Adams, James T.

Death and Disease Stalk Kentucky and Virginia Miners "Fn*" Makes Fatal Inroads as Coaldiggers Make Hopeless Fight Against Poverty—Unemployment and Low Par Blamed—Organization Work...

...A message waa dispatched to the company, to which he had given several years of his Ufa, asking that they arrange* for the burial of the young man...
...1, at 635 Fulton street, Boom 218, Cutters Headquarters...
...The complaint that members do not attend meetings, that the old fire and enthusiasm are gone is common, and by no means only in radical circles...
...Why It the evidence of four or fire people to be accepted loo par cent, though proven false in a number of instances, while no testimony from loyal Brookwood graduates is to be admitted, or such evidence, if admitted, is to be dismissed in the airy fashion which President Oreen quotes la bis pamphlet...
...The situation In Minneapolis, which has brought about the Indictment of several Minneapolis aldermen on charges of accepting bribes from th* "American-La France" company, 1* being compared with the situation In New York City...
...Helen Everett MatkelJohn, Professor Broad us Mitchell, Ruth Morgan...
...They engaged in aggressive effort* to organise the workers in the basic industries, as witness the historic packing house and steel campaigns...
...Nothing but trouble has attended the purchase of the scab engine...
...Princess Alexandra Kropotkin la the daughter of the worldfamous revolutionist, philosopher and scientist, Prince Peter Kropotkin...
...Wnv Ltberson, Antloch College...
...Support a broad workers' education movement, based on progressive concepts...
...Death and Disease Stalk Kentucky and Virginia Miners "Fn*" Makes Fatal Inroads as Coaldiggers Make Hopeless Fight Against Poverty—Unemployment and Low Par Blamed—Organization Work Difficult By James T. Adams WITH the coming of this winter another wave of "Coolidfe rrosjWrttJT ¦wept down from the north, B»ling moat miaermble the lives of the already miserable coal miners of the Virgin** and KOBtacky fields...
...This list ts> elude* th* following man and women sya> pathetic to the labor movement: Norman Thomas, Harry Ward, L hoillassworth Wood, Anna Strunsky Waftin*, Wilbur K. Thomas, Prof, Jobs Dewey, Columbia University, Prof...
...Rand School and the Jewish Dally Forward, 175 Eaat Broadway...
...Edlti Houghton Hooker, Dr...
...All through the past summer—and conditions were then above the average—I traveled through the coalfields...
...shaped to fit snugly into a place of the ^<n-hm» that grinds on, with groans and shrieks, to the clink of silver and the ring of gold, falling in the already overflowing...
...While I made no attempt to take an Inventory of their larders, nor take a peep into then- kitchens, yet X have seen hundreds of tittle children greedily gnawing, not the leg of a chicken, bat, a piece of stale com bread...
...Referring to the action of the Executive Council of the federation last summer la relation to the college, Mr...
...It was not delivered on the specified date...
...Plants not closed down are working only one and two days a week...
...When a man weakens there is already another waiting to take his place...
...John A. Fitch, New Toft School for Social Work: Prof...
...104 Fifth Ave., New fork City...
...J—THE PARTY AND THE UNIONS Brishl Labor Tahes Conservative's Seed In A By-Election votes to MoT ttovM Kate, a^UatenL sWA flat tsaM fVflBJstef WtMsy •Ply S*tta> In a straight two-party ftgfct mi Urn tost etenttea Sir George Hatchinsea...
...Prominent labor speakers will address the meeting...
...The first, they have been made to believe, will abolish the public schools which, on account of their poverty stricken condition, their children seldom attend...
...Daniel Tobln, president of the teamsters and until recently treasurer of the A. F. of U, recently indicated in a public address that the labor movement was at a lower ebb today than when he first Joined it 20 or more years ago...
...4. Insist that union membership shall not be denied because of race, or political, social, economic or religious views or affiliations...
...In underground haul-tag of coal cars, the percentage also rose...
...They dominated or at least exercised important power in many city central bodies and state federations, and in international unions such as those of the needle trades, the miners machinists and others...
...The princess knows Russia and its present rulers from personal contact and her aide of* the argument will be given from such a point of view...
...If Samuel Oompen's picture was draped In red...
...Clarke, IMS* rates to t»i73 in this laaMJtaiaiiay Thomas - Kropotkin Debate Raising Interest Will Be Held Feb...
...Prof, psul P. Brlsaeaden...
...Mary E McDowell...
...In Minneapolis and New York City the machinists' union have struck snags...
...The machinists union, particularly ta Elmira, la beginning to wonder about the much Taunted "friendship" Of Tammany for the trade anions...
...This is one reason why the miner is suspicious of people who come Into the coalfields with the intention of affecting an organisation...
...Psychologically, a Communist professor is Just as unfitted to teach students economics and concern lag trade "ntrtTH«n as an atheistic professor is to teach theology...
...William P. Ogburn, University of Chicago, Prof...
...Develop a labor party based on organization of Industrial workers...
...eternal roasting on the coals of hell their doom...
...Why did none of the spokesmen of the recent A. F. of L. convention hint of the existence of the** letters from loyal trade unionists, but quote from four or five disgruntled graduates of Brookwood...
...Oreen eald that during a celebration at the college on May I, last, of International Labor Day, the late President oomperss picture was draped la red aad placed in a group of those of Lenin, Marx, Trotsky, Debs and Rose Luxemburg...
...A union of the miners in this field, once a hope, is now, to the average worker, farther removed than heaven...
...The Labor Bureau...
...Not only are towns and district* controlled by the coal operators...
...It was to do him honor as a militant leader of the workers in their struggle for freedom...
...S. Ressler...
...Isolated, and with no intercourse with any other class of working people, the coal miner of the Southern Appalachians is almost a race unto himself...
...After this "rampage" the engine was repaired sad it was thought to be fit for service again...
...Tickets are on sale at Party Office, room 800, 7 K 15th street, City...
...All shoe v.orkers welcome...
...College of City of New York: Prof...
...A program of 18 points, headed by a call for the nnWi1r*,T of the "masses of unskilled and semi-skilled in the basic industries into Industrial unions" la suggested a* a common platform for unionists...
...Died with the flu" Is the verdict of the company physician, while the poor, heartbroken mother, kneeling at the side of her baby's cheap coffin, knows, but is afraid to toll, that it died from exposure and for want of proper nourishment...
...Jack Mandel, Max Scharago, Morris Ungar, Joe stelnhaus, Joe Porten, John Manselberg, Max Bchreiber...
...national labor mega Tina The challenge is based on a survey of trade unionism which shows that the "militant labor jaugiesstvtem" which characterized unlmrtsm several years ago has "ceased to exist as a movement...
...Lehman Again Heads Waiters Union in N. Y. William Lehman, for many years the moving ?pirit in Walters Union, Local 1, New York City, has been returned to the position of Secretary-Treasurer a* a result of an "lection Just ended...
...Oreen appears to open the way to a rehearing for Brookwood aad w* hops that it will lead to this action...
...Harry Overstreet...
...In short he has been moulded to suit the whim of bis master...
...A week later he died without any medical attention...
...Leaks and otter mechanical ailments developed and last weak it was standing to Its station, unable to put out even th* fire it had started in local politics...
...On Christmas day he was stricken with flu...
...John D. Satoowlta, labor chief...
...Eighth ward alderman, and Frank S. Oiebanhaln, Tenth ward, are charged with accepting $500 each as their share of the 11,500 "pot" which was "cut up" by th* LaFranc* representative to Insure tin awarding of th* engine contract to his company...
...Ta* above statement by Mr...
...Many Bisectors Listed Th* above list of names is followed to another list which a described as "Idaeaten and Publicists 15ndorsers of Brookwood Appeal tor Funds...
...Advocate recognition of Soviet Russia by the United States and oppose imperialist designs against Russia...
...Thus far th* Mew York Central Trades and Labor Council has taken no steps to fight the use of the open-shop-manufactured engines, though cooperation with the machinists by other labor bodies has been notable...
...Jesse H. Holmes, Donald R. Hooker...
...A May Day laeMsat Brookwood College, he asserted Was more hostile to the trad* union movement than previously reported...
...Robert Mora Lovett, The New Republic...
...insular saw aad an taherMad pre|BdJ08Bess Hffl haw* to be battled every step of the war...
...Breeding for type In laboring men has been practiced in this region after the manner of a farmer improving his herd...
...pitiful beyond description...
...But Who la to be found that will undertake such a thankless task...
...whole counties run at their beck or can...
...Other officers elected were Jack Lasher, president...
...P. Ernest Johnson, Federated OounaU of Churches of Christ in America...
...If they should once do so...
...15th On Friday evening, Feb...
...Paul H. Douglas, Chicago University...
...International Alliance...
...It would take years, at least, to educate them to where they would willingly walk out on the world's stage and make public declaration et their rights as men and women...
...He has been an active member of his union for 37 years...
...For several years a man had labored In the mines of a big corporation operating In Bast Kentucky...
...The labor movement suffers morally and spiritually, and not only in loss of membership here and there...
...Lehman received 917 votes as against 748 for Louis Rubtnfleld, his only opponent...
...The great trouble lies in their honest convictions that they are enjoying to the fullest that which Nature intended for tn.pi in this contention they are backed up by their masters...
...1. Organize the masses of unskilled and semiskilled...
...and it will be a gigantic task to change the minds of such a peep**, supers UOac...
...EUen Hayes, Arthur Oarfteid Hays...
...News of his presence reached the "Old Man," aa the superintendent is called by the miners, aad he waa found the next morning, half dead, bleeding from a docen wounds, eighteen miles from the operation where he had been foroeabry transported by the corporation-controlled officers of the law...
...coffers of the corporations...
...He knows little, and cares leas, about the outside world...
...Max Recfat and Charles Newman, delegates to the Central Trades and Labor Council...
...For death is abroad in the coalfields of the Cumberland* today... a moment of bravado, their fate would be forever sealed...
...They pictured an honest, ignorant, religious, hard-swearing man...
...Tragedy wings like a bird of prey, over the miners homes...
...Brook wood Hostile to Labor, Says Green Musts Defends Loyalty if His Graduates A. F. of L. President Suggests Grilles Get College To Change Its Educational Policy Org a Hew Iin i it Oorrespendeat) ^ president of the American Federation of Labor, issued a statement Oris week regardlng Brookwood Labor College...
...SSrHfe-" trTtoan ffrtsyaf^T...
...There was no procession...
...A few years ago a young union man came into this region...
...Columbia University...
...The crew of Morrison-Stiver will hold another meeting of shoe workers of Greater New York on Friday evening, Peb...
...There is Just a* much harmony," Mr...
...In seven months I visited fully fifty percent of the homes in the coalfields of the Cumberland country...
...Electricity added to mine terrors...
...Stuart Chase, The Labor Bureau...
...Elisabeth Oilman, Sarsk W. HallowaU...
...Why has President Oreen never quoted from the letters of these persons, who are on bis own admission loyal members of the A. P. of L.T" asked Mr...
...The firemen's union...
...Community Church, Labor Temple, and avenue and 14th street...
...As long aa he is able to "breast an auger" or "turn a shovel'' he is tolerated, but let him once fail to "come with his end" and he must look for another habitation...
...They explored the possibilities of independent political action for labor... Missionaries are ¦seeded in this region...
...At midnight the bereaved mother's wail* mingle with the winter winds that growl around the houses and plays a mournful funeral dirge in the eaves...
...He declared that the college waa hostile to trade TMoniaa ~as« andawarrasg of aw supper* of trade union...
...the second will take away the money from their lords and with It their Jobs...
...they are the ones that are departing treat the fundamentals of a ™nt*-it trad* unionism.*4 Letter Asks Financial Alt Brookwood labor College has Just kaaat a letter which is being malted to frlSBsa aad prospective friends throughout ta country asking tor Baaacial ate far ta* school...
...S. Xncourage cooperative enterprises...
...If, they argue, the county authorities treat them so roughly they must not be very worthy folks...
...She is a very fine lecturer, aa eloquent speaker aad tvexybody can expect a treat...
...7. Campaign for social insurance...
...Prof, Lerey Bowman, Columbia University...
...In his statement Mr...
...trustees, Benny Thier...
...Thousands of men have been thrown oat of work and are today wandering from place to place seeking soma sort of employ meat that will provide the bare necessities of Ufa...
...aarsy we siajimt that, instead of deOBdmg the present aad immediate oast adni|natra<liiii of Brookwood Collage, they admit the facta aadrtNab......< that Mat iJuttJfaml aad adHMattattv* asBey •* Brookwood be changed to that Itt may reaJaa)ealettog scoooBna tad industrial facts aad so that it may become strvlciaabat ta ta* field of true workers' Th* isriiinrslilp of the American Federation of Labor will not support Brookwood OoBsge, either ftnanctoily or morally, so long as it keeps repeating the commission of acta unfriendly toward the organised labor movement of America as are revested la the iamfiry conducted by the executive council of the American Federation of Labor...
...N. Y.,—Replying to PreslA'dent William Oreen "s attack on Brookwood College this weak, A. J. Masts, deaa of the labor school, declare* that most Brookwood students have emerged from the institution with loyalty to the American Federation of Labor, enhanced and unquestioned...
...Many unions such at the *Tnsrkat Federation of Tsaehsrs sad th* liulkei hood of Railway Clerk*," th* stotoaato continues, "have already T^frnl task coaadaio* ta what we hate done aad fey to do...
...He waa first elected secretary-treasurer of Local iNn 1918...
...The "argument" be used to "convince" the majority of the fire committee was effective and three of the fire committee members voted to award the contract to the LaFranc* firm...
...Sometimes' a motor can be repaired for leas than the price of a new one, but not so with men...
...Whether consciously and deliberately or not, the trade unions seem to rest to an Increasing extent with organising small sections of the skilled workera, a sort of 'aristocracy of labor,' and leaving tfcs great masses in basic industries to the company unions and the open, shoppers.** Proposes 18 Points A program is sketched under 16 potato...
...In nearly every case be is laboring under the very hUls upon which he was bom...
...which was addressed by I. Lafierman...
...Princess Alexander Kropotkin aad Norman Thomas will debate on the recognition of soviet Russia by the United States...
...Motel ¦Turkel, J. Silbersteta, and M. Orgel, business agents...
...nothing less than revolultlon or death could shake him loose...
...A disabled man Is a "loafer" in the coalfield* and treated a* such by police officers...
...Bitten "Spilled Beans" Louis Bitten, chamber of commarca man and former First ward alderman who turned state's evidence and then resigned from the city council, is said to hare oonf eased that he also received loM of the LaPranoe company'* money...
...a Cuu* swathe, what dfed afterward, defeated Mr...
...Th* fire engine, oa its first trip througr Minneapolis streets became uncontrollable and sent two automobUee to the Junk pile and their occupants to the hospital and may now send some of the aldermen to the penitentiary...
...John Haynes Holmes, Bishop Francis J. MoOonneU, Rabbi Stephen 8. Wise, B. L. HuetocSt, Paul Jones, A. L Kaplan, Florence Keller OaroBat La M on toe...
...Jacob Miller...
...5. Fight for the right of a minority or opposition to exist in the movement...
...Of Is***?, aaaoratty speaking, wcuMWUhbtjt ftoastotal support from BrootrsaaS *?^erlUaal SBO^StoLa^ika exLabor ilnln to reader a real service to tji m* ¦uaaam...
...All N. Y. Shoe Workers Called to Meeting On Friday, Feb...
...WUlard E Atkins, New York City: San Bsrnhslm, Th* Labor Bureau...
...We admit that the activities and policies of the A. P. of L. are analysed and criticised at Brookwood, as are activities aad policies of other organisations and institutions of the labor movement,'' added Mr...
...The Morrison and Silver crew held a mass meeting on Friday evening, Jan...
...Excerpts from the statement follow: "Seven or eight years ago there were militant, progressive elements in the American labor movement that bad to be reckoned with... doing...
...Sam A. Lewuobn...
...Adolf Wollberg...
...Ethel Paine Moors, Prof... mourners following In closed cars...
...Timothy Ht*J», Rose Schnatderman, Charles L. Read sal otasr...
...the parents were dead...
...Y„ have been on strike for more than six months against the AmsViban-La France & Foamlte Corporations, have been waging a fairly successful campaign against the purchase of non-union-made fire engines by the cities of the nation...
...Oreen ¦aid: "The executive council of the American Federation of Labor did that which it had a perfect aad aaajaaaaoaed right to do when It officially advised affiliated organizations to withhold financial support from Brook wood College, It would have beta derelict la its duty if it had failed to do so when it was convinced that such action waa both justifiable aad necessary...
...Deaa Must* sissi led that President Oreen has hi his possession many letters from Brookwood graduate* stating this to be th* ease...
...W* issue the statement primarily to arouse discussion...
...Accompanying this letter a * list of "Labor Endorsers of Brookwssf Appeal for Funds" which include th* fsW lowing men aad women: jsme* H. Mmr> ar, Paania X. Oohn, Phil a Zteglsr, assart Pachner, Abraham Lafkowita, Hear) Linvfila, Gustav Oeige...
...delegates to local Joint executive board, 8m, Friedman, Hymen Conn and Hairy SchweUer...
...1st The Morrison-Sliver crew are now in the 15th week of a lock-out fighting for Union conditions and against a Reduction of Wages, amounting to 40vc, asked by the firm...
...He has been trained like a vine to clutch at the place that he now holds...
...Barry Elmer Barnes, Smith College: Prof...
...Too sassy at the leaders of #Je A. P. of L. tolerate sag snosagage thus toodencles...
...The toll of lives lost in explosions doubled In the 13-month period...
...The International Association of Fire Fighters, at a convention to Milwaukee went on record urging municipalities to the United States and Canada to refuse to purchase any of the scab engines Two of the three Minneapolis aldermen who, as members of the city council's fire department committee...
...California, found three subscribers who wanted to renew...
...Morris R. Cohen, College of City of Me* York...
...And while these Jobless miners arc stumbling along through snow and slush, halfshod, then* wives and their broods of children are huddled around cheap, cracked stoves...
...Norman Thomas will take the affirmative while Princess Kropotkin will uphold the negative...
...President Oreen makes out that we are Red aad at the same the* that we meant to insult th* late Samuel Oompers by draping his picture m red along with those of Marx, Lenin and Debs," said Mr...
...Conditions In the non-union coal-field* of Virginia and Kentucky are serious...
...Adolf Diamond and Max Ptttkowiky, delegates to the United Hebrew Trades...
...Oompers," he asserted... and women who will educate a people to claim their rights...
...Criticism favorable or unfavorable, information to shed light on the problems touched on, and discussion in various groups are asked for...
...Labor Age" Rallies Union Progressive Publication Suggests 16* point Program to Awaken Progressivism in the Labor Movement "TJONEST, militant, pcoareaatve ejectments'' in the American labor movement are challenged to "ckatlfy their thinking, define then- purposes, and argaasto their efforts,* to a leading edltorlal article in the February "Labor Age...
...He talked organisation to a tew of the leading miners...
...Against a death rate of 3.73 per million tons mined in 1937, last year's record shows 3 88...
...and as to their thinking for themselves outside the "lids of the bible," it is not to be even considered...
...3. Expose and fight National Civic Federation influence in the labor movement...
...Today this militant labor progressivism ha* ceased to exist as a movement, as an effective Influence in the American scene...
...Then it developed other ills...
...Oeorge Soak...
...Obviously, he cannot have it both ways...
...Fred* Kites* wey, Editor, The Nation...
...15 at the Community Church, Park avenue and 84 th street...
...Work to make the American labor movement xntl-lmpe flails tic and anti-mill tarlstlc In its spirit and activities...
...A few days before last Christmas he crossed the mountain, with his charges, to spend the holidays with a widowed aunt...
...Oreen continued, "between trad* unionism, as interpreted by th* American Federation of Labor, and the principles and philosophy expounded by th* communistic professors at Brookwood as there is between atheism and theology a* interpreted by th* churches...
...a e like a motor, a man is used in the ebal mines until something breaks and then be la consigned to the Junk heap...
...Before that he had served aa business agent and president...
...Brookwood Head Says Students Have Given Proof of Lovaltr far a Hew toedsr Oomsseadsat) T£ ATONAH...
...And they had him correctly portrayed...
...A. Simontachl...
...Work out effective methods of collective bargaining and of union control, without sacrificing the union's independence...
...Amy Iterm, Mount Holyok* College...
...Incidentally, if all trades unionists who ever draped Samuel Oompers's picture in red are to be oast out of the A. P. of L„ the Executive Council wU have to issue a wholesale expulsion edict against the Socialist unions which they are now helping to their fight against Communist tactics...
...nothing but an oil tank hitched on to the end of the truck so as to make one trip answer for two for the truckman...
...Unskilled, his meager wages were required to support his smaller brother and baby sister...
...Out to the Potters Field it wound tta way—the end of another coal miner...
...Tammany Administration Places Big Order With Scab Fire Engine Company Open Shop "American-La France" Corporation Accused of Bribing Three Minneapolis Aldermen npHE International Association of Maehmists whose members In Elmira, ft...
...Sees Cnerganbiea Ignore* Workers are asked to comment on the statement in letters addressed to Labor Age...
...Explosions Double Toll Of Miners Lives in 1928 Loss of union protection in the Pennsylvania and Ohio coal district* by th* United Mine Workers resulted in 1928 in an increase of the death rate in underground workings...
...Oeorge A. Coo, Teachers College...
...aergeaat-aterms, Sam SpielvogeL Lehman is a vice-president of the Hotel and Restaurant...
...Norman Thomas of course does not need any introduction...
...manager of the Suit Case, Bag-Portfolio Makers Union and Louis Quintillano, of II Martolle...
...When it became known that the Minneapolis fire department was to aeed of another fire engine, a committee representing the Minneapolis Central Labor Union and the local organisations of the International Association of Machinists appeared before th* city council'* fire department committee aad explained that the LaPraaoe company waa unfair to organised labor...
...the coal miner that is slaving in their pits today...
...Muste, "but at for the result* of our procedure, we have pointed confidently to tat record of our graduates at the service of the labor movement...
...Cold weather and the flu epidemic brought new suffering to the coalfields Today sorrow and death, like two dreadful monsters, are stalking side by side up and down the dirty streets of the mining towns...
...The fact of the matter is that Brookwood la attacked because we are truer to the fundamentals of American trad* untoaism than those elements in the labor movement today which are under the lnfloaana of the Nattoaal Crete F**Ws*JM which make agreement* like UkVaotosk3 tortous open-shoppers as President UtSm with whom at this very moeaenTuTaW rator operators* Ufiton, Oat Tntsi laaOa^alu phi* Central Labor Union and the^0Mg| "We erlttoaM these tendencies, we teeth our Students to fight them...
...According to the Indictment* returned by th* grand Jury, J. R. Sheffield...
...Walker Knew Fact* Both Mayor James J. Walker, Who often professes an unbounded love for the laboring man, and Fire Commissioner James J. Dorman, of New York City, were toformed of the facts of the situation but nevertheless found it possible to place large orders with the "American-La Prance" corporation...
...Green called attention to the protases mad* against she Psdsrittorft aetata by the edBors of aatne rahgtoos aad astral publtostaon* and by certain educators...
...Benny Oottesmea, assistant treasurer...
...Hubert C. Barring, Prof...
...The Schenectady, N. Y., trade* assembly has been one of these bodies and as a result of Its action proposed purchase by the city of an "American-La France" engine has been held up...
...members of the executive board...
...Among the latter was John Dewey of Coanabia University...
...When a did come, it "ran amuck" on Its trial trip, and to spite of all the factory demonstrator could do to steer It oa it* course, It smashed up two cars and seriously injured the people riding to .than...
...Trade unionist* resent with all the vlgor-they possess this unwarranted aad perverted us* of a portrait, the nam* aad standing of Mr...
...A "Cravtaemg Argument" Donald Oreen, general representative of the La France firm, was also on the Job...
...M C Otto, Margaret Pollltser, Oeorge K Rstwer, Nevin Sayra, Prof...
...1. Appeal primarily to workers Instead of employers in organizing efforts...
...K. Hart, University ef Wisconsin, prof...
...Alexander M. Bt&t, Helena 8. Dudley, Elisabeth O. Evans, Helen H. Flncke...
...Tears ago when the mines were first opened the operators looking into the future visloned...
...Adams Brown...
...Every trace of liberalism has long ago been bred out of these working people...
...Socialism and Free Thought are the three things forever held before the scared faces of the miners...
...It ts weB enough to talk about the unprecedented prosperity of the coal miners, but if you want to know the truth of the matter drop Into the average miner's home along about meal time and take a look at his bill of fare...
...Th* other member of the trio ha* gained immunity by confessing his part to aTto bribery transaction...
...8. Fight injunctions and yellow dog contracts...
...Lying, as he had died for two days huddled up in a ragged bed, he waa finally crammed Into a coffin several inches too short for him and loaded on to an old Ford truck...
...The crew Is 100% solid and intends to fight until victory Is assured...
...Union Theological Imm ary...
...9. Emphasize labor's goal as a social order controlled by workers...
...Oreen said that -irrefutable evidence had bean found that the council's charges were far short of the real conditions at the Mnstttutton...
...The editorial article asserts that "we believe we are giving expression to what is In the minds of many men and women in our labor movement today...
...Th* atatetMBt is being —at out thjgagh Mae Feasts ileal aad TPaTaucMr aervio...
...Word came back that the company owed him nothing and therefore had no concern about his funeral and burial...
...Ignored the protests of organised labor and voted to purchase a scab-made 814,000 firs engine from the "asaerloaa LaPranoe" corporation, bare been Indicted by th* Hen spin County grand Jury oa charges of accepting bribes distributed by a rwpressntattv* of the ram party...
...Vide D. SouaoW, Max Senior, A. D. Sheffield...
...Henry R. Seager, Columbia Uruvshtitr...
...His long services aa speaker, lecturer, orator, art well known to everybody...
...Be is unlike any other workingman on earth...
...Struggle for the 5-day week, higher wages and better conditions...
...It is known that a representative of the machinists' union now at work to New York City has struck Insuperable snags...
...The committee on arrangements advises all comrades to secure tickets In advance to avoid the laconvenience of waiting on line and also delaying the time for commencing the debate...
...The school explains that a S> sires to broaden its financial basts ta £, elude "a little help from many ssaaa rather than much help from a ttw fcfc dividual* or organisations...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 3

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