Old Age Pension, To the Fore in New Work State Committee Friendly "WmUmmm Vrtn ErtabHil-* wt CmmmJhmtwrj imc Fund fprtrin Makra TrlHnf Paints in FnTirr CM AC* aeenttty and Including the...

...The problem of old- age la a problem cloaely ratotod to onusr prohlama, thoea of health and nraehsstr, tor aaajaple What we need la a aatsnUrki theory the aoope of which «n be wide enough to embrace an eaaaa of need...
...The WoriaHst repreaandetiwe aterwiea ahtoatod to a feature of meat of tha MQa which would halt aid to Milaii, Be pleaded for a policy of is rial ¦ nan am a, laaaBtog a btn which ha had drawn and Introduced In the legatoaara at itii aa a model far aodal in-PaJmluuaaary, Mew Tort atoto lacks atone and aodal Inauranee In general...
...im mm On the side of the union printers are B.ooo to ».gg» Ataaaty ratosaapoi reada>s...
...Two more from Trenton, N. 1. and others to follow aeon...
...At the first aaaaton of the confafenah Thursday, a number of landtag social workers spoke...
...The National Industrial Conference Board unwittingly shatters another fable associated with employers' "welfare" schemes...
...Tha proponanta of the MOB now hi maonp appear to deplore charity...
...Local adTertieera are eomplataing that their "copy doesn't pull business...
...Red ela in mhjdy, hgjgh...
...A. Hlrschberg of the Philadelphia Central Labor Union, who presided over the conference...
...Waldman'« assent that "they might learn aomething from those countries" brought thankful smiles to tha Ups of tha caaamltteo Tha committee appealed converted to the old age pension ideas What win bappan after It gets to Albany is problematical...
...Most of these insane boys, he added, are still confined In public hospitals and asylums...
...We only got an appropriation of •10,000 with which we carry on this investigation," tha Buffalo legislator complained...
...Tbe lightail m waa latoadad to aid tha workon*, ha aaht whose employable aga la oontinneDy beta* towered by tba dam and* of apaady production...
...AH thaae provwaona amaek of the oondeaeandtoj ear of charity...
...Meanwhile the harmony and friendly relations which employe stock ownership is theoretically supposed to foster have been rudely shattered...
...Oa toeatontally with tha eraatton of a atoto rmarranea fund, laghtotlon ahaejht ahn ba anaaNd grrmg the, state a aotoa hi tha mactaaataaot of thaae emwwtiwmmwjaa* B^amaamVan fli ¦ i ita ** JPffa^fW* jHRmmWAM* MHdaamV Abraham a^atato...
...sagga^c1 mtenet^n the subject at-*ld age pension...
...minded reactionaries in favor of empkjy...
...Tbe pitfalls and complications of employe stock ownership schemes are illustrated with peculiar force at the Atlantic 811k Hosiery Mills, nlc," declares Carl Holderman, New York and northern New Jersey organizer for the Hosiery Workers...
...Tha conference wfll be held in the auditorium at S West 16th Street...
...Those mam hen of tbe legislative committee who attended, appeared to have been In favor of aome old age pension law...
...Governor Roosevelt has been quoted aa fearing that a pension system would tax the treasury too hard and as believing that "tha state is not ready for It yet, but roast baled to old age pensions by gradual stages...
...IS, at a conference called by the American Association for Old Age Security...
...Thus SV» per cent of all the manufacturing establishments, it is found, employ 53 per cent, of the nation's workers...
...Gannett and Baatman both hail from Rochester...
...Tha speakers win include Bishop Franda MeOonaan, head of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, Mary K. SlmhkovUa, director of the Greenwich Houee, and others interested In the current movement for Old age pensions lagialattort The conference will probabb...
...The board's current statement declares that "industrial i elation activities properly managed not only are not conducted at j the expense of the payroll, but yield a definite return in productive efficiency.'' The board maintains that "organised programs for the improvement, regulation and humanizing of employer-employee re- J The employers "welfare offensive" to being opposed by progressive trade unionists as forgtog another link chaining labor* loyalty «T tb* employer instead of to h« faiiaW weaker...
...the Mitten company unions against union attack in actum tor a promise ta| permit anlotuzatton on lines to ba aceatirdd In tha future...
...6—the agreement is hailed by its signers as a precedent for all other labor unions...
...The Belgian trade unions are drafting their own bill, to ba offered in parliament, conveying the existing public welfare achaaaa rnto a deflaJta system of Insurance against sickness, unemployment, eal age and aaatdentai (Usability Maternity and funeral benefits are also to be Included in this model measure which the Labor and Socialist party groups in parliament will support...
...Eastman has quite a reputation as a union-buster himself...
...The union will define a policy shortly...
...A miniature Stewart-Rockefeller feud resulted and the president was able to get back into power...
...ers "welfare" schemes...
...flaarmamt Gannett circulations have shrunk...
...If we have many more Mittens and Atterburys," he said, "the officials of the labor movement will all be out of jobs, because there won't be any unions left" A lecture by August Claessens is always followed by sobs...
...He found that the heads of the famous Mitten Men and Management, operators of Philadelphia aaa BBJMo transit systems, and ITres...
...General Motors Yields Paltry Share to Workers Out of its stupendous profits the General Motors Corp...
...Far one or another of such reasons, group insurance, mutual benefit asaaciatliaa, plant lunch rooms, industrial pensions, dispensaries, clinics and hospitals, foremen training courses and other educational classes, athletic programs, employee housing and stores do not easily lend themselves to operation by the small manufacturing unit...
...no one appeared for the Mittens or for Mahon, despite invitations of the Labor College...
...Little Under of Labour Heads Philadelphia Collage Con fere nee Finds Mahon Agreement Results Un- satisfactory ^^en^^^pany^ta^ns and^^M fide unions wna subjected to critical analysis and rejectedf as a program at tbe 3-day, IliaTgaini i "rji Labor College af Paaa~ deJphta...
...Not all varieties af industrial relations activity, are practicable In small plants," the board says...
...The last financial report of the company shows improved earnings...
...It has been at this Job for two years...
...aaaaatlia aaerotory ¦¦uartaj...
...of eeuraa, that the worker may not Jeto a trade union or go on strike, ¦ eaeapt wtth the permtoaon of tha emptoyar...
...Non-union New Orleans cigarmakers are working for it per thousand cigars and are starring...
...Tha gaSbartag will ba open to the public...
...The union men who are ta the minority have come to the union for advice and assistance...
...Boeeovaet Wants Ta Oa alow...
...although they ham redded and labored la the atoto tha requisite number of yean have not become ettawnc are barred out...
...The union paper has Installed a 32-page Hoe press and has adopted a new type dress.' The Albany printers have learned that booking' Frank X. Dennett, owner of a chain of newspapers across New York atata...
...Including two Albany rat papers, is George gashTian...
...8—because the union must imitate the company union in "delivering tha goods" for the Mittens, it win become a company union...
...of Indianapolis after they were econuraged to start payments on homes have discovered...
...i Newspaper men who have been speculating on the source of Gannett'* money find the Eastman explanation plausible...
...a* tba ecsactoaton of tba two-day aaaston, prvawswd a report that avoid ba aa "tyeaaaaaav* iMh WWobu, oo-ebalrwian of the SoctoSat public affairs anrnmltteo, conferred with tha Wimiltlw on Friday afternoon hi fha Unread Ohartttaa Building...
...Last month the Real Silk Mills summarily discharged tbe men, evidently to replace them by cheaper female help...
...Tar Drove 24,000 American Soldiers Insane, Senator Says Washington—(PP)—American soldiers to the number of 24,400, sent overrseas ta good physical and mental condition during the world war, came back insane, Sen...
...I. The union agrees not to combat a company union...
...Seetol Wertare are Hamrt...
...POVERTY FORCES UNION TO WITHDRAW New Orleans—Owing to decreased membership and lack of funds Stationary Engineers Local 228 is withdrawing from tbe New Orleans Central Trades to Labor Council...
...In other words, the union becomes the personnel agency for the company...
...W. S Mah»n of the street Railwaymen's VMotuhiS entered into a contract protecting...
...The whole force In this mill is on edge and a deplorable lack of confidence exists...
...Citimen" Union Paper Making Great Inroads on Hearst and Gannett . Sc*i Sbeeu _ — ^ a legj flghgywi locked out mfSbeto of Jpany g> gfcl I 11 Local 4 Ha iitogytr iaB* m« gMo.ooo to mm their fight for union recognition against the auwaMal local papers os^tharB|aiii tmpartan* aa ejtofeoga&yaBaet If sister unions such aa New Tort Typographical 6 which gave taO.600 caBrTght to tbe Albany woe alaaiii ami., to gjanatoJ lagag support, tha uatonw toaaa^hjat is tba Albany CO lien...
...Against the Citizen, the competing dmtn nawspapem are waging a 1 ~i1rarndjr) Jftif >) JT tBL the reaoiaees of Hppt aanphBhA mm Overcome...
...C. H. Johnson and auunhsra of » kdMn —Mm which baa Dean tailNHHi af Mk aid to tha aged hMl a char Mi Tba National Ctvto radar aJton, which baa interested itself ta fighttag a state pension system, dU net nceapt an inrttaoon to aaod a raprewntagf*n> Scaee of the laadlag aoaiaJ workan while others saade lukewarm gaeturea of cuppers...
...During two rather fulsome dlsopureae on various minor features of old age dependency, the above was all Mr...
...To counteract these and other basic objections raised by Budlsh...
...Man who hare daaartad thetr wires are barred out...
...Knitters Stung By Employee Stock Ownership PATERSON, N. J—(FP)—Glories of employe stock ownership as painted by the Pensylvania R. R., U. 8. Steel, General Motors and American Telephone as Telegraph, are not visible to full fashioned hosiery workers, as the result of their experiences ta Peterson, Reading, Providence and other cities...
...Bailey Buirttt, general director of the Asaodatton for Improving the Oondlttona of tha Toot, made a strakjht-forward and kMdeal appeal for old age pensions...
...To bar people who come under the above oleoma win not settle the problem of old age.'' Mr...
...Man or women who...
...Andrews urged that tba niaiiailttaa be "practtoaT and get soma form -of old age leglalaUon enacted into law...
...A union made cigar is a rarity in " "gar...
...and the "father" of tbe old aga pension moremant, won the admiration of the committee and the others praeant by mm need tor a state oMsMr^peetaon eastern, X hf...
...16-page standard sise union-owned dally newspaper...
...9—unions ta the past have been established through fighting, through sacrifice and hardship...
...Polks devoted to old age pension...
...The company union merely gave letters of recommendation to the discharged men and promises of help ta finding jobs...
...ha1conf aswnce took no action, but sentiment against the Mltten-atAhoB agjfijeBgsnt was nearly unanimous...
...The cajtotn goaf tato^ahiatority of ah.icityh rtiOOO hotoes...
...W. O. Kitchens, Arkaaaaa, a renewal and 4 new Mm...
...Polks' seeming indifference, waa the attitude of the Catholic ChartBaa, whose representative spoke ta favor of state aid for the aged...
...Budlsh criticlsed the agreement on these grounds: Makes Nine Paints...
...6—the agreement covers workers whose identity is as yet unknown, who had no part ta framing its provisions, contrary to all democratic procedure...
...Old Age Pension, To the Fore in New Work State Committee Friendly "WmUmmm Vrtn ErtabHil-* wt CmmmJhmtwrj imc Fund fprtrin Makra TrlHnf Paints in FnTirr CM AC* aeenttty and Including the public •Skin miMiBimi of the g»miwiwi ¦¦d tapreeenaatrrae af a aoakr af Watfare fprtwato chart*/) iftaeta, made sentag aiiiimenla in favor of enactment of favorable lagatiattoa ta New Tort atata as coatfaraaoss beVI last iMk In New Tot* <»r with MM rvunmleiinriar of Charities Sr...
...the ioclatlrt trait unions, the •jlgiaa gorasimaat h A starting, tc draft a modern aodal Insurance taw...
...On the other hand, financial incentive plans, bonuses far length of service, attendance or punctuality or quality of work, and profit sharing plans are being successfully applied in small establishments...
...These undertakings have been heralded as Indicative of the beneficence of American capitalism...
...lvfltor J. M. Budtsh of tha Bjaadgwar Worker dissected the agreement...
...It it difficult to know what can be done for them...
...John B. iadriwa, head of tta^ to*taJ»'to»e*"wtth Mr...
...Some of the men were given carfare back to their home towns, a move to get them out of Indianapolis to lessen the scandal...
...OLD AGE PENSION CONFERENCE ON WEDNESDAY Representatives of more than 80 organisations hrtoreatsd in furthering legislation for old aga pensions in New York State wm gather Wednesday evening...
...win pay back t3,lM,0O0 ta cash and 147.115 shares of new common stock to 12,033 of its 200,000 employes, who in 1931 put savings Into Its savings and hires Uncut fond...
...In aome cases financial or other difficulties in operating industrial relations plans ordinarily not adapted to small plants are overcome by the joint operation of such programs by several small establishments...
...SILK FIRM FIZZLES OUT TndlanapoHs— fPP > —Company unions and welfare wort are no substitute for genuine labor organizations, a hundred skilled knitters fired by the Real Silk Hosiery Co...
...Profits of this giant company were $340.6M,61S for the first nine months of 1928...
...3—if the union fails to measure up to tbe company union In delivering satisfaction to the Mittens, the contract is to be abrogated...
...Purdy's silence and Mr...
...He kicked out the Metal Polishers and other unions from his plants and instituted a company union...
...2—the "standards of economic excellence" maintained by the Philadelphia company union Is to be the standard for the legitimate union on the lines to be acquired...
...7—the union gives up its only function— that of protecting: the workers—in agreeing not to unionize the present company unionised employes of Mitten ta Philadelphia and Buffalo...
...They are switchtag over to the Cltlsen, whose advertising is aaucited by the locked out union printers...
...Profits Are Enhanced...
...to aaaka of oartata of tba seven Mile on the subject now introduced up at Albany...
...A group of our members were asked to become stockholders...
...PP) — After agitation uajtog snore jhan forty years, an the pdrt of...
...Press agents for "the new capitalism" who have envisaged this "welfare" development as constituting a new Industrial to a distinction all its own, thus receive revolution entitling American capitalism a rude shock...
...Within tha past few years Gannett has put more than !}0,000ooo into buying out newspapers at fancy prices...
...antra, moot of which make M years of the riml litaj of aid...
...Ob tba whole, however, tha advoeataa at a atoto penelon ajitani carried thsawsataan, TfiaTrn of thi nnaiailttia...
...Ha urged the committee to disregard epithets of "Socialism" and "mdleaUem" that might be hurled at the movement to aid tha aged through state funds...
...Tha net result ia likely to.be a favorable report by tba committee, followed by unfavorable action by the legislature...
...As opposed to thaws "welfare" schemes, state Insurance against accidents, sickness and old age are urged, The National Industrial Conference Board's statement that group insurance, pensions, etc., are Impractical for 47 pat' cent of tha industrial workers ^frmp one of the fondest arguments advanced bp tbe National Civic Federation and hka...
...Waldman, do you think this commlttee ought to go to Germany and Prance and study their old age pension systems," one of the aaaamhtyman auggaatad...
...Well promlae you a report that win be an eye-opener, if you win all write up to tha Governor and tell them about this...
...they could be enabled to contribute something to the upkeep of the home...
...Homer Folks, chairman of the executive committee of the Welfare Council of New Tort City, went as far*«* to say that the dislike of aged per*ceuf*of uvtng off their children "might be mitigated if, through aome system of old age penatona...
...Xatorruptton to emftwm fha beiiaflto of tha plana, Tbla maana abaa tba wortar muat not Incur tba It miaiii...
...These plants total 96 S per cent of all manufacturing establishments, but employ only about 47 per cent of tbe total number of wage earners engaged ta manufacture...
...Lawson Purdy, secretary of the Charity orgaiimatton Society, maintained a dhnwiBiiUng alienee during both aaastona of the ooaf arenoa, though be was a number of thnaa Invited to present his views...
...Wnldman rug l ¦'rt a eontributory aystem might he ertobnahad under whleh an old ago raearam i rand ooold be eraated...
...Tha «t roar aga mul* propoaad oa aarae bete aha old ba amanded to include tha needy egad N yaw old and upward...
...the kodak millionaire...
...What we need la to eseabheb a swstem of state Inauranee, not af atoto charity...
...In pleasing contrast with Mr...
...The boas* has Just i-aiimlatiid a survey of j iaaiinaa>tng eeaaattotenaats emptoyuar lata than 250 workers...
...a leading authority ta the field «t aodal inauranee...
...Only 6% or about one out of every 17 of all the employes will share In this distribution of an amount which is lass than 6% of the corporation's earnings far one year...
...Prasler of North Dakota told the Senate in his speech opposing the cruiser bill...
...discuss plans for continuing ta a vigorous manner the fight for favorable action by she legislature at Albany this term...
...Out of that we have to have a secretary for tba chairman, a secretary for the rfc e chairman and a counsel...
...mnpeaytog interoata might ba made to pay two fifths of tbe sum needed, amino employers pension aabemea In vogae hi soma manufacturing plants were eaifeaagmtomtoa^fflaat tteftw o7ej8 age) to enhance their selfish Interests...
...No one oared tasdeferid It In Its heme alto...
...Because the mim have paid no dividends, many stockholders—most of them union men—claiming that bad management was responsible, unseated the president and manager...
...Unions under the Mltten-Mahon pact are bestowed from above...
...Jwnililjinan Bernhardt revealed ta bis closing remarks aome other problems that have been pressing on bis mind...
...4—the company is to pay the real union $1 a month per member for sick, death and other benefits...
...The "plan was criticized energetically by Pres...
...For tnatanoa ban are prortdoaa that anybody who ahafi have aw led a priaon hum of tour montbe or more ahali not racelTe aid...
...His most recent buy, the Brooklyn Eagle, puts him into the heart of New York City...
...In eto**»> ers' research organisation Whh head<ju»rtors to New York City...
...The small establishment may not have the reajutred financial resources to put a given plan into operation, the necessary space or equipment may be lacking, or the personnel snay be too small to permit participation in a prelect designed for large number* of wage earners...
...The wife of one of the victims told ta the press how the management had urged these men to buy their homes and how, as a result of this promise held out by this firm, many of tbe 100 thrown on the street had lost them...
...Belgium To Hare Modem 'JP- *Frl-,!,S-' " BRUSSELS...
...Tha committee waa originally created to Investigate conditions in the 63 public ahnahouaae ta tbe state...
...His laboratories have been available to Gannett's inventors on the teletype-setting and photo composing mechanisms...
...dbhgkj Welfare BpKes Impossible For 47% Labor National Industrial Conference Board Finds 'Pa sions" Beyond Means of Small Plants—Employers' Group Insurance No Substitute per cent, of the industrial population, it is adfkittod by the N»a (tonal todaaahal Ctonferane* .Board...
...Waldman" plea for a oanoB-wjctrro and tacluarra policy of aodal taeuranoe...
...Tat tbe nature of the bffla aeem to me to continue the charity attitude...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 4

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