A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES OUR GROVER'S GAY PAY U LV« CAPTAIN OKOOilWJAJf «M IB ft law ftl**- ue tat la the back of ta* Hot Bjmny. ^'rsrln*: g/loomlly Into nit highball from •*»Tttme be...

...It u amusing to note that the very voters who turn a member out because he is not considered useful occasionally turn to him when he becomes a lobbyist 1 Certainly, the Federal Diet la one of the queerest law-making bodies to be found in this world...
...For eeesrv* that the "Third Bouse" at Waahttntian hat to its moat active group* Usee* who represent economic interests...
...This study of one phase of our archaic system of representation should set honest men and women thinking...
...Neither before the war nor during the war could such a mass international Youth rally have been possible...
...The second Congress of the Socialist Youth International which took place in Amsterdam in May, 193* was concerned particularly with the fight against militarism and the dangers of war...
...On the days preceding the Vienns Youth Rally, as well as on the following days, a great number of those participating in the' .Youth Rally will undertake excursions Into the splendid mountain country of Austria, so that the happy wanderlust of Youth wul also be taken into consideration...
...There are paper organisations main' talnlng a precarious existence and almost impossible to locate and another type | known as the "mushroom" which is con- j cerned with a single issue...
...aa it aright be just your luck to nin into a tough *%**o hadn't read the rules...
...It was good humor but it also revealed that the truth must f5e carefully rationed and often concealed if we want to get along In modern society...
...But the Socialist Youth International also took up the struggle against militarism In other ways...
...Now don't misunderstand me I know that the Manchurian railway to "vladivostok would be better managed by Russians...
...Thee* forms of action certainly do not exist as was at one time the oast Witt the Communist Youth International in any kind of separate "actions" undertaken simply for the sake of acting differently from other people or even in coup d'etat "actions," but in new forms of propaganda, in the organisation of...
...This study renders more vivid many of the absurdities of the American representative or misrepresentstive system...
...When a Socialist sppeals against the absurdity and urges the working mtnwt to support candidates that represent their eeonomie interests the masked man rush to the front and declare him to be the vilest o sinners but he only sins against what is a palpable fraud...
...You see it'* thi* way, th*y explain . . . When Communists get their dome* smash ad in by the sens, then it's the Social Democrats who have committed mayhem and adultery...
...On Saturday morning leading comrades of the Austrian Social-Democratic Party will address the young people on the Austrian Labor movement, its organisations, struggles and successes...
...and breath and grief that must need be spent now until you are forced to confess that sixteen minion roubles of profit i* a lot of maffirm* even in Ninjni Novgorod, and that to old gold-drunk America they commit murder for a whole let less...
...By Karl Heinx, Vienna IN the middle of July, exactly fifteen a years since the burning torch which started the conflagration of the devastating world war was maliciously hurled into the world from the old Emperor's city of Vienna, ten thousand young Socialists of both sexes from sll the countries of Europe will assemble in this city in order to demonstrate against war and In favor of Socialism...
...rsrln*: g/loomlly Into nit highball from •*»Tttme be would shake ala head and In a hoarse he murmur: "Just a great big boy...
...But even the Youth days, which contribute considerably to the strengthening of the international proletarian perceptions of the young generation, do not satisfy the strong International convictions of the young workers...
...labor conditions in the mills as they are...
...Since the Hamburg Congress the Socialist Youth International has also affiliated itself alongside some of the national organisations to the International Socialist Student Federation...
...Of course, by new you win haw* gueseed that Tm sore about something, and that'* why T/m apjaaagsxr on the boy...
...8. S. in gold on the visor...
...But thea confiscation without due precast of law Is always a dirty trick, So now you just have to get up and teach the leasee all over again . . . "that in the first place anything that the Soviet Union own* 1* inviolate...
...Some of them are curious in purpose and name but a large number represent some special economic interests...
...an international Youth day which will be celebrated annually according to the decision of the Amsterdam Congress of the Socialist Youth International in all countries and places in which there is a Socialist Youth organization...
...with legislation that affect economic in- j terettt and those with the largest funds i have the most Influence, market the j most propaganda, and make the moat j noise...
...Nearly 3,000 will come to Vienna from Csecho-Slovakia, about 800 from Poland, 530 from Holland, 300 from Sweden, 150 from Denmark, nearly 100 from Belgium, and about 90 each from Bulgaria and Swttaerland...
...Bp to date the following place* have been chosen: P*Jow*r level of the Grand •Central Station at five gH The top of the central pier of the Brooklyn g*J» between nine and ten A. M- The Williamsburg B*> The Co-operative Cafeteria at noon-time...
...But you mustn't stop there...
...The procession will then proceed along the Praterstrasse to the Prater Park, where the young people wffl refresh themselves on the magnificent green of the old meadows...
...When you eat all about who ia shooting who, you run like **T to a secret meeting-place that ha* been fixed up fmea of time and teU this feller...
...It'* a dirty trick, biting the hand that fed you...
...Those who participate to flu festival wffl therefore have at the same time an opportunity to learn from theii own observation and at close quartan the Internal arrangement* of the Viennese municipal houses and the life of thi Viennese workers...
...There are over 600 such groups maintaining representatives in that city and the number has rapidly Increased since the end of the World War...
...Like you, X don't believe China knows how to conduct herself ta thoroughly civilized fashion...
...The sham of geographical rapretentetlne is challenged by the lobbyists teen while they declare that they are gar the "people," or or the "nation," or tar "the good of the country...
...a * o Frankly, I wouldn't be hi your boots for tee weft* They must cramp something fierce...
...Even the A. F. of L. works for labor "and the people...
...The way the Dally Worker and the Fremeit are explaining It to us Americans, the whole thing is ss simple as Integral calculus to an underfed potato bug...
...At * later period when representation of geographical districts became the rule economic interests were still repreaentated, but the working class, as in the first period, continued to be excluded from representation...
...Tmow a bird over there that I want to 'put on the star tad I thought you would like to come along for I jb» gangster, Bleary Bill, then claps his hands, up hie haele and waltzes around the speakeasy •ybgout: "Goody, goody we are going to bump off a tarn tn Sunnyside...
...Of this type was...
...wf course it's no good if the gangster guesses that *** are really a cop...
...Angus* I. at littjp, m, at 187 Boston Bond, . Circle l wfll bold a discussion on MUNICIPAL BOUSDfO...
...X~* brings us to the question of makeup...
...D„ Baltimore...
...high, low, jack, you have to say: *«% aid friend, Bleary Bill, suppose we pack up the mk snd go out tonight on a little job in Sunnyside...
...What yen wffl tan them after you're through with them sad en yo*a own feet Is nobody'* bustsen...
...York City, will speak on rCNUmWUlmf TOWAJIDS* SOCIALISM...
...You see, we are the saviors of the exploited...
...That's all...
...They gen- { eraHy appeal to those who have plenty { of money, bankers, capitalists, etc., who are induced to contribute to tome cause, j When the graft fails under one name another is chosen, new literature is j printed...
...As about 10,000 wul also come from the Austrian provinces and as the young workers of Vienna wul provide about 30,000 participants, there wul therefore be altogether about 50,000 young Socialists of both - sexes at the Second International Socialist Youth Rally...
...Otto Bauer wul speak on the world situation of Socialism and the tasks of young workers, Richard Linostrom (Stockholm) on the struggle for disarmament, Anton Klmml (Vienna) on the fight for the development of Youth protection, Ernst Paul (Prague) and Felix Kanlts (Vienna) on the question of the unification of Socialist work tor young people...
...This untiring an tl-military propaganda work become* all the more important, the further away we get from the war in point of time, and the less the rising generation accordingly knows of the horrors of war...
...A study of the political writings and speeches in this country before manhood suffrage shows that the politicians spoke in terms of the manufacturing interest, the commercial interest, the planting interest, and to on...
...Every July since 1914...
...There was no necessity for wearing masks...
...The International Socialist Youth Week to Vienna wffl therefore be not only an opportunity for happy Youth activities, exhaustive studies and earnest deliberations, but above all an imposing d*mmntt.i atfcm of the international working clam Youth In favor of the fight for disarmament and international Borlnl km...
...2,341 of Graver's •tokef roles...
...Not till the general extension of manhood suffrage was frank discussion of interests abandoned except for the political struggles over slavery...
...In another class Is the "bread and butter leagues" which include those ¦ groups that are Intended chiefly to pro- ! vide salaries for the officers...
...Be won...
...We're not exploiting you...
...but within those anxious noun be nearly spoiled a large deal in stocks, almost estranged the parents of his expected wife, and brought endless trouble for himself...
...J an the Secret Service there is just one Man Whom rJJOtedy Knows...
...The Labor and Socialist International will be represented by it* Secretary Friedrich Adler and Arthur Crlspien, it* representative in the Youth International, while the International Federation oi Trade Unions wffl be represented by Its President Walter Citrine...
...And Hong Hi Foo who chisel* poultry late chow main on Tremont avenue, baa sold out to the proverbial Greeks, snd dyspepsia ha* got me mesa...
...Mew Laadi era sold, snd leaflet* distributed...
...This is great fun...
...LILLIAN S. KAPLAN EDITOR Knblishcd Every Week by The New Leader for the Young People* Socialist League international Socialist Youth Week in Vienna (As will be noted, the following article was written before the Socialist youth demonstration took place...
...Ene taal ever so many cops had never met Frank 2y7se to apeak, and didn't know which of Marsgtey friends took him for a ride...
...Thea would he stev ;| ^,,,u","ttl*Ww«t...
...On the contrary, the Socislist Youth International already organised on the occasion of its second Congress the first Internationa] Socialist Youth Rally in Amsterdam, to Which more than 5000 young people converged from nearly all the countries of Europe...
...j/**0 knickers with sky-blue stocking* and sise a*AMgh black shoes, buttoned...
...So a* much aa we bate the Red, we hate to lee* oar graft a whole lot snore...
...But although the detective and Marlow riot a prise-fighter and a couple of bootleggers all had lanatr together on the night of the murder, the detec: gjt couldn't have known Marlow socially...
...The ar.»a the Statue of Liberty at midnight...
...If he does, your fide loses J™m points and a lot of your insurance money will •gmt up for funeral expenses...
...You need an they wffl do Bar yen out ef good fc&ewahip...
...The trick is -sat te let any one of the fifty know who bit playmates jam, the fifty then get acquainted with gangsters, iajay ere not allowed to tell the gangsters that they tn really cops because that would spoil the game...
...The business report wffl be presented by Erich OUenhauser (Berlin), Secretary of the Socialist Youth International...
...Imagine one or more of these dogging the heels of a Congressman to say nothing of hundreds of others I The lobby business has grown to such proportions at Washington that a fewj years ago a real estate company serious-1 hr considered erection of a building to...
...Workers must be kept within the ranks of the capitalist parties so that one of the worst offenses in the riew of the masked politicians is for a person who sees through the absurdities J*s fetne^foTunte own^tereaU Yet despite the politicians and their aattttg atoanml r groups organise aad put ttntr 'ft claims before Corsgrata...
...This time nomtf wa* polite enough to leave an overcoat behind B| same sewed in the lining so the cope are In mgark about the affair and Grover la peeved...
...I am...
...prom bow on a lot of our very best and most refined "stlli eniin are going to play Gangster...
...1933, they set to work with great teal...
...5e.ee* Expected - The International Socialist Youth Rally which tares place in Vienna from the 12th to the 14th July will far exceed the Amsterdam Youth Rally In extent...
...You can understand then, Tovariah mine, hew greatly concerned I must be over the business...
...tJae rule to be strictly observed is that when a "toajster tells a cop all this, the cop is not to take out a* sot* book and write it down...
...Sver sine* then, Charlie Che*, my laundry man, baa closed shop aad I can't get my pet pink pajamas out of hi* wash tub...
...AO Weleomi Otrde i, Bronx On Tliurstni...
...In the afternoon various happy Youth celebrations will take place on the boundaries of the town and in the workers' beach bath on the old Donau, as well as excursions into the Vienna forest...
...Give them your name and address They'll send it back to you.'' • £ aappoaod that this time there was a detective matg with Marlow just before the latter was taken lie g ride...
...If they fail to win their point, they die of starvation...
...dirty, scabby, murderous, capitalist forces aa embodied by America, Fl**ee, England and Italy . . . The Imperialistic Quartet...
...It staged a convention ! with hired delegates before it was ex- ! posed by a congressional committee...
...Dae to these maettas...
...house the activities of many of the...
...It Is absurd to ask a capitalist and a laborer, a landlord and a renter, a banker and debtor, to go to the ballot box and chose a man who will "represent" them in the legislature or in Congress and yet that la precisely what is done In every election...
...Unfortunately, they grab something that yon honestly believed belongs to you...
...83)- The work Is a study of the history, organisation, methods and influence of various organisations maintained at Washington to Influence legislation...
...are your diple*a*U leaning at last how to) play the old army gams of boil sad eouT Inst tat* whoa* thtog a Wg bluff to soar* the Mg boy* tezo believing that you are fighting their battles ia Chtaa...
...Remember 'Set pftsas you alt around drinking with the gangster* In Oak den...
...At any -*** be forgot to aay anything about it...
...And what fine company you'll aad for yourself after being successfully defeated by your stated enemies...
...K*^**ave georgette blouse with an orange sash at the hip by a mother-of-pearl brooch...
...Moreover, an interesting great "Youth and Time" exhibition win be organised which will guarantee a good, insight into the life of young workers...
...Then groups themselves pay homage to tie fieckm of the politicians that there ***** be no "class legislation" and yet that ia precisely what each of the groupt want...
...the National Soldier's League, a purely j bogus concern...
...r-'fa win t8e game...
...We recall the film after leading a very Interesting book (Oroap «ape stent ifiaa Before Congress by E. Pendleton Herring...
...jyP* following uniform has been chosen for the mem***** tae Secret Service and mutt be worn while on P*y according to regulation No...
...Yet all thi* history is not fun of gastronomic interpretation...
...Tht Socialist Youth International rather attempts to establish independent forms of action with the atp-eement of the Labor and Socialist International and the International Federation of Trade union...
...In this class ! was the Farmers' State Rights League j which "was an association of the cotton mill operators of the Carolina*, organized i for the sole purpose of maintaining the...
...The ctrtt* ha* ' beta holding two open-air minting* a ! week for the past month, and tit* . audiences have been varying ta site team : 38 to over 100...
...While the afternoon e Friday wul be kept free for visits « inspection to the beauties of the eld am the undertakings of the new Vienna, i number of artistic arrangements wil take nlace in the evonlne in the ana...
...At the end of 1938 the Socialist Youth International included altogether SO organisations with 230,718 members...
...When I any "you," X don't exactly mean that per•enaBy...
...and high-power salesmen market the new idea...
...Here you have gone ahead and taught these Chinese an intense nationalism...
...Just ;J**T»ybov from John Wanamaker's playing cop* Etonri developed the cause for the Captain's grief...
...You might aa wen be positive about it...
...a library and reference room...
...Vienna on the Donau has been a symbol of Socialist development...
...Because to discuss political Issues in terms of classes would be to continually hazard political organisation by the working class...
...Natural-1 ly, the most active groups are concerned...
...Crovrr was a good enough to call in the newspaper -iaa tad tell them the rules for playing Gangster so "eat then will be no mistake about it...
...which will be gaily illuminated...
...Of the queer groups maintaining a lobby we note the American Federation of Organisations for the Hard of Hearing, the Metric Association, Ornithologists' Union, Anti-Steel Trap League, Christ Child League, Seventh Day Adventists, Longevity Legion, Military Order of the Cootie, and Duck Pin Bowling Congress...
...Whan the Communists shoot down and jail Social Democrats, then it'* a holiday la Kafka*, the Soviet Union is spending umpty nine bUDoa rubles for industrialization, aad borscht la plentiful...
...to be followed by a procession along the Ringstrasse...
...International has worked meritoriously towards realizing the economic-cultural interests of Youth, as also in the Socialist educational and politico-anti-militarist direction...
...It would be sll tolerable...
...Also how adroitly you grabbed up everything you could lay your hand* en, and blessed each confiscation with proper unction...
...Whether these groups win or lose their fate is I tragic...
...When a slowly rising China takes the Communist teaching too literally, and actually confiscates what it believe* is Its own, away from the exploiter, away from the imperialistic clutch . . . then what a yowl the self-consecrated defender of downtrodden mankind sets up . . . And what excuses pour forth, and what peculiar alibis are dished up...
...They will tell you about the tough teas they had blowing that last safe and how Little rfflstj put up a terrible squeal when they took him ¦Jar a rid* to Grant's Tomb...
...The AianjbrtSm Baity But the Socialist Youth Internationa] doe* not content itself with taking up an attitude on current questions of world policy a* opportunity arises, in order to draw tht attention of young workers to an the dangers aad iwannt which arise from the straggle of the Internationa working7 class to guarantee peace amoni the peoples and to achieve Socialism At the same time it U alto not satisfleC with laying down uniform principles in i mm mi resolutions for the international Socialist education of the youth of the working class and with submitting all problems ef the working class Youtr movement to an earnest study...
...And it la aatbtfal if ha would have mentioned the fact at all If *a ef the witnesses hadn't dragged his name into it, rtjfl this so worked on Gorgeous Graver's nerves |H he went up to the toy department of Wanaaabtr's, which is one of his favorite retreats for work:fxf eat knotty problems which arise in connection tjgk the policing of our great city...
...Suddenly, you find that they start In to follow your advice...
...V tt to, tana you have my hearty sofmort...
...X culled all the foregoing adjective* from the editorials of the Daily Worker . . . The Big Four have said to the Chinaman, with similar intent . . . "lay oft you yellow fool . . . give beck what you took from the Russian Bolshevik...
...We're only saving up that 18,000,000 profit a year to a fund to liberate the whole world from capitalism...
...On Sunday morning a great international Socialist Youth demonstration will take place on the Rathausplatz...
...More than 12,000 will attend from Germany alone...
...j Then there is the fraudulent thing' financed by the wealthy...
...If only you would come out in the beginning aad save an ink...
...be sure there is a rule that a gangster who find* ttet he has been telling all he knows to a cop is ¦•••at out, "parcheesi" and pull off the cop's beard...
...But toot between us as pels, Joe, tan aw tae want* truth...
...That te, they do not rely solely j on the truth in announcing their .alms.j The Chamber of Commerce declares that j "what is good for business is good for i the country...
...It was a frank recognition of groups and eeonomie interests...
...When the Socialist Youth organisations combined together to form the Socialist Youth International in Hamburg in May...
...l* cloth cap with Scotch plaid pattern and P*"041...
...cigarette-holder and gardenias must be worn P***" working hour...
...Representation appeared In medieval society and It was honest representation of groups, orders and cittern the nobility, clergy and bourgeois class and for a time each group even assembled as a group...
...He is the top sleuth...
...They j meet their Waterloo at Austerlita...
...Its source Is in geographical repi estatetlon Itself...
...Finally the magnificently colors* banners of the Socialist Youth Inter, national wffl be hoisted on the forme castle ef the Hapaburga, a sign that tin young generation is being governed by i new spirit...
...This gigantic evening celebration, to which 2,000 young worker-athletes of Vienna will contribute a mass gymnastic display, and In which 4.000 Vienna worker-singers will take part, will be closed by a torchlight-procession in the inner part of the city to the Ratheus...
...In the afternoon an International sports meeting will take place at the Hohe Warte sports ground, which will give place to a great international Youth celebration in the evening, in the course of which the unveiling of the banner which the Socialist Youth International is presenting to the Austrian Youth organisation will take place...
...Red Vienna will enthusiastically rooolvi its young International guest* at thi railway and steamboat stations and eonduct them to the aocompaniment el music to their lodgings, a great numbn of which are in the great munkdpai dwellings...
...The workers of Vienna will form a lane along the Ringstrasse and greet the young guests...
...There t* also the petty affair ef what China has don* in Manchuria.to your n on-imperialistic control of that little bit of railroad...
...j Quite a number of members of Congress i who are defeated, the "lame ducks," become lobbyists snd as ex-members they, have an advantage over other* because they retain their privileges of the floor...
...That bow-wow raid on Aetor Place, makiag aeon*, and shouting curses In Orchard Street EngHab at the poor Chink ambassador Just rued me purple...
...As the Dutch Youth organisation is the pioneer of the idea of cultural education within the international Socialist Youth movement and Is undertaking specially valuable work In this sphere, this first International Socialist Youth Rally in Amsterdam bore the stamp of the cultural educational work of the Socialist Youth organisations...
...groups, including a department for multi- j graphing and mailing propaganda and...
...Steal by all mean* but don't steal from us...
...The enormous change that has taken place In the world in these fifteen years will be impressively demonstrated by the coming together of ten thousand young members of the working class from all over the world...
...Fur¦ ther information may be secured at the . circle headojnrteri ea Thursday evenTHE CHATTER BOX Still AtwtiMr Open Letter to Joseph 9hmBmU * • nr4bvAJUBH JOS: X Thi* ta written with the hope that ft get* to the Kremlin abend of the special photograph* the Union Square hey* haw* made tip about the gigantic protest parade and hnlabemo ta front ef the Chmeee Ooaaeflato efflce last weak...
...Bern Oaotbaaw...
...Scanning The New Books Our System Of Mis representation A Review of E. P. Heri-faxf's t4Group RepresenUtfcm Before Congress" ' By James Oneal W/'B, recently enjoyed an all ItBbej ***fiim the theme of which wet a young broker who wagered ten thousand dollars that be could tell nothing but the truth for twenty-four hours...
...In an honest world he would be hailed for hit courage and truthfulness...
...Me will ten iyou all about it, It KJw tome policemen have been getting so re_y/ai' lately they have practically refused to -cufsreund with the dentaen* of the underworld...
...DiaJ*** for the Secret Service are furnished at reason;**fr*eai by the Notion Counter at Wanamaker'a...
...A wide circle of young workers of both sexes could thus learn of foreign countries and habits from their own observation, and above all enter into direct communication with young Socialists of both sexes from the other countries...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 11 Essex Street, Boston, Mae...
...So we go on with the masked politicians and editors aa well as masked lobbying, with all of its insincerities, grafting, concealments and cross purposes Somehow we manage to muddle through, If we are to retain geographical districts for purposes of presentation we ought to have proportional representation which would at least give minority opinions some chance to be heard...
...The Farm Federation desires to help the rural regions but it is i also "preserving the nation...
...By and by you get to ifctow them to well that they will tell you all their *BsT* troubles...
...The Vienna International BocWIet Youth Weak Wffl show that the young generation of the international twrbliaj class Is ta the camp of the Senlel Damn crane movement which is aberattag the peoples, aad that the futart belongs to Socialism...
...11am Rothttein was shot, you will remember, one artto boyt had the decency to leave his coat in the "ggat room where the shooting took place and this ««• the cope a clue...
...The young people took possession of a gigantic camping ground, and passed glorious days of international community life...
...The slogan W**m Police Department is "Produce and then Prowas some more...
...So when yen receive a picture ef "party worker*" betag brutally bludgeoned by Whalen's soft-cap Oanerkt, yen might a* w*H reconcile yourself to a cleverly dovetailed affair of several Follies girl* parading eat of the stage door and four uniformed cope playing African croquet during lunch hour tn the cellar of*, the Station House...
...There among the iffjtjt kars and funny makeups he evolved the Great gent Service Idea...
...Ws won't stand for tat* grab business...
...The chance* are yen are net a* wen up on composite photography a* the Macfadden Publication* and your American Communist paper...
...The whole system is dishonest and places a preminum an deceit...
...first you pick fifty cops who want to play...
...Hew when you get to that you can go right up and eat a gangster on the back and ask about his aunt's ItTWoae, you are doing swell and your tide will get ten y*eti from the official score-keeper down at Headbjmrleit...
...The propaganda of this group went chiefly to farmer publications...
...Congress To Meet At the conclusion of the Second International Youth Rally the Third Congress of the Socialist Youth International will take place from the 16th to the 18th July in the Pavoritener Arbeiterhelm (Workers' Home) in Vienna...
...In the tf**»h of the white elephant In the window of MaiB**> eflk store on Fifth avenue around tea-time §P mere are any further detail* that you want to *** about the Secret Service, call up Spring...
...The Socialist Youth...
...The groups in this class wear J masks...
...But even in the days immediately following the war conditions had not reached the stage for an international assembly of masses of young workers...
...prospect* have been secured...
...Concert Halls of the town...
...Personally I doa't care bow you rnanag* to bora to with the tag fnBows right now...
...When ebatteldom was wiped out it became the general custom for politicians and political writers to talk and write in vague terms, ignoring economics interests...
...The Revolution, which followed the war and which built up essentially more favorable living conditions for young workers in most of the European countries, created the condition for such international mass demonstrations of young workers, the politico-educational significance of which cannot be overestimated...
...a*)tachea, aide-burns and goatees to fit the indi**ce and disposition may be bad in bundle SS** at wholesale rates...
...a tae real fun begins in earnest because it's a *P 1°ag ride to Sunnyside and all the way out you *¦ keep asking leading questions like, "Tell me about ¦fame you shot Arnold Rothatein...
...if they win their j point, their purpose of existence, their j raisen d'etre, is taken from them...
...You could steep en talking that way and dig up a whole lot more excuae...
...X mean the American apologist* for whatever Finals doe*, whether they understand it fully or net...
...McAliater Coleman...
...Having defined the variety of lobbies j the author tells an interesting story of 1 their activities as the "Third House...
...I hope you manage to get it back by negotiation under the Kellogg pact...
...Then >*m stad them out into the underworld...
...The opening celebration, at which Salts, Burgomaster ef Ret Vienna, wffl be among the speakers, wil take place at 10 a. m. on Friday tn 13th July on the HrMenphrts to front of the former steonghold of the Haps, burgs...
...fair note books...
...But I guest the Chink don't eee It The only ones who see it your way peculiarly enough ars the contemptible roprebenslve...
...to be held on Wednesday, July 21, at 8:90 pa., at 7316 30th a vena*, chew ektcUont wffl be held...
...But don't you know, old top, sometime* we live te have our good deed* flung back upon us with stoning effect...
...The victory of Fascism and the forces of reaction in a number of countries which has essentially increased the dangers of war, makes-*t particularly necessary to fill the rising generation of the working clam with an abhorrence oi war...
...nmeVtost been notified that be had been made a cat Police Commissioner drover Whalen's new S"La boy* and girls don't know about the Secret jEL^d that we are going- to have in New York Just S^A gangster...
...We hope to print details of the actual demonstration in an early issue—Editor, Free Youth...
...In addition there will be strong delegation* from Finland, Latvia, Rumania, France, England and Palestine...
...If you get away with it en htm, you'll start m giving us the ha-ha...
...We are holding the Manchurian road for the worker* of the entire world...
...No -fab tailing gangster* that you arc a cop...
...tafeam* out after the shooting of Frank Harlow...
...0 0 0 When America, England, Franc* aad Mth/** own mill*, mines, telegraph, power stations aad railroads ta China, that'* imperialism, exploitation of the weaker, backward nation*, and so please send ia your contribution* to the Anti-Imperialist League of America, Union Square, New York . . . Tovariah Chaeatortta, Secretary . . . "Help Free Nicaragua, Brptrnsvlil*, India, Mooney, Sacco-Vaasetti . . . anybody, anything, anywhere . . . but send in the dough- • •" When Soviet Russia owns aad controls a profitable concession inherited from the Czar, in dark, benighted Manchuria, then it Is "Glory Be To Lenin," sad "Halaluyah to the Third International...
...Leave the cops your overcoat When the shooting's through...
...5* Uet of secret meeting-place* ha* net a* yet been gbaaed, but when it is ready, it will be printed in f*» iacontpicuout corner on the front page of The f* York Time...
...former Executive Secretary of gen...
...After all, in spit* ef the cardinal precept* of the divine Lenin, business is still business...
...Johns Hopkins Pre...
...NEW YORK CrTI, NEWS Otrde 4, Brooklyn—At the next meet lng...
...In fact, for that matter (and who in the Union Square Co-operative Cafeteria would dare deny), no nation on earth can properly conduct Its own affairs without the expert direction of the Third International and the Daily Worker...
...Representatives wul take part in the Rally from North America and Fascist Italy, as wen as from dictatorship-governed Yugo-Slaria...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 28

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