Ladies Garment Workers Win A Notable Victory Practically Win All Demands and Thousand* Becowkc Members of Union—Large Fund Being Raked to Kill Sweatshops and Aid Other Workers St91...

...This cooperation the present grievance committees ban generouly pledged.*' Whfto the company is thus active, little groups of union men and sympathisers, headed by ''Bud" Arnold aad Grant Elis apeak nightly up in the hills of the county...
...Nothing has been overlooked, not even the young folks and all others who like to dance...
...Ere long the right to eat will merge with the mergers whose masters will arrange the price tags not to suit our appetites but to suit their hunger for dividends...
...More Cotton Mill Workers Strike In Southland 12-Hour Day Brings Revolt in South Carolina—Union Organizer Deported by Gunmen—Strike Settlement at Elixabethton Violated aa Corporation Builds Company Union By John Herling MARION, N. C—The most colorful strike in the South is in progress here...
...The ,three-year agreement ending the strike was signed Tuesday at the City Hall...
...W. L. Hog an...
...This magnanimous capitalist from Baltimore dared them to do it...
...Plans were drawn up to union its the entire dress industry eritpioymg 46.000 dress makers...
...the urge hi sod workers of this ctot...
...employed to the mdspeadea* shops and sweatshops, wfll continue oa strike to remedy coadMans of ttsm- osa* plogmmt...
...The referendum 'vote was take* Msaday afternoon among strtfesrs asm to got into Jammed strifes bans and nmwslsd that 16.0M voted hi favor of fas pesos settlement, only 3M against, SM Masjfc baUota being east...
...Comrade Berger was hit by a street car while walking from the office of his newspaper to his home...
...They sing a ballad, or the newly learned, "Solidarity...
...Edward McGrady, legislative representative of the A. T. of L...
...The optihja» aami tn Wisconsin, to the [eaasy notwithstanding, states Ms ysseshty not put in a system Weakssk- sad manufacture...
...It to pointed out...
...The strike was officially on...
...Negotiations are now being carried on by both companies for additional properties...
...Types of Contributors 1. One hundred Socialists throughout the nation, their names selected from lists indicating their interest in the movement as well as their ability to help it, have been requested, in a personal appeal written by Norman Thomas to pledge $100 or more each to the United Socialist Drive...
...They an doing gnat work in strengthening the union...
...J. O. Woods, traown tfarOtsaftsTOQtf tabs) *"*w*sgfl**sywQ^ws^|aLj gtea, sQfQsjJ fja* the brtttrest fees of the anion in the dtr as was as a kidnapper of Hnffman and McGrady...
...That is why there Ste a constructive effort to subisostthre control of the Uguor . (y thorn who are opposed to tom,Tsk,psJi.t of view I am more tot ssa...
...Here's the practical mechanism of the strike: All day long pickets guard the mill...
...the 40-hour five-day week Is fawned, saw ployers dropping than* demands tor piece work and 42-hour weak...
...Philadelphia ¦Jstar great cities don't do more BfMss good government...
...soon men and women of Clinchfield...
...The crowd roared approval...
...The Standard Brands Company has announced that it expects to acquire the Chase * Sanborn Company, coffee and tea' oaaaggp, and it is known that the orgaatssra of this merger have in mind .the acquisition, of several other companies...
...Developments during the past week to complete the organization of the machinery that wfll enable the managers of the drive to penetrate every section of the country, and every group interested in building a powerful party of labor in the United States, were as follows, according to a statement issued by Marx Lewis, director of the drive...
...4. A Buraber of wasJtaler Socialists aad prngieaaliee, whose support during the last presides rial campaign and at other tanas made it possible for tad Socialists to bare their message reach a larger number than would otherwise be possible are being approached for substantial contributions...
...It was potessd sot that never before In the history of She CJoakmakers have so torts a pansatogs participated in s referendum The Communlsts refused to tsfes a n ruiidniii vote in settlinf the 1*36 strike...
...UnfortuIsiaaftw so-called labor leaders sstpaa tleet- It would be an inJbkttkffJr intelligence to suppose fS|fat» bsstove that Tammany and mjg Walker are giving the city jg} a* .evm efficient government...
...Spinners, loomflxers, weavers, sweepers, the most skilled and the least skilled, swell the membership rolls of local 1,689, United Textile Workers...
...So they are Bniar, brihed as surety and with : hi COM than ths poor devil who iske O far his vote...
...Norman Thomas, SocUlist caadtr date for" Mayor, will be the principal speaker...
...a Joint commission is created to eliminate the sweatshop from the industry...
...The independents and the sweatshops now find an Immense power arrayed against them and they must come ! within the range of union standards or I they will find it increasingly difficult to 1 survive...
...The foodstuffs of the nation are now rapidly passing into the control of a few big companies through mergers and acquisitions financed in New York City...
...Clinchfield is a larger mill, -,ith over 1.200 working...
...Inc., which linked the Fleishmans Company, the Royal Baking Powder Company and other Important food interests...
...Do the nafcaaf want to reform the bankJTtor and the Banking Department j*towtyma)m an issue against the I totonuestioos require an answer...
...The best of food and refreshments will also be found on the grounds...
...BseaBtng that two ministers had been among his kidnappers and that Jamas Drssjbrowsky, a tbaologtoal student, bad been toned in the rayon city for urging the "ethics of Jesus" tax industrial disputes, HoOrady denounced the majority of southern parsons as "bootlickers of prrrilege" and declared that Christianity bad gone to seed below the Mason and Dixon hue...
...or "On the Picket Line...
...Aside from the elaborate program that has been arranged, additional interest has been aroused in the picnic because it is arranged as the opening demonstration of the Socialist Party campaign It promises to be an oldtime rally of the type that inspires members and sympathisers to take off their coats with a wUl to win...
...Just when it seemed that the Chelsea manufacturers would come to terms with the strikers, Mr...
...7. The Young People's Socialist League, which will receive $5,000 from the fund if the $50,000 goal ia reached, are organising their groups, planning a number of outings and events at which they expect to raise an amount almost equal to the sum which they will receive from the drive...
...R is my interest in entering the case as one of the defense counsel to do all that I can, together with the other attorneys, to see that their radicalism does not result in a conviction without any evidence against them...
...g petrel his report was vivid and msmcove as well as caustic but vfe/4M he so carefully refrain from Msasg say trans in the City Trust •mstock went back to the time •ai tomh's friend McLaughlin and to Wiiaar was Commissioner of •Pi* "•"V 4hT the Democratic district toaayssf New York and Brooklyn kak tks City Trust caae so long...
...Standard Brands eventually will be one of the largest food enterprises in the country...
...The success of the strike, with the busy season approaching, seems to be dependent on relief which is vitally necessary...
...Union Pursues Dick HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. (J*P)—Otto Schubert, former president and George Balne, Railway Audit and Inspection dick, are being faced by Carl Holdennan...
...On July 21 Lewis will address a i radio audience from Station WEVD, aa the importance of the drive and what it win accomplish The first Installment of the hat of contributors wui be made pontic tn the neat few days, and wiH be printed in the Socialist press...
...A Race for Mastery Both Postum and Standard Brands, it is predicted in Wall Street, will be engaged for some months in an intense contest...
...Fred Schroeder...
...With the efforts of the Joint est up under the terms of the new eareement, is expected to blanket ass eaters avdustry, T*liree< hundred non-union shops warn stopped dm lag the strlha> af etttoh 150 have already applied gar sssOamsa* to the union...
...Jift aMttlnWDitrtP ^ijj^jjf fcinjit of sgrsement made •J8...
...There was only one alternative,—"Well strike," they said...
...At that, President Baldwin let out a merry ha-ha... the announcement that the Borden Company had become an international organization with the^purchase of fifty-two additional companies scattered throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, and by further expansion of the Postum Company, which is ff*"c its name to the General Food Products Company...
...The fight Socialists an making to elect five members of the City Council in Cleveland, .Kullman declares, will be conducted in conjunction with the drive...
...gjptok "Tammany Hall taken no togjtoary steps sgainst Judge Man[gPto Governor Roosevelt so Mgaay easfihed all investigation to P^kyTwgt ease...
...Thousands of Socialists and their friends are preparing to spend the day at the big picnic...
...The rest agdfeSCSISM they have business ingest sfesee make it pay them to be **hsfy terms with the city govgeSBttaad its various officials, not ¦pjjf the tax assessors...
...Candidates for County Supervisors will he nominated in the fifteen wards...
...For City Counoilmen, Stephen Lamb of the Bricklayers' Union, and Herbert Hall of the Stationary and Operating Engineers' Union...
...Their opinions on God...
...They had presented their demands and he refused to grant them...
...TJatoa AgUatlea Ceatteass •in pursuit of this desire the personnel deportment has asked the cooperation of the two plants in forming a fair aad just system of employe representation... put up a real campaign, with speakers on the street corners, posters aad bill board display advertising;, aad leaflets besides mass meetings," declared...
...An event fraught with deep signfflcancs" is the charactarisation of the peace agreements by Winiam Oreen...
...Then the kids—boys are organized into Union Scouts, and the girls are Union Girl Scouts...
...While none of our candidates win seek or accept Republican or Democratic endorsements, all wttl accept the Socialist Party endorsement, running on both tickets...
...A committee of 1,000 labor, civic and religious leaders, to be known as the Committee on American Conditions in the Textile Industry, to sponsor mass meetings throughout the country, was launched at the conference...
...Isidore Ifsgler, manager af the BeeYork Joint Board, announced that over tlO.OOO in dues was coOscted from strikers returning to shops with paid-up working cards...
...The most brutal of such actions in recent years wss the clubbing of striking transit workers a few years ago while they were leav...
...Those who are organising these huge mergers are unconsciously perfecting the industries for nationalization...
...and the fact that in Lynn, the home of the United Shoe Workers, additional help is being put on, all indicate that the employers of Boston and Chelsea Will have to settle in the near future or miss a season...
...Acting Governor Lehman and \ Mayor Walked affixed their signatures ! to the document as witnesses while a j crowd of jubilant cloakmakers gathered : outside to cheer the leaders of the union...
...In brusque Anglo-Saxon the men told him what to do with his money, and even as they left the office, spindles and looms and switches were being abandoned...
...A conference, President Schlesinger said, will be arranged soon with this organisation, as wall as a number af similar houses, to map out an effective earn- . palgn...
...Independents, unless <br Jots <*•»»apactiva associations, ai faithfully live up to the terms of the contracts...
...Roehards ot that state with abetting the oppression and Intimidation ot the mill barons...
...pnaMsnt of the nisigto'ilss says ra his ctossto BogQsfa k< the foreword to the toasst tosae that be feels "gratuitous tor the prevatonce of happiness everywhere.** A fasten af the issue a a Mil past tribute to Or...
...NationfsFood Passing Into Fewer Hands Big' Companies Through Mergers Gaining Control -Right to Eat Merging With Mergers SLOWLY and week by week industry is centering into larger and more powerful corporations and mergers...
...Socialist Councilman of Reading, Pa., and former president ot the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor...
...Be is trying to saeaaspaab the farms tarn of a company union...
...A total of 10.000 cloakmakers had returned to their shops by Wettnesdsy night, and the remaining 9,600 whose employers have settled on union terms wiQ go back as fast as working cards can bs Issued to them - It to txpecttd that the entire contingent wfll be back by ths end of the week...
...Just said Clarke Brothers escape exsamoon in 1913 and '24 ? How did to get a favorable opinion from the itkBnj CI mm si in their contention tonwy ware not subject to lnvesIgsaaT Why dM the State Banktolksliliiiiiiit so easily accept the CaSkm sad not demand more power tkaagat have it already...
...Ta Organise Dress Sects— A drive to rid ths dress industry of sweatshops was begun Wednesday...
...It doss not look as if :bat Ttss i lug' ¦ version of ths ComMia keBsf that with the destruc$B ef western powers and a new •at ear would be easily fulfilled, •tlar the interpretation of tfaia seal skuilluu we must look to ths seats st event...
...Perhaps Clinchfield will do Ukewise... of the city, the cloakmakers, by referendum vote, decided to return to work Just two weeks after the strike call was issued...
...It is not the largest by any means—about 750 cotton min workers out...
...Henry Kullman, State Secretary of Ohio, and Cameron H. King, of California, have promised to help conduct the drive in their states...
...5. Subscription lists oa which party mem ben can enroll themselves ia the campaign to get aa immmt equal to one day's wage or income are now being mailed to every one of more than one thousand branches of the Socialist party, approximately 000 branches of the Workmen's Circle, and more than one thousand other liberal end progressive groups, Including trade unions, that have la the past contributed to the Socialist party sustaining sad compaign funds...
...Although it was not moving fast, it threw him violently to the pavement...
...The triumph of the British Labor Party aad the failure of non partisan political action to accomplish anything- in Niagara Fails, are responsible for this assertion of poattiasj tadepesadSBCe by...
...The Union has completely recovered from the Communist aftreacase af 1926, when discredited Communists, than In control of some of the New York local unions, conducted a disastrous 26-weeks' strike under diotariwn ef the Communist International at Moscow...
...The co-operating organizations include branches of the Workmen's Circle Trade Unions, educational societies and other friendly bodies...
...Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina will be among the States covered the first few days by speakers who will be sent from New York...
...Clinchfield is also getting impatient...
...After his sadden death, the editors pay him a grand eulogy, with the tost line in caps, "He gave up his life tor his friends...
...Further along in the huue the personnel deportment says the foOowtng: The management ef the American Blansstotf and the American Benuerg Corporations wishes to sse the Ideals of industrial democracy aad cooperation pot into practice...
...Hr ad Oammiasianer Moses pull a {games when it came to dealing «%aatth's nephew, Eddie Glynn...
...We are determined," Hrhtoainger dcclared...
...Funds Coming In Zn the meantime, contributions to the fund continue to come in, although the drive will not begin until August 1. Dr...
...Communism and atheism should not enter into the determination of tbetr gullt or innocence...
...They told their fellow-workers that a strike was a time of struggle and a fight for their rights and the time to show what they were made of...
...It includes Molly Picon, who recently created a sensation an Broadway...
...tkev the opinion certain of these tttnttsin concerning the city gfssjsjssl and It is anything but tantewatary...
...McGrady Defies Gunmen "The industrial bandits of the south and their hired gunmen can't stop the unionization of the textile mills," declared McGrady, recently kidnapped by the thugs of the Elisabethton rayon mills...
...President f-'i'iili g— —rJ*'*»yit that the dress trade ie virtually completely demoralised with only a tew thousand of the 45.000 in the trade union members in good standing...
...Ladies Garment Workers Win A Notable Victory Practically Win All Demands and Thousand* Becowkc Members of Union—Large Fund Being Raked to Kill Sweatshops and Aid Other Workers St91 Ont RESTORATION of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Vaim to a sound tooting, as a result of the general strike of S0400 etaekmakssa, 19,000 of whom began returning to their Shops Tuesday attar a> substantial victory, was seen la a series of interesting figures made pohtae by President Benjamin Schlestnger...
...President of the American Federation of Labor, to a wire of congratulations to President Schlestnger for ha successful negotiations of the strike settlement...
...Not a soul in the mill, except a few "boasmen" and even a charitable estimate would hardly consider them souls, . This la TJatontovmlThea the mwakara came to Hoffman and told him, "We west and did it" The first strike meeting was held out in the open and the speaker's stand was a Ford truck: "Hey, hey...
...Pennsylvania and Ohio win be visited beginning July 29, when Carl Cummings, manager of the Borough Park Lyceum, win begin a two weeks' tour of those States, organising...
...The annual style show held at the Statler Hotel July 8-10: the conferences between various manufacturers and the strike leaders...
...Perfecting Defeases Then there is the committee of 25 mill village housewives drawing up lists of staples, finding out how long food will last, and how soon gardens will begin to yield their tiny crop...
...from $25 t» tioo, and they wttl be appealed to for crarWhurtoas of from 135 to 150...
...In what seems to be the beginning of a drive to put away the strike leaders, Joe Paolo of Lynn, one of the best speakers of the strikers, was sentenced to sixty days for contempt of Court on ths testimony of a man who said that from a fourth story window he had looked down into a closed car and had seen and heard Paolo call a girl a scab...
...Our candidates include most of the active trade union leaden in the city...
...The campaign will bs officially opened with a ratification mrrttng in Eagles' Hall, Saturday, September 2lst- Tfae speakers are expected to be, James H Msurer...
...Thomas T. Mahon of the United Textile Workers...
...The ^™^*^"^^"^t-n^titrtitf stonto an resuming full operation*, sad are rehiring former striken under the eagle eye of R T. WOson, personnel msiisgei brought from to make peace in Happy Valley...
...Last Friday night they gathered for parade...
...Pafiy 10,000 snthmdastte strikers, jubilating over the strifes victory, Jammed the streets of the garment centra...
...Alfred Hoffman of Elizabeth ton and kidnap fame is the field marshal of forces and thus far the only U. T. W. organized on the-scene...
...These people are doing more than taking aa emotional bath...
...the Rand School, 7 East 15th street: Boro Park Lyceum, Lyceum, Brownsville Labor Lyceum, and party headquarters at 7 East 15th street, 96 Avenue C, and 1107 Boston road, Bronx, Party Drive For Finance Developing Socialists of Nation Perfecting Machinery for Big Job—-Funds Contributed Before Drive Officially Begins E\*BRY State in the Union has formally entered the Socialist drive to raise $50,000 between August 1 and September 1, and a list of acceptances from Socialists in every State who will serve on the National Drive Committee baa been completed...
...wtoa* ths British tabor GovernKOKatdt Trotsky from England ? fter Us paw sis aa an agitator (Skit seat to offend Stalin in the tenet when it is wisely about to taae tkiamatic relations with Ruskl Or was there some other reaSJf it valuable hi the old-Anglctanesa doctrine of the right of tram tor political refugees that we Ska SM it further impaired, espesibjLky a labor government unless kg absr govarnment has stronger tarns thsa have yet been explained, k sasttry which gave asylum to aaktead Marx and a host of other tap ttkjbt, one would think, have ktoaektace with the exile Trotsky...
...Rose Schneiderman of the National Women's Trade Union League: Norman Thomas, head of the League for Industrial Democracy...
...Thousands Expected at Big Picnic Saturday...
...Re declined to reduce the working day to ten hours with no decrease in wages...
...The states represented on the committee include a number where Socialist branches have not functioned in years, and which are now coming to the front again to aid the first nation-wide and all-inclusive drive that is being made to aid them as well as the aattonsl office of the Socialist party and all Socialist institutions...
...Their voices rang out, ] and for the first time the mill village ¦ echoed the cry of freedom...
...Their wages average twelve dollars a week as they do at Marion, their work-day is 12 hours and 20 minutes rf day as at Marion...
...Russia raised Ija^ sjjkktaili.Ml when it played up akea sabonaUsm...
...tkkg a certain...
...Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers' organizer, on charges of waylaying him on the Hackettetown-Patterson road and attempting to assault him...
...The busy season opens about the middle of July...
...Comrade Bergex's condition shows slight improvement tonight...
...This is also the largest sum ever voted by returning: workers in support of their fellow workers still out on strike...
...They serve as forerunners of Socialist organization for socialization is the next step beyond that now taking place...
...Witnesses said he apparently became confused in the traffic and after dodging several automobiles seemed not to see the oncoming trolley...
...Uniontown," answered a voice...
...The federal govpssjeh'aot hi any position to do jg^gaxsf local pence in every cemSwrtBs great land...
...Real enthusiasm ia aroused when "Bur Arnold, a local preacher, once a West Virginia coal striker, urges the men aad women to stick to the union, "because a cow, you know, needs her tail in fly-time...
...This ease, like the famous Scopes heresy trial, to an important landmark in the struggle for freedom of opinion to the south...
...The number of tickets taken exceed the record of any other similar affair in the history of the movement...
...So here in what used to be the dreariness known as mill village, there is planning as well as enthusiasm, sacrifice along with good humor, and an iron determination to fight this out if it takes all summer...
...The defendants nan not been Irdjetad by the grand Jury and it to highly questionable whether any grand Jury win find the very general, vague and inadequate evidence of the prosecution sufficient tor indictment The grand Jury requires specific evidence against specific individuals which is utterly lacking in the hearings thus far...
...Roosevelt, Commis|#ak Moses, tomntany Hall and ggjtt same other politicians, ReJgiksm m well as Democrats...
...At a New Jeney state committee held last Sunday at 53 S. Orange street, Newark, it was decided to mobilize all the active Socialist worken in New Jersey to raise New Jersey's quota...
...i Vice-President William P. Kelly of the u. T. W., in charge of the sJlaabethtorj rayon strike, predicted the recent election of a pro-labor-government in the rayon city was the beginning of a militant Farmer-Labor party in the south...
...There are times when id easbaaehee does became a duty, attoas'kt no escaping the fact tat ssBI 1 lion of the Eighteenth aaakaat, whether by states or inaafesa, is aot a mere neglect to assly whh what Is regarded as aassasanahle or tyrannical law...
...queried Hoffman...
...Sobered by court experiences, police no longer are arresting* pickets of the Hackettstown Hosiery Co...
...The rapidity with which tickets have been taken by friendly organizations indicates that a vast crowd will attend if the weather proves fair...
...80 long as ksaaaSdry 1-aue la bandied about teary petitieal campaign we cankfst 4sesnt consideration of those aai m which parties ought to diSaas fmaarfsmt ^to^smaant questions about this Uathg nam which deserve the atMk sf Oov...
...Among other .important features of the amusement program are Dorsha and her dancers who will participate tn the concert section of the entertainment...
...snd Harold R. Raitt of Buffalo, former member of the Glascow, 8cot land, Independent Labor Party and now Socialist candidate for Councilman at large m Buffalo...
...Big rasa Toted Two hundred thousand dollars, or a day's pay, was voted by shop chairman representing the IB,000 returning workers, tor the support of 11,000 stni ont on strike In an effort to crush the nonunion sweatshop...
...Joining the union becomes a mass movement...
...The judge finished in a blaze of oratory, assuring the strikers that if they obeyed the law their interests would be protected, meanwhile forgetting that the injunction, for the breach of which he was sentencing a man to two months in jail, was his own creation...
...tjPtofg is glory in the victory WlY striker as wen as their Ptoktot particular mention should £. toto' of the magnificent work 23t*r",ideat Schlestnger hi P^iaahandicap of his inness...
...but he indignantly registered the demand that three of the union families leave their company-owned bouses at once—or else...
...The speakers will stress the chief issues that face the masses in the coming election...
...We axe going... other words their |tks vssjd bs either an attempt to Ssts prohibition or- permission to wajmr traffic to run wild, ftea fak point of view the sugssat' JdaUu of powers between sat sat togeral government while tlMtf was and in some cases a gf to'sid, la no solution of the S»am presented b^ the Eighteenth aaaasmt Ho kind of nullification, aaa...
...Apparently the Ckgea astsd in headlong fashion to teagp gfieausul that China made to* snfsmtTif lout control of • aasckoriaa Railroad...
...James Wolf, the famous basso of the Metropolitan Opera House, wfll be heard and the mere announcement of his appearance assures a big audience...
...The above dispatch received just as The New Leader goes to press is the latest word received regarding the serious injury sustained by Comrade Berger on Tuesday...
...We'll dadHi .that Al Smith did more cheerio...
...Then a soccer game has been arranged between the famous "Hakoah" and the Czechoslovakia team, the "Prague...
...Workers Parade Over to Clinchfield Mill, a mile away, they marched...
...This was the conclusion reached by Attorney John R. Neal of KaoxvOle, Term-, member of the defense council of the Oastonla striken retained by the International Labor Defense, following a thorough examination of the case, "it seems that everyone who happened to be at union headquarters was taken in by the police dragnet on the night of the shooting...
...The entire Labor party ticket will also be endorsed by the Socialist Party, as well as running under the labor emblem...
...what town is this...
...2. A Ust of 200 Socialists and progressives, selected from a list of several thousand because of their past devotion snd generosity in supporting Socialist undertakings, has been compttod Mr Oto ftoxS af aa appeal tor pledges of from 100 to JH00...
...When Paolo asked for an opportunity to speak it was refused, but Judge Bishop, who had issued the injunction, proceeded to give a 100 per cent American speech...
...however, that vigilance on the picket ham wBJ not be relaped- With 1»»M rstuimng to work Tuesday sad Wedneday, UJBM efctshmakers...
...unemployment tn—aaos and the question of waaa inoeaaea map be opened within a year under the terms of the new three year saisumewt...
...Officers have been elected and a full set of candidates will be placed in the field...
...The truck moved slowly forward, behind came marching whole families, some still sturdy, others wrung dry for twenty years by illness, malnutrition and overwork...
...Jamas Myers, industrial secretary of the Federal Council of Churches, nodded approval McGrady appealed to Norman Thomas, Socialist leader and a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, to help "revive the form of dvU liberty hi the south...
...The entertainment provided for the picnicers is one of the very best that has ever been arranged for a party demonstration...
...Definite reports as to the decision of branches to hold meetings on August 1, 2, 8, aad 4 win be available in a few days, the first returns from the nearby States having just begun to reach the drive headquarters...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, member of the national executive committee, and secretary of the Socialists' New England district, makes a personal contribution of $100, Joining with Abraham Caban, editor of the Forward, and John T. McRoy, of Washington, the first members of the class of $100 contributors...
...Intelligent labor men know that the Tammany administration to largely responsible for breaking the transit strike sad for the continuance of a company union in the service...
...ass InnesM to Dsjss Prior to the referendum of the entire membership, a huge picket demonstration was held early la the meratng In the garment sane, followed by a shop chairman's meeting to v*»bster Hall...
...Welfare schemes are already being foisted on the Elisabeth ton workers...
...Wa^skolX crgaaaa the south and we area* atcnM of the price even tt Some of oar own men an lynched to the struggle...
...The strike wss the shortest in the history of the women's garment industry of Greater New York peeplte the poor health of President Schlestnger his leadership, with the aid Of able assistants and sa aroused rank snd file, won one of the most notable victories in the history of the union...
...Bgfublicaa politicians are yftokt tma situation...
...into foreign lang-uagea an appeal that ia being prepared by the national drive committee for contributions to the one day wage fund...
...Is he afraid of Hffatl to uncovered elsewhere...
...Possibly sea ether sowar which hates Ruskkessed this action but more prob•¦ytwa Japs* does not want to see »(attest get the habit of throwis) ek toresra control lest it spread, i Oa...
...a. A larwgg jag pf 400 bag been COsttpll*3d Of t£)QeM Where* list, TV COOtriboted to the peat auras varying...
...It k. sgaarm, eaoouragement of an aaaats sad sinister system of sknaaast, bootleggers, hijackers sm fessators...
...Independent of tbeir ideas, the Oastonla striken in prison an entitled to a fair and unbiased trial...
...By the tans of to* ears—Beats, sir-> chairmen and active union workers —'"> not be discharged without review of trr - eases by the impartial chairman, nit ever the union attributes union act:- - as the cause of discharge: shops of t't: inside manufacturers will be visited twice a year by union representatives to see that terms of the agreement are enforced...
...Other speakers will be Algernon Lee, candidate for Prasident of the Board of Aldermen, and Charles Solomon, candidate for Comptroller...
...Committee of 1,000 Solicited to Aid Textile Unionism By Paul Porter RYE, N. Y.—Warfare on the industrial slavery of the south has been declared at a conference participated in by Pres...
...Tom Tippett and Jess Slaughter taught them how...
...Arthur R. Alexander, President of the Central Labor Council, is also president of the Labor Party, and Edward W. Gray, Secretary of the Socialist Party, is secretary, The candidates nominated Include for Member of Assembly, Second Niagara District, Alfred Trowell, Organizer of the Printing Pressmen's Union...
...He said, "You pull a strike and rn give you fifty dollars apiece...
...Daniel O.'Day, a native of Georgia, is the chairman and Rose Schneidennan organizing secretary...
...They MSat/ WMM not put in a system Stosatog...
...He refused to reinstate fifteen men and women fired from their Jobs for joining the union...
...July 27th...
...about ligoing: ^er khaki friend, Jimmy...
...With the big initial victory already a j fact and a large Increase to the membership of the union realised, it is believed that su-cees in other areas of the industry to only a matter of a abort time...
...Thomas to Speak NO less than 141 organizations have taken tickets for the great Socialist picnic which will be.held in Ulmer Park, Brooklyn, next -Saturday, July 27th...
...The trend toward consolidation of food manufacturers and distributers is emphasized by the recent formation of Standard Brands...
...David Dnhmsky declared that over ggoo,000 win have ban received from various sources for strike purposes, an enormous sum* Over 8,000 workers from noa-uakm have registered with the T11I11 iiMisml Union These figures tadtcats a mraad of unionisation, which...
...can solve that probav Ism wiBmg ss the next man to ogfcastaBt about the absolute sancSya-asr...
...Roy Price, Sam Finley, Preacher Hicks, Dan Elliot arose in turn...
...All the old slingshot gsag has gone "union," and as we drive through the village, it is they who let out - the first yelp of greeting...
...but to it are concentrated the hopes for textile organizations in North Carolina as weU as the South generally...
...Berger Hurt In Traction Accident Former Socialist Congressman is Seriously Injured —Resting Comfortably And Hopes Are For Recovery By Frank Haggerty MILWAUKEE, Wis., Wednesday, midnight...
...The strikers evened up the count by flooding the shoe style show with circulars which informed the many buyers there, who had previously been told by the manufacturers that all the strikers had returned to work, that 13,000 were still out od strike and would remain so until their demands were met...
...Some signed beeag^fiBg srt past or prospective gSaSBI Sf Tammany favors, law Jm asstiei ti and whatnot...
...Mm victory of the cloakmakers is SjWtht most encouraging things Sto* it the labor field in New Jt Should be followed by a mrstojlilUifc of the whole IL.G...
...Raitt is aa active member of the Carpenters' Union... sarly to dogmatize about > —III ef this serious Ruaaodskes conflict...
...They did not confirm their diagnosis of the fracture until shortly before midnight...
...But com-1 SGpgyosmpels us to admit that ggs Sts drrhtkm of powers a great e^'emummmee would simply do jgsjLk- wmeh case in many states faaper bnatoess would run wide FaVto too average wet win jPiito liquor business is not Ha'osa be allowed to run wide Wjffl aodarstand the matter, kdk esasent or by modification g^pjkjaad Act "retail" enforceLaan]kt bs left to the states, but KpTfto Bshtaenth Amendment the ppjgwgall not have power to put tognakaeeve legislation...
...Then in rapid succession others arose, and seldom before in trade unionism have workers sworn allegiance to their cause with more earnestness and devotion...
...The same ice cream and dances are now being used to bolster up rundown capitalism...
...The strike was called on July 11, and the men and women themselves called it...
...These teams will play for a silver loving cup which will be presented to the winning team by Norman Thomas...
...beytmete seal tbeir gas...
...Charges against the pickets have been thrown out of county courts, although Justice of the Peace Fox had threatened to throw away the key on them after they were arrested...
...Fax-Reaching Programs It became evident tost week that these three groups are embarked upon far-reaching enlargement programs...
...Despite the fact that Monday was ths beginning of the fifteenth week of the strike the morale of the strikers is still high...
...The dull resentment from years of oppression has opened into quick revolt...
...We are confident that some of our candidates will bo elected...
...a mill stockholder, has been accused by a Paterson union girl of assaulting her while she was picketing in Hackettstown...
...Attorney Denounces Frameup of Strikers In South Carolina GAS TO NLA, N. C—(FP)—"No definite and specific evidence has yet been produced by the prosecution'' to warrant a grand Jury returning murder indictments against the IS members sad organisers of the National Textile Weaken union held in connection with the death of Police Chief Aderbolt in the police raid on the Oastonla strikers tent colony...
...and John W. Edelmsn, of the Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers...
...They had gone to R. W. Baldwin, president of the Marion Manufacturing Company...
...Upstate Labor Party Plans To Win Election Trade Unions and Socialists Arrange Poster Campaign — M a u r e r and Woodsworth to Speak 'Bj a Ncv Leader C*i mp«»S«al) NIAGARA FALLS.—The Independent Labor Party, sponsored by tae Central Labor Council, has been formed here, and is swinging into action...
...Lewis, to achieve a maximum of results in the nearby states, when it win be easier to tour speakers i from New York, will confer with Socialists in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Onlumhia in a short tour that he Is making of these states...
...He is resting comfortably according to announcement of attending physicians who refrain from bwiict'ing possible outcome from basal skull fracture suffered when ran down by street car Tuesday...
...1 think Labor is 100% behind the Independent Labor Party...
...Edward W. Gray...
...Drive Again** geiilihisi Promises of cooperation with the international Union to drive sot the sweatshops from the ektak industry were received yesterday from Nsttonsl BellasHess, the btg chain atom organisation...
...The strike till now has been on in the dull season...
...and heard frequently over WOR and WABC stations...
...The state militia was called out to aid imported thugs in an attempt to break the strike of the Wan Shoals workers, but when the same thugs attempted to lyncbGooge, Vernon Allen.and John Peel, U. T. W. organisers, the labor men instead of being afforded protection wen deported to another part of the state...
...It is believed that eventually the two organizations will be amalgamated, creating the largest food enterprise in the world...
...asserted Neal, who was associated with Clarence Darrow and Arthur Garfield Bays in the Dayton, Term., evolution trial...
...We are determined to police the chaotic dress industry and tee to it that our workers get a decent Bring As a matter of fact there is no question but that a hare 19 per cent of the ill —inisttt i ssea a nvkag Wage.'' -gj, pJJCaXRSHAM 6 • u g g e sIKia'ohvt the federal governvhould deal with the jjusgat JJnaor trade and the states ¦Bp hfrgfl la Important both be^g elkis position ss chairman of ¦^¦gggara r*, vfii'^i—irni oq Crime Ssjssms of its Inherent value...
...8. Responses received so far from branch secretaries who have been asked to call party conferences in their respective localities to organise for the drive on August 1, 2, 3, and 4, have indicated that the drive will receive the hearty, support of every branch secretary...
...They spoke quietly, hut everybody understood...
...Fox's belligerency has toned down so far that he is now urging arbitration of the strike...
...saying that some people were in this country perhaps two weeks, while others had been here for two hundred years and this despite the fact that the courtroom was filled with strikers, many of whom had served in the World War...
...rorassBT Cases Parties The rayon plants an throwing weekly lee cream parties end dances fec^ tarir _ organ wsm Bafto persJuU*ttswjs shoot vartoas essafeyes, with sly hints Una ail in hen end then to 1st brsanea be bybonea...
...Some tickets still remain on hand and may be obtained either from one of tfae 141 organizations that have purchased them or at any one of the following places: The Forward, ITS East Broadway...
...Contributions can be addressed to Norman Thomas, chairman, 23 Bast loth Street, New York City... by the null barons, vara'send at back...
...In the action if taw gesea hundred you have an Hsaka of th« reason why the ressssaei ef New York...
...There has been some talk of a consolidation ultimately of Standard Brands and Postum So far as can be learned no conversations looking to such a merger have taken place, but important stockholding interests in the two companies have considered the sdvisability of initiating negotiations...
...The whole capitalist system la being transformed on a higher collective basis with the collectivism serving the big capitalist monarchs...
...Meeting in 14 strike halls in vi-l-ni...
...Lewis' is undertaken a drive to raise $4,000 in Massachusetts, and he has the cooperation of Reivo, who, as head of the Finnish federation, can raise part of it from the Finnish Socialists...
...Men shouted, women shrilled, and the kids screamed...
...To good nationsas Rasaa'i position in Manchuria, aak k its beginnings, goes hack Sseders, is a plain example of aashan, gad it must be confessed : ft* it far the Russian government s| aasls have reacted to protect i •*• Tdrhts" pretty much as Engka or Japan or the United States jstat as...
...not on strike, joined the parade...
...6. Foreign language federations, led by W. N. Reive, secretary of the Finnish Socialist Federation, and Nathan C&anin, secretary of the Jewish Socialist Verband, are translating...
...tolto-tolnk that reasonable men [gtotoMj totteve that a Banking jjtomsat aa demoralised as it was g> Wilder and politicians so BNtosatoas the specimens who Hjjt fci'the City "Trust case have Htogdnated more than one bank KatHs 8tats of New York...
...Pass them at any hour of the night or just before dawn and you hear strikers singing with a guitar or a banjo accompaniment...
...Plans made previously to conduct a state drive for $2,000 were abandoned, in favor of the national drive, 40 per cent of which will be retained in the state...
...He was taken to the Emergency Hospital, where doctors declared he had probably suffered a skull fracture and internal injuries in addition to a severe scalp wound and minor cuts and bruises...
...First came the open "union" truck with a double string quartet, two banjos, two mandolins, two guitars, and two violins...
...marriage or political and economic questions should not send these union organisers to the electric chair or the penitentiary...
...While policemen have not been responsible as a rule for the police interference with picketing in strikes, officials higher up have In such struggles directed interference...
...Walker of the firm of Bancroft and Walker, one of the largest factories In Boston, entered the conference and broke it up...
...J. 8. Woodsworth of Winnipeg, Labor Party leader to the Canadian House of Commons...
...Bit boner de- ; clared that his sympathies have always ¦ been with the workers but added that: sympathy "to not a license to do vto- ' lenee...
...Militant tactics were declared by Thomas to be needed if company unionism is to be forestalled...
...But Tammany to MsSsr sad Tammany keeps the ggsheatst with a minimum number laJasa, sad Tammany can give or HsS etrtaia favors...
...But in this strike -there is not only enthusiasm...
...While foreign language federations wiU be entitled to 30 per cent of the money they raise through their organizations aad institutions, Reivo advises the drive managers that the officers of the Finnish Federation have decided to turn over all the money they raise to the national fund...
...Seven young women have been sent to Louis Leonard's Summer School for Women Workers at Burnsville, N. C. Two months they win spead lsarning, and then they win return to be teachers to those who will need to know the fundamentals of the new life...
...Vice President George L. Googe of the Georgia Federation of Labor, who has Just escaped lynching at the hands of mill-owned pluguglies in Wan Shoals, S. C charged Gov...
...Bemberg-Glanzstofif Break Agreement KLIZABXTHTON, Term.—(FP)—With the rocky road to an affective mgaiiba tton sun before them, members of the Elisabeth ton local of the United Textile Workers an rapidly returning to work...
...Per weeks now, Wilson has been making spaaabai to triwanls Crabs sad chambers of commerce m and around ghaabethton, urging caepgntion from ths whole 1111.....Batty in ths work to be done...
...It Is their earnest wish that a practical means of establishing this cooperation be developed at once... a halfboar the power was shut off... bring over into the dress industry a machinery that win function similarly to the joint oceamttston just now created to the cloak industry water terms of the new ssreements...
...For every man driven out of...
...President McMahon's protest against high-handed action was acknowledged only by an insulting telegram from the governor...
...A lot of rundown religion has been held together by ice cream and dances...
...Music for the dancing will be provided by Billy Arnold's Radio Orchestra, formerly of Jensen's Hofbrau...
...He expressed the hope that during the re- ' mainder of the strike the police will not interfere with picketing and this brought i a retort from the Mayor...
...Berger la at his bedside and will remain throughout the night...
...It SpgenatoaL In my letter of ac2ae>»ths last Presidential camjMTH"'111' out that 9cm* such ggga 4s power and function was agggSff to say real enforcement of ¦EfifRkw tew...
...Responses from the West A meeting of the Utah State Executive Committee will be held at Ogden on July 24, where plans to canvass every party member in the state wUl be completed, O. A. Kennedy, State Secretary, announces...
...Ten communist shops were stepped, of which ghc have already been taken Into measbwship fey the Xadustrial Council, which has a ooosottve agreement with the International Onion...
...The farm committee goes through the countryside explaining to farmers what the situation is and asks point blank, bow much milk, how much wheat, how many cabbages they can spare...
...The two companies do not actually compete to any great extent, but there is a race between them for expansion...
...They have a two-hour shift during the day but at night they change the guard less frequently...
...The workers stood their ground They repeated that what they asked for was reasonable...
...committees in every city, and planning meetings and dinners that will take place the latter part of the month...
...A Tilt With Mayer Walker During the ceremony of signing the contrast President Schlesinger m part i spoke direct to Mayor Walker...
...lng a peaceful strike meeting held in a hall...
...KeBy Predicts Labor Party A plea by Norman Thomas for the creation of a general strikers' relief fund maintained by the A. F. of L. and for the creation of an experienced staff of pickets and legal experts, waa favorably received by the conference...
...8. M. Neirtadt, of Baltimore, Socialist State Secretary of Maryland, sent in $50 as the first installment of the amount Maryland will raise to complete its quota...
...Shoe Strike Leader Jailed For 30 Days Struggle Now Entering Fifteenth Week as Strikers Hold Firm—A Biased Judge BOSTON.—The strike of' 12.000 Boston and Chelsea members of the United Shoe Workers is entering its fifteenth week with both manufacturers and strikers holding fast, but with time coming to the aid of the strikers...
...sf the optmoa that the Mp-«agg|iearaaust be rasubmitted la W issato 1a a retonnaum which ¦Hs kaat «ar far as poasfbie Ha aatkau politics...
...SAttoto of the Ust of about seven Pjg"*htoeBa who signed a reggtoasyor Walker to run again lSKIMk is an interesting lesson rPljfftal politics which applies to miBaaThlF1"'-- York.1'Of these tMfe*t~ n»re or lea* protninSaSi tad women tome signed bem Sty were personal or Broad.ey ftwa* of the Mayor, and what •¦aIt Mayor...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 27

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