Labor! ˆrweriiiieitr«# -\ initial Miasm« Preaaonted to PaHiameaat hj J. B. Tbomaa Draw Fife of Tory Leader fairy Sum* AnUwriaed to Finance Relief—Bfaxton Offers Mi$d . Critfeisai. LONDON—Facing...

...J. W. Dagger, and a public health nurse from the state beard of health The cmptayors wffl make ail necessary arrangnmsnts to route worsen through the doctor's bands at a convenient spot in the factory...
...Speeding as> ef a five-year main read program to cost (S.&MAM...
...The proposals which be outlined to-' chide public works sad work to be done by private enterprise, with more or less state encouragement...
...The creation of the Socialist Party has been astonishing...
...The project already under way is a South Pole Dance, which win be featured by snow bans and snow fkdras, free eakbao piss, sad shaltorly It wfll as held an tito reef garden ef the igtoo, nrisdaany the Bsons stoeae, at Tickets wffl bs available at fin sis Hat Centers...
...Anyone could spend money, and a large number of people considered that work consisted of fining a barrow and then emptying it...
...The proposals not so far advanced as the above include: Concrete telegraph notes, Street railway wagons aad coaches, aad a remedy for the chaos ef privately owned goods tracks...
...There an new fields to be cagawjersd- hafoew poBHoal action can be made to mean anything fox the working class...
...Flusliaij Party Take eaaaanattoa Grants from Lord St...
...The Otty HaU is a public building and tolnraji to the people...
...Electrification ot U serpen street station...
...If he succeeds in getting an appropriation to make the state industrial physical examinations a yearly feature hi ah Mississippi factories...
...Improved stattoas aad mere sfehugs...
...Mississippi, although somewhat larger than Pennsylvania, has only 80,000 industrial workers, over two-thirds of them in the lumber and wood-products industry...
...They have pandered to too rapacious appetites which they know they could never satisfy...
...Dogger will cover as many plants as he can before the next regular legislative session...
...Appointment ef Trade Commissioners fat overseas countries...
...The new Waterloo bridge, following agreeaasat i omul asm Charing Cress Bridge...
...Thomas announced that for certain of the above purposes he would introduce this month a bin to authorise 38 million pounds for loans, and to provide alternative aaetotonee 35 million pounds for loans, and to provide alternative assistance by way of guarantee of interest on expenditure...
...Then, if any ' possible complication is shown by the physician examination data, the worker's claim that his injury or illness resulted from employment to a given factory win be thrown out easily...
...Davids com- ¦ amittee to be available to public amities Bossaaualaa Deck aad barter works...
...I am going to promise my right honorable friends and the whole Cabinet active and hearty support on one condition, and one condition only—that they win so arrange the affairs of this country that no man, his wife or children shall go to dread of starvation...
...Constatsnt with big election speeches, Mr...
...Thomas said that the most dangerous part ot the problem was that 400,000 or 500,000 citizens, for a period in some cases of three or four years, and even more, after all the efforts they had made—and it could not be too strongly emphasised, at least for the benefit of foreign, nations, that the great masses did desire work—found themselves in the position that they were not only deprived of the opportunity of work but what was more difficult and far more important from the standpoint of trying to find a solution, at least 300.000-to 400,000 of those people were doomed, as it were, in certain localities...
...Duggw says in his forthcoming report for the year...
...C Central Labor Union and apodal Used Textile Workers organiser in gwwtoOsto Una, was deported from Wan Ban* where laoo cotton mill workers totT been on strike three month*, by pats officers to prevent vtolaaes tbrsabsm when 34 eassnany thugs broke tots ?|E hotel, the Wars Shoals Inn...
...aTataaatoa at the export credits scheme for a farther period...
...Coalitions, 3S...
...isTansal b*soaa ftwsfe^^a ^^non^^n^^ b^n wa^^^si ^t**Skosaaaas I* P. Mahon of the U. T. W. to orgeats at I armed bodyguard of strikers sad to n>§ turn to Ware shoals...
...tathref ~:^m This attempt to band over on ast: extensive municipal tramways tyssssl' ths country, running over 1M aaa sfj streets and worth over sap .ansa to 1 mediately aroused the fierce beans of* ths organism workers...
...Bach of the 600 workers at laurel Cotton Mffla is to bs given a physical examination by state factory inspector, Dr...
...He did not suggest that there was a bottomless pit from which money could be drawn, but anyone who knew the demoralisation, the tost hope and desperation of our people would realise that to do nothing because of that was equally dangerous...
...Hundreds of thousands of men and women were in districts when there was no other industry and where the paralysis of the one industry meant starvation and utter ruin of the district...
...No kind of scheme that ought to be undertaken would be excluded from these powers...
...Churchill would be coming Over...
...I am prepared to give my right honorable friends time, but then is something I am not prepared to be patient about, aad something this Party has no right to be patient about...
...American workers, united m an isgenlssllisi which stretches screws the continent, must he prepared to deal interoationeJty with their class brothers in foreign lands...
...Those who know the Socialists of Reading, who have worked with them in campaign after campaign, are not surprised...
...The state is one of the few remaining without a workmen's compensation law...
...fisstotsnnu to starting factories fas A Sainton a year for ampere development...
...Winston ChurehlUs' participation in the debate showed the diehard expressing the golf between his class aad the Labor Party...
...Youth Organisation Headquarters, and through members af the ecenardttoe who wfll soon expose themearrss...
...Churchill Attack* Turning to...
...Werfcars Ka>y It And the workers, too, seem to like It...
...this week, starting at the Laurel Cotton Mills...
...But even Wortaltsti cannot do more at the present time than la sanctioned by tie capitalist laws which limit their actions...
...The attack en the Loodoa awsgpl ran m real somost at the sat efjafl It was then that ths aew saatabw majority ef Muntrtpal "B*ferawsFa| the Lonaon County Council sssBsUy promote two private ParaassaaaatajBa whtoh had for their parpen the eaa> bahsamt of the greatest triraaatan, ttopory in the country...
...Finnish Elections Make Few Changes In Representation ray » New leaser Cerr—e—aeoi) FTTCHBURG, Mass.—The Finnish Social Democratic Party kept its representation in the Finniah Diet intact, save for the loss of one seat, in the parliamentary elections held Jury l and 3, according to a cablegram received by the Finnish Socialist daily, "Raivaaja," from its correspondent in Helaingfora, Finland...
...We have no right to be sitting hen with those incomes while men and women who sent us here don't know when tomorrow's dinner is to come from...
...Just now many people crowded Into the buflann and Jammed the doorways at toe dedication aetabnttons on Wednesday, Thursday and Piatay cannot be stated watt aocoraey...
...communists, 34...
...Laurel Cotton Mills waa the scene of a bitter strike la the post-war organising campaign in the south conducted by the United Textile Workers'tTnion...
...No lass than n million pounds have been authorised for road development and with the program of electrification and funds tor the extension and' improvement of transport the Labor program for the relief of the unemployed gets a fair start...
...ttitorsnaltan on the activities of the Youth Action rrtrrrrnUtoo, Its nature, aad tan dance Is obtatnabto by caBtog Violet Goodman, AJsxaauha 7MS, 33 Bast 16th Street, or Julius Umaasky, Algonquin 4430, T Beat 1Mb Street...
...J. H. Thomas made a vigorous start upon his great task of gtaapllna...
...Aa water London goods railway...
...The Agrarian party which made the most gains fought the salary am reaai tooth and nail as dM the Communists who were also favored by government persecution which helped to make their fight one for political freedom...
...lected ¦ Socialists Con* gratnlafed _ ] 4%a5po!V»5L» ansa —¦ »»*H merged ana crric pride ran rampant through the corridors and officers of the new Otty BaS last week when the structure which, for the next half century, win be Reedbars City Has waa tamed aver to the people...
...comparable to filling a barrow aad emptying it again Just to make work, but only projects that would toad to provide employment and add to the economic equipment of the country...
...In the debate Mr...
...Dugger win make organised labor's struggle for a compensation law much more difficult...
...Young Radicals to Help Ia Party Finance Drive Several young »¦rial'sts and sympathisers ban banded together under the name of the Youth Action nasiiilMii to arrange events for the Younger generation, the proceeds of which wiU be turned over to the United States Socialist Drive...
...Rugger's report, broadly hinting that the examinations win rude employers in Bring workers less fit physically...
...It is said that the unemployment now Is as bad as during Cbe'greht Ford shut-down two years State Helps Bosses Fight Workers Suit By Esther Lowell LATJRXL, Miss.—(FP).—Mississippi it beginning a slick service to employer...
...If the Labor Government remained -in office long, it was perfectly certain Mr...
...Migration will also be the subject of an inquiry...
...coasts hniory, deported Peel to Qraav vfite...
...With the tools of production and distribution publicly owned and operated for the benefit of an the people,—Just aa the City HaU to now owned -and operated, life can be made easier and brighter for ewybudj...
...Organizer Deported -*| In South Carolaa GRBTDrVTLLE...
...Churchill concluded with a threat that the moment the Labor members "attempt to carry into the realm of action any of those fundamental vices upon which the whole structure and progress of their party has been built up, and which has been their main inspiration, from that moment they wfll be swept from office...
...New Fields to Caaeoar The Bortalieta can afford to be modest m their achievements...
...There never has been such a gulf between Government and an Opposition...
...Frre bandied workers base she ana oa striae for three mooan at BB mm in ObreanvBle...
...He could not endure a long stretch without being in the government...
...It is as use euppostag that we are simply meeting together as a Council of State...
...Passing through the marbled halls, skilled niarnarttra and common laborers appear to forget that their own homes are squalid by comparison with the city's municipal bunding and that their Uvea an spent m noisy, dirty, dangerous mills and factories Jot the enrichment of an aristocracy of owners...
...The Social Democrats: party opposed salary iacnaan for the well paid officials but did favor increases for poorly paid officials aad workers...
...Twitting Mr...
...New railway engines...
...LONDON—Facing a Parliament whose Tory and Liberal members bare the power to oust the Labor Government, Mr...
...what, when suggested, was criticised by enemies of Socialism aa a No matter what the bankers and business men of Reading think about Social - lam: no matter bow desperately the "better" class win combat any effort for the liberation of labor from the bondace of the wage and profit system, they do She Reading's new city Hall and they make no bones about saying so...
...Violence was threatened on ths saestai inn, partly owned by the mill eecsptBfTom Ktom, chief deputy sheriff, streets half his salary from the niseisand Chief Tom Otmntaghasa ef toe stab...
...the, general issues between his class aad the Least Hear OtnsrehbiU said: "There an sulfa between as la this Parliament...
...Progress in land drainage, afforestation sad aabartas...
...With to* to j liberals, equally opposed to ths wB who wen returned in London, wato wM a clear majority against the Tory tsaWj plot...
...To make life really north while for workers, the public must own the natural resources and the Industries of the nation...
...It la their building and they congratulate the men who engineered its construction so wholeheartedly that one question whether, after all, self Interest really is the driving force which moves human beings to action...
...As the result of the election the aiz parties win have seats in the new diet accordingly: Social Democrats, at: Agrarian, 59...
...Secondary reads aad bridges, to cost nJthaatety «8,se«,see...
...through his program...
...The issue on which Mantore's government, Progressive, went to the electorate fo re 'vote of confidence, but was defeated, wag on the question of raising the salary* of government officials, uaiakutarty those in the higher ranks...
...Perhaps the ultimate advent of aortaHem will find men and women ready to work together for the common gawd...
...That at why it is so necessary to extend the power of Socialism...
...They have dabbled, or seem to have dabbled, in subversive agitation...
...This latest wrinkle is to help the bosses beat injured workers' damage suits...
...Labor won 18 soaa, he came out of the Oeneral Tstootka WB j a total of M ants cut of the total Vm don representation ot S3...
...I have seen it grow in the course of twenty years from a handful to the largest party in the House...
...Ho warned against a revision or repeal of aa Trade Disputes Act winch was passed by the tost Parliament to cripple the finances of the Labor Party aad thought that the Government would ha "unwise" to stir up tbto question...
...The state has about 30 cotton textile mills, a number of large cotton seed oil mills, fruit, vegetable aad fish canneries, a few small garment shops and miscellaneous other factories...
...wen cMeny aBeetesr were- pnomWK soHd ia opposition...
...They have raised the great mam of the British people under false and foreign conceived standards...
...Then ware, be declared, some things which could be put in band almost immediately, others required preparation and planning, and others again on which investigation waa necessary...
...I win be very patient...
...It la Just what they expected...
...8. O. — (TT) — JSkfr Peel, president af the Durham...
...BocaaMsta are capable people...
...Maxton It Critical James Maxton of the Independent Labor Party expressed some dissatisfaction with the proposals of Mr...
...Churchill, George Lensbury said he had been everything and nothing long...
...It is certainly an astonishing feat and they are entitled to rank their Uvea' work as historic, but I cannot say, they could not expect me to say, that I think it is good or helpful work...
...swedes, 33, and Progressives, t. The political' situation of the county win remain practically unchanged by the elections The government of Oscar Maasato win resign and the Agrarian party wffl in all probability take over the responsibility of farming a government...
...They nave built up their power upon doctrines of monstrous error...
...the question of the L C. O. tgeaafajtj crucial issue...
...Thomas declared that he could offer no abort cuts, nothing...
...But ho iniipliasawa that the records will be filed at the capital in Jackson so that employers may consult them in case a worker brings a damage suit for injuries received while at work...
...But its ownership will do nothing to lighten the load which now rests upon the shoulders of those who labor...
...The few men an part of a faros hired to to Ware Shoals Mfg...
...The doctor ignores toe question of a state workmen's compensation law in reporting as state factory inspector...
...Detroit JoU«m UaTXaOir (TP)—Officials bate an agreed that the unemployment situation k lweawlng narraua, Svery day thousands an pouring into the city from abroad, from the farms and from other ernes'while plants here are closing down and laying off workers...
...J whtoh the Tories fJeoXtostyesr^B through the Isaatoo ("'¦ouiitr OsansT^J arsavj'snd^ad not sags to of the moasurai is rsgantot ss a g3 victory for London Labor crtsawstakj and for the 'Transport sad OssjH Workers' Union aad other trass sjsto aad a huaasasrh in the fight MjBB ownership...
...rweriiiieitr«# -initial Miasm« Preaaonted to PaHiameaat hj J. B. Tbomaa Draw Fife of Tory Leader fairy Sum* AnUwriaed to Finance Relief—Bfaxton Offers Mi$d . Critfeisai...
...We are sitting here, everyone of us, with an income of at toast £400 a year...
...His task was to examine schemes, sad find schemes which would not only give work to the unemployed but would stimulate trade at bonis and abroad aad add in the end to the economic equipment of the country...
...Tr*a*||H aoam Prevent BmjB la«mw.rjrt Om isjM 4gaW MMe* enusBawBBT AwStSBaaBBaBBBBBBBBBBB^'^Tl I^QiajxA^Tha" g^ from the control ef the----g fij of Traassrart...
...of the ejection it Is necessary to understand the attitude of the parties to the salary increase question...
...staee the wa> drawal ef four orrrtponlst of state a* tia to break ap the strike...
...To fuOy understand the outcome...
...Some of my colleagues win remember that when the great thesis of the Party, 'Labour and the Nation' was propounded, I ventured to offer one or two criticisms ot it from the point of view of general Socialist theory, but after having read the King's speech, I hope that the legislation which win arise out of that speech will net be aa much whittled down, or then won't be very much left for us...
...They have built It up by fomenting clam hatred and by organising industrial strife...
...Political control must be extended to the county, to the state and the nation...
...The Coalition, Swedish and Progressiva parties, favored the granting of the increase...
...There were many ilinjajHiln, and many of those came to take the second and even the third look In order to assure them selves that the nfiitaltoti had indeed made a brfihant race— out of...
...The physical examtnstloni an beginning fat a factory when white workers almost exclusively an employed, although over half tito state's population a colored...
...Of course this physical examination is a great thing for the workers, too...
...with the evil of unemployment The Bouse waa eagerly attentive while be prsawatsd proposals to meet the gravest problem that has afflicted the British workers since the end of the'World War...
...Under the terms of ths BSa ttiisjH bine waa to control the Lanooa saa> i ways for 43 years, ^ J | A board of it people was to to mm charge of the whole of LontarY mm and oa this board the London Orsatfi council was to ban only one wsrasv...
...Large Appropriation Authorised Oa the questions-of-raising the school age and taring tat aged workers out of Industry, by means of pensions, there la to be an inquiry by a committee...
...We have sawf guns than they.*' said McMahsa, "ss* I the striken know bow to shoot stars* At the same tone MeMahOB wired Oar...
...Within the immediate or almost immediate category be placed the following "measures: Unemployment Measure* BaOwsy atosewrs e* British steel Instead ef imported tfaaaer...
...Frankly, I was very disappointed," he said...
...rn*$aj Labor ^arty btm...
...I hope not to make difficulties for the present government...
...j The Transport aad Oeneral wersaT Union issued a masutosto, slgast b Ernest Bavin, the union's general awa» tary, aad Ben Smith, MP* aad MM Cliff (the two representatives at to union on the London aad Boats Caw* • the Traffic Advisory Conumttsa, saw for " uncompromising opposition.*1 In the London ooosUtnenoiss, was...
...Subsequent speech eg appeared to avow that both Tories and Liberals will give him i rmsjttoiahls support hi carryrog... change the laws which prevent the people from owning the Industries Just as- they now own a new City HaU...
...Richards of Booth Carolina beMtog an responsible, it is planned to crass* a strikers' defense guard to SOgSSBSl union rights against the ptagngbn toported by the Wan Shoe* Oa, vara* practically owns the entire toon ass Its police force...
...Mobilising Good Will In all parties then was a desire to see the problem solved, and his task was to see how they could mobilise the good win which existed in the country to finding some solution...
...Socialists of Reading Open New Cify HaU 1tnree>B«7s CeWiration of ¦ Job OM Parties Had Neg...
...And the Industrial districts tk...
...Nothing like a healthy working force for contentment and smooth-running production so necessary to profits, says Dr...
...The State Federation of Labor is so weak now that it does not emphasise a compensation law in its legislative program...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 27

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