SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK .;rxR*BADK BEKGER .'Kgaa broadcast orer the radio ••^TITaerier, oar National Chair|p*B —ft «tm a serious accident, a* *r«tsaral bsoken ribs and a skull •*f aaatsd...
...This drive WjOSm arranged by the National Me Oosunlttee of the Parry ana SiuVlt-** made responsible for its bg...
...Jugo-Slav Branch—Meets 6408 St...
...It is hoped that local labor can be Induced to participate in the city elections on Nov...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown and David Oeorge...
...Friday, August 3. Iito p. m. Corner Havamayer and South 4th street...
...Convey thi* greeting of international solidarity to all those living beyond the frontiers with whom I em at one to my unwavering belief and whose hopes I share...
...Speaker* to be announced...
...Organiser Citesaeni and Nina Prey addressed the meeting In behalf of the City Organisation and welcomed these comrades...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Max Delson and Seymour Goodman...
...More than 100 guests assembled to honor Weintraub... the City Office, 7 Bast 15th street, Rooms 801-6...
...Let's make It unani*. Tr...
...A MoUin, 1405 Walton avenue, phone, Jerome 5267 (1405 Walton avenue), or at the County Headquarters after 8 p. m. Phone Kilpatrick 7467...
...All monies obtained for this outing will be placed at the disposal of the national drive...
...Saturday, August 3, MM p. m. Oorner 68th street and Bay Parkway...
...Colorado rb) state executive Committee re*y had a meeting tn Denver, with the teae ¦ambers present: H. H. Sweets'e* Brash, S. A Garth and O. Fred* Btar of Colorado Springs, and J. tatter ef Wray...
...BROOKLYN 13-19th A. D. Branch A weU attended meeting was held Thursday, July 18...
...Columbus Socialists and friends who wish to get in touch can reach him through Comrade Oerlach, 1088 Parsons avenue...
...L Axelrod...
...I feel that it is Saab tor us to have secured the ser¦« a young man...
...SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK .;rxR*BADK BEKGER .'Kgaa broadcast orer the radio ••^TITaerier, oar National Chair|p*B —ft «tm a serious accident, a* *r«tsaral bsoken ribs and a skull •*f aaatsd (he heart beau of in•*2|!Toeiali*ls throughout the •af™tW atrtance telephones, tele*** S and letters testify to the tSmmmw Berger holds in the hearts aiel4*"*' in every country and 1 » anaon In wishing him a *_w~am oomplete recoTery...
...Even financially the deficit on four weeks' work was negligible...
...ggpnOB VISITS NATIONAL !_ OFFICE j ttiaibT July 18th, Clarence O. h—f tad Mr...
...THOMAS AT ASHLAND The Jewish Socialist Verband is having Norman Thomas speak at the Workmen Circle at Ashland on Sunday, July 28, at 3:30 p. m. Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA A Socialist Outing Bund...
...A committee was appointed to make Indorsements of ward candidates...
...Details win appear later...
...Collin wood Branch—Herman Btaateh, 732 K 160th St...
...305 Prospect Fourth BWg., Tel...
...Room *>L if you vent any information on party activities...* and nights of solitude their fatthfull friendship has always svt^nftboned, coinCortod *vcd clwreil tny spirit...
...We old heads are raj see the younger generation getSaesssjWB* and feel that it Is an Missouri Qto ow state secretary, W. L. Garatoj bam compelled by industrial •asm to temporarily change his adJb Oklahoma, he Is still determined, am,» try to "Keep the sacred fire yaraafl proves it by sending in a " *5*r for national stamps for Local toxb...
...Toastmaster read tributes to him from many organisations...
...30th Ward Branch—Meets Workmen's Centre...
...The branch hat decided to cooperate fully tn the National Financial Drive and at a special meeting called for Thursday, August 1, work will commence to raise the quota of the branch...
...Finnish Branch—8809 Detroit Ave, meets 3d Wednesday and *th Monday...
...Street meetings are being held In the district...
...CS0SLAV8 SUPPORT SENIOR Ctorbt Psgorelec, manager of the sear Socialist weekly, "Proletaric" Oakego, writes that members of the tBSOoo are pleased with the choice of audi Senior as National executive Maty...
...It a not, for feed, bet ear-wtb$>- announcestent of th* finsl-^letoryH • "Camay my ajrtitoa, at hmaheriy* tor* to an those nho take Sater stand with imfilnchtos fittelfty to the ranks of th* fighting working: etoSs, and assure ah whom* I once knew and who gave me their comradeship or friendship, that in the Ion...
...A Bushnell was accepted and awsatttee elected to take charge of i abtttm ef a new secretary...
...North Philadelphia The Branch had at the last meeting Miss Lucy Butcher, member of the Enghah L*bor Party, who delivered an interssthtg toBx on Labor aamBttont to kktctomL van jaarhetnar rotates** to Trade Onion conditions there...
...W. Noonan...
...impatMd aa to send out the follow^i*the "two hours which I spent in m BUttii* Office today I read dozens I pats from active comedos In every gtef tb* country—wishing the new gentry success and reporting progress its add •fk* I must leave for a short vaca¦tatd when I return on August 15th, t| tamer every letter...
...National Executive Committeeman Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport, also spoke...
...SAN FRANCISCO (FP)—The recent disastrous fire in Mill Valley, on San Francisco Bay, which destroyed over 100 homes, may lighten the building trades situation a Utile in this part of California... writes, "It wul do her R kt lasting the necessary funds so i Sf* stcrctory will have something tart with...
...The place is Csmp Hoffnung of the Workmen's Circle on the Easton Pike, above Pipersvuie, about 36 miles from Philadelphia, The setting is in the lower hills of Pennsylvania, right beside Tohickon Creek, a beautiful little waterway...
...Schuman of the Y. P. S. L. of New York City who Is doing some organising work in the State...
...The program, this column next week...
...A get-together meeting of Socialists wa* held at Cahees on Thursday evening...
...State Organiser Cederholm acted as chairman...
...Jewish Branch—meets on 108th near Grant wood every other Wednesday...
...Executive Committee The City Executive Committee will meet Wednesday, July 31, 8:30 p. m...
...8:30 p. m. Fifth street and Avenue B. Speakers, David Oeorge and others...
...It is being distributed widely amongst the labor unionists...
...Reduced rates, for which we mutt thank Workmen's Circle, for meals and transportation are being arranged...
...Massachusetts Frank Crcaswalth has just completed a most successful tour...
...On Monday, July 39, Leonard Bright will lead a discussion on "Th* Conference for Progressive Labor Action...
...Comrades in Missouri can Texas Wilson M. Brawn, of Daliaa, baa to J...
...The traffim of Marshall DeWitt as a B8tr ef the State Executive Commlt•ateatptsd and Win...
...Capitol District Oeaantoer Myers and State Secretary MernB were present, fti hani i tad/JCt natoitri The Schenectady Oky and County convention which we* held In Patternmakers Hall, Schenectady, last Monday evening, made the following indorsements of candidates for public office: Superintendent of Poor, Thomas D. Pashley...
...IJaaraaoase should be 100% plus...
...But even if the energetic struggle against the bands which gave themselves up to pillage and to attacks in all the towns and localities necessitated the most urgent measures on the part of the authorities, it must nevertheless be declared that to punish by execution the crimes of individuals brutalteed and rendered savage by the war is an act of barbarity typical of the Middle Ages...
...the outing to Camp Eden and publishing of a monthly bulletin were acted upon...
...ffixth The Laeal Drive We see still to need of volunteer "auto transports" in our Local ManrbershipNee Leader campaign Oafi Poanypxeker 74**- or write EaocuUre ftoototory Jo* ftohwsjrto at 810 Locust strsst...
...MANHATTAN East Harlem A wen attended meeting of the new Porto Rican Branch was held last Friday evening, in the East Harlem Center, 62 East 108th street...
...Polish Branch—Meets 7205 Pullerton Ave., Joseph Antoaiak, Sec'y., 3812 X. 62nd St...
...Clair Ave...
...Port Washington avenue and Broadway...
...13333 Aubumdale Ave...
...Main 9229...
...Frank J. Manning expressed the appreciation of the Cleveland Local for bis Whole-hearted cooperation...
...At far as our federation is tarsal...
...Say to them that the glorious red flag is waving today, If not in my hand at any rate in my heart, and that I greet them with the battle cry: "Long Uve Socialism:" Barbarity of the Death Sentences WARSAW.—Sensational statistics on the number of death sentences carried out by the Polish tr&imals in the first ten years of the existence of the Polish Republic have been published In one of the recent numbers of the official police gazette, "Gaseta Admtoistraejl i PoUcJi Panstwowej...
...BRONX . Bronx Ceenty Outing The recent outing held by the comrades of Bronx County was fairly successful and a neat little turn of money was made for the benefit of the beadquarters fund...
...To nheh Comrade: Appoint yourself * "prate ¦egent" for th* Outing...
...ip QO YOTJR PART ¦jr.'m**r—1 Drive is on...
...eaea ef a leaflet recently printed by iffisam States Socialist Conference d ilea 111 e with Old Age Pensions, can ¦eared from the National Office at Avper ie», prepaid...
...Thirty-seven applications far membership were obtained...
...He is now on bis way iffaat CBy where be will take a much gdtl rest and vacation of four weeks...
...The City Central Committee will meet at the Superior Bid* . on Monday evening, Aug...
...The meeting was addressed by Mr...
...Saturday, August 3, 8:30 p. m. Corner St John* place aad Rochester avenue...
...147th St., L Rablnoff, Secy., 3431 E. 140th St...
...The first Indoor meeting will be held on Friday evening, Sept...
...Assemblyman 1st District, John L. Meyers...
...Banquet te Wetotraub At a banquet given in honor of M. Weintraub, who has returned to Cleveland as the local manager of the Forward, a generous sum was raised for party work...
...All *7i a, a to ask...
...Thursday, August 1, 8:30 p. m. Corner Grove street and Washington place (Sheridan Square...
...C. Stone eloctbai toe vacancy...
...He ¦ oafs to the work recently done by Hp Caemtni and to Leon Elkin as ;jBaan" in the work accomplished Bhsa...
...Speakers to be announced...
...The national drive asm was heartily endorsed and the SbereMp will be urged to support the Florida ¦hi gteratary Idson reports that a ' ketl has been formed at Miami and '.at* Is expected toon in Tampa...
...Many matters pertaining to branch activities...
...MANNING IN COLUMBUS Frank J. Manning, Cleveland organiser, will be in Columbus from July 28 to July 39 where he will call a special meeting and - interview party members and sympathisers with a view to establishing a strong local...
...v. August 11...
...S bj cannot make it a success fa-Teaar comrade assists him...
...Herman Sharlach...
...Simon Fruch.t...
...On the matter of the outing to Camp Eden on August 10 and 11, aU comrades who want to make reservations or to donate the use of their ears are to get in touch with Comrade Rosen... please address your letters a askt remittances to her or simply , fa Nttknal Office of the Socialist gf~iftar the vacation I shall be able art web renewed vigor for Socialism Item...
...J Doruma Prison taw a awe 111 in n i nm Zurich, BWlfiati land —The 8odal?Demeerat, M Ch Btrjor, who wee ^ abandoned y«wr»Uaad*to jUsjsa^ttd "Say to *B aham *mo sm*re**a*tser their farmer etsxfaee-ha ermt end ^enquire after bhav^thefe L*a very mecb waak*r>*d tmyatotahHcy- huttntr but that ta spite of that I am today a* strata] sad eve* stranger 3b -say evrietem* as at the time when I mm lhatren into prison tor them...
...9-16th A. D. Branch At a Joint meeting of the branch in the 9 and 16th A. D. plans were made for the coming campaign...
...He was preeminently Identified with the Masons aad Bricklayers TJnkm, serving as it miffing officer of his local for a number of terms...
...It m sxpsstod that this banquet will rally the members to an effective campaign...
...A terrible thought...
...who can give more should 2ato, but at least let each of us ^jgVwanted by one day out of the jui ah* profit for Socialism...
...7th A D. Branch The following comrades were elected as new officers: Organiser, Ernest Besouska: Financial Secretary and Treasurer, Walter Oroeebeck...
...aoe a tear through a part ef ^.^.^J^d,.report» *** °e fewaTmaay sympataeuc hateners...
...An Bronx comrades who wfil assist in this manner are to get in touch with Dr...
...Full program of attractions, etc., is published elsewhere in this issue...
...NEW BEDFORD The New Bedford comrades are planning to hold meetings in both New Bedford and Taunton with local speakers...
...Mayor of Schenectady...
...Details win be published in this column in the next three issues...
...German Branch—Meets 4808 Frankhn Ave., 1st Friday...
...This win be a ratification meeting in behalf of the candidates of this district...
...Comptroller, Louis Morgeastern: City Treasurer, Thomas B. Wiley...
...New Haven A number of successful open air meetings were held the past week...
...Wednesday, July 31...
...On the matter of the branch bulletin, Eleanor Ievenaon wa* elected editor-in-chief and the function of the paper is to keep the membership tn touch with branch activities...
...5. Among important business is the election of officers...
...In the mean - at Ottlink Barnes is running the ge...
...Connecticut STATE PICNIC The annual State Picnic will be held at the State Park between North Haven and Wallingford, Sunday, July 38, all day...
...23rd A D. Branch The branch met on Monday, July 22, at which there was, as usual, a fine attendance...
...On the National Fund Drive, the branch pledged 8500, of which 8300 has already been obtained from various comrades among whom are: Dr...
...Senior visited the Na-TsOeVe and discussed matters of Sit a connection with the unmedir-w* of the Party...
...Speakers, Joseph WeU, MoUy Wemsart...
...Comrade Iskowitr, one day's wage: Kurinsky, Rosen, L. P. Goldberg and Ruth Weiss berg (daughter of Minnie Weiss berg) also pledged one day's wage...
...Speaker, Hymen Nemser and other...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Wednesday...
...This is the first of a series of organising trips which Mining win make in various cities of Ohio under the auspices of the State Office...
...nOm Butoher a studying at Bryn Mawr Oeflant, ^The^Braach ahreys has on taterestog ?LmS^JlKmmkm ¦ * rmpOmt part of the fSrogram...
...Herbert M. Merrill: President of Common Council, Chas...
...BROOKLYN "Tuesday, July 30, 8:30 p. m. Corner Tompkins end Hart street...
...contributions to Norman ,2_ Chairman, 33 Bast 18 th Street, BJBkClty...
...Nicholas avenue...
...Speakers, Samuel H. Friedman and Henry Reamer...
...In commenting on the electdOemrade Senior as National Sectoy.amm states...
...New York City PICNIC AT ULMEB PARK JULY 27TH The annual picnic of the Socialist Party, Trade Unions, Fraternal...
...You are to respond...
...At Congress and Commerce, Blatchley and Grand Ave.'s the most successful meetings were held...
...The branch motto second and^fonrth Fridays at set...
...They leeillli n' fepted all Soclabst btortaure lauded to teputUng to a BtomaeTaUa ^^fvUrree btoabe Atom the Pnloo Depot and one Week from the Court House, where cots, toOetoTbatttovaad resting facilities wfll be for the use at comrades paashsg through the city aad for out of wtaa . v - Ohio CLEVELAND Mayor Hoaa of Milwaukee has agreed to speak In Cleveland at a banquet whtoh will be the opening event of the municipal campaign here...
...It was decided to hold another outing on Sunday, August 18...
...lrw» wages from every comrade ^aaa seeeess...
...5. Progress is being made in this direction...
...Foian was one of the eight Secatatoh who were elected to the Common Council of Schenectady ta the Lunn kusSaude of 1911...
...The meetings were addressed by the State organiser and Organiser Schulman of the Y. P. 8. L. Hamden Local Hamden has recently secured the pamphlet gotten out by the Eastern States Conference of State Secretaries, on old age pension and unemployment insurance...
...But these executions had to be carried out by men, who were thus placed in the position of having to kill 952 times in the exercise of their profession...
...Between 1919 and 1928, says the report, 860 military executions took place and 92 assassins were condemned to be shot...
...Assessors, Nathan M. Seltser and Bernard Oolub...
...Recording Secretary...
...If I hunger for something...
...West Haven A very enthusiastic open air meeting was held July 19, on the green...
...Henry Jagex...
...Tht resignation as State SecreIetc...
...Total expense not more than your usual Sunday dinner...
...bridgeport Local Bridgeport Is still holding its Saturday nights Pinochle parties at the sixth district Socialist Club...
...Speakers, Harry tehaehner, Simon Wolfe sad Joseph Weu...
...The branch has also endorsed the Conference tor Progressive Labor Action...
...This win be an automobile outing to Camp Eden and an effort will be made to get every Bronx comrade who ha* a car to donate it for that day...
...The organisation committee is perfecting plans tor a membership drive and wishes to publish a list of local branchesCentral Branch—Room JOB, Prospect Fourth Bids...
...the national drive...
...Senior was faced Btan of letters of good wishes and gaataattteat from all sections of the agey tad many promises of coopers_ h hb work...
...According to this report there was a great spread of brigandage throughout Poland in the yars immedlthroughout Paland in the years immediately following the war...
...Athletic and Benevolent Associations will be held at Ulmer Park, Brooklyn, on Saturday afternoon and evening, July 27...
...Another meeting will be held in the near future and Norman Thomas win be present...
...The Hamden, Meriden and Wallingford locals have charge of arrangements...
...Thomas L. Bute, nerty state secretary, but recently a mat ef Oklahoma, was an Interested ex...
...August 1, 8:30 *. m. Corner 86th street and Lexington avenue...
...Thursday, August 1, 8:30 p. m. Corner losth aad Madtttm avenue...
...Caech Branch"—Joseph Mertinek, Secy., 4732 Broadway...
...A number of active trade unionists am being rallied by the organiser for a Labor Representation Conference on Aug...
...July JL 8:30 p. m. Graham sad Varet streets...
...The next meeting will be held August 13 and an effort win be mad* to make this a Joint meeting with Branch Seven East...
...No person yen invite aad who attends win be without reason to thank you for "senmghinv-qm>-ide*> New lork State THOMAS FOLAN DIES Thome* Foton, former Schenectady Socialist alderman, died to Schenectady last week Saturday...
...The fact that tion had remained in the hands of the combatants who had returned home after the recall of the troops had been one of the contributory causes...
...Those interested in party activities should communicate with the oganixer, Frank J. Manning...
...The reason, a day for Socialists with Socialists and "Non," in keeping with the Spirit of local membership—New Leader Campaign, the united Socialist drive and the real vigor that we expect tn our local movement this •Fall...
...In the meantime, our Spanish speaking comrades are making every effort to enroll all Socialists and sympathisers among Spanish peoples in East Harlem into the branch...
...3d Sunday, 3.00 pan...
...Say to them that from the depths of my dungeon I take the liberty of asking them to eliminate from their fight everything that can disunite or divide us, avoiding deviations from justice, contrary tendencies, and exaggerations or imitations of a provocative, unfruitful, but catastrophic extremism and taking pains to unite the forces of the working class, far unity is the only security for its triumph...
...building up of a strong 8otto Party...
...Assemblyman 2nd District, Marie L Steele...
...Wednesday... the Boro Park Labor Lyceum...
...The State Executive Committee win hold its July meeting at the State Park Wallingford Sunday, Jury 28th at Eleven o'clock, before the Picnic...
...July 31, 8:80 p. m. Corner isoth street and St...
...Unemployment has been very great, necessitating the 5-day week in most building trades...
...Convey my deeply felt thanks to an my friend* in the country or beyond the frontier* who have defended me In speech and writing in such an nm»»iih and noble manner, and tell them that I regard this defence a* an opportunity to spread our common ideas and as an act of homage paid to these ideas...
Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 28