A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES COMMITTEE MEETING if- aonsiderable confusion as the members fmd i hatch*-on table and examine the menus.) a« coaunittec-mernber* but one; "Split pern loop." _t...

...Is obscene, why Is it obscene only in English, allowed freely - to circulate in any other tongue...
...The only excuse I can give for my own silence la that I never had much to do with the labor movement, aad always felt like an outsider...
...Suffering and want are still intense," tbe league states...
...Adjust: 'Here, hold on...
...Certainly, any person who is interested in one phase of American cultural life and through It tbe x-rays thrown upon economic, social and political history will prise this book...
...Moreover I am imbecile enough to regard Socialism as a faith in which those who enter to believe, must come for self-sacrifice, sad with a never-failing enthusiasm for ultimate triumph...
...The scuruUty of the writings of tbe early period stands out in these excerpts and now and then a cudgel is brandished by one irate editor against another...
...Incidentally, never been examined in the light of recent research, to determine his own coarseness or bias...
...If or do the supervisors of morals all understand their own tendencies...
...X by Hsi-Taeng Talaog (obtainable at St easts from the author, at Box 468 T.C...
...I hare to W&mtat two o'clock...
...r™»«y Croat...
...Easy money came their way through devious sources...
...Ginst is right and we will eatkeK (be...
...Seaafr Oil tody (j(-rf.f u-irA fear and looks anxious||a Caaw em): "I think we should go on with the rejjpa/ yiaffcwiiii - "T thought we were going to have the jSSgat the miuutes of the last meeting...
...lane*: "Very well then...
...And spend its life preserving...
...a metaphor of Keats or a hyperbole of Browning...
...There is so much compressed into measured lines, so many images presented by shorthand, so much emotion reduced to aa epigram, that extra effort at comprehension is exacted from the reader...
...To am-ous old lady on his left, ?ESk '"_«tbe Chicken a la King...
...New York: D. O. "Heath and Co., tS> Professor Nevtns praaauta a long documentary record of editorial opinions which is a distinct service to political, economic sad social history...
...He has more faith than is justified, in revolution, calling out, When ihe sky with blood is red, We all will have our bread...
...In s recent volume (American Press Opinion...
...this volume brings us closer in sympathy to the downtrodden o: other lands...
...nullification in South Carolina...
...Oh, dear...
...N. BR7LLION FAflTN Ever since the last issue of The NEW LEADER X have been kept uneasy by comment sad Inquiry from friends and friendly foes regarding the how-coma, aad howsoever, of a poem called, "The Mote in the Moonbeam," aad to which I cannot deny relationship since it has appeared over my name...
...But I had no money to keep In It And I threw it away...
...Now don't forget to come over here and kmJrr?*" (Looks into brief case...
...I rm still fool enough to believe that the duty sad heritage of every true Socialist is to criticise fearlessly every rotten phase of our political and industrial life, and particularly that to which we are so closely related...
...To uaitm)1 aad I wanted Hungarian goulash and you've given, _Cbdfca a— King...
...For a recent investigation of the Bureau of Social Hygiene of New York City indicates that books played that email a part in stimulating the women who gave the anonymous and therefore perhaps honest answers...
...But now I am a little confused...
...Funny isn't it, that everyone of us Socialists knew what waa taking place all the time, aad none said booh...
...I once had a moon-shaped pocketbook And I carried it over my heart...
...W. L. WORKERS NEED CLOTHING Jobless New Bedford textile workers are suffering from lack of warm clothing, the New York Women's Trade Union League asserts in an appeal for funds and clothing for the men and women who went hrough a heroic 6-month struggle agalaa...
...We were on the report of a__a_aictee on Recreation and Playgrounds...
...Prom tbe opinions expressed one is able to follow the political issues of each period, the embargo of Jefferson followed by "Mr...
...Bryant's defense of trade unions and denunciation of the Dred Scott decision, the New York Times anouncement of its Tweed Ring revelations, Wlllam Allen White's "What's tbe Matter With Kansas" and Watterson's "Vac Victis...
...And yet on this I can stand being called a coward without back talk...
...what the most susceptible might be moved by, is what the jurors are asked to determine, and to debar: the reading matter of our adult population la declared fit for morons...
...Truth be it said, that my style is awkward, sad my phrases those of aa amateur...
...Now I •Ms/that g better subject would be 'Resolved: That tatr—a Dictatorship is a Menace to the Autonomy of hHfsjsx.' That would have jammed the Community mbmi "Well, let's get on—" Wbejf (Loudly) "We have apple pie, Jello and Very ft:_*Hivea't you any baked apples...
...THE CHATTER BOX A Maker of Pockrtbooks' f OFTEN think at fata * As day by day these little colored pocket books Coma tram hanaath tha danrtng: needle r Of my thundering rnarhtne Bach little purse that I complete Has like myself an unelusdva fate: It may rids and aafl to distant climes Be marketed and bought...
...La Garconne" in Prance, for example, now freely sold, and popular as a play, was suppressed for a time when Prance wanted the good opinion of the world...
...Rose Schneiderman of the national league recently Installed a New Bedford chapter with 300 union women members...
...the struggle over the Missouri Compromise...
...Even granting that a book, by any standard...
...Yet I have always believed Socialists to be well read people, who think between lines, aad how the host in literature is never food enough for them...
...I understand yy^^*»ct which is played almost entirely in the Wskieh, the ccnau—ptnre's mother-in-law gives __f legitimate child with cataracts is one of the *e today...
...Hera will be found the editorial opinions of Hamilton, Cobbett, Bryant, Bennett, Oreely, Raymond...
...My motion was that we wW> the reading of the minutes and I w-ant a ileMt" ipesKmbers: "For God's sake read the minutes and ~_ge~ss: "N'ow do we want the minutes read or do we _£* (I» mattress) "Please give this consomme to Mr...
...Which might confirm the formula expressed by Mr...
...This time B_B__Pn can be no such objection...
...We can attic in the shape of permanent value for the ¦Wfull mow (.Highly agitated) "Did you say Croats...
...The history of the world tells a sadder story...
...The dying started in union offices...
...Of course not...
...what, indeed, may have driven them into the work of protecting public virtue...
...Tbe worst offenders were Journals like tbe Aurora and Porcupine's Gazette, the attitude being that the more intemperate and vindictive the editorial the more effective it was...
...We have dispensed with the readigaf ma twites and we are now on reports— Gawaea (hurriedly) : "Mr...
...Q.\ "No we were not...
...I often think of fate, The fate of men and pocketbooks: Each follows a thin candle Of utility And beauty la an accident...
...dfc___*1 object We nave still to hear-" sEJ^T**" « lost in fhe struggle of the members to fr^gfc...
...tbe Anti-Masonic craze...
...Finally, if the aex cenacra are ao ardently and earnestly endeavoring to eradicate awareness of tbe facta of life (without for a moment recognising that awareness la tha only valid step toward a cure of the atata they deplore), why do they concentrate so much attention on what recent surveys aeem to Indicate plays a part In tbe aex life of leaa than one tenth of those who live long enough to become aware of sex...
...I am ever idiot enough to declare that whenever aay institution or individual of ours becomes infected with the diseases of the capitalist system, such as madness for money making, sinecures, boodung, graft, sad the like, it is our certain task to perform drastic surgery, or quickly bury it ss though it carried a horrible plague...
...Is jfcdeJrawn of that comtnirtee present5" thrmm;'"A» the chairman of that committ.ce is ab¦Me wBT proceed to the report—of the committee on jbuflf...
...Aad even in the gloom of this last experience, do I refuse to alter my fond faith...
...Do you want one check or shall I make sepa2H_*_ "Now Jo let's get on...
...report of the sub-committce on housing...
...Reaches in pocket-book for papers and vtikdav Pats on spectacles and fumbles through a mis«H...
...m P»*~• Titters nervously ): "I find that I have 4§tojht arjr copy of the report along with me but I sfrsjprt that considerable progress has been made...
...There might have been fuller presentation of present-day censorship (in which the emphasis seems drawn away from religion and politics) using ' sex as a cover...
...Jackson and the Bank...
...Jrbusite: "I have been asked to report on beIflW <•< caainaan of the Deficit Committee who could ¦IBl ken...
...Why bother then about the mob...
...Why any intellilltpafM should want to sit around and hear two men fcjlt, "Resolved: That the Fifteen-Cruiser Bill Makes Bsajshs}- 'IJtalesirable' is frankly beyond me...
...to the type of play we selected...
...I work Twelve hours a day...
...Madison's War" in 1812...
...But beyond this, it is to be observed that the difficulty has much of Its source in the fact that "obscenity" is subjective...
...The leaders got a whole lot more, since they were few...
...ala very, the slave trade and the fugitive Slave Law, and so on through each period of our history...
...Is one a fool to retain his Meals...
...jr CeaHeman (Rearing up suddenly): "My God...
...the practice of imprisonment for debt...
...as coaxers for recalcitrant booses...
...In the first place, there is no accepted legal definition of the term, so developed that any two bodies of men will come Inevitably to the same decision as to a particular volume...
...Maybe—I am all wrong, all foolish, all idiotic, all Trabecule . . . aad to be vulgar for a change . . . all wet...
...However, we are ptansjsHar S Sermg Dance and Mi-Car eme Festival and this Mr with oar theatre benefit should—" MSB—I (Gloomily) : "I want the records to show that jwessoeed to this debate from the start...
...No vote was ^C'egsjrr motion to dispense with the reading of the "E^e (T# nwt>m) "Here, I said I wanted.con"?t___fn' "Very welT then we will proceed with the oi tbt minutes...
...Wetteraon, PuUtaar, White and Cobb, to mention only a few of tbe better known...
...But I will have fbem at the aV f...
...We have bought 4jW*Mpuery for Tain's Palsied Pageant.' As you 2^_r* -h of a consumptive Croatian in an aims^!J'*e»fc«rgh, is the theme of this play...
...The Incipient sadist will view with eomplaoency actions that will shock an unaware Invert...
...The idealism which once gave a Hit and rhythm to lift weary millions by bootstraps into power over their jobs, is now deader than a horse-car on Broadway...
...tmnmaton Raddell: "I do hope the membership ™toi eat in full force for this occasion...
...Now in regard to our theatre benefit...
...When I wrote one memory which the labor movement has Imprinted on me, aad used the highly compressed method of verse to deliver it out of pain and gTief, ft was credulously offered for prompt acceptance to the subscribers...
...Professor Nevtne haa conxmed' his survey within nearly Sat pages and he has rendered a real sarvtoe In bringing out this invaluable documentary work...
...We must make n success of this benefit I^J^j^oor) ; "Here you are...
...Janes Oneeu...
...The Sec_T|igrreed —* minutes...
...G.: "No...
...But the book ought to laugh censorship out of countenance and out of court, save that among those whose skin's are so thick and whose self-satisfaction so great aa to be imperious to scorn there stand prominent the selfappointed guardians of our novels...
...Is the moral concern of our vice-crusaders selfish...
...strikes and trade unions...
...But why all our active union comrades allowed these conditions to fester into an incurable canker should exact a thorough explanation...
...This ii the Committee for Mo of Croatian Culture...
...J>*t* and cbait...
...But doesn't it fall upon us Socialists who have given our years of service aad talent utterly to organize and build up whatever there is of use In the labor world, to jealously, and courageously defend it against all persons aad influences that exist for its evil ? The truth will become more evident as the days go „on...
...Be aaa/arioM whtir members give their orders) ea: let's see...
...I am always fool enough to insist that the Socialist movement is predicated upon the ground rock of crystal-clear idealism...
...Columbia University, New York) are rigorous outcries of one whom the wretchedness and oppression in China bare stirred to vehemence...
...And if I am, then all you old aad weary ones, all you who now talk of practical politics instead of dreams are to For la tas old days you spoke to my youth, and It believed your words . . . Only that I have remained to remember firmly, what you have managed so tightly to forget...
...Isn't this the Committee for the ^RJJ**0* Monkey-Wrenches to the Ukrainian Jews...
...what is one man's clean is another's obscene...
...We will now have the report of P»U«_tae on the Spring Dance and Mi-Careme FesMan (Riemg suddenly) : "Excuse me...
...Among the better remembered editorials are Hamilton's attacks on Jefferson, Bach's heated denunciation of Washington, Bennett's strange announcement of his intended marriage, Greeley's analysis of 'the Kansas - Nebraska Bill and his "Prayer to Twenty Millions" addressed to Lincoln which evoked the letter's famous answer...
...The eight pieces are to bo considered, not as poetry, but as protest, as the protest of an intelligent Chinaman against the existing order...
...ZJfiUrj (uho has worked hard to get the minutet in S^TZbt a bit downcast and says) : "There are *orae Sber* here who were not present at the last meeting at-aiwi~" "*"»* reading of the minutes will be dis.j-iTwitfc s_d we will proceed with the reports of subx_Zt Gmti...
...A sort of private police to keep their tenure of power...
...If, You can find a fob" "Thank you, Boss' For you remind me I know Bosses are robbers Ez'erywhereV' With the exception of this and a Sacco-Vanzett: poem, it is of China itself that Hsi-Tseng Tsiang speaks...
...waitress gone...
...by champion Morris l. Xrnet and William Bangle (Viking Frees...
...3"t«g the tickets...
...In "To the para...
...Bowles, Grady...
...Excuses were easily set up...
...the conservative arguments against tbe establishment of public schodTs...
...SchniUer, our printer-boss, who very genially read proof on the poem before its appearance...
...since to its actual occurrence during the last furrier's strike, I ascribe all my outrage over the general condition in which organized labor finds itself today...
...so that Whistler correctly remarked that the victousness lies in the one who sees It...
...There la no room ta tbe Socialist movement for pettyfogging Job-Huntera, parliamentary tricksters, "practical" politicians, and the like...
...In the second place, the law Is so framed as to protect children and the feeble minded...
...Will g«j___M_.jk»ie report?'' pB?5v"We have Chicken ala King, Calf's liver and lajH ted Hungarian goulash...
...In my opin•Jfc's* eAfcet chosen was ill-advised...
...namely, the labor movement...
...i He pays Fifteen dollars a week My boss says, "Chinaman, Co back to China If you don't feel satisfied: There, Unlimited hours of toil: Two silver dollars a week...
...It never occurs to me when writing for this column that the language used Is beyond the intellectual attainments of its readers...
...wage reductions...
...And of these books, the ones that head tbe list are: the Bible, tbe dictionary, and the encyclopedia...
...pennies For soma pennied man...
...Tbe book is' divided into four periods, 1TW-16M...
...The Laundryman ¦peaks: Dry I Dry: IVhy do clothes dry, But not my tears...
...IMS1900, and 1900-1928, Each period has an informing Introduction which is followed with excerpts from influential publications on a variety of problems and issues...
...The Sft| to grown considerably since our last meeting due ¦fitfat that the debate which was held to wipe it off MM a a act loss of $357-89...
...t Gmst (vho is okcoys in the minority): "Con___¦ **: "We might it well start business...
...Said be, "It's good, but It will go over the beads of your readers...
...Then to protect their own positions, gangsters were employed...
...And earnestly do I desire that all of you remember this story...
...Waitress, have you the check...
...The Press As An Index Amartoari Journaliem baa been the subject of a number of histories and dailies like tbe Hew York Times, The Son, and Evening Poet hare bad their hhtormaa but so tar aa wa know no documentary survey of American Journalism has been available till Allan Kevins undertook the task...
...But vehemence helps tug the pendulum...
...I can't eat ?•¦»» «»s»r (mho has previously said nothing) : "Well #«Wtyoo try Jello'' Qsi-me» (Hitting the edge of his glass with his pen[flrfi get ahead...
...And if ever a poor dreamer saw through the miserable mess and lifted his voice in protest, the plug-uglies edged right up to the platform and grave him the knuckle-treatment...
...The workers got a little mors to shut them up...
...From a few there has been received a curious praise, and from most of the others, a form of unprepared curiosity...
...Not that this frail effort of mine will budge a swivel chair or start a tremor shimmying down one overfed body in any union office from here to Seattle...
...Goes out to neighboring speak%-*a— if spends the remainder of the afternoon drink¦fSMra sua reading Walter Winchtll...
...Voice of the PeoMeAllftcr Cplw— Scaning The New Books Bourgeois Impurity THE follyof rmrmmMo bu at last been given proper end adequate treatment...
...They quickly learned that the men and women under them were easily contented...
...sjeOJftj"-** »' >» now half-past two and I have a Committee for the Amalgamation of Angio,Sp**n»kms at three I —ill hear a motion to *d_Rff*t*ft "I so move...
...Poetry is always difficult to follow at first reading...
...I could not be kat m loeoant of tny influenza and I don't know what 5rrd»— (promptly nswg to her feet) : "Minutes of the aweaj fccM at the Civic Club, January Third—" )tr.0mst "No no...
...Furthermore, there is no such thing as "expert" testimony admitted in obscenity trials: the words of ministers, psychologists, ebildtduoation authorities, specialists in the various fields of pertinent knowledge, are of no weight beside the opinion of a judge (whose sex experience has...
...But this is poetical again...
...And I know very learned men who balk at deciphering...
...the current method of checking so-called "obscenity" most objectionable...
...S. A. de Witt...
...And who would have listened to me anyway...
...All these facts, and many more, with historical surveys of the changing attitude toward censorship (not a growing understanding, but a shifting of emphasis on the things barred), and with indications of the various petty puppets who presume to exercise what they think is discretion in tbe matter of morals (post-office clerks, customs clerks, superintendents of hospitals and other institutions) are gathered, with many apt and deftly adduced illustrations, by the authors of this volume...
...Or is it high wisdom to target...
...I to rule and we will proJail report of the sub-committee en housing...
...Of course these were ostensibly used ss protection for pickets...
...I object, Mr...
...Dana, Godkin...
...I meaa that nothing- should stand between it and a clear vision of the ultimate sad...
...True, it must have its feet firmly implanted upon an earthen program yet there should) be Bottling to blind its eyes against the stars...
...Is It only Anglo Saxons they would keep pure...
...2**"y kst and coat...
...laE j* tSthtt' "1 move that the reading of the minutet jj_^__d with...
...we were on the report of the subHpM an finances.'' Jtr...
...The book, dadlcated to -the perplexed booksellers who...
...I have very little feeling at say time favoring- such a view...
...Chinese Red Mpoems of tba Chinese Revolution...
...universal, international co-operation of all men and women who create...
...I am sure _L_B5-*^ lt- Tbe critics say that it is highly edunothing could be more appropriate for us to *e *—11 of this committee...
...I have brought j_haalr»d and fifty tickets with me and before anyone ¦•toes, I want to be sure that everyone here takes at gtosty and sells them at four dollars apiece...
...And once I made a star-shaped pocketbook Aad I lost my Job...
...The Chinaman in America has an opportunity to recognise the international quality of oppression...
...Joseph T. Shipley...
...It was such an incident, coming to my sight several years ago at a union strike meeting, that Wrote my poem...
...Men who first "spoke the word of flame" and led their minions through hunger and self-sacrificial struggles, settled down to the corroding life of petty politicians...
...under the unknown rules of literary decency, cannot insure themselves against imprisonment, even by reading all the volumes on their shelves," moves in many emphatic ways to show the absurdity of the present * practices of censorshipWholly aside from any consideration of the fundamental matter of free speech, there are a down reasons any one of which makes...
...Strikes were sold out, deals were made behind closed doors...
...What has ruined the prestige and effectiveness of 'the unions goes deeper than the surface phenomena of machine displacement, and industrial change...
...Mjrec_ll that we suffered a loss of $22.34 on our IfcBJVBlft that was because so many of the memt^wPy...
...Sgfigi Mm* Mr...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 4

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