Penn. Miner grilled By Constabulary Attack Started on Whole System of "Coal and Iron Police" — Probe Under Way -^fUBOBOH—<TP)—When three ooej P-nd rran police, deputised by the...

...Hlggins vainly begged Lyster to stop...
...In 1918 the open hearth department consisting of 14 furnaces employed 147 men who produced 68,000 tons...
...May Sae Coal Company fbttber the Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...Conditions were bad, they were anxious to help they were doing all they could, and especially were very careful to warn people not to come to California unless they had "a stake...
...Woll asking him to reply to the charges made against him by Prof...
...About 5:30 in the morning Barkoskl was turned over to Constable Shaffer, who took him to the Sewickley hospital...
...So our committee went in full force and bad a whole morning's session with that body...
...Earl White, Hosiery Workers organizer, active to the conduct of the Reading drive last summer, told a preliminary meeting held in Lancaster to get the drive under way how the Reading drive was conducted...
...Blussick and an ft one of the other miners fled...
...We have shown we are still alive, we have gained the goodwill of various groups of workers, and a chance to get our speakers' before them...
...It has enrolled 400 elementary and high school teachers, a 90% organisation...
...will be fojg {gr damages, ranging perhaps Into sk figures, depends on Bereskl's widow...
...They offered the usual platitudes...
...This measure, strongly opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union as being designed to jeopardise the rights of alien workers especially radicals—in the United States, is promised sharp resistance in the Senate, where it will come up as a conference report...
...The strength of the British labor movement is In the strong group of its leaders skilled In the theory and practice of economics and politics...
...Woll asked the privilege of coming to Schenectady after the Schenectady Trades Assembly sent resolutions to Mr...
...Such work can 111 be spared...
...11.—Ministers ¦"• and church members are being asked to support Brookwood Labor College by a group of ministers which includes John Haynes Holmes, Sherwood Eddy and Hubert C. Herring of New Tork, Jerome Davis of the Yale Divinity School, Paul Hutchinson and Charles C. Morrison of the Christian Century staff, Harry F. Ward of Union Theological Seminary, Fleming James of the Episcopal Divinity School, New Haven, Kirby Page, editor of the World Tomorrow, and Alva Taylor of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Term...
...There were present representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Police Department...
...Nothing in the fantastic Action at authors nor the traditional Inh , a.i cruelty of Cossacks can amrpnse the story related to me by eye-witnesses of the battering, wanting and butchering of Joha BorkeekV said Assemblyman M. A. Mnsmanno after a day devoted to personal investigation of the crime...
...But we do...
...He went on to plead for tariff protection on every industry, so that all of the 25,000,000 wage workers In American industries could be assured of high wages...
...At the time of the steel strike in 1910 the Lackawanna plant operated two i 2-hour shifts and employed 12,000 workers...
...The American Federation of Labor was not represented by Woll in this testimony, because the Federation retains its accustomed position of neutrality on the tariff issue...
...Rinfaat tn hiiHnf, Barkoski Murder Brings Demand to End Pennsylvania Cossacks PITTSBURGH — (FP) — Piessssre and treat posses law ef Pesossytvaxda by these coal and treat passes of Jena BaiaooM...
...Some action is probable...
...Barkoskl broke f*J and ran back to the house...
...Muste and his associates by the American Federation of Labor, and who wish to testify to their confidence in the man and the school which he has built," says an open letter signed by these ministers...
...The most important thing from the Socialist standpoint, is the fact that the Council, the Social Service Committee, and the Board of County Supervisors, who also accorded us a hearing, all encountered the same difficulty,—the law prevented them from adopting various suggestions made...
...The Pennsylvania Federation of Labor is urged to use its influence with the legisIa*ure to have a Lexow committee appointed to attempt to untangle the city's transit puzzle...
...All that is required is intelligent planning...
...a miner of IsspertaL The San-Telegraph in eafstosj tor the aholHtoo of OisoarHssa to Pennsylvania says, -Let not alone aJR the facts ¦boat the Borkoohf affair be the galas to this matter, sat the whose vfle record ad this aaopeokasts erginlsatlesi Never has it seen anything bat a Met on the history of the state...
...Green of the A P. of L. to name a special committee to study the City's company unionised Mitten transportation system...
...Then the question was gently injected by a Socialist member of the Committee, as to whether it might not be a good idea to change the laws...
...Given a certain amount of direction and a program of political and economic organization activity that could be linked up with similar activities in other localities, much energy that is now scattered could be harnessed into effective work...
...The American labor movement needs more of such...
...agreed ape* a MB which forbade the enjoining of certain acts by striken...
...We are told that much as our officials would like to do something, the law forbids...
...One member of the Social Service Committee said to the writer, "What hurts is that you people seem to think we don't care...
...Face and head showed' knife lacerations...
...coupled wtth the proposal that tbe threat of deportation shall bang over his bead all the rest of his life, that has led to a movement in the Senate to kill the measure...
...Algonquin 5865...
...Of course, all of this does not mean very much, but it has certainly caused some thinking...
...Not only is the League demanding immediate relief, but It is also urging shorter hours of labor, old age pensions, unemployment Insurance, and opening up of public works...
...She is found out through •sJBsny spies, the organiser Is hustled • the lockup where the coal and iron pate proceed to beat him up...
...Mahon of the street railway men now denies that any agreement exists between his union and the Mittens to forego unionizing the Philadelphia transit workers in return for a promise to be permitted to try to organize workers on lines to be acquired la the future, Progressive Labor Astir In Buffalo 35,000 Are UnemployedProspects Are Good For Formation of A Labor Party— (By s Wow Iioaoor CirrnQialiat) |>TJFFALO, N. Y.—Conservative esttmates place the number of the unemployed in this city at 35,000 and many of the jobless walk the streets bee-use of speeding up work In large industrial plants...
...What can we do...
...In 1903 the rail mill department of the Lackawanna Steel Co., required 500 men to do* the work now being done by 27...
...Woll replied that that was not Important, but that foreign manufacturers must not be permitted to reduce the American wage level...
...Appearing [before the House ways and means committee on February 13, as the newly elected legislative agent of the International Allied Printing Trades Association, Matthew Woll...
...The average hourly wage for all workers in the Bethlehem Co...
...There Is little doubt that a broad basis exists here In Buffalo for a Labor Party and it probably would go over big at the start...
...Hillquit, Dewey and Muste to Discuss "Trade Union Crisis*' The New York Chapter of tbe League for Industrial Democracy announces a discussion on "The Crisis in American Trade Unionism" by Morris Hillquit, Socialist party leader...
...Constable Boss Shaffer of Glenfleld, Pa., arrived in the middle of the beating, having been called to take charge of the prisoners when they arrived at the barracks at 1 a m. After looking on for a while he retired to a back room and went to sleep...
...and above all a demonstration of the need for political action has been made, for it has been publicly stated that even when the desire to help is aroused the "Law forbids", and therefore it is necessary to vote into office men and women, who will see to it that laws are made that will be In favor of the working class...
...These men and women believe that the labor movement of America has In it large promise for the liberalizing and spiritualizing of our national life, and deplore any step backward from the principles of fair play and free speech and unfettered education...
...Today most of the departments are running full time with 8-hour shifts and 1,600 workers...
...Finally, Hull worried the Republican majority of the committee by showing that only one-fifth of the American wage workers are employed in high-protection industries, yet all are on a relatively high wage ¦ level which takes no account of tariffs...
...The deportation bill provides that, upon decision by toe Secretary of Labor that an alien Is an undesirable citizen, after such alien shall have committed csjrtetn offenses, tbe alien shall be deported...
...John Dewey of Columbia University, and A. J. Muste, dean of Brookwood...
...They would like to see the Socialist Party take up organization of the unorganized in Buffalo...
...Four hours later he died...
...However the council, after admitting that the situation was serious, and after some discussion, during which the old argument that men did not want work was urged, referred the whole matter to the Committee of Social Service...
...Frank wn™im hustles through his district In Massachusetts, He has rounded up three new ones...
...The central bodies of Lancaster, Harrisburg and York will launch the general educational campaign designed to bring about a better attitude on the part of the public toward labor uniosn and to bring new recruits into the movement...
...The gentleman then admitted that such literature was being sent out, but Insisted that with It went a letter containing the warning...
...It is located to a hollow...
...Vice Pres...
...Hlggins tried to help Barkoskl, P W* sttacked by Slaplkas and forced •joter the parked automobile of the PI tad iron policeman...
...The fighting spirit of the steel workers has not been entirely extinguished...
...remained In another room and •ski drink because he was preparing to f» to work on the night shift Ee had •atad for the Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...All this, in view of the exposures of some police methods in some of the local papers recently, would be humorous if the situation were not so serious...
...xaandcd that Barkoskl, who was iP" to the floor...
...They took him outside, »artiiet "they might hurt Eddie," exPmed by his mother, sent Barkoskl out | investigate...
...Then he and Watts began to jump up and down on the prostrate body of the now unconscious man...
...Those who were represented were steel workers, postoffice clerks, power plant employes, railroad telegraphers and teachers...
...Georgia Leads All States in Union Teacher Organization CHICAGO—(FP)—With the Installation of another local to Georgia of the American Federation of Teachers, that state reinforces its title to bo tbe loader in Intelligent union interest among teachers, according to Secy...
...Watts J*ed him, beat him until the entire P* floor was splattered with blood, and f* **gged ban out to the car...
...Churches, labor unions, the Socialist Party, the Civil Liberties Union, the •Wobblies," and all classes of unemployed are united in this League, with the result that the "City Fathers" are stirred and quite a little bit scared...
...This language is so vacuo that it may cause the deportation of an alien, inany years after his entry, if he cannot disprove a charge that be made a deliberately false statement when he entered...
...Bill Aimed at Aliens Passes In the House Johnson Act Making Be* portation Easier New Goes to the Senate, ^ASHTNOTON—<FP>—The Houe* has) passed the Albert Johnson anon deportation bul, which reassess Use time limit within which an alien...
...Altogether we feel that our time has been well spent...
...Also as Socialist propaganda we have gained a point or two...
...Matthew Woll Invited, at His Request, To Address Schenectady Labor-Council SCHENECTADY, N. Y„—Vice-President Matthew Woll of the American Federation of Labor has received an invitation from the Schenectady Trades Assembly to address the Schenectady central labor body at his convenience, and to explain anything that he may desire In connection with the Civic Federation or any other matter In which he may be interested...
...labor has claimed that the onl and torn police, clothed with state ssthortty, but responsible only to the labor-siting industrial corporations of western Pennsylvania, have been prime factor* in crushing steel and coal strikes in the Pittsburgh area...
...Mr »-¦ «- as MeenwsK Required ^Forfooks FmbUsied in Tasdst Italy FABJrL—la the fwtara, mm book, whatever the ehuicte of ho content*, ¦liiShis fsBlttsI or net, wffl to pahBabod in Italy wfthont a special Besnao from the Fascist Party...
...Facts Are Disclosed Tto facts brought out by an investlgaasBjost made by the Civil Liberties Onto fcrm a story of ferocity unheard of earn a this section, where terrorism by fssa troopers and coal and Iron police sna become commonplace...
...The Shipotead Ml propoofng that federal ooarts be deprived of the ewatty power as to enjoining interference with property that is not "tangible and transferable," was rejected by the sabeemmittee which was ordered to draft legislation...
...We have succeeded in getting a number of organization to cooperate, and we are not through yet...
...60,000 Out Of Work In Los Angeles Unemployment Focuses Attention on Plight by Demands for Relief-Action by the City By Ethel Coomber T OS ANGELES,—There are members of the City Counil of Los Angeles and other City officials who are doing some bard thinking these days, for the "Voice of the People" has been heard in no uncertain tones within the walls of the City HalL The fact that at least 60,000 men are out of work In Los Angeles, has been presented by the "Unemployed League," a body formed of delegates from various organizations...
...Lyster picked up an Iron poker and beat him with it until it was bent and twisted into uselessness...
...Bands were swollen twice their size from ieflactlng blows at the head...
...Particular attention ou~wt »« given to books having a soi-diaant literary character, which very cften defame and ridicule the Fascist Movement" The tetter concludes wtth the suggestion that "doubtful cases should be communicated, for a final decision, to the Press Office of tbe Fascist Party in Rome...
...A group of about a hundred workers have rented a large bill board near the plant for a year to post printed material at two week intervals arguing the need of organization and giving an address in another city where literature and other information can be obtained...
...Years ago the Socialists took the initiative in the trolley service and succeeded in organizing a powerful union...
...Slaplkas stood mutely by...
...Offenders in the list include violators of Che drug and narcotic acta, parsons who haws been sentenced to one year or more #ff imprisonment for carrying sap was&MB Or bomb, and persons who hereafter WfifUBp enter the United States "at any time or place other than as designated by hnantr gration officials, or elude examination as1 inspection by Immigration or obtain entry to the United States by a winfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact...
...Katz reported to the drive committee that the State Federation will launch a weekly paper in the near future, to circulate throughout Pennsylvania and he suggested that special editions might be prepared to aid the committee obtain publicity on the drive...
...26 i|toething said about a scab brand of rtpiLlles by young Eddie Blussick dlsghaxTthe cops...
...This bill was rejected by the executives of the American Federation of Labor and by the Federation's convention at New Orleans, at the demand of Andrew Furseth of the Seamen's Union...
...Imperial, the company-owned coal town share the killing of Bereskl occurred...
...May not the answer be that we are not helping to fight their battles...
...The police Department, through the lady secretary of the Chief, moved that an investigation be made...
...Bj sbi files suit, the Civil Liberties Union tffl Bake it a test case...
...Reservations should be made at tbe offices of the league, 70 Fifth avenue...
...The complaint, at least here In Los Angeles, is that we have not the young people...
...At a conference of unionists and Socialists Liere was unanimous agreement that something can be done...
...I Taken To Barracks |* me coal and iron police barracks f*eM*»away both miners were turned a* _*J*at' Lyster- Watts reported fto Berrnstl, who was unable to stand F* *e beating be had received, had |** » ¦tab him...
...The cost of producing steel today is $7.75 per ton less than In 1919...
...after Bereskl had been clubbed to the jjeot...
...Brookwood is the most effective training school for them, uring the seven years of Its history, Brookwood has sent 125 graduates out to take their place In the labor movement...
...This, it was contended by a member of the League, was an unnecessary motion as It was the duty of the Social Service, Committee to Investigate...
...The discussion will take place at a luncheon arranged by the LXD...
...Ralney wanted to know whether the consumer was not entitled to a cheap bible, unprotected by the Republican tariff...
...Like most others who came here," said Ralney...
...Anti-Injuction Legislation of Congress Calendar WASmTNGTOW (FT) 4. Aafs-tojnactloa hwtohAsi wffl not again he tend acred to Che Beam and Senate eaa Federation of Labor shall have reviewed Us awa position on that tone...
...To not interested in tne price to the consumer," was Woll's response...
...An autopsy showed that his entire rib structure was fractured, his lungs punctured, and there were apparent fractures of the skull...
...Woll Pleads For General Tariff Boost WASHINGTON — (FP...
...Ana Btosm, where Barkoskl boarded...
...That b the sstoatton to Congress tees face usage¦tsstton for -she cesstag two yean...
...Such Is the body which was taken home to his wife and four children, who are left with cash assets of S10...
...W. J. Lyster, stamped on his 2rate form, crushing to the miner's £t~ph subjecting him to fatal internal Ljurks, according to Pittsburgh tavesti2(ti of the American Civil Liberties asoBtdmg to another account, Lieut, rater stripped to the waist when Bereskl {^Brought to, saying "I feel like a good ajjnut...
...It happened that one of the ladles on our committee had on one occasion received some advertising literature and rose to her feet and so stated...
...When he tried to sepa•* ""era, Watts beat him over the head a revolver butt...
...His statement may bare been mads la ignorance, or bis actual words may have been wrongly translated or recorded...
...Interested In Brookwood Polish workers predominate among the steel workers and three Polish priests are enthusiastic followers of Father John A. Ryan...
...A number of trade unionists declare that this number of "Labor Age'' is the best that has been issued...
...It songht to create a Ban of Bight* for labor which wouM prevent the Jsoaaneo of labor injunctions...
...It is not committed to either a high or a low tariff...
...they asked "we know all about these conditions, but what can we do...
...At the first meeting with the City Council, the Rev...
...It was none of my business, and I was tired," be said...
...for Saturday, March 2nd...
...The Schenectady central labor body has indorsed the Capper resolutions, and expressed its disapproval of the Porter resolutions which would give the President of the United States the privilege of taking sides in the internal affairs of other countries...
...The question was asked: "It seems that there are laws regulating the conduct of the unemployed, laws that prevent your doing what you wish, are there no laws regulating the employers, no laws that can be invoked to make them do something...
...ykher and the state legislature, now a sssdon, for the abolition of the coal ¦d BOB police, whose brutality, according Ktss Pittsburgh branch reached its apex hfto Bereskl case... 1928, exclusive of salaried officials, is 63 H cents per hour...
...They spend much time expounding his ideas of trade union organization to their flocks...
...Quite a number of trade unionists and Socialists are interested in the Brookwood case and all, except a few Irish Democrats, agree that there is need of a Labor Party...
...Barkoskl was unable to reply...
...Elmer Spahr of York, president of the State Bricklayers Assn., also approved of the undertaking and volunteered to help...
...OH American Civil Liberties Union, Ssssga its Pittsburgh and national ofllm jus lodged emphatic demands with Off...
...Miner grilled By Constabulary Attack Started on Whole System of "Coal and Iron Police" — Probe Under Way -^fUBOBOH—<TP)—When three ooej P-nd rran police, deputised by the state j-ewrrtvania but hired and paid by the «L*BBrgb Coal Co., beat and kicked John miner, to death, they may STssgMd *** de*ta w*xr*nt lat the vicious private police system...
...The Associated Council of Building Trades urges this committee to devise methods for organizing the street railway men, subway guards, bus and taxi drivers employed by Mitten men and management...
...The resolution, upon which the twutr?i Labor Union Is soon to _ct, condemns Mitten for his hostile attitude toward organized labor and for the manner in which he exploited the Mitten-Mahcn agreement to his own advantage...
...The new branch is the Chatham County Teachers Assn...
...D is this danger to the »lVfn...
...At the Mb Droits on the highway which runs droogh Imperial are stationed coal and km police paid by the Pittsburgh Coal Ok He one may enter the town without ¦jssatsg a written permit from these Union organisers circumvent the police If (spearing as salesmen for household srsska, pious pictures and other merdarHse...
...That meant that the attempt to secure anti-injunction reli-f from this Congress was abandoned...
...The increased exploitation of labor in the steel industry in ten years is evidenced by these figures...
...Today the same department with 94 men produce 88,000 tons...
...Lsgjstottve investigations are already gndcr way...
...present for examination, before,!any licence to print to aocorded/io them, a specimen copy...
...We also learned what a nice, kind, and altogether Immaculate police department there IS In Los Angeles, their only desire In "Vagglng" a man being to protect the public—the vag of course not considered as part of the public—and they were most anxious to cooperate with those who wished to better conditions...
...Finally President Green ef the Federation notified the Senate committee that the Federation would review Ha own position at the present session of its executive connell, at Miami...
...Is it miles from Pittsburgh to Allegheny aunty...
...At 10 Matt en a Saturday night Watts and Santas, coal and iron police, half-drunk, isM toto the home of Mrs...
...There are a host of men and women in the church who wish to register their protest against the summary treatment accorded Mr...
...One mistake we have been jSi j believe, in not mixing with other groups...
...Backing up the coal tad iron police are the state troopers, who sattber have instituted reigns of terror shumrtr miners or steel workers struck sr onion or better conditions...
...Pennsylvania Cities Launch Union Drive READING, Pa.—(FP) —Following adrice of the A. F. of L. executive council that local labor bodies everywhere might well 'follow the plan worked out by the Reading Federated Trades Council in its Join-the-Union campaign, three Pennsylvania cities will stage a joint organization drive to begin in February...
...A motion was finally passed urging that body to request the police to treat men without means as human beings...
...Then he proceeded to urge that the entire list of American Industries be given tariff protection...
...Hull got him to admit that u-Vrss some Imports were admitted through the tariff wall, foreign trade could not long continue...
...Lawrence Katz of the State Federation of Labor, endorsed the plan on behalf of the state labor movement...
...E. P. Ryland spoke for the league, and presented our cause over the protest of one or two of the members of the council We were well received and given every consideration...
...He promised the support of the Hosiery Workers Union in the Lancaster-Harrlsburg-York campaign...
...stabbed Watts...
...The building trades resolution states that Pres...
...But they are there to the International Brotherhood Welfare Association, and in the L W. W. Why then are they not with us to larger numbers...
...Be found Watts beating jBttg Blussick...
...We know we have the only remedy, our facts are unassailable, and we have a tendency to refrain from what we can palliatives, and yet it is surely useless to talk Socialism to starving desperate people, while if we show an interest and try r.nd help in t'.ieir immediate needs they will then be ready to listen...
...acting president of the National Civic Federation and vicepresident of the American Federation of labor, asked for a higher tariff on printed matter, and especially children's book* and bibles...
...This went on for three hours...
...Union building trades workers of Philadelphia have a>ked the Central Labor Union to call-on Pres...
...The reply was that no such letter was received...
...many of them as leaders...
...This is the dechtoa of the SecretaryGeneral of the Fascist Party, who, wtth the approoal of Signer Memorial, has now iionmisnimtri it by drcalar tetter to ah secretaries of local Fascist Partiea "From this day forward," states a passage of the letter, "all the leading printing bouses and publishers shall be tavtted SB...
...He keeps on the lookout for renewals, too...
...Ralney of Illinois and Hull of Tennessee questioned Woll...
...Ministers Ask Support For Brookwood (By a New LaaOar Cofi—aooacot) T^ATGNAH, N. Y., Feb...
...Lyster and his two aides are jtU without ball, charged with murder...
...fueasAy to this country, can be deported as an "undesirable... 12.30 m, at tbe Town Hall Club, 123 West 43rd street...
...John Dewey in The New Republic...
...Florence Curtis Hanson of the federation who went to Savannah to organize charter Local 207...
...They sat tarn, talked with a little group of mlnfa present, and drank a good deal...
...Ofee' a good workout," remarked PH*,*"* »trlPPed to his undershirt...
...He then picked up a poker ad struck Bereskl, who lay on the floor ggggssg from his previous beating1, again —a aggjn until the poker was bent out shape...
...Senator- Walsh at Montana, Blaine and Morris, the snbeocamtttc...
...The Pittsburgh Press eaBs for the wiping sat of the oyatem and adds, The law has been aa open invitation for the creation of a poUee force wining to resort to thaggery at the time...
...The Berafct case differs from scores of others only boat he died of his Injuries...
...Reports from various quarters show that the matter is being seriously considered by the "powers that be...
...The charge for members ef the league Is $1.25, for non-members tlM...
...How do you Justify your demand for a 15% tariff on books," asked Hull, "when It is a fact that we export more books than we Import...
...The answer was a loud and emphatic, "No...
...President Green Is Asked To Sift Mitten Plan Tyranny PHILADELPHIA—(PP...
...The "Challenge to Progressives' published in the February number of "Labor Age" has received a favorable reference in "The Echo," a weekly published under Catholic auspices...
...Other Industrial plants in this city hlkve followed the policy of the steel plants in speeding up production, sweating more values out of the workers, reducing the working force and adding to the number of the unemployed...
...Farnseth sponsored the Shipstead bOL Deadlock to the Senate judiciary committee foils wed...
...But, the city finds itself in a quandary...
...He win introduce in the assembly a bill for the abolition of the coal and iron police...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 6

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