A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES I HAT*?" "wBTwrttmg this up at Brook wood Labor.Capaj» on Ma'Mt* hill in Westchester County, one of t*e ttSf" ||MttttiI counties in all New York State. Asa R't %...
...The typography of the book is in keeping with its theme, as it is attractively printed and three portrait* of Debs at different stages of his notable career provide the illustrations...
...But in "The Pigeon" there ia understanding and sympathy rarely matched in England, akin rather to the Russian feeling for the downtrodden and the wastrel...
...They tsar (heir shirts from dewy morn to dewy eve...
...The gentlemen of Tammany HAH who have helped so graciously in this matter are suave aad to an appearances the very saeeace of fair dealings...
...That we gave of ail within ua to build up the net alt trades into adulthood and power will always "be a proud thought for such moments oa wo stay sad is our busy new for reverie...
...Please remember that it requires no particular courage on my part to say aU this...
...On page ISO he declares: "Sir Owen hits the nail on the head: a plagiarism it Justified if it expresses an old thought In better language": though he never raises the question as to who is the Judge of the superiority...
...Best of an ef these photos is the shot of the world that may yet be—a view to inspiring that it putt to shame the faded eld chromes of Bellamy, Morris and Rutkm...
...The way a low-down dumbone like mo figures tt out, what happened in Tennessee last weak It as great and inspiring a trick of circumstance as the British elections this spring...
...Lehman lending all their weighty influence at the matter . . . ? And over it all, with outspread bande in benediction hover the high priests of the A. F. Of L. who mutter now aa always: "Reward your friends and punish your enemies...
...Hers is Man with tht Mng lever of Science unburdening himself of superstition, feudal hang-overs aad long, weary hours of toil Here are the physical sciences loping ahead with the bounds of .a greyhound...
...Perhaps they used up all their heroics fifteen yean ago, when strikes were embattled arrays between bow and slave, and not these pleasant ©ooferenow htawesi political parties, industrial corporations aad anion officials...
...while ia "Justice" and "The Mob" are courage and fearless facing of facts that rear their beads against the middle-class conventions, questioning the values of bourgeois morality, asserting—dramatically, by showing rather than declaring —that "one of God's tide it a majority" (God being each man's conscience), and reasserting the rights, and ths power, of ths individual...
...The article is one of ths best that has appeared on this theme, snd s reprint for wide distribution ta the South would serve a good purpose...
...That Titpjiew in every family...
...I believe that whan this strike it finally attUtd...
...all of them contributed their tug aad push toward the ruin...
...v One of the tragic phases of the situation occurred when what remained of the tangible strength In the old unions went over pole, flahbasket aad aD ta the "You know me, Al" crowd during the last Presidential election...
...Time was when I sang with thousands of meet and women who struck out step by step, out of the muck aad mire of sweatshop existence into a powerful position hV their Industry...
...wells' 'open conspiracy*—men and women who have faced the problem of functional control and are willing to try to put tt into tangible operation...
...He shows us the park bench of the unemployed growing longer, and agrees that only a profound revolution in the financial structure will make it possible for all who wish to eat to work, but stops short of picturing that revolution save in the haziest outlines...
...Chase is at heart an explorer...
...Chase's realistic camera studies to develop the ways and means of social control...
...Perhaps a strong, theoretically constitutional President, with a compact congressional majority back of him— something on the order of Mr...
...Now we are quite positive about their non-support, Wt also have the questionable- consolation, that they win aooa he back again in the ranks of the dissatisfied But at best, they shall have been ruined for our Phase...
...The huh and the vallies...
...Debs For Children T^ROM the Independent Workmen's Circle of Boston comes a book of 204 paget which is announced as the first in a series bearing the title of "Heroes of Peace and Liberty," and intended to acquaint children with the lives of men and women who have fought battles for human liberty...
...The soul will be gone...
...Perhaps, I am just another one of thaw dtunfoat Bap Vaa Winkles who has slept through twenty years in a pleasant dream about ideals and revolutioa...
...Par everywhere I look there ta a green (lory at tf*aerint treea beneatk a brfaiant blue aky...
...Perhaps a working-class revolution...
...Gaily, prodigiously we pile traffic-way onto traffic-way, burrow new subways and rear pyramids of steel and concrete over ground underpinned with catacombs—the reckless building of Private enterprise that gives not a continental damn for the possibly tragic future of an unplanned, unco-ordinated economic system...
...The smug, hypocritical utilitarians are unfair, unsportsmanlike, in their attitude to those who compose the lowest stratum of society...
...The last oak, 1 wean There will be this advantage, however...
...Chase might have considered more carefully the alternative of an alert democracy as a means of forestalling this dictatorship...
...I've Just about teat hope far the citified "lumpen-proletariat...
...The present state of radicalism in America is aedt to order for the sneering section...
...Mow wt have the fotegrouneWift in tht Power Age —strikingly and colorfully pictured...
...Just now they are down aad jseUy well out...
...AltD MACHDfBS...
...I can't point with pride ** atjr considerable headway being made against that eBJtti,ili1ii fortress behind which privilege sits so SBUitii...
...71 1*1: THE v J CHATTER -B^Sg EDDIE...
...The city skyline ia a blind against the East...
...Rarely have we come across a book so admirably adapted to interest children, and if tht succeeding volumes measure up to the standard set by this one, the series win be of inestimable service as a force to combat the babbittising of the minds of the working cists youth...
...Only when I hear of the rayon workere fct Ttiiaittit or the hosiery workers in Kenosha, do I yawn atztfle, turn over and go back to delicioua vision again...
...They are tared hut they don't know what to do about it so they Hat tt out in sniffing...
...And for us here, of vaster meaning...
...But they still have a dogged belief that toathow they will pull themselves out...
...Whose Prosperity" is the title of this forceful survey...
...He could quite properly have brought into sharper detail the changing concepts of property necessitated by the Power Age, rather than leave them to the duller shadows of implication...
...Bat Tm going to play it aad some day (and that % amy sot be to far off) all this sophisticated gang tfetat to their sense aad be their ages aad be fctaidng their backs to shake hands with the lads Ida atack to their guns...
...Dow that mean they're gncMtfiett . . . has any of them grot a red card . . . V . Gosh old trout flies, whan wfll the mUleniam of ordinary sense come upon us...
...akBlBl ¦ ty-aW awtt exciting book I've x encountered sines James Harvey Robinson sketched the historical background of the modern world is bis "Mind la the Making...
...No one has "coattated them that tht thing to do is to stick up thtk mperior noses at the world and take refuge in ettnttlt of despair...
...It isn't true...
...Where are the riders with their whirling ropes, where tht light-hearted youths to mount, be thrown, and rise to mount again...
...Woodrow Wilton during the war...
...Win we always go about tfae world preaching for a world run by labor...
...American and European children are mitt, with petals of white, But ail of them art equally beautiful...
...While we continue as best we may to dodge the wheels of that orbit—working harder, playing less, worrying and suffering more than there is the slightest necessity save 'Men amid Machines' Pones Questions for Those Who Work For ; Progress thtp Is thrust upon us...
...Bven the social Kisnctt art gingerly venturing forward...
...We must continue to dedge the wheels until some time within the next generation a lesion so unbelievably drastic impends that * * • a practical dictator"Tragedy of Waste...
...otMadjusting all big business in corporate forma, and undertaking the task tor a flat • per cent of Its own issues, in which all other corporation stocks and bonds of vital value win be funded...
...It is difficult to pull one particular thins...
...I Mr...
...And now the re-organization strike in which the big bosses are gladly co-operating with the unions for a definite working arrangement for a few years at least...
...But I feel that Mr...
...I'm kicking about the fact that adolescence is sttttoundingly prolonged among those who call themattej "radicals...
...Perhaps a group of embattled technicians will come to ths fore orgtnhad along the lines of Mr...
...We mothered it UBtQ a could walk and live by itself...
...I hesitate to rush in with suggestions Where Mr...
...Chase, with a curiosity ss divine and as diligent as that of Jeans watt and the countless heroes who fanned the > spark of the industrial revolution, wants to know what this sudden advent of | machinery is doing to our means and manner of living...
...Indeed, he will not neglect It if he reads the first three pages...
...fully as aneausly as the "Up and At 'Em" boys...
...Asa R't % *s...
...And as he watched them, he began to realist that the children themselves were flowers, too...
...Yet I feel that he might have done more without deviating from his air of philosophical tolerance...
...To be sure I gffl hold that the tower of the Consolidated Gas Buildkg as seta from my city window is a breath-taking Ba# *> nan-made beauty...
...But then we haws already misted them one election...
...Ot, yes, So-And-So is all right I suppose but don't •jas think he loves the limelight...
...We city-bound folks IB that there are mountains and tMOh^thtteft aa skster white birches swaying in the morning sunlight, Ik warn we do remember and return, the recompense P*^v _ iXt kkvs recently expressed my love for city life and Unt a hymn in praise of crowds...
...They came into the movement on an emoSbmI wave and now that we seem to be in the doldtkae, they want to get off and go home...
...They have seen their union Baked merrily to hell by a combination of economic eii^i.iiand incompetent leadership...
...Chase had emphasized more forcibly the need for functional planning with unqualified social control...
...He appears a bit ragged, nay, in Utters...
...the power of the author to make words dance, and tn their dancing tell a vivid story, win hold the reader far into the night, Just as this reviewer was held...
...No, I cant tret' •a Sky statistical proofs...
...out of ths mess aad ascribe a sensible ilsa ription The war hysteria, the industrial reaction, the LeftRight winging, the palpable dishonesty of union officials, the outright thievery, the official stupidity, the machine-age, that what-and-how-nots...
...but Scribners did much the same thing with his short stories, and have followed the Galsworthy dramatic publication with a similar feat tor Barrie...
...Little singing flowers running about ta pantaloons and petticoats...
...Host of them can't •* work...
...and then when a rare event like the Southern miracle occurs, some one of us must pop up aad peoh-pooh it down because it Just doesn't conform to the by-lawa of Local New York...
...Trek* fpt whisper: "Come alone comrade...
...MaehCaan, N. T. *2.M...
...the rough rocks aad the tangled underbrush beckon to him...
...The Dawn of a Jftw Dramatic Bra," by Thomas H. Dicttnsph: book reviews and poetry, by Charies W. Kennedy, John Bryan, Richard Church tad Robert LlddaD Lows...
...Tn "Men and Machinery" for the first time toe Age of Power has been brought I into a clear and sharp focus...
...and the men and women of the trades go back, for a time at least, there will bs some outward form of s strong union...
...No Socialist thinker in the future with some curiosity concerning tht world he wants to reconstruct can afford to neglect this work...
...f Perhaps that's why I don't like coal-miners...
...Jtofjflfc'fiMI rJsak brain tss of putting dull words op wk4k* ksfip1^ 1PMwinti to read any books save those that sa%%t> eakag brooks, listen to aay sermon except those ia as stones on the creek bottom...
...Perhaps it is too much to ask even so able a cameraman to photograph the nebulous future...
...These picturat are for the most part pleasant to beheld...
...In any case, this book is a splendid contribution to Socialist thought...
...Plainly tt is a prosperity for a class, a property-owning, trafficking, complacent ruling class, which has benefited most by the Introduction of machinery...
...lab to keep your eyes an typewriter key...
...4ttH, maybe the indifferentists are right Maybe ill should all pack up aad go home and take up art tj sulyrit or fancy dancing...
...v Better one day ta the unsophisticated life of painShy direct Mother Jones than a decade with these 'faatkere I've gone and got myself wrought up and Beat ffat social error ef getting mad...
...No siree...
...Mast production, as it appears upon the setae, brings with it a bit of leisure, though feverish, and freedom of a tort...
...There are lyrical pages about the Souths prosperity and progress...
...In the midst of all the huzzaing for sa* "Prosperity" our "New Capitalism," our "Magnifietst AchitvemenU,'' the still, small, questioning voice eej ttttatiti and still is...
...The following from the first chapter gins aa idea of the author's approach to the children...
...What are we Socialists going to do about ft . .. f Nothing much I fear...
...Wt doubt whether the youngster who reads the story win be conscious of the transition from youth to manhood...
...I know that nine-tenths of the committees, tat bulk of all our plans, the most of all our hopes tn doomed to failure...
...even in the vivid "Escape...
...and nowhere more eloquently than in the paragraph that dramatists our uncontroUtd billion horsepower of mechanical energy: "From our brains have sprang a billion horses, now running wad and almost certain sooner or later to run amuck...
...Ytt at times his position wavers as greatly as those he attacks for first condemning, then practising, some farm of piracy or plagiarism...
...None of your beer-smelly, hog-necked wardbow typw af the old school...
...They are punch drunk but they (that ta take the count...
...Mot recognising that he hat accepted this attitude tares pages before, Mr...
...So let's be phikwophieal about it aad go on with our work of rearing and satrshif untfl by the law of averages we manage to tarn oat a few worthwhile sons aad daughters, awl wa no&y ought to think of the folks out yonder gad way down east, Perhaps they place a higher value on their aossk .._ S. A, dls wTtt...
...But the arts of photography and painting are closely related, and Mr...
...More interesting than the mere discussion of these matters, however, ia the endless and, ready flow of examples, from ancient and modern times, from the greatest living and dead authors, of borrowings, ef urt acknowledged or acknowledged reworking or re-employing of another's work Mr...
...While we fought them, the unions prospered, the morale was high, and the Party itself acquired momentum...
...And the man, seeing this, decided that to the end of his days he would try tt gp like one" of thaw children, Hit body grew big and strong, his mind grew powerful and wise, but his heart remained forever pure, like the heart of a child...
...I realise that sophistication ia after all an adolescent haft...
...a ket been my lot...
...Fatal, in general, t condemns every device which may in any way lead ta misunderstanding, such, for instance, at the writing of an introduction to give an appearance of actuality to a story—as Somerset Maugham | for "The Moon and Sixpence...
...It TttW'-yee, Haven't you read Walter Lippman's ikjinilin book extolling indifferenturm ? Brilliantly H| at-tympauco...
...But after all, it la the (ktsthtatttd Gas building full of dreary little people Biting our exorbitant bills and for most an hour no Smut being has come between me and the fair vkfca of distant hills the other side of a dreaming Csttfht by such a Jocund mood as Nature is in this BMBjaf, sophistication withers ahd cynicism la swept amy ok the strong Western wind...
...Having buttressed bit theme with data showing the miserable conditions that surround the mass of Southern workers, the author adds this comment: "Even if one had no sympathy for striking textile workers, believing them better off than formerly, one could muster no enthusiasm for the whoopee and the rationalizations of the boosters...
...e e e I wish that Mr...
...Other articles of general interest are contributed by Andre Oide on "Classicism," by Emily Clark, oa James Branch Cabell...
...unbroken and untamed...
...To the end of the story Debs, though chikUtss, continues to appear u the great lover of children...
...Roosevelt aad IAout...
...Chase longs for as the Socialist Party...
...Furthermore a set hem necessary merely for defensive purposes ts threw «p a barricade against the advancing hosts of as FoOysaaaa...
...Joseph T. Shipley...
...Put me down as a booster far the totters in the far spaces of the land...
...Active, I'U agree kit rather superficial, don't you think?'' "Yes, yes, 4ft daw a let, but isn't he a bit of a bore...
...suppose the striking mill workers did win the election...
...From an esthetic point of view, aa idea belongs to him who aaa said it bstt Wtmm as edncational point of view, too much repetition is bad, but an idea is worth expressing as many times as it well put—if it be worth while at all...
...Above aU there was a fine disdain, a healthy hatred for (Be henchmen and lords of the political parties...
...J. O. Galsworthy's Plays JT seems almost incredible that all Galsworthy's dramas have been gathered within one volume to sell for no more than $2.50...
...Mention pontics, or foreign relations or the labor Bovemsnt and they move their lovely hands towards pnretag lips...
...Wilson roOett to the author of "The Tenth Muse," oat of the keenest aad most wanting analyses of advertising it has been our pleasure to read...
...Pierre Crabttes contributes an article on the "Roman Question" which adds another to the numerous "Interpretations" of the recent agreement between the Holy See and Mussolini...
...The sweatshop lurked again like a hyena waiting for tht last twitch of life to depart from the carcass...
...The question of property rights in literature is one of the most difficult for courts to decide: aad from a commercial point of view no more important than the rights of a brand of chewing gum to 'n its trade name...
...But Mr...
...9l >f I Just a hunch...
...The name of this man was Gene Debs...
...The author's wellturned sentences win ring in the reader's ears...
...Here we have not the condscending if brilliant essay-dramas of Shaw, but a natural dialogue that takes life upon its own terms, sweeps it into theater, and drives its lessons swiftly and forcefully home...
...Galsworthy's plays...
...There waa more than Just the jingle of a few cents more per hour in wages...
...Chase in his earlier books has ably demonstrated hit talents in both...
...tat trouble is, they positively refuse to do this Sag...
...Unlets our collective intelligence can catch up with our tinkering genius— snd that soon—Mr...
...PauU admits that ranch of this very hook of kit ia drawn from other sources without acknowledgement, which would have encumbered his pages...
...Maybe we must wait for painters Inspired by Mr...
...It win be a pity if these talents are not dedicated to tht realization of the Socialist commonwealth whose coming be has to brilliantly anticipated...
...Quite pathetic, isn't it, such innocence...
...To the children, he noticed, almost everything was a living flower...
...I hope that Tm sufficiently mature to eajoy the enthusiasms which the childish cynics Map so enthusiastically...
...Of course it takes no psychologist to Ifart eat that they are instinctively resentful of the StrBkaa of any subject that does not center about JWr beautiful selves...
...If ft ia true that "nothBff Batten" then you yourself are nothing and those ale hold so tenaciously to this attitude might at least km the decency to get out of the way of the men •at women who in their naivete still believe that ktt ski Iota of things matter tremendously...
...Chase has feared to tread: yet I know of no agency in America so eoneeioozty Dedicated ts the functional society Mr...
...The several chapter-heading* indicate the themes: "The Literary Thief," "The Literary Fergsr," "Piracy," Plagiarism,'' "Parody and Burlesque," "Copyright," "Censorship," "Anonymous Literature," "Actual Persons in Fiction and Drama," "The Literary Hoax"—these am several of the topics under which the question of legality and honesty is treated, with a sketch of the changing attitude of writers and publishers—and publicthrough the tget...
...Bankers, captains of industry, scholars and the like...
...Not since Dickens have life-ways been so influenced by literature...
...The twenty-five plays ta this volume mark the rich product of one of our great dramatists of social vision, ioaeph T. SMalts...
...The first volume is "The Story of Eugene V. Debs," by Henry T. Schnlttkind...
...Surety it it Tammany Hall that guards the tights of tht TtrftMTf on ths picket line, and aren't Gov...
...What leaser excuse did ether writers have...
...Maybe enthusiasm for tteh things as freedom is as antiquated as battle-door jgaiiriMi-cock...
...especially for that of the dominant city Plunderbund, Tammany Hail...
...For one, X am happy that the emoartainty Ja ever...
...You simply pooh pooh yourtdf eat ef aU effectiveness...
...That's the one the author has captioned "Tht Two-Hour War"—a lhattly glimpse of the war that will end war by ending civilization...
...And gratitude ia expected, and will be given...
...It will he illtlinrlw-ng at first to miss the numbers...
...The struggle to eat involves terrific sacrifice...
...Some may not like the picture, but somehow Good Old Rugged Individualism doesn't look so spiffy in Mr...
...Hare we see our oil wells, the fountains of youth in the Age of Power, fast pumped dry while we recklessly indulge in a questionable sort of recreation best described ss stinking up the countryside with gas fumes...
...McAHates- Calswa •The Challenge of the Machines Sfuart Chase, Depict* the ftonSise^&mt Menace of . Revolution j By Paul Potter "MB...
...as no doubt it has been yours, k save much traffick with sophisicated and cynical •took...
...Meyer London...
...Much as I admire the unselfish aad herculean efforts of Ben Schlesinger to bring about some semblance of the old union power, hopeful as I really am that the affair will redound to tome sort of economic security to the many thousands of long suffering needle workers, Z still must remain honest with myself and declare displeasure over the whole baatnew...
...Tkbat that dictatorship will be I have no Clear idea...
...Of the advertising of the South by its "boosters" Mr...
...Together, Messrs...
...Definitely the Socialist Party must saw the support of the needle trades in the coming election...
...Wt, who have gone through so much fat the past, have learned this at least, that you cannot bargain with the devil, and retain your soul...
...Our child fell fat with bad company aad acquired evil habits...
...1 On the other hand, some of the pictures are pusxling...
...They wake up kicking...
...some are startling, to say the least, and one is downright horrifying...
...Leaning Towers" is a collection of realistic shots that stiffens our backs with pride in the marvelous machinery we have constructed, and unmercifully shames us at the awry way we handle it...
...Particularly among the women...
...Most of us cant see this Black Forest of Machinery because of the wheels, cogs aad levers that are ths oaks, pines and cypresses...
...Perhaps a supertrust...
...The author appears to have the rare faculty of understanding youngsters and putting things before them that they win understand...
...True, he has done this in a devastating indictment of the wastefulness of unbridled individualism, in his earlier blind stupidity for doing...
...Robinson and Chase give us a vivid perspective of tht sort of | world we nve in...
...The production of these volumes it a matter for publisher's pride...
...No, I am not in tht least resentful about tat daaL after ell, these thousands of men and women must live...
...It is an ugly view that we get of our implacable natural resources ruthlessly raped for the power and the glory of Individual initiative...
...But whose prosperity it it, snd whose progress...
...It may be so, but we doubt whether any modern nations would ears to invite these arrangements of "secondary Importance...
...They are Wring cats all through the fields...
...e e * Equipped with a statistical camera and an obtervaat eye for lights and shadows, be has ventured into this Black Forest and returned with a remarkable tot of photographs—a rapid movie of ths development of machinery from tht that of Jtes Watt to the Mechanical Man, sharp close-ups, aad avtgnlflcent panoramas...
...In "Loyalties," for example, and in "Old English," he bends in directions where a fuller tolerance finds hit racial limitations somewhat chafing...
...B|J| Edged at such times writing does seem the most 'sraMSmtntial of occupations...
...From the point of view of entertainment, the many examples of his various types of literary "crimes and misdemeanors" will interest all who enjoy their reading, in Paull'g survey of literary ethics...
...But there to a headiness about the bitter wine of epdeian, fall of dangers for the drinker...
...Chase's album...
...Bven in "Man and Machines," the appalling stupidity of profit-motivated private enterprise stands eut in such bold relief that those who run may see...
...The set sneer of disillusion is no more pleasant to stboM than the smug smile of the professional optlnjtt Oat of the dangers is that over-sophistication leads heritably to sterility...
...The rest of tht story tumbles Into a chaotic heap...
...The sound and forceful work of a man intensely interested in his age, not the impartial holder of the scales he has been pictured, but one who fears not to press where hit quick sympathies send him, who turns an indignant or a pitiful eye upon his fellow beings...
...The book is a child's story of the life of Debs, into which is woven fact and imagination, especially Debs' period of youth, and leads the reader on to a gradual unfolding of the mature man who became the leader of labor struggles...
...The poor San...
...I know that vials ef wrath will descend upon my unworthy head for this jSBkejsaf, but at this distance I am a brave, bad man ant I assert that there is today in the radical moveSeat extending from the liberal right to the Communis toft a whole cross-section of women, mostly those jtspattehtng middle-age, who put on this cynical attitude with their make-up and desperately attempt to the eat the impression that anyone who goes out tad, tries to start something is slightly feeble-minded...
...One doesn't fit mad these days, you know...
...Marx said that capital oaws tats aw wonasft' wail covered with blood and dirt Thai's ana wooes wSw capitalism can nawer be dean MB it ia 9mmS» burial...
...X Jwt have a hunch this isn't so...
...They are much too languid (to :We a charitable adjective) to find out what things are tfi about...
...PauU continues: *T have no wish to pose sa the possessor of a mere tender eondence than that of other writer, hot such a position makes one indignant," Later, Mr...
...But I hope that I'm grown »» taough to realize the absurdity of the sophistittttd attitude...
...But the insidious spirit of the New Tammany spreads its banana oil Over the conferences...
...Southern Prosperity TN an article in the July number of the ¦* Virginia Quarterly Bruce Crawford, a Southerner himself, speaks with the utmost candor of the social, economic snd political factors which have brought the present upheaval in Southern textile industries...
...It is a book that will be re-read, interlined and quoted with gusto...
...Whatever is on my lung in the matter easily trips from my tongue...
...the "noble" impulses are too closely linked with the upper classes, if not with the nobility...
...The needle trades, bulwark of radical i^wnin ia America petered out into a helpless muddle...
...But it will be a formidable looking shell at best...
...Of the Catholic faith himself, the author concludes that aU that has happened it the creation of "a spiritual District of Columbia" for the Sovereign Pontiff, while the details of ths concordat and the application of Canon Law to Italy "are of but secondary importance...
...But, t$tak God, they are not sophisticated...
...Time was when I danced with the needle trades on Rutgers Square over the election of that fine aouL that rarest of rare Comrades...
...Crawford says: "There is much about hogs, cattle, sorghum cane, fertilizers, but negligibly little about self-respecting laboring people...
...It is reasoned out by the negotiators: what right has the Socialist Party to protest...
...The Art of the Biographer," by Gamaliel Bradford: "Bismarck and JBto American Friends," by Otto Count su Stolbsrg Wernigerode...
...The arm-chair philosophers who view it from afar ate only a mast of matted f outgo casting a long shadow across the path of mankind...
...We may admire Galsworthy for his courage and sincerity, even though we may not always accept his ideas...
...I belong to no union, I hold no salaried position in any affiliated radical organization, and I never hope to be so involved...
...Three pages later he quotes Sturge Moore: "literary originality it mainly confined to arrangement, assimilation, snd effect: these are invented . . . when thoughts sad visions have been assimilated . tbttr origin is then indifferent...
...They Alt terrible grouches...
...Thar* waa a vision of a world tn which those who created its Joys, partook of them in full measure...
...the man I am telling you about, the man who never grew old, always liked to watch them (children) at their play...
...Chinese children am flowers whose petals are yellow...
...Chase fears a drastic crisis that will bring to the fore t dictatorship: e e e "The Machine continues to revolve In its own race track, breeding and expanding according to laws which we do not even understand...
...Indeed, you will notice, that they take a snaths Joy in sniffing at any sort of achievement, ttay yeQ their slogan, "What's the list...
...which carries an introduction to the series by Romaln Holland...
...Negro children, be noticed, are flowers with Mack petals...
...Such an event is within the range of possibility...
...ia Spa MlIIUIHilllgH...
...Nor do I now reSet one whit But this is not to say that one may Tpt lev* twilights and dawns that have about them ft Mat of smoke or towering stacks...
...ay Stuart Chaw...
...Aad now that Tawmany Han hat won a fair claim tt the support of the one redoubtable red union, we Just must ted hope fat the hinterland...
...Morals Among Writers TPHB problems studied in "Literary A Ethics," by H. M. PeuH, (Dutton— t»75>, form a fascinating "study in the growth of the literary conscience...
...Yw, wya the eternal Socialist, than tn the hack hills, and out oa the open plains the first taint crimson streaks of the Dawn appear...
...LBVMaUM tells ma the story of kaw the aewa about Blllwlnl hiisi, Ttan , was received by ana of our Socialist New Yorkers . . . "He, what about it" queried the comrade...
Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 27