Stanley, Louis
C.P.L.A Before 2 labor Bodies; One Condemns And Other Is Neutral Via deck Before Jewish Body in Eloquent Pica Ajprinst Any Action—Philadelphia Discusses Program Which, Reveals Number of...
...in 1937 to $67,000,000 and tn 1936 $49,600,000...
...The employers still insist upon abolishing the finishing system m the shops where it still eatots, thus throwing workers out of employment, and taking the slip stitching work out of union control, j I The union has demanded the five-day ' ; week for piece workers during additional ' I months of the dull season, besides July ! and August at at present...
...It is on the unfair ust...
...Por the last seven years the amounts available for depletion, depreciation and profits and the actual after aettin* aside reserves were: Oajf OU Befeort After PjKita v Reserves Reserves i...
...The asatkeaaa aa Augnst g af the ttusaaii of kenma mitragairrf Lo- ¦ and the aktaOg ¦tllraem law...
...Through this parUameasary manoevering the strength of the progressives was revealed...
...When Presides* Green was asked about the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, he compared it to a small dog balking at an elephant...
...In this it to hke the Ford Motor Co...
...Vtsaeck't Address Vladeck's address in part follows: "I am not a representative of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action...
...According to this article, the Mellon Family's share of the 1WS profits of this single company amounted to at least 1M,000,000 out of which they paid themselves about 6,000,000 ia cash dividends...
...and for the same reason...
...and William Green...
...Gulf Ofl stock with a market value of $860,000,000 rests on an actual investment by the owners of about $36,000,000...
...The statement of the Executive Com- ! mlttee alleged that the New York Con- ! ference of May 35 and 28 at which the ! C. P. L. A. had been organized was of' a secret character to which no persons connected with the United Hebrew Trades had been Invited...
...I'll tell you what kind...
...M calling tor coTitwBcatton of the two toeato to the trade...
...There was not a Communist among them...
...The debate was not completed at that meeting, it wss postponed the next and finally completed at the last session on July 19...
...The Central Trades and Labor Council did not come out against the Conference...
...It has now decided to ask only for nrteen per cent...
...He is a sworn enemy of progress, of the trade union movement...
...It is meant to be trait:at-d into English and j shown to Matthew Wol...
...Collier's is an open shop concern...
...Must the United Hebrew Trades do so...
...to probably the only other { American corporation of anything like the sise of Gulf Oil where such a large part of ownership is held by one family...
...Wait a few months and see what it does...
...who said that three million workers are better for Socialism than three million resolution...
...At that time as reported in the Mew Leader, Abraham Lefkowits of the Teachers' Union had been given the privilege of the floor to defend the Conference...
...The Philadelphia Central Labor Union thus refrained from taking an official position on the C. P. L. A The Conference is left tree to show the stuff of which it Is made...
...Despite the plea* of B. Cbarney Vladeck, manager of the Jewish Daily Forward, who appeared in person to urge the United Hebrew Trades to remain* loyal to Its Socialist traditions by not condemning the Conference for Labor Action, the delegates voted to take such a step...
...Where are our furriers, our ¦ cloakmakers tonight whom the A. P. of ' L. has helped...
...Louis Puchs, business manager of the Neckwear Makers' Union, has announced j that the representatives of the employers' ] association with whom the union has ' held three conferences «to anticipation i of the expiration of the two-year agree- ' ment on August Si, have begun to mod- . erate their original demands...
...The question had come up a month ago, when the Executive Committee had brought in a declaration against the C. P. L. A. and asked that delegates approve this manifesto...
...Every militarist says that too...
...This request has...
...The Mellon family has been the leading factor in Gulf and its' predcessors ever since 190], Today the Mellon* are credited with owning close to 90 per cent of the 4,504,931 shares which have a market value of 5900,000,000...
...Small wonder that Uncle Andy has been keen to reduce individual and corporate income taxes...
...ars piling up wealth fee Hoover's aniltisaittoaalre secretary ef the treasury Ik revealed ia a Wall Street Journal article on Gulf Oil Corp...
...Bo they avoid the income tax, and to a certain extent public scrutiny, by leaving the bulk of the profits in the business as new capital...
...si.Ml.MS lt.lM.7tt IMS...
...kt Ftohmaa and B I Gold...
...Did he ever speak for a corporation like Collier's...
...The fact that Gulf Oil to largely interested in the oil fields of Mexico and Venezuela is especially interesting in view of the fact that its chief beneficiary has scoured a cabinet position which enables him to exercise s strong influence on the Latin American policy of the American government...
...By going to West Point the President of the American Federation of Labor played into the hands of the militarists...
...The matter was referred to the General aisutUtt Board for study...
...Norman Thomas was there and Jim Maurer backed the movement...
...Criticises Green "Another resolution, as you know, censured President Green for going to West Point and delivering an address to the cadets there...
...s4e.ST7.sas tit.7u.ss7 1535...
...Gulf Oil has always paid out a relatively small proportion of its profits in cash dividends...
...It has always been a Socialist movement and that It will remain...
...Karl Marx, it was...
...Why should you disgrace my home...
...You have no right to I take such a step ss you contemplate...
...In the end the amendments were defeated and the motion merely to receive and file an* adopted...
...Reinvested surplus profits have supplied $676,091 of the new capital necessary for expansion...
...A reprint of John Spargo'c letter to 1 the New York Times' attacking the C. P. L. A "The statement that the Executive Committee has drawn up is wishywashy...
...At the bat ctmvtmtkm of the X. V O. W. V. a resolution was tatroduesd hy Loot...
...The Stitch- ! en have not yet formulated their de- . man da...
...Most of those present were trade onionlsts, rank and filers...
...41 at tke same international aa uspstnitilty to Join to a conntoB fight i gain a ths smas the hemttttrhiitg, twAhtg and gdtattag, whisk tea tmder tke Jajlsmisatei ef Local 41...
...Por three hours the delegates of the United Hebrew Trades argued the question...
...Those on the other side found no extenuating circumstances...
...Green, it k true, said he was against war but that we must be prepared...
...You tell me that the American Federation of Labor made a statement...
...Karl Marx, of course, thought that these three million workers would be Socialistic...
...M.671.ms lJ.70-T.t37 IMS...
...The embroiderers nave made the following rtskminS upon their employers: forty-hour five-day week, better enforce- , ment of equal division of work, sad a | tingle minimum wage of $44 instead of the two present minim urns for two classes j of workers of $55 and $4J...
...President Z. L. Preednian, tscre- i taty tesssMia, Matbap BJ.sil...
...A graduate of West Point Is a hundred per cent reactionary...
...Has not Typographical Union, Local t, condemned President Green's speaking for an anti-union company...
...Secretary Morris Feins tone for his part asserted that the United Hebrew Trades was acting upon its own initiative, that the C. P. L. A. was taking the wrong steps, to reach the American worker, that we must go slow, that the time was not yet ripe...
...I had no peace of mind...
...They only favor a labor policy, you a Socialist policy...
...Why Any Action at AH...
...You need not take any stand on the C. P. L. A. Table your statement...
...This would bring Gulf Oil's net gam for 1S3S to tS7,5io,8»5 with the Mellon share amounting to over $78,000,000...
...A few had been Communists but had been thrown out of the party...
...But in 1936 new investment* amounted to $70,000,000...
...S3.H1.SU 3t.0tt.(r77 1927...
...The Ford Motor Co...
...for Local 41...
...Did Samuel Oompers ever dare do a thing like that...
...Avoid Inessat Tax The $6,000,000 in cash dividends which the Mellon* get each year from Gulf Oil, especially when added to their dividends from coal, steel, public utilities, aluminum, etc...
...Manager Jacob Hal- j Ricnman, Julias Kragaua, Lotus Wlmit- ; sky...
...they wassestl to encourage uncensorad workers education: they wanted to work for independent political action...
...Why, you are even more radical than they are...
...however, have iat fli united action kegstrattve and stnee the Stitchers art hi a position to can a strike at the same time as the Bonnaa Workers, the opportunity to being seised by both stoat to school their membership in co-operation preparatory to some form of amalgamation later...
...The conferees discussed conditions in the labor movement and then issued a statement of policy...
...We I have paid enough for our loyalty to the ' A P. of L. A Biet en Beeard "I am forty-three years old and I hav* been twenty-eight years in the Socialist movement...
...The Wall Street Journal says: "This latter policy is permitted, mainly, by the centralized ownership of the capital stock...
...Green, he stated,' believed that conditions In America were not yet ready for independent political action...
...Max Orakm, and Sol Brown...
...absolute control of slip stitching, and an increase of i one dollar per week for those receiving, \ less than twenty dollars per week at present...
...His reply might have been a better one...
...t7.S10.ttS 5t.Mt.140 Total ..............t4M.0t3.542 tl75.15S.S77 Look at these huge figures and recall that approximately 90 per cent of the total represents what the workers in a single corporation have added to Mellon wealth since 1921...
...An interesting discussion followed during which the progressives discovered each other's existence...
...been withdrawn...
...the labor movement in a constructive spirit...
...Seeks Change of Venure OASTONIA N. C. — CFP) — Defense counsel in the Gastonia frameup case win seek a change of venue ss their first move, because public opinion there has been inflamed against the 14 strikers and organisers...
...I came to this country because it was my duty...
...Not so long ago the British Labor Party was the small dog and now it is the elephant...
...Arrangements are being completed for lecture courses to be delivered during the coming weeks by preeminent men and women...
...The Socialist movement is my home...
...Some one hundred and fifty men and women decided to get together last May to talk over the situation in the labor movement...
...It k not straivt.t-forward...
...The Central Labor Union of Philadelphia took a neutral stand, the United Hebrew Trades of New York condemned tfae C. P. L. A. The matter came up before the regular meeting of the Philadelphia Central Labor Union, when the circular letter of the American Federation of Labor was read which urged affiliated bodies not to contribute to Communist organizations as well aa to the Conference for Labor Action...
...A motion was made to file the letter, an amendment was made to publish it in the Union Labor Record, the official organ, and a third amendment was made that the statement of policy of the C. P. L. A be printed alongside the a. f. of u letter...
...71.tS0.4T7 3l.0OO.7tl 1K...
...You dare not do this and place a blot upon the record of the Jewish working class movement...
...But recently what enclosure do I find...
...Por five years Z. have been receiving mail from the Federation Bank of New York that the A. P. of L. unions have established...
...One Condemns And Other Is Neutral Via deck Before Jewish Body in Eloquent Pica Ajprinst Any Action—Philadelphia Discusses Program Which, Reveals Number of Progressive Men—No Action Taken By Louis Stanley ASTRIKING contrast occurred this week in the action of two labor organizations tn dealing with the Conference for Progressive Labor Action...
...4».14*.410 14.14S.410 1S34...
...One of these conditions was the elimination of three legal holidays...
...IMefe Andy Manages to laeep Wolf s From the Door with Aid of Paternal GorerametU By Lclaavd Olds' rrtaa extraordinary rate at which workers in the ofl fields of the two America...
...It Is true that a resolution was adopted condemning President William Green of the A. r of L. for tptaklng for Collier's magi line m opposition to the celebration of May Day by the Socialists...
...is sufficient to keep the wolf from the door...
...The corporation reported a ill* net profit of $56,528,1*0 with the Meltons' actually holding title to about 90 per cent of the total...
...tatdBaaentive Board Members...
...I know President oreen ia not a Social tat, but could any Socialist, any true unionist, approve of his action...
...Unity House INotes V. 8. Calverton, weB known author, will give a course on "Social Forces in Modern Literature...
...Why should this taak fall upon the United Hebrew Trades...
...Bach local has appointed skssBatttott to cooperate with > one mother in conducting the coming 1 struggle for total M: Ltoa Wattsb, manager, who wfll lead the fight for his union...
...declared that criticizing the A. P. of L. and the Communists in the same breath for their miscomprehension of American reality was an Insult to the organisation of the American working class...
...deplored the presence of Socialist leaders...
...a Tardak, )3MM Jttnft toMQ OODClude...
...The series on "Chekov- gives by Mr...
...It only showed he was angry...
...asserted the loyalty of the United Hebrew Trades to the Socialist movement but saw in the C. P. L. A "aa opposition movement against the economic organisation of the American workers,'* like the De Leon movement, the I. W. W. and the Communist Trade Union Education League...
...Then among explanations that everybody was free to vote as he sincerely wished, the vote was taken, thirty-six to four, in favor of the statement drawn up by the Executive Committee...
...Ths average of funds available for expansion in the last 33 years has been $16,000,000 a year...
...It is nonetheless part of their income going constantly to expand their wealth and power...
...They wanted to educate the workers to demand social legislation for themselves: they wanted to be...
...Why should the Polish soldiers made the Jews dig the graves for their brethren...
...Those who supported the Executive Committee declared that William Green and the A. P. of L. were not so bad...
...I am s proud Socialist...
...Never once did I find enclosed any statement defending the unions against open shop attacks...
...Actually the huge depletion and depreciation charge of 1*1,106,155 which the Meltons deducted should bs included In the net gain ef the year for the money so reserved has always been used to expand the company's resources...
...Before United ¦threw Trades | Par different was the behavior of tjie United Hebrew Trades...
...The MaUonal Men's Neckwear Association had . called for a twenty-five per cent flat reduction and other changes in conditions that would bring the cut to forty per i cent...
...I agree with you that the A. P. of L. and the Communists should not have been lumped together in the criticisms of the C. P. L. A., for the A. F. of L. is our friend and the Communists are our enemies...
Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 27