SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK fjjttNfcftl Headquarters ftfalhMltn Secretary. Inr7 imistoi trrxoizatiea, apeakI?MpS*n> JamOata book*, supplies RfaasSst hrty publications Km to il*jie7 1 U tbe...

...will address the comrades on "Will Capitalism Collapse...
...ou may become Pgaaw a large by applying for \Silitt *» (a* NaUonal OffW...
...A real good time isnrea all those attending...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4215 Third Avenue, near Tremont Avenue...
...Auspices -to-In list Party, 16th A D. Branch...
...At the last meettag of the branch, the following officers were elected: Organizer, Emil Bromj berg...
...This branch has pledged itself to raise at toast $St a month for orgs nl sal ton work tot Kings County...
...At the next meeting, Priday evening, Jan...
...Is presto to rn after his members and see • tor an dues are paid...
...State Office Nates M"1* th- 1-^ial- t^r-n are coming up for hearing during February...
...Friday, Jan...
...8-8-18 A. D. The nert meeting of this branch will be held on Monday night...
...All members should attend...
...Just to keen the record straight...
...The comredes in as Satin to continue the 86.00 per ST 8toi for all present members, but BBf aanihi 11 win be given m emberP to toe payment of the National as tlJO per year minimum...
...Socialist Definitions...
...9. More e1°tsris concerning this matter win be Dubllshed later...
...J87 West 13th street...
...Tick-ts ro»v be obtained at party hesdauart^rs...
...IS-1I A. D. The newly organized branch to progressing slowly...
...Martinique Mansion, 156th and Beck Streets...
...While atiatebbe is 81 yenrs old he is still jfh BJhtt ard hores to see his dream ¦BB'.Srerail in his time...
...18, at the Rocks way Mansion, was an eye-opener...
...Comrades Sabloff...
...25, 8.30 p. m.—Henry Jager...
...Immediately fo'lowing the Bronx Ball special effair has been am>-ged for Sv>-rday, Feb...
...An interesting lecture was held Friday, Jan...
...Those who at Mt recetoed the letter and who deSh ngtrtbnte to the fund may do so fSBetog it to Al Benson, 528 Juneau mm...
...The of Virginia should cooperate gStoaea LubruuL He is aUemptlng Bs the work almost single-handito Secretary George is spending BS to Detroit, where Capitalism Ssja htm for employment...
...20^"* Dalr Ave...
...Twice a month lecture...
...Joseph LeventhaX financial secretary...
...Four old members were reinstated, last meeting...
...Socialist Party, 16th A D. Branch...
...Mertin F. Plun^ett, Stete Secret-ry, atterded H gave s short talk...
...Calverton and Claessens...
...Workmen's Circle Committee...
...Sunday, Jan...
...At the last meeting...
...18, at our headquarters, 228 Brighton Beach Avenue...
...Morris B»rman...
...AH members of the party and their friends contemnlating seeing these plays are requested to keep in mind tbe date and let the Party have the benefit of their patronage...
...1, 8.30 p. m.—Henry Jager, "Has Russia Failed...
...25, Charles Solomon wfll lecture on the topic, "History ot Political Parties in the United States...
...1 aw line of organization...
...Henry Jager gave a short talk on party problems which was received with great Interest...
...The -committee in char-re of the journal has been very successful ta obtaining articles, ads, etc...»ving on the pi«nn se'ectlons from the "Ring1' operas of the former, a"d from the waltzes of Chopin...
...of Petersburg, is gMtddjaj tor new members and for SJaSands to pay on* the deficit in^atrtog the recent campaign...
...The next educetior-al meeting will be held on February 26...
...The Polonnise of Chonln was given as an encore...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Srteet...
...Delegates to Central Committee, Beetle Adler, Joseph Leventhal...
...Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party, 23rd A D. Branch...
...General Party Meeting A well attended membershlo meeting of tbe Socialists of Greater New York wxs held on Wednesday night, Jan...
...Hyman Nemser ' and Emil Bromberg were elected to the i City Central Committee...
...The matter pertaining to the Kings County Committee was discussed and acted on Comrade Bates has pledged 85.00 each month towards the Organisation Fund of one to enlarge this fond...
...Workmen's Circle Center, 7316 30th Avenue...
...Tickets Rawaa sale for 40 cents each: at the aril anna...
...February 3. at 8 JO r... besirn throughout the Party Or*e«nation ta the Bronx...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Some changes have been made ta the general plan and composition of the new Socialist Action Committee...
...committee consists of Comrades Abraham ^e-ss, Ida Greenblatt and Morris P*-ess...
...The Soeiallst Action Committee was revived...
...mem<->er of the organization...
...Kansas B» Safffl, state Secretary...
...We can soon feel asae sat almost every library in the sal B* at tout one or more Socialist ¦BBSS shelves...
...uable prizes will be distributed...
...A canvas of the former members of the oarty is beira...
...Be writes how f colts ssi to vote for Al Smith and toast to veto right hereafter...
...Director of Forum...
...Bronx County Ball —New Terrace Garden, 18th Street and Boston Road...
...23rd A B. A very well attended meeting of this branch was held last Monday...
...BRONX Afi loval...
...Social and Dance, Debs Auditorium...
...Important Happenings of the Week" Also readings by Samuel H. Friedman, 96 Avenue C. Auspices, Socialist Party 8-8-12 A D. BRONX Priday, Jan... 4.30 he speaks at Wellesley OoUege and at 9 n. m...
...tsBatoaal Office has mimeographed ¦a to the State Secretary of West qek to help him in his drive for more aasaSrttmg tbe old members to pay erase and cooperate with the work ; to Stole Office...
...Comrade Weil has been successful ta getting a, number of the members on a committee to get in touch with the former member...
...Ma'-Alister Cc'—an will speak on some phase of current events...
...Martinique Mansion, 156th and Beck Streets...
...Auspices, Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party, 33rd A. D. Branch...
...Tbe subject for Sunday...
...Tbe next meeting of th's Branch wfll take place on Feb...
...Flno-^e'al secr»tar*es should make a point of getting in the •-re--a of i-—-"-e-^ on the books, declares the State Se—»t*)rv...
...Car comrades must all realSat work of building the Socialta w a point where it will be downs Sf the support of eech com- Sates kae no time, comrades, In aJSi ssssslilimi> into the best posSever Again...
...1, 8:30 p. m.—Henry Fruehter...
...Springfiald Prank Ortasrwalth Is scheduled for tbe SprlngfMO Poram on Bondav... A. D. A fai-ly w-Il attended meeting was held last Tuesday, Jan...
...Will Capitalism Collapse...
...Tbe Friday night forum a progressing and wtn continue its lectures up unta Spring, Committees are now engaged in oMsaning ada for tbe jomssaU and stimulating the sals of tickets for tbe annual Brownsville Masquerade Ball to be held on March 16th at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Along with awaked stales doing their duty, Snst large in the unorganised ¦Mas psyteg dues and planning Mas* state movements, aw tor a monthly payment to tbe 3()Sne for organisation purposes Kb arri*e and we are expecting is* si our organisations and many Beawrades to get their pledges Essay *> that our work of bullda flit movement may be pushed ajar...
...25, 8.30 p. m.—Dr...
...H. Tansenschlag...
...recording secretary, H. Schachner...
...A number (saton bare already been booked...
...Pebltffl, to be held in Jefferson S* a and Fond du Lac Ave...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 7th A D. Friday, Jan...
...I The next meeting of the branch wiH be I held on Thursday...
...chairman of the Fntertatament Committee and Alma Cro«swpith...
...Bexkery The Roxbury Socialist Ctob to heading a study class every Sunday at 4 o'clock at 320 Blue HOI Ave...
...Albary Forma Prof...
...Needless to say, no Bronx comade will be absent arid it is expected that a considerable number of Socialists from other parts of...
...12 has been postponed because of the New Leader Dinner that evening...
...New Jersey Berger ta Newark Congressrpan Virtor L. Berger win be the princloal speaker at a meeting and banquet hi Washington Restaurant, 559 Broad street, 8undav...
...They Jkto auke a drive for a big memSsll Ose comrede...
...It is expected, in I fact, it is known, that sounds of comrades are coming from Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Brownsville, as well ps from other sections of the city to attend the an»"jal sfialr of our Bronx comrades, the ball and concert to be giv°n this ye'.r at the New aT»rrece Orden, 181st B'reet and Boston Road...
...Temple Hall, Van Buren fsaaa aarahf eld Avenue, Chicago...
...3-5-19 A. D, On Wednesday...
...Mortimer A. Adler...
...The Nature of a Social Situation...
...Massachusetts New Bedzerd An important meeting wfll be held at the Labor Temple Thursday, Jan...
...The deficit larSatoOmce is almost cleared off IIS reported that the comrades are essfe sad anxious to assist in the ¦k a* tafldmg tbe Party...
...The Le«*is'« tive Oonvmittee win make a reoort of the bills that they have nrepared to b» introduc»d in the present session of the St'te Legislature...
...An interstate convention of the Yinsels will also be held at the party heedquart"^ on F»b...
...made and m«ny e-e re'oiripe the party...
...The speaker was Louis P. Goldberg and the subject "Our Antiquated Laws," A discussion followed...
...Williamsburg Mansion, 297 South 5th Street...
...12 A. D. No...
...The Restriction of Immigration...
...Brighton Bosch A wen attended meeting was held on Tuesday, Jan...
...My Impressions of Soviet Russia...
...Wecheriiika and dance was held Saturday at our headquarters...
...8.3© p. m.—Dr...
...Last Thursday...
...81 A D. The reorganized 21st A D. branch, at its last meeting, Tuesday, Jan...
...The Road to Haopin-ss...
...The proceeds of tp« fn~*nl were donated to the state organization...
...Bener*s Seeeehe* Don't forget to order your suooly of Merger s-ieeches to msfl out from the st»te office, 21 Essex Street...
...Leonard C. Kaye will address the roe-nbeirb'o on the subject, "My Trip to the South...
...Br'drenort Tb» fVKialtsts of this city sav that thev are h'shlv elated over the present snirlt that exists here...
...Frederick Heath, SB amermann, Al Benson, Emil Seisad Mm M Work and James D. btoa Montana have sent a letter lawj Socialists in other states to conBSha fond to assist Ruby Herman IBAf>, widow of Emil Herman, who istd of immediate help...
...This is good at tat Socialist Party needs organaBBJllM 11 and whenever a state or aiSSBsseat can place an organizer isiasse a big party movement and aads*Mtr...
...The next m^etine- which was to have been held on Feb...
...Comrade 8. Benjamin Daublin took unto himself a spouse and to now in warmer climes (Bermuda), Congratulations and best wishes...
...Branches please take note Bbssjflkt with this date...
...Boston, tf you or your branch has not already done so...
...First of a s-rles of lectures on Social Psychology...
...another of the branch members, Harold Spitser...
...Israel Olauberman's lecture on tbe "Social Implications ot Progressive Medicine" on Friday evening, Jan...
...m. Otb-r members of the National Executive Committee may also sneak...
...31, with Alfred Baker Lewis as the speaker on the subject of "Unemployment and .Unemployment Insurance...
...25, 8.30 p. m—Charles Solomon...
...Next Sunday's speaker will be Tax Commissioner Gravps, and on Feb...
...It is not the most pleasant '¦to official work lor the Party and Bat say, except when the comrades ssatoto do their share... a dance...
...No chairman has as yet been nominated for tbe trade union committee...
...The branch is also Dlanning a series of lectures at the Colonial Mansion and to cooperating actively in the debate arranged by the Joint ' Campaign Committee of the 8th Coni prea* tonal District, to be held at tbe Community Church on Feb...
...School of Reliaious Bducatlon...
...Tbe committees elected at the last meeting of tbe National Executive Committee are busy and wfll doubtless have interesting report* and plans to report...
...S. Glencairn...
...Aupices, 4-14 A. D. Branch... 2 pjn...
...Organiser Simon Cohen enrolled four new members...
...63 S. Orange avnue, or at the J-wi'a Daily Forward office, 87 Mercer Street...
...2 and 3. Esth«r Frled'T'an of New York wfll hold a public spea>ing class everv Tuesday evening at 53 S. OraT-"e Avenue...
...MeHden Local Meriden held a social last week...
...A Cl"b Ro^ms...
...Besides giving his attention to the organizations of new branches, he is also helping to strengthen one or two of the weak branches...
...Algernon Lee was chairman...
...w start an Open Forum, to be tf awy Sunday evening, which will 1...
...23 fThureh Street, New Haven...
...Ausnl-es, Socialist Party, 7th A. D. Friday, Feb...
...March 3. Norman Thomas will speak at the Dorchester Porr'Ti on Sunday morning, Feb, 17: at the Watertown Forum on Sunday afternoon, and at the Y. M. H. A Forum ~- y-'-'er Street, P^ton...
...treasurer, L Berman...
...1. Theatre benefit, "8...
...Xoppel and Max Dels on were annotated on a committee to organize a forum for this branch...
...Where Are We Drifting in New York Politics...
...10 on "Economic Seci'rltv fnr the Workers...
...Harlem Educational Center, 62 East 106th St Auspices, Harlem Branches, Socialist Party...
...Community Church...
...Friday, Jan...
...Committee on Outride Contacts, Harry W. Laidler, chairman, vice-chairman, McAlister Coleman...
...County Organ torn tiro Organizer Lo'-is Weil is on the job ef- . fectlvely...
...27, 11 a. m.—Henry Jager, "Has Russia Failed...
...The great enein=er-musi"ian lectured on Wagner and Chonln...
...Lecture Calendar NEW YORK Sunday, Jan...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 3rd A. D. Priday, Feb...
...chairman of the committee as a whole, Morris HUlauit...
...Ausolces, Socialist Party, 18th A D. Branch...
...H. Taubajsschlsg... i:<0 for tbe Sociolcv ctotas at the B. TJ...
...Saturday, Jan...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 3rd A. D. BROOKLYN Priday, Jan...
...recording secretary, August Claessens...
...Y. P. 8. L. and State Executive committee...
...I BROOKLYN Kings County Committee The newly organized Kings County tTommittee is progressing in its work...
...This branch has fallen into inactivity...
...Bean 310, Milwaukee, Wis...
...ATI signs Bi|i Mg membership...
...What Is a Social Stimulus...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 9-16th A. D. Branch...
...Nebraska JgSSBanal Office is making a drive Bpsaabers in Nebraska, with the • Jafldmg up the general membermSff farming a state organization ifsfjp bees sect to all Socialists i« as Rational Office and a good jmk) Virginia gsklUdman...
...who is not in the s»s...
...jJasiaUiu Commit to- to Meet ps*Bal aseeutlve will meet in New York City on Feb...
...aPsOat attention and a big crowd WSa to hear these capable debatIfsmtbe question: "is Class 8trtigHHSySf gecUBsm Is Ever Towng Bm, Love'and, Colo., sends 85 [aatttoeal Office to celebrate his JJPMv...
...18th A. D. Dr...
...As soon as the new enrollment books are published, tbe branch will set on the job to increase the membership...
...j'r,——.i,„„.t v^n h- -v.- rn-'i (m~\ker at this fourth anniversary of the state paper... 604 Sutter Ave William Helperu will lead a discussion on "Is the Theory of the Class Struggle Aoplicable to the American Working Man...
...18, he soeaks for the Universalist Ministers Association...
...California •jmi TawtVna is planning to place a Saassv te the field...
...3 and S for the 'purpose of takfeaf up tbe work of Party building...
...27, is "Overproduction and Unemployment Under Capitalism...
...Vladimir K«ranetoff brouvht out * go-**" crowd to last Sunday's S"«lon of the Albany Peonies Forum...
...On the other hand, a number of comrades have been nominated for the personnel of that committee...
...A cor-1 mlttee was elected to h-'n b^-st the Commonwealth bancruet...
...At a recent meeting of this branch the following officers were - elected: Max Kdrtaon, organiser...
...Trade Lr'oi sur-oorters are asked to see that our bills for Uremr>>ovment Insurance, to protect peaceful picketing, and to abol—H I«»nor disputes are endorsed by their unions...
...History of Political Parties ta the U. S." Avspices...
...16th A. D. This branch is cooperating actively with tbe plan of the Rand School and its campaign speaker's institute and to sending a number of its members to the Rand School classes...
...8, and Comrade Fichlander will be the speaker...
...The SSaOaoe is cooperating with htm Jjaaat extent of its abiUty...
...Educational committee, Joseph Leventhal...
...Comrade Elestmore Levenson spoke on j Upton Sinclair's recent book Jacob Schmitz was elected delegate to the City | Central Committee...
...219 Sackman Street...
...Priday, Feb...
...Rockoway Mansion, 695 Rockaway Avenue, Brooklyn...
...Swh a s*cte of affairs cer*-i"ly wtjr-'H b" i*,-redi"-"e to a Socialist in a city like Vienna, whe-e a'-nost ev-rv ot"—r vot-r belor,"S tn t^e du»s-neyt-ig <rrfr»-t-stion...
...Workmen's Circle Center...
...chairman of the Educational Committee: Frank Poree...
...Friday, Jan...
...Musical program by Dora Wolinsky...
...25, 8.30 p. m.—J...
...The hah was filled Everybody had a good time, and the affair was a success...
...7316 20th Avenue...
...Sesames are conducting joint meetai am each month for educational ajar, the Milwaukee Socialists are asto their hand these days and in due to lay eiS have things going at a aBM' Bgwaafcee tofarth Side Young People's Social•sajSB hat set the date for its anal sak baQ for Saturday night...
...att-nded meeting of th» locel wes held at the Wort—en'a Circle w^ucettonal Ce"ter, 72 7*^ion Avenue, Wedr>esdev eve"l'"f...
...Comrades Cohen, Well and Glauberman have already done their Mt...
...Illinois _ geeteosts Meet aiBtotos Socialists met in a state asset on Sunday, Jan...
...New York City Coming Party Events Friday, Jan...
...Herman Kobbe presided...
...due to the unfortunate illness of its most active spirit, Boris Kostinsky...
...As week by week goes by the 18th discovers that many of its members are lecturers par excellence...
...25, 8.30 p. m.—Dr...
...Several new locals - Wisconsin ; ¦ Milwaukee aattolirU cf Milwaukee are presto...
...Instead of a special committee on Membership and Organisation, the City Executive Committee will function as such and win be represented on the Executive Committee ot the Socialist Action Committee...
...Tneatre Benefit The City Office has obtained the Provincetown Playhouse for a theatre benefit performance for Priday evening, February 1. The play is a revival of Eugene O'Neill's series of one-act plays under the he'd of "8...
...2. which will be held Tuesday night, Jan...
...Making American Citizens...
...A very fine musical program consisting of pianists and vo/nel-*-ts will rjrecede the dance and will take place between 8.?0 and 9.30 p. m. Immediately following the concert, Barnetl s Radio Orchestra will occupy the stage, end the rest of the evening win be devoted to renewing aoquatatances, introducing tbe new members to the old veterans and fining the ban with noise end laughter and merriment...
...Community Church...
...It was decided to donate 85 for an ad in The New Leader Anniversary...
...Tbe following committee chairmen were r<iroinated: Flnan'-e Committee, B. C. Vladeck...
...recording secretary...
...laeShss ef Nation ArtHe nialali of the United States are SfSae front to build a big Party Bel Bate forces into tbe front aSt Cadets are coming to tbe Na20801 lor tbe 1929 Dues stamp, ¦aaeaititp cards, application cards ' at are Constitution...
...This will be well Bknsf aaaetbne in Feb...
...This fine comrade never gssi sto duty to the Cause...
...treasurer, Jacob Dubno...
...sain n wild statements that he totocknp, agreed to get one hunBMabs-sUrkpatriek Debate & abate between Prof...
...Inr7 imistoi trrxoizatiea, apeakI?MpS*n> JamOata book*, supplies RfaasSst hrty publications Km to il*jie7 1 U tbe National |S ¦ Sen kt ste IocjJ orfanksajfpyaw viatotor...
...L. Afros...
...8.30 p. m—Louis Waldman, "Crime and Soelety...
...28, ta the clubrooms, 96 Avenue C. After a brief business meeting...
...Friday, Jan...
...Connecticut State Executive Committee The St'te Executive Oommittee will hnW its January meeting at the State ifflce...
...Alexander Flchand>r...
...laat a Ban Francisco writes the asjl Ottee, sends a donation and jtiptedre » five something every Star sac year...
...Simon Berlin...
...The minting was given over to the discussion of plane for increasing the membership, Improving the meetings and particularly to suqrestlons for obtaining a permanent headquarters...
...Following the lecture, short branch meetings are usually held...
...4-14 A D. The Friday evening forum conducted by this branch is fairly successful...
...Norman Thomas...
...t Virginia tss Bsretary Higgins informs the Sad QBtoe that the outlook for the Bf S tot state is bright...
...Debate, Thomas and Princess Kroootkin...
...Forward Association, Debs Memorial Radio, Women's Section...
...Delegates to City Committee of the Jewish Socialist VerbBnd, L Laderman, O. Bchaeffer...
...Social Problems and Modern Literature...
...Brighton Beach Branch, Socialist Party, 225 Brighton Beach Avenue...
...S There wiTl be a meeting of Branch No...
...Paul H Wg and George R Klrkpatrick on PSits... a banquet of the Socialist Party of Providence at 14 Benefit Street...
...Public Affairs Committee, Louis W aid man...
...Priday, Feb...
...The public to cordially Invited...
...He kVswsetf: "A Friend...
...27, 8.30 p. m.—August Clae-sens...
...Comrade Jager, who is denvering a series of tatts on "Elements of Socialism'' is arousing interesting discussions...
...Plans are being made for est«b'ishlng a weekly forum ta the Public Library...
...MANHATTAN MID... the W. C.' intensive W"-k w11...
...25, 8.30 p. m.—Harold Spitzer...
...night he was present at the re-organlzaMen meeting of 7 E«st A D. Branch...
...Tremont Educational Forum...
...Staeday night, Mond«v morning, Feb...
...Friday, Jan..., vigorous and healthy I Socialists will migrate this Saturday eve; rting towards a certain section of Bronx County e-d cimrj there until the early : hours of the morning...
...S. Glencairn," Provincetown Theatre...
...22, blanch held a good meeting w _jch was fairly well attended, in spite of the fact that many of the members were at the New Leader Association meeting...
...Indiana BS Organizer Emma Henry is sendIjBbs over the state, lining up new sBBtsnd jetting old members to pay IBB Every Socialist should answer Sjaar sent to him and cooperate in J8 eej... Seeks to Libraries Si Basted more copies of Comrade at) avsed edition of "What's So and as kit" have been sent to public and ssjaorke...
...12, and took sasattar of putting the new Nation[JJarliilka into effect in Illinois and sttoae folly agreed on the actions Pa entorence...
...He hones 1 at Into organization work, and the Stoel Office hopes to be in a position atot ton...
...The Executive Committee has -too been enlarged by the addition of -epreeentatives from tbe Rand School, New Leader...
...on Socialism win be given by August Caess-ns...
...27, 11 a. m.—Louis Weldman...
...County Organizer Henry Jager is on his job every night of the week...
...Northazaptoa Pstber Pri*dman will apeak for the Hampshire County Forum Feb...
...Police Building...
...A handsome journal has been printed...
...Tos«t>h Wein berte: Committee on Publicity...
...15, electpd the following officers: Organizer, Frark Croaswaith...
...A more definite announcement win be made later concerning this matter...
...M. Bdelson, H. Taubenschlag...
...Somewh-re around midnight a number of val...
...New Leader Dinner, Webster Han...
...the city wi" io'n in the fesMvities...
...BS> far Emil Herman's Widow isess of Milwaukee Socialists, in•Sf Victor L Berger...
...3 International President John P. Burke of the Paner, Pulp and Suloh'te Workers Union "•ill discuss "Organized Labor in America...
...Plans are being formed for more efficient use of his services...
...Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 42nd Street and 14th Avenue...
...vtm\\ Her¦ k bxnra to Sod-lists all over the east at one of the most devoted field BtoS the party ever had...
...Our next business meeting will be held Tuesday, January 29...
...Philip Gellebter...
...The plan for organization will be submitted to a Kings County mem; bershlp meeting, date and place to be announced shortly...
...1, 8.30 p. m.—August Claessens...
...4215 Third Avenue, near Tre-nont Avenue...
...ship to assist in the organization...
...Cash Hp to awarded...
...J. Adler...
...Auditing Committee, Joseph Leventhal, H. Bobotko...
...New York State Party Membership State Secretary Merrill has called the attention of some locals to the amazing fact that from 300 to 850 votes were cast for Thomes wi*hin their jurisdictions l*>st fall to ev-rv go~r!-«tand!n...
...New Haven A large...
...Dance and Social, Colonial Hall, Brooklyn...
...Everybody welcome... the Cooperative Teague... secretary, Ethelred Brown: recording secretary, Fred S. Crawford: treasurer, Robart Oodet...
...M«nv 5ub'cri»,ti'>-'s for "The Commonwealth" are being secured...

Vol. 8 • January 1929 • No. 2

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