SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK i-2T_ too*** »* **** Wsesmagtosi IP |W IU. Isabel H- Bum s^jJLf^^^airi^^ f^^aWSCW*. leaflets, becks, sapphOs Sn5bt Party sobtteattoea ssareevl to the Nattonsl \\\\ U...
...Returning from Long Branch 7.30 p.m...
...discovered to me an America where "There was no Peace" and When I lost my job for observing this fact with concern I decided that there was mighty little of Freedom...
...i 'AStoaa afJsWaW a*"sa1gtlaaa B 11 I ikm wvo rwCtjipt* to wi tPJMw np VBHtB wffl settU wrth the Mattoaal OfScc...
...Second District, HJal, mar Muurahainen: Member ef the Board of Alderman, 83rd District, Charles M. Perweds...
...In eri^ea county, Emil Brora berg, Samuel Ranter and August Cisaessns will work toward the reorganization of branches in the 18th and 21st AD (Platbush), 2nd A. D. fBrewnsvUto), and Kings Highway Section...
...larger had been announced to speak but bis illness will make It impossible...
...Councilman John Wright, of the D. E. C. of the Socialist Party will preside...
...Thursday, Aug...
...Ctorenoe O. Senior, to the Savoy Hotel...
...special rate of 75c for the trip both ways...
...A nationally prominent speaker wtn address this convention, which is being held for ths purpose ef formally organising the Stats...
...Comrade SgdOBl a tireless and capable workVm tto Cause of Socialism and the ,J*r aw saffsred a great loss in her S. to her family and comrades we Xt ear smears sympathy...
...Volunteers are needed to assist in reorganization...
...Allen, town, Reading, York...
...Bathgats and 174th street Sneaker, Julius Umansky...
...10, he-will speak at the court house steps...
...nge7 osVof-tcwn callers were A. Lonet sod wife of Detroit...
...John Singleton...
...11th, Outing Socialist Party Local Philadelphia at Camp Hofnung (W.C...
...23nj A- D- Branch...
...Leaes traeakwi ere arraS teaesea EgT,arevn Jar a weekly banato af 2_ set saorossos many (eld by sellJflmtfjgW Leader st open air asoettg« i -' ItSMll EXECUTIVE TO MEET I mTmrn af the members of the Ma¦*L imiiilln Committee, tu next —5- weS be held In New York City J4 and 15...
...95tb District, Michael Ajrol...
...10-11, Newark: Aug...
...8, s.yo p.m...
...Count' Cltrk, Adojpnlna Muurhainen: Member of Assembly, First District, Anton Christenson...
...Victor.1... getk«alXvtt5» be* Just been Internal that Cetwrsde Georgie .Ireland, aeiWreP-ry ef the Socialist Party of jZmgMT died on July 15th...
...Norman Thomas and Mc A lister Coleman are expected to address the meeting...
...SOUTH PHILADELPHIA AH friends and sympathizers 0j tne Party in South Philadelphia, bounded by Market street, ths Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers, are asked to communicate with Emanuel Kline, at 5th and Ellsworth streets, who has been appointed special organiser for this district...
...Other speakers are to fellow if your cooperation justifies this undertaking...
...Kings CounOtoaeSsTflf abawat^«Sto£fi!ai *>MT&i ^^C«ttrrW 1 O.Tk......sT^AaWtomemi Thomas will speak for a joint meeting I of the Harlem Branches in the auditorium of the East Harlem Rlin sskaasl Center...
...Sunday, Aug...
...I. Mrs...
...Baltimore is also making . arrangements for a welcome party to the new manager sent te Baltimore to take charge of the Jewish Daily Forward...
...8-30 p», 68th street and Bay Parkway...
...Havemeyer and South street...
...We expect a full membership meeting...
...7 Z. 16th street...
...A large number of comas...
...10, 8.38 p.m...
...William Toole is having large open air meetings...
...The new organizer Is Joseph Jarasldw...
...Portam bat been elected by a unanimous aa St tht a-embars as State Secretary, fjejt sBO re-elected for the ninth conawll'ii tin-as Pinaneial Secretary of orsaetsri' Usioa No...
...Pennsylvania CROSSWAITH MEETINGS Meetings for Prank Croaswaith of New York have boon arranged as follows: Aug...
...Among the speakers announced are State Senator Thomas A Duncan, Prod Warren ef Chicago, and Clarence O. Seniqr, National Executive Secretary...
...Camp Hofnung (w...
...The fare win he 82.00 s person, round trip...
...coney island A mass meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Aug...
...6th, Noon...
...In Milwaukee the party has chartered three trains of lcterurban ears which win leave the terminal building st 13 o'clock, noon...
...The time is ripe to rebuild local Philadelphia to its pre-war Standing...
...AU friends are urged to attend Friedman will deal with Socialist issues in general, but the meeting win mark the opening ef the National Fund Drive la North Carolina STATE CONTENTION A Stats convention win be held la Winston-Salem Sunday, Sept... Rayon he under the auspices of the Eastern States Conference...
...SOCIALIST OUTING Remember the big outing en August 11...
...The ocea!^^JRU^Bf^LU TU Branch aadtDeltos stoaocheTwUi^ato^ H\f tlk^sS^^Sarln...
...A. P. Wlttei 44 Linden Ave., BeUeville...
...11, he will speak at a picnic arranged by York Socialists...
...AU people who have oars and wish to donate them will communicate with Max Rosen at ths Brownsville Lsftor Lyceum...
...9, 8J0 p.m...
...N. C. WadaSe stoa* to his dues for the year maa stotes that there Is hope of ja> ¦genWnr a Socialist group in his "taWjrikt orncE visitors , ewwTtoe pwt week the National I ejii fiase bed the pleasure of visiting eaTamrtl of the old time and weU teas ssauadoi One of them wee A. ¦ skates, member of the National ExaeaOaaauttot la :eo« and 190S and aTsHai ef (he "Bed Special" that oaradler arssldeetiel candidate...
...Branches and Members.atLarge (for some very successful outdoor meetings were carried out by one or two members-at-large) are urged to Immediately send in their reservations for a meeting...
...T. Newark...
...All comrades, especially Yipsels, are invited to attend...
...New Jersey Frank Crosswalth started s two weeks' speaking tour of New Jersey Monday, July 28...
...In accepting the Invitation...
...7, 8.30 P-m...
...8, 8.30 p.m...
...Remaining dates sre: Aug...
...Buses will leave Labor Institute—810 Locust street—early Sunday morning (about 9:00 A.M...
...Propaganda meetings are scheduled Friday night in Gibrslter and Wamelsdorf and Saturday night st Rehrersburg, Centre port and Mt...
...Simon Cohen who has been acting as organizer for quite some time and whose effort* are largely responsible for the splendid growth of this branch has been compelled to resign because of night work...
...BEADING Local Reading has arranged for a number of propaganda meetings for this week and S number of picpics are on the program for the summer...
...These petitions are in ths possession ef sU branch organisers and volunteers are needed to complete the Job bffor«**uf...
...charge of the petition week...
...20th to 3lst, Western Penna.: September 1st, Syren...
...For dates address Sarah Urn bach, 308 Fifth Avenue Arcade, Pittsburgh...
...83 Bast iOOth street...
...The agitation up to Aug...
...Saturday, Aug...
...BRONX Thursday...
...Fred Warren was one of the editors of the old Appeal To Reason...
...Comrade Qrr repeated in detail set the condttloo of our organisation in the Bronx and recommended the employment of an organizer aeon... donate it tor that day...
...New York State BUFFALO Local Buffalo ta holding a basket picnic at Beaver Lodge, near Ransomville, Niagara County, the summer home of Irving M. WMss, on Sunday, August 18...
...Nicholas avenue: Fort Washington . avenue and Broadway...
...I9ttl to SSth, Central Part ef State...
...JUn PICNIC AND OUTING 7m nSaoi* Bociaiist party will hold a (Mtor sad state Picnic at White Bj, See street and Park avenue...
...Johns Place and Rochester avenue...
...0, Petersen... proceed, to be divided between the Bateau, State and County organise¦ *W AlssPM»b^ lie JjJ Savtt^Wsm tessast ^BTaisWOOBfai1 •tote Mmae...
...3. 8.J0 p.m., 86th street and Lexington avenue...
...87 Meroer street, Newark This event promises to be the greatest got-together meeting of Socialists and their friends ever held in the state...
...Samuel H. Fitodenan, ef Mew York win address the mesahars of Local Bachmond at a meeting In the Workmen's Circle Hall Sunday, Aug...
...Secretary of Local New Bedford is Chairman of the Picnic Committee...
...on the Baston Pike, above Pipersville...
...Volunteers sre also needed to canvas* enrolled Socialist voters for signatures in sections where we have ne sraaeh orCTirtostton, Any comrade who sap volunteer a few hour* some evening in the week is urged to get in touch with the City Office...
...Reports were made by StSt* Secretary Minnie Coderholm, Martin F. plunkett, and Organiser Fred Cedsrhplm...
...6. 8.30 pun., Fifth street and Avenue B. Speakers, Jos...
...BRIGHTON BEACH At a meeting Wednesday, July 34, Joseph Tuvim was nominated for the Board of Alderman, 39th Aklermanic District...
...Speakers will be James Oneai, Editor of the New Leader and H- Taubenshlag...
...An invitation has been extended to the newly formed Independent Labor psrty at Niagara Falls te attend this picnic...
...Maryland Local Baltimore is taking in new members and making arrangements for the national drive, having seat 850 to it Also having the leaflet on Old Age Pension distributed...
...Ths HsU is at 711 Watt Broad street...
...Jitw^ **rxm* *3#T <1405 Walton avenue), or at the County Headquarters after 8;00 p-m...
...may also be ordered from the State Sec...
...New York City PRIMABY PETITIONS Nominations of candidates te be voted for to primaries, Tussday, Sept...
...ORGANIZATION AND EDUCATION At the meeting of this cemalttae Weev nesdsy, July 34, the following matters were decided...
...nit* street and 5th avenue, speakers, Hyman Nemser and others...
...Sttie Frsueneiass to to...
...A. J. Muste and George Roewer will be among the speakers of the day...
...Mb that Mn...
...7, 8.30 p.m., Graham and Varet street...
...N. J. Be sure and get your tickets now...
...S. o. Bowers, of 323 North Cherry street...
...Thursday evening...
...McDowell was ousted from the University of Pittsburgh for his activities on behalf of Mooney and Billings...
...5th, Rankin...
...8 in WinstonIllinois Me Skerstary W. R Snow recently sarosd from s four day trip down saa, reports on increased aetlvity in i Its-tor of the places visited...
...The ride along the Sunrise Highway was a beautiful one and the day spent on the Park Ground* was one long to be remembered...
...Executive Board of the United Textile Workers of America...
...AU Bronx cosnrednr who win assist are to get in touch wttsv S. A. Mcltto, > 140* Wslton svepne...
...Work win begin in the orsjaniazlton of another branch to the upper work of the 23rd A. D. Letters were read from the Rand School ef Social Science and the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...The State Executive Committee will meet soon and lay plans for the winter work...
...Office for a bundle to be aadhtisl among your fellow workers ^ejfistatS IP ELAND PARSE...
...Nattoaal Ofltoe...
...McDowell said: "I am personally interested in the Mooney-Billings Case as it has simply confirmed the direction which the Saeco Case gave me...
...mTM- ALASKA tea tar off Juneau, W...
...Pinner and supper wiU be served...
...The fare on these trains is 80 cents for the round trip, Admission to the park Is fret...
...Saturday night...
...BROOKLYN Wednesday...
...Londall was ¦aedsersjarj of Michigan at one time...
...mttrr T|s Jacob Winn en of Melrose as eaato sa^r eighty-five years old...
...August 4, at Sylvan Orove, Now Bedford...
...Preparations are now being made for the next outing which will take place at Camp Eden, Aug...
...BRANCH This branch win meet at ths Party Headquarters at 1X87 Boston Road Tunsday evening...
...The round trip is about 75 miles, which mean* transportation costs you a cent a mile...
...Trains leave Central R. R. of N. J. Depots (daylight saving time) 33rd street, N. Y., 8:4» a.m...
...Director ef the Young People's Labor College...
...RICHMOND COUNTY The following candidates have been nominated: For President of the Borough of Richmond...
...Other speakers Include Horace Rivier, General Organiser and John Campos, of ;ths...
...East Pittsburgh: 6th, Eeveeing, Braddoek: 7th, Federal and Diamond, N. S. Pittsburgh...
...Socialist President of the Buffalo City Council and present socialist candidate for Mayor...
...Friday, Aug...
...32, 1947...
...A beautiful natural setting of trees, flowers and hills...
...80S Labor Temple...
...has been arranged for Sunday, September 8, the destination to be announced rater...
...County Judge and Surrogate, Elinor Byrne...
...s, when cither Louis WaldsBJUvox ilgsnrrn Lee- aflU .address the branch...
...There is considerable discontent as was shewn by the targe Socialist vote and the 200,000 citizens who voted for the Democratic party in opposition to the Philadelphia machine...
...Gamp Bakes and an effort wtn be made to get every Bronx comrade who has a car...
...August 12th to 18th, Philadelphia...
...4, Newark...
...organiser CSsesBsrj* asst other imiutieii of the City CrgTuUsaitoa win be present, Bronx County^H^s^atUon has decided to hold another outing on Sunday, Aug...
...8, 8.30 p.m., Grove Street and Washington Place (Sheridan Square) Sneaker...
...180th street and St...
...4th, Pranlcstown and Station, Pittsburgh...
...Sixty dollars ¦ SSM tad stodges were collected...
...K C. Bowers, of Wlpad smlss-- hm toep elected as tamperBf fasts Secretary of North Carolina a] thtt s State Convention is to be ssj^aa Sunday, Sept...
...8th and Central streets...
...Thoro wUl be sports, music snd speaking...
...SO Howe avenue...
...TBe Ontoaga and North£g e»asg SJtfS1...
...eSter* you doing to change that ^sf sSattsV You can learn bow te ?awSi aUktog a change In this silly Saataf reading the leaflet entitled fTk a Crime to be Old...
...8 in the Club-rooms, 2292 Mermaid avenue...
...Max Delson will act as Assistant Organiser and wtn eeacentrato his attention en the Upper west gtde of Manhattan...
...j eass Js tor the purpose of finding a* bar the national movement was aejtoj to the victory of our British aSasf and also to take a good look 7Bj psdetlng ef Karl Man...
...Comrades desiring 9mmmM suiters for consideration at aefaeaVBg Sbemld get their com muniJpT tstothi National Office not SSrtaTRsWn NEED NOT A7TLT "Tte that *#pne* to women ss well...
...At a weU attended meeting Friday evening, July 28, the branch pledged tfti modest sum of S80A0 setts contribution to the National Fund Drive...
...This wffl be an aotomObBe outing to...
...Speakers to be announced...
...IT, Camden...
...Welter H. Deartng...
...Connecticut STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The State Executive Committee met In WalUngford last Sunday with delegates ' from all districts...
...Thursday, Aug...
...Ample entertainment, amusement, and shelter have been provided- Tickets are 81.50, round trip for adults: 75 cents for children...
...J. O. Hodges, fno Park avenue, is chairman for the overarm atoatojtoto and flrtondi to the city and vicinity are urged to attend, rtosirvitlnni may be made with either Hodges or H. Otomerman...
...A letter was read from the mayor ef New Britain stating that the party could hold a meeting there and a meeting will rund* Tta^stau^in^t«£¦mm wtC the drive and tooaJs are isqueeted to togwawav^at —---i...
...Wtoaton Salem, has oonseatod to serve as Stats Secretary, and is forwarding smagsmenfc for ths Convention, wtth the oooperattott of David Oeorgc ef New York...
...niatfono, aha consideration of a Radio for the heedcuerters: progress on the portions"aod other important matters...
...An organiser will enter the stats in October under the auspices of the Stats snd Southern States Organisation Committee...
...17, are completed and petitions sre being circulated for the signatures...
...enlonlst* attended his funeral ¦ - Aorta Carolina MS O. ttoorst, Dlstriot Secretary ef •a Bjrtiy farmed Southern District, re...
...Broad street, Newark, 9.S0 a.m...
...Comrades in Potts town...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Wednesday...
...Orange avenue, Newcialist Drive in New Jersey will be comer k. Organization for tho United Sopleted at this meeting...
...leaflets, becks, sapphOs Sn5bt Party sobtteattoea ssareevl to the Nattonsl \\\\ U ttan is no toeel ersantoa E_ «*sr vktoity, you may bccaosa fiwltaV at Large by "PsJytar tor LSStt...
...The formal opening of the Drive will be Mondsy...
...Sard A. D. An interesting discussion was held tost Monday evening 09 the CQjifeitnce for Progressive Labor Action...
...August 8th, They will open their campaign for the nattonal drive at this dinner...
...Leonard Bright lead with a short talk on the aims ef the Conference...
...Chlsav st fsmeAy afternoon, August 35...
...Liberty street, N. Y., 9 ajn...
...Over 1500 tickets have already been taken...
...Wisconsin STATS PICNIC Wisconsin Saetolists will hold their annual stats ptonto st Musk ego Beach, Sunday, August 11, which is situated on the shore of ens of the state's most beautiful lakes, A special invitation has been extended to Chicago Socialists and then* friends many of whom expect to take sdrebates of excursion rates on the Nerthwestern to make the trip...
...3rd, Center and Roberts, Pittsburgh...
...5-8, Bergen Co...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown and David Oeorgc...
...Massachusetts NEW BEDFORD LABOR PARTY The New Bedford Labor Party win hold an all day picnic on Sunday...
...Phone Kilpetrtek 74W...
...Speakers, Harry Sehaehner, Simon Wolfe aad others...
...8. The order of business includes a tejfe by the candidate for the Assembly, Julius Cmanaky on ths campaign plans, and...
...The Auto Outing spirit seems to have seized upon the members, As s pleasant and effective means of realizing funds quickly to meet Its National Quota, another outing...
...The branch bulletin is beina published this week...
...Snd, Picnic, Westmorland County...
...Ohio CLEVELAND Arthur O McDowell...
...4, at « am...
...A. Well, Jacob Bernstein, MoUj Weiagart...
...Thursday, Aug...
...10 and 11...
...The branch is participating actively in the National Drive...
...He Setottom tf lass apathy and more tnsrsjt xsuufested than on any former ewsfen to recent years...
...Conditions ¦ fee bonding trades are very bad and at gauoot is sot good for the fail sad 1X Jarskek a member of Local Pert, sal fed the Painters Union, fell durSen on a house snd died from inleenved...
...Ashtabula, will be one of the speakers at the SaccoVanxetti Mamorial snd Mooney-Billings Protest meeting Aug...
...84th District, Simon Matson...
...Ths Cosnreer^weelth the Pedessstos] eszSa*e?^Bawrta*^to8^'si WtrarS street, Hew Haven, August 3d...
...8, Passaic...
...Speakers, Etbelred Brown, Max Delson snd Seymour Goodman...
...Send to a* Batons...
...The nttethxg 1* at 1:80 ia KINGS COUNTY 18th Assembly District The branch was toe late with its announcement concerning the enjoyable automobile outing to Belmont Lake Stats Park for the last issue of the New Leader...
...Tohiekon Creak and fins shaded walks...
...However, there is s tacit agreement among the active spirit* that 850.00 is only tor publicity purposes, whereas it is resily the intention to subscribe many times that amount...
...Bugene I rata &om coast to coast in 1808...
...New Jersey has set a goal of 84,000 to be collected in the state STATE EXCURSION Tickets for the grand state excursion to Long Branch Sunday...
...Alteona, Oreensburg, Irwin, Bethlehem please 1st us hear from yott .H^p make Crosswalth's trip a huge success...
...Frederick v. Field, Rebeccs Turner and other...
...8, are now en sale at 258 Central avenue, Jersey City...
...Speakers will include Frank C. Perkins...
...Esther Friedman wul follow Crosswalth on a two weeks' speaking tour beginning Aug...
...Jackson avenue, Jersey City, 9:15 am...
...which he eases to the National Office two years Oregon She...
...The State Committee meets Sunday, August 4 at S3 Sc...
...Two weeks hence, Nathan Charun will present the negative side...
...Bmk^r^^aSS8 errsneemonu^for^«P*gal ears^to carry Missouri KAN8AS CITT DINNKB Kaaeas City ftoclalistr aad sempethisers will give a dinner in honor of the new'National Secretary...
...Speakers, Joseph WeU, Hyman Nemser, David Georgs...
...rosK Charles F. Sands, superintendent ef the Reading municipal machine shop, wiU speak st two meetings in York...
...8th, Brie...
...1T3S Bait 8th stmt, Kansas City...
...Speaker, Henry Jager...
Vol. 8 • August 1929 • No. 29