A PAGE OF EXCLUSIE FEATURES ROOFS Pkr my heck window steatiag roots, a ek of them, the sort that the yousu»a*oro Quarter loved to point in the 'ruwettos, i« new Fourteenth Street skyline to...
...Jones takes a youngster who has no love for that sort of aa environment and throws him headlong into the roaring midst ef the shop...
...There's * tumult in the voOeys, There's a turmoil in the ntreet, And the pmuemeut echoes sormujmh) To the treed of memthmg feet...
...Not*: AthletM Directors . . . ptoas* tend toyour^do^eatry fee sj FtOdDay M Otreta •. Man...
...kept Uuuneelve* to the 'nationalist ptotforav ". Xa lilt they applauded the imecrtoUat oar" (paces 102-103...
...On top of all this you see them being constantly harassed by a group of strawbosses or overseers of whom there seam to be s veritable army, there being one boss to every ten or fifteen men...
...They would kiss and BP- woman has gone and no young men come any •** Aa old, old woman whose hands tremble as she HjjaS a needle through aa endless bundle of trousers on taken the apartment...
...a potnehte element The interior ef the shop was churchly...
...No doubt many ef these thoughts occur' te you...
...Retribution throws its shadow For ahead across the trail.' Weep and howl, you idle rich mem, That your ease will be ne more...
...although as late a* April 1939 the chief J of the Georgian Soviets was ootnplaining 1 that both still required hundreds of thousand* of roubles before they could I be completed t A Novel Of Labor And Machines By McAlister Coleman ¦arou coma away from the book Jl "Steel Chips" by Idwal Jones (Alfred A Knopf, New York, 83st), with the mrxftitodlnous vote** of a machine-shop ytiMworing at your ear...
...to Snd out What makes a man more class conscious abroad thah in the United states...
...BARBUSSE DEFENDS -IMPERALISM The Author of "Under Firm" Whiienomahsmm the Soviet Invesion Of Georgia By D. garscfaitii^ Labor Party) rw*gM issesrsiun of the amlaaat French X aowjk* to Bokdtsttom sattotoatod tha oHesaeter and the resuM af too "gaseatitasliia'' in Georgia wktoh oat announced a long tim...
...J^ttta it my own, my native land...
...Pee we are roofs over the heads of poor fee pie tWhe are lucky to have us at aU...
...FKJiDA Fmtwtt With the proper music setting the battle stag above should acquire a simple permanence is the rebel snog book...
...That I remember mow a former cose, And women in the main won'* differ greatly, Makes me request your silence in this plate, But meaning not that you must stand so straighmu, fteproving me with silence—/ would rather Feel your voice break them feel this stillness gather...
...Tan of these machine* hned the wide aisle on both sides...
...We won the YPSL-YCL htatbsll game at Ulmer Park last week, sad were presented with » silver loving cup which M new an display at the City Office...
...August Snd, a meeting will be held at Irving Plata (Irving Place and ltth street) at which Oomrade Silver win report about the ConBass, Mambers of the YPSL and all fiMoa interested hi the Socialist Youth Movement are invited to attend this meeting...
...Not only doe* Mr...
...What does anyone want of gold-fish, for that Bash «f a flapping green shade young men would am through a room...
...These officers axe: President, Howard Martin...
...New York City Athletics—Our first athletic event was a very successful one...
...eeUy hooUef-gera, eat af work men end T*ert)y kotow in a Mack, dirty back-room two men, ajt of them young, one of them old, Ue as iron cots, jeeiaewsBipenj...
...Jone's people ore outstanding individualists...
...For your sins are heaping em you...
...In his passionate defense of liberty for the poUtkaUy approved in other lauds, only o fore word for tke victims of Communist dictatorship has been heard...
...His took tor%*4 him on tnviebtp fortiom —mono the enlightened peofh of tho avoHef...
...saves 8. A. sw Witt...
...And the conclusions which Mr...
...paflMs provide as quarters for use by thee* man who have been east out of the maelstrom at life by society as we know It today...
...Jones has the teed taste to tot the reader draw for himself an fascinating to anyone who realise* that then M the central problem of our times, man and hM relation to the machine...
...Their stormy bellowing* ware underlaid with the rat-tat-tat of pneumatic hammer*, the hi** of compressed air, the hollow rear in steam-valve*, the thundering ran of overhead cranes, the ctongtot of chains, and the warning cries of workmen, thin, falsetto notes in the discord.'' • • • For anyone who has been in any of the big shop* of the General Electric at Schenectady then is a thrill in the authentic manner with which Mr...
...to complete It 316,000 roubles are still required...
...Hen M a great cross-section of American labor on the job...
...Organization Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young Feople'a Socialist League 21 Essex Street, LILLIAN S. KAPLAN EDITOR Published Every Weak by The New Leaser for the Young Peoples Socialist League A Brief T"iHIS is to bo a plea for a certain type j •A of man—a man who is despised by all who come in contact with him—a contact which at most constats of a 1 glance of curiosity tinged with eon-: tempt, snd the object of which M immediately dMmMssd from mind...
...Then ha watches the effect of the shop en hM man...
...On August 3rd we wfll hsvencminstioos for officers of the efeete...
...Haunt been nowhere, ue have seen everything Ami know all that there is to know about Laughter and love and the long, long tight Of broken men lying looking up at us Awaiting the accursed ami inevitable dawn...
...of a new factory at Sehangonaki (Cauungonl...
...And hen it is...
...Along the day there is no moralising, ne preaching, no hint ef propaganda...
...Makharadat spoke on the "industrialisation" of the country as follows: "Very often the undertakings which should have cost such and such * sum cost us double...
...Sut hia resent back* aa* emssded all aoojeeturoa Mat only dew ML Sartusse sever With hM literary im-tto.il ail the acts of vtoMnae saeafstsbji in Ooorgia by lb* ¦aviate but ha aearattdma the vtottow with aodactty which the Suato-Oeerg-aa Botshevtete -hea-tefres have never dated to eahitet Blindly truaUng the facto and flaws* enmntuntostad to hbn in Georgia by these wheat he ealM hM -teovtag eofcourage," the naveattoatoraroridet his leaden with a t abutous hMtery of the jsVahStonary movement te the Caucasus and aa en-xaty false pto> ture of the present situation in Oeorgto, at the same ttsae developing idea* en "nat-tsAUtf and liberty" which would do honor to the stoat eeaflnaed hnperM1MM I regret that I am only able to produce here a few "facts" and data from among hundred* to demonstrate the real character of the "tnrestigaUoa" of ic Barbueee...
...Educational Committee, Ross E Shamu...
...Wo have had plenty of labor novels dealing with politics and prosetande...
...Wr _ Qt iBoprietor of the "Cider Shop" comes out into bh yard with an armful of empty bottle*.' Strange saat tsjs atedera eider will do to people...
...Armageddon's at tht door...
...Com you hear the rising roar Of the mob Othirft for vengeomee .. J Armageddon's at the door...
...And Bnawovsr, the whole of that portion of the book entitled "What has happened" (more than 80 pages) «Tr*t«T«f only "facts" just as veraciously reported...
...The mighty protagonist ef "Stool Chips" M of course, the machine...
...Because of tho "eminent position Barbusse has held we publish D. Chrachidse't somewhat lengthy review in full...
...Oomrade Silver attended the World Conference of tho Young Peato Zion which was held Id VtbJi_udb% Ua__i otootia...
...Jones transfers that mammoth confusion to paper...
...It may be imagined with what lack of moderation St...
...Now they have forgotten how to sing, •hytojt cure* a little sad slam down the window...
...Akn a ouestion as to whether aha wUl he able to tars enough out Of such efforts for the pries of Up tee Hsclair's complete set of books...
...I would explain to them that this type ef man forms the backbone of the "Maintenance of Way" of the railroad system in the United states...
...Others will growl "Aw, ha* toft the Communists alone this week . . Yes, yea, X know that most af yea wffl hardly have noticed the change . . . since you never even care to read see through...
...nor in the future...
...OUVB O-KiAL...
...The Soviet*' AecoasseMlitsiets Thee* facts, reported In this way, will not fail to produce a treat effect But to appreciate the real character of these "results achieved" it is indispensable to know in what conditions the work of industrial "edification" is being pursued...
...Young neopte throughout the country are adviced to write to the editor of the YPSL aaBotin of Chicago far BMhanga...
...which should have already been completed (before May, 19.8) ef a "barrel factory at Borjom (with a production of about 600.000 barrels)" the construction of which should have been completed, and finally af "cabinet making factory at Marelissakh (Marellssi, D.Ch...
...Sow Barbusse has irrevocably blemished hit record by publishing under his signature 0 whilwosh of the Soviet conquest of Georgia, in the Caucasus, which concludes tenth o defense of imperialism...
...Is that the manner in which to write history of an author who is eonsatonttoss and who respects hM readers...
...The cats come sBJgarhf and ait under her window...
...And incidentally it M reporting by an eye-wttness for the author worked as a machinist for five years at the General Electric and later en at other machineshop...
...e Mr...
...You have now the reasons for his generally disreputable appearance and for hM indulgence in liquor, which in most oases result* In bed after-effect* and the spending of two or three month* wages' in a few days, and put* him back en the "skid read'' once more, with the only noticeable difference being that he M just a little more filthy, s uttto men sick, and a whole tot mere despised by the man and woman on the street who glance at him with curiosity and turn aside in contempt j CHARLES STJXABSKY...
...that Stolypine had recourse to a coup d'etat in order to arrest, bring before a "special" tribunal and have eondriwnod to hard labor and to exportation for life to Siberia, four Oeorgian eMputtss of the Second Dumas, two of whom, Djapartdac and LomtaUdto, died ip prison and the other two, Tsereteili and Q. it-harads* ware net brought back from Siberia until the Revolution ef February...
...to complete the construction ef the factory 390,000 roubles are still required...
...Quoted from the Report of the georgton J^Cpmrpuntst" of Tiflis N. 81, 19...
...Yea go to Sootohst mitttoge with him, rub up against some of the eutotoodiat figure* to the miiionionl in the days before the war...
...The Domestic Record The same "veracity" is seen In the exposition ef the work of the Socialist Government of Independent Georgia...
...The factory at Marellssi should have cost 750,000 rouble*, but it cost 1,183,000 roubles...
...It has all the etoer ring ef faith, such ss made the revolutionary movement la America a living, burning thing a doegels age...
...I k«ji eel them together hoofing it up and down Third ^Tosaa...
...These will say "Thank Heaven he's stopped betag serious about the Party...
...W* can stake a success of our Ftold Day if yea win an pitch in and hate...
...I need offer much teat excuse...
...Jones know hM machine* but he ha* been inside the hearts snd brains of these that tend them and comet beck with what I would call a "human document" if I were a fancy blurb writer...
...This therefore is the real worth of the Soviet industrial initiatives, which moreover M not confined to Georgia alone, but constitutes one of the principal causes of the fabulously high prices of the products of Soviet industry, and consequently of the seven and permanent crisis raging in the U B 8 Jilt ]* curious to note that M. Barbusse in his patriotic seal for the Soviets speaks of factories at Marellssi and Chamgoni a* factories already functioning at the time of his "Investigation," that i* to say before May IBM Che even gives us the figure of the annual production of the factory at Marellssi: 130,000 chain...
...Mrjljistsr Cgjcgsg...
...Recording Secretary, Beatrice Shapiro...
...lot msa who runs the little watch-repairing shop •Sets fork ting dogs...
...You tee Brass, at first te sulking revolt against the whole set-up gradually catch the sense of the spirit of coajtomanshto that M te the oJd-timen in Shop Forty...
...Now add then a woman would "Ot tad stand in the window with an arm around the ¦Sarestouiders of one of them...
...After a successful start w| should try to make our second event Just as successful . . . Ftold Day M being held en Sept tth at the Rice Stadium, Pelham Bay Park...
...the mere entries, at* more successful am lbs meet be...
...to Wobbly hall across the way two "Wearies" _Ssat and listen...
...He know* and evidently tore* la loss and castings, milling-machlnat, boring machines, mill-planes and grinden...
...And again the easy manner in which they are kept in submission by little favors such a* medals snd eating with the foreman —aH these revealing side-lights, often so tragically overlooked by Socialists, are caught in the coven of this stirring epic...
...Bowery of New York and on the various "skid roads" ef other ettiec which correspond to the Bowery of Now York...
...The problem, if you have one, posed though never exposed, M what the machine is doing to the worker...
...And, bretthleet...
...While the circle M small, it was urgsnlssn entirely by spontaneous local effort, and new members are •xpected every week...
...AH that concerns the past, but we are not assured against thi* spirit of squandering neither today...
...X.YNN, MASS...
...But what can he said of the ether affirmation of U. Barbuate: "In 1914 they applauded the imperialist war...
...The type I refer to M usually found on the...
...The cats do not fight gng •* Stent...
...You would Judge by the way my eon tribe fin tap the space this week that running a column te a Smtaax...
...What does »__oke*l* pharmacy waat of gold-fish in a back. JIN...
...the sick child below crying , Three rings at midMgkt, sight after night, enough to set a plot-hungry •Stouit story writer furiously at his typewriter...
...those camps railroad commissary com...
...They roll them hastily across the street while a* north kusky stands looking up and down with one top band on his hip-pocket...
...to study Buropssii 8ccialism...
...for thM week at least And what with the torrid weather...
...ades how to get in line sad work for Socialism...
...V Barbusse's subsequent tartar ho* served to profntsswmly brook doom tho distinction h* oamod for himself with "Under Fire...
...In 1918, 1919 and 1910 all the great private landed estates (exceeding seven des-latinee (3.7 acres), bequeathed to the proprietor) or belonging to the Imperial family or to the Church were confiscated without payment and many hundreds of thousands of hectares of tend used for the cultivation of cereals were distributed among the peasants who possessed none at all or who possesed little . . . There exists, even in French,** a good deal of material orr' trite reform, which is of such a considerable magnitude and which is all the mere remarkable in that it was carried out, not in the upheaval of civil war, but without any bloodshed, with revolutionary discipline, by democratic methods...
...And make of us but dust and seed and air, The evening meal for some tormented satyr...
...from which 120,000 chairs are sent out every year" (page 306...
...drift ltetleeaty in and out They have ad bate abie to get work for a long tine now...
...Down the cellar doors tke tenets bounce, the doors swing to, the man run tack gad inside of three minutes the truck is on its way to stake further deliveries of "Dairy Supplies...
...Cat OS the extension roof of a wholesale pharmacy attestor* have been bamrderlng away at a big wooden tali-at Structure...
...Spurious "Facts" Dished Up ture Ckc never indicate* the sources trem wfetah MM figures are token) winch prove tsMstMtp the opposite...
...t a _______ P-wots are as repetitious as ad-writers...
...All I can Give You is Love" and _gat stripped to his waist, shouts at his wife, "You *W ajat, get thorn children te bed...
...Yacng Peato Eton Betegata H. Silver, delegate ef Young Pool* Stoa to the SecM-Mt Youth International Oougrasi and meeting, returned to New York en the list of July...
...But that does not hi any way prevent M Barbusse from proclaiming that "during three years not a single social reform had taken place...
...Two of the laaaibrrs of the circle, known affectionately as "8yd and Set" are now in New York, preparatory to sailing for Europe to "See the world we live in...
...Add to this—tow wages from which mor* than » third is deducted for board, long hours, generally insanitary conditions a* regard* washing, bathing, laundry, etc...
...It M a relief to have a bask about what workers do for the eight hours that they an inside the walk of the ahep...
...every man and woman en the street to these who draw aside when he passes or attempts to approach...
...reading the signs in front of the empteye**at : Tts young man hangs his head between drooping tap and aits looking at the floor...
...Mat after all it's necessary to keep talking for the principles of prop*4-aada But Ilka Robert Ksnraet before his Judges, tot sac request that no one write aay epitaph aa yet Since as few know my motives, and still fewer are ready te vindicate them Let tbam aad me repose is oaocurity tad this corner af the New leader until other -bates <aad other men can do Justice to them- Aad what tba social revolution takes place, then and not tfll then, let the epitaph of a New Leader Cttumstet ha written...
...She sjtjebe* round and round picking at grain that a firesat la red undershirt scatters...
...You see him kick against the pricks ef ah outworn feudalism rampant in even these modern settings...
...Financial Secretary, Rose X. Shsmus...
...The Frenth novelist, proclnimimo On intellectual urge toward Commuuism, hot permitted ktnurlf to bo used dam* ami again at rmoke-scrten md subterfwffM far Communist enterfriees...
...Yesterday they filled it with -Bar tad today they have put a score of gold-fish - ate the water, a young man to a white coat cornea Wt sjti looks anxiously at the gold fish...
...Examples of this are still numerous...
...Another rneraber of the circle M touring the west for the purpose of learning conditions te our own country...
...Ta* ratio sing...
...who are a parson of understanding and intelligence, but I would bring seme light on the subject to...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIE FEATURES ROOFS Pkr my heck window steatiag roots, a ek of them, the sort that the yousu»a*oro Quarter loved to point in the 'ruwettos, i« new Fourteenth Street skyline to the tt*Mf gas* roofs in their various raannere hv* aJ) BpP§ ssjefjtion* of poopls, little shop-keeptri, aerates...
...The Socialist Government while, H hoisted the red flag, left the land in the hands of the* great proprietors who supported It" (page lis...
...Our Chicago comrades seen determined to show seme of the elder eoea...
...o*e reefs down Uvea a Resetti-red, very beautiful fsntg gin who feeds four itrgy eats...
...where he keeps himself in the summer time (for be M brought to our attention, acutely, only during the winter and then because some selfish parasite exploit* him for the former's personal benefit...
...Again almost everyone of them realises, however dimly, that then M something fundamentally wrong with the manner in which the craft-instinct which M still strong in a machine-age is subordinated to the acquisitive...
...At the last Congress of the Soviet* in Oeorgto their President Ph...
...He write* with effuttoa ef "a great factory at 'Ulkhet' (hOakhetf D.Ch...
...WMh Brem yea march oat en strike end go with him through finally you come back to the shop again and plunge into the high-pressure drives of war day...
...Social Committee, Helen Hoffman, Sadi* Rebeck, Ray Grossman, Chairman...
...Then learn yon strutting masters How melius is the etore You heme heaped up for your future--Armageddon's at the doer* There's a rumble te the byway, There's a grumble m the male...
...This saaa had the courage to aay to the Oovanunant Of the Tsar in the midst of the national tsnmist and the ateKsmhcr* of pogmsas, that its external policy of intrigues and adventure* we* one of the causes of the World war, that it bore a share of the responsibility for It, that the Social-Democratic group would ss always rise up against this policy and the war itself, sad that it would refuse to vote far the ospeneai ef the war...
...The oosaredc* ef the International who were witnesses of the events ef that time remember the attitude of our lamented Nicolas Tchoidse, President of the 80etal-Democratic group of the Fourth Deaaa after the declaration of war...
...This labor eonsisU of repairing the track (putting new ties in) r laying new steal, spik-nf (swinging s twelve or fifteen pound hammer an day), pumng^up been in the tie* anywhere from five to fifteen years, whicfl makes pulling them a strenuous job because they h»v* sunk beneath the level of the tie...
...Have you over thought of what put him there...
...Daylight strained through the glass reef high overhead, maculated with patches of sect-covered snow, and rati through girders and vast apace upon a floor of ghstentag iron blocks...
...Until than however...
...And Makharadse concludes: "This circumstance (the absence of the spirit of economy and foresight— .Ch) hinders our work of development makes it mere expensive, the deficit grows...
...The War Record Outlining the history of the Georgian Sectal-Deraerratie Party, he dwells in addition to this on the activity of the Georgian Socialist deputies in the Stale Duma* of the Snastaw Bmpire is order to insinuate to his readers that the interest* of the peasants wore "badly do; fended by the Georgian Social-Democrat*" that they "did net protest against the maasaer** of minorities," more and Biare ehes-MOed the principle of worktog etoso action, the class struggle, and HENRY BARBUSSE'S "Umitr P**" nm^ickjngd cJw>Htf with Us drmstati** revtietunt of f*# brutal horror sad* futility of war...
...SYRACUSE, N. Y. The first official installation of officers was celebrated by the Boa Hanford Yipprovided in the constitution was given to the newly elected officers...
...Segments of the floor, with gigantic coating* bolted upon them, were revolving beneath machinetools that rasped off the metal in squirming, blue-hot chips that, every five or six yards, broke eft with loud reports and bounced angrily on the floor like cobra...
...why CMptta_Mm M dying...
...On August loth, elections win be held All members must make It thetr bustaas* to ttasm thaw meeunsa, as very Important busmcs* M to be token THE CHATTER BOX It Is WritatHi There'*, a murmur am the highway, TooaVftft 0 f4B4wWa*v* tpM $o%0 Ami Mosntotcnf smoulders strongly Deep m the hearts mi men, Oh harbon, you oppressors...
...Jones is too subtle...
...They have forgotten how to sing, •ft they sang so that the hair on the hack of your y Itead up...
...The hen aebj up sideways and tut, tuts her disapproval...
...She is a home-worker...
...One exasspM: The "investigator" enumerate* a eerie* of new industrial enterprises which the SnMhrvists have founded or eoaameneed to organise in Oeorgto and opens up the dazzling perspective of the "industrtataation" of the Sttta agricultural country...
...you watch with him...
...It is...
...From far sad wide will pour in the sluice-stream ef pretest aad iadiga__iOB, "Take him out drown htm, fire him, elect him ss a Judge or soma thing .Yea, yea . . . thus do I see my and...
...And a ssuher, tike most pigeon-fanciers...
...But his afflrm*ttan* thttaaort 11 are nearly always is ftojyast awwieitlitton ef the euthaatte and etMst jeclarettona of the ytaaaMB or O ist_1_M Soviet potentates...
...For the psychologist who would te pioneering In an important and largely uninvadad field then M aa Invaluable lead in the fact that despite the attempts of the machines to submerge the individual, nearly all of Mr...
...From Fort AUsgheay, Fa., the author*** sends is this poem and asks for aa opinion on her vanes...
...Is that "applauding the imperialist war...
...For the first time that I know of at any rate, a man has written a novel of modern machine* and their makers which on every page smacks ef sweating reality...
...and Information Address...
...Thi* Friday...
...I would ask them whether they would live in...
...without a doubt it was because the Georgian Boctottst deputies badly defended the peasants and the workers, or the victims af the aagroias...
...You sea how smart a lazy man can ho when he m smart aad wants tabs lasy . . . He fills la with tht worked others, aad then swipes the peroration of as efeeutiosary speech he learned for a school-day fastest, changes a fgar words, aad shrewdly says...
...They wait their turns, sitting in aa assets*- eami-circle and her aim is to aura that a teasahv pieci lands before each twi toning nose with ~% the yard adjoining ours is a clucking ken...
...V - . . TttTtr, all our workers are contented...
...In addttionlattuws bodily diseomlarts te their quarters at night they are compelled to eat food that M in most esses of the poorest quality, nonet lints poorly cooked, sad very often insufficient to satisfy their voracious sppetUie* after a day of beck-breaking aadV nerve-wracklat labor...
...Manuel Brown, 809 W. Madison street Chicago...
...5 of its Bulletin and it M full of worth while material and interesting articles...
...flow Ilk* this: • l»-~_l*-*r ut is life and death And t*e end of man and man's beginning...
...Os waat strange errand is one who rings a doorbell t*te iatsitent times, regularly at midnight...
...Barbusse praises the work of the Bolshevists in Ooorgia...
...And, knowing you, I trust for time te scatter Forever these uncertainties that we must bear...
...It is the highest sort ef artistry...
...I A small Ylpael circle of t member*, high school student*, whtee parents represent six different nationalities, has just been organised in Lynn, Mass...
...The fireman tike so assy of our neighbors is a pigeon-fancier...
...It will be coinpltted in two installments...
...The sand of it reverberates through the .whole court and ato...
...A large group of BBMBSttB BIS planning to attend the WMconste State WeateTa MUweuka on August nth and have aaade srrang_ntents to go on a special train at reduced rates...
...Executive Committee, Adeline Zimmerman, I.Wan Epstein...
...The one in ajr court rasps, "eras," time without end...
...As a matter of fact that*a why Fas l_st*d over five years on the New Leader . . . But always I shiver with the pending doom-thought, that a Cay may come when all of you by soma miraculous circumstance will ponder through one at my harangue...
...Then M no pat answer to the questions he so indirectly Mares with you...
...And regutoriy ssh tfe-b af a white ana beneath a purple kimono g« Sjsws seat out to them...
...Beatrice Shapiro, Beatrice Rosenbloom, Chairman...
...You ses him take hM part in the economic sohosao, aosutriag mastery ead direetlou...
...It M true that he would have abstained from producing certain figure* and fact* if he had had the ability and intelligence to appreciate their true significance...
...Along about derm •"clock, when wmdowa are open on hot nights, Sjrt etfts great outbursts of song from the interior sf.ttesMjfv.X- the mornings, before many people are sjasaia track marked "Dairy Supplies" whirls op to St front,of the shop...
...They "compensate" for repetitious and largely monotonous jobs by original and sometimes daring thinking, by an aimcat spiritual concern with sports, by the arduous development of hobbies...
...It has none of the belabored phrases of a Psoas wich village yowl against society...
...Now and than the mjf sub says something that is evidently meant to lalSWB^fto*- _' fa Flag Day they stuck a small five cent American Sweat through a crack in the window frame...
...Uke the apprentice and central character of the book you are "assailed to a deafening and broken uproar...
...The saw mill at Chamgoni should have cost 698,000 roubles, but it has cost 839,000 roubles . . ." etc...
...He has three pedigreed pups aw who art and yap up at our cats...
...They •J latttag foiigton, long and loud...
...Officers and Chairmen of standing committees: Membership Committee, Beatrice Shapiro, Howard Martin, Beatrice Basanhtooga...
...For example, the barrel factory at Borhom should have cost 500,000 rouble*, whereas it ha* cost us 1,143,000 roubles...
...It was a saturnalia of sound, clangorous and aereaming, like the sea in a hurricane awarsatog with huge, disturbed animals...
...Thus after having assured us that "taken a* a whole Georgian agriculture has at the present time reached its pre-war output" (page 196), M. Barbusse furnishes figures in the chapter on agriculGreat Martyrs of Sociaslism Are Vilified...
...Then will coma the crash ef fate about the little drawer in which is kept the Chatterbox papers...
...It rains the roofs are shiny and reflect the •gj-Sjtg lights from the skyscrapers on Fourteenth fjba...
...i-t taather street comes the raucous shouting of 1 fcfyar Stagi agatlon singing revival hymns...
...An iron door leading down to Be eoQar mysteriously opens at the vary moment af Mttroeks arrival Three big men Jump off the truck, as -found to the back and unload barrels of the sort 1st -Wd to contain beer in the days before Prohibitee...
...My audience neay be small...
...what employment he makes tho means of hM existence...
...Writing poems for the social revolution te aa ax pensive indulgence, and my only suggestion towaW that snd would be that if farming iaterferee with writ lag such good oldtims songs, tksn move to the city live on Riverside Drive and such odd Jobs as you ess pick up between apartment huntings, aad write . . > I use this facetious and complicating method of ad vTcs because it will sound aa unreasonabls as saytkiDt else may sound under tke present trantseasbae.-aeffc system...
...Why see St alii staa by the mar-nine ? He's been in our employ -fatty yean and never missed a square meal yet...
...The roofs sing to themselves whan it rains, a |pss, tinny little song...
...Often Umss these blanket* have bean used by a doaen different men in the abort apace of one month, and In most case* they contain lice, due te the fact that they have never been fumigated...
...Silence has a boundless deep horiton Where dead dreams rise and clamor for rebirth And surge ef voices breaking into laughter Has all the healtng of new-broken earth...
...Petition Let us be silent or the dream will shatter Nay, not a whisper, lett the fragile wore Break with tke words and be not anywhere m Again, forever, that will ever matter...
...X would ask them if they would sleep thirty te a ear, one upper and one lower en a bunk which in most eases consists ef a few slats nailed together, upon which a canvas bag fun of hard straw act* as a mattress, with too old and moth-eaten blankets for coven...
...The hen is a decoy, st si the yard to attract pigeons from other cotes, tasr see the hen luxuriating and swoop down to get in a fits banquet Then they are added to the fireman's ettorlion i» the cages by the fence...
...Ail I can say is that the lady has a definite lyric gift quits akin to that of the hymn writara of old Also that such poetry would sell, if instead af revolt Si every line, there were trembling allusions to frustrated loves, or high Bounding he-man phrases about "Osoei tunlty being at the door" and the "one worth white If the guy who can smile when everything Just goat blooey" or words to tke same delicate effect In seen a reversion to popular form afce would ears enough to buy up ds luxe edition* of everything frusj Tibuilus to K. Phillips Oppenheim...
...The YPSL of Chicago has recently issued No...
...AU I can decently ask is that the poet*** at the best she can and send in poems from tim* to time aad we win do the best we can . . . prist there Lines /. Solitude lies uings I never knew of And silence is * blessing in a down When old dreams haunt night's restless derkeytd splendor And leave a lonesome place when dreams art sees...
...I do know this however, that many wfB tors from this week's Chatterbox with a sigh of relief...
...Our cats sit in tte wtedow sad look down with that ivory-tower air of aa*W-e indifference which only a cat four stories stott g yapping pup can achieve...
...Ask year Athletic Director for entry blanks said gn them cut...
...I prefer to abstain from qualifying this method applied by the author of "Under Fire" throughout the whole of his book on Georgia—the method consisting in covering with the literary credit which he enjoy* in France hi* disparagement of the past activities of political opponents of his Muscovite friend...
...No doubt it was because of their revolutionary exhaustion that "U-Humantte'— not that of Bernard but that ef Jean Jaures—at that time rendered touching and glorious heenage te the Oeorgian deputies who were victims of their Socialist and revolutionary duties...
...I will hold forth with Social Labor Party fortitude...
...It is difficult to give any tort of authoritative ready...
...So •JS bar prtdaceasor for thai, matter...
Vol. 8 • August 1929 • No. 29