Organization Director For Socialist Party Is Planned By N. F. C. lyjeetino in the Breslin Hotel, New York City, last Saturday and Sunday, the National Executive Committee of the Socialist...

...Few colored workers have larger than 2-room houses but most of the white workers, including the Italians, have 4 or 6 rooms...
...1.25 for company doctor...
...The reduction in the employment average since 1923, shown by the department,- represents loss of Jobs to more than 1,000,000 workers...
...This is an honor that comes to comparatively few artists, and The NEW LEADER-feels that it speaks for all of its readers in congratulating Art Young...
...Wilson spoke to a fine meeting of women Socialists Saturday night and she was much gratified at the development of the work in New York City...
...The next luncheon of the League will be March 2. The subject will be "Whither American Labor—an examination of the present status of the American Trade Dnion Movement" Speakers will be Morris Hlllquit, A. J. Muste and John Dewey...
...These will be classified by states and also supplemented by addition of local names and enrolled Socialist voters...
...States having a supply of paid-up old stamps may exchange same for new annual dues stamps at the price paid for them...
...No Negro ever has a white worker as a subordinate in his gang...
...The employers argued that wage increases should be granted only If printers agreed to speed up...
...The saotan as to whether or not natural!¦am be refused on these grounds jnsaan carried to the United States jamm Qoort in the case of Madame Lynching...
...Saturday we does an 18 hour turn to change from day to night shift...
...Amalgamated Unemployed Receive $5,000,000 Insurance cmcAOo—<fp)—Un mmii aaas it mOiothing worsen ObJcam teed am aa* pected to reach ssmeaae by the end of this year if the record of the past fear years » maintained The fond If sustained by a uniUHwUon each weak from the employen of 1% of then- payroll and from the workers of 1V»% af their pa*, checks...
...The union had asked a $8 Increase, the 7hour day, and abolition of the spilt shift...
...Pay is low with the long hours—24c an hour for laborers...
...In the furnace gang they may move up a few cents an hour as cinder snapper third, second, or first helper to keeper—the highest position given a colored worker...
...When the company agent can't get cash he marks $7.80 monthly charge against the worker's wages for a 2-room house...
...The $7.80 includes S5 rent...
...ajSani Jafls Cleared of Politicals Ob tot other hand, the release of two sastasl syndicalist prisoners in Caliban, one in Kansas and one in the JMnl Penitentiary at Leavenworth, left a* sssatry free of political prisoners...
...Details will be supplied by the National Office...
...Times been right hard," the others agreed...
...Lewis Replaces Roewer The Yipsel work throughout the country has lagged somewhat, largely due to lack of funds but George E. Roewer as a sub-committee on work among young people was instructed to meet with the N. E. C. of the Yipsels and help the Yipsels in a drive for funds...
...Baling* on Dees It was found that some confusion exists regarding the new dues system and the committee adopted a number of interpretations for the guidance of the members...
...Organization Plans jf Morris Hlllquit reported for the Organization Committee which proposes to use a list of several hundred thousand names of persons who are sympathetic and to this list is to be added the subscribers to the party publications...
...Rent for the gray board houses, white trimmed, is charged whether times are dull or busy...
...Tht 124 prosecutions do not include hi hsudteda of cases arising out of bkr eanntei during the year...
...again joined forces in a vigo^^i^aBpalsn against * Communist and tabor groups...
...In 5 years years these workers have turned off by the factories to hunt Jobs among the newer service occupations...
...Among the first leaflets the trade union committee will provide will be one on Social Insurance, one on Court Decisions Affecting Trade Unions, one on the services Socialists have given in building up trade unions in this country, and the jurisdiction problems which hamper the labor organizations in their work...
...are fewer ¦"¦a involving academic freedom •a* fcwer than in recent years...
...At Kenosha, Wisconsin, where n* senary workers were on strike for SSasl months about 500 members of pa nam have been arrested for violate of the federal anti-picketing inbatUon...
...Language Federations shall be treated like state organizations for the purpose of dues payments...
...It covers gay ass saaas case, that of the arrest g KT pw1"* in a demonstration at Shatdnfton against the sending of troops Oattvagua...
...Such dues shall be paid to the National Office, which shall remit one-half of the same to the state organizations...
...Thomas to AddressLeague Of Women in Brooklyn On Monday eve...
...There he must pay 5c to 10c more for articles than in outside stores...
...James H. Maurer and Lilith Wilson, of Pennsylvania...
...When the worker draws an advance on his wages he gets checks redeemable only at the company store...
...Jasper McLevy, of Connecticut...
...In Kansas •a ambers of the Workers Party were sal seder the state criminal symdicalha aw, the first syndicalism cases In ear loer years...
...Republic is one of the large national steel combines, with coal and ore mines and this iron blast furnace In the south, steel plants in northern lake states...
...The employer contribution a net a deduction but an addition to payroll expenditure...
...Mayor Hoan, of Milwaukee...
...Lots of men laid off...
...raa 134 prosecutions include cases BjaSaj ost of police Interference with aatUaai, arrests for distributing radical jSaatBR, arrests in raids, for "inciting a> net" and "unlawful assembly" and aakfcW "seditious remarks...
...Following are the interpretations: i "1...
...Representation of such affiliated groups in local, state and neitional conventions of the party, as provided for by the constitution, shall be based upon the actual dues paid to the party...
...The committee recommends systematic study courses for groups and the Rand School of Social Science will be requested to prepare outlines adapted for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly meetings...
...It was one of the cartoons in this series which caused H. L. Mencken to exclaim "Why is it that the Socialists have all the best cartoonists...
...Short lectures will be prepared and mimeographed and sent to locals for such use...
...This campaign need not interfere with state organizations retaining the old dues system for old party members...
...Morris Hlllquit and James Oneai, of New York, and National Executive Secretary William H. Henry, of Chicago...
...This curious contention was upheld by the Rev...
...A big colored iron furnace worker exclaimed to the Federated Press in the Republic Iron & Steel Co...
...Reservations for this luncheon should be mailed to the office of the League for Industrial Democracy.1 70 Fifth Ave...
...The Women's Committee work was reported by Lilith Martin, the report showing that work among women is being done in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Wichita, Milwaukee, Newark, Philadelphia, Reading, New York and other cities but much still remains to be done before the women's section of the party win be functioning on a large scale...
...All these may be approached with an appeal for enrollment in* the party at the annual dues of one dollar...
...Crosswaith was also added to the committee on Publicity, literature and Research George Roewer found it impossible to give time to the Executive Committee and his resignation was accepted with regret...
...This luncheon will be at 12:30 p. m. and the service will begin promptly at 13:45...
...Syracuse Printers Lose in Arbitration Proceedings SYRACUSE, N. Y.—(FP)—Members of Typographical Local 55 came out on the small end of arbitration proceedings when all their demands were turned down, speeded-up production was authorized and a $1 a week raise given...
...George E. Roewer, of Massachusetts...
...16 "Censorship will be the question discussed at a luncheon Saturday, Feb...
...H. H. Bradley, the third arbitrator, and an increase in the minimum output per day from 35,000 to 37,500 nonpareil ems was ordered to offset the $1 a week raise...
...11th Norman Thomas Will speak on "World Peace" In the Auditorium of P. S. 104 5th Ave...
...Branch clubs along varied lines of social, educational and recreative activities are made possible under the new constitution upon payment of a small annual fee for each member and a few such societies have already approached the National Office regarding affiliation...
...They collects when they can...
...Each member of the committee will also do some special work in his own state to gel pledges as rapidly as possible and when the Director of Organization is chosen this will also be part of his work...
...Interference with Meetings, mm, a; 1927, 14...
...The Executive Secretary may furnish free of charge to the state organizations old dues stamps to be used as stamps for state dues...
...Group of*TI-M—- -'- " v«» f~<v* by a certificate of afflnaQon is*""-" the National and renewed every year...
...Few Negro workers are allowed promotion...
...Labor Age Publishes the 'Challenge to Progressives* In Shape of Leaflet Labor Age, the labor monthly magazine published at 104 Fifth avenue, New York City, announces that it has reprinted the article in the current number entitled "The Challenge to Progressives" for all those who want it in this more convenient form...
...The recommendations of the Committee on Publicity and Research will be sent to all branches by the National Office...
...How widemsst the drive has become is shown in a* |st of states represented in the reset Oh year—Connecticut] Califorinia, Osfeado, Illinois, Arkansas, Delaware, 1st York, New Jersey, Minnesota, Masaaeasetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kansas, tans sad West Virginia...
...lass esses of denial of citizenship a Banana were reported, one involving tDaokard in Washington, one a memhr af the International Bible Society, talon a seventh day Adventist...
...tht fenersl situation la shown in the jjljgrhoo of figures for 1928 and those jesz 1927...
...A discussion will follow the talk...
...A musical program is also announced for the occasion...
...Labor Age has for a long time been a labor magazine of discussion and the article now available as a small pamphlet Is the result of these years of discussion in the magazine...
...Prosecutions 1928, 524...
...16 th, at the Town Hail Club, 123 West 43rd St The speakers, Morris Ernst and John S. Sumner are the chief participants in the Mary Ware Dennett and "The Well of Loneliness" cases now on trial In the Brooklyn court...
...Those present were Congressman Victor L. Berber, of Wisconsin, chairman of the committee...
...Ernest and Sumner Will Discuss Censorship Feb...
...Factories Employ Fewer Worker in 1928, U.S...
...The employer share ased to be bat ees doubled under the new agreement made early in 1928...
...and 92nd St...
...In California lhya ibce 1934 prosecutions have pracceased, the police inspired by the asHr America Federation and presuma* aettaf on authority from Washingsalsnc conducted a series of raids, this 5L against Communists Instead of - yt w, and made wholesale arrests, ajaaaam literature has been seized, -aej iimiiiiIii in have been arrested withjj( eanant and held incommunicado atari...
...Says The year 1928 was a tough proposition for the worker hunting a factory Job, according to U. S. department of labor figures covering any previous year since 1921 while payrolls totals reached the lowest level since 1924...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, of Boston, was selected as his successor...
...The committee has in mind an active young man to serve as the central dynamo to tie up all the work of organization and It hopes to make an announcement regarding its selection soon The pledge fund was started a few weeks ago and less than forty members are contributing a total of nearly $300...
...Organization Director For Socialist Party Is Planned By N. F. C. lyjeetino in the Breslin Hotel, New York City, last Saturday and Sunday, the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party gave its attention to educational and organization problems for the coming months...
...This census will provide the name', address, occupation and name of farmer or workers organization to which the member may belong so that the various committees will have this data to work with...
...In the majority of cases gsnsn Party members were the victims...
...Among the outstanding decisions of the committee were the plans for organization which include employment of a National Director of Organization, increasing the weekly and monthly pledge fund of the National Office till it averages $2,000 per month, and intensive work to increase the number Of members under the new constitution recently adopted...
...Frank Crosswaith asked for cooperation in work among Negroes and he was urged to present a concrete and detailed plan for the committee's consideration at the next meeting...
...For a 4-room house $10 Is the rental, other charges extra...
...The article considers present problems in the American trade unions and formulates a program for discussion in the trade unions...
...That's why they's so many empty houses here...
...In unorganized states the National Office will undertake to circularize the names in those states...
...Six deportation cases have ,<n oat of the Los Angeles raids...
...75 for water (a tap at the back door...
...village of Thomas, part of Birmingham...
...The Address to the American Trade Unions adopted by the last national convention, which will make a small pamphlet, will also be among the first literature that will be available for distribution...
...The dismissal of Projhnitarer from Ohio University for PammtheBc interest in the Hocking T*a coal strikers and of Professor •sbjeh from the Department of Phi**j*» at the University of Pennsyl¦m tar expressing his approval of the *J*arm of government were next in Men Work 13 Hour Nights at Alabama Steel Furnaces Birmingham, Ala.—(UP.—"The 8hour day ain't hit here yet...
...80 for electric light...
...gnet 1924 prosecutions for opinion aai been confined to two or three states, anhabafly Pennsylvania...
...States in providing I->r additional membership dues may continue the use of dual stamps in which case they ere to pay the price of two stamps to the Na ion-al Office...
...The Colorado miners' strike ana emUnasd until the end of Februey 1S3S, the strike of miners in the *ahm Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Vajsm coal fields, added hundreds of sin cml liberty prosecutions...
...Joseph Sharts, of Ohio...
...The committee on trade unions submitted a report, one section showing that a census of the party members throughout the country Is being made by the National Office...
...D arrow on Witchcraft Clarence Darrow, famous criminal lawyer, will speak on "Witchcraft In Pennsylvania And New York," at the Hampden Theatre, Feb., 17., at Z P. M. The lecture will ^ be given under the auspices of the League To Abolish Capital Punishment Art Young's Campaign Cartoons Accepted by Metropolitan Museum Art Young's cartoons on the 1928 presidential campaign which apeared first in The New Leader and were later published In a portfolio under the title "This (1928) Campaign in Cartoons" have been accepted for exhibition and as a permanent acquisition by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City...
...It is planned to increase the number of pledgors to a thousand or more with the view of having an income of $2,000 or more each month available...
...Tickets are $1.25 for members and Si.50 for non-members...
...The adana of these figures would bring the bnt sen ap into the thousands...
...It points out the need for organization of workers in the powerful basic industries, the importance of arresting the decline of the fighting spirit of organized workers, the sinister influence of the National Civic Federation, need of more effective political action by trade unions, and other issues and problems of the present period...
...Reading may be the scene of the next meeting which will be held on May 4 and S. 28 Bad Year For Liberties, UnionReports Presecution of Commun' ist Was Widespread— Sitaation in Colleges ImPr o v e d-—Lynchings Fewer . sfcessjeni of the cmi UDerties un* jgrf— that not since 1922-23 baa aaa Man such an Intensive drive -pgt sadtesJa as waa reported during aajear ina Federal, state and local ^lgftfr...
...The ¦nt aeportant arose in Seattle where *» pablic school teachers were forced * aha "yellow dog" contracts or give * essr Jobs...
...I ain't had more'n half time work the last year," said another worker...
...Each affiliated group shall furnish to the National Office the names and addresses of all its members, which list may from time to time be supplemented by the names and addresses of new members...
...The dues above provided shall be paid ft^r all of such new members...
...We works 11 hour day shift and 13 hour night shift, 7 days week," said the Negro worker...
...Strikers' meetings an forbidden, raids were made without nraat, and strikers held without bail, h sB of the strike areas violence reseat nam the attacks on the picket an by the police and troops...
...Military ah ess established in Colorado and hsm were called out in the New Beda* toxtfle strike...
...In hi hasaachusetts textile strike alone am wan close to 400 arrests of pickets sat sitae sympathisers on a variety of assjn...
...He will work in cooperation with Executive Secretary Henry, the latter also spending some time in favorable cities and states...
...The Publicity Committee is also requested to draw up short letters for insertion in local- papers, the letters to deal with problems of importance to workers and farmers...
...This meeting is being arranged by the League of Women Voters of the 9 th Assembly district as their annual Peace Meeting and comrade Thomas who Is known for his work in the Peace Movement was selected as the speaker of the evening...
...New Leaflets Ordered Supplementing this work will be the publication of a number of new leaflets and working out plans for the use of local radio stations wherever they will accept delivery of educational lectures by local comrades...
...With respect to affiliated groups the dues of 25 cents per year shall be based on the membership of such groups as of the 30th day of June next preceding their affiliation...
...For the present those who apply for field work will be offered such work on a commission basis, the field worker obtaining a commission on memberships, on subscriptions to party papers, and profits on book sales...
...sjj, et...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 4

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