SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Cf^rJiaal Headquarter^.Stk as fecal w*anh»enw ihaaitr Jwa assy ^ffStitt tka National Ontoe. New York City . MT is Debate. Norman T**m** ¦ aa r-T"'" CXtmtntmlty...
...Geographic Representation by teams representing those circles at the headquarters of Circle Two...
...These affairs have been successfully run st various camps and social organisations...
...BRONX Friday, Feb...
...Sunday, Feb...
...30, 9 p. m. Dr...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Harlem Branches...
...OolgaSt Boosonhurst, Brooklyn...
...was attended I WW t hundred members...
...Eec¦a af VJoe Chairman for the Day...
...August Claeesens opened the meeting with a report of the membership, condition and activities of the 33 Kings County branches...
...Auspices, Socialist Party...
...Francis Oreenfleld, treasurer...
...Simon, who arranged the orAT MT...
...Action on Reports of Com¦¦aa Other business...
...Reading of MinJ* aeports of Committees...
...AdJjajMsy various members of the Or| *¦•** Hawluu...
...33, at the Colonial Mansion...
...High Lights in American History...
...The forum will resume on Friday, March 1. August Claessons will deliver the first of a series of two lectures, March 1, subject "These United States," and March, "The Restriction of Immigration.'' QUEENS Jackson Heights This branch is slowly gaining in membership...
...Klngsbrtdge Heights...
...IS and 22, on which evenings no lectures will be delivered...
...15, 8:36 p. m. Henry Jager...
...Lecture Calendar MANHATTAN Sunday, Feb...
...delegates to the Central Committee, Sadie Sherman sad Rose Welenlger...
...BROOKLYN Friday, Feb...
...Furthermore, a steady stream of new applications are received...
...19, 9:30 p. m. August Slaeasens "The Measure of Social Progress...
...Brighton Baa eh The lecture forum this branch at their headquarters 229 Brighton Beech Avenue continues to be successful...
...All are gejpJWjne early a order to insure Circle Eight...
...This talk considered the wonders of the present mechanical age and the possibilities before humanity, if they are sensible and civilised enough to take hold of these blessings and make them serve human welfare instead of enslaving mankind...
...Arc (boys) Clra detriment to modern youtbemfwyp shrd els 4, win argue that "Moving pictures are a detriment to modern youth...
...iS?* ?!Uie famous revcOutaoosry Skii?* talker," written daring a jgy »a paeans of ifaaaarnneette, wffl " *» .TlevcJuttcsury Poetry...
...167 Tompkins Avenue, was vary suooeatfuL Ths members were more than pleased with the results, sad believe that this reunion will result la more effective work aad cooperative action...
...15, 9:30 p. m Louis Weil...
...Sjjgi at the City Executive ComLmZtar January Indicated that *« new Setkts tor membership were ad17 tbet the city office debt had been E_ e*sr SUOO as a result of a _w of theater parties, dances, etc kTssabsr of monthly pledges to the LggSag fund shows an improvement _ \\ to the number contributing and . sSsl as compared with last year, a sss the matters pertalnmg to the ¦ lent Otty T. F. B. L. will receive _aj oawldoretton at the next meeting BaABowiag new officers were elected: •sanest chairman, Simon Berlin...
...Leonard Bright, Julius gee Look P. Goldberg, Walter Dear. jaaje Wallace Hughan, Louis SabJ ma Bromberg, Wllho Hodman Zm Benatem...
...Current Events...
...We have seldom had a lecturer, who has given us more useful information...
...Rockaway Avenue, Louis Weil, son qf the famous Joe, will speak on the "Need of u Social Consciousness...
...5, proposgiiaferendum on the question of inesSsj mt salaries of first grade patrolel sad firemen In the city of New Mt Motion carried that we communist ear endorsement to the respective Theatre Party...
...JB bra&shes and members are Sal ¦ keep thai date In mind and WW irrsnss any affairs to conflict with sal sas to assist our women comrades a B* aest cooperation towards the saw of tbetr first large undertaking...
...opening of aawJon by SJjajnaa...
...The branch Is eager to messes* its membership and add to Ma iiligaUusi ta the a^flajwyw|| |^f|^haj> Paul Blanohard, wiaa aging editor of the Nation, wm be ths speaker at the next meeting Tuesday Feb...
...Election * CaMimsca: Rules, Resolutions, OrfjaeaHon...
...Addrees¦Jf^anoas members...
...Mores (girls...
...The reeolu¦ ass aot accepted...
...Marlon Feifer...
...1st aaasUttea on trade union relass vresented its report and provoked easWeri'ili discussion... 8:30 p. m, on "China's Awakening...
...While there were numbers from almost every branch the attendance could have been better...
...The students were urged to enter the labor movement with Intelligence, courage and seal...
...17, at 3 P. M...
...This keepe the workers occupied and intensifies their interest in the struggle...
...and give this branch their best cooperation...
...31, at 8.15 p. m. The branch has received a communication from a local weakly requesting information of date and place of meetings...
...Joe Viola, who was to sneak on "Mussolini and the Future of Dictatorship" at the last meeting, was laid low by the Influenza bacillus...
...The previous Sunday morning forum lectures were delivered In Jewish, so this is s new undertaking...
...SannyaM* At the last meeting Louis Stanley and Patrick Murphy Malin were elected delegates to the City Central Committee...
...Levy and Mr... the Rand School, 7 E. 15th St., New York...
...Comrade Manning stressed the importance of giving each striker some Job for which he feels personally responsible...
...Sid Paley, on "Television," won first prize and Abe Agranowlts, on "The Mechanical Man," second prise...
...Regent Qii 11itsi j" Barry Oroaa...
...Young Circle News (The Young Circle clubs have been formed by the Workmen's Circle to provide children of its members an opportunity for social and intellectual contacts in an atmosphere rvwthatketic to the ideals of the labor movement...
...AT THE BRONX CENTER William Feigenbeum win lecture on "Youth sad Crime," Sunday, Feb...
...Mortimer J. Adler '.What ls Social Maladjustment" (3rd lecture on Social ' Psychology...
...Branch No...
...Opening by Chsir¦By EsetloD of Chairman and Vice; 2"aiB lor the day...
...18th A. D. The Influenza epidemic seems to be playing havoc with party speakers these days...
...No lectures will be given on Feb...
...The following week, Feb...
...A number of important matters were acted upon...
...At the next meeting Friday evening...
...Following a brief business meeting, Louis Waldman...
...33-33 A. D. Branch...
...17, at 5 p. m„ at 139 Sumner Ave., Brooklyn...
...S**aead round-table tneouawlons osabwssa*"*' A iuniae aroup is being J*a* York Ctty Activities afT^nn Borough Committee, oomC« three circles, will hold a joint J2» onsimday, Feb...
...MANHATTAN eta A. D. He aassorisl meeting held on Sunday Boose, Ml 10, In conjunction with bW...
...The speaker explained In detail how the relief and publicity departments of the strike were operated and the clashes with the police on the picket line...
...Jewi«h Center, 124 Eames PL Auspices, Jewish Center...
...Four old members rejoined ths branch...
...Man wing st Brookwood Frank J. Manning, Yipsel leader of the New Bedford Strike, addressed the class at Brookwood College last week on the "Mechanics of a Strike...
...They will soon begin sponsoring the Young T31role League, the Junior Workmen's Circle...
...Norman T**m** ¦ aa r-T"'" CXtmtntmlty Cho—h...
...33, on account of the holiday...
...Anna Ingerman was requested to apeak on "Whither are We Drifting.'* as a means of interesting the membership and increasing the attendance...
...Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rockaway Avenue...
...Although this branch was organised but a short time ago its membership is now over thirty, and there is every prospect for a larger membership...
...17, st • F. M, at the Bronx Center, 1103 Boston Road, near 164th St...
...Auditor, •ass folk Members of the new City ¦asm Oommiuee are Louis Waldtasai Weil...
...A musical program is also being presented...
...s naval armament race <ae great powers will most prob~ easas aad cause ill ftellng: and ."¦¦ajour d-tion's best defense is ln"^ajbal amity and a respect for f llfjadleal settlement of disputes...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 23rd A. D. Branch...
...On Friday evening, Feb...
...18, 9::30 p. m. Samuel H. Friedman...
...3rd A. D. The Friday evening forum will continue throughout the balance of the season with the exception of Feb...
...This committee was empowered to raise fund* and direct the work of the county organiser...
...Tuesday, Feb...
...The retting to amending the local Ss relative to the price of dues LgYsDtfer the new National and State Tj,llisn was laid over lor special Ltotatkm for the next meeting...
...Be Women's Section of Local New St cay hat engaged the Civic Repertj theatre on West 14th street for wear iianlin...
...Manning told them that one of the grave troubles of the labor movement was the fact that most of the labor leaders regard their Jobs as com* monplece and attend merely to routine...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 4-14th A. D. Friday, Feb...
...Nevertheless, meetings are not well attended...
...13, a unique Social Evening and Dance has been arranged...
...The meetIns was held tn the memory of our late oomrade, M. Stoop, former member of both branches...
...Gertrude Snitovsky, secretary...
...WINSTON DANCIS EDITOR Published Every Week by The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League X. Y. CONVENTION lb) era* of business for the City ConW*sa of the Young Peoples Socialist baas of Greater New York to be held afek 33.33 and 34 at the Rand School, Ibet 15* Street, is as follows: BttHwst.ili, Opening of Convention ^¦awikiu Secretary Julius Umansky...
...A. J. Muste, chairman of the Brookwood Faculty, sent Oomrade Manning a letter of appreciation, saying, in part: "1 want to put on record our deep appreciation of the contribution to our students and staff members made by your talk the other evening on the organisation of the New Bedford Textile Strike...
...Sunny- I tide...
...Manhattan AH members are urged to attend the meeting Saturday at 8.30 p. m., as important matters will be taken up...
...The Ylpeels are now engaged in spreading socialistic ideas among the Meyer London Atiiletic Society, their "next hail" neighbors...
...China's Awakening...
...Comrades Klembarg, Regaldl and Bllvenrtone were ejected to canvass delinquent members...
...Chicago Circle Elects At the semi-annual election of officers of the Chicago Y. P. S. L., Pearl Greenberg was re-elected president: Dorothy Tan berg was elected rice-president...
...Reading zJ*hBaa...
...Simon Berlin...
...Anna fngerman "Whither Are We Drifting...
...17, 8:30 p. m, August Claeascna "Important Happenings qf the Week.'* Also cultural program...
...Masquerade Ball...
...Wednesday, Feb...
...Musical Program...
...a2™5Pde h*» a membership of about ta^uf*.**aets every Thursday night st ^JJW institute, 808 Locust St...
...Brooklyn A debate win be held on the proposition of Industrial vs...
...will speak on "Youth and Old Age Security...
...18th A D. i Sunday, Feb...
...The meeting will be held at the Monro* Court Community Room, 41-13 Caroan street The branch wm bold a package party and dance at the bom* of Edward Levtnsoa...
...County organizer Henry Jager followed with a report of his work and observations...
...The Judges were: Rose Garter, Jack Zuckerman, By Kaplan, Evelyn Edelsteln...
...23, Arthur Kellogg, will speak on his Religious Beliefs at the headquarters, 96 Avenue C. Circles Two-Thirteen...
...Henry Jager was elected county organiser on a full time salary basis...
...East Karl em Educational Center, S3 East 108th Street...
...Shuhnan and a committee are arranging for the organisation...
...13, st the Rand School...
...A committee Is laying plans for a theatre party and expects to report shortly...
...All Brooklyn Socialists should remember the date, Saturday, Feb...
...Branch, Socialist Party...
...Crsleer Bill Beeetstsan fcF^afass, the United States of America ggaawwi and signed the KelloggrfMnaee Fact...
...jaw BswIju...
...Ten members were present and a discussion took place ss to ways of improving the attendance...
...Friday, Feb...
...16, in the Bookaway Mansion, 696...
...Treasurer, Eve Feingold...
...March 13, for a benefit ¦Basses tn order to raise funds for s*w activities... 133 Pierrpout street...
...LSix Theatre Party...
...Klecaa ef pennaaent Secretary...
...Those present took part in the discussion and the decisions made, and everyone was pleased with the harmonious and enthusiastic spirit that prevailed...
...22-23 A. D. The branch will meet Tuesday, Feb...
...On Saturday evening, March 3, a social gathering sad package party will be held at the Labor Lyceum...
...Cine Be^Trti—'— Auspices, Woman's Sec-awaJht Party...
...and whereas, Coag.aai passed a bill providing for the ^aa«of fifteen additional cruisers...
...The gathering was also in the nature of a re-union...
...Work on the new enrollment lists will begin shortly...
...M5 West 74 Street (office of Dr...
...B3SCO Last Sunday the ML K3*co branch of the Worfcmenw OhxU oalebraaad its 11th anniversary...
...Xt Dance and Social, Deb* EE, t I 18th Street, city...
...This will be a "Kiddy Party...
...Anna Ingerman...
...BRONX The County-Committee last Monday night considered matters pertaining to the condition of the branches, prospects for increasing the membership and the organization of new branches...
...W1H of the best attended since the ,-Tr the local...
...Another undertaking Is s Sunday morning forum in w^g***^ huginiiipe...
...An educational program has also been arranged...
...Those present will revert to their childhood days, both in dress, speech, manner and behavior...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 33rd A D. and Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Irving M. Knoblock, BBS Master, Joseph Stein, Cells Rot» mm Blvkin, Joseph Beckerman...
...17, at 11 A M Henry Jager will give the first of a series of talks on current events...
...He will continue st the Labor Lyceum every Sunday morning tor some time...
...IS, o naceount of the Thomas- Kropotkln debate, and Feb...
...s-s-is a. a. A w*D attended meeting' was held last Monday evening aad considerable discussion took place relative to the welfare of the branch...
...Socialism and the Pioneer Movement in Palestine...
...19, 8:30 p. m. Paul Blanohard...
...Socialism, Here and Abroad...
...Sunday, Feb...
...Afros represented the General Office...
...15, 8:30 p. m.—William Karlin...
...sad Tyler PL Seniors of Circles 3 and 4 to Debate "Companionate Marriage" wll be debated Sunday, Feb...
...Boro Park Labor Ly;eum, 42nd Street and 14th Avenue...
...CIRCLE S WINS CONTEST Arista Circle 3, of 679 Dumont Ave., Brooklyn, won the Junior Oratorical contest Tuesday, Feb...
...WnWamsharg A aortal gathering, dance and entertalnmenf"toeld by the three Williamsburg branches last Saturday evening at the county headquarters...
...Monday, Feb...
...Sunnyslde, L. L Auspices...
...Is Soviet Russia a Failure...
...Upper West SMs A meeting was held last Thursday evening In the office of Dr...
...Every effort has been made to get a large gathering of young folks...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 1215 Third Avenue, near Tremont Avenue...
...19, t p. m. Louis Waldman "Relation of Youth -to Old Age Pension.'' 600 W. 181 St., Boom 10...
...The last speaker was James OneaL A very interesting discussion took place...
...A mmr,LJ*£n*stt teUlng about the tJB^^Bronx circle*, aad the above air are being distributed...
...Comrade Knobloch is enthusiastic shout raising some funds to sustain this branch during its season's work, BROOKLYN Kings County Membership Meeting ' The Kings County General Party meeting was held last Sunday afternoon at the Amalgamated Temple...
...8. at 89-06 161st St, Jamaica, another Intermediate Circle, was organised...
...15, 8::30 p. m. A. L Shiplacoff...
...fnexw Uewman, fraternal delegate of a weasos Section, reported at length i si a* work of the Women's Section UeS Stanley, Bunnyaide Branch, sugsM sa endorsement of the Assembly ¦ So...
...Following a discussion on these reports, a motion was made that a committee of ten be elected ss the Kings County Socialist Action Committee...
...17, 11 a. m. Henry Jager...
...The Sunday evening forum continues to grow ta attendance and interest and all active members are busily engaged la promoting the success of the aortal and dance to be held at the Debs Auditorium, on Friday, Feb...
...All boroughs are urged to co-operateln this affair...
...B sad Senate Bill :io...
...11, J. L. Afros spoke on Soviet Russia Ths Circle meets in the Labor Lyceum on 17th St...
...Circle 8, wtD sitae ttts negative...
...Election of Chairman and J*j«aAatan for the day...
...t-tt A. fX The last meeting was held Friday, Feb 8. at the Boro Park Labor Lyceum...
...Olauberman who gave a very interesting talk...
...19, at the headquarters, 800 West 181 Street, room 10...
...The —J'aau...
...Labor Strategy—Old and New...
...Hillqulfs subject will be announced btter... it resolved, that we, the ST8 States Convention of tie Young :l"f^ •8dehst League urge ths PresiB tills bill as defeating the I** *e Peace Pact, limited as that aaJtL?* belping the destruction of r^"** real security...
...All Socialist sympathizers interested in the work of this new organisation can get in touch with the organizer, Matthias Palm 46-61 77th Street, Jackson Heights...
...The New Leader Subscription Drive la an, and on Friday evening, March a Morris Hlllqult will speak at ths Labor Lyceum for this branch and The New Leader...
...Four New Leader subs were obtained and three new members were admitted...
...17, 11 a. at...
...Brownsmyttat Lyceum...
...This was the first gathering of that character for some time...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 7th A D. Tuesday, Feb...
...J. L. Afros who was to have lectured at the last meeting was unable to attend Re obtained a substitute in Dr...
...Spirited discus - beid on matters pertaining tc Saa principles and policies...
...Election of : JJmsnent Serjeant-at-arms...
...The money raised will be used for securing permanent club rooms...
...aaSntawot of Temporary Secretary, aaaen of Chairman for the Day...
...Orjaiiiaxifion Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...Auspices, Upper Wast Side Branch, Socialist Party...
...CLn 0- Dance and Social...
...Friday, Feb...
...a^eSm- held Wednesday Feb...
...96 Avenue C. Auspices g B 13 A. XX...
...Comrades are confident that their first undertaking will be successful and that they will raise sufficient funds to wipe out their campaign deficit and have a reserve fund for the work they are planning... our friend Irving Knob loch calls it...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Street...
...Williamsburg Mansion, 297 South 5th Street...
...A percentage of the net proceeds win be given to the r?-v office...
...Harry Kreluer was chairman and Max Pollkoff...
...The play is "The Good, ha" wttb Ira Ls Gallanne and her sassy...
...Finances, Education...
...Sadye Kesstar sod Ethel Wrtnetem war* oasjaaatsd central Committee delegates, Mrs...
...programs are very successful...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 319 Sackman Street...
...Auspices, Brownsville Poale Zion...
...Bath Avenue and Bay 20th Street, Beasonhurst...
...1-1-1 A. D. Ths next meeting will be held Monday evening, Feb...
...J. N. Cohen plnch-hltted for the stricken Viola and delivered an impromptu talk on "Keeping Pace with our Civilization...
...Secretary, Bale Ranch...
...ray Central CtmmltUe...
...Brooklyn The ballroom of the Brownsville Labor Lyceum will resound to music and dancing on Saturday evening, March 30, on the occasion of this circle's Fourth Annual Dance...
...ICtb A. D. The first large undertaking will be held on Saturday evening, Feb...
...He explained the Munching and organisation of the strike and the final settlement...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 9-16th A. D. Branch...
...17, at 4 P. M. S»l JJrf*™ Road...
...Other participants were Bse Woaowita, Isidore Portnoy...
...The ccmrades are following up delinquent members and endeavoring to bolster up branch attendance...
...It ls holding meetings in the homes of members...
...3901 Locust Street, Thursday Feb...
...William Herman was elected temporary chairman aad UHaaa Simon temporary secretary...
...The Upper West Side Branch has on its books a Urge membership, among whom are some of the most prominent members of the Party...
...Simon Berlin...
...WEST MEW YORK SENIORS ELECT Senior Circle 5 of West New York recently elected officers: President, Jack Weledniger...
...219 Sackman Bt., this Sunday at 8.30 p. m. Circle Thirteen...
...Hymsa Zorfass, Jack Butt, Barnett solovioff, George London, Rae Nemett...
...The next meeting will be held Wednesday...
...The Need for a Social Consciousness...
...Junior Doeettag Tiai aa sisal The next debate ta the Junior Debating Tournament will be beM Sunday, Feb...
...k is...
...Arturo M Olovanesa...
...15, 8:30 p. m. Dr...
...Circle hi Jamaica Friday, Feb...
...Brownsville Poale Zion, 1709 Pitkin Avenue...
...The Les Amis Circle will argue the affirmative, and the Fstbush Circle the negative...
...QUEENS Tuesday, Feb...
...A Journal is being published and a Silver Loving Cup will be given tc the club most represented...
...Mon- ' roe Court Community Room, 4313 Carolin | Street...
...and Mrs...
...IH ''1 - Syracuse Yipeeis jmZ~m has recently been organised tn gg-J*- Y Comrade Sander of the a^?* Party gave the group a talk on mmStmL*aa activities of the organgr* Both be and Oomrade KJelngi^aaperatlng in the regular educaIsSJ'S °* the circle, A hundred bTJ* "*»y Youth—Listen," the unemso1--*leaflet published by the Nationbeen ordered for distribufmJS^** neld on Friday night P^^^members^hcenes...
...Twenty-five girls and boys Joined Mr...
...Monday, Feb...
...A journal will be printed and a number of ads have been obtained Tickets have been circulated...
Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 5