Moses Lets Tammany Go The Developments in the City Trust Scandal Point To the Responsibility of the "Hall" And Its Leaders i rpHE report of Moreland Commissioner "Robert Moses to Governor...

...The New Leader extends hearty congratulations to all those who so generously cooperated to make the picnic a success... did not intend that I should, either I Mr...
...If each lays in five more they still have parity...
...Tht natural fear on the part of young peeBb of being isolated and thought dtttored from their fellows is utilized te aeh every vote unanimous, evr*y opmeM me of the majority...
...If it isn't a pathological disease science is baffled to explain it...
...In the first paragraph of our article to which he objects we said: "A Socialist, he devotes his entire letter to prohibition...
...I believe...
...And, when would "you expect political conditions to be more propitious for Social1st .success than they were .in "28...
...Moses Lets Tammany Go The Developments in the City Trust Scandal Point To the Responsibility of the "Hall" And Its Leaders i rpHE report of Moreland Commissioner "Robert Moses to Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, made public July 11, confirmed in general our analysis in the last issue of New York's Politics of the municipal aspects of the case...
...are making out of him...
...I am wondering how many honest...
...It flourished during the middle ages, and though its Inherent fallacy has been repeatedly exposed during the past century and a half It continues to be held by scene folk for no better reason, apparently, than that it has been held... ago...
...Borough President Miller has claimed that Warder's indeterminate leave of absence was terminated in 1921...
...Soothe mind which fa hindered from changing as From the NEW LEADR MAIL BAG ¦ rmomataom again . A marked eopy of The Mew Leaner, of Jams lath was seat me bye Socialist that yon should seek to answer my letter In snob saanner by owiiaejiia, earn* m your ertnams without Booting the letter itself verbatim, aad by omitting salient features of seme But more because yea sought to adsssad your reader* by...
...Glynn also represented Ferrari in several minor personal matters...
...Glynn's work was to get for Ferrari what was needed from the Banking Department...
...The Tammany Maa, Warder Warder's political connection are made clear by Commissioner Moses...
...Redrew," which is Warder spelled backwards, brought in the name of Jacob H. Livingston and his brother George, Democrats...
...The Gastonia Trial hayUk, trial of strikers at Gastonia, N. C, for -*- murder may prove another Sacco-Vanzetti case...
...9 per cent tor six months to fuwem c.-t 14-weak strike of 10,00* shoe wathenv...
...It has become an annual affair and we hope that it will become larger in each of the coming years...
...that I bad submitted to you that mine to not "a one-track mind...
...saV tics or religion...
...Who works for money ootna ale vary soul —KENTON COX...
...The savage Bnmmset law which imposes longer sentences and extinguishes hope for long-term convicts and overcrowding have contributed to these risings...
...He wants the United States to recover its "lost naval parity with Great Britain...
...General Sessions Judge Frances X Manouso,' who - was chairman of the board of the City Trust Company, comes in tor a sound drubbing...
...Everyone b efrsM of the one above him in the hieresdB...
...Charged with murder, the accused are to be convicted for their opinions if the mill-owners have their way...
...We quoted his own language but did not give his name and thought that In withholding It, to repeat, we were rendering him a service...
...Salvation has been cheep la their hands •ad the saviors never saved anything but themselves...
...The open shop capitalists who finance the organisation and who pay his salary...
...We have no right to demand that asy be taught radicalism In econamka...
...Why is it not...
...Cheese ter is supposed to be s by-product el the school system, and the unconsdeei influence and casual admonitions ef tte teacher are expected to secure virtus h much the same way that the ebaae advice of a well-washed grown-up eel once trusted to bring about phystssl health...
...IN A NUTSHELL It the two parties of capitalism were to take a stand on summer heat one would deplore it and the other would promise a commission to investigate the weather...
...Woll is medieval, "centuries behind the times...
...Of course, society has to be protected from criminals but it is also its duty to so treat the offender that he may be reclaimed, not transform him into one who becomes desperate because he has been deprived of this hope...
...Commissioner Moses suggests that the Judge knew more about the affairs of the defunct bank than he wanted to admit on the witness stand...
...have not been taught with equal esses*' Loan for Strikers BOSTON.—(FP).—United Shoe W.-t ere to staking to float a $50.00* ka...
...This is thoroughly consistent with his previous denunciation of the export of American capital tn the form of foreign loans...
...Anyway I shall try...
...Glynn never furnished any capital and said there were no losses...
...Moses has backed up his statement with a photostatic copy of Warder's civil service record...
...And, if dodging the paramount issue was not the cause of the avalanche under which the Party's standard bearer was buried, then how do you account for the awful slump...
...They would then bare known that X am a SnriaHst...
...His ten shares of stock qualifying him as a director were turned over to Ferrari as security for a personal loan of $2,000...
...CetUeemky There le a morality inculcated to eS children, however, and that s rigid est —a code of school ethics with its eea catalogue of vices and virtues...
...His profits in less than three years were over $12,000...
...Play the fool in the streets, get your dupes arrested, and then appeal for funds...
...As a matter of fact, the real issue between them and their opponents is the issue between science and ignorance...
...He declares that we knew he was not a subscriber...
...And you knew, from MBS...
...The opinion of this section is dominated by mill Owners and local lawyers cannot be obtained for the defease...
...Ferrari carried a joint account In a brokerage house for himself, Glynn and others...
...I fear that you have been misinformed," continues Hoover, who adds that the problems cannot be solved "by the simple formula which you- suggest...
...In acting as spokesman for labor at the tariff hearings in Washington he refuses to look in any direction but backward...
...asked one celebrant of another...
...His answer to Paul V. McNutt, head of the Ameriemn Legion, is clever and deadly in its logic... served your purpose better not to publish the letter and leave your readers in Ignorance of the salient features of same... put the ease in Xaaley of the National a vie reoerendn...
...and into an tost* standing of the social mind of the dem> nant majority, with which all refameil revolution will have to reckon...
...The Socialist who cannot get a thrill out of the oneday wags or income campaign reported in The New Leader must be functioning at a low ebb...
...In any event Laura was to be paid $6,000 a year far his advice, and this salary was to be paid directly by Ferrari himself aad not by the bank or the Federal Securities Company, aad on some understanding that Laura would solicit friends to buy Federal Securities stock, or to make deposits in hte Atlantic Bute Bank...
...His latest proposal Is an amendment to the Tariff Bill stipulating that the holders of American patents must manufacture their products only in the United States...
...We thought we were rendering him s service by not publishing that letter In full or mentioning his name...
...While it is insisted that this controversy may be held within the narrow confines of legal technicality, I see underlying the issue of Hood guUt a fundamental- challenge of human liberty...
...The class b *s> { graced that does not show 100% osmbersblp in the General Organisation d 25 cents per term, and that does net Hf its quota of tickets to the school dtot at fifty cents each, even though seas of its members are known to be reetaV ents of charity...
...Eddie," Nephew ef Al Edward Glynn, nephew of ex-Governor Alfred E. Smith, Is charged by Moses as "another Ferrari catspaw used for his experience in the Banking Department and becaise his name was valuable...
...The New York World, issue of July 31...
...As with OBat so-called patriotism...
...The withdrawal of Judge Carter from the defense with his subsequent statement may well sober those who think that an impartial trial is possible in Gastonia...
...but the trigs school youth may leave the class-rooa to commit perjury, murder, or seas crime with no enlightenment funuaef by his teachers ae to whether or et} these practices are held undesirable Order, Subservience...
...Stamps, and the Liberty bonds by at extension of the same machinery...
...Woll accept the present order and on this haste there is no doubt that The World represents a modem view of the export of capital while Mr...
...In the same year Ferrari suggested to Laura that he become a member of an advisory committee of the Atlantic State Bank or of the Federal Securities Company (Ferrari enterprises)—Laura did not seem to know which...
...Two Prsaoii B«rolts - WITHIN a week two prison revolts in New York State have shocked the smug lawmakers who believe that harshness in treatment of offenders is a cure for crime...
...On the other hand if each scraps ive tbey still have parity... build up or to scale down ? Whether Hoover or McNutt has the best of the argument we leave to you...
...f We are justified, however, in dsntsaw Ing that the training of the public sebSSS should strengthen rather than waste the fiber of our children, sod that, t| far as it goes, it should inculeste Hp qualities without which no cittern est be of value to his cause, whether bb be radical or conservative...
...In the early part of 1928 Ferrari by a series of obscure negotiations involving Warder, Beyerle, Breger, an accountant, Jacob H. Livingston, lawyer and assemblyman who was a friend of Warder, Ferrari got control of the small private bank of Zakrajsek & Cesarfc on West 42nd street, in March or April, 1928, and Immediately converted it into the Prudential Bank with a capital of $125,000... 19* he was recommended by the Democratic organisation of New York County to Superintendent of Banks George V. McLaughlin for the position of Fourth Deputy at S4.500...
...Common sense people can also understand that but can McNutt...
...A policy of reclamation is scientific and human while a policy of revenge is stupid, unscientific and inhuman ..for.-which society must pay as well as the victims...
...Like the first letter It to reckless la assertions, questions the honesty of those who disagree with the writer, aad reveals a state of mind that does not contribute anything to intelligent discussion...
...have, reached parity...
...J see in this case a ruthless purpose, amazingly supported, to smother her' esy, religious, industrial and political, in its own Mood, which savors more of the fifteenth than the twentieth century...
...That was bad enough, but he went on to say that those who do not eee as he eeea the liquor problem, would remove all restrictions to banditry and murder...
...The kind of mas the...
...Quite a contortion of mind, indeed...
...But even when agreement is reached as to what is parity the method of reaching it is important If McNutt and his nearest neighbor bis...
...A property qualification for jury service insures a jury not drawn from the ranks of worlringmen...
...They have learned nothing since the days when the British Government provided the death penalty by hanging for pickpockets and later abolished it when pickpockets attended executions and carried on their trade...
...It reminds one of n cocky egoist leaning on a cane only to have the support kicked from under him without any warning of what is to happen...
...Intelligent Socialists might concur in youi expreesed opinion that, "Prohibition u not a Socialist Issue...
...Our boys and girls are bent educated into a slave morality...
...N. Y. C. F. BLEY...
...Where thtto to sixty livery young animals are oUtod to work tn unison for five hours a dsf...
...Polish Terrorism Against Free-Think ere WARSAW.—The Minister of tte intarlor has dissolved the centre of the Palish Union of Fres-Tbfnkem hi Warsaw and all the local groups of this Onion in the other towns of Poland, and has ordered the suspension of "Mysl" (Thought), the organ of the Onion of Pree-Tbinkere, wbtefc to published tn we^sssVateVe The N. Y. "World:* On Matthew WoU IT Is to the credit of men in the labor movement to be denounced by the capitalistic press for their progressive and radical opinions...
...says the investigator, "that Judge Mancuao did not know that Ferrari aad other officers were ahnoet, dally violating the law...
...Beginning with 1926 Glynn received $5,000 a year as a Special Deputy Attorney General besides, practicing on his own account...
...He seems to believe that by keeping money in the country there will be more work for American labor...
...Hoover answers that "every person of common sense" will agree that it is better to reach parity if possible by agreement rather than by competitive building...
...When we permit the politicians of the capitalist clam to determine issues for us we will cease to be a Socialist Party...
...You dared not publish my first letter—that's a logical assumption...
...That the party did not think it a paramount issue is evident from the fact that it did not issue any leaflets on this question...
...The Struggle for Streets...
...each stocked up .with twenty machine guns...
...lust aa you knew I am a Social tot Toe are not to the habit, are too, of soliciting subscriptions from non-party members, are you...
...It & nice lindictirtg a man for burglary and then trying him for bis views of relativity...
...It is easy enough to use the word "parity" with an air of profundity and yet in the matter of nerval power no other word is charged with so many complexities...
...His objection to suspension of building would not indicate it...
...The editor knew nothing of the sort...
...The smug advocates of revenge in the treatment of offenders regard all who disagree with their views as "sentimentalists...
...McNutt objected to the order suspending the Wkiing of three 10,000-ton cruisers...
...A few northern Communists among the accused have provided the press with the opportunity to arouse the fury of the people against the accused...
...The snake which cannot cbaage its akin perishes...
...Perhaps I can get both this reply and my first letter through some real Socialist paper...
...Editor, The New Leader...
...McNutt would have us build faster to establish parity, ignoring the fact that the faster pace would stimulate more rapid building by Britain...
...Therefore, in the language of the editorial, "Win the masses for the conquest of the streets...
...Observe that Mr...
...Where Our Public Schools Fail By Jessie Wallace HaftM ' rJpHB newspapers ten as thai the SB> of Bokhara sent bis son to ** sf> cated in Moscow fifteen or nssre...
...The Big Picnic "•.ATITH over 30.000 workingmen and women ™v gathered at the Socialist Party picnic last Sunday there was something of the old time spirit that once infused the progressive section of the New York labor movement...
...Ferrari was made chairman of the executive committee of the club, i He seems to have thought the honor worth while, although he never attended a meeting...
...You dare not...
...2 of the International Street Nucleus, of Harlem adopts a thesis and distributes it in Chinatown "the struggle for the streets" will tell another story.' Bananas and water melon rinds simply dissolve in the presence of a thesis...
...Obedience to St] sufficient The powers must be atosstoj The successful pupil Is he who rune 1Mb errands tor the teacher, erasing tor blackboards, going out for her auaV wiches, bringing her flowers...
...Bley challenges us to publish his letter and adds, "You dare not...
...Since he challenges us to tun the second letter we run It and present his name as well...
...The facts he cites about each of the Tammanyites point Inevitably to that conclusion...
...He had a copy of same, and knew of my criticism...
...It has been for capitalist politicians but these gentlemen do not select issues for us...
...The President goes on to say that "competitive building has been in progress on both sides since the great war, and we have only arrived at disparity, not parity...
...This year he sent trie father | letter, hts first and last, a fareseg big the representative of freedom ts SB am resentstive of reaction...
...In your discussion, you did not touch - upon my statement that I knew of at least one loyal and tlreleec Socialist worker, who was about to cancel her subscription, because of your disloyal attitude toward the Constitution of the United States, and that I believed I voiced the sentiment of the rank and file of the Socialist Party...
...We give space to the above letter so that our readers may know something of the trials of an editor...
...100% torn S to* basis of school spirit...
...You did not show me common courtesy by sending me a marked copy...
...A savage code of treatment will make men savages...
...There 1 little hope for a labor party In tab casetry until we have trained up a tm minority of young workers who can sank the truth, rise above material sawma, sympathise with the underdog, and eke to stand alone at the risk of peUBBt Ices...
...But what is to be said when an Influential daily is compelled to denounce a labor leader because of his ultra reactionary opinions...
...The first effect of this concentration of surplus funds would be price inflation, with living easts rising faster than wages and the workers suffering accordingly...
...One more campaign like that would wipe the Party out of existence, would it not7...
...The daily organ of the Communists tells us all about it in a long editorial...
...Never in the history of the race has there ever been anything so childish and stupid as this...
...Members of trade unions and their families, of Workmen's Circle branches, party branches and other organizations fraternized, renewed old friendships and entered into the festivities with zeal...
...And we doubt whether the trawler of the trial to another county wrffl jtttrm topttfa&ty...
...St t means of adaptation to envtrcnastt The first requirement of school is order, unless things run smoothly, mere an be no class-room teaching...
...the successful prladjd pulls a strong oar with the superlwtsed ents and the Board...
...The 10,000 check was part of the financial manoeuvers involving the Prudential Bank...
...He is not In charge of the mailing list and rarely consults the list...
...The tn tolerance of the above letter sneaks for itself...
...But bou have been soliciting my subscription of lata...
...Between 1915 and 1929 he managed to keep himself on the city roster as on leave of absence...
...virtue consists In keeping in step...
...Then we are declared to he dishonest and we are challenged to "Publish that, if you dare...
...Can a great Party, or a would-be great Party, consistently ignore any issue...
...It happened at the Hayrrarket, the Centrafie and the Sact^Vanzetti trials...
...It can only be with the ending of the commercial and military classes as claases that peace can come to the world.—The late Edward Carpenter...
...In 1926 Warder succeeded McLaughlin as Superintendent of banks...
...the schools were <teased for the Red Cross, the War Ssetopl...
...He obtained deposits of city funds from the City Chamberlain to a maximum of $175,000...
...The saw cessful teacher keeps on the right tm of the principal...
...Yet this monstrous procedure is not new to this ermntry...
...i^ATE DIDN'T know it but the big issue now W is "the struggle for the streets...
...I challenge* you to publish this letter...
...Ccenmon sense people also know this to be true...
...A few days later the struggle was carried into Chinatown where the Chinese were guarding that sector of the Russo-Chinese war...
...No Sinister Intentions J Yet these are the last qualities Oat the schools are training for...
...Observe how he goes on to misrepresent us in the second letter...
...In the first place, the schools are tstlrely lacking In any specific educstta for character, in the sense in walef hygiene Is education for health...
...In this country the National Civic Federation wants control of working class thinking...
...Apparently written in heat, Mr...
...In addition be received a $2,000 fee to represent Ferrari In litigation with De Vita, a private banker, which never reached trial...
...He declares that his first impression that the accused "were victims of a brutal tyranny rarely witnessed in the South" and that they "face greater injustice under the forms of law, has ripenrxl into firm- conviction...
...tbey M| in greater or less degree, strengthaabg his Intellectual powers and enriching bk opportunities for the enjoyment of at and literature...
...You dare not tell them, and wish to be consistent that It was not worthy of space, under big headline...
...This opinion of a judge who resides in the heart of the South, whose standing before the bar of North Carolina is unquestioned, is an ominous forecast of what may happen...
...Moses, however, did...
...WoU bee proposed...
...If the United States, now the world's chief creditor, were to withhold its capital from abroad our exportable surplus of goods would become unmarketable and there would soon be less employment for American workers...
...WoU carried his point and succeeded to having capital exports embargoed and manufacturers forbidden under a heavy penalty to establish branches la foreign countries...
...Vice President of the American Federation of Labor, are a conspicuous example of reactionary thinking...
...Publish that, if you dare I What will you give any of your readers who might inquire, as the reason you suppressed my letter...
...Working people alone have been the victims of this medieval S3od* — We hope that our fears will prove groundJets but we doubt whether the industrial order dornineted by the new ^ dkf^ w^lt with anything fees than* Wood sacrifice...
...Too many workers do with their thinking what the rich do with their washing—let it out," said J. H. Thomas of the British Labor Party...
...Curiously enough, Laura admitted that this was a political favor and that neither the first nor the second mortgage had been reduced in a period of three years...
...I tail to eee why you mentioned It at all, unless it was because of Mr...
...Michael Laura, right hand man of "Boes" McCooey of Brooklyn, and Deputy Street Cleaning Commissioner in that boro, obtained a loan of $24,000 on a second mortgage in order to buy a club house for the Michael Laura Democratic Club...
...sometimes with no clear idea se to tht reason for his fear...
...The paper estu men ted that it was not for noOdsgJH the British government invited tht sea of its rajahs to be educated at Canst We workers and radicals have as efbf course but to send our children to to educated by the appointees of a eejskb 1st .government...
...Be entered the New York Civil service In 1890...
...In 1926 Glynn complained to Ferrari that his salary was inadequate, and thereafter in addition to this compensation...
...however, a fb> tinctly the man who will fit siimifla, into the capitalist system, no more est no less...
...Ibe brutality aad atrocity of modern war is hut the rsasetien of the brutality and inhumanity of our ecenmereial regime and ideals.—The lata Edward Carpenter, In the hmg line of saviors of the working class in polities which include WUlism Jennings Bryan, William Randolph Hearst, Theodore Roosevelt, Wcodrow Wall00 oeddJtred E. Smith we add Governor Roosevelt of New York...
...Just as the more complex vital ergap tended under the old regime to reean less attention than the more evident feeturcs of hair and teeth, so the ethfcd problems dealt with In the schools SB the obvious matters of class-room emduct...
...The second requirement of our sebseb as at present organised is iilljesi ileSB to those higher up...
...was the reply, "but it is certain that they are moving...
...Parity and Common Sense \47E ARE inclined to think that President Hoov• " er has a profound sense of humor...
...Let us suppose that Mr...
...The reader naturally asks whether McNutt can be included among those with common sense, since, the President himself hints the need of this requirement...
...We reaffirm our assertion that prohibition is not a Socialist issue or a paramount issue...
...McNutt does not know this so Hoover is charitable enough to say that he is misinformed...
...The question is, which is the best method...
...It also bears a cryptic declaration of McNutt s ignorance ¦bat is so worded as not to offend and yet the inference is plain to the reader...
...We have been building against Greet Britain and Britain has been building .against na...
...No union man is'likely to be a juryman... Our schools turn out every year Beat* sands of graduates who have base tmfcess fully taught order,' obedience sag respectability...
...This has happened...
...I find it bnpossfhts to eonelude...
...Added to the fact that the average prison is ht the keeping of guards whose jobs are too often rewards for political "mnooence," that these keepers are as a rule unfit to have custody of human beings, that they become "hard-boiled" and enjoy the despotic rule which their illiterate views of the offender confirms, and we have some idea of the background of these revolts...
...When he became Superintendent of Banking he still held as an anchor to windward a $2,500 job in the office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan...
...Your course brands you in my mind at dishonest and unreliable...
...Both the critic and Mr...
...Then the International Labor Defense "assumes increasing imp -tance in the present war situation...
...Well, brother Wright, it isn't quite as dead as trade unionism is in the basic Industries...
...Hubbard Went to the Cupboard H. Warren Hubbard, Tammany leader In the district which includes the main office of the City Trust received $7,000 a year from the city as a member of the Board of Assessors and $4,000 more as manager of the Murray Hill Branch of the Harlem Bank of Commerce...
...McLaughlin investigated his record and appointed him...
...Nothing else that he said In hie letter could have been more grave...
...paint of stag or carve The thing thou Iovest, tho' the body starve...
...All this comes of the editor not publishing his first letter but selecting Its meet damaging accusations for comment...
...In two successive notes, you prom teed to answer my letter i Is discussing ease, in the way that you do, what you meant...
...This view is by no means original with Mr...
...Honesty, however, fay...
...Is it not our bssbsi at least to look Into the txainbnr'.Bnj are receiving...
...He declares we bad concealed the fact of his Socialist affiliation...
...An item in the A. F. of L. news service declares that the Socialist Party is moribund...
...respond to the roll calL Work thou for pleasure...
...Tb) bad boy is he who throws paper on Ot floor, who runs off the line, who ehadn In the hall...
...In the days et at World War...
...He became a deputy to the County Clerk t ef Maw Teak County m 1*1...
...also tht the club had no money...
...Tbey en teaching various skills, to be sure, west) will be of advantage on the job...
...Does this mean that the clouds have moved...
...not see fit to come to our conclusion that "Tammany had its finger in the pie...
...Eddie," as Ferrari called him, had been secretary to Banking Superintendent McLaughlin for about five years, and before leaving the Banking Department had been retained as counsel by Ferrari on part time at $5,000 a year and paid $500 as a retainer by check...
...Thomas, I understand, wanted you to publish the letter...
...That was the general mood of the thousands who gathered at the picnic grounds and every organizaiton whose members attended got something of the new spirit...
...Thomas' urge...
...The famous check of $10,000 bearing the notation "F...
...We should seat Bp come for them the opportunity ef eaesv ing through education into the aabssi inheritance of the race, conservsttna this culture may be...
...mbarepresenutions as td my effiliayou would have bean precluded from footing your readers...
...A few ripe bananas and water melon rinds hurled by the defenders drove the Soviet army back and left Mott Sreet in control of Ah Sin and his Allies, » Well it was a repulse, but when the Polcom.of the Sub-Section of No...
...The impertinent or laty bar receives frequent admonition...
...B ha grown up, like most moral cedes...
...It to fortunate for labor that no Congress, whatever Its other deficiencies, to likely to do anything so absurd as what Mr...
...5 The third requirement is conformity a the standards of the herd, school sped is to the high school a kind ot adokeesst patriotism, both vague and uaohBBbj It shows Itself by boosting, whooping » up at school games, subscribing to Ucksb whenever asked, and maintaining egstat an comers that this particular ached S in every respect superior...
...Our basic industries, however, are already producing tn excess of our domestic requirements and need export outlets for their surplus...
...We are asked why we did not publish the first letter...
...We are calling the roll...
...devotes the editorial quoted below to Matthew Woll...
...Of course...
...Bley Insinuated that we had received some of the millions "appropriated by the wet leaders for debauching newspapers...
...You knew that I am not a subscriber to the paper, and so knew that ordinarily I would not eee your "answer...
...Who works for glory misses' oft the goal...
...Herewith follows the World editorial: Centuries Behind His -Times On matters pertaining to foreign trade and credit the views of Matthew Woll...

Vol. 8 • August 1929 • No. 29

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