SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Headquaters Sf 5bgngaed "aeeeeae |^£onntain District 5 , sMaticr Kennedy recently is|B£St» the Socrahsta ta Utah, ^•¦?«L vote eaet for our Party's iK-i...

...Auspices, Socialist Party, 2-22 A. D. Monday...
...Present and Future...
...11 in the club-rooms, 96 Avenue C. The speaker will be Pauline Newman...
...This Sunday morning he win speak on "Has Russia Palled...
...Masquerade Ball... described by HE Ben Undaay be laaallbiil," win be debated Sunday...
...BROOKLYN Friday...
...Resolved that geaiiaajifcwiats Merrtaag...
...The Vanishing Proletariat...
...The opportunity * ssaas a new ripe...
...Virginia Bbjhi'ltt Higgins reports a new rnomas...
...March 8, Louis Waidrnan, "Loose Political Thinking...
...Socialism and American Progress," at the Feb...
...February 23...
...Hugbans new book as a text...
...susan ban...
...9, 8.15 p. m. August Claeasens...
...Olaossess^r^dfti» 'pl^L attendance at meetings...
...Sunday, Fab...
...1103 Boston Road...
...6-8-12 A. D. Monday, Peb...
...State Harrate l j Msrtta F. Phrnkstt did most of tbe work in writing tbe blBa New York State 8*j*« Secretary MerrQl announces that *»o«lon Board of atebobauia County as tbe first to get out ita transcript of enrolled voters...
...Needless to say, comrades, from all parts of the dty are invited to ba jar Mem...
...County Organiser Louis Weal is enthnawastic about the 'bouse to house eanwMstng work that this group of new oomradfs is carrying on so effectively...
...Norman Thorns*—Princess Kropotkln...
...8, 8.30 p. m. Roger Baldwin...
...At tbe Feb...
...The Schenectady Board was the most jpronrpt in this respect hitherto...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 16 A. D. Branch...
...5. His very informative talk on "My Impressions of Soviet Russia," keep the attention or tbe audience...
...At the last meeting ft was decided to place an add in The New Leader containing the greetings of this branch to Anniversary and notice was given that at least two tables of Brownsville comrades will be present at the dinner...
...13, 8.30 p. m. in room 505, Peoples House...
...Sunday, Feb...
...The first lecture will be announced shortly...
...asxt^ee^g^ele National g» Qamnrttee in this dty...
...WilHamabsrg A social gathering, entertsdnmemt and dance will be held Saturday ereniraf...
...8, A. Claeasens, •^testrtetiah of Irrmtigretion.'* March 1, Morris Oienet, "Injured Workera in American Courts...
...10, 5 p. m. Ethelred Brown...
...IS, esVtTtw, at the Band School...
...wjsn formerly editor of The ME kmamT is now located in Los P^wtwrttes the National Offtc* £. a about one hundred titoooand ski of • job in that dty...
...New members are being admitted every week...
...Civic Reperotry Theatre...
...Two gaaawhan of the Democratlc mlnortty, one from Hew Haven and one from Bridgeport, mtroduosd the bffia...
...A good Jass band has been engaged, and silver loving cups will be awarded to the best represented organisations...
...J. W. Hughan, "Socialists sad the Next War...
...Organizer Henry Jager will be present...
...March 16...
...The branch has organised a aJecMaeaoa class on Boctahsm using J. W...
...rVaTlt, at 9 jufc--a»hslr*d Brown, Neero ""Sodahet Minister, will lecture on •The Ourrmlative Facts for Evolution" st It* Sumner Ave., Brooklyn...
...Dance and Social Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th Street, City...
...The Restriction of Immigration...
...Committees are now busily encaged in soliciting ads, selling tickets ana advertising the masquerade ban to be held on Saturday evening, March 16...
...Branch Seven East At the re-organisation meeting Thursday, Jan...
...Special letters have been sent to the entire membership urging them to attend tins important meeting...
...11, 9.30 p. m. Samuel H. Friedman.-' "Father McGlinn and the New York Labor Party...
...The schedule ia as follows: Feb...
...9th at the County Headquarters, 1167 Boston road...
...S meeting, Joseph Viola, one time organiser of Local Kings, of the National Office and Manager of the Harlem Socialist Center, wul address the comrades on "Mussolini and the Future of Dictatorship...
...HQ Boston Road, have eor^bjbjrpertns a program for the |"i»SSntrt from an parte of the t2j0l aaaamble Saturday eventafsfv **eea are to be isasanteri en»jM rsfrsahsssnts wfll ta cltpasi TAatf wa be sssster of .' jgfit&mmZJLTSZ can for Sa^largstyv^ P**jsgl^^ svanfcg, Feb...
...The West is la very I The Dakota* Ujs*js far psrty members in North "a Dakota la bringing m reeultt PrTaft tbe comrades aignrng up hut f'zSrr asking for additional appli¦B&h as that they may sign up E flai work m the two states will Wz—J—^i ay tbe National Office until blgoawaaoni are formed...
...County organizer Henry Jager and Secretary August Claeesens will report on the status of the existing branches and tbe prospects for the organization of new branches as well as the strengthening of the old ones...
...11, 9.30 p. m Patalne Newman...
...Kingahigbway A meeting win be held this Thursday evening at 8.30 in the office of Dr...
...Tremont Educational Porum, 4215 Third Avenue...
...There win be ¦jsji for the lectures, or for the ¦ah tbosa who have attended the ttjaae corning for the dances * bwi to pay an admittance m 9ebnsyivania CI .-^rTMsswrgh ¦nsjagbeny County is arranging groupment and dance for SavturFeb...
...The Kings County Committee which was organised recently win submit a re-, port of Its work...
...tSrd A. D. The branch meetings held every Monday evening at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum are fairly well attended...
...Auspices, Women's Section, Socialist Party...
...Wilson Court Community Room...
...An enjoyable evening la promised...
...j?j SJL3XS&V"* soon no tsesambaaaaa snn rwaswawaeawan... the forum of the Bronx Oenter...
...297 g. 5th Street...
...Leasers hold Ceafaranoe T serial¦ aad prospective leaders of Young Caress Clubs held their first conference Monday Feb...
...James and Portland Sts., MSkTbe program begins at 8.30 g—"MwlBI and refreshments are *»psjram...
...They are expected to come in costumes that win fit the behavior of those present...
...A social gathering in the nature of a get-together of the active workers of our Bronx membership will be held on Saturday evening, Peb...
...NEW JERSEY Saturday, Feb...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...This branch meets at their new clubrooms, 2311 7th Avenue...
...Now that the bail is over, our Bronx comrades win resume their activities, strengthening their branch, increasing their membership and other work...
...with twenty-one names — aa...
...A get-together card party is si ar the near future, kg** Office has a good list of forassfen sad sympathisers which Is aw* pat to good use In a drive for ¦Sap by correspondence...
...Wolfe's address was extremely interesting and developed a worth-while discussion from the floor...
...It his?*¦ a big demonstration win IP* ta the dty election in tbe ^^Connocticnt bbs*" BSb Pramed K?*organiaatlon of the party has gWjM' of bull to be Introduced .BP* Isghlature, one on unetnto the widow aid law...
...Webster Hall...
...The Sunday morning forum conducted is achieving success...
...W California bja...
...96 Avenue C. Auspices...
...Musical program, Dora WoUnaky, pianist...
...They expect considerable fun in a reversion of all adults to childhood...
...7f sent to the proper authority* dealing with the military training plan at tbe Jamaica High School, aad wtth the proposed referendum now pending before the new legislature relative to the Increase in tbe salaries of tbe New York City flreleeture calendar MANHATTAN Sunday, Feb...
...8—J L. Aires on "Some Si»asTlal Definitions" at Joint meeting of smM( td...
...February 23...
...This Is a social gathering and dance of a rather unique character...
...10, 11 a. m. Henry Jager...
...Prises win be offered for the best kid costumes Admission is 50 cents...
...This branch wul establish a class in Socialism with Comrade August Claeesena as the lecturer...
...10, at 2 p. m. at Hennington Hall 214 East 2nd Street, dty...
...The pftst attuation is at lts-^orst kTsTwastern states and inNthe tJgV&t, mom not mean to say that sfjj^ tablets worters In toe MldjSswsisst...
...Friday, Feb...
...Matters of urgent importance wUl be discussed...
...sad A. D. This newly organised trrrfth la aw^rhag splendid progress...
...Browns vflle Labor Lyceum, 219 Sac km an Street...
...We have been very fortunate to obtain the consent of David and Mrs...
...These United State*—an Analyses of the Population, the Resources and Conditions as Reflected in the Vote of the recent Election...
...Albany Forum The address of International President Burke of the Paper...
...Auspices, 23rd A. D. Socialist Party...
...QUEENS COUNTY Friday, Feb...
...Refreshments will be served, acquaintances will be revived and in an informal way, the status of our Bronx County Organisation win be discussed...
...P Minnesota Bsecretary Sola reports on... «• have arranged for a seaSg weeks," said Benson, "but exfi" was win be extended for sev'jfhsn after that...
...The "Los AnTCWirwm argue the affirmative, while'the Flatbuah Circle wffl take tbe negative.^ Friday, Feb...
...Plasa Club Hotel...
...Liberty Under the Soviets...
...Friday, Feb...
...8.30 p. m. Dr...
...MANHATTAN 4th A. D. At the last meeting it was decided to arrange a memorial meeting for.our late beloved comrade, M. Stoop...
...Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rockaway Mansion...
...Pulp and Sulphite Workers brought quite a few trade-unionists to the meeting of the Albany People's Porum last Sunday, aad the fight that tbe Albany printers are making against the local Hearst-Gannett newspapers received considerable attention in the general discussion...
...2nd lecture on Social Psychology...
...After the tec's* flaor win be cleared for dancing...
...Women, Present and Future...
...4. A dissuasion en aJms and methods brought forth many its as...
...96 Avenue C. Auspices, Socialist Party, 6-8-12 A. D. BRONX Friday, Feb...
...Each contestant win speak on how some discovery or invention has affected mankind...
...Colonial Hall...
...Friday, Feb...
...8. 8.15 p. m. Mayer C. Goldman...
...There V««a*sr of wen trained and oapaaVaaanim Portland and we feel conSSt 0sv *1U be successful In Bass a healthy membership in aevmSm of the state...
...They are distributing one hun9am of The New Leader every & bw making new friends for the 3 sat awaulug new subscriptians for pew...
...8, at 8.30 at the Workmen's Circle Center, 7316 20th Avenue...
...The law provides that the state committee of each official party maintaining a headquarters shall receive copies of the wnroUnaant, and tnformntion as to enrolled Soctabst voters in counties without aodal county committees of the Socialist Party will be cheerfully furnished by the State Secretary...
...Samuel H. Friedman has been engaged for a series of talks dealing with the High Lights in American History...
...The Aloes of Williamsburg (formerly the "Chums"> were the winners in last year's contest...
...7 E. 15th Street...
...The tees* heal is holding regular aaa, kat doe to the cold, snow and fm attendance has not been ao rood aay...
...Bvery chairman of an official county committee la entitled to a complete copy of the enrollment in his county, and should insist on receiving one...
...31, a larger audience was present and indications of some activity...
...This newly organized branch has suffered a lapse due to the illness of a couple of the active spirits, and an attempt has been made to get this crowd together again last Thursday evening...
...As soon SjaSmer moderates, bouse-toMg/k will be made "to get those Wkm and new friends into the orHaT aays Comrade Sala...
...Comrade Claeasens is continuing bis lectures on "Important Happening of the Week...
...Harlem Ertucatawial Center, 82 Bast 106th Street...
...The epidemic of sickness throughout the dty has affected the membership of this branch...
...This affair Is being held under the Joint auspices of ail the Williamsburg branches...
...Crisis in the American Labor MoveAuspiees, Socialist Party, Brighton Beach ment...
...Chopin program, Dora Wolinsky, pianist...
...Socialist Party, 4-14 A. D. Friday, Feb...
...A awsker is needed in Colorado to ft* cask* state...
...S2-Z3 A. D. Dr...
...8, 8.30 p. m. Henry Jager...
...Thanks to A. MoOm, Mildred Joeteoo and L. V. Wernatock we have three musketeers that are working effectively visiting enroQed voters, following up prospect* sad obtatetng new members...
...Sunnyside, L. I. Auspices, Sunnyside Forum...
...Branch members are busily engaged in pushing the sale of tickets for the social and dance to be held at the Debs Auditorium...
...The ¦** decided to meet again on <9*aar *. and Reading ia given ,?.**»¦ Should it he held here ¦wsai to bold a large mass meet~—° a dinner Saturday night...
...F Oregon kakaawbts at Portland are planaVnswrdst their state forces and BabSbS state organ taaaon...
...225 Brighton Beach Avenue...
...8 8.30 p. m. Dr...
...A musrsawke win be held this spring ¦ades in Minneapolis expect s Wg fight for the common Wisconsin MBwaakee a» awJeaSt Syiiuxalurn is the name tusnt activity to be undertaken by mast party in Milwaukee, as anHJy Al Benaos, party secretary, law ft win be a lecture forum...
...8, 9.30 p. m. Joseph Viola...
...State Secretary Merrfn declares that he wul be glad to get copies of bills introduced at the present session of the State Legislature for Party members who may be interested in particular measures...
...Wt look forward to a big jawarsbjp in our state," says Oom, yaaaw...
...A rather large undertakinc win be their affair at the Martinique Mamion, 156 and Beck Streets on Friday evening, Peb...
...Justice and the Poor—Public Defense tbe Remedy...
...New Leader Dinner...
...The next weetfaM-stwina place Peb...
...const ¦Dbesota and asks for a state saw...
...Brighton Beach I A weU attended meeting was held on Tuesday, Jan...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 7th A. D. Friday, Peb...
...Upper Bronx, Jewish Branch Tbe newly elected officers for the year are: Samuel Siegel, financial secretary and treasurer: Ellas Axon, recording secretary...
...8, 8.30 p. m. -James Oneai...
...Somner for the use of their home or office for a meeting place until the membership is large enough to warrant obtaining headquarters...
...This meeting win be held on Sunday, Feb...
...werk underway...
...The Bectkxj Law provides that such traneertpts ahaU be ready before March 1, but aome counties have not got their enrollments printed before May or June...
...The Trade Union Situation...
...Is Man Instinctively a Social Animal...
...5th and Cooper Streets, Camden, N. Jersey...
...That's lust what can be . t gi*7 state by determined, coaae» sort on the part of our mempL Colorado kBasasttry Bnahnrll reports a new ia Ssakwr and predicts a gradual gfiawmbeship in the state...
...New members are being admitted at every meeting...
...mWm* at tha Brans Center nfOM at Un Bronx Center of the LT.J...
...10, IU& McAhster Coleman...
...SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Headquaters Sf 5bgngaed "aeeeeae |^£onntain District 5 , sMaticr Kennedy recently is|B£St» the Socrahsta ta Utah, ^•¦?«L vote eaet for our Party's iK-i recent election and enmfSSt comrades to get- their orHE...
...A theater party will be arranged for the near future, aad good progress is being made in obtaining readers and subscribers for The New Leader...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4215 Third Avenue, near Tremont Avenue...
...KINGS COUNTY County Membership Meeting An important gathering of all Socialist Party members of the various branches win be held this Sunday In the Amalgamated Temple, 11 Arian Place, at 2 o'clock...
...The Sunday evening forum is progresamg, attendance is increasing...
...Tbe amendment would prohibit the pubneataan of tbe P...
...Peb 9, at the County Club House, 187 Tompkins Avenue...
...BRONX The Bronx County Committee wul hold a meeting In the near future...
...X* was decided to hold conferences on alternate Thursdays...
...A fine pTOgtssaa has been arranged and an enjoyable alanine is assured...
...aa also ghee an outline of SB as* being done there...
...21st A. D. Since the recent re-organisation new members are being obtained and plans are being perfected for the establishment of a form and other activities...
...29 and the reports submitted showed tbe organisation is still making rapid headway...
...Kiddy Prty...
...1 meeting in the Rockaway Mansion...
...Benson hurst...
...The talk inspired a great deal of discussion till almost midnight...
...Soinner, 1417 Avenue K, near Avenue J Station on the Brighton Beach line...
...The Friday evening forum has an exceUent attendance...
...9, at International SoggtSam...
...Delegates to the Central Committee, Sol Wechsler, R. Shulman...
...The Cumulative Evidence in Favor of Evolution...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Harlem Branches...
...The membership is actively engaged in soliciting ads for their ban journal, selling tickets and doing everything possible to advertise their first large social undertaking at the Colonial Mansion, Bath Avenue and Bay 20th Street, Bensonhurst, on Saturday evening Feb...
...Theatre Party...
...Henry Jager has been engaged for a series of talks at 11 A. M. every Sunday morning for the next few weeks...
...Dance and Social...
...Williamsburg Mansion...
...Workmens Circle Center, 7316 20th Avenue...
...A fine radio wUl be given has a prise...
...8, £.30 p. m. August Claessens...
...City Executive Committee The first meeting of the newly elected City Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday evening...
...Admission is 50 cents...
...A debate is being arranged and the women members are also planning a social evening...
...Friday evening...
...1 oung Circle News Jy^aaj Circle clubs have been formed by the Workmens Circte to :|ft**** children of its members an opportunity for socxal and |Bj| BteUectual contacts in an atmosphere sympathetic to Lawafe the ideals of the labor movement...
...4-8-12th The next meeting will be held Monday evening, Feb...
...Every member ia urged to attend...
...Auspices, Young Circle Club...
...At the last meeting it was decided to donate two dollars per week to the Kings County organisation fund, five dollars was sent to The New Leader for their anniversary number, and five dollars to the dty office...
...Pichandler was tbe guest and speaker Tuesday...
...County organizer Henry Jager has been assigned to work in this territory, **** u11***0...
...Kennedy PS_^ tbe switch end his dis'JmgtiS benefit by his serrtces...
...This promises to be a fine talk and aa invitation is extended to an to be present that evening...
...Branch of the Soctallat fwrkyland at the worionsn's Circle, at the eatioo...
...Sunday, Feb...
...A number of formerly active members were unable to attend but promised to attend future meetings...
...What is Social MaiAdjustment...
...nth and Pond du Lac rented for a series of Prtday HPgBjj Feb...
...If, at 5 P. M at 189 aknnner Ave...
...BrownsvOle Latfer Lyceum and Socialist Party, 23 A. D. Branch...
...New York Gty Coming Party Events February 12...
...7 Bast 15th Street, N. Y. City...
...Those bWa were hiauduuod by requostof the Socialist State Xxecuttve OwnmiWee...
...Mortimer J. AeUer...
...Socialist Party...
...Martinique Mansion, 156 and Beck Streets...
...Dance Music by Eddie (Seller's Royal Vagaconds...
...3rd lecture on Social Psychology...
...10, 8.30 p. m. Henry Ja604 Sutter Avenue...
...The Prtday evening forum is fairly well attended and efforts are being made to increase this attendance...
...parties who receive aid through the law .The nriainploymaut hO and the auto aeddant bin are rwoetving considerable POhtterty throughout the state in the press...
...18th A. D. Owing the sickness of Justs Friedman our poppy organizer Simon Wolfe jumped' into the breach and i tall tared act externporaneous address on "Uberahem...
...Auspices, 18th A. D. Socialist Party...
...j 16th A. D. 1 The next meeting win be held on Pri-' day evening Peb...
...Mussolini and the Future of Dictatorship...
...1163 Boston Roast on "MBlatrtim in BJgh Boboots aad Colleges ' Sunday...
...Tbe following of£~«rs were elected: Ida GreenWatt, Csraatsar nod dalagata to She BronxOhunty Ohmmtttee: Morris Press, Recording and Fmanotal Btoerseery...
...3rd A. D. The forum of this branch st the Martinique Mansion is progrwsshsj with a fair attendance every Friday evening...
...February 15...
...Mortimer A. Adler...
...889 p. m. August C9a«ssena "The Important aarjperinars of the Week...
...14, at 1T6 E. 'ssauorssf railn t asat 4 to Debate...
...March 12...
...March 15...
...Admission 81-00...
...Subject: "The Trade Union Situation...
...Representatives from each eircle wfll take part...
...Subscription including wardrobe, one dollar...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 4

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