SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK t Ji^ai B. King am announced taia at editor of the 8odaliet •Jt«?b» Labor World.-' and he wffl ^jjmtmX W ten* Morrow Lewie, the i ^JWicoiiiiii t^T faster L Berger...

...S ' Both Lewis and Bahah pledged to the large audience of Mogress the continued, whole-hearted support of the Socialist Party in the Negroes' fight for social, economic and political luetic...
...New* ^M?1Nrk emtor of the MflweuJteaBr aha formerly National SecIlejaliBM anetahtt Party, ta a deleT*s m* Battle convection of the j^sshkai Union...
...mjm eate a school teacher, but in Magn bt bat been a farmer...
...Socialist Party Picnic Plenty of willing helpers will be needed at the Socialist Party Picnic on July 27, at Ulmer Park...
...Tickets are going fast So you had better get yours Immediately if you want to get a YPSL ticket...
...Councilman, Stephen Lamb of the Brick layers Union, and Herbert Hall of the Stationary .Engineers Union: Supervisors, Wm...
...21st Bthahwd Bream...
...m„ 5222 Haverford Avesst baas Sehorpp, secretary, tag No...
...Speakers to be announced...
...And, since Socialism elms to end this social injusice, to eliminate these unjustifiable' extremes of Immense- wealth on the one side and the pitiful hand ot mouth existence on the other...
...Speakers, DavM Oeorge, Max Delson and Seymour Ooodman...
...Kentucky agf L Wrather of Msyfleld...
...8th Ward: Arthur Alexander...
...Young Circle News NORMA* THOMAS CAMPAIGN FUND The "Norman Thomas Juniors," circle 14...
...The Arrangements Committee can still use a few more ears and would appreciate any additional cars that comrades or sympathisers could volunteer for the day...
...Wage slavery ia the modern form of slavery...
...He rapreaenta the fglBfm Wkaa of Mnwaukee...
...Ths subject at the next meeting will deal with economics...
...August 2, Inspection of an ocean liner...
...New York Comrades invited...
...18th A. D. The comrades are all on their toes, ready for the SECOND ANNUAL AUTO OTJTTNO TO BELMONT LAKE STATE PARK...
...Despite LTrTysss he displayed remarkable vi5s salves^ frequently seen distributIllBBsbt Sasature...
...July 12th...
...In present society these means are generally owned by private interests, and are operated for the enhancement of the fortunes of a privileged few...
...But I wm be obedient doing everything Z mast BetrayhM every, psstlhn, denying every Tin . have gained my wisdom, and then I wUl befree, And I will sing to every lark, and mate with every tree...
...Max Dgjson...
...The worker is a free man...
...Candidates will be endorsed for Assemblymen...
...Charles Shlsler...
...NEW YOBK CITY EVENTS Bssebal On Saturday...
...BROOKLYN ltth A. D. A well attended meeting of this branch was held last Friday evening...
...Thursday, July 25, 8:30 p. m. Corner Orove Street aad Washington Place (Sheridan Square...
...mTgw on C^Mat^Paan \T& or...
...SCHENECTADY Schenectady will hold its city and county unofficial convention Monday evening...
...Saturday, August 24, Workmen's Circle Camp...
...The first day for filing designation petitions is August 13, and the last day August 20...
...NWxt Monday evening Organizer COsssssns wlB address the membership on "Issues ef the earning Campaign.^ ^Ths^iamiy At t ¦irttngffi...
...The Labor Party candidates whose names win also appear on the socialist Party ticket are as follows: Assemblyman, Jnd District Alfred Trowel 1. organiser for the Printing Pressmen's Union...
...Bernard Sehnb: 18th...
...ltth, Morris Oasae...
...July 27, Picnic at Ulmer Park...
...Nathan Zughaft...
...Niagara Palls is governed by a City Council of five members...
...In order to fulfill this duty we have started a Norman Thomas Campaign Fund...
...We not only feel it our duty but also the duty of every member and sympathizer of the Young Circle League to help raise this fund...
...since it aims Co enable society fully to extend the benefits of modern Industry and technical progress to all of its members, so that every addition to the wealth-producing powers of mankind shall accrue to the comfort and happiness of all, I therefore have Joined an organization whose purpose It Is to establish the co-operative commonwealth.—Emily Kate (Ed...
...Comrade Henry Jager is continuing the series of street corner lectures every Saturday evening, 66th Street and Bay Parkway...
...P. B. Keyser, 12th Ward, and B. W. Cray, 14th Ward...
...We urge you all to do your part by sending donations to the treasurer of this fund...
...Tuesday, July 23, 8:30 p. m. Corner Tompkins and Hart Street...
...July 12, Aquarium and Statue of Liberty...
...MeyjBB^^s^^y^P^srs^^^^ te?jlscSg& trlbutions baed^^w^^^^g^applted^bjward pteee at the dtepoaal>ofTthe asjarades gotag to Cams Eden are to satw touch with Comrade Max Bosen... Comrade Kate, when his application for membership was accepted...
...The following nominations were made: Pauline Newman was nominated by acclamation for the office of Sheriff of New York County...
...So far 22 members have been obtained and there are a great many prospective members who wlfi join the branch as soon as it ia chartered...
...John Lyons was elected chairman...
...8:t0 p. av Corner 86th Street and Lexington Avenue...
...Treasurer, Ramon Santos: Secretary, Primitive Arties...
...If you want to play, and have not sent In your name to be put on the list for the team, come down...
...Saturday, August 17, How a Newspaper Is made, a trip to the Forward...
...Friday, July 26, 8:20 p. m. Corner Havemeyer and South tth Streets...
...LILLIAN S. KAPLAN EDITOR fthatMuil Every Week by The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League ffcr I Joined the YPSL QftXAUBM b the philosophy of the ^ tefkjsg class seeking the abolition ¦ < Bs private ownership of the means * Baseman aad distribution, and the ahUUiULti of a new social order wherein ¦as uaasf win be collectively owned B tsaatrstically managed...
...Party memstn ssdomobues, who are willing »g*«BB in the interest of the drive...
...Pk*> Sec'y...
...tth, ajeaaodar Plehsmater...
...SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK t Ji^ai B. King am announced taia at editor of the 8odaliet •Jt«?b» Labor World.-' and he wffl ^jjmtmX W ten* Morrow Lewie, the i ^JWicoiiiiii t^T faster L Berger Iajarad 'aiac L Bsrgtr, former Socialist con£"snsTaanber of the National «M Oosnulttes, waa injured in an %0m* aaaktant laet week...
...a Soeja wMaa of many yean steading...
...Abraham Xalish of the state Biawithe OaanaBtee of the Scenahst Party, and Prank B. Crosswaith...
...State Secretary Merrill asks all organisations of the party not to delay Indorsements of candidates for public office...
...aasbwsl a Beerdsfcy: Otto, Arm* InSS-nd 'HatesaHf M*lTBra!£ ltth, Andrew Bagaldt 14th, Oharlss KuMk...
...Wednesday, Jury 24, t:M p. m. Fifth Street and Avenue B. Speakers, Hyman Namser and Molly Weingart...
...If not, you* had better see that these things are attended to at once...
...BRONX The primary petitions for Bronx County are now ready and will be circulated for signatures in all eight assembly districts...
...27S8 No...
...MANHATTAN A very well...
...On August 23 the Yipsels wSt, in cooperation with the Party, stage a memorial meeting for Saceo-Vansetu...
...Call Penny^mfwrn sobjcirlusii to New Leader are ssattstflBBJUIBI and see that your S^and'-SoT along u, both gBBOsri flea State and National has ba ssbref snd will bs distributed to sssseBaot and meetings feast Crostwalth will be in town the estst Anrast 11 for a series of meetings , we* Berth and South Philadelphia sst sshtite information as to time and est UB bs given tor next issue...
...Sunday, August 4, Beat Ride to Rye Beach...
...We, the Norman Thomas Juniors, therefore feel It our duty to help him financially as well as morally...
...Pot tern rcakess of the City coast " wit In Henry oneman gad Marion aevera were nraiilisatofl Per Justies, 2nd Mimalatel Court District, Jacob Pansaa: ~ trd District SW^n^^^£mf^ 6tb?A^B%e£h^^ 8th...
...62 Bast loeth Street...
...Work be8h sanest this week...
...Hundreds of these people will be visited within the next few weeks, while the primary petitions are in circulation...
...M-Ulk A. D. A meeting of this branch will be held on Monday evening...
...Pull program of attractions, etc., are published elsewhere In this issue...
...Otto Watt...
...July S3, tn the orabrooms, 00 Avenue c. This Prtday evening the first meeting will be heM of the newly organised Porto Blean Branch at the East Harlem Socialist Educational Center...
...9th Ward...
...8th Tickets for round trip are $1A0 for adults, 75 cents for children...
...ltth... 810 Locust street, has BO, or by calling Pennypacker Be,, sjraa^fcea BrB Wffladslrhls, and and 4th Frt„ sst SB p. Bt, J«47 No...
...For further information as to the time and place of meetings, fare, etc., apply at the office of the Young Circle League, 175 Bast Broadway, N. Y. Organisation Education SmUdariiy FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 31 Essex Street, Boston Mass...
...New York City The annual picnic of the Socialist Party, Trade Unions, Fraternal, Athletic and Benevolent associations will be held at Utmer Park, Brooklyn, on Saturday afternoon and evening, July 27th...
...The membership of the 11 branches will be busily engaged in this Important work...
...Basse phttadsb^t^^ * Uteg^ *Bk-th ommrtxH tour, flss^tavabav mm tour amfm %%% tat ¦ — — - " ¦* WjgW sawasBb---- — - ¦ - gS ,~t JvJy JO...
...Camas wB hare htm for one or two meetBt say omaizations wanting him Sgask at nawtings are asked to 00m[ wake* with Local Offloe—Penny...
...Superintendent of Poor and for Mayor of Schenectady and other municipal offices...
...Send in your name and address to the Joint Picnic Committee, 7 East 15th Street, if you can be on the Committee to help for the day...
...And even if yon cant be on the Committee, you'll be there, won't you...
...mi % Fairfield street.' gesB Philadelphia All Interested ssssi sbwud communicate with Smantigjke st Fifth snd KDsworth Streets « eth local Office tor tnformaUon on tt bases wjflch is to be reconstructed... mm Bm sad WaodnrwAws...
...July 22...
...In ¦at si those establishments that cater " bs Betas and satisfaction of human desires eonstiutte the means of production and distribution...
...22nd, Oeorge P. Meyer...
...The possession ot these social necessities by a few is a powerful source of exploitation and a menace to the welfare of the nations of the world...
...New York State NIAOABA TALL* Niagara FaDe Socialists aad labor!t« are very sanguine over the success of the Labor Party ticket They are sure that some, if not all, ef their candidates, wfil be elected...
...PcAJBsylvania j ' ' ' rBUADlXPHIA ajasaba progress on Local Memberae priva, Organisation of Campaign ssssaas kt all branches...
...Owarge McMuUen: ltth...
...Edward reader...
...sssbsassnts for a Socialist outing ¦settee early in August at Camp Hotsst, ea the Baston pike, are being ssb Ths outing will probably be held s as that Crosswaith arrives in PhilakuVsmauon on any of the hajahr from Executive Secretary Jo3 teassrU...
...Julio Diax, Francisco Oelgado, Antoni* Rodrigues, Luis Valensuela, Enrique Villages...
...8 is the day, and It's only a short way off...
...Beatrice Epstein, 1575 Townsend Ave., Bronx...
...A large committee of active comrades were selected to make a canvass of the enrolled Socialists of the district...
...attended, convention was held by the membership of New York County last Thursday evening, July nth, at the Peoples Rouse, 7 B. 15th Street... p. m. Comer 180th Street aad Bt Nicholas Avenue...
...All cars will meet at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Street, and leave at 7.30 a. m. sharp...
...6th Ward...
...Committee on Membership...
...Ds Bat Forget The MEMBERSHIP am Bathe Lttbgow...
...The second and last practice will take place on Sunday, July 2lst at 8 a m. The team will meet at the Saratoga Avenue station (Brooklyn) of the I. R. T. at the time stated...
...Friday, juit 19...
...Speakers, Hyman Nemser and others...
...The above is a verbatim report of a talk given to the members of Circle 8. Man...
...An enjoyable time is assured for all...
...Capitalism has developed into a society consisting of millionaires and billionaires on the one hand, and an Impoverished struggling and exploited mass of workers on the other...
...David Menm- 8th Bubm Ouokin...
...Sunday, August 8, Field Day at Pelham Park...
...te?1 DlisU^Um^TtsM^U^A^ jamm^Bhnttenbera: eeh, Aufast^CAsasI sens: Tth...
...July 21st...
...Sadoff spoke on Transit" at this meeting...
...Donald Tbanamaa^ B y^f*0^^ .uEsfmeettS^^^^^ At a mass Bktetmgaf ths Massachusetts branch Of theOnrted Colored Socialists of Aaaatea at Douglas Beanie m this city, 500 Nagrees voted to sand to the oovemor of Nwbraska e letter of protest against the arbitrary and hafaaman expulsioB ef ssvaral rauadrad of ear kinsmen from thatr hseas" at Berth Platte, Neb- The r asateg*was addressed by Alfred Baker lawte, a Baaahtf ef the National sTxecastve CkaassBtee of the Socialist Party aad State BeCy af the Massachusetts aortaltet Party...
...M Dr...
...Luperefe Arroyo...
...Thanks to the efforts of Comrade Nina Prey, a number of the preliminary meetings have been held that resulted in the formation of a Porto Blean Group...
...The temporary officers are: Chairman, Euaebio Colon...
...Epstein, the mother of one of our members, has donated $2.50 to start this fund...
...PROGRAM OF OUTINGS Following is a program of outings and sight-seeing trips adopted by the Junior Executive Committee: Friday...
...The Yipsels are undertaking a detailed research ot the conditions of young workera in factories...
...As this was the first time that a woman had ever been nominated for this office, the selection of Comrade Newman and her acceptance created consider aasTteter.^ter^a Oatee of Ptatedeat of the Bore ef Maarautaa the convention nominated by aoaauaatfaa sad with considerable Oaunonetratton oar beloved eoanrade...
...All members are urged to read up oa this subject SCHOOL BONO And I wtn be a blackness on a little square of gold,' I will not pound my fists against the 11 incites stone...
...If you cannot attend the Saturday practice, come down on Sunday—and come on time, for Comrade Kan tor is not absolutely sure of the practice field, and the team might have to go elsewhere...
...Amalgamated Cooperative Houses and the Hall of Fame at University Heights...
...Sunday, August 18, Bronx Park...
...ltth, Barnet Penster...
...Have you sent In your entry blank to the Cfty Office...
...July 30, at 2 p. m„ the first practice win be held...
...Nina H. OBcman...
...Harry Schachner, Simon Wolfe and Joseph Well...
...subytsrmf1 Oiaigdyrf^Ma^sfwea^ berg: Cerr...
...CLEVELAND An interesting discussion on Child Labor was held by the Cleveland Yipsels, now located at room 305 ProspectFourth Building...
...Although activities of the branches have been somewhat slackened due to the warm weather, all work will now be concentrated on the completion of these primary petitions...
...If you can't attend practice, but want to play, get in touch with the City Office at once...
...Ckstral Jewish Branch...
...July 24, 8:30 p. m. Graham and Varet Streets...
...Bugenia I. Um\ 1th...
...Snd and 4th TkesBos, 1:00 p. m...
...k asset at distrnbutlon...
...have adopted the following resolution which pledges financial aid to the Socialist Mayoralty candidate: "To all members and...
...Olauberman addressed a siseable and interested audience on Friday evening,, July.-.13th, in the Rockaway Mansion, on "The Temper of the Times.' Comrade...
...Max Ktelnberg...
...m aSBd to communicate with Local aeayewn it-such machines can bs ess fer cnly one evening...
...Speaker, Henry Jager...
...dttrct, saassadtjftl *™i fttts, Bob...
...I Include otaab, espresssge, mails, steamers, BVJksna, banks and stores which are ajjbjbstasl means of distribution...
...SM weak at hit home.' He had 2 h B health for several months...
...A fine county ticket has been nominated and all vacancies have been filled...
...Stock Exchange and the New York Telephone Building...
...The convention was opened by Organiser Clsetsens, who stated, the business before the gathering...
...Barman Yolk: 17th...
...Labor Institute, m Locast Street, s. Ettlnger, BeCy...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown and Joseph Well...
...sympathisers of the Young Circle League: "At .the last City Convention of the Socialist Party Comrade Norman Thomas, the well-known Sod alls: leader and friend of the labor movement, was nominated for mayor of New York City...
...Saturday, August 10, Natural History Museum in the afternoon and to Stadium Concert in the evening...
...Speakers, Samuel H. Friedman and Henry Rosner...
...Harold SpitZer Is scheduled tc address the July 26th meeting on "Current Happenings...
...Organiser August Caassaens will appear before this group relative to their initiation into the Party...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown and David BBOOBXYN Saturday, July 20, t:S0 p. m. Corner 68th Street and Bay Parkway...
...At the Workmen's Circle School picnic on Jury 14, the Yipsels were given the honor to choose a chairman...
...Port Washington Avenue sad Broadway...
...YPSL Field Day Has your Financial Secretary sent in the dollar entrance fee required of the circle...
...v. vassal ef production, mean nataai aaamns, tools, inventions, maasST stfib snd factories, which are tesriaopel means of production...
...The class which owns the tools but does not use them also owns the jobs, opportunities, and necessities upon which the great majority of us depend...
...New York City...
...jpuuasr was aarapted, la his ptece the brwash^abwSad aHrr^gSeu^^i reeomatenaan Jaeb*/ Tt l^svaara Cor this Street meetings MANHATTAN Wednesday, July 24...
...August SI...
...New members are being admitted practically every day...
...6th Street, pawns Wanner, Bee-Treasurer, 2*47 \m ¦bflassbdua, 2nd and 4th Wedsasss, rgp...
...Bruno Wagner: 17th...
...An unofficial convention for Albany County win be held early In August...
...All society is forced to pay a tribute to the oligarchy...
...Trains will start from 2td St...
...Thursday, Jury 8...
...But they who own the means by which one must toil practically own the toller too...
...Gnashing my knuckles to bleeding, cutting them to the boas...
...Saturday, July 20, 6:30 p. m. Corner St...
...Nina dtewob...
...N. J., on Sunday, Sept...
...Johns Place and Rochester Avenue...
...New Jersey The New Jersey state Committee decided to run a State Bxeuraion to Long Branch...
...SecT, Max Bwaav...
...editor of Negro labor News aervtce and aoeteJtet candidate tor Congress from the ttst Congreeatoaal District in New York CBy...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 27

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