U. S. Marshals On Scab Duty In New Orleans Only Cantkm of Of&dak Keeps Worker- Of City From Joining Street Carmen In General Strike—Green Puts Issue Up to President Hoover In Capitol NEW...

...The district b receiving dues on lass than 45% of the membership, it was charged, during the hot debate which preceded the roB call of 3*4 to 14$, in favor of the button system...
...The proposed general sbike wss not discussed but the unions will hold a Joint msHIng aeon to decide en the matter...
...BzoBhaa was BHBed chairman of the law oommfttee...
...Such a sftaatton may bring the U. 8. army toto the Queen City of the South...
...But an studies have an end, and even if the art of nailing hi not highly developed to the Hungarian Mtobtry of the Interior, they most at tost deride either to defiver the parcel to toe bookshop or to return tt to Zurich as a new proof of Hungarian Infamy...
...Car Borttos Bad The street cars are being run—on a greatly curtailed schedule—with deputy U. S. marshals on the front and rear platforms While, city police and aimed guards accompany the cars on their rounds, from • ui the morning to 8 at -night...
...The city is practically unguarded in any event, as the majority of police are on duty for the Public Berries Co...
...Certain Republicans were described as "hard boiled" and certain Democrats as "lukewarm" in carrying out their campaign pledges...
...Only yesterday another freedom sovereign was hauled before the bar of Justice for scratching hb left arm with his right hand...
...A Cycle of the Danes from primitive to modern times was pmasnted by the tampers on Saturday evening to the orchard whteh was illuminated by flares and improvised cat-tail torches...
...greeted his appearance on the speakers platform...
...Furthermore, if your department may assign hundreds ot deputy marshals in this case, would it not, be possible to employ «/yn«i«n»i hundreds or thousands, if, in tile discretion of the department, it became necessary...
...dWM^iiaaai M^^^awb a^^as^itob] U^UnBasTato^tos, ^^Om^T^tnZ of Oto BtousU Central Leber eouncfl and a laaatojjton for...
...In the meantime, the patience of the strikers is being sorely tried, and close Bbservers expect sansulne events...
...A crowd sprang up from apparently nowhere and greeted the scabs...
...Lewis and Vtoa Pres...
...Enoch WlOtama renorted that the district in the pact year has had an average membership of 4*.000 with $I«l,500 balance, including a $100,000 torn to the International union...
...tabor party aEgfcM...
...Parring-ton's affidavit swore that ^'"'dlng to John Watts of the radical National Miners Unton, John L. Lewb had offered to cooperate with the radical union to taking over the subdiatrieL Several ether miners swore to the same allegation...
...submitted their report to the city council and asked to be discharged from further duty...
...Attempts to emulate Pres...
...They must take a direct interest in than sources of production...
...The marshal is arranging the schedules for the running of the cars and all matters concerned wtth resuming trolley transport with scabs...
...IK IB MM...
...CrUsens Bit Company Pdrty thousand people who attended a mass meeting demanding that the New Orleans Public Service Inc...
...ai The American iron-laborer precato $1 tana of pig iron while be b takf paid $100, white the British worker Both* same amount of wages b predsekf) only 41 tons of pig Iron...
...John Boylan and ruled from the floor of the convention, when presented in resolution form...
...The strike against aon>uoioD sweatshops frntliinm with onahstin vigor, ptoketing still being kept ^twontr flea thousand dollars In addlttonal does were received during the 24 hoars ending at noon yes tor day...
...Hitherto, it has been charged, many locals have failed to pay full per capita to the district on its membership...
...f •¥ the biennial convention of ^he^nbed MBto Workom District S opened la <fhc YJjtfllA...
...The company, however, "arbitrary, powerful, has seen fit to flaunt public opinion, to reject arbitration and to compel, by force of arms and unlimited money, submission on the part of the ww stra to their dtotatod terms...
...Company Being Aided Green goes on to say that he does not charge that the federal government is purposely furnishing these deputies in order to aid the company, but that it comes to the same thing, since the deputies are there only because Mitchell's department authorized their employment...
...And if thb course can be followed in thb case it b reasonable to conclude that the same coarse can be pursued by the federal government- in all Industrial controversies...
...No oars are run after nightfall, the imported scabs being afraid even with the protection given them by the federal government, to venture out after sunset...
...r$F»s*r saoBttss atoce it was delfeecai to MtebtrjM ^report has Mot gapM.RMilhg ajntob sjaod a littb taw to read tt...
...Philip Murray...
...A child shouldn't be burdened with revolutionary ideate test he grow up to be a cynic, identifying failures wtth hb past Ideate...
...What little business there to in New Orleans b demoralised: the department stores have sharply curtailed their advertising and the daily papers have been forced to...
...E. C. Marrianeul of the union reported 1,056,000 paid to workman's compensation as the result of accidents in the hard coal mines...
...of Street and Electric Railway, MiU'husas, but that they may come back as Individual...
...The atobxbwabms get sio a daw, beard and lodging and spill 11b oaah Co...
...Doe to Its non-profit making character, he said that about $2,000 to excess of fees b needed to meet thb season's obligations and make necessary lima ovtononte...
...At the conference, over which S. A. DeWttt presided as chairman, the camp director, Joshua Lleberman, discussed the educational philosophy underlying Pioneer Youth camping and led an open forum on improving certain aspects of the camp's procedure...
...The scabs are recruited in Philadelphia and Buffalo...
...They reported it was impossible to secure arbitration on the part of the Public Service, which refuses to meet either the government conciliators or a committee from the w^Vyn, Federal Marshal Loisel is czar of New Orleans, at the head of an army of 300 deputies who are in charge of breaking the strike...
...The injunction obtained by the duly elected ofltebJa has been quashed and all property and scab and premises of the union turned over to the appointees of Pres...
...j Detailed statistics provided by Lsvki dbetose that over a long range of sraf...
...Part of the hearing was devoted to sharges by the elected oflteteb that Lewb rtad already ruined the anion to other tbtricb of the United States and Ctov ida where charters had been lifted...
...Efforts to bring the Ptttston situation to the attention of the convention were ruled out when several administration delegates, against an overwhelming vote, offered objection on the ground that the resolutions had been presented after the expiration of the time limit...
...From thb Lewb concluded that torhigher wage scale in the United SbW b not due so much to tariff protecudi' as to our large natural resources safe high productivity per man...
...A friend of the organbarton, it was announced, would match dollar for dollar up to $1,008 the purchase of bonds at the meeting...
...We hold," he said, "that the working men Involved in this strike are endowed with certain rights that should be respected and in an uneven contest with a powerful public utility corporation evenhanded justice should be accorded them...
...Button System adopted After years of opposition however, the delegates voted to install a district button system...
...ISM]** ^iT^'^^mT...
...This makes 800 imported gunmen in New Orleans to take the places of men who are cltlaens and home owners...
...has issued cards to Its office employe* to be used on the cars...
...toftteatagir weote: •Too ere as doubt acooatotod w*6h the recent development In the cloak and ntt industry In which a cemmbatan to be oapotntort by the Governor of Hew Tori State dm been created g *adpSS£S1TitS^ a menace to the workers' health and standards and ae an enemy to the pnb11c wetter...
...of dbOem worth of cloaks and dramas, is to Una with the general poller anonototod by- the union to choke off the eat-ehroat Bmspetstton of sweatshops ^»t| !¦ debase labor standardi and flood the market with garments manufactured under moat unhygienic conditions...
...goes through with "plans to open a plant to Cuba to supply the Latin American trade...
...HI—(FP)—Ruling that according to the constitution of the United Mine Workers of America the international president has the arbitrary authority to revoke charters, the circuit court at Benton cleared the way for the Lewis provisional government of subdbtflct • of the Illinois district...
...Like OM Bin ill Imperial Russia in all its tyranny b net 1-3-6 to what the average cittern who believes in free speech b experiencing...
...Up to Beaver Green concludes hb letter to Mitchell with a reminder that the striken at New Orleans have offered to accept the Secretary of Labor as arbitrator of thencase, and to resume work pending hb award...
...Should the ilsatrHil workers decide to Jota...
...He declined to lay when be will authorise operation of cars at night...
...They must rigidly Lm.t t!;t!r prefinctton to the shops of aniiahtenad ssasnstootonsm who observe union standards and who db fir* degrade tba wnrhar...
...Instead of taking complete charge ot operations for the Public Service Co...
...In rebuttal Lewb' attorney stated that if the elected officiate had their way to thb ase "the red flag of rebellion wffl be Bying from every tipple, to Franklin sounty to three dbys...
...This bntogg tba total to $95,000 reoeiTed within sour days from mnon and former nonanion workom who have registered with Che tsson and have reserved working sards...
...agree to arbitration and pledged themselves to refrain from riding on the street ears until the union b recognised...
...that in the light of all these facts and notwithstanding my personal and official protest you state In your letter to Secretary Darts, 'Under all the circumstances, it seems to me there b no action which this department could properly take in the matter.' "How long b this policy in New Orleans to be followed, and bow long will hundreds of deputy marshals be employed and directed to ride the street cars and patrol the streets while the public utility corporation b experimenting with strikebreakers...
...h3 The American worker produces let barrels of cement tor $100 to ins|M ajjj the British worker produces Jast Sfij barrels ot cement for $10$ to wages...
...Marshals in plate clothes, minus the rifle, but with a regulation shooting iron In the hip pocket, mingle with the crowds...
...arbitrate with striking employes, at the same time asked that the city council repeal the Jitney ordinance aad altow automahile owners to compete with Public Service in the carrying of passengers...
...nets the output of the American h grader than that of the foreign worker...
...fTin ^*~"'t*^ pmn^nivml^^La...
...Cam are running with bat few passengers...
...A feature of the hearing was an affidavit by Frank Farrington, for many years president of the IQlnob miners, who signed a contract with the Peabody Coal Co., biggest Ulinob operators, and secretly serving them at $35,000 a year...
...Scabs Am imparted Two carloads of strikebreakers...
...Labor leaders have protested to Pres...
...Thomas Kennedy of the United Mine Workers represented Pres...
...Moral support was voted...
...TIJO figures are ahsofntely unprecedented and...
...Tm American produces twice si much ark* as the German worker, three tteta # much steel as the British worker, fas/' times as much tinplet* as the BritttT' worker, and 50 percent more flow thojf the British worker...
...It is regrettable," says Greerf...
...GREEN RAISES ISSUE WASHINGTON— (FP) —In an emphatic letter to Attorney General Mitch el, who had declined to withdraw his army of United States deputy marshals from strikebreaker-guard service in the New Orleans street railway strike...
...Efforts of the city council to renew arbitration overtures are spumed by Public Service, which says it is through for all time wtth got nymhew of the Amalgamated Assn...
...Federal conciliators in New Orleans have been unable so far to gain an audience with officials of the Public Service Co...
...the etta/ may be plunged into darkness and its industries brought to a oomplete stop...
...Cries of "Scab," "Friend of the Public Service," "We've got enough of you," "Throw him out...
...The story reads: "Marshal Loisel expressed himself as well pleased wtth the progress of ear service resumption...
...Just arrived over the Loubvffle ft Nashville, all heavily armed, have been distributed to the various barns...
...V. S. Marshal Ii Cur IOt the PubUc Service Co...
...Many delegates expressed keen dissatisfaction over the records of many state legislators elected with labor hacking...
...Hoover that Federal Judge Borah's injunction called for only 100 marshals...
...department stoma, mem tfi Wsaamakers, Stern Bros, Bonw/tt TeBsr, Vast and Oempany and Bass...
...It h witt^tte ^ta^nfi^ ttiat^I am i«ktog*wnetber b Is not poastble'for y6n to fix a tone during the week of Mr S when It wffl be cuuronbnt for yen to mast me...
...35 thTparadto'toe addressee, and^lorwwd^ ad tt to tba Btahjpnfea Mtobtry of the Interior for cenenrshtp...
...Denies Tariff Geese * "If toe tariff deserves "the erestt> Lewb says, "then Italy, Japan, naner Germany and Russia would enjoy eqnaQj"1 high wages, because of their tariffs...
...But we of the labor movement must be Just as concerned with the environment of our children as are the capitalistic, conventional Institutions, and Pioneer Youth chooses camp counsellors who have $ social philosophy...
...He Is understood to have completed his plan which will have an cars operating by the end of the week, and under such a system of Interlocking guards that there will be no chance for Interruptions of service...
...miners, who had followed company pleas for cleaner coal higher topped cars and increased production with the assurance of resultant steadier work, only to have but 44 days work so fsr thb year and the threat of a $1.37 a day reduction, was placed before the convention...
...Many International union officers have warned their locate against Joining in such a strike...
...A number of independent manufacturers, contributing tbstr share to the upkeep of the Joint ngjftiiil 'liiiaaiilasliiii for the Industry and wJO ccawrathTterms of the agreements, worn also astUsd tide week and their ar* 11,000 asm out...
...Lewb in hb counter affidavit branded the charge a he and an absurdity...
...They are augmented by Supt...
...the Poland St oarbarn tor sat alrtog are oat of service tompOBBrfijr...
...The company refuses all offers of arbitration...
...Were it not for national advertising and the "spreads" of the Public Service Co., explaining "why they did it," their pages would be practically dPested of ads...
...The dtiaens committee of seven appointed to meet with the union and the Public Service Co...
...Sunday afternoon a water carnival was held to U. S. Labor Found The Cheapest DesiS^MyAoI^^ -est PaM Woftei*^ Is^awjaT^^aoVaU* jgggggfc: " lViV' 1 '=1 ate * ¦UJr Lewb Bate the following Irstlssnajlfj The American worker produces 1ABB pounds of soap for $100, white ttetot* bh worker produces only S.6M aaaatj for the same money...
...uiiiraiaeiit linssnn mse preasBtTtocteding Wffltom Brennaa, former district president, who was Haad op to the Brooby movement of mi sgslaaa Bsjj toss John U Lewis...
...Ill 11m setalilhliiiiisit riftlir TTttn—t*ir mm tat the Cloak and Salt Industry aD of the organised factors, todndfan part and it la enough thatr mutual faith and goodwm that restoring order ect^cltoco b possible In this beef oioftto^»?^S«"^B»nSctttre5*ta dbaator Mew York, yon know that your aenmatheOs cooperation In the noble enterprise to eradVate the sweatshop win be a treat pobUe benefit, •swell an an fnrotrnblTlT aid to our Industry...
...They must not, wittingly or unwittingly, help foster rweetshop conditions...
...Schlesinger Calls Stores To A Parley Cloak Union Had Strive* To Efaee Sweatobop Era : - .11, liiM injiil, intl^^ Mr...
...A challenge from Cappeilini that the district send in a special crew of organisers to reorganise the troubled Ptttston district was ignored by Pres...
...Kennedy whose son b registered In the camp, said that apprentices are usually confused about why they are Joining a union and that Pioneer Youth can help broaden young people's conception of unionism...
...A 15-year old girl was arrested for shouting "scab...
...Not so long ago a poor feeble-minded cripple was arrested far talking to himself as be walked down the street...
...N. O.—(PP)—Hundreds of hosiery workers wffl ion their Jobs If the Durham Boater] Co...
...Deputy marshals, armed with guns and tear gas bombs, accompany the strikebreakers on all cars, standing beside both mo to rm en and conductors...
...which is spending miBtons to break the car strike...
...Ottofcne of Columbus, Term., objected so rigorously to a trainload of scabs held in that city, that the train was moved on to Castlebury...
...2,550 Is Raised To Aid Work of Pioneer Youth Supporting their interest with bond purchases and pledges totaling $2,550.00, eighty parents and friends of children at the Pioneer Youth camp at Rlfton, N. Y. witnessed the Midsummer Night's carnival last Saturday evening and participated in an educational conference on Sunday morning...
...Tba arresting marshal believed to the crowd...
...After outlining the possfbttttm of the Pioneer Tooth movement...
...The button system, wtQ provide an automatic check as each dues-paying member will be entitled to one each month...
...Tba «nJq| jp fpp*Md to ononsmgo to $J> aatant at Jjfing all 1U ' IHI * #* dtspoasf impertinent stores ffi annflntag their ggvductton to union shops...
...so that we may todlcals hoar you can help us and the other orgnntoad factors to the garment Industry to rtddtog It of the hfiquttous aswatobnppredejctton.0M $bosw~ -to stares...
...Among them were many social and crab leaders...
...An evidence of who b really In charge of the strikebreaking b given in a TimesPicayune interview with Marshal Loisel...
...Prospects for a general strike, discussed at meetings of the Central Labor Union, are not bright...
...Pi numb argued that dupport tor the to labor* demand* for mitt laJatoNliw ¦ml asotol western Isgtetottoai' f Miners Bar Long Terms For Officers *ystenf...
...of Police Ray's gumshoe artists, harness bulb and by deputy marshals in automobiles, who follow each ear to its trips through the city's streets...
...It is Marshal Loisel, not the traction monopoly, which is leading the efforts to break the car men's strike...
...Tba etty is ovsi flow lug with thugs, thieves and desperate gamblers who am waiting for the general strike to unloose a reign of terror...
...The system will also provide a better check on the number of union men among the miners in the various collieries...
...that they have been placed in street cars operated by strike-breakers and have been patrolling the streets in automobiles and otherwise acting as police, Green protested, in the name of the entire Federation membership, against this use of force in support of an injunction Issued by a federal Judge against the strikers...
...Green answered that - hb own information was that "many hundreds" of these deputies had been employed...
...President Green of the American Federation of Labor raised the issue, July 19, as to whether there b to be any limit to this new use of federal armed forces to crush labor...
...A. J. Kennedy financial secretary of the lithographers union and Fannia Cohn, educational director of the L L. O. W. U., spoke for the administrative committee...
...Credentials of several other delegates were also turned down, Atty...
...Compensation was paid the dependents of 157 miners killed on the Job...
...foOowtog the Communist ad Yentore of 1IM and tba depressed industrial aondtfinns that followed...
...Oraganization Ministery Of the Is Lesure To Read WdKjpni Jtaport ot ^ST^pj!^^^!^1 tt...
...Buttons will be sent out from district headquarters to local unions, based on the per capita tax...
...New Tork and its strikebreakers, from northern and eastern cities, are replacing the lAai etttssns and taxpayers who formerly pen formed trolley service...
...Eighteen hundred women, at a meetteg in the Dauphine theatre, demanded in no uncertain terms that the Public Service Co...
...Instead of merely enforcing the injunction, Loisel is superintending every move in resuming trolley transport, Issuing orders for operation of the cart in every detail...
...but the United States government, through Its agents Federal Judge Borah and U. 8. Marshal Loisel, now occupy the center of the stage in the strike of street cat men for union recognition...
...in a most practical form, point to toe aamphas revival of the union...
...Chain stores, mafi order and catalogue houMt are other groups of retailers who are being .swung into Una in an effort to stabilise two of the largest tadnstrbs In the country...
...Is thb to be the settled policy of the federal government in dealing with strikes and industrial controversies...
...Dave Ifsrcusy, of the Central Trades and Labor Council and a representative of the American Federation of Labor was booed from the platform and not allowed to speak, on account of his position against ¦ general strike...
...Mitchell had written Secretary of Labor Darts that press reports of "hundreds" of deputy marshals being used to break the New Orleans carmen's strike were untrue...
...Officers will continue to be elected for 2-year terms, with annual conventions...
...Chairman DeWttt urged the pojehaae of camp construction bonds, atobaottottopja totaling $1100 were received wtth on additional $450 contributed toward the hmteBetton o f electric lights...
...Cappeilini offered to withdraw hb efforts to form an Anthracite Mine Workers Union and to retire from the union field if hb challenge were accepted...
...Bfnahto nipjtt %M ,l" #M-as«Babm ^gatotengflw •MaaBkesSbJLa^aB* dJmflte^ aaak_ sifctttdifest ^^-t^i?7 wrbsiul resulted JaatnoQ^to cjtj»35b reetr Joined to efforts to revive tost year's Anthracite Mine Workers Unton...
...Early convention fights occurred over the exclusion of delegates of Ptttston Local 1703, the onion from which bale Cappeilini, MeGarry, and the mine leaders killed in 1937 as the result of the uprising against the contract system...
...Lewis and the national organisation by having officers elected for 4-year terms, with 3year conventions, were defeated by as overwhelming vote ot delegates...
...Fannia Cohn stressed the importance of play to childhood and how Pioneer Youth b utilising the best educational advice in developing the pby life of children...
...cut the aim of their editions by as much as 10 psges a day...
...They must shew at bast two peaches a day...
...Walter Ludwig, director of the organization, spoke about the need for making the camp available for the children of workers who cannot afford to pay even the special trade unton rate...
...Organised labor in Columbus led the demand for their removal from the city...
...The aomptote quota of 19,000 eloakmskers affected by the union victory were back at work Monday...
...Demand was made for a genuine Labor party, or at least for independent labor candidates running on the old party tickets...
...Labor leaders and others claim that the duty of the marshal is to see that the terms of the Injunction are not violated...
...U. S. Marshals On Scab Duty In New Orleans Only Cantkm of Of&dak Keeps Worker- Of City From Joining Street Carmen In General Strike—Green Puts Issue Up to President Hoover In Capitol NEW OgaEAJW—fWO—to the fourth weak of attornment by injunction, tansenom marks New Orleans as preparations proas'd tor a general strike in support of the sadfctog street car men...
...John L. Lewis...
...Public feehhg Is running high, as the ear monopoly Is owned to...
...The plight of Lehigh Coal Co...
...The Public Utility Corporation in New Orleans is the beneficiary of the services of hundreds of United States marshals, heavily armed, paid by the federal government, riding the street cam operated by strike-breakers...
...SEMJH fit Daw Steal led, . President Schtesinger declares: ••Department storss.must realise that they are one of the largest factors affecting-, for good or evil, our Industry...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 28

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