SOCIALIST PAETY AT WORK SSay^ aaaWaftttajV^ ^^^y^^Ja^^p|| bawM PMawIl4t7 WaVi V0f9 pTOBTtawaws ^00% that Montana wfll be heard troat treanaaUy ta ataor etrola*. IlKilaUam The aViiiailBi...
...S:M P. M SSth street and Bay Parkway...
...Circle 3. Bklyn...
...Circle 8, Brooklyn, Friday evening, 107 Tompkins avenue...
...Address aS communications to that address... capitalism will end sll the 5? <*g civilization, and...
...7 East Fifteenth street, j CAMPAIGN COMMTTTEaE The Campaign Committee of Eleven tfljXt* JJjglHB' 'gaffe jaonaBmrs aa 49tB)Mt htto three ygja> iffgt sA^jaysaayJ ^*^**jrj^^aBa<S^ oT the*Party, Lahaw awi Fraternal Organ iaatkma...
...THOMAS AT ASHLAND Norman Thomas wfll apart at the Workman's Circle Camp at Ashland Sunday...
...Pellet, etc...
...Havemayar and South 4th street Speakers, Harry Schaehner...
...We areJa aeed er Mt^nJSA trove af jshwarwwelSrt iSSm aaslteen>wtS ^to 'aatawTh* th?bay*?gM\iNa^h^^ te rtah ut%snt i...
...For AldermanFortieth District, Philip Block...
...Harry W. LaMut?*CM,°^W^^er^s5i-to "bi* efiaujM * ^sa^g^^^ The Osaspelgn Ooaaauaate elected ay the four brvuvehe* ta the Torkviiie territory worked out abuw ef activities ia conjunction with AjatsUuit Organiser David Oeerga, who has been sgslgaed te that territory Par the present, street aasatjasB win at held ta various parts of YwkvflJt...
...1:30 P. M 180th street and St Nicholas avenue...
...New York City j The annua] picnic of the Socialist ! Party, Trade Unions...
...Central Brasu* A meeting will fee bald Tuesday...
...State Organizer Frederick Cederholm ; is working In West Haven trying to or| ganlze a new Local...
...Circle 3. Sre...
...Ethelred Brown...
...The next stop was Passaic, where an the marsbart wars part of the cad eireat... 10...
...Julius Umanaky, reports a very enthusiastic trip through Upper New York State and New Jersey...
...Arm oat Bast Ohio street foDewtag car tracks to t^Wft end of the ear ha* until you see a ball first paved road...
...The picnic wfll he a basket affair...
...Don't forget th* boat-rid* this Sunday, July 14th...
...the eli•asjfce...
...BR -aUsef U» IWTwmty of fjL sjBTBas satbortty on nymkrtpal «B th* tlKUOB Of g .g*S5»7^v-tctor !>- burger...
...This place i* an Ideal resort, combining all the pleasures and features of an outdoor play land...
...As hat bats Inferred, bo Ylpsel meeting took place in Buffalo...
...Circle 2, Bklyn., Friday evening, 319 Sactanan street...
...In fact, srifbt effect of the convention has areata- felt and the accompushaas ef oar faithful comrades superset tB ear hopes...
...a pm...
...These pamphlets are of special interest to member* of trade unions...
...who founded the Rochester Circle, was also prat ant and addressed the comrades The Rochester organisation ia an active one...
...Circle S. Man., Friday evening, 2080 5th avenue...
...n_ ¦latlaT was the most important eat'at thy' month with the exception j tte ainatrr picnic given by the comnas *f (Wtater New York st which aw' aattnt wtrt fortunaU tnouth to at aaaterotful npsaktrs as Vfientl, tut* tag the tditor-in-chlsf of II aaw Rosso, Prof...
...The speakers for July 13 are* Simon Wolfe, candidate for Beard of Alderman, g. Benjamin Daublln, Lester Shulman, Henry Rosner and J. N. Cohen...
...truck er auk) wfll take yon to the grove, whloh Is about five Btautat' rait (ram the oaf una...
...You'll be there, won't you...
...Athletic j and Benevolent Association* will b* held let Ulmer Park, Brooklyn, on Saturday ! afternoon and evening, July 37...
...Do not misunderstand me...
...A^iy acta sating this item and living in West Naven and | interested In Joining the toeal should get , in touch with him at 214 Pacific street...
...Comrade Briggs has offered bis services to organtat ana wtth Comrade Sahaakaj who was the Stat* Tratsurer of tha YPSL during tht War...
...The State Executive Committee is quite elated ever the new lease of life ^BaHtBaatafr rw2T etw^aaTayiaa CSSLtmm aVmaTia?' h,.'*J>WP?*-- watltary <»ae snwabiaaeiabbi sat^auotad h>~tbe SSS aWaw^^aaSt sboaatTgwa at'SoS'wfe Pratt* Onmm\Jk*'*£Si 9W*V» week erf Atsguat lath...
...Have you bought your tickets yet for th* S. P. Plenle at Ulmer Park, on July 27th...
...Henry Jager and David George...
...Tuesday, July IS, S:80 P. M., Tompkins and Hart street...
...Imbued Ttj esthualattie spirit of cresrUv...
...The meeting was splendidly attended and high-spirited, dornrad* Brhjgs...
...July 13...
...Connecticut STATS PICNIC The Connecticut Socialist Party Is arranging for its annual picnic aad field day, Locals Han-don...
...New York State THE FINANCIAL DRIVE ' Stat* Secrttary Marrfll baa sent a circular to the Locals caning attention to the Importance of the one-day wage or taoome contribution to be mad* by party member...
...Mertden, and Wflllngferd have charge of the details...
...Friday evening, 219 Sacjunan street...
...Johns place and Roehaater avenue...¦anaas with HelL That Is...
...Pa., whieh they are visiting this week-end...
...Newark Arrangements far a state picnic Sept a, at North bong Branch, N. J., wUl at mad* at this meeting...
...Comrade Merrill, State Secretary of the S. P. has offered the Party Headquarters as a meeting place for the circle... el So Orange avenue...
...A little more than a week remains for the Annual Auto Outing te Belmont lake tat* Park...
...July 30, 1:30 P.M., SSth street and Bay Parkway...
...As JaMsjaawSsa* aa^SaaaBaai^ Oauxauwieamea rar^^rastasna...
...We meet at the West 42nd street pier...
...The success of the campaign, the Executive Committee declares, will be measured by the response the members shew st these preliminary r.ier»inas...
...They „ J|tl1 Uv* puta* of th...
...Tat for many years Injunctions were, non-existent there in labor disputes...
...CLEVELAND TjJtJillurl Socialist Party wfll now k ksjsd ia the offlcs of the Jewish Klpt Prospect 4th Building, has Bjt...
...The outdoor meetings are now in full swing Saturday evenings at St Johns place and Rochester avenue...
...The State Bxaeutiv* Committee is voting on a preposition to place an organizer (paid) In the field for a short period for the purpose of strengthening some | of the locals and if possible organize , some new ones...
...snd which contribute to their existence, must be eliminated and supplanted by Socialism, yet I believe that a better understanding of our problems will help us radicals tn our struggles and will also enable us to educate mors thoroughly the liberals and other pro-labor elements...
...The special order ef business will be the preliminary report ef the Campaign Committee...
...People and ^aasoswt what they are because of *J Makes, of which I consider tht k) be an Important one...
...He emphasises the fact that the state and local orsjanhmttons will thert tn this fund and that the more that is raised the more each win get The State Secretary also reinforces tha recent circular of the National Omc* regarding two timely pamphlets which the National Office is egrertag te every Local and Branch throughout the country...
...Speaker, Ethelred Brown, Max Delson, Sevmour Goodman...
...aTaaaat » Union town...
...July 13, at 7318 30th avenue... Central Square: July la...
...The old Albany group had suspended activities indefinitely last winter, and Comrades Florence and Joe Swire of that city were visited in an attempt to r*c viva the group...
...Fort Washington avenue and Broadway...
...Jury It...
...July It, t:30 P. M...
...Ootng by auto...
...Members are urged te attend and take part in the consideration ef campaign plans...
...For Alderman — Thirty-fourth District, Harry Schaehner: Thirty-fltth, Kyman Namser...
...Henry Rosner, J. N. Cohen...
...The unit in Syracuse is composed mainly of young ladles, many of whom win enter college la tha fall A good part of the members work, and have little opportunity of obtaining current Information except through YPOL channels...
...On* is entitled •'Labor la England and America" and th e other "Your Unions and Your Future...
...It is ad•yjhey are many...
...July at, Boston Oonunoo, at 4:00 pm...
...Refreshments will be served... th* last meeting ef Circle Two, Comrsde Claessen* spoke on the "Difference Between the U. S. and England...
...I. Glauber man will address the branch en "Current Topics of the Day...
...Sfaents Socialism in too heavenly ' attest, sad capitalism as bein...
...Women's Clubs, and the Young Circle League of the District were Invited to send represent* uvea...
...State Conunitteeman Walter E. Davis win forward party news of the state to The New Leader if received by htm net later than Monday ef each week at 41 Belmont St...
...te Bssr Mountains...
...awawetd In organising three ¦n awaetau, on* tn Belolt Wisconsin...
...are in a large, though Jt attasure Independent of them _ * Bt natter of injunctions, whose ? aw* a ascribed sole\v to capitalism...
...eighteenth Assembly District Due to the summer weather, the meetings are being held every ether week during July and August and up to Labor Day...
...Bklyn., Friday evening, 1377 42nd street...
...Large eities are tapeejally urged , to arrange for meetings...
...At the meeting of July 13th...
...BROOKLYN Saturday...
...This brings you right to tha farm...
...Speaker, Henry Jager...
...Comrades having ears and willing to help the nth in its endeavors to mis* funds for the eampalgn wfll confer a favor by conferring with J. N. Cohen, st Dtejten* »7M...
...Circle Branches of the Territory...
...July 17, at I:JO p.m., in I the City Office...
...He Is now filling a long list ef dates in Massachusetts and wfll speak In Pennsylvania and New Jersey...
...Speakers, Simon Wolfe, 8. B. Daublln, Lester Shulman...
...The subject will be: "Shall Socialists Participate in Charity " Th* interest shewn by many members In this subject often discussed by Socialists, prompted the Executive Committee to make the arrangements...
...The proctads win go to the Btate organisation and to The Cornmonwealth...
...S:S0 P. M„ Grove street and Washington pjaoe (Sheridan Sauere...
...July II...
...Full pro, gram of attractions, etc., are published I elsewhere in this issue...
...Circle 2, Bronx, Sunday noon, 3451 Giles place...
...Circle 13, Bklyn- Tuesday evening, 319 'Sackman street...
...Ninth District, SUteenU Assembly District At a recent meeting the following can- > dldates were nominated: For Assembly —Ninth District Julius Liehtenfeld: Sixteenth...
...Visitors are invited to all meetings, which are held Friday evenings, at 219 Sackman street Bklyn...
...Pedes*.sBtaTthawmoUo is "Straight Ahead...
...8 JO P.M., St...
...FRANK eROSSWAITH Frank Oroaswaith of New York City is available for meetings In the state during September... game...
...How~ Ba ideas, the conceptions of the ¦ M»*a though they sre affected by 3s" esnditlons... 8:30 p.m...
...Y. P. S. L. Circles, Socialist Consumers' League: Workmen's Circle...
...b th* most avsJJabl* "JSaffl rokk* food...
...Comrades Wlsotsky and Dane is will report on Reading...
...Ws want to help cheer for our team in tht YF8XYCT...
...Second—An sm*ra)ia_raiaaelgii Coat' tee of seventeen who wfB have charge af th* conduct of the iiaBBlili The feOowlag tktrteen soaMraats were nrsnlnttad for thai tatter committee: •f^" V^tBaa^aJCrt etr^MtjaTr wTw^*aaP^*V*P r_«*J • Oerber, Joseph W«tob*rg...
...Speakers to be announced...
...B. Boewer as the tp taker...
...Speakers, Samuel H. Friedman, Henry Rosner...
...The New Bedford Labor Party is having a picnic Sunday...
...iUliS?' *• atrved 14...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown snd others...
...Lata «- N*-«tuad was elected as Pteaateat of the Club and Mary Paawkten as aweretarr aWxma Henry baa been tatctad as National Committee atttabsr Bar Indiana, MaBMchoBettB CBOMWAiraTB TOt'B Prank Croaswalth's taw baa bean unusually motaatful and he la being asked for mors return matttnga than can he girth, ins dates art as follows: jub^ls^BattonV^at14' SS July iCLawrsnos...
...The asdic* Hons are toward certain growth aad setts... is Imperative that every member make it hi* or her duty to attend this imortant meeting and hah) aorta the critical situation confronting this Branch...
...Pa., aad the let taBf* Tork City...
...July 18...
...Our z^m am are eompoted of cptrlted at ante* intelligent comrades who Mi kffVw so uunat tueoetsfuuy...
...s:M p. at...
...The fare per person, including return trip by ante, ts S2.00...
...Johns place and Rochester avenue...
...Tweaty-drst UaBwawtl Dfctrtot The foUowing nominations were mads'¦ Far Oongrets, Twenty-first T3UU let...
...Remember—the boat leave* at 9 a.m... 1187 Boston Read Several comrades will bt prepared on issues, such as Transit, Housing...
...Boston, at Douglas Square...
...Bring plenty of lunch and plenty of friends...
...While capitalists snd workers sre moved by their economic conditions, snd groups try to satisfy their economic interests, yet different views of Justice and politics, different organizations ef workers snd capitalists were the determining forces which led to the elimination of injunctions in England, snd their continuation and increasing use in the United States of America...
...S:30 P. M. SSth street and Lexington avenue...
...Sixteenth Aseombty District In addition te the transaction ef special business, the lath A. D. Bensonhurst branch will hold a social and a debate among the members st its next meeting, Friday...
...Thursday, July IS...
...Ham den...
...Rochester, and Buffalo, (if Tha group to the last gets under way) wBJ how a Joint outing ta some convenient spot during the late summer or early uVUv4MEU*~ Ho circle exists in Buffalo...
...You are right bessMin affiliated with the right **j Tta party that has the best preset W saw the workers on to workjTar their own interests and which tajmly hi due time solve the probms tlw human rare...
...Sub owrtmltteet will bt elected ta put into effect the budget and finance plans adopted by the recent state convention...
...The ease is reversed here as far as membership goat, la that the young men are the great majority...
...If you haven't don* so, you had better hurry up...
...Circle I. Bror . wUl hold a discussion on Municipal Affairs en Thursdsy...
...NEW STATE OFFICE The new State Office is located (temporarily) ¦ at 314 Pacific street, Bridgeport Mrs...
...July M, Dorchester, at Blue hui and Woodrow...
...a bow only 3t years oJd...
...Morris Cohen of th* L I. D. will speak of Fascism...
...August 4, with Oeo...
...parade Polio concludes his message s.fawss: "Keep on...
...KINGS COUNTY 4th aad 14m A D. At a recent meeting the fallowing comrades were nosaiaated: Per Assembly— Fourth District, Jacob Dubnow: Fourteenth, Morris Blumcareteh...
...Lata «- N*-«tuad was elected as Pteaateat of the Club a L^"a^B*c* Dm been •awted Mseuttv* eweretery of the ¦BnLttBj referendum vote of l-M&.SBrmtfr* Committee ud * S*" "¦*• "^^u^youngest a...
...Circle 8, Man., Saturday evening, 98 Avenue C. Jasuers: Olrcle t, Bronx, Friday evening, 2098 Daly avenue...
...Prank Oratiwalth...
...comrades, with *W excellent work...
...Circle 8. Man., Friday evening, 83 East 100th street...
...vT|auliaYl(ion m -Mutation Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 31 t&seex Street, Boston, Maes, lillian s. kaplan editor ntUahad Every Week by The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League i Challenge To Liberals Answered TB true...
...WINSTON DANCIS New Yerk Carets Sebedale Seniors: Circle 1. Bronx, Thursday evening, 1107 Boston road...
...Be sore *to Skat the Seketa'wtth "Take No, I (Millvale)•street ear...
...infttn Federation hjgg_ - rtac aoOo, TreuslatorjjBaf tat Baban Socialist Ptd«re"^Wtat a iwport on their recant * nr^3 a ptusburg h. state* la ^"Jgaa*that our recant National M^aaa hat had the tfftct of an _C lint-ii" which ha* distributed 2e*an*»iperk* of lift throughout r vnhUwth* last two w**ks TtSat Lwrnn 1" wtrt not setisflaa !*f»atM *r*aral new red hot soldier* TaalarW Federation, but alao cart «t splendid success In rtorgenlStart, Thatt eomradta...
...2 5* aat been and 1* a capitalist !*yr...
...and laker aatveateat aad has raeantdy a^aJaJll 4^BnBPup)t3P*( *T^*^wnsPJ*^*^aeaTsw Oaf atsV^ aav^tavaaw aT^w)aav* erattoaoTLaaor of Mow tarn ay a assXartty «f over IBM but wffl not take aaS^^SSay^ aaaWaftttajV^ ^^^y^^Ja^^p|| bawM PMawIl4t7 WaVi V0f9 pTOBTtawaws ^00% that Montana wfll be heard troat treanaaUy ta ataor etrola...
...Circle 4, Bklyn., Wednesdsy evening, 7310 30th avenue...
...The circle was started by Comrade Bander, who use* his automobile aa a Yipael Limited, aad more often as a Ylpsel Unlimited...
...Minnie Otderholm is the new State Secretary...
...Hudson Day Line, st 9 a.m...
...July as, all day...
...July M. at 4:00 p.m...
...CTTY EXBCTJTIVE COMMITTEE i The City Executive Osmmitte* will ' meet Wednesday...
...The meeting was very well attended and a Campaign Committee was elected to which representatives of the Workmen's...
...The picnic will be bald at the Walllngford Btate Park between North Haven and Walllngford Sunday...
...Because Labor used its political ttrtngth sufficiently to secure that freedom...
...aW weostaful picnic was flvtn at taabr a? our Cook County branchat raTOfaod View Garden...
...July July 16, at i:S0 p. m. at the headquarters, 1ST Boston road...
...Chelsea, at Belltngham Bquart: Jury ll...
...Thus, while I think that it is extremely important that the economic conditions which are conducive to wars, child labor, fascism, etc... the headquarters...
...The telephone number ts rahaTdf...
...At the next meeting Dr...
...And I Mk of thai W h*lp Conrad* "¦SyiMh and tn *v*ry other n m ¦¦Tin but Party...
...Orraniser Prank Manning tta W charge of the office from Wat tat general party activities wfll ¦ artaUil The campaign to elect five feartTat t» the City Council in November afiat at hassled from this office...
...HATTAN Wednesday, July 17th...
...Eastern Dtatrtct Organisation Work Th* Secretary of the Eastern District Conference...
...IlKilaUam The aViiiailBi wooaen of TMtaaaaoha have recently otawalatd a wnatan't eh* and are busy atsVlne aWaa to enhat the attention •» woa-eajte aat a^atahjt tkonaL tneta^otdvt*aad aootal aottvitW They plan to study otrte pratsawas •and to carry forward their work ta every way peaetats Mrs...
...JV*BB»Btary study of human coneasj trBJ reveal the fact that the ecoaot th* sole cause of the beneTlsi of civilization...
...NTtW BXDPOBD A large number of new members joined the New Bedford Labor Party aa a result of Croaswalth's meetings there...
...O. Bertelli...
...staaw to «• thai Comrade *rT£Ta.eta7^onp*kl*rtng
...IlKilaUam The aViiiailBi wooaen of TMtaaaaoha have recently otawalatd a wnatan't eh* and are busy atsVlne aWaa to enhat the attention •» woa-eajte aat a^atahjt tkonaL tneta^otdvt*aad aootal aottvitW They plan to study otrte pratsawas •and to carry forward their work ta every way peaetats Mrs...
...Comrade Glauberman Is an awe aad interesting speaker...
...A Challenge to Liberals...
...Organizer August ciaeutns will at prtssnt...
...Fred Bwsrtskopf, the new editor of The Common wealth, the state paper, will take charge of the paper Aug 1st...
...New Jersey The New Jersey state OaataAlttet meett Sunday, July 14...
...Speaker, Henry "Saturday, July 20, 8:30 P. M. St...
...Na¦goUBS of th* Boctslbt Pervy...
...Jacob Handler...
...get off at tod of line...
...AasVmWy, Twentyfirst District, Frank Pores, Alderman, T*nami»,,m Seveath AttlBtHy Dtatrtct A special meetmg win be held Thursday...
...July 13...
...4315 Third avenue...
Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 26