Socialist International Urges Workers Bar Arms Production In Evest Sovi of Chinese War Motion by IBxxwjfalkV *A*s» opted, Calli Also for aW fusal to Transpott Mb? nitions . ytrmcH.-*...

...Reesan-Cetbene State Party SO (no galni...
...N. Y. Meet a:M Pm...
...But it seems to Valenti that the line of prosecution chosen by Mr...
...30, 000 At Socialists N.Y...
...The increase eecured by the Socialist-Democratic Labour Party expressed in percentages was from 22.9 per cent to 23.8 per sent The new pari lam ent stands: Socialists 94...
...Be leveled these specific charges against Mayor Walker and the Tammany administration: 1. Tammany Hall exists to serve these landlords...
...Ment—fPP)—Bdltor eVbar* renkerg of the seamen's tnternatteeal ef* flctal organ to given a bet panatog by the Montana Labor Hews, enteial srgsn Of the Butte central body of the-A f.of L. far hie erisieism of Baeekwesd Lt* bor College's aentrsJlty in the tetenssJfight in the miners union...
...He ends hie attack with a series ef at proposals to rejuvenate the deeayiaf Communist movement...
...Party 11 (no gain): Liberals I (loss of 1...
...James P. Cannon, their leader and one ef tar founders ef the W/arkers (Osemumat) Party, devotes one entire page te at attack ea the party and the fellewsn) ef the third faction, ted by Leveeteee...
...The two eeettost relating to snsntdtos read as foUows: A raorgaaisation and rteustiet of the Party apparatus which, inducing the functionaries and employee] of auxiliaries, now exceeds ten per cent of the Party membeeablp...
...Catholic Peoples Party 0 (lass of 1...
...Hew he is to get a "».'¦ hearing" U he goes to Moseov igabldtetely...
...Fun* bar S demands "a genuine preletariaaW sstton ef the leadership" Fussber I demands "a real convention...
...Boat leaves 9:40 sheep from West etnd Street Pier...
...If," writes victor Kalinowaxi to a report on the congress, "the enormous difficulties of the past decade are taken into account, we may venture to say that the fight bias keen earth whfle...
...Rut what has been done under the given condwlens te werthp es...
...He emphasised the fact that Mayor Hoan bad placed the funds in the Commonwealth Mutual Savings Bank as trustee to be delivered to tbs city when ever the common council decides that the funds are needed for fighting profiteering or for marketing purposes...
...Insertion of this last indirect reference to the Japanese railroad In Manchuria was due to a motion by A Penner Broekway, delegate of the British Independent Labor party...
...7% Lovestcoe himself a tew mouths bh*' fore he received the death tintaesi kicked out the 'Trotskyisu-' who an organised into a special group that h flgbttag the old party crganlmiiaa...
...Cigar Boss Defies Strikers HBW SRUMSWICR, H. 3. (PP>—Til give you nothing, Tow can stay out all year, but 111 gtvs yen nothing...
...Then) paid officials, remote from-the acts, alitias of the class struggle, are a crust over the party, stifling its norms...
...which was made to leas, broke down after a few weeks...
...wB^JwS* et*e d* ¦w*w^r*t^'* sV Iw^W *wtgJwWw' 4jt*w4sjeW4s Saturday, August iO—A visit to tbs aSfomteim front of Museum...
...It assehsdss by saymg that the Manetmrian raters have taken adraotese of tbs oonfiiet to dhecuve labor unions, and declares that though the Russians, by maajsmg the unions for pappsgwnda, gave a pretext for this, yet China risks toeing the' sympathy of the working class of the world it eontmues to peisectrtsr" jasor...
...Attorney Remote Rime of Trenton, V- J., is giving legal asj^stanot to the Anw-Fseaiste...
...Actually, since October 1928 Holland has experieaeed a permanent Oehinet crisis, which in the absence of a Farllamentary majority capable ef terming a government cannot be ended...
...Inside the park was a continuous scene of merriment and sport A totem same between the Hafcoeh and Prague teams was the chief sport attraction...
...August e—Broadcasting ever WBVS...
...h This is sassiuMi borne Out bp the membership ngurea, etdsb have risen from 323,815 in lSU te STtgn hi IBM: fuHheriiiore, if we take tote aeeiuat the totted it...
...The first legal skirmish was fought last Thursday night before the Recorder, Charles A Woodruff, of the Princeton Township Court, When the case of the Fa»ci»t Antonio PineUi who wounded Otto via Maddaioh, was discussed, Recorder Woodruff nserved sentence to Thursday night, August 1st...
...Picnic Day of Frolic Brings Workers antl Children TsgetiW Brooklyn Park...
...OppoalOon to subeldy uader theee conditions is a fight lor the Rtagrtty of the Party/' In The Hew Leader ef June tttb OS declared that the leaders "have beecaw adventurers and careerists who are gob Interested to the salaries lhay can obtain from the Moseow subsidies...
...Another, Prssslnelll, received bruises all over the breast and the shoulders while fighting with the Fascist Tommaso, and trying to take the shot gun away from him...
...The formation ef an an ti-SodaUse bloc ef all the great bourgeois partiee seems still more impossible because the Catholic members ef Parliament cannot co-operate with the Liberals without the danger that their supporters among the working clam electors will transfer te the Social-Democratic Party...
...Members of the Socialist Party and of the Young Peoples' Socialist League, among them some Chicago Y ipse Is, did hard service all during the long day... builds subways st ¦ cost to the -riders and to the city budget-and then present joo per cent and 400 per cent increases in valuation to lucky real estate owners who capitalise this increase by building skyscrapers along the new subway route and discounting transit relief before the new lines are dene...
...This Fascist has disappeared...
...In spits of this our Party win continue its struggle and Its propaganda with enthusiasm... front of Forward Stidg...
...When a policeman came to the scene he found Tommaso in possession of two shot guns and twelve cartridges but he made no arrest...
...Tbs resolution goes on to ssy the International has, sines the Chinees revolution, always upheld the right of China to abolish foreign privileges and recognises Its "right to demand removal of Russian control over tbs portion of the Chinese Eastern Railway which lias on Chinese soil," as well as "foreign control of railways in its territory...
...Gionnesza' to be played instead...
...when the case against the other Fascists win corns up...
...The whole affair shows how helpless the old gang is to "get something" an the Socialists who have used their newer ia office to help the messes rather than to serve the corporations as the old goes did when they once ruled...
...Communists neoseelnnlile OrOup 1 (a gain...
...They were enraged by the opposition of the Anti-Pasclsts to the playing of 'Oiovinessa.' "Late la the evening, about 10:30 o'clock, an organised band of about IB Pasetsto led by Antecuo Piaeili aad Mike Tommaso came out of the letter's bouse and stopped in front of the next he us...
...Riato is iandesuate, Instead of keinging the case up te the Oread Jury and dtargjng the Fascists with criminal assault with intent to WC hs has chosen to charge them with disorderly conduct and vtoistion of certain township ardi...
...Meet « pga...
...Throughout tea day and evening the eubttsy poured throngs of workers into the park...
...A. F. L. Ceatrsl Body Orson ProJeee Broomwood Poiitw BTTTTB... the second annual picnic arranges under joint Soda aianti' as B was one of the largest BoiatBst demonstrations in recent years, topping the May Day demonstration in Madison Square Garden from the point of attendance...
...has recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of tee founding...
...Aeeerdtog to teibi n istiig" Butte Jecnal declares, "workers sSaea* eattoa must be e oropsgewds egssey tm certain international oatetoto...
...Toward the close of the day many thousands listened to addresses by Comrade Thomas, Socialist candidate for Mayor, Charles Salomon, candidate for controller, and Abraham I. Shlplaeeff, candidate for borough president in Brooklyn...
...Oiovenna Fablanl, tried to persuade them to avoid trouble, and was roughly treated...
...The only remaining alternative is an extra-parliamentary cabinet, and the crisis In Halland will therefore continue perhaps for another four years...
...who Is in exile, represented the Italians...
...The Pesish trade unions are small to numbers, for industry is uwdsvetoped...
...They said the Labor Government was becoming rather perplexed ever the policy te take toward the League's general pact for the peaceful settlement of all disputes, with a tendency now to believe it "can be accepted on its juridical side rathfe than on Us general political elds...
...0o»omatioa ef this view is now avaflabie from a Com to us Ut source...
...Offltei and Jenkins, datogatss of the British Labor party, informed the executive OQBMtittee of the naval parleys with America, warning the delegates these negotiations are likely to take a long time...
...B Is to be expected that attempts will now be made again to create a government which would be supported by tbs majority of the three great religious parties, which stin bold SS seats altogether...
...In the BveninjK-FhUharmoulc Orchestra Meet • pja...
...Norman Thomas umpired...
...In a message vetoing she recommendation of the "non-partisans" that the city bring suit, Mayor Hoan pointed out the earns fee*, incidentally, be mentioned the profiteering which his action had thwarted in 1919...
...They were armed with clubs and shot guns...
...With lta increase of 100,000 votes It has the basis for a brtntant electoral result in the next ejections...
...Admission free...
...Humber 1 demands "a real ffleeucnet of the three political tendeaclas " MUaw bar fl aamaade "genuine party teeaaw racy to place ofrthe segime of admin* tratlvt terror aad suppression...
...8. "Among other of Tammany'* privileged friends are contractors and bankers and the power trust' Tammany regularly pays twice as much for city lighting as up-state cittee and in the event it ever runs the new subways it has carefully seen to it that no power station is built so that it will have to buy power of the newer trust at trust prices although its own engineere show that within five years the city could be earing money by supplying its own power from a municipal plant," WataherrIn Charge A. N. Weinberg was in_ charge of the demonstration- He was assisted at the grounds by Julius Oerber, Louis P. Ooldberg, Joseph Stein, and many other...
...Boat rue to Indian Paint...
...BU comrades went divulge his name, nor te hs known by the Anti-Fas...
...The originalrasotottaTT,*yrramca'iruto Bauer, Austrian Socialist leader, end not contain the above injunction...
...Sonets- For this reason it is urgently tisreamry that the Ajnerican Civil Liberties Union stop in...
...eaDsd on their boss to urge that he put an end to the su-wceks' strike by rescinding a wage cut aad bettering weeblag rmndllkon The upshot of the conference did not stmurthen thetr farsh te siMisslai "on-Partisans" Make Feeble Stabs At Hoan TLgiLWAUjfBB, Wis.—An amusing stoat of the "aea-partisans" in the Milwaukee city council is their effort to "get" Mayor Hoan on an action of his which is now ten years old...
...They shouted 'Down with the Socialists,' and sang the following verse: 'We are the Fascists CesBiag from Hall, We will break the bones Of even Oed the Lard.' "They challenged the Anti.Waerriste to corns out aad 'have it out' with them...
...Opposition le subsidy ¦ no prtnetrde... front of btoMteS...
...Bring hatch...
...The law requires real estate to be assessed st ltt value...
...Another resolution on the general political situation recalls that the Socialist International has urged ataoe ISC anal settlement of reparations te eonrieotion with war debts, evacuation of the Bhtoeland and land, sea and ah1 disarmament...
...nitions . ytrmcH.-* resOrutisn sgBtog as an A Sedan* sxs^tebor pgjty *>• onprevettt the pi eduction and transportation of munitions te these coontries" was adopted by tOs eisjillii rnwimttlag of the labor end Shabpat Inter sat I —I at Ms aomi-annaej ses«Jc» ccocJaatd here that week...
...representing "II Nuovo Monde," the Italian Antifascist daily, having been In Princeton to investigate a clash between the Fascists and the anti-Pasclsts, reports the following: "On Sunday, July 1Mb, a lively argument between the two factions occurred at the picnic of the Italian-American cjtbmw' Club...
...A telegram was sent te Arthur Henderson, nthT—ss-etVyt ksaesM of h^arw duties as BritaUi Pbretgm Mhdstar, ttisaeteg posal of the British aad Dutch dsJetates, ^^^^^ntestiB^^of cdaaw" of all nattons, *~>i~<«f Chma, are rep» resented, were heed In eswessSWe session, but it is known most Of tab debate BpS the rjSstntinn deplores the poenwirty of a "clash between thef Russian and Chinese revolutions," which, it team, would esd In a victory for the counter-revolution...
...The move by the "non-partisans" b frankly a political venture on thetr part...
...They fired two shots and awakened the entire neighborhood...
...In fiwt «f Box Oftc* 00 ^^?J«ogdw.faT...
...Before he had started the sales, Hoan declared, "pornmission man notoriously raised the price of apples and potatoes they bad bought from 13.35 to tll.25 per barrel Other Instances of profiteering was rampant...
...The number is stfll St...
...Notwithstanding the facte which are a matter of record, the "non-partisans" are still active in the attempt to make some political capital out of a transection which deserves praise...
...Liberal-Democrats 7 no gala): Feasant Party l (no change...
...The question of the formation ef a government is lust as difficult as ever to solve, if not insoluble...
...wis teas are stffi so baekwesd that they aaa hardly be aspect sa te he ripe for iBiananllsa Rw many yeast to eome...
...It seems that the YascisV did not like the idea of the accordion man playing the 'star Spangled Banner' and the "Workers' Hymn.' They wanted the Fascist Hymn...
...A woman, Mrs...
...In the venomous fight new betas carried on by the factions eeaae uesfcew teg disclosures are being reeds esd te the first ttms in the history ef So party eemothlng has been east ay owemualsts regarding tbs Moseow subnate In the "Militant'' ef August 1st, tat-' organ of the "TreUrytste...
...Jean League* and M. Brack* represented the French Socialist*, Arthur Crispien sad Kerr Brietsehied the Oermens and Giuseppe ModigHani...
...Directions: Broadway L to Essex street or Third Avenue L to Cagal street...
...It (the party) b a Jeb-holdlng affair...
...With proper legal assistance net only the Black shirts will receive the punishment they asperse, but the failure of local police to arrest them win find an explanation and amerloan public opinion wftl discover that Mussolini followers are transplanting to this oeuntry the crimtnal methods of Fascist Italy...
...Then fotkres the HSlqutt amendment, which reads: In view of these dangers, the eaeeutree ooneteere it the duty of the Socialist and Labor parties of all countries to use their influence on the governments and public opinion of the world to make war irrtnoaithla and Is case of the acute danger of war to prevent the production and benaportstion of anniitions to the countries concerned...
...The "non-partisans" had refused to do anything and sines they had refused to help, Mayer Been acted He announced that profiterfresn the sales would be turned ever to a marketing bureau when established aad ha has kept bis word...
...But these attempts win salecarry, if not at once, in any-ease very soon, on account ef the antagonism between the three parties, antagonism in the religious sphere, as else to tbs spheres of social policy, militarism and colonial policy...
...Fascist Band Causes Riot In Princeton Valenti, After Investigation, Urges Grand Jury Action Against Black Shirts GrsouudO VALBNTX...
...Fascists Vp at Ceart "The local Anti-Faseists have appealed to '1} ffuovo Mcndo' and through this daily to the American Civil Liberties Union, to assist them in the legal prosecution against the Mussolini followers...
...Two SeeaUkrt Qerereaaents The delegates expressed great satisfaction that the governments of two great powers, Oermeny and Oreat Britain, are now controlled by Socialists, a fact which is considered to have given this session exceptions...
...Direetieets: West Side Subway to 72nd street or Sixth Ave, L to gist street...
...In the Evening—Theatre Party to see the 192* Fulitaer prise Pteywgtreet Scene", •t the Flaynouae, Watt tttb sestet...
...aad mi ilssfli ftem Mew York asp .asst...
...Offers Way of Settlement After saying that the Soviet, which Russian Peaperialism and Chinese Aggredion Are Beth Criticised — Way Out is Suggested has often ebanenrtet the sJMttJsri s> fsentgn islilhgii to SStea, his a»rtgBe ffl|J^?;lBs1*?lnUwm absSM^Iawi^iwBwtw Russian control by force bat by a treaty guaranteeing mwlleliuwed ooenmunieation between Siberia and Yesdreostok, and resides to cease war preparations and resume relations aad...
...But our vote has considerably increased —ey nearly 106,000...
...But the Republican Party dare not fundamentally attack this system...
...Carl P. Diets, a Socialist member of the council, submitted a minority report whish covered the history of the transaction...
...One Anti-Faselst, Ottavlo Maddalon, was wounded by a shot gun blow en the left shoulder...
...Polieh Trade Unions Celebrate Their Tenth Annivernary WARSAW, Poland—The Palish trade union centre which is affiliated with the I. P. T. IT...
...g" Lcvestons and his group coouaae gT carry on they win have to enjasAs* ladependentiy, as the "Trotskybts- »a* have nothing to do with them tine* $ was Lotos tone who severed the beadi gf the "Trotakrists...
...The formation of a gov ernment with a parliamentary majority therefore appears Impossible...
...A vffit to the Debs Memorial Radio Station, 3 West 16th street...
...U» far round trip...
...3. "Moreover the Tammany method of financing subways makes relief of congestion, inmosribls...
...The attempt te farm a government ef the Oathollw and BvangaUst Partiee...
...The reeolutten adds that adoption o* the Young plan asesssBe tee...
...They served as, salesmen at the feed and drink counters in a manner which made them seem like professionals...
...she Peash nsttenal centre eosa-l prises nearly SMBB0 fafi-pestog membars...
...This personal transaction of the mayor saved hundreds of thousands of dollars to small purchasers in the city, jje believed that he held legal title to the fund and that it was bis privilege to gay for what purpose the city should use it By a vote of 19 to < the "nonpartisans" In, the common council recommended that the city bring suit for the expended by the mayor and the profits in the sales made in 1819...
...It is not assessed at its value and it is not equitably assessed...
...against the farces of propaganda...
...Return about >:M pjaTussday...
...When the Anti-Vase is ts came out a freefor-all fight occurred...
...if need he, Sanaa* the dispute te areasraskm...
...Tickets *1.00- Ttesenttkiiii must be made before August loth, Uk e^ga BBSs F^saUSBsS ***** -iTi*.r?.rc eeawkssmed rigsauaely the grewtag dttaenBBsndant af^ esnpto^ ^atw^ JJ* «T^stae^eaeBwB?^a2B ftMU 11 f ¦QgwBjjmSa state Socialists Gain 100,000 Votes In Holland SHU Have 24 Seats—Religious Parties Likely to Form Coalition By J. V. Albarda, MP...
...bnmwataat evacuation of the Rhlnelaad aad else supports Germany te her desire to have the Barre question settled without delay by friendly agreement and welcomes "the initiative taken by the labor government of Oreat Britain regarding naval disarmament and compulsory arbitration," promising the whole-hearted backing of the Second inWmaUonal...
...We sssst commend ehairmaa A. J. Must* sf Brewbwead tee hcadtog the tutosbties at workers education true to its BstoOst...
...Of course under these circumstances we never can have a city beautiful...
...Men and women active in party and trade union work were present in greet numbers, is sji comers of the large pic* nic grounds could be found little groups of earnest thinkers vigorously discussing the affairs of the labor movement, soon after supper dancing began in earnest, thousands of younger workers arriving from Coney Island and New York to take the places of the many thousands who were leering after a day of plcnieing...
...For the construction ef a democratic government of Soeial-Democrats, Radicals, Democrats and Catholics the tune is apparently net yet ripe...
...Tbs reader wiB note that SO claim is mads that the paid ftmstlea* arise of the party and its masked organigattoas are equal to 10 per east of the membership...
...A visit to the "Put a sad", 178 Bast Broadway...
...Its insertion in the text was obtained by Morris HUlquit, American delegate...
...The girls, accompanied by a federal conciliator who had arranged the meeting...
...This was Che answer green a eee&ssHtet i>pieeiji1jn| too striking cigar girls by Jesse Straua...
...It uses its power over abasements to grant favors to its friends and dub its enemies into silence...
...vicinity, descended on TJhaer Park, Brooklyn, last asaudiy...
...The picnic once again demonstrated the huge following-which the party holds in the ranks'of New York's workers...
...That action was to intervene in the profiteering period following the end of the World War te prevent gouging of the people by profiteers...
...Anil-revolutionary party 11 (Joss of i): Cbriselan Histories...
...The new site of Tsmmany Ban is' assessed lower today than sixteen years see and but slightly over half the advertised purchase pries of 193...
...rnu BAOUby-The slsswena far the Second Chamber in BOBand took place on Jury 5th... aad monopolising party discussion see direction The drastic reduction ef this Stag and the election ef fresh workers stements will strengthen ens invigorate party life...
...Young Circle League evening ¦?eats Sunday, August 4—A day op the Hudson...
...There are also large snmtbani at numbers who owing to unemployment and poverty are unable to pay thetr A good deal of the tone ef the saagrees bad to be given up to the taf^masitpry^ of Oommunlets Subsidiesar Admitted By Communiste Cannon Says 10 Par Cent ef Menabers Are -J**, Hftlsiers-Says SOJH AwCofi*M|ga«a*, ..,«...»¦<* wto^Beree cmSrc^vTey^ ragtog jyat WUham g> poster by virtue of a ekgsV gram from Moscow rules the patty gal though be had but one vote, urn, mm* to the recent aottoaal eonventtoe.- bp Lovestona, who only a few weeks ege was the high ooefcalorum of tar Barkis expelled by Moscow aad a few eta* Iteutenants are likely to get the tm a any moment...
...But to th» prer¦ eat situation awbeMy has Vscoeae ea Instrument for corruption, for buretscratisation and crushing out toSjSPSS dent life...
...The campaign was carried en by tbs Sorisllst ncmom-eHe Labour Party with enthusiasm and vigor...
...Joe Delia Pease's, where some Anti-Pascists live...
...manager of the Oeneral Cigar Co.'i Hew Brunswick plant...
...The savteg gasewBss ' ^ Throughoat tbs history of toe Vtetoers (Communist - Party it has bats financed by subsidies from Moscow, a could never have maintained its least number of paid officials or tented a its extensive activities without such th nandai aid but throughout its history tea character of these subsidies sad tat amount received by the party hare toes, kept profound secrete...
...A gams of baseball between the young reenter SOstoBst teatue end the Young Circle League was won by the former...
...It is said that one Fascist was badly beaten and knocked to the ground...
...The result is a disappointment in so far as the number of our seats has not been increased...
...aad conditions are patriarehai te haedlerefte and small businesses, while in the eettntey districts the powees ef saiincse are stfll almighty, aad tbs great messes ef unskilled and casus...
...The Oatholies cannot yet free themselves sufteiently from the reactionary powers...
...J OubsiSes ef an kinds meet to absolutely abolished and tits Party adjusted to operate by lta own msani derived from membership dues sn4 contributors...
...Thomas Indicts Walker Thomas delivered a vigorous attack on Mayor Walker on three main points...
...Mutual assistance of t» voiationary parties bee played a peeV Uva role in the nest aad no doubt vfli do so to the future...
...Its membership is considerably strengthened, the circulation of the Party press Is steadily growing, a further great expansion of lis press has been prepared, the trade unions who art friendly towards the Party are growing considerably—an the elements for an optimistic opinion regarding the future are present...
...IS Far Cent Jobhaldcra Numbers 4 and S contain the important admissions regarding Mnaoew sate etdto...
...afirag Saturday, August IT—See bow a newspaper le made...
...Middle Osss Party 1 (a gain): Communis** l (no change...
...Mayer Hoan purchased goods from the anny and navy on bis own mpnosibUlty and told the common council what hs was doing...

Vol. 8 • August 1929 • No. 29

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