they have not been found out...
...Is above nationality, and Its characters whatever their outward appearance, are universal...
...And Trotsky may stul reach a high place, for me at least,'should he manage to retire into a haven of quiet, and write out a memoir in which ht admits his errors of vanity...
...Most of ut will sermonize on the ingratitude of revolutions, and the Tin Pan AUey precept: that the bigger they come, the harder they fall...
...It beats reading the sds in Vanity Fair or looking at the pictures In the tabloids...
...There is a way of merging disagreement into cotsosrtad belief...
...He had four children...
...O'Neill never imagines himself as a philosopher—he knows himself as a dramatist, whose job it is to present characters In conflict...
...O'Neill himself wrote me when he finished the play that be considered it "one of the ones...
...We want ao Trotakya, aad ae exile . . . Just a whole let more honest hcmllfty...
...e e It may be too much to hope that all this will bring the leaders of our American labor and radical movements to their senses...
...Paupers were also auctioned to individuals for stated terms...
...If you think that Herr Mencken does not know his zwefbel when it comes to the hinterland or that Babbitt, Gentry and Carol Kenlcott live only in the novels of Sinclair Lewis, you're mistaken by crimlny...
...but names called me cannot alter the fact that a great deal of humility it lacking our old guard Comrades...
...it involves the life and future of one hundred and thirty minion souls...
...O'Neill's English Is the best singing poetry In the form of prose written today...
...It might give these leaders the understanding that what is needed in the labor unions today is not so much the act of leadership, as the sense of working with the membership toward a common end...
...Shakespeare In England, a Tolstoi and Gorki In Russia a Whitman and Foe in America, a Da Vinci In Italy, and now an O'Neill in America...
...their intellectual, esthetic and social life...
...Put your novels that have a "cross section of American life" on the lower shelf or swap them for a copy of Mlddletown...
...If the city-bred, New Yorkers included, really want to really know the life of their fellow Americans in the cities of the 25,000 class "out thar in Gawd's country," then let them secure a copy of what is probably the best contribution to the study of American culture we have had in many a year...
...But here the great danger springs up...
...Lata an be the One Guard...
...Nor dare we gainsay them the talent aad genius shown In that Herculean task...
...With the crudenets of his characters—living and pulsating—and actual—there Is in all his plays a feeling that the main character Is searching for happiness and adventure, as in "Beyond the Horizon...
...And I for one refuse to pussyfoot an the question of so called Socialist union leaders becoming Al Smith or Jimmy Walker, or Herb Hoover Socialists in order to set their organization "in right" politically...
...Let us get through with this tiresome, but very necessary piece of work, and then get busy to reaUse our program for the building of a powerful, intelligent, Interested and an informed women's membership...
...Dynamo" which has divided critics, and families, stands like a mountain peak to be gazed at in awe, not for Its thought, but for its drama its conflict of the old and the new In religion, the clearness that all religion Is a secondary manifestation of sex, and its different vagaries but the creative Impulse of reproduction, misdirected...
...F*alosi disappears...
...The succeeding swirl of clrcurnstaaosa plowed that they managed to keep a trifle mora sober than even our own adding-machine giants...
...I recommend an immediate reading of this booklet...
...Scanning New Books No More Revolutions By Ben Blumenberg T AD us and gentlemen, comrades and friends...
...N. C. University of North Carolina...
...Standardisation and regimentation have substituted the robot for the craftsman...
...A far larger percentage of their number were members of labor unions...
...The League of Nations...
...His power and simplicity is comparable to the King James version of The Bible...
...We Belgian socialists realise that the League of Nations is not yet ta a very strong position...
...The fumes of the*Civic Federation has also done its share on the spiritual side...
...Shipley points out that the emergence of Eugene O'Neill as an American dramatist makes patriots of us all...
...Let there be no Old Guard anymore...
...f y ^gjr enough this book is ceiled •Farm...
...2) is an toforming study, beginning with the English background and concluding with the contemporary period...
...Y. Harcourt Brace, $5...
...However we may agree or disagree with its political philosophy, its prevalent modus operandi, its Stalin*, Third Internationales, and the rest, there is a slow lumbering progress into the light, certain and beyond denial...
...7*^ a race of contented cows and so long as K^"* plentiful and the grazing good, we care Ef* t*a things for which that heroic couple P^gealdng I think this is true...
...I am talking of a dramatist...
...Forty years ago no radios, movies, auto...
...Men are no longer willing n***y barricade whatsoever for its purchase...
...If we Safest irould happen to all our bright young men Egbjs—the advertisers and high-pressure saleaBpMtf might have to go out and work honestly Alhtf and such a catastrophe is unthinkable...
...We wish to develop this system of exchanges...
...They win then take care in the future that people is never again excited against people by feelings of bloodthirsty hatred...
...It Is needless to ask the members to see it that every seat be sold out before March 12...
...Also ¦jj™* of the National Security League...
...They have worked nobly aad hard, and with exceptional heroism...
...The Great God Brown" sings—and only an CNeUl could have written it...
...It was said of Armour that he used C|sV sf the hog but the squeal...
...In fact there is no one else in the spot light...
...Where are the others...
...We must strive with an our might to transform tt into a real League of tolling and working peoples...
...SeU every ticket you were asked to take...
...To me, great drama like great art has timelessness...
...O'Neill Is a mystic...
...What the natives "jine" and "belong" to...
...It were much better to have failed in a splendid faith, than to have succeeded ta any sort of mediocre pursuit...
...cheese it—the cops...
...To us here in America, with our over-developed heroworship, the passing of this man from the high places comes by particular interest...
...g^?W^^a»*^.eayat»weMa|i I jrpj '." t^'j .'"V".fff^BslsWsiM THE CHATTER BOX rTTHE ease of Trotsky in exile will go down among ¦*• the classics as smother opto ta airman frailty...
...Great dramatists, novelists, or great painters are like Topsy "they just grow," how, why, what, where, no one knows...
...Both of my parents PJjJaj-fcther with a gun in the streets behind l****1- Mother preparing'coffee and soup for and making bags and filling them with W* ass in building up the rJarricades...
...To me "Strange Interlude" outside of its newer technique, and asides, any good dramatist could have written...
...It is far too big for any one man or any few singular men to control or lead...
...During the madness of the days foD owing the Russian debacle against Germany, Lento aad Trotsky chanced to be the two least muddled mentalities ia Europe...
...There are CI*** excepUons...
...Public Charity ¦JVTO complete history of the American ^ working class has been written but when it appears it will have to take account of the history of poor relief, studies of which have been made for a number of colonies and states...
...Joseph T. 8blpley's booklet "The Art of Eugene O'Neill" (University of Washington Book Store, Seattle, Washington) with its birds-eye examination of all of O'Neill's plays and their meaning, except "Dynamo...
...A miserable contest for power ensued...
...When Stalin and his peasant group refused to take his conclusions as definite orders for action, the giant intellect and hero of history shriveUed himself into a belligerent cockerel...
...The vanity I speak of, Is that variety which festers eat of too much love for power, and too great a tanas ef aalfimportance...
...S. J. Osnin picks off two in the Bronx and one in Brooklyn...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 7

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