Lawlessness Of Police Is Growing (mllMxrfc* Union Finds Situation For ftesdom Improving i— .mjuon lynching*, moo violence. j^-ajfejtkjm of sllena and political ^ihw decreased to new low...

...two Justices of the City Court, Justices of ths Municipal Court in the First, Second, Third, Sixth and Eighth Districts...
...The Mayor showed unusual concern over 1 Marlow's death, conferring with Whalen | about it...
...Individuals who compete in meets pay an annual registration fee of 50 cents...
...There was only — bbb af mob violence...
...In a society of con**SI easses and interests it is lnevJJh s wtaseless but significant strugssmspondenjs, answering an in~T ss to the most active agencies of jjbfetost, named the American Lejb-to tswnty-lour places, the PundafeK sixteen, the D. A. R. and 3* jsbfsbbtonal patriots In fifteen, the H| si fonrteen...
...Tms baibsnit, ffhich took piece in the hall of the Jean Jaarea gymnasium, was attends* by A tboeaahd people...
...The union has written to Judge Charles Rosa,.of the State Tax Commission, pointing out the discrepancy in the firm's boasts and figures, and asking an investigation to determine whether AllenA if just trying to cheat the state out of income tas money* French Socialists Open New Home Amid Great Celebrating raw a maw Um*m rmi»im»il FAB2S.—Pbr sofiM weeks pest the' Secretariat of ths FsssiBh Bootolist Party and- the emtertel staff vt the --Populaire; Have been working Ija {be newly-acaulred home of the part* at t Sue Victor Masse...
...This form of repression, bbs sfncult to combat, was fought by ¦s dbbsb in Ohio, Wisconsin and asbbtfensetu...
...The fight for ** aauUts cannot be said at any time or won...
...Thomas X kfeaaty and Warren K. Billings are SBfeJ toa is California, although a natevjl swvement is agitating foi SSr avdon...
...Their wages range from 35 to $50 per week, this after three years of college training and four years of practical experience before they become registered druggists...
...The office of the union, at 94 Fifth avenue, should become another center of union work among professionals...
...bass at academic freedom in colleges ^aasbbbon...
...The principal order of business wss the nomination of candidates for the offices of President, Borough of Manhattan...
...A split occurred in May, 1928...
...i. i ' of the Courts ffc laesaod of the United States Supaat Court declining to grant citlzentt kte...
...lames Restaurant, and recommended .hat in order to save the union from iemoraliaation and disrepute that they 'be recalled and their office be and bexane vacant," that they, as well as »hiiip Habermaa and...
...The Supreme Court of aa/ jaasy reaffirmed the right of asaaakg« ** against police prohibitions, tofts Pennsylvania Supreme Court sjhaf a statute permitting a court to bsbb a» wabBeatlon of a newspaper asset eVrfaiatory...
...Atterbury must have trained either a docile or a suspicious lot of workers...
...The headquarters of the Labor Sports Union of the United States are located st 1313 Loyola avenue, Chcago, 111...
...Yet even the increased sssskai alive to the Issues U sgjkasf small," the report states...
...Sports Union Is Making Appeal To Labor Movement...
...They win do much to build up for labor that sports auxiliary that has been the...
...Nan-Partisan Policies The...
...The ommittee proceeded In a very business Ike way and haM bserrngs tnm May run* XT tfai*^iiitt^rep^rprf"ta S awmbersbsp at a leaning p m)M ewer, ¦s per agreement with the accused, by takers Union...
...At this meeting the company agreed not to interpose any objection to the organization of its shopmen or discriminate against any man who joined a union affiliated with the Railway Employees Department...
...Apparently In reply to charges by Rev...
...No political gggaa seder sedition or syndicalism j,, (0 fter»«h in state or federal gggp, papulation...
...miinsgi interfered with st asst extensive restrictions on free assb sad assemblage are caused by intoeasnt in industrial conflicts, the rebtt sbbttoaes...
...It has Insisted on recognising only its own company union...
...The shopmen do not seem to believe it...
...Would the situation have been better if the shopcraft unions had won recognition cm the field of battle...
...Eight members of the I 11 an still in prison for defendlru tsk aso st CentraUa...
...By the same token sports can be made an important factor in gaining recruits for the labor movement...
...the chances of gaining the ¦JSb might are better than in recent pa\ "Tfeia fet especially true in oppos*j an often lawless police prohibition "¦athg subUe meetings...
...Motel Turkel, ind Meyer Org el were guilty of improper ind illegal conduct involving the passage of money tn organizing the St...
...Youths under 18 years of age pay only 10 cents...
...The PostofBce Departbbbt S toted as having attempted to hi sswkpas containing stickers probasg against the presence of marines fe basragm, and having banned one ajp a? aa anti-fascist newspaper...
...There are no members st large...
...Wash., against a-enaed attack by the American heatobhbbtp, the report declares, has atony esoeerned plays and books called 'ataes*.* Boston continues to be the bbv sf censorship in all its forms...
...They are beginning to find a union card as useful as their college diploma...
...This time it is the drug clerks...
...Its greatest strength is in the Middle West, but a determined effort is now being made to organise the Bast...
...The | officials who had been suspected of misi conduct in office had agreed to an in| vesligation conducted by seven members' [of the union with the co-operation of two representatives of the United Hebrew tmm from the Jewish Daily Forrard, and Counsel...
...intervened—too late—in the cloak strike...
...More than 400 men and women participated, Interestingly enough, not all youngsters...
...of aliens for their jsjsl or imf""1'' views or activities gai ass* eff to occasional cases...
...manager and cabaret owner...
...BadBSBja wen fewer in 1928 than in strsbbs af reeoni keeping—only eleven assb reported...
...The development of the chain store and the severe competition have narrowed down the opportunities for a drug clerk to set up a business of bis own...
...Again on November 1, 1938, another conference look place at which the policy of Atterbury was affirmed...
...At a meeting of the membership President Flore was invited to visit New York to look into the situation in person...
...1, would go through without a bitch...
...demonstrated for .photographers how' to operate "robots...
...Algernon Lee, Socialist' candidate for President of the Board of Aldermen, was the only speaker at the convention, which was opened by August Claessens, city organizer of the Socialist Party...
...carried forward his radio career by broadcasting (with Eddie Cantor over WNYC, and with Sophie Tucker, "last of the red-hot mamas," over WEAF...
...Such a broad policy is sure to make for mutual understanding and effective action...
...77»e Drug c/erfcs Organize Another group of workers who have been prone to look upon themselves as professional people are being driven by circumsatnees to organize themselves into a union...
...With* n a few days the accused officers bad ippealed to their international union, 'he Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Alliance, on the ground that lie procedure by which they had been recalled had been illegal...
...They have held meetings and have the backing of the American Federation of Labor...
...Last summer the largest meet held in the Middle West took place under the auspices of the Labor Sports Union...
...In most districts Socialists who have succeeded in carrying them in previous years will be chosen to make the race again this year...
...The Mayor also helped open up a new School for Negro Nurses, acted as the Good Samaritan to an Injured pedestrian, demonstrated ths new fire alarm system, participated in a circus for orphans in Rockaway Park, installed traffic lights on Third avenue, praised Whalen before ths graduating prison keepers, posed in full page newspaper advertisements in favor of correct hats for men, appeared to proxy before the State Conference of Mayors at Bingham ton, and declared unqualifiedly that he would balk the 16-cent fare on the elevated lines...
...Sheriff, County Clerk, District Attorney, Register, five Justices of the Supreme Court, First District...
...Before It could get under way its activities were crippled by the "left-right" fight that has characterized the recent history of many unions...
...It paid the price, however, in lowered morale and resulting inefficiency...
...A year ago it decided to come to terms with the unions...
...One professor was discharged lfsj*» far favoring strikers, three were sjssmgai to sTI—nin 1 for a sez paassaatrt, and in Pennsylvania one m ¦( eat, presumably for his work on toss «f *as Civil Liberties Union...
...The Waiters Clemn House Perhaps it was too much to expect that the house-cleaning undertaken by New York Waiters' Union, Local No...
...I have been off Broadway : four years virtually, but I haven't for' gotten that I know about Broadway," 1 the Mayor said...
...That a national organization to unite the youth of America through play is necessary has been abundantly clear for many years...
...By defying the Railroad Labor Board, it did much to hasten the abolition of that body...
...In August, 1938, a conference took piece between President William Green of the American Federation of Labor and A. O. Wharton, President of the International Association of Machinists on the one hand and President Atterbury and other officials of the P. R. R. on the other...
...Hoslka Schwimmer is the safe, fespertant court decision hostile to gs sjssjt ef freedom of thought, the sfje) asdaras...
...One decision by totojtost tourt in New York liberalised pmkaa ratings on the rights of pickets...
...The sooner the house-cleaning takes place, the sooner will the New York Walters' Union be able to resume its normal activities of carrying on negotiations with the employers and of presenting a militant, united front to the ''bosses.'' The Pemuy Shopmen There is something pathetic in the constant explanations to railroad workers that the Pennsylvania Railroad has agreed to permit the Railway Employes Department of the American Federation of Labor to organize the lines of that road...
...Member of Congress, Twenty-first District, and the indorsement of candidates for Members of Assembly and Board of Aldermen...
...This meeting will be preceded on the 37th of just :.w a meeting of tht bureau...
...which had «*~—""a*y te be tiiiHifeiiseilaid by tte'vaheheg^daseuav'' A* " Strenuous Life of New York's Tammany Mayor rrvHE last two copies of "New York's Politicians," issued by the Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist Party In New York City, summarizes thus the outstanding activities during the last three weeks of Mayor Walker: "Mayor Walker celebrated his fortyeighth birthday with columns of publicity and a philosophic dissertation on the "American" on keeping peace of mind...
...Police broke up four asaas many meetings during 1938 as ¦si banned Br broken up in the pre•sbjbsr—despite the report points out, "¦hot that 1938 was a Presidential **,* wbea the right of assemblage is assay- bbs restricted...
...Mayor Walker displayed surprisingly Intimate knowledge of Broadway and its characters when he discussed with reporters the murder of Frank Marlow, prizefight...
...Therefore, they are demanding a forty-eight-hour week, a minimum wage of (50 weekly, and alternate Sundays off...
...parent body continued to maintain its non-partisan policy...
...The eaatsslttes found .hat President Jacob Lasher, Secreteryleasurer, William Lehman, Business agents, Jacob SUversttdn...
...There are about 2,000 of them in New York City...
...greeted Raffale Majulliari, Bronx ice-man, who had just completed a trip around the world...
...Washington, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Chicago...
...and the Communists withdrew—probably in line with their dual organization policy—to form the Labor Sports Union of America, Note the difference in name...
...The Union welcomes the older people who are still young enough in spirit to participate in sports, but it recognizes thst its main job is to orranise the vouth...
...Like the teachers and the actors, who have set all professional workers a worthy example, the drug clerks are being pressed to the wall by the new industrial conditions...
...The Conference and the Board should be representative of the best elements in the labor movement...
...The assasna of Mary Ware Dennett for br pamphlet of sez instruction created bshbsl interest...
...urgent need these many years...
...Against the public claims of Manager Kimball that 1938 was the best year in its history is the Allen-A report to the state treasurer that it has lost $800,000...
...N. Y. Countv ml Socialists In Convention '¦phe last of the five county conventions *¦ held the last few weeks by New York City Socialists to make up a complete slate in every county for the coming municipal election, was held at the People's House, 7 East Fifteenth street, Thursday night, when Socialists residing in New York County will hold an unofficial convention for the purpose of nominating candidates for all county offices tp be voted for in November...
...Hence, it has affiliated with it Socialistic and I. W. w. groups, as well as union and other workers' organisations that have no particular political complexion...
...The press ^¦•abb- better in iU attitude than tBsss organisations or the public tbrongh whom the weapons of BiPiba are wielded...
...The editorial goes on to say categorically: "We regret to differ rather sharply with Brother Woll but he is all wrong...
...It is our judgment •jMasss private organisations merely BP tas settled prejudices toward va'•avsBkiortHes which mark the country B§ ¦*••»¦ Their active interference ^**e«s' liberties is less...
...s*aphla, Pittsburgh, Pitts ton and ^*j" bfeui...
...These' include several districts on the lower East Side and two districts on the Upper East Side, in New York County...
...There are excellent prospects that the Eastern Finnish Socialist Athletic League win affilate and that other groups along the Atlantic border will also fall in line...
...International Bureau To Meet ZURICH.—The executive of the Labor and Socialist International win hold its regular half-yearly meeting on the 38tb and 39th of July, 1939, in the Voikshaoi i at Zurich...
...The Pennsy has been noted for its open shop policy...
...A large number of these in Brooklyn...
...applied himself to thinking up a name for the new ship launched by the North German Lloyd...
...To-arouse interest in the work of the Union, district athletic competitions are being planned far different parts of the country...
...Leads WaJdsaan...
...Matthew Woll in his "Reply to Progressives" had said: "As for furthering genuine :o-operatlve enterprises among the, workers, no American authority on the' so-operative movement has ever said or :an say that American labor has ever neglected any possible effort to help their cause...
...Union hosiery workers have trapped the AllenA Company in a double-barreled lie which may cost it some real money...
...At the worst they have been utilised by anti-labor employers and open-shop interests to wean workers away from unions...
...ttm Umitm Jftinti francs required m'WB tWiimfyt Asrmahlng of the tease wees teihbjiil together through Satobed, hat a iff* met with such sucssbw H»rt tte'tbsii rbfntosd win soon be rinmfeM - " '*h '" 1" sdstfa* «b*affkh e# Jane, the formal opedfc* It ^be new house took place: The r-aet wsaeetoprated by a great banquet...
...Manhattan and the Bronx have already joined Local New York of the Drug Clerics' Association...
...Nevertheless, according to the Department Itself, it "appears to be a more or less prevailing opinion on the part of the employees that they will be discriminated against, if not discharged," should they join an A P. of L. union...
...An examination jjjat afty-three cases reported to the *ba shows the chief cause lay in the "•sbbga activities of the Workers' Party ¦Ito the organization of left-wing bans hi the coal and textile industries *bs ezBBa where police interference is vassal are Boston and Taunton, Mass...
...Seta* of the political prisoners in ¦to arassa under the criminal syndietos laws were released in 1938, ss s> as only federal political prisoner, afe) matted Presidential pardon in May asagk tat efforts of the union...
...A. D. Batchelder that he was doing nothing to close 32,000 speakeasies in the city, he addressed 3,000 new citizens urging them to observe th« law...
...Recreational groups are strongly urged to communicate with the Labor Sports Union of the United States...
...The Zs'sbs cttai increasing resort to tn(a)Baai to strikes jajpsjB public opinion, the report aabbt fe) Bare responsive to civil 11b^L^pss...
...Sports at the best totally engross the interests of the young people of America...
...helped open Congressman W. I. Sirovich's new Industrial National Bank...
...It is a difficult task that the co-operatives have assigned to the labor progressives in this day of "rugged individualism," but a task that will have to be undertaken and achieved...
...The Cooperative* Demand Action A curious editorial appears In the July 'Co-operation," official organ of the Co>perative League of the U. S. A. The writer refers to the resolution passed by the Conference for Progressive Labor Action at its meeting In May, heartily endorsing consumers' co-operation...
...among the items that engrossed the Mayor the last two weeks were the following: He received Jim Corbett, exprizenghter, and Andrew Mack, actor, at City Hall, and told them he was too busy to think about politics...
...He is passing through Cleveland, Albany, Utlca, Fitch burg, Boston, New York...
...At the same time a committee of five was appointed to conduct the trial of the persons mentioned in the investigating committee's report...
...The history of the nominal support given by the A. F. of L. to the co-operative movement is cited...
...In this connection It Is interesting to note that next month Brookwood will be the scene of an institute on the co-operative movement and that A. J. Muste is head of both Brookwood and of the C.- P. L. A Allen-A Trapped in Lie KENOSHA...
...Drug Clerks Organizing N«w York Waiters Union Takes Steps to Clean House — Other Labor Notes By Louis Stanley AN intensive campaign Is being oonducted by the Labor Sports Union of the United mates to enlist the youth of this country in support of the labor movement through- the wwdhim of recreational activities...
...The fair play of sports can well be carried over into union and other labor activities...
...j^-ajfejtkjm of sllena and political ^ihw decreased to new low lev «ffb meetings and free speech __ajo« have greatly increased, acaaf a< the report of the American Sfltettol Union for 1928-1929...
...Pa., and BeDaire and Mar•rt perrv Ohin jS*ba yet, in presenting so gloomy a aatov" the report concludes, "we ¦bbbi aay that wherever a strong fight ¦tot ap...
...inspected the Morrissannia Hospital...
...Almost $700,000 of these losses Is attributed to the union's fight in behalf of locked-out knitters...
...Thousands of coibwedbs trees Park and provinces weaM stove bean enable to take part tn the Mianrstisn...
...traveled to Orange, N. J., to attend benefit theater performance of the Orange World War Memorial Association...
...Arkansas passed an antl•ahsfes law, which the union proposes a apa...
...Organizations may affiliate at $2 per year...
...These drugwclerks work from sixty to seventytwo hours a week, including at least four evenings, and also Sundays to a large extent...
...A national conference will soon take place, and an Advisory Board will be set up In the near future...
...R O. Palm, the National secretary of the organization, 'is making a swing around the circle to get into communication with groups of young people sympathetic with labor...
...Expecting an increase in their vote sufficiently large to Insure the election of a delegaton of Socialists to the State Assembly and the Board of Aldermen, the Socialists expect to draft their best campaigners as candidates in the districts where they feel there is i good chance of success...
...Louis Rifkm, he placed on trial before a I iiinmlttw of tare, and that a special election be held e> flU vacancies The members after a lebete lasting into the wee hours of the naming voted 350 to 306 in favor of lie committee's recommendations...
...Thirty-two hundred dollars was once raised among the unions but nothing practical has ever been accomplished...
...Recreation has its important proletarian aspects — provided the word "proletariat" is not used... meet the need of a national organization prepared to take advantage of all the possibilities that sports open up in capturing the hearts of play enthusiasts, the Labor Sports Union of the United States was founded at Detroit in 1937...
...this is because these issuer ^piarisd thst their appeal is natur(MbT...
...Some fifty clubs, with a membership of 4,000, now belong to the Labor Sports Union...
...The C. P. L. A. is challenged to show what it can do In behalf of the co-operative movement...
...International President Edward Flore wrote the local asking it to reinstate the men...
...Since The New Leader goes to press before the end of the meeting, names of nominees j cannot be printed until next week...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 26

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