Yannios, Prof. N.

The Balkajrif4 Are Arming Disarmament Talk Fails To Deter Nations From Jockeying For Power By Prof. N. Yaanios fx *s cartons to note that a* Urn wiinmapt * when the International...

...ATITHIN a week or two Socialist Party organ> * * izations in all the states will receive the most important announcement they have received in years...
...Furnish your pastors with liters ten on the open shop...
...member ot the BesfiV stag (Berlin), and one on the edncsOsS ef young people of the working class tf Max Winter (Vienna...
...Scan tbe textbooks and see what S being, taught in your schools on economics, sociology and American histsrj.* "If questionable material is found mstt a protest to the textbook roarntsrtss' "Offer prizes in schools for tat kit essays on industrial questions...
...Los Angeles, Calif...
...F. J. MV* Lake Constance International > Demonstrates Against Fast has VIENNA.—At Lake Constance tbe German, Austrian and Swiss frontiers ma* The Social-Democrats of the three co*Btries have for Several decades orgardsst combined international demonstraUoa...
...Non-members and sympathisers will also be reached with other proposals...
...Folio is well known to all old time Socialists, having been active in the movement for years and a delegate to many national conventions of the Party...
...Tbe first sent a squadron, provided with aeroplanes and submarines, to Corfu...
...Bridgeport, Conn...
...More will be said about this program later...
...In the meantime, it is stated In Athens that ISO million drachmas may be expended on the erection of military edifices...
...The economic revolution in this country and the striking success of the British Labor Party which has awakened much interest in labor politics indicate 4 rjiTning point in American labor history...
...Wipe the slate clean...
...Time and evidence have vindicated the Labor Premier...
...What X want "to impress on Socialists everywhere, not leaving out New York City, where I for some years had letters published in the World and the old Globe during the Socialist awakening of 1908 to 1914, that most editors will give some space, if not as much as I obtain here if the letters are written plainly on one side Of the sheet, or better yet, are typed...
...Never heard of it...
...Work is necesThe debts are not large but they are annoying...
...All's well, God's in his heaven, an* we haint got no use fer Sushilism in this country, so there...
...A GOOD SUGGESTION Editor The New Leader: As a "free lance" X have been able to have every Friday evening in the Bridgeport Post a letter anywhere from 700 to 1,000 words in length (the stated allow, ance to letter writers is 300 words, but larger ones are cut at the discretion of the editor—the editor not responsible for published expressions), tbe subjects usually taken bodily from your editorials, Norman Thomas's articles, etc...
...The company union is the modern system of slavery to' the owners of industry but the -company of union men in an organization that includes aU worklngmen and women is the road to freedom...
...R. Clynes, British M. P. The Socialist Party is the labor party in New York on strike against Tammany Hall, protector of a company union on the transit lines...
...The Red Star does not permit any doubts about it...
...He last his "pacifist" sangfroid when he beard of the Turko-Bulgarian military preparations, and hastened to call together nswal councils which vataj .r-'Ti1 armaments Without even waiting for tbe results of the English elections which could perhaps save our poor country from these new military expenses...
...Details will reach you soon through the mails...
...Tbe Advance has ss>' geeted that some points in the congfehensive plan of attack devised by St Open Shoppers might be considered to extensive use by Trade Unionists...
...It is easy to be independent when aH behind you agree with you, but the difficulty comes when nine hundred and ninety-nine of your friends think you wrong.—Wendell Phillips...
...The National Republic, a monthly publication of tbe O. O. P. at Washington, carries a department entitled' "The Enemy Within Our Gats*.'* Although published for many years it has never singled out Bsasnar who 41 bsfctac tt* nf ».lTsrtgrsl jag...
...Socialist Press 10 per cent...
...A7ELL, the Great Day will soon be at hand...
...Tsankoff, "to the ideal of the reunion of a0 the Bulgarian provinces under the Bulgarian Crown...
...So conservatives celebrate revolutionists but hate revolutionists...
...Other letters were on "American Investments Abroad, Future Warfare" (on likeness of America's position today to that of Germany under the Kaiser in the nineties), and so on...
...The Sameness of the Old Parties In the United States" and so on are easy to have published...
...There is no confidence whatever, be it noted, In the electoral pacifism of our Veniselos, and rightly so, since It Is not a Venlselos government that can pacify the Balkans, the entire political work of the Greek statesmen baring been based up to the present on nothing but warlike adventures...
...the second, at the moment ot writing, has sent a squadron of hydroplanes to fly over the Acropolis, no doubt for the purpose of pointing out to Monsieur Venlzelos that he must not count too much on the recently concluded Greco-Serb pact, and that he was right to cede the Greek Dodecanese Islands to tbe Fascist King of Italy...
...For instance, X had a letter1 In' the Post on "MacDonald, the Man of the Hour...
...Meanwhile it appears that aH this warlike effervescence in the southeast Mediterranean may exceed the limits of simple demonstrations and dissimulated menaces...
...Sofia is continually aspiring to break up the Treaty of Neullly, or, to use the words of Mr...
...To the extent .that the ruling class in one nation could use what was written aad said in another nation it was used...
...Tbe editor so headed it and gave this title from my own words: "Does the word Socialist strike terror to the people who control the talking movie...
...It will...
...them goats...
...Then we can count on you having a str-r-ruggle with us...
...Planes Over the Aeropotts' Athens and Rome felt themselves provoked...
...One is to clean the slate of every debt and the other is organization and educational work...
...It has orgauations in most of the states...
...This mental twist is a curio which we pass on to those who appreciate unconscious humor...
...Our job is to wipe them out...
...Since he was expelled many official documents have been published that were not accessible •hiring the war...
...They will then face the issue of factoryized vs...
...The Great Day...
...All branches will be informed •f details toon...
...Yipsels 10 per cent...
...History is a progression of social stages which have preceded and succeeded each other like the unfolding of life from the amoeba to the mammal, or from the bud to the fruit.—J...
...Tba headquarters-of tbe Italian Federation will jamaln at 1011 Blue Island Ave, Chicago, which win also be the address of the western district for XI Nuovo Monde, tbe official dally paper of the Federation...
...IN A NUTSHELL More than twenty nations have lodged a protest against the tariff wall being built by Congress...
...Today and Tomorrow Here are meeting To labor awhiU For your soon maturing Already the vision Glotas in our hearts: We ere learning our parte - In the work to do— ; ,Fmr.strides toward ojrerats: The bream-Come-True...
...P. 8.—A "nom-de-plume" such as "Politico" is a good one...
...wmim&U that is true...
...The return of the lord to his subjects was the occasion for a great celebration and the account recalls stories of ancient days in Europe when humble burghers and yeomen rejoiced over the return of their acknowledged master...
...A speech SJK dally addressed to women was mass V Marie Jucbacz...
...The Sodjalist Party is the pioneer in this field...
...He stated that emphasis should be made on the .point that Italian Socialists can get more Joy out of personal service to the cause than In any other way: that nothing could be finer than taking a new member to every meeting of the branch...
...Bo prepare to earn your pay...
...For this purpose a financial drive is being organized to reach every person with a membership card and to continue four weeks beginning August 1. This drive is to help every division of the movement by collecting a one-day wage or income from every member...
...It's a big job and splendid job, Comrades...
...The Journal of the BfotasSsS of Bectriesl Workers aad Operates** needed tn getting hold of a n*jsjfl| this conference of oltra-Aaeaeaa ft* tag America tree for the grand JSm can Open Shop Plan...
...Encourage employers to grant sf occasional 15 mlnuee or half hour lay-eft to their employes, to come together sal hear an Instructive talk on subjects ttaki will bring about more cordial and bealttr/ relations between them and the I muses ment...
...Solicit and accept invitations fr*a universities and colleges in your east to present and plead the cause ot tS* open shop...
...Socialized farming or capitalism vs...
...Ramsay MacDonald...
...Our Communist brethren cannot gather today without the two factions leaving behind them a few blackjacks, old bottles, and handful s of hair...
...Turkey also put forward there a disarmament proposal which was said to be most generous...
...What a rcSbtf challenge this program presents to organised labor...
...MacDonald Vindicated "JfaJEARLY thirteen years after having expelled ¦*" ' J. Ramsay MacDonald from membership, the Moray Golf Club proceeds to rescind that action and reinstate him as a member...
...all Fascist tendencies...
...Polttis, presided at Geneva, wished to reply to the Turkish preparations, and hastened to order construction of two destroyers and to acquire the cruiser "Salami*," previously ordered from the German "Vulcan" dockyard...
...Greece, whose representative...
...The proceeds will be divided as -follows: National Office 30 per cent...
...Meet with your mnlsterisl assorts tion...* *m Use the Besses' Wees ens...
...Now she will have the right to say that she is the first to arm herself, in consequence of the meagre results obtained at Geneva...
...Plans were worked out for an intensive drive for increased membership in the Federation, and In an interview at the national Office, Comrade PoDo stated that the drive was already under way and returns are now coming in, showing that the effort is to meet with success...
...The New Hampshire town appears to be a typical mill village with many of the tenement houses owned by the lord...
...Absolutist Yugo-Slavia Is for her part very glad to be able to show that she already possesses a sufficiently remarkable fleet...
...And I have cited in particular how the alleged pro-polracal-aeabnists have suppressed that story, a story that has finally got tn print on page 331 of Bin Haywoods book..about the high priest or anti-poUtlcal-acttoniam, J. B. Thompson, And rm going to see If X cant, (now that X have reduced the membership of the X. W. W. over 80% In the last two years),-do —»««*>»<»»g effective in the way of putting a kibosh on the rest of you capitalist tools, rm not underestimating the size of the Job—but the L W. W. had plenty of money back of It and has yet, as is indicated by Its keeping its eight publications going, but X nevertheless "fixed it" as far -as membership is concerned...
...NEW LEADER *MAILBAQ Daring, and steos last aTactton, I haea insisted that jouTe a stool pigeon...
...Guiseppe BerteM, former TranslatorSecretary of the Federation, will be the editor of the rfaova Mondo...
...N. Yaanios fx *s cartons to note that a* Urn wiinmapt * when the International Disarmament Conference was sitting, the Balkan States ware doing nothing but ai'ialm themselves...
...The article was partly of Comrade Thomas' on the 'Tariff," and the editors, in reference to the tariff and our European customers, revolt against it...
...For the Town Criers DUE to some oversight the town criers of capitalism failed to consider a town in New Hampshire with a population of less than 2,000 of which 500 have been destitute for more than two yeara^__It appears that the noble freemen were, dependent for work chiefly upon the owners of a mill which closed in the winter of 1926...
...The conversion of the newspapers sf America to the open shop would immediately loosen their tongues edltoriaSr and send forth such a volley of esse struct!ve editorial matter to tbe peaph ot the United States that the closed assy would seem to be Impossible...
...August 1. Make a note of it and be prepared for the str-r-ruggle...
...Equal opportunity fur all Aatsrini workers'' Is the burden of th* Sato Crusade...
...WiH this be repeated in the next war...
...x nave stated here in public several times that there is no such thing in this ujuuUj as a Socialist movement, and that the four branches of the Communist movement constitute an interlocking bunco game, that la led by a lot of fakers who are protecting each other...
...Ill cite the evidence that you are a stool pigeon In public before I get through...
...Belgrade recently sent two units of war into the port of Corfu—into whose waters thousands of unhappy Serbian peasants, exhausted and worn out by the ruin and sufferings of war, had been thrown into the sea during tbe night by the Serbian authorities—for the purpose of venerating those who had died in the war, but also to signify to Rome and to Athens that the Adriatic must belong to her and that she was able to forge the necessary weapon for this purpose...
...He had written critical articles against Sir Edward Grey, then British Foreign Minister, charging him with part responsibility for the war...
...Subjects such as "The Tariff," "The English Labor Party...
...The workmen and their famiiles have managed to eke out an existence in some way and now there is great rejoicing because the owner has decided to resume operations...
...He was expelled because his views of the war were not satisfactory...
...They are tbe ones who nasi the laws and render decisions, Ttgj will invade your work unless they ban an understanding of labor problem...
...One of the interesting things of this age is that the powerful banker and capitalist think a worker is a miscreant if he declines to fight in a war which these gentlemen always manage to dodge...
...Nothing, of course...
...which for the tans being, at least, wm be pabMshed FromThsOpen- \M Shoppers % alahnrata and train ssilva plant wSstfl to destroy Trad* Unionism in the QftS States...
...Locals 30 per cent...
...It declares that on the Great Day "the revolutionary proletariat is ready to undertake the decisive struggle against capitalism...
...This is to be the real thing—if it doesn't rain...
...This year's demonstration took ptoet at Lindau, in Bavaria, and on Sunday, Mi 16th, the workers from other ouuulck* wbo attended the demonstration onto across in gaily decorated steamers...
...Four weeks will be given to reach every member...
...Tba lueilnilstlii words of tba Fascist B3ng of Italy to relation to this conference have been followed in the Balkans by armament facts...
...If they will turn to the financial pages of New York dailies and note the reports of big corporations they will revise their opinion...
...The National Executive Committee has worked out a program that is two-fold...
...The Great Day...
...The movement that is afraid of criticism whether within or without should be carted to the cemetery for that is about the only place where people no longer speak or write...
...Speeches were made at the mass inset ing by Brettecheld (Germany...
...Fortunately Carroll and his associates made no mistake or they would have decorated gallows in colonial jails...
...Now let's march... fast about inconceivable...
...And my word goes a little ways, as X have a habit of acquiring evidence before I call names...
...It might have proven their death warrant but as it turned out they overthrew an old government and established one to suit themselves...
...This is therefore where we stand tn the Balkans on the morrow of the Disarmament Conference...
...The Great Day has been chosen by the Russian Red Army and the call comes through its official organ, the Red Star...
...Thus this country upon which tbe system of voluntary service has been imposed also desires to have a "national" army, and finds the means, although impoverished, of voting" amidst the enthusiastic acclamations of the Chamber, new military credits, charging them to the budgets ot other ministries...
...These ash S> fenders of the Tight to starve* esssJH tram tbe conference with stansirJK their hps which would rouse tat.ael of tbe late Dr...
...See, x know about it for certain Is that you are not a moron, and that a greater fraatrsrion of moronic sgnagance of ordrnasy eoorjcmtos than your reply to that latter on tba income Ska...
...Tbe success el the demonstration was really extrsensV nary...
...The last published letter was headed "Helping the Farmers," Congress has become a sub-committee of the Chamber of Commerce, says Politico...
...The educational sir cesses should therefore be directed S that department...
...1m "A ruthless poBry is to at 11 islet from the start...
...Politico, by the way, is the nom-de-plume I use...
...Carroll then signed himself "Charles Carroll of Carroll ton" and replied, "Now the King can make no mistake...
...If twenty tariff walls as high as our own are built abroad kindly figure out who will win...
...They have postponed the day of the great revolution till one faction carta the other to the cemetery...
...BBS are some of them: Turn the Tables „! "Take an active part through tbe assy agencies in your community in seeks that proper men are placed in paste office...
...One of the signers called another signer's attention to it by saying, "How will the British know which one to hang...
...We are going to reach every one of you...
...All right...
...There were two Charles Carrolls in Maryland...
...In both countries they want to win which suggests an embarrassing question: Did the British workers lose at their last election or did we...
...Debs Radio Station 10 per cent...
...It will be found that editorial sat news writers are too often saturated with Socialism...
...The ministerial assodstksa, the schools and colleges and the newspapers are to be the weapons of tbe ruthless open shoppers...
...If the workers and farmers of this country could cash in on their votes cast last November as great bankers and capitalists do, wouldn't they be happy...
...Only the ignorant and the prejudiced still cling to the old fcfcfsdd that MacDooald's article...
...The men who signed that document are now famous as revolutionaries in a country where its ruling cliques hate revolutionaries...
...Severino Folio was elected TranslatorSecretary...
...The City of the Futmr^ Q CITY That Shall Be, Wear o*r greeting Like a good man's smile...
...Turkey has Just ordered destroyers from the Italian dockyards, aad will soon launch its famous cruiser " Yavoux" (the ex-German ship "Goeben...
...You wouldn't believe us, would you ? Well, what have you got to say now...
...We thought that everybody was in on it so well explain...
...Tammany is engaged in herding other nnfrriaie, moat of...
...Don't forget...
...Join us in Union Square on the Great Day...
...All indications are that with the increasing nurriber of factoryized farms the farmers will be reduced to direct corporation exploitation...
...These are essential features of imperialist wars* That Glorious Fourth / , XpIFTY-SIX men signed a revolutionary doemsent ¦"" in Philadelphia 153 years, ago...
...The pact concluded between Turkey and Bulgaria has, for example, If we may believe the bourgeois press of the two countries, an exceptional significance...
...Tbe dieaiS' stration was a powerful protest agaSet...
...A few thousand dollars remains of the national campaign debt...
...One) A Call to March...
...Isn't that fine...
...More than SjBS comrades took part in the processes through the streets of Llndau...
...Perhaps the happy freemen will be able to pay the debts contracted for nearly three years and then m' lord may decide to give them another vacation...
...The ruling group in each nation shared in the blame although each piously protested its innocence and damned the other...
...Who said no politics to *fi Union...
...From a backslider who is making amends...
...Upon tbe ilnsl pistoise iff these modern pink-faced, beavHy JSBH gladiators is written the roBntfi slogans: "Select year awn snsttegTssss^sS%H first trial ef strengtku*' . «¦ "Marshal year fore** ready Sir SS can test...
...Basest (Austria), Grimm fSwltseriand...
...Let's go...
...Are we prepared to tato these weapons from tbe flabby hands at our enemies and use them for ow osS ends or shall we let these maudlin tejj, bits destroy us...
...L. CD ELL...
...On tba other band the articles- written by IJehkwedbt and others in Ge*Tdany were reprinted in England...
...A powerful labor party is likely to be the fruit...
...Woodrow WUson...
...The states in question, Including Bulgaria, are each acting according to a settled plan, and at the bottom of this effervescence there are secret military alliances which keep it alive...
...The old hokum regarding a German imp that was solely responsible for the war has been abandoned by intelligent people...
...Clarence Senior Is Elected National Socialist Secretary (Continue* frees Fas...
...Others who are not to profound recognize this, Senator...
...And maybe so 111 manage to do ditto for you...
...All other work must dovetail with this program...
...Then Isvestia confirms the news with a bristling editorial which declares that the str-r-ruggle will be waged against the imperialist nations and their "Social Democratic lackeys...
...UHBt numbers came by railways from Waft* tenberg and Bavaria...
...Ten on take jour choice and figure a oat for yourself...
...Then we shall turn to the publication of new leaflets and pamphlets, undertake organization, education and building of existing branches...
...It is free propaganda and seems to have just been forgotten altogether...
...Some ungrateful workers are so stubborn as to believe there is no genuine prosperity in this country...
...But those who have prevented the Disarmament Commission from arriving at more real results are solely responsible for the warlike effervescence which has been shown to exist at the present moment in the Balkans, The Socialist International, which fulfilled its duty at Geneva, and whose petitions were so numerous on President Loudon's table, warned of what is happening in the Balkans, will be able to intervene in an energetic manner, assisted by our British comrades, whose electoral victory will enable them to extend to the Balkan peoples the pacifism of the Labor party...
...Setae affect the National Office and some the Debs Radio Station...
...The loyal subjects will return to his service for the princely wages that are paid in Fall River and New Bedford and they are glad of the opportunity...
...State Organizations 10 per cent...
...Whether they are the victims of international agents to munitions of war—of the Basile ZacharofTs and others, wbo have inspired a new armaments race— whether they are victims of their unsatlated nationalist stupidity, or victims of their regimes of dictatorship, the Balkan states which are lined up against one another already in arms must be stopped in their murderous and incendiary outburst by the imposing Socialist cry of "Drop your arms...
...We have been marking time for a number of years...
...It is not the Industrious and thrifty who grow rich under capitalism, but those who exploit the labor of others.—J...
...In the seventeenth century cows were pastured in tbe region where now stands the City Hall of New York...
...Onward Christian Soldiers' Let S» Rotarlan Band strike up the Skf Spangled Banner while the Klwazasssfp whoopie aad the Civic Federation stent a hot war dance...
...But your name and addcess is usually required by editors.—L Italian Socialist Federation Meets in Pittsburgh Sessions 'Br s New Leaecr CerreepeaSent) Pittsburgh, Pa.—The Italian Socialist Federation held a national convention in this city on May 31, June 1 and 3. at which tbe Federation was unusually well represented, at least one delegate being present from every branch...
...aad w Borella fEwttaerland), who spoke is Italian tor the benefit of Xtabass nf Switzerland and in exile...
...I typed a letter from tbe article in the Leader on the rise of the Knglish Labor Party from nothing practically to the dominant party over there in the course of thirty years, and I commented on the current movietone release with Lloyd George as "the Man of the Hour...
...Go into classes on sociology sad ess* nomics and give them, two or three thsfi a year, an interesting half-hour on yssf work...
...Kemalist Turkey, reconciling herself with Sofia, wishes to provide herself with a sure aSy vbo win aid her in her future march on Grecian Thrace...
...Bring some rose water, spearmint gum, the last thesis of the Elenum, and a wrist watch so you will be on time...
...That day is August 1 when the str-r-ruggle against the world bourgeoisie will begin...
...The workers of Great Britain have learned how to make every vote count for themselves but in the United States tbe masses are not yet so particular...
...Profound sociologists and students of political economy foresee the rise of Socialism when industries art owned and con trolled by a Ht*tt«4 number of integrated organisations.—Senator King...
...And fl» only nay i wfll cjnshfy that statement is that you pghaps are a hypocritic subject of one...
...Let the Comrades try it...
...So here is one item for the sweet singers of "prosperity " and a nation where everybody is be> corning rich...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 25

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