Hoffman, Alfred
HELL IN MARION Textile Strike Brings First Ray of Hope A Snapehot Of A Typical Southern Textile Mill Village By Alfred Hoffman DRAB irvW tshheut eefnpj or screens, strung; ¦Jong a...
...and unwillingness to do so became evidence ef aa evasive and dishonest nature...
...Uttle negro beys were carried around by the twice, to act as trailers tn the woods, perhaps to act as guides...
...New Members Enrolling { Of course the anion Is far from satlsj fled with conditions and wages at BemI berg-Glanzstatf...
...Baldwin avenue, itemed foe the persistent of the fbin...
...but X discovered that I waa the criminal, aad that everything I had said and done to a long life waa a proper subject for cross-questioning and reprobation...
...and another teeyer, authorized to speak for him, tot refusing to pay the slightest attendee S) his wishes...
...but the Dell btesngdf had been published by the Gears* R Doran Co., and Sinclair bad seat at offers to review copies...
...A string band of their own folks plays for them—two quartettes of their own give them close harmony' remarkably well, whether hymns, spirituals, mountain ballads, or blues...
...and again: "Dene was deserted by Sinclair during his hear of danger...
...F. Calverton, the well-known author aad journalist, lector se en "The Boots...
...One of the charges brought by Mr...
...trrrrSlng to thetr very modest letter head...
...Wool worth follows with an average annual return of nearly 87 per eeat followed to turn by International Hai easier with an average ef about 38 per cent The 38 corporations together with the 1913 cost of 10 shares of thetr common stock and the total cash return en these shares in the following 16 years, if stock dividends, rights,- ste...
...And never did Z have a chance to explain ^at^gTSsrjfytte wsVStS wresbarssad awaXLasetea* seen were aafced bB the seuet a they bstenged te este anew df Upten tonoieb tb* to* be tetesgeg to the parte of the can party...
...Naturally the Rand School dees not wish to take any definite steps in the matter without rsabonahle^aseuTance that the response will warrant the effort involved...
...1817, avowing the intention to do that very thing—to return to the Socialist party as soon as the war was over...
...That's why me...
...Evan the jvdfs, to bis Charge to the jury, stated b at a tact that the plaintiff bad sought mm review...
...They were bitterly disappointed...
...They went into the mill too early to get any "book laming...
...A spinner vetted ate diegwst stetsty: "The water basetees esed te be eat est the working fleers, bat the men took off a sateete new and then te get a drink, then they pat the babblers tote the toilets, aad it ettoka ea to there that yen cant take a srtak...
...Into this ugly, brutal condition seeped the story ef the valiant battle of Bliaabetaten, and at the same time ereeped the (Tom 1jmute The workers quickly told the ftestenle-hes that they were not wanted, aad hired one of their own people and paid his ssyesteee te_gp to Ellaabecaaee...
...He is a great grandson of the most famous Carter County Uo who fought In the Revolution...
...The Jury went out to km* • the expense of the litigants, aad 8B> at wards repaired to the jury ream ». debate the terees...
...I had expected to bring the "Hews" before the bar...
...yet the court held that this evidence was "immaterial and irrelevant...
...For mere than a eentury every generatton of our people be* looked and longed tar capital to come and develop and utilize the exceptional natgral resources of this section, and furnish tte thousands of boys aad girls opportunities jar eteads sad nenataate eeihiiiiasil At last the hope so long deferred is now being realised...
...The Jury's Wisdom Such was the plight ef Utigant is 6 strange city, with two hsrdetehtbjl lawyers against him...
...After citing factory, power and ether corporations operating around Carter County, the termer Governor said: "Mammoth rayon plants already established te our immediate community are already operating night and day and are basked by unlimited capital...
...Rich men can assure themselves e rate ef return which no worker can command...
...Well, fhe local press "fell down" on the story gf course...
...In an open glade, they eeat themselves—enthusiastic, eager, knowing that surprises will come...
...The mill stores to the other two villages are vicious institutions...
...I've worked"* every day for seven years, and now I owe twenty dollars to the company store," said a rough looking grizzled engineer...
...Baldwin, in a spirit of recklessness aad bravado, invited "Big Boy" Hoffman, the ergaataer, to the meeting, and when that worthy appeared before the crowd to get a front seat at Mr...
...He loves us so much, that when my baby died, and t went to the mill nnnsjsny tee thorn t« tet a carpenter make a ooffin tor me, the superintendent toid me he wasn't running a coffin factory," A mother ef six children arose and in a high pitches] vpice brpugbt rounds of cheen withj "Baldwin loves the women and children to much thai be keens'am in that plant for twelve hours a day without hardly no money...
...Taylor Disappoints Unionists who went to hear him speak hoped for at least an even break...
...This resentment le not lessened by the attitude of the "kept" press...
...When I came here, I had twenty cents to my overalls...
...Dextver's Croat De*>ujai" More daring yet: If Sinclair had aha to "The Book of Life" an eutbapsite program ef the syndicalist with retasset to the steel trusts, let this be read L the jury as the program of 122 himself...
...A Radical Is Libeled- He Sues—Sinclair Tells What Happens My Upton SiMla*** g~MX s teaatear bsBtilis* Oast a C Socialist sue te a court of tew, and itaetTte the tents whisk haa test been derided ht the tPntted States dtetrtot court of Bawvex...
...At the beginning ef isjs he would etiH have held 10 shares to each corporation with a combined value about equal to his investment te 1B1I...
...Casey was that Sinclair bad been a "renegade" to the Socialist party at the outbreak of the war, and had tassrisd his comrades to order to save hie own skin...
...Fragments of sentences would be read to me—and Z would be helpless to Shew that the whole sentence meant exactly the opposite of the fragment Thirty years of effort to be honest with the public, and to tell the truth about myself as about the rest of the world, had provided a mass ef material to be taken out of Its context and twitted tote terrible meanings...
...A Strange Celebration The hyprocisy ef the Citizenship League was never more in evidence than at its meeting, called a jubilee to celebrate the ending of the strike at the Bern berg-Qlansstoff plant While voicing a wish to promote "good feeling In the community...
...been turned Into cash at the market value, are: Cash Return from 3613 18-Year 10 Common shares investment Return American Radiator ____tiAOO tt.tftt American Tel at Tel...
...These Bteailiii iii mountaineers get together, and called on the bosses in a group, with the ultimatum, that if any union men got hart, every boat to the plant would be token out and hickory whipped...
...balanced charge: telling the jurats sett because Upton Sinclair had rHBessd Amy Lowell and ethers, was no rasa*, why the "News" had a right te Mil him: but adding that oas who was H the habit of taking part to uuuhiiMSF to the public arena must net b» SB, squeamish as to what names he w» called...
...The subjects that he win discuss WUl he: u> Eugene O'Neill—and the American Drama: (S) Edwin Arlington atoahmaa and American Poetry...
...On this coupon hook, there is a discount percentage, and coupons are only redeemable in the company store...
...ship League...
...a. eobd pasted eetutf com...
...Of course we do mot expect anyone at this time to pledge himself to attend...
...This mill is the Marion Manufacturing Contpaay...
...That field te patentskOy a large one...
...Now he was in a new and strange field, but be conducted himself boldly: dePolities, Literature, socnity, All Vigune In Trial aky...
...Flews Are Invited fc Spurred by the appeals which have recently come te it from peaces as far apart as Massachusetts and Ohio, the Rand school now tsnildsrc tekteg the initiative to organising and nsttfbistlng interested to such work...
...1,5*4 A04S Illinois Central...
...But here was Sinclair to his letter of resignation, dated July...
...The Strike Is On . at boos...
...Hs sag WW fired heps far jcentog tag union and the workers to Cross joined to build far the future...
...7« lopso General Bteetrto...
...Many of tjge workers sennet read or write...
...eh stranger...
...It is not lessened by the inertia of the clergy...
...Words which I had set down hi jest were read aa evidence ef what I seriously taught...
...fcmn eujoytog from three te tony times a* large a return ea thetr ssetege at the wethers can obtain ftogh thetr small aaehigji deposits...
...toterpretation ef American Lit/ ereture" to Unity House, at Forest Park...
...We dent intend to have any onion and strikes here if the business men can prevent it...
...It wss embtrrev sing that the same sort of charge tef been published to the "News";-~fer eg* ample, indignant editorials shout oalege professors who bed been eetgtf taking bribes from the Power Trek...
...if gw we* a Catholic on the jury, let an made known that Sinclair had rsjasa] to "The Church of the herraat fhrbT If there was a Mormon ea the jety k* -It be known that Sinclair had teM Joseph Smith among tbs "yiigte* g there were two Christian rjnniab m the jury let ft be made known that Bl had dared to experiment to mental best, ing without the authority of Mrs...
...And here came Sinclair wttb a photostatic copy ef his letter of resignation from the Socialist party, as published in the Chicago "Tribune...
...But be managed to ovarootno his distaste sufficiently to can Sinclair a snob and a publieity-aeeker, popinjay aad a renegade, a man ashamed of his cmicilry...
...sow volunteer orgaafaagg for the new union...
...ytah«0_a^ "tojj*j**m O*^ ^"peeam J tbTwrttinae ef UpwrnBtoekdrvBIM urtog hew the jury eeuM be bataT mttumteretand them...
...It is reported on an sides aad your orrespondent believes the Information reliable, that Dr...
...If Sinclair had est tavth fe absurd ideas of persons called "osaX toUon-worthipners...
...afgehlnary Fays Nest to duPont the Ingersoll-Rand Co., manufacturers of mining and other machinery, afforded the highest rate of return ea our rich man's ltlt tovestment...
...1,170 3J38 New York Central...
...Paul I Puller of the A F. of L. education committee is holding meetings at all the small towns in Carter and Johnson I counties and new mem bent are enroll' ing daily to the union...
...v Z was net invited into that reeea...
...We have responded as best we could...
...The '¦Hews" at the cutest bed ssV vaneed, ae pert ef Its defense, that tte> clair bad himself tavttod the revere a? Floyd Dalit btography...
...Tbs worketa can fill all their needs at the company store, which is also the post office, at prices from 30 to 25 per cent, higher the* la sasrpH te the little starved leekLabor's Reward Wages la Rest Marfan tor the young gets run from $3.4* per week to 810 per week far skilled spinning room hands...
...1,001 1,848 Otis Elevator...
...Over the 18-year period $1,418 tovested to 10 shares ef this stock would have provided a total cash income of $7,144 or over 81 per coat a year...
...The Citizenship League, ; composed of members of the Elisabeth- ¦ ton Chamber of Commerce and their friends, is fighting Local 18SO...
...Beys earn from ts to is per week...
...get twenty minutes far supper and quit at five In the morning...
...furand ssnek, gad te> testa...
...The mill-village pawnbroker, a supporter of the union, buys to these coupon books for cash, minus 25 cents per $3 00 ts a discount charge...
...The bemm burned gallons of gasoline trailing them...
...Americans who make up the membership of what is undoubtedly one of the most exceptional groups affiliated with . the Amerian Federation of Labor...
...BJJM Also, let it be hammered hosrn ftti the plaintiff had made charges sfafebf various great persons of the City of Da> ver and the State of Colorado...
...n. C, to see what ktod ef a unten waa best...
...For all or any ef these we lack suitable books, songs, plays, and ether material, sun more grave te the lack ef any weS thought-out oedective and knowledge of methods...
...so I am glad that I have been the plaintiff in a libel suit and can never be surprised again...
...and this was "immaterial and irrelevant...
...Another leeeafixei stated: "I ee«M ehaet the eyes ef a hundred rats'with a twenty-two from stay*- pettstee 'te -the weave roams...
...This means an average annual return from this single block atone of $733 or about gift a year en his tovestment...
...The workers from week to week draw no actual cash, but leave it all in the stores as credit When a worker wants to get an advance in pay, he must get a coupon book from the company store for $2.00...
...Resentment over the many injustices practised at the artificial silk plants runs high...
...Baldwin Talks To His Workers Then the fire burned high...
...Threatening letters were sent to the fired men...
...In the following it years they would have pate him a cash Income totaling 111464...
...Sinclair bat sent to the "News" a letter eHerteg M furnish a review copy ef the bosk V ss> quested so the "Hews" editors ti IW.il But as h happened, this tattkeesp wet mistaken, fitaeteir had been eeedstesnsT "to make such aa offer to soBasettea wsB* other bocks, ef which be htetsetf tap the publisher...
...81 years old, was used as a catepaw...
...The only other publics tion in this town is the Elizabeth ton Star...
...a paeuac rated, a pseudoSocteUzt, and various other kinds ef fshiner and naaaur...
...That goes without sayI tag...
...Anonymous threats of all kinds ware made...
...Most ef the men receive til per week, and the aristocrats, tbs weavers receive SIB par week for operating M looms...
...1,0*7 I tte Louisville St Nashville .. 1448 1*80 National Biscuit...
...There .are no seats for over a thousand women who work at Betaht rg and Qlansstoff...
...My man get* eleven eteQan g week, and cant make enough to feed us...
...Now York City...
...This havtag been explained, tee voted again, aad stood twerve^w^g Rand School Considering Conference On Labor Education for Boys and Girls pDITOR ef lbs Hew Leader: The Rand School has from time to time received many letters from individuals or groups to various parts of the country asking for information or advice that might be helpful to them to their efforts to do Socialistic educational work among beys aad girls below Ytpsel age...
...J "Contrary to the opinion of a good • many people, the recent strike has resulted in a number ef improvements to the conditions at the Bemberg-Olane: staff plants," said Claude Donnelly, i president of the union today...
...Casey has made an elaborate evaluation of Sinclair and Debs, greatly to the damage of the former...
...One toemfisar stated: Ton can gw rabbit banting in the weave ream any time, that Is kf the hawad Sags Swat get kutod by the rate first...
...Sinclair and Debt—the comparison seems a profanation...
...Casey had stated that "Not content with one nop he took another tote to 1618"—meaning Sinclair's return to the Socialist party after the armistice...
...But the actual story is: There is More Hell in Marlon...
...It is not lessened by the fact that men and women injured from time to time at the plant cannot get lawyers to take their cases because ef the fear of the high priced legal experts hired by Dr...
...ljtt 1*06 American Tobacco ....« 3,474 4,346 Atchison...
...literal truth was the esav ment ef an observer ef the trial, tost the oommon phrase, "aa helpless at s hog an toe," should be changed te ret*, "As helpless as a witness en the etesdf* On the morning of the fifth gap •» opposing attorneys made their ekquav appeale to fhe jury...
...Cross does not believe in company stores, rents his superior bouses for 18 cents per week per ream, has workers in his t plant drawing as high as $27 per week*and furnishes lights and water free In the houses...
...888 11,115 Consolidated Oas......14*8 3480 duPent...
...It had been charged that Sinclair had at that time given up being a Socialist: but here to this letter ef resignation he explained that he was going on working for Socialism, -the same as ever...
...A letter written on the stationery of Atlanta penitentiary, thanking Sinclair for his efforts on behalf of Debs to his "hour of danger"—but that waa -not competent evidence...
...The eteamen...
...What could be sweater* Wealthy Invesiars Reap 15 Per Cent teWtf°° titeb toiistetspts Tbtesoneteelna is hated on a survey ef tee B» year record eg toe steebt *f 3» teedtof corporation, by tbs Asmrte** Till II I Corp...
...Both these publications are fighting the union...
...The "Hews" published this letter, and at the same time reiterated its charges, and quoted from a specified pas* of "The Braes Check'' a certain phrase—which was not to be found upon the page of "Tbs Brass Cheek...
...The tabernacle was peeked with thoui by both local papers...
...Parmer oovemor "AIT" Taylor, the chief speaker at the afternoon meeting, was endorsed by the Tennessee Federation of Labor when be ran for office...
...makers of wide print feeds...
...books, aad so It is evident that b> suffered no money damage...
...Trm these persons have never venturei b deny the specific charges, nor had tar of them travelled to California It St libel suits against the author...
...Comment in the village was sarcastic "He wouldn't ever say 'Howdy* to anybody before the union came, and new he's making speeches...
...litis was his concrete act of withdrawal.—the only act he had performed...
...Capital has discovered Its opportunities and has Invested and at seeking further investment of multiplied mlHVms ef- dollars...
...4.138 10.426 Throughout the 16 years this $50*00 Investment never paid lew than $3,987 of 5.1 par cent and to one peer paid $23,053 or nearly 44 per cent...
...There are the leaders of the union— the chairman of their executive board is a tag- ieesafiner, with gray hair, and an honestly noble face...
...Another officer is a sad, husky, blackhalred...
...crossed by red clay lanes, twisting on the nffls...
...If this here union didnt do nothing else, we got our money's worth by making Baldwin talk...
...He is a church worker ef wide spread reputation...
...An were seised if they bilbttgid t* Meat- unites, - Wbp, was a* one asked H he bstangjsd te any emajasass...
...A voice from the grave, declaring that when the wrong done to the political prisoners was finally righted, it would be due more to the efforts of Upton Sinclair than to any other person to America—that might not be read to a jury which had to decide whether Sinclair had "deserted Debs to bis hour of danger...
...He don't care about the men...
...These lectures as well as the social and recreational activities are free to the Unity Bouse guests...
...This deliberate invention seemed beyond the customary of journalistic untruth, and so a suit was filed for one hundred thousand dollars actual damages and one hundred thousand exemplary daesagea, and after many delays and postponements the issue came to trial June 13th, 1838, before Federal Judge J. Foster Byrnes...
...Xn the main, the attempts have been Isolated and short-lived, and each group has bad to grope to the darkThere are perhaps three partial exceptions...
...Prowlers could be seen aad heard in the vicinity of the homes of the union folks...
...Words which I bed put in quotation marks, setting forth the ideas ef many different kinds of persons with whom I disagreed, were read to the Jury as my own words...
...1,1*8 " IfiU Ingersoll-Rand ..,......1.418 7,144 International Harvester...
...said Uncle Alf...
...Sanitary ueestilteae can best be eeatrltet to the wards ef the workers themealvea...
...The meeting concluded with the singing of "Praise God from whom all Maesings flow...
...This is something gained and it certainly would net have been raised but I for the strike, ; "As to re-employment, all the striki ers have been taken back except about loo ef the men and girls...
...of the workers proved te be the United Textile workers, and a local was formed by It sincere men, all of wham tost thetr jobs to Bast Marlon and CHnchflsM The union had to bold meltings to the backwoods, te deserted houses, in out of the way hollows...
...enthusiasm rode high, people delighted to Joining the naiea in public, discriminations stopped, aad the activities of the bosses revolved mainly te vfntytng and slandering the union organiser holding the mass meettogs...
...But at present every effort is being made to perfect the union...
...The Light Spreads Fpr The conditions at the Clinehfleld mills in CnrJChCeto...
...and mine's gotta work...
...1st them Usaj ste be attributed to Sinclair...
...Blunders I had made at the age of thirteen, and recorded in semifictional form, were properly to be set forth as evidence ef my character at fifty...
...but their racial purity and mountain breeding compensates for this little lack...
...so I content myself with setting dawn what actually happened...
...T/gty houses, cheaply construe ted, drably painted, without sewerage, running water, or baths...
...W. M. Taught, regent of the Julius Dugger Chapter, D. A R. Mete than a score ef the direct asscadaate of Julius Dugger are working at the BmnbergQianaetoff plant All the women, ef course, being eligible fog membershipAmong those to the audience who are descendants of Julius Dugger . waa "Squire" Robert Knaor, whom picture was published to The Hew Leader last week...
...J. H. j Stansberry...
...In the first place, the starting wage has been raised from $8.98 to $10.03...
...later, as district attorneyhe had been active to prosecuting "bunko men...
...At twenty minutes to six in the mornteg little girts aad ways, weary fathers aa* mothers, and gray headed grandparwses, tewed and twisted from hard work and rheumatism, trudge to work in the mffl...
...The tadse eativered a aaftewR...
...And earnment was widespread throughout Carter County after the speech to the effect that Governor Taylor's son is attorney for Bemberg aad that Uncle AH...
...The president of the local, a quiet thin man —reserved, Intelligent and respected...
...I was en the stand for three days of six hours each, and three-quarters of that time was occupied to fencing off such efforts...
...If m -111-, Writes" be bad expressed his toaksm to comprehend the poetry ef Aaw 1*2 by saying that her "Attitude TJnter n Elm Tree" was 'merely tbs attttett at Amy Lowell standing en her askfw let that be read to the jury at evsbbn of his entire lack ef morals...
...866 1.110 Standard OU of Calif...
...Xf duch a conference is to be held et the Christmas holidays or perhaps a little later, preparations for it must be begun with very Utile delay...
...and Cllnchfleld...
...When the red and geld letters announcing the occupancy were i painted -on .the...
...Baldwin merely teat hie workers that the union eeuktet help them, that strikes were expensive, that if a strike were pulled, be would shut down indefinitely...
...nor em any other pegs, nor to any other book by Upton Sinclair...
...That win Include lectures and tTleriieelnne on Sodal...
...Those leaders, President Paul Aymon of the Tennessee Federation of Labor, President Claude Donnelly of Local 1830 and former President Martin of the same local, were net invited to sit on the platform with the members of the Citizenship League, an invitation which, if the Citizenship League were sincere, would have gone a long way to creating kinder feelings among every citizen of Carter Countv...
...Did Fbag al refer te Sinclair's "siielMie fBgteS let the fact he eoaeeeasd met be tat dwahng w«h e would-be Beet MS teens...
...He declared that be saw people at the afternoon meeting who oared nothing tor Oed hut worshipped only gold and raaataton, sad that what Carter County needs te a League ef Brotherly Love aad Morality...
...The agitata ei the village emf Hp fBetesne is felt by the workers themselves and they eg"ices thetr feelings In the choice of names tar different places: Hog Wallow, Tin Ota Alley, Hogan's Alley, Cheesy earners, gtitpipy Hollow and the Paver Bead...
...Btoasami I. Johnson City, TenMease aad AahevUle...
...wage scale higher than te Bast Mseten...
...There has been Uttle or no co-ordination of effort or exchange of the results ef experience...
...plate glass window it was a proud day for the 100 per cent...
...The apex of the drive, was a mass Blasting called by President Baldwin of the Marion Manufacturing Company, who shuts down his plant to talk to the workers...
...said W. F. Piper, editor ef the one Eftsabethten weekly, the News...
...His It duPent shares would have cost him SUSS to 1»1J...
...May store, and the ndB in a relieving peieh of green, fast Marion, North Carolina, wrth its main road...
...What this town needs is a newspaper that is a newspaper—that Is, on* that, no matter what its editorial policy, is ashamed te "kill" news...
...At night, you can see them come from til directions, washed, cleaned up, happy, laughing, with then- children sad grandparents...
...That night Evangelist Stansberry attacked the attest...
...The fact that that orator, for the first tune on record to tut long earner, read his speech, made many of his audience believe his son wrote it aad the aid man read it "Let us rejoice at the new day," said the old gentleman, while women who bad stood on their test tor K hours during the preceding week tor the sum of $18.83 listened to htm, woman with fallen arches and the bewkache...
...The attorney who conducted the asdense of the "Hews" had been a young captain of militia at the Ludlow massacre...
...They are both the same...
...Bembwg-Qtenastoff b now part of a world trust, an foreign owned...
...occupying a front In the centre of the page was a cartoon, ispeiiiaslag upeen Stoetefr wf h an electric button in his band, turning a snot-ggbt upon hhneelf...
...for not only la ft inside the tariff wan bat Carter County politicians have seeds the plan basked by "unlimited eapetet" te* exempt for 'ten years...
...A potential stool pigeon serried «hg tale to one of the Cross MQi bosses that a eertefai Individual had joined the union...
...The local union continued to grow...
...j Why...
...Pretty shek...
...Ideinltoael Director, The Bead School j Activities at Unity The Educational Department of the I. L. O. W. U. has arranged an excellent educational program for Unity House...
...Xf he had decided to torn aB stock dividends, steak purchase rights, etc, tote cash this tovestment would bat* provided him with a total easb dividend income ever the iiintiiiadjiig 18 years at tilt.OQO or as avesage ef about $7,4*0 annually throughout the period...
...But when Sinclair produced star etHaf "Hews" containing such eeatemehti, sbf were all "Irrelevant and lmmatertal...
...Bach, however, j omitted all mention of the evening meeting, which drew a crowd fully as large ae that in the afternoon...
...The review was aa unusual one...
...but we do invito correspondence on tap subject We wish especially to hear from eeatrades outside Hew York City...
...jf But I can ten what two of the jmB»* told my lawyer about it A ptwBstte ary ballot was taken, and the jury seven to five: when up rose ae e»-sh**W from an outlying town and oegewwshimself to substance as follows: "B ¦ true that the 'Newt' called Sinclair dte loyaL and fafled to prove it *u» • ooneddertog the question of awSsSgsfi 9 have to ask bow the people who rest Sinclair's books would take such a seers* It would cause them to buy awrs « hi...
...Living conditions are worse, while Of Small Town tannery tea cowans te the stq see ted* tor- g ppgtbtaa, rfitoadatolgBi vtpssat Is weeee aa* even spare —tontine than jaomrw aw(wae^Kwwe« eeFwJ wfca^ fBaw^bswt ewBBwnwgj aww wggge) Qswjg Mills, gam hs teuad a esse* yea* factory, wttb a* eetreetive sea, emote, a room in each house for a bath...
...It keeks to me," drawee* esse member of the union who baa fafiafi to get bis job back, "as If Tennessee to helping to pay the Oermaa war debt to the United States...
...The writer, Lee Taylor Casey, opened with the statement that for a newspaperman to write about Upton Sinclair was "a distasteful task...
...3400 6404 Standard Oil of tod...
...He teeegreptef to his California office aad sseeretted from his records that such was the esse and he then sought to be quuiUaasf and permitted te eater Us deateL-est in vain...
...That particular road during a storm is a roaring watercourse, dawn which the drainage from the mill rant, and sometimes brings with it, chicken houses, privies and Junk...
...The survey shows that if a ytoh man had purchased 10 shares ef the common stock of each of the j* estwasntet In 1113, his tovestment woujd hare amounted to ejgpeat exactly tM.OM...
...Bugene Cross, President of workers, e village which be is improving aad is proud of...
...Threats and prowlers disappeared...
...gentlemen, ht blmttt asked for the review...
...674 bog Southern Pacific...
...All who are Interested in this project are invited to write to me as soon as pctedble at the Rend School, 7 Bast 18th street...
...those who ran the jubilee meeting aaw three labor leaders" enter the tabernacle and walk down the aisles to sit to the front row...
...The tame arrived for the opening of a beg lasiibsdian in with the eviction of on* si iter from his home...
...Casey, aad had not made certain statements attributed te "The Brass Check...
...Baldwin's Invitation, the rounds of cheering rather appalled the management...
...Lett 11,1*4 Eastman Kodak...
...LOCAL 1SS0 of the United Textile Workers has opened an office at the corner of Main street and Elk avenue, cat-a-oarner to the Carter County Courthouse...
...How came Sinclair with a batch of letters to the handwriting ef Debs, written during the war and the trial aad Imprisonment of Doha aB that long "hour ef dancer" referred to—and this evidence also was "immaterial aad irrelevant...
...A letter from Debs, writtan during the war, reviewing the first issue of Sinclair's mage tine, to which Sinclair est forth bis attitude for his loyalty and devotion to Socialism— but that was not competent evidence...
...Mothwurf has secured control of the one daily for the company of which he is president, the Bern bergOla nxs toff artificial silk corporation here...
...It peeves that ht ttUs tend ef eeual epnertuntty th* wwaHlry swv...
...And the strsnger agreed that the Bemberg-Olanzstoff owaerihlp is certainly "pretty slick...
...suntanned with blue eyes denoting his Irish aaeseery...
...but he makes tt a rule always to correct misstatements ef fact so be wrote to the "Hews," pointing out that hs had not snsmultted several acta charged by Mr...
...and within It several kinds of work might be carried en—children's clubs, week end r* herds, summer aastotej summer ssnean, aad se forth...
...The duPent powder and chemical trust would have given this rich man the highest rate of return...
...Armed Peace In Elizabethton By Marjorie Dorman 1 EHsahcthtea, Toon...
...What Elizabethton needs more than anything else besides a strong union is I an enlightened public opinion...
...Thirty years of conflict to the arena base given the object of this tirade a fairly tough germ...
...The campaign being wagea in Marion has ignited interest in the miserable villages of Drexel, In Morgan town, Valdese, Hickory and Rutherford ton, H. C. In Forest City, where cotton mill workers some months »go struck against the stretch-out system, and won, but during their strike refused assistance from the National Textile Workers, Interest is high and a committee representing two skilled departments have been over to Marion te secure an organisation for themselves...
...780 84*3 Pennsylvania R R...
...The week day starts at twenty minutes to ste amt ends at sU at night At night, ¦flare gate at ste...
...River Road" is the nicest bet ef" saieasen ef an, for this lane comes down the mountain in the mill village and ends at the mill, the only river eloee to it, b) tte road bed itself during a keavy-raia...
...On The Witness Stand All sorts ef experience* are of use-to a novelist...
...m August ed* r*PT tbs Tetany tatemtela Hews* esse leaved te levator a book tailed "Tipton Sinclair, a Study to So8j$J Protest, hg Floyd DaU...
...Jong a dotty winding- road...
...We think it probable that a three-day conference, occupied partly with reports of evpertonco in different places aad partly with carefully prepared papers on definite problems, with ef course general discussion thereon, would yield very valuable results...
...The fine old aiiitlsiusn, in his blue dungarees, was than made a member of Local 1830 because of the fact that his children and grandchildren am among Ms charter members...
...These houses rent for 9} cents per room per week...
...but loved the dear women and children, that HoffBtea sbsula quit organising and go to ssawdam s. te reduce fate bulk...
...nor have we found that anyone she was better qualified, A great deal has been attempted along that line, at one time or another, and no doubt something of value has been achieved...
...North Carolina has seen Henderson or Hell, and the disease, poverty, crime and ignorance which were the outgrowth of low wages there...
...C, Just across the road from Bast Marion, are just as bad financially and from a point of long hours...
...but tb circumstance might be kept frost g* jury, it was "irrelevant aad lmmatertal* Sinclair had charged Colorado tttvsttors with being subservient to big topnest, and many such passsgee were red aloud from his books...
...That he dktat care about the men...
...FIAT JUSTITIA A Radical Seeks Justice in Denves...
...He was not permitted te spent a word shout the matter, and so Be claim of the "News" became fact sat* this lawyer in bis closing speech hsav mered it: "Why...
...Beonomto and literary subjecta, by authorities in this field...
...But It must be admitted that the results have not been proportionate to the energy esqpended...
...but it was net permtenato to read to the jury the words which Upton Sinclair himself had written and published at that time, explaining his actual, non-fictitious attitude...
...union* Taw Facts Immaterial Aad then, the ruses ef evil—it, and their singular mode of esmraetea It was yssseisilkle te Intoeduce a asejai "Jimau* Huggtos," bp Upton Sinclair, to prove through the mouth of a fhAttious character what Upton Sinclair bad meant by withdrawing from the Socialist party at the outbreak of the World War...
...Because the afternoon meeting, that j held by the Citizenship League, was attacked at the evening meeting—the latter the closing gathering of -.a four j weeks' revival held by the Rev...
...TbS* nigh«_b#-was answered far » gjtase, jpagttog large* than the cage at the mjgf * 1 _*•< -An old tray haired woman, sixty yeas* old, arose from the crowd to that nightb union mam mas'lag and said...
...The ' ideals and objectives of trade unionism i are so new in this hitherto isolated sec! tion of the South that many well in ten - j tioned people do not know the difference between a "red" and a trade unioni 1st...
...It is not lessened by the fact that local business men Insist that unionism and Bolshevism are one and the same thing...
...The boas tn question turned to him and said, "Per grondneee sake, bavont'yee Jessed yet...
...I was asked, with a menacing finger thrust when Z sought to explain why end how I had written that I was commanded: "Answer yes or no...
...They are at the union meeting...
...Further yet: Mr...
...And that was "immaterial and irrelevant 1" Strange Solicitude for Deha Again, Mr...
...So is the Chamber of Commerce, whose members kidnapped Phenlx Hoffman and MeOrady during the strike and "get away with It," when haled into court With the two papers and the Chamber of Commerce opposing unionism and the local clergy silent, the situation is very grave...
...X realise that ft is presumptuous for a mere layman to find fault with the wtedom of lawyers...
...Prior to his speech, the Oevarner was presented with a bouquet ef flowers by Mrs...
...The Star as a tool of the Bemberg -Qlansstoff plant and the biassed Hews refuse to give the residents of Carter County the .actual daily occurrences...
...Old lean SBd.getmg are finding themselves and finding expression in the new union...
...Bad Dell state that -Ope* tte elair k a guide eenepicuously hwkteTb tolerance"—let that entente te *gi apart from tte context watts gam plain that the "tolerance" referred tY, beuehery...
...It is bunds the tariff wall and selling on a world market...
...Pioneer Youth, Manumit School, and the Educational Departinent ef the Workmen's Gbete are "going concerns," each of which has really e>nwrertplished seamthtog and made some prom set toward solution ef the ptwbtsms tovoeved But at best they have but made a fair start, and tatty occupy but a pert ef the Add...
...Klu Klux BUaa warninse, Black Hand warnings, incidentally, in a section where there are no Sicilians or tteuans...
...but wa have been conscious that we were not able to render much aid...
...it) Ftoyd Ben end the American Hovel...
...The drive was stsrted and from an humble beginning of fifty persons at the first mass BSE ting to nine days, the average attendance rose to 2,500...
...Squire Bnsor Is one of the beet loved aten to the entire county, a farmer who Seemed a union of 34 terroem, only to be rejected by the American Federation of Labor, which refused "Uncle Bob" a charter...
...The attorney ftti the plaintiff quoted Jesas, and -she eV' torney for the defence ridiculed tbs st* tarney for the plaintiff for ewstnt/ Jesus, and then went en to make ea kepeaatoaed appeal for the preeervajtet gf the American school eyeetav wttb ttestars and stripes waving from the fstf» pole to front of the Utile red scted house...
Vol. 8 • August 1929 • No. 29