The Dance of the Jingoes Wild Talk Endangers the Peace of the World Wb YEARS after the end of a terrible war that affected people of the whole world the two most powerful nam are drifting to a...

...Then what becomes of the peace pact signed a few days before...
...In New York State Louis Waidman...
...There is considerable commerce on the great lakes in which American and Canadian traders and commercial men engage...
...And after that...
...Matthew Woll as Acting Presiflp*a that organization does not appear HE* represented the accepted trade unof this issue...
...Old hideous wounds are now healing...
...Certainly a combination of powers against the victor and another blood bath of humanity...
...The Dance of the Jingoes Wild Talk Endangers the Peace of the World Wb YEARS after the end of a terrible war that affected people of the whole world the two most powerful nam are drifting to a conflict that may repeat that sad ypj...
...We have no settlement to offer regarding the issues ths...
...This performance by a naval officer is unspeakable...
...He therefore can have no objection to a presentation of his own attitude as it has evolved in the past ten years on this and other trade union issues...
...Tbe Executive Council had made an investigation as to the power of tbe Congress passing aa old age pension law...
...Woll's record in relation to this history and it appears than he bears a large share of responsibility for the present plight of the aged veterans of in* dnstry...
...Here old age pensions begin to recede into the background and life Insurance appears to take Its place aa a substitute for social legislation to care for the whole working population aa woiheis become aged...
...OB the issues of naval equipment, freedom of the seas BjtbH1 questions and jingoes are rocking the boat 1 jn gone cases the discussion is intelligent and enlightenjC Is others it is provocative...
...There are no armaments of the two countries to add to commercial rivalry...
...President Oompers was asked about the truth of this statement, and on February 25, 1923, replied la part to Frank E. Herring, chairman of the Old Age Pension Com mission of the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, which was conducting a nationwide campaign to place old age pension laws oa the statute books of the various states: "There Is absolutely no foundation for this (press) statement Tbe American Federation of Labor hi not quietly organizing opposition to old age pensions anywhere...
...In order to give unity to determination of policies...
...Hoover's Ambiguous Disavowal - Last week a similar performance was staged in Congress IflepKsentative Britten of Illinois, chairman of the House QaaBfttee on Naval Affairs...
...It is dangerously like a boy throwiajt firebrand into a barrel of powder...
...The convention of 1908 the Executive Council to have aa old age enslon bill drawn up and Introduced In tbe State and Federal legislatures...
...The people of other nations will also be drawn into the bloody struggle and heaps of dead will pile up to insure the commercial profits of one nation or the other...
...In all cases the companies promised economies that would result in benefit to the consumers...
...Others to be drafted in the same way are the millionaires mentioned...
...executives and prospective executives and directors of corporations whose assets or capital stock amount to $5,000,000 or more...
...Great Britain and the United States disaaa...
...In the meantime old age pension bills that have already been introduced may not have the sopport of trade unions...
...Being controlled by a company that is in turn controlled or otherwise dominated by a certain investment banktog organisation, the eotapapy la not free in choosing the channel through which to obtain the funds for purchasing the supplies and equipment and in choosing the organization that is to carry on the construction work...
...In 1924 under Mr...
...Hie reader will note that in each of these statements, the article by Admiral Fiske and the speeches by Congressman Britten and Senator Borah, American commerce is mentioned as one of the main reasons for the dance of the jingoes...
...But today the profit motive of private corporations is a dangerous factor and yet intelligence is capable of working out some reasonable agreement...
...At tbe Cincinnati convention of tbe American Federation of Labor, the Executive Council made a report on old age pensions...
...Senator McMaster of South Dakota offered an amendment to the cruiser bill which provides for drafting all members of Congress, together with die executives and chief stockholders of big business corporations, and all men worth $5,000,000 or more who are under the age of 55...
...As country against robber raids...
...Good as this idea may be it Is not a substitute for old age Insurance...
...L*e«w*uttv« Cooncfl referred tbe matter to I*"**"** Oempers tor investigation, who eubyP|~ J*>Wt sommarizuig old age pension legisEiS5?** countries...
...its purchasing organization places the orders for supplies and equipment, inspects the purchases, and collects a fee...
...It is necessary that we first decide upon the fundamental issue and make decisions upon related problems harmonise with our general plan of procedure...
...Up at Albany, Governor Franklin Roosevelt has to face this problem...
...The New Leader looks with sympathy upon the efforts of any group to throw some light into these dark corners of utility financing and regulation...
...Or one power may be the victor and impose its terms of peace...
...The story stated that "the American Federation of Labor was quietly organizing opposition to Old Age Pensions aa introduced in the various states...
...r la 1928 Mr...
...The slogan of the utilities is, "We care not who produces the country's electricity, so long ss we can sell it to tbe suckers...
...It Is evident that the benefits of these combinations have gone direct to the holding companies instead of to the consumers...
...Tbe convention endorsed tbe principle of tbe bin introduced hi Congress in 1909 by Wm...
...Now the Committee asks, what about those promises...
...The German people are still laboring under big burdens heaped upon them by the victors but more and more sanity is being employed in the so-called "reparations" problem...
...Henry Moskowitz and former Secretary of State Robert Moses) with an open letter to the Governor asking in its turn for "the rehabilitation of the Public Service Commission in the public esteem by the nonpolitical appointment of men who have demonstrated their willingness to advocate the consumers point of view and who are qualified by experience as experts is ¦setters of regulation or adxainistratlon...
...Then if the war spawns executives and stockholders with total stock or assets of $5,000,000 the new rich should be immediately subjected to the draft The One Way Out The proposal is worthy of the satire of Dean Swift...
...As the Public Committee on Power points out between 1925 and now, tbe Public Service Commission has p...
...The delegates e—en went ont of their way to help their Canadian brothers oa this reform...
...stockholders were required to ride the locomotives...
...The record shows that for years labor men hi conventions have favored provision for aged workers in industry by legislation...
...If the politicians of two countries cannot reach some reasonable solution of the issues millions of humble folk in Great Britain and the United States must die...
...3kiee days before Congressman Britten made his provoaJp» statement Senator Borah added fuel to the flames by spf: "There is no question that presents itself so seraa% to this country today as the policy of utterly disregardafalaeatral rights...
...You must SB bmld not only against Great Britain alone but against ay combination of navies Jhat might be brought together, •jfcf probably to another cataclysm like that of 1914...
...r Ob February 13, 1923, tbe United Press carried a dispatch, signed by its Washington cornafMSstssnV which was given front page publicity throughout the country...
...Woll was Secretary of the Commlttoe on tbe Report of the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. In this capacitjsjbe appeared to have opposed aa Investigation of old age pension systems of Great Britain and Germany by recommending that a resolution to that effect be referred to the Executive Council...
...It cannot however put away tbe footing that an such efforts will be in vain...
...The matter was referred to the Executive Councfl for Investigation upon motion i f Mr...
...Now like a bolt from the blue we learn that the two nations are drifting apart and that the future is ominous with conflict Is it not hideous that men who were thrust into the same trenches to fight together may now be ordered to turn their bayonets against each other...
...We recognize in the world as it is that commerce is international and that in any rational world it will continue so...
...It sansti to a charge that other powers seek to earn,- out a alter expedition against the United States, Of course, the oaJBaon to be drawn from this wretched premise is that •tawt have the greatest armaments in the world to propa...
...Here is **the nickel under the foot...
...Where Are The Economies...
...Big navy Senators sneered but the South Dakota Senator went on to elaborate his proposal...
...On both s^of tbe Atlantic the admirals and generals and statesmen njspjinary politicians are bringing their heavy verbal arjoto action...
...Jingoism cannot...
...Socialist candidate for Governor denounced from every platform the bungling, if not dishonest methods employed by the Public Service Commission...
...Admiral Fiske's statement is the most abominable at Chat has been made...
...ten of the largest stockholders of each such corporation to be drawn in a way to insure that they will be of the appropriate age and fitness...
...There fa) no reason why trade unionists should permit their funds to go to corporations...
...The bitter tries to provide for an aged veterans of industry, including all those who, for one reason or another, are not members of trade unions or farmer organizations...
...A further conclusion slat we are a holy nation and that enormous naval power jtaar bands would be no danger whatever to the peace of fcvorki...
...Tbe Committee oa Resolutions recommends endorsement of tbe principle of old age pensions for tbe poor and needy, who, during their active years as wage earners have contributed to tbe nation's wealth and prosperity, and are no longer able to do so...
...Let us avert the disaster which the jingoes would invite...
...Won moved to refer the matter to the Executive Councfl for Investigation by raising the Issue of "states' rights...
...Samuel Gompers had died in December, 1924, and bis long work In behalf of old age Insurance was no longer available...
...More than twenty years have passed since the agitation began for this important reform...
...Here is a description of the Higher Financing whl-h the Committee quotes in its letter to Gov...
...They have heard from their bosses in the executive offices of the utilities that there will be no great opposition to the State taking over the non-productive end of power, namely the development of electricity at the sources, so long as the utilities keep their firm grasp on tbe distribution to tbe consumers...
...It is madness that invites infinite harm to the forces that are trying to keep the peace of the world...
...Woll's policy: That the Amortcaa Federation of Labor ask the Congress of the United States to make tbe necessary appropriation and to authorize a commission on old age income to stedy the problem and make report...
...Regulation Found Wanting Lines Are Drawn in N. Y. Utilities Battle A LL across the country those who are concerned with the public development of water-power are watching with interest the situation in New York State...
...namely that our system of regulating utilities by commissions has entirely broken down...
...For the time being, the struggle between private corporations and representatives of the consumers centers in New York...
...If the reckless and irresponsible men and journals are permitted to run amuck then there is no hope of keeping the peace and we are certain to drift into the abyss oi war...
...In connection with our general Interest to Canada, we recommend the adoption by the Canadian parliament of an old age pension bill similar to the one now In operation la the mother country, Great Britain...
...Senator Borah's Madness -So here is a threat to outbuild "any combination of •*T that may be effected...
...To a considerable extent, especially where the interests controlling the service organization also control the holding company, this savors of trading with and making a profit out of one...
...Woll has questioned the attitude, beliefs and even loyalty of other trade unionists in the Dewey and Brookwood eases...
...How the National SlmtTm%ion na* °PP°#e<^ °'d age pensB**" he considered later...
...Tbe conservative City Club of New York also is asking the Governor to make an investigation into tbe doings of the Public Service Commission, only their suggestion is that the investigation be made under the broad powers of the Morel and Act Now comes the Public Committee on Power, (on which are such stalwart supporters of Al Smith as Mrs...
...Civilization itself was on the brink of ruin when the struggle was over...
...Even If Congress agrees to create the commission valuable time wSI be lost...
...Its rather fantastic suggestion is that this investigation be made by a non-partisan commission of "best minds...
...None tbe less, the various indictments of tbe present system of regulating tbe utilities indicate the value of tbe persistent Socialist agitation...
...The profits of traders and commercial men are at stake in this controversy...
...AO of which Indicates mat at length conservatives and Smlth-llberala alike are awakening to tbe fact which for years Socialists in and out of New York State have been hammering home...
...The Borah speech is not only'provocative...
...The effect of this proposal Is to postpone government action oa old age pensions...
...No action was taken by that body...
...To reconcile the masses of the Allied nations to the terrible sacrifices they were making in the last war the statesmen solemnly declared that never again would humanity be called upon to endure them...
...a, then I venture the prediction that the last vestige rfte&armament Conference will be wiped out...
...Who knows...
...Now from three conservative sources comes a demand that the Governor make good...
...Instance after instance is cited where executives of the utilities made glib promises of rate reductions, laughing the while up their sleeves at the Public Service Commission...
...Is it not incumbent upon us to inquire •Warthis is to continue to be the policy of Great Britain...
...Under the circumstances, "compromise" can only mean one thing—surrender to the Power Trust Such Republican favorites of the trust aa Knight and Maehold will stand for nothing toss...
...against the daily press which, in some instances, has give approval to such views...
...OLD AGE PENSIONS The National Civic Federation Vs...
...It reminds us of the statement years ago when railroads were fighting the installation of the automatic signals...
...It win be a case of investigators investigating themselves...
...Woil began to advocate what later became tbe Union Labor life Insurance Company...
...That calamity would overwhelm the masses of Great Britain and the United States while the firebrands and those who expect profits out of the struggle would alone be enriched and escape the unspeakable hardships that would come to others...
...The American Federation of Labor b ffce fourth of a series of articles ****r* The New Leader is considering the PBjja» •/ Matthew Woll, v'em president of |*>fcw Federation of Labor, end their mP"** to the po'iries of the American IP saMon movement, VUriCALLY all trade onions agree that ¦gP* ¦ ¦ *rying need for a system of S1^ pensions that will make some pros'* foe aged veterans in industry and since F %e American Federation of Labor has S^Jjitlus humane policy...
...B l—Tke Trade Union Policy Sijjfc" American Federation of Labor has been E*»»altted to state obi age pensions since 199T, g*» foUowtng reaohancos of W. B. WU*oa of ^B** *as adopted: |_J j***r the principle of aa old age pension, and *•* the Executive Council be instructed Us 3Pj**«o«»n»tton of methods by which that end gsttained under our laws, and report the same ||*"* osnventton...
...O la 1928 the convention adopted the reossn mendatkm that the Executive Council had made la line with Mr...
...It has little confidence lr the good faith of Governor Roosevelt in this matter...
...A It is about this time that Mr...
...Shall he make good on the pledges given to the people by spokesmen for bis party during the campaign or snail be give the remaining sources of power within the borders of the State over lathe exploitation of private companies...
...Woll's reply was ambiguous, not a defense of tbe trade union view...
...Senator McMaster proposed that, on the declaration of war, all who were then, or who had within the previous 30 days resigned their seats in Congress, should be immediately drafted for service in the zone of actual fighting...
...TO such a state has come the much vaunted system of regulation which was to save us from the "horrors of public ownership...
...Drifting Toward Destruction Think of what the present drift means...
...Roosevelt: "A certain operating company needs a new generating unit or transmission line and needs funds with whl-h to pay for the facilities...
...Good-bye to Begalatton While afl this hocus-pocus has been i?oing on, the Public Service Commission has been sitting by helpless to raise a finger on behalf of tbe consumer...
...Time and again the Democratic Party orators and Roosevelt among them, have assured the small consumers that no policy of power development which has not their interests at heart shall be put into practice...
...Nevertheless, such statements are (jfcd to die world and they increase the nervous tension 4k subtle fear that the millions who died in the World Hr died in vain...
...How the British Scuttled Our gps/*i» the tide of his article and the theme is that Ameri2. fepresentalives at the Washington Armament Confersgem 1921-22 were outwitted by the British delegates...
...The report of the committee was adopted...
...O In 1909 the Executive Council reported that at its request Congressman W. B. Wilson had prepared a brief and bill secldng to establish an Old Age Home Guard of the United States Army, a scheme to provide old age pensions and yet comply with constitutional requirements...
...Won, who bad by that time become a prominent spokesman for the American Federation of Labor...
...Borah has a vision of vast ^¦ricaa armaments on all the seas of the world, main*fraj at a cost that staggers the imagination...
...But it is known that he has been closeted with some of the outstanding representatives of the Power Trust and he has indicated, aa a result of those conference*, that he win seek some sort of "compromise" with his Republican opponents in the Legislature...
...Woll's leadership tbe Executive Council reported: "We, therefore, deem It advisable that tbe problem of old age pensions be made part of the larger problem of labor Insurance upon which Initial report hi made to this convention...
...For years railroad workers were mutilated and killed although the new system was available for trains...
...And there is no group within either of the two old parties which has courage or intelligence enough to tackle this...
...Cool heads are essential to keep the peace...
...Matthew WoWs Policy 1 In 1916 Mr...
...Won, Chairman of the Committee on Besobxtioaa...
...So the aged workers in industry must waif and wait for • measure of elemental justice that is already realized in most anederai nations...
...But one thing can be done at once by all who recognize the perils that confront us...
...We also ferror •la* National Civic Federation is opposed Mr...
...If indeed an investigation is made, it is bound to be perfunctory because of the political factors involved...
...In the states, too, opponents of the trade unions are likely to oppose old age pension legislation because of the lasttion la favor of a commission to study the proposal, It places na back beyond the period of 1907...
...Oae question inquired about the attitude of the A. F. of L. on federal insurance against old age, sickness, accidents, and unemployment...
...Tbe Committee believed that the Wilson Bill should be introduced In Congress, "so that from this direct effort action will be secured, either as set forth In the bin under consideration or from some other practical measure growing out from its discussion...
...Here we wish J3r* development of the trade union JJjJJ*1 'avor of such legislation and the jEjj* mnuence which has evidently obH1* effective work for it...
...He on to imply that because "we" are the "richest nation j, to world" it tempts other nations "to ask themselves tf farcsnnot, by guile or force (or by guile and force) get sac of Ac money that they think we are making...
...Profits for the utilities accrue from high rates to small consumers, okayed by pliant Commissions, mergers and tbe fancy financing which is involved in every utility merger...
...Under these circumstances it is customary for the" controlling service organization to provide the various services to the operating companies of the group...
...We cite Mr...
...The United States and Great Britain were the two leading powers in determining the settlement that was made...
...H In 1928 the subject of old age pensions did • not come up hi tbe American Federation of Labor convention at all...
...It was a Congressman, wc believe, who declared that the railroads would be equippe...
...Within two weeks that drift has become so rapid 5plfjt$ die fighters for peace with apprehension...
...It is true that on the high seas the problems are more complex and that they are rooted in old issues and old grievances that come down from the days of the American Revolution, but these problems and issues can be solved by cool heads...
...What then...
...Lifa Insurance by trade unions Is a good Idea...
...Particulars will be mentioned as we Indicate Mr...
...Woll's relation to the issue...
...Each power nay ruin die other, each crawling out of the mess exhausted, billions of treasure wasted, and with an awful death toll into the bargain...
...And if that occurs, what follows...
...Fortunately, a flash of realism and satire appears in this unfolding tragedy at Washington...
...Tat United States, with her vast and increasing commerce, •8 protect it by law, or if it cannot do it by law then it •Ida it by the supremacy of its navy...
...Every man and woman can do something by writing to the Congressman of bis or her district and to the Senators of the state in which they reside...
...D. Wilson, formerly secretary of the United Mine Workers of America...
...O In 1927 tae question arose tat resolutions lntrodueed by the delegation from the International Typographical Union and the delegate from the San Francisco Labor Co-j rU...
...with the new device within a year if executives and leadin...
...and its construction organization performs the construction work, and collects a fee: and its consulting managerial organization supervises the management and operation of the new facilities, and collects a fee...
...A The conventions of tbe American Federation ad Labor thereafter repeatedly endorsed old •ge pension legislation...
...Admiral Bradley A. Fiske —fcf in tbe February Plain Talk under a caption that can 4^ lad to bad feeling...
...Its banking organization arranges for and participates in the marketing of the company's securities, and collects a fee...
...O la 1919 the later oil-stained Wm H. Hays, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, addressed a series of questions to Mr... p>7r.~*t p" the power companies in the State of New York to combine or merge in some form...
...We wonder whether the delegates fully appreciated this shift of attitude from hearty support of old age pensions...
...Today it is back to the stage of Congressional investigation with its inevitable delays and postponement of action...
...have arisen, aside from building strong and powerful the parties of labor and peace in both countries...
...In 1923 the Executive Council simply referred to the Impending publication of this pamphlet...
...The only solution to the whole perplexing problem hes in the public ownership, operation and DISTRIBUTION of power...
...The New York World, organ of the Democrats, which supported Smith and Roosevelt in the recent campaign, urges that a legislative investigation be made into the manner in which tbe Public Service Commission of New York has been regulating, (or rather not regulating) the public utility companies...
...This is exactly what Norman Thomas predicted and is exactly the point which those who are crying aloud about extortionate rates and the "retention of their resources by the people" seem to miss...
...WoU cooperated In publishing a pamphlet oa state insurance which waa neutral on old age pensions...
...The jingoes add no more to an amicable settlement than the drunken brawler in a speakeasy...
...Labor organizations and peace societies can vigorously protest against the abominable conduct of the jingoes, against such statements as have been made by Admiral Fiske, Congressman Britten, and Senator Borah...
...Can it survive or its pledge not to resort to hostilities be kept if every American naval building facility is devoted to turning out armed ships...
...Many of the so-called "liberals" who are now crying aloud for relief were so infatuated by Smith's political "It" that they never took the trouble to find out what Socialists were talking about From everything thai Roosevelt has said on this sulfjee* it looks aa though tbe protestaats in the conservative and liberal camps were doe for another political knock-oat Roosevelt has received sack delegations aa they have sent to him with perfunctory courtesy...
...O In 1921 the delegation from the International Association of Machinists Introduced a resolution at the A. F. of L. convention authorizing and instructing the Executive Council to draft aa old age pension bin and have It Introduced lr Congress for speedy enactment...
...He declared that in a converafaa with President-elect Hoover the latter gave him the a|Maaan "of desiring a navy second to none in power and sksncj—a navy commensurate with our world commercial ajt|aKcaI position.'* In a rather cautious and somewhat ajaiii i li Hi i to President Coolidge, Hoover denied mat HaJRaented his views...
...Roosevelt Keeps Us Uneasy In the last campaign Norman Thomas spoke on this break-down throughout the country...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 3

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