Henderson, Arthur

Henderson's View on World Affairs; "We Must Lead the Workers Through Peace And Freedom To Socialism" Socialist Rn> in Many MaJof OMMtviaa S#kmb, Pf#> • se i - a e-JL' fo .....lease' If...

...As everybody knows, the work ot that Fifth Assembly was temporarily destroyed, but I repeat, only temporarily destroyed...
...prisonmcnt of the owner for set kto than three years and a fine of tttjgf...
...He was responsible for the tsjhts hour day, workmen's insurance ga£ other reforms in the interest of hues...
...We intend to take the governments at their word, and we shall use the opportunity to confront their profession* with their deeds...
...3> VINCENT ST...
...The dabor Party has been making a fight for old age pensions and a national 48-hour amendment to the Constitution...
...Frank Crosswaith spoke to the strikers early in the week and made such a good impression that as soon as the news of the injunction came, he was asked to come over and encourage the strikers...
...Later he was editor of Bj...
...we do not desire that the working-class should sink to the level of barbarous violence and terrorism, which the representatives of capitalism do not shrink from applying...
...It would thus have slain the hideous monster of international war, the monster which with every passing year now takes new forms, and each more terrible than the last...
...Until there is true security amon...
...I win not dwell on the hideous picture which our present rulers seem to contemplate with such olympian calm...
...uct or material as may be required...
...the nations—not security merely against defeat, or security of one nation at the expense of all the rest, but security of all nations against all war— until there is such true security as this, the International Institutions which have been created can never develop as they should...
...But enthusiasm abounds...
...At the Internattonal SeetaUst Congress in Breseeis in Aagest, IKS, Arthar Henderson, in hi* front presidential address which flBa ton pagee of the printed verbatim report, laid down in a mere tesnprsbsnslve moaner than ea other oeeaeieas the pHwntoloe go»einlng his eeaceptiens of world poBttee...
...He was educated at the University sf Liege and afterward was a pi iifiiak there...
...They must not longer vaguely ask the Council, therefore, to "make haste...
...Effective Disarmament rpHC Assembly must at length take some definite decisions shout disarmament itself...
...The Optional Clause of the Permanent Court would have beta generally accepted long ago, all-in arbitration treaties would have already boon made, not on the bi-lateral basis which for some mysteileus reason the present British government seems to Headed th* R+urft9d SvchU* WwmfedenaUm •he cease of bjs iisdgsslhs from hk> the* ilnlili Ini ssBco fc Aawast l»n to the way of the Intorastlcoel ¦ sola hot Bos mi Congress which was to take ateee 1m BtoohBosoi Wnu_~— In is'i rca%»Vto*oa Tbo^.e'tpMiel'ef th* waV^Se rerty josdo aVeJf iadoso^eaSjtfjthe leadership contested «he 1*18 stocttoas ago tost ^ihe bontgeeli parties m< the The efforts towards an tot.....iloiisl Heejabst Congress, wbh* were ft satiated ¦wring the war, were renewed by Henand It was prtacipt&PZwJ^U, hta"lW the International Conference was held In Bene in 1S19...
...That is the least that this year's Assembly ought to do...
...I Such refusal would hardly be wsMttfi, however, as the owner's personal Befit' is not effected, and be would be peMIs his commodities by the *^erntseal...
...On the contrary^ indeed, in all countries In which right is overborne, our programme can always be only that of the restoration of democracy, the restoration of this fundamental condition of ewistenre for the labor movement It is unnecessary ones again to recite the list of an those regimes of dictatorship of which wo spoke so fatty at our hurt Congress at Marseilles...
...Never before have the peoples been so ready for progress which their governments would not give them...
...And new the Labor and Seeiattst International is eaee snore mil Tig to do witheot his valuable help, as according to Its eoestttaUoa tessatisrshts of the Bseewtlve aeiteswatieany coaaes with the taking ever of office In a Government...
...Until the monster is slain tbere can be no sure foundation for international peace...
...The victory of the British Labor Party, the stirring address of Comrade Crosswaith and the excellent record of the six Labor council men made local trade unionists confident that the day is not far off when Labor will rule this city...
...For experience has shown us that only if a fixed limit of time has been established can we hope that the forces of inertia and reaction can be overcome...
...Women's Republican Club...
...The celebrations in honor of the Fascists took place ess the 10th of June .exactly on the anniversary of Matteotul murder on the part of the Fascist...
...It has exposed attempted graft on the part of etty officials amounting to over $180,000...
...The time for action ha* come...
...The Republican machine take* the state and national offices, the Democratic machine has a mayor and board of aldermen...
...The protocol was a great charter of international disarmament and peace...
...If the governments in power had meant business about getting rid of war, they would have befit en the foundations which we hud in 1S34...
...Takes Up Problems Of the Cities Four-Day Session at Camp TavsimflntBMciuses Ma> •weio...
...peeecsoss a new interest, we sheaM nke to afro seme extracts, which show his attends to the ptsblsibl of the gwaranteeing of pence and the restoration of geioei isrj all the nation* of the world...
...But none the less, that work of ours lit a beacon which has never been put out...
...Whoa (trio mil, „ oatton was broeght absot at the Bamberg Congress In May IMS ft was natural that ho sfcoodd be ejected to the Presldeney of the Labor and eeessBst fetersjstieaeL His work-as President has been carried ea with esdy cm toil i option duiing the sorted of the first Leber Governs**** bs aagtond...
...7 Secretary of War Good m osffJflH to the oenosrtptton of labor, bet fi BjB proposed to conscript property, fit fta case property will be used by tbt Wfiim meet and a "fair price" allowed...
...For war has now become the most vital of all the problems with which governments have to deal...
...Never before have the governments to cravenly held back when those for whom they speak have wished them to go on...
...There 1* only one case that has occurred in the period reported, to addition to Lithuania, that calls for special mention...
...Whatever differences of opinion we may have bad an the question as to the best method of preventing war, in the sentiment of loathing tor war, we have always been, sad ere, at one...
...bV claimed that the taxing power of |£ gross win suffice to conscript JtdwBj^ 19 The Chief Executive new kst Bitfi power in war time than ¦ generally ssjP tsed...
...The initJonrai at Brooklawn and B«gel wood partes were held spellbound r* cresswalth outlined the bright future of labor political actio - in Mew Bedford and in the nation...
...9<*ClBIB*f letsBUS raTTy By Doo«i...
...Never before, perhaps, In the modern world has public opinion been se far beyond the governments in power...
...endsjii sww~ rervop^n wnssa* ister Last Year By Arthur Henderson Mimi*t*r far fmrmign -4/«sr«, Crwsst JpWf«as Outlawry qrwmj IJVS us ifgsmisntsUiee of the workers, *¦ thp outlawry of war bee always been the nnqnesUonable prettmirary condition of all our activity...
...Thus it is that we, and we atone, can give the world the true spirit of international co-operation...
...The Labor Party is planning active work this summer...
...Then we shall march forward together to - the realisation of these ideals of which today we speak...
...It laid down that governments should take all their justiciable disputes without exception before the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague...
...nWt Owners BepnMleans The New Bedford mill barons are the backbone of the Republican Party...
...It sroused a great hope among the peoples, a hope which-nothing could extinguish when once it had appeared even far away on their horiaon...
...Dictatorships involve not only the oppression of nations in the country where they exist, but likewise an aggravation of the danger of war, and therefore, our primary demand, not only in the sphere of domestic politics, but equally In that of foreign politics is for the reiteration of democracy...
...Boosts, accorded yfiPfw PbanhU ariators led by the TTftif* liiarr •'• -BeThe was se Ada nnuiiiij last winter, and seisubsi stansonetrattons ware held m "hi* kepxr> by the Boahatahi fjjhfj s*gpt^9*£fp|pft^ sMwMIbjVv VbMa IVf MMM wmf fate ?IctteiS ~Vtao Iwd to 4W Italy...
...Affairs 'C.....Ml «H« p Los Angeles Party Celebrates Big Vote (CenUaaed frost rare I) New Bedford Labor Party Makes Gains Cpo—wakh AfMrwsM Wins • 50 New Member* — ' 8 ¦¦ pjImHosi a* - - -J - ITa^p...
...that is the minimum programme of immediate action that the government must take to prove their good faith to the peoples for whom they speak...
...it Is stossd, wMb Use Chief sbconrUve peew to •* M to direct factories as to what e£H goods they should produce, and J*1H pel labor to work for a fired Prist...
...And in the examples of Lithuania and Poland, we can perceive more unmistakably than ever what dangers the system of dictatorship can hold for the peace of the world...
...It is we who can build at last on the unstable foundations which have been laid a reel league of Nations...
...Manning Given Credit The local comrades have all worked hard and have given liberally of their scanty resources, but the credit for the strong labor political movement here Is largely due to ground work laid by Frank J. Manning during long months of strike and his unparalleled campaign for Congress last fall The Party supported another party's candidate for mayor against Comrade Manning's advice...
...The Fifth Assembly, in short, made for the first time a full answer to the unsolved problem of international war...
...Ossnrado Wright is one of the she Labor Party members of the New Bedford City Council...
...At the time of the oleavagea he remained at the head of the goon* which hope* to essrtto.es the are-war International, bet ho was siwars a asatoss prossotor of the eatnesUoa of all Socialist patties hi one fatter, national organisation...
...CBsv piiance with such order Is nHgtHjr Failure by the owner of the plant te am.I ply with the order can result si sfidbf of the plant by the government safli...
...Former Senator William Butler, president of three local mills, needs no further mention...
...There were times when anyone who failed to show enthusiasm (or war and militarism used to bs regarded as a traitor to bis country...
...Socialist newspaper, Le PeupU, Be fore entering politics...
...This sure and sustained ascent of the workers which—provided they are capable of bridging the divisions amongst themselves—must ultimately create an unconquerable force to confront the representatives of capitalism, is one of the fundamental assumptions upon which is founded our judgment of the World Political Situation, and the policy which the workers have to pursue...
...Bo .far the Labor Party has only one-fourth of the Council...
...The general verdict it the his death was due to overwork salt the strain of the responsibility *» carried- during the war, when at remained in Belgium to assist Bis fa low citisena...
...Above all...
...Jay Lovestone Expelled From Communist Party I'-T" l t'.i _ 3C3C Odeses Communists' Honers for Balbe Stirs Resentiment Here *Bsa*lsesvst nowa'fsoa rsinTud tbss w8eXTu^*5^n^^ eats* Mm Cesawsesawi etBcMsof the ajky of Odessa...
...The New Bedford Labor Party la wntoue awsong labor eewanisattons in this country...
...Mark M. Duff, a prominent mill director is a member of the Governor's Council...
...But owing to the reactionary government* who were against it the Geneva Protocol failed to become part of the established law" of nations...
...All Belgium ^ Mourns Death of «*H Joseph Wautff* BRUSSELS.—AH Belgium Jn>, mourning for the Socialist lesthr, Joseph Wauters, former Minister s| Labor, who died June 30 at the am of 52 at his borne here after a ibsfi, illness...
...Crosswaith made a fine speech, using the issuance of the injunction to bring home the necessity for political action...
...Then it also provided for disarmament, for the reduction and limitation of all national forces by International treaty, and it laid down that without disarmament, before such disarmament has been agreed upon and carried out, no part of this system of the Protocol could come into force...
...In the growth and evolution of the League a turning-point has now been reached, and the future will depend upon the wisdom or th: folly of the decision* that may now be made...
...Not even the rising tide of popular opinion has yet sufficed to break the power of the government's conservative and bureaucratic traditions and ideas...
...As you know, it solemnly declared that all aggressive war was an International crime...
...The ftojoerqTvsg sheets hem at the ttme of Balbsrs visit earned vto> lent articles against ha*, with kb picture and the Inscription of the word •VatUnr...
...It is wwnpoosd of dolegates from thirty-one A F. of L. locals, from t* Workmen's Circle and from the Women's Trade Union League...
...We are aware, that unhappily, this natural and least costly road towards the establishment of the workers' power does not stand open in all countries...
...Jacob Mmkin...
...l Twenty years ago he was actiwj V metal workers' strikes in Colorado, IsbJlf and Montana, and was alio one ot 'tier chief writer* of the L W. W. In it* est** days...
...Again and again the representatives of the capitalist order endeavor to interfere by acts of violence in the course of democracy and to erect a system of despotism which forces the workers back into a status in which they are deprived of all rights...
...power interests for lowering lighting rates...
...Manning's warnings have proven all too true and the Labor Party in the future will follow the example of the British comrades in refusing to ally themselves with other political groups...
...In j unction I s Issued Against Shoe Strikers (By ¦ New Leader Cerresseadeat) BOSTON—Judge Bishop has granted the Injunction for which the shoe manufacturers have applied though, it is not yet known how sweeping the injunction against the shoe strikers is...
...For if they delay much longer with this vital matter they will be risking the whole future of the League...
...It provided arbitration in the last resort for other disputes, which the Council of the League was not able to settle by agreement...
...In order that that conference should be properly prepared to do it* work when at last it meet*, it should further, I believe, give a definite instruction to the Council to summon the Preparatory Commission at a given date, and they should fix a time by which that Com mission shall complete the draft disarmament treaty which it must prepare...
...The time for platonie resolutions, for expressions of empty hope, is now long pest...
...Nor does the Wood family, from which came the late General Dictator of the Philllplnes...
...But we must continue the struggle against reaction in every form, until we make an end to the class privilege and exploitation...
...exe-uttve secretary of the party, is snaking a fight against the...
...far more progress would have been made with regard to disarmament itself...
...The protocol did not become, as we had hoped it would, part of the established law which the nations of the world observed...
...Working men and women must realise that for real progress towards industrial democracy the right arm of the working class, the ballot box, must work In unison with the left arm, the industrial union...
...Xn Poland, Ptstudskt Is stltt toying with the idea of ottohhshlng ramsetf a* a ntfiltary dictator...
...Far more would hare been done but for the hesitating or openly reactionary attitude of the capitalist governments who are in power...
...TIMEL Y TOPICS By Norman Thomas (CeaWaoed frost ra*e 1) Draft Lil Being Drawl ForConSel Kn Would Enlacan ttajj toriaj Powers AJg|9 Held by PresioW 1 wffl ke prsseBled to Oengroa sasgj Monday hi December...
...It providedsdor effective preventive action whenever there was a threat of war, action to be taken —and note the vast importance of this point—before hostilities actually broke out...
...We are well aware that, tor the time being, this Is but a magnificent declaration, concurrently with which armament* are maintained at an alarming level and foreign armies remain entrenched within the frontiers of Germany...
...Into the Realm of Peace and Freedom ¥ BSLUVB the time is coming, and coming soon, when we shall have Socialist and Labour Governments in power in several of the greater countries of the world...
...We do not, however, draw from this the moral that we should repay like with like...
...We know something in Great Britain of these changes of warfare, for our government is never wary of military displays, exercses and menouevree of every kind, and we know therefore what Is being prepared...
...P.) —Dttf)* has ended the once-famous career e> Vincent St John, who helped Bill Wm*> wood form the I. W. W. in 1808, 881' served a term in Leavenworth under 1st espionage law...
...This action they must take at once or face the grave responsibility of risking a failure far more disastrous than that of the Coolidge Conference a year ago...
...they are told whoefcj, work at a wage set by the President, a one case Inanimate things are 11 beddal In the other case human beings *r» fcetrolled...
...Prom this opeeeh...
...He had lived la e>' seurtty for some time in San FrssekMsf where he died after a long illness...
...which at the present annuo...
...This procedure differs when wsjtxp, are conscripted...
...rji One of the moot magnificent tra*$, als in Belgium since the war waj, given for him...
...The togblattow...
...We Must Lead the Workers Through Peace And Freedom To Socialism" Socialist Rn> in Many MaJof OMMtviaa S#kmb, Pf#> • se i - a e-JL' fo .....lease' If tea...
...Be gave valuable services during the recent strike a* attorney for the Textile Council...
...We may therefere perceive a slight advance when the repudiation of war of which formerly the workers were the sole exponents, now becomes an idea accepted by governments...
...Th* Geneva Protocol tX)UR years sgo in Geneva the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations under the leadership of two great governments of the Left, drew up a document known to history ss the -Geneva Protocol...
...Tanks, poison gas, aircraft bombardment and attack are already making the horrors of the last war seem like child's play in comparison with the next war If it should ever come...
...Be is still In office due to the campaign money that he can command and to the support of the underworld...
...Restoration Of Democracy XKTE cherish the hope thst the election* in all countries, where election* will shortly take place, will bring the same decisive swing to the left as the elections on whose results we can already congratulate ourselves today...
...A. Thompfion 7y*w BB0FOKD.—"Let British Leber* example prove an inspiration to known Snstihrt orator, o* two mcitingi of the Mew Bed-'ord Labor Party last Sunday...
...Miss Whitman, whose family controls three of the largest mills, is president of the Mass...
...With the help of both wo shall draw nearer to our final emancipation.'' At the conclusion of his speech Crosswaith wss applauded and cheered and it was with difficulty that be escaped from the crowd which pressed around him eager to shake his hand...
...They must do more than that I believe they will fail in their solemn duty—I say this after full deliberation—unless they fix the date for the long delayed disarmament conference for the summer 1939 at latest...
...Mayor Charles S. Ashley, who broke the strike of which Gene Deb* was the leader in 1898 survived in office to call out the militia against the strikers in 1938...
...And, accordinglr, we can only rejoice if the representatives of capitalist governments find themselves constrained to adhere to this Idea of ours, and to secure universal acknowledgment of this wateh-ward of the outlawry of war...
...Bow the same sheets are sconowhat easbarrassod and have nothing to answer to Nuovo Monde...
...And it Is because we can do so, because we and we alone have a policy which meets the urgent needs of the present hour, thst we stand with regard to the vital question of world peace on the threshold of victories greater than any we have won...
...I might go on if space permitted...
...The fine spirit shown by the officers and members of the Labor Party will soon, I believe, make New Bedford a Labor City like Reading and Milwaukee Comrade Crosswaith should be congratulated for hastening that day by securing 50 new Members as a result of his speech last Sunday...
...It provided a complete mechanism, a complete law, for the establishment and maintenance of peace...
...We are bound to feel the profoundest mistrust as to the intelligence and goodwill of Voldemaras and PilsudskL Both have arrogated to themselves dictatorial powers which might enable them, through their antagonism, to set the whole world ablaze...
...Reports taken from the Italian Fascist papers—which have not as yet been contradicted by the Communists —state that Odessa buSt a triumphal arch to Italo Baibo and his Fascist aviator comrades...
...Its active, highly respected president is John Wright, member of the State Executive Committee of the Socialist Party and treasurer of the Warp Twister's Union...
...We all know that far more could and ought to have been done...
...It is our responsibility to lead the workers Into the realm of peace and fredom and thus clear the way for the establishment of the Socialist and Co-operative Commonwealth...
...At the time of the Ctf cage L W. W. trial, when be wss Vs dieted with over a hundred others, 8t John had been out of the radical us**" ment for several years, but wss CSV vlcted nevertheless...
...Since the Marseille* Congress, we have witnessed how in Lithuania, in defiance of the will of the people expressed at the elections, a military dictatorship has established itself and has swept away the whole of the young democratic development in that country- The fate of this land must be a warning to the workers as to what perils threaten their efforts from the will to violence of the bourgeosls...
...Moreover, the governments can never co-operate as we intend they should co-operate, In building up the common prosperity and welfare of mankind...
...New York Italian Baobabs* dally, which k asking those to repudiate the tofamous action of their fellow Communists In Ruena...
...when ho was Secretary eg State for Bowse Affairs...
...By tackling this problem of war, by laying down the methods by which it can be destroyed, the Fifth Assembly biased the trail which sooner or later the government* will have to follow...
...Under section 198 of the BMBg Defense Act the President, la Maw Vs war or1 when war is Imminent, k oaf powered to place an order with toy by dividual, firm or concern for "socfe sroj...
...he s> reviling, in the tone of an b^sffiiwojnili person, the ktsWulluii af democracy, and the workers of Poland have already been compelled to suffer, in every possible kind of violence and persecution, the consequence of his irresponsibility...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 25

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