A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES BIRTHDAYS AND CELEBRITIES fcgtefe,the birthday season with a vengeance. *6* toty turd, I became forty-one, Gott aoU hueten. MEt letT fourth, our equally well-known...

...The speeches of Oscar Toklo, Finland's first Socialist premier, in the Finnish language, provided the mental food of the program which included musical numbers by bands and choruses...
...Two Years Now Passed TTISTORIANS are like to refer, with epigrammatic concision, to moments apparently decisive in our ctvUizationbuilding, or in the process of destroying our civilization upon which some observers consider we are bent...
...spf'events, we are quite sure that the four will ••dern of the moderns and we are already wonderfcj§** tkeir education...
...m m m I'm a typical American, whan all's said and dene...
...We are only the innocent .Be**1* and you all know what happens to hun...
...Jbat effect this sudden shift from liberalism to reJjjha win have upon the development of the characBear's offspring we do not know, but we fee uuluus to learn...
...The prisoners were "mounted on nondescript plough and pack horses—old men who had fought for independence, young men all bronzed by the weather, some pale and sick, some sad, others flushed with fury that they should be used to make a show for the rich Phlladelphlans...
...v Pooh . . . pooh . . . such fears , . . ! I say m ¦• - Let's call ourselves The Labor Party of America, Or some such name...
...The Liberal Club had planned to show in its meeting that the monied interests have a great deal of control over various branches of our government, and that Mooney and Billings were sent to jail by the business interests they had offended...
...the Bank Bill made the old aristocrats shiver by bib appeal to the class consciousness of the workers, "the humble members of society—the farmers, mechanics, and laborers...
...or where we were going...
...Step down to help the weak ones who cry for help...
...Through her volume comes the voice of one weighed by a great sorrow, a personal sadness that wells with the grief of Mrs...
...Ss "dated" did we feel in the presence of this youthU aadrtor, that we attempted to indicate our sprightfeass by doing a tap-dance, with the result that we ssBKbsd our back and went home feeling like the ¦ar boob in the advertisement for Elbert Hubbard's toss-Book—in other words, a complete flop...
...Jackaonlan Democracy expired in the arms of the slave owners who obtained control of the party but even its passing was «<r-»"'-»* by the anti-rent riots in New York which abolished the landed oligarchy in that atete and the Saw War in sBsaf* sates* sasAaSsssle waafteBhaaaa- jaeaaaV a*** .^BBBASBfaeaBS*" BBaaBBaf^sW fen the moan...
...Better weather could not have been wished for...
...The main scene of the' so-called "Whiskey Rebellion" was in western Pennsylvania the economics of which I will not have time to It is sufficient to say that it was the old struggle between capitalists of the East and workers In the West...
...pines had emerged frees the - struggles before the Ova War, one that toneototed the claims of growing northern capitalism and the other of the stove eltoercfay...
...Had the Jefiersonians not won in the election of 1800 it is probable that the victorious Federalists would have established a Bonapartist regime that would have put an end to argument and substituted the mailed fist for elections...
...This year we have made a start in the right direction...
...We charge that, to strangle*jtruth with one hand and with the other to reach for appropriations is futile, for a university is of no value to the community if its students may not show by their speech and actions the results of their education...
...Many early conflicts of opposing theories and attitudes and needs take place, before the overt act of violent dismemberment...
...Twenty-five voted for Harding,' came the reply, 'and they are going to let them stay.'" And with the years do not the Implications, both ways, of that answer seem to have increased...
...THbe general ecoocame distress that follows all wars, a worthless paper currency, ths disposer aa ton of bankrupt farmers, base, tosmient of debtors, ruined farms, and shopkeepers reduced to beggary, formed the background of riots which culminated in the armed rebellion of soldiers end debtors under Daniel Shays in Massachusetts...
...All we do know la that the present system of life is not so good...
...It I sail J sums itself Into this proposition . . . ? truth can ba bludgeoned into being unintelligible te these who Win benefit by its light and direction...
...And forgetting whatever literary sad intellectual veneer I've managed to spread ever my being, underneath the average 100 percenter and X are twin brethren...
...Powdered aristocrats frequently referred to these enraged masses as 'Jack Cades" and the reaction was profound...
...We also believe in peaceable orderly progress through agitation and teaching te attain that end • • • Everybody who Joins us knows that...
...This does net mean that one must repeat phrases till they become hackneyed and give the Impression of sectarianism and dogmatism...
...Now we are one hundred per cent middle0^1if there is nothing to be done about it...
...the display of the red and black cockades, the enactment of the Allen and Sedition Acts and the intense hates exhibited between the Adams supporters and the Jefferson battalions, revealed a class antagonism as tense as any that has appeared in America...
...That doesn't mean that the Communists are all wet, or that the world is exceptionally brilliant...
...MEt letT fourth, our equally well-known nation wee pUSS* hundred and fifty-throe years ago...
...Baseball, football, tennis, prisefightlng...
...Both speakers inspired by the recent victory of the British Labor Party, hoped that American labor would soon follow the example set by their comrades in England and baud a powerful labor party which win wage labor's fight in the political field and finally bring about a just and saner social system Comrade William Bemo, secretary of the Finnish Socialist Federation acted as chairman...
...Shortly afterwards an agitated citizen met one of the votetellers on the street...
...And te there anything in the liberal or conservative phOcSBSgbj so diverting and so potent aa might proselyte such etd sinners as ourselves from the beaten path...
...Uks predatory wild beasts they revenged themselves upon the society that had cast them off...
...It is too trad...
...Sacco and the death of the two martyrs, but a deeper consciousness that in this eoun; try, truly in many respects of natural resources and natural beauty the greatest in the world, it Is the human element which has failed, that man's Justice here lies dying, that immortal ideals flourish least where power is greatest...
...John D. Rockefeller, it is difficult for B> ts speak of him without suffering from nauseaBe fact that he has lived to be ninety is simply anUter proof of the statement that the good die young...
...On the slopes of the uplands and in the hills were free farmers who cordially baled the ruling etoss in the lowlands...
...Finnish Socialists Hold Annual Festival In New England T^rrCHBTJRG...
...One more quotation: "At the time of a recent presidential ejection, a straw vote was taken by the) faculty of a mid western college, which included the straw vote of thirty-five of the professors...
...she brings, in "Thirteen Days," simply and with deep^ feeling that conveys its power, the report of one person who has shared this tragedy, has felt the burden of this great wrong, as every true American must feel it...
...But I do protest against forcibly feeding others who have learned to get along quite weS with a plainer diet...
...Comprehension of the class struggle is a guide through the complex forces of a changing society, not a dogma of class hate or an article of faith in an unchanging and social catechism...
...Here I figass] that twenty-one years from now you would savant to something and now look at you...
...To aatogastoty senalder it would require a number of lectures but it to important to point cot that Berth sad South two social philoso...
...Now, mind you, this la not intended te dairy them as care to keep their faith, the fun Joy la pa sesi Hag the ancient holiness of these and other such matters...
...Joseph T. Shiplef...
...The agents of esWs ii in if Jgasi Bsy^ssiwgsB^ ^^a[lsl'!?s-j3...
...Thousands near the northern border joined the Union armies...
...But to us Americans they had a hard ring of unfamiUarlty...
...Mass.—The annual Summer Festivals of the Finnish Socialists of New England which were held here on June 39 and 30 at Sauna Park, the field of the local Finnish Socialists, was a success in the fullest meaning of the word...
...I will say now, as always, that ths Russian Revolution cannot ever succeed if the old manifestoes, ukases, Journals and reports will carry on in the same taaer among the Russian people as they have heretofore...
...a • Oscar Ameringer started the right gnbttsai year* ago...
...Help the persecuted, because they are your better friends...
...Brownson in Boston was filling each issue of his quarterly with criticisms of capitalism which were so clear in their analysis that many could today be adapted for Socialist pamphlets while a Whig editor in New York suggested that the whipping post should be revived for such agitators who urged workers to overthrow the social order...
...e e It baa been disheartening to read through aeaae of the letters sent In to this office from comrades shout a new policy for the Party...
...In fact, these struggles have been more vivid and even ntoM.esnBs, understood than class struggles of ths same period across the '"-nt** beeesne there was no nobility to serve as a shoefe absorber or to confuse the issues in American struggles...
...s> S* for Mr...
...This time it was fl^Pesnelal section of the New York Evening Post *¦* cradled them...
...And therefrom let us learn a clear lesson...
...urBe you know that it is wrong to teach chil2*read and write and spell and learn the multi*2"*a* table...
...i-tsB has become the vogue to say that we must not SndSas the individual but rather the system of which b) h the product and while our economic sense tells sftbst this is right, our sentimental side urges us to pee bating with all the fire that remains in us, such "•sallull as Rockefeller and his breed And for once at succumb to sentiment...
...The picture of Eugene Victor Debs shines, and makes more blasting the analysis of ex-President Coolidge's articles on "Enemies of the Republic...
...A wage working class was appearing on the scene and in alliance with restless farmers brought Jackson into the presidency...
...Our philosophy, our high dream, and our terribly hard efforts to teach the American workers have made no headway because we persisted in talking to them in a language beyond their simple standards of speech...
...J. A Etzler at Pittsburgh wrote his Utopia of a world of labor emancipated from poverty by machines, the work bearing the significant title, "The Paradise Within the Reach of All Men...
...It ¦as as though an archaeological expedition had come gat a forgotten tomb of the Incas...
...In fact...
...Do not seek happiness just for yourself...
...Pew of the p were familiar to ears accustomed to "Button Up LpV Overcoat," "Why Don't You Do, Do, Do, Sametow...
...1. A.4»^WL...
...The University of Pittsburgh seemed to feel that this was not enough, and proceeded to demonstrate that big business in the person of Secretary Mellon controls even our universities, and that a faculty member dare not speak the truth about the coal and iron thugs of Western Pennsylvania...
...Labor to quits n solid thtog"Clase struggle" . . . tush...
...The outcome of the struggle was the substitution of the Constitution by revolutionary acts for the rickety Articles of Confederation...
...Personally, the only thing about tan Party that makes me tired is Just that notion...
...The soldiers," wrote Bowers, "were of the first Philadelphia families in wealth, gorgeous in their blue uniforms made of ths finest broadcloth...
...the funny page, the scandals, ths light froth of general living, all intrigue me...
...And the more they persist In following the letter of their owe ponderous Mm tori ng the - greater looms the futility ef their aaaeawuig te alter a world to the heart's desire...
...Daisy, Give Me Your Answer True,'' "Sweet a^ito" "The Mosquito Parade," etc A sssmber of this bedecked, bedevilled and beKyounger generation, drifted in and listened to iry chanties with mouth agape...
...They are afraid that if we invite liberals and uiugt seal tea tote our ranks by a broad and flexible programme, we may lose our old identity—our direction...
...Harvard Socialists Demand Re-instatement Pittsburg Radicals The Harvard Socialist Club has sent the following telegram to John O. Bowman, Chancellor University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.: "The Harvard University Socialist Club asks the immediate reinstatement of Frederick Woltman...
...Moreover, the era of Jackaonlan Democracy produced the first working class litererature in daily and weekly publications of the workers and a number of notable books...
...Below this class was the great mass of poor whites, the vagabonds and illiterates for whom the ruling etoss found no place in southern society and beneath this class was ths stoves...
...The bocks of Byllesby, Skldmore, Warren and Brisbane, all fall in this period each of them a radical criticism of the whole social order...
...And the iMgqitH priate word, the cumbersome phrase, the ranting paragraph can do more to defeat a causa among those most in need of its purpose than all the Ilea and calumnies flung against It by inimical hstereeta...
...Tke siniage ef the SeetoBst seeaker to carried tote tke keeess, sheas aaf settees wheal ewyies ef The New ^^juSTj^^a^Jo^tT^J^am to charge st SBssetogs...
...Where are those books you were eSSf to writs which would tell all about the secrets at H* and bring you the applause of a nation-wide ¦fas...
...ssd now for the best of all the recent birthdays: •at of the kittens, two semi-maltese and two black ad white, sexes not yet determined...
...of course it exists...
...You just sit around and let them deUtUe personalities...
...AntagonissB The struggle between ths arewssa eapttattst interests of the Mia lit snag- the ptoPttng and slave owning etoss of toe South became as acuta aa any class stnsggto ba our history...
...the exploiters and the exploited, m make yen a bet that 99 per cent of the toilers in this tend never have bothered to thumb a dictionary to discover what the word "exploit" really means . . . except perTwae aa implied by the funny page cartoons . „ , "The exploits of Dumb Dora...
...e.~*s» bare a picture of ourselves when we graduated ban Columbia in 1909...
...Saturday evening a musical play was presented by the local branch's own dramatic club to a capacity house while at the same time two successful dances were held...
...It was in this period that a small group of the fathers" dispatched a letter in cipher to Prince Henry of Prussia hinting that he would be a desirable occupant of the American throne...
...The shot heard around the world," "ten days that shook the world"—in such phrases climactic peaks of action hold our memory...
...My inherent dislike for the Communist Party trails itself down to their phraseological frsstlons, When...
...And what rating has frBSton now...
...Where . . . But I won't go on...
...The revolt was crushed and prisoners were marched across the mountains to make a Roman holiday for ladies and gentlemen in the upper windows of Philadelphia homes...
...If this consists in jljr^s* Iron fire-engines at your friends, hurling jg^Jirs hither and yon whenever an intelligent |**jJ»*tion is imminent, torturing the cat or engag5^*ucb other childish fancies as may arise, well jJJ JJJjJ- They are developing their personalities, -ta^-?* *ure no modern,educator has as yet told us JJv"**t these personalities will be when they are 1 have seen some of these modern children 2* ary opinion, in a few years, will make our old ^••ear-face Capone look like a W. C. T. U. organ§ain, who am I to carp, having no little dears 17 (Thank God...
...The Adams' Administration that -followed Washington's, the amazing reaction Invoked by the French Revolution, the rise of that remarkable group of politicians known as the "Essex Junto...
...Before Washington turned the presllential office over to John Adams he had in opportunity to crush a revolt which was active in sectors from Pennsylvania to the Carol!nas...
...Professor Marks does nof try, in her splendid-spirited book, to do once more' the work so well done In the many studies of the Sacco-Vanzettl case she lists in her bibliography...
...The last words of Sacco need no comment, when placed beside the last words of one of our "greatest" financiers — overlord Gary...
...Bonapartism was narrowly averted by the extra-legal means employed to destroy the old government and establish the new one and there were radicals who charged these offenses to the ruling cliques...
...Ten years ago, yes, fifteen years ago...
...CLASS STRUGGLES IN AMERICA A Record of Fundamental Economic Conflicts : By James Oneal ' (Concluded from last week)' The struggles which followed the peace of 11«S and which lad to the adoption of the Constitution six years later were clearly struggles of economic groups and classes, those with the torgest pssBesstana of propei is seeking shelter behind e fine national government' which they could control...
...It was the period of labor organization and the extension of the suffrage, a period of working class grievances against old abuses that came down from the colonial period...
...In fact, even the poor Whites rose and, with elemental fury, pillaged plantations and vented their malice against .the helpless Negroes...
...1 Can't Give You Anything But Love...
...Where is B*t atwapaper you were going to own which would bos up the Hudson...
...On the walls of "Headquarters" she found one poster often repeated: JUSTICE IS THE ISSUE...
...And always I have dreamed that our leaders and policy moulders would cut loose from the tethering past, scrap the old names and phrases with ruthless disregard, and start to talk the language of our own people...
...And Gary: "I earnestly request my wife and my children and descendants that they steadfastly decline to sign any bonds or obli-4 gations of any kind as surety for any other person or persons...
...Just let me remind you that you woke up on Jhtssjraing of your forty-first birthday with exactly ss) seflar in your pocket and when you went down b ftt the paper, across the top of it was written in IBM Italian hand: 'Pies pay the paper oil...
...Them's tough words, and te atone, I add thane cam- - monplace remarks...
...It has, however, been a baiting, fearful start...
...v|,^»,l1;iw>lsf:!4!i *\' -,vr Bbsaw Class antagonism, group and class struggles, with class consciousness varying from mild protest to strikes, mass mestmgs, etoss parties and even class wars like those in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota and West Virginia, are conspicuous of American capitalism as they have been and are of the capitalism of other nations...
...Menroe was re-elected in IBM, lacking eat* one vote to make it unanimous It ins a period like the present when the two leading parties became one, yet baetaning with 1834 new parties appeared and ths class antagonism became almost ae scute as in 1800...
...Of course it must be taught...
...Hatred of the dominant whites and vengeful malice against the Negro burned She slow fires," wrote Stephenson...
...A number of our moat successful speakers have done wonders with the atmpte word, the besBMty enample But these have been more or teg* k*mgjaim*I by our philosophers and leaders who feared that such light and entertaining methods might detract from (he seriousness of our Cause...
...A significant struggle of this sort, probably soon to be forgotten save where workers «neet and think, yet symbolic of a gathering wind that may sweep high places, is caught, in its critical period, in "Thirteen Days," by Jeannette Marks (A...
...Not as a blind . . . ben, no...
...Be strong to comfort your mother...
...I think it safe to say that this "celestol article" has a rating with most Americans far ewe thst of automobiles, Frigidaires and National Oy Bank stock...
...so whom the Word Socialism carries all the sacred gassy of the Koran for Islam . . . and to whom "eighs struggle" te the open-sesame for World Revolution...
...Tlje whole period from 1770 to 1800 is one of dramatic class struggles between contending groups and classes for power...
...In his Farewell Address in 1837 be made a similar appeal...
...It is quite a fierce-looking asssx seen who is gazing out at us as much as to ¦w: "Wen, if you didn't let me down...
...The wood* seem full ef Marxists . u sincere fellows . . . learned fellows...
...cg/at to the wrong side of forty is always deIgasBg...
...They still imagine that the best way to walk foiwaid is to proceed ahead walking backwards m m m eyes upon ths old slogans, ths dear old stentorian weeds „ . m the darling old names...
...And we to out own radical midst are lasafl isslsil with comrades who are rock ribbed entities ef hill if They hang on to oM shibboleths end phrases with all the tenacity of our maiden aunt to bar trailing akirts and tripled pstttoemta, And whenever a new nasae for an old faith te presented, ar a loosened Man is alii nil te take a pleasanter form, they sigh with all the aaav tion of a hansom driver through monoxided trsdfee— for the "good old days...
...We are not b» these mysteries...
...THE CHATTER BOX ADIEHARD to not a pretty pars an neuter easy Hrwipsstsuisa, He to the usual mete ntus snaae ttosd knowledge of sosne stead phitoeophy c< Hf...
...It is my conviction that those who ignore It as a* vital factor in social evolution are likely to misjudge not only the past but current changes in society...
...Take her for Walks in the quiet country, gathering wild flowers, resting beneath shady tress, and visiting the streams and the gentle tranquility of Mother Nature...
...As for the birthday of our nation, well in many regatta, it occurs to me that these United States haven't |ps track better than myself in keeping early promts*- ' - Bitot Tom Paine in an ecstatic moment around tbtthBS of the Declaration exclaim: ". . . it would be assBft Meed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM Stone act be highly rated...
...One can only express astonishment that any'Socialist can ho so blind as to assert that America has been a happy paradise Immune from cMSB struggles sod class conscJoueeesi Hie Jaeksonien Period The period from 1816 to 1833 appears to be one utterly lacking ba class straggles in national politics...
...Seven voted for Cox, twenty-five for Harding, and three for Debs...
...Certainly the Third International has flopped miserably by its attempt to foist a hard, technical language onto the propaganda wtth which tt dreamed an immediate revolt...
...On the other hand southern soetoty was not as "solid" as was onee thought...
...They are your comrades who fight and fall, as your father and Bar to fought and fell, to conquer joy and freedom for an the poor workers...
...ffBS seme of our friends we celebrated by sitting ^gjj and thinking of the songs of our boyhood...
...of what Karl Marx might think...
...Sacco: "My son, do not cry...
...Which of the two is the truer, the better American...
...But you Just can't go to a Wall Street clerk or a stenog, or even a furworker with a contractor's dream in his dome, and start explaining to him first . . . that since the big monkeys took away the hard-earned cocosanata from the little weak monkeys, there have been two pIssssi...
...Arthur McDowell and William Albertson, and asks also that immediate recognition be granted the Liberal Club by the University authorities...
...these are but the boiling points, the critical outbreak into direct action, of forces perhaps unseen, uncaught in filling phrase, long grown and now a-seeding...
...Social ism isn't definite enough...
...Jackson himself in his veto message on...
...My faith in the cause to stronger than its ancient **~g~»- A* Mac Coleman aptly pate it: Tien horse sense tent the dope for en snftcsnohtte age...
...Always, as now, I havs felt that ws wore not reaching the workers with our old stuff...
...Our old comrades are still afraid of what the Communis ts win say...
...My only suggestion, and »rward timidly, is that instead of spending a sy on school buildings, our modern educators Uon of the zoological garden for their pupils, far as I can learn, there is no law that reIdless persons to visit zoological gardens, the tiny tots could develop their personalii full, outhowUng the laughing hyenas, maku-lunged roar of the Uon seem the squeak of MeABete* CoJesnnn...
...It is estimated that on Sunday, June SO, ftffly 3,000 Socialists from all parts of New England, a large delegation from New York, and some from as far west as Michigan were at the field...
...Below the upper small group at powerful owners of great plantations was the much larger group of lesser land owners with few stoves who were more or less conscious of their subordination te the great planters...
...William Manning's "Key of Liberty," did not find a publisher till the year 1922 as there was' no Jeffersonian printer who cou!d be induced to place his essay before his readers...
...In other days it was variously ""•Hew Republic," "The Nation" and "The Birth y**0i Review," which served as the tom-up foundaws, ter our maternity wards...
...The two-day celebration of the Finnish Socialists began Saturday afternoon with athletic events...
...and C. Boni...
...Sedition poles were erected, red bunting was unfurled, and tax gatherers were driven out of the region...
...3aadsy last, our black cat The Bear, who Is ^TmOmt ker grandmother Isabels non-stop procrea2 issord, gsve birth to four lovely kittens and aa HLeja «ay John D. Rockefeller became ninety years w — •j ffeff* world-shaking events, to us by all odds, the tgl jtoxtoating was the arrival of the kittens in our ^_ae bureau drawer...
...We are either a party of Labor or*enothing...
...Socialism is a nice word in the ears of men and woman who suffered for its sound and meaning under the tyrannies of the eld countries, "Class Struggle," "economic interpretation ef history," "Communist manifesto," "the theory ef surplus value," and all the rest of ths fins rolling names made for a sort of learned appearance to those who struggled through night-schools and Regents' examinations...
...In fact, we are quite convinced It ought to be utterly dona away with . . . We also know what we want...
...We sent a publicly owned and managed sort of thing urn and controlled for all of us who work and make the things of our existence...
...Sure, there are lads who will dish up such gangs ss for not proceeding as we are doing now...
...It is not surprising that in this period of intense class struggles the first essay by a laborer was written expressing the need of world wide organization of laborers and forecasting revolutionary Ideas which, though crudely outlined, anticipated much of the programs of the modern Labor and Socialist parties...
...We feel that the victimisation anywhere of students or faculty members because of their radical social or economic views is a blow aimed at the forces of progress throughout the nation...
...The capitalist-planter struggle ended wfth ths utter destruction of the planter social order and eras succeeded by a series of revolutionary acts in the Johnson administration that established the capitalist class of the North in supreme mastery of the Republic...
...Yet these are not really the decisive moments—no moment, socially, is decisive...
...They didn't go across...
...it was neither too warm nor too cooL but just right for comfort for everyone...
...The Constitution was a huge stake won by the upper classes In a struggle with small farmers and the masses in general...
...When almost everywhere the countryside wss ato hated of its fighting man, these wretches emerged from their swamps and forests, like the Paris rabble emerging from its dens at the opening of the Revolution...
...The mouttk grtaa, the worker shrugs his should era furtively, and the net of the world points a Anger to its forehead and gsstnera the suggestion of inanity...
...It is hardly necessary to outline bow that document buttressed the property of wealthy families and provided a powerful executive with practically royal powers...
...Among the ones who should not be forgotten' are her heroes, Sacco and VanzetU...
...It is difficult enough to teach people a new mode of living and thinking, without having to go through the terrific processes of hammering a strange language into their heads so that they might grasp what yen are all saying...
...In this hill region from western Virginia to northern Alabama were many thousands of farmers who refused to be conscripted in the southern armies...
...Said the citizen: 'Is it so that three of the teachers voted for Debs?' "•Yes," said the teller, 1 counted the votes, and I know that three of the teachers voted for Debs.' '"Are they going to let them stay?' asked the agitated citizen...
...wehave Just returned from a week-end among •as a number of modernly educated children and we S**t»d ideas about all this progressive education E t?bgs»ssive education" means that children, nownP** satSBBs progressively noisier and more obtrug* *e pendulum has made its full swing from the j? S*m it was said that "children should be seen *¦ ast beard" Uf y** want a detailed description of how children ^¦••Bg raised in 1929 "progressive schools," we rePyoa to an article in "The American Mercury" for Aw?8"** "Th* Kindergarten Soars...
...that they refuse to make any loans except on the, basis of first-class, well-known securities, and that they invariably decline to invest in any untried or doubtful securities or property or enterprise or business...
...frightening the capitalists and bankers of eastern cities and stirring the resentment of the masters of great estates and numerous slaves in the South...
...I stood upon the floor of my am amply district meeting and asked the comrades to consider a simplified spelling of our faith...
...ril be blowed if I can recollect what ens wees onee...
...Which pictures a civilization you would choose...
...So with the years will increase the value of this Intimate testimony, at onee the record of a nation's trial, and the revelation of a brave spirit ™v*"g her stand for truth and justice...
...The weather favored the festivals on Sunday, the second and big day of the annual affair...
...It should not be forgotten that it was in the South following the passage of a conscription act hi 1863 that the phrase became common of "A rich man's war and a poor man's fight...
...Writing in 1892 when he could not anticipate that he would become Presidsht of the United States, Woodrow Wilson declared that the new government had been '"organized upon the initiative and primarily in the interest of the mercantile and wealthy classes," and that the Federalists had on their side the "pressure of a strong and Intelligent class, possessed of unity and informed by a conscious solidarity of material interest...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 26

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