SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK ---¦ OSV* «f tke asrlsKat ** !*SieiWll*^«r«e» tm^^SrunrntkeU. beaks. rappBea »*g**TI2 rmrty pabUcatien* gsjie***"** ^uliT N" SffU^Sie' -y" a^USTS . ¦¦"JEL t» tke...
...Wednesday, July 3. 8:30 p. m, 180th street and St...
...Yoraviue At a recent meeting of the four j., Yorkville recommendations were made for nomination of candidates for A«-°mblv a"-* • » ,• committee consisting of three members of eech branch wa-~ <j!ect...
...Celie Rotter...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, David George...
...Leonard C. Kaye...
...Bav Parkway on Saturday evenings are highly successful...
...Prices of 500 and 250 copies are pro-rata...
...7th A D., Isidore Philips...
...The club is planning a series of discussions on McAlister Coleman's "Pioneers of Freedom...
...JEBSET JUNIORS CELEBRATION The Youth Social Club meeting at 71 Newark Ave...
...Georgia Georgia, with a new local in Atlanta, and a fine bunch of active workers and contributors, looks particularly good...
...Roxbury at aaRB and Lawrence: June 28...
...benefit of the county organization... 11 o'clock...
...The "Les Amis" of Wmsbg...
...Marxian Sorartty Has New Leader The Marxian Sorority, a junior girls club meeting at 88 Grafton St., Brooklyn...
...of Scotland and the British Leb°J Rsrty, Clarence Taylor of Baltimore, 2TSr...
...This comrade, B. O. Reynolds', recently had the temerity to arrange a meeting for Norman Thomas, and so determined was he in his efforts that he not only had some dozen or so Influential "liberals" at a dinner in honor of Comrade Thomas, but secured the cooperation of the Trades Council, which adjourned its own meeting so that their hall might be used...
...YOUNG CIRCLE 1IKWS Jantot Executive Ceanasttae At the last meeting of the Junior Executive Committee it was...
...A new local has been recently formed in Miami, as a result of the Claessens meeting...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown...
...5th A. D., Henry Fruchter...
...27th A. D. Solomon Wechsler: 28th A Dm Meyer Marshall...
...4th A D., Julius Umansky...
...and former essemejaja, wss attended by a large nitrate tf T*-**"*** trade unionists, county at ah officials...
...Wednesday, July 3, 8:30 p. m...
...Another will soon be formed in Tampa...
...July 5, North¦shm...
...feltCbetsea... of the veterans of many Brownsville campaigns, to active work of the branch...
...County Clerk: David RublnoW, County Register...
...Louis Well, County Judge: Andrew McLean, for Sheriff... 'Labor in England and Cat* hue been mailed to one huna* largeet locals in the United *J_ at*, an urgent request that these ¦^SS* at ordered from the national *Tia krie quantities and given the *S m—lil distribution...
...July 6, Greenfield: July 7. •fsskr, I p. m., behind City Hall...
...Street meetings will bs suspended during July and Auiust...
...For scenic beauty it cannot be surpassed, but the beauties of nature within that circumscribed territory are ordinarily reserved for those with the golden key...
...The state will be represented at the Southern Conference, and no doubt will be one of the most important participants...
...Conditions look good for a Socialist revival in this state...
...Louis Sadoff...
...South Carolina The land of Palmettoes, aristocrats, and "Poor white trash" wUl he represented at the Southern States' Conference...
...Jersey City, celebrated its first aniversary last Friday with a party and entertainment...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Monday...
...Florida, for the last several years...
...The first day for signing petitions Is July 2. The last day for filing...
...David Rublnow, treasurer, gave a report Indicating a deficit of some $500...
...Claessens also Introduced H. Feldman...
...A group of comrades has met several times and they obtained a number of applicants...
...Max Heck, the club's adviser, was toastmaster...
...Nicholas avenue, 157th street and Broadway...
...Many party branches, trade unions...
...S. Benjamin Daublin was scheduled to make an address on a current topic at the June 28 meetine...
...Up In the state of Wisconsin is a town called Lake Geneva, which is renowned throughout the middle west as the exclusive home of the very rich and fortunate of these parts...
...FP).—George Debordie, married and the father of three children, killed himself with strychnine because, according to note he left for his wife, he was "unable to make a decent living" for his family...
...July 13—Week-end trip to Workmen s Circle Camp at Pawling...
...Andrew McGuire...
...Is'-elated with Its new adviser...
...New Bedel <lno meetings i; Julv 1, Brockton, fjhjs and ward streets: July 2. 3. bntjgfekl...
...Jackson Heights Additions to the membership are being made at almost every meeting and during the next two months, several mailings will be made to the enrolled Socialist voters of the Third Assembly District...
...and especially in Tennessee...
...Ten dollars was voted to the city office and $7.50 worth of picnic tickets were Durchased...
...Simon Frucht...
...A committee was elected to interview Joseph Weinberg relative to accepting this nomination: 30th A D., Louis Painken...
...and A D...
...Many comrades commented on the condition of the Bronx County organization and the excellent prospects for a vigorous camnaien...
...Organizer Claessens will be present at the next meeting when the branch is chartered...
...BRONX A esry weO attended general membership meeting of the Bronx wss held last Friday evening... Ulmer Park...
...Prosperity Didn't Get to Him HANFORD...
...Comrade Orr accepted sad made a spirited talk as to the prospects of the coming campaign...
...f> ». T...
...However, by some miracle there resides within that city a "lone Socialist," the only one within the county if membership counts, but he is of a valiant and determined spirit...
...Efforts will, be made to organise branches In other parts ot the District... secured Wilson M. Brown...
...New York State A NEW LEAFLET Rochester was the first local, announces the state secretary, to place an order for the new leaflet enttled "Is It a Crime'to Be Old...
...are preparing Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial by Jury" for presentation at its anniversary celebration...
...A delegation from the Arcs protested the decision on the ground that they were not notified of all the games...
...West JJ* Street, Richmond, on the eveassof July 5th and 6th...
...Comrade Reynolds predicts that he will have a local in Lake Geneva some of these days...
...l open: July 9. 10...
...also a committee to prepare the educational program for the winter season...
...Organizer Claessens spoke on the condition of the party in the various counties, the splendid growth of our Bronx organisation within the last year, the condition and activity of the 11 branches in Bronx County and prospects tor the campaign...
...Three mailings will Include a letter telling of the progress made by the Jackson Heights Branch, which is as yet the only one in this large assembly district and along with the letter will be enclosed a leaflet...
...6th and 9th Judicial Districts at the fall election, and locals in these districts should designate delegates and alternates to Judicial District convention for the primary...
...Joseph Axelrad...
...4 Wisconsin AJOIUAL 8TATE PICNIC Mb* for the annual state Socialist pa) ptauc at Muskego beach August H. e* Being printed and will be out ¦ t he gay*, according to Al Benson, aeary of the party, who announced a* tot advance ticket sales for the She law been good...
...For each meeting a different, member will prepare on one of the "pioneers...
...Jefferson and East Broadway...
...Speaker, Henry Jager.' '. ;s-^.Twessay, July 3, StSS p. a, Tompkins avenue and Hart street, .Speakers, Btheired Brown...
...July 1. 8:30 p. m...
...Lillian Cooper...
...Comrade Prey speaks Spanish...
...comrades were extremely elated over the c..;,.i • v. rauo.aaies...
...Indiana an* Secretary Newlund states that i SB* sad rally is to be held in Anmet report of which will be made gar Oat the women members of Local ana Canity are planning many ac¦fht tad ask* for literature and suggests from other women's clubs...
...David George has b"'en assured bv the Organ'*ation Committee of the City Organization to work in this district...
...The affirmative team consisting of Elizabeth Blumeathal, Mildred Prantkin and Lena Lavendar defeated Minnie Forman...
...A Mourn...
...Sunday morning *th...
...Louis P. Goldberg delivered an excellent address and held the auatence in great interest...
...She attended these meetings and has offered her assistance in the organization of this branch...
...Ohio • LOCAL CINCINNATI BUSY <*¦ fxsnrt, secretary of Local CinJS report* that the local is again gat thai s local organizer has been antetal and that they hope to be in gidac to put up a good city camffa the fall election...
...15th District... the principal speaker...
...Field Secretary of the L. I. D., discuss conditions in the South...
...An Executive Committee was elected for the summer months consisting of Comrades Blumenberg...
...DougsiBanre: June 29, Dorchester at Blue ¦ wet Lawrence: June 30...
...Organizer Claessens spoke on his observations and impressions in the South...
...Murray Gross...
...S. Babetsky...
...Julius Lawendar asked the members to attend the Meyer London memorial meeting...
...The cost to organizations is $3.50 per thousand...
...Comrade Edson and possibly others will attend the Southern Conference in Richmond...
...The members are highly elated over the success attained...
...COMING EVENTS July 2—Meeting of new Central Committee to elect officers for the coming term...
...East Harlem Work is in progress for the organization of a Porto Rican branch in the East Harlem territory...
...ram brockhausen dies Re feoeral services of Frederick ssHaiern TO, widely known Wilwaum SeSaBst, member of the board of asfaj of the Milwaukee county instiakat, Wsowatosa...
...reported that the Alces won the Junior Basketball Tournament and that the trophy be awarded them...
...It was decided that both branches meet jointly during the summer months to conduct open-air meetings and other activities...
...August 20...
...June 25...
...Simon Wolfe, our organizer and candidate for Assembly, delivered his address of acceptance and promised that the fur would fly in the District...
...An excellent campaign committee has been elected...
...He states mm the victory of our British oases everybody (meaning Socialists) i ana;: What can we do now...
...Workmen's Circle branches, and friendly organizations are participating...
...Quantities of these leaflets on the timely subject of "Old Age Pensions'' are at the City Office and all branches, members of the party and sympathizers are notified that they can be obtained...
...The series of open-air lectures delivr - 1.1 Ber.sjnhurst at 6Sth Street ar...
...It is essential that branches turn in their nominations to the city office without delav...
...The Southern J** Conference will be held in the "¦"Baft Circle Hall...
...The branch ordered two thousand copies of the new leaflet on "Old Age Pensions...
...Bapgood Available Bspgood is available for speak2 **kf and organization work until * Psse of August...
...New Bedford "rajd^ Thompson is organizing in ¦"¦sMsra and also helping the Tex• Osaadl in his spare moments...
...Partybranches that have not responded for the printing of tickets for their organization are urged to do so without delay...
...July 4, open...
...This is but a start and it is surprising to see how many comrades gave so willingly, including members of the Y. P. S I. ti-hn pmntierl thpir Dockets...
...June 29, 8:30 p. m...
...Representatives from ?many clubs in the League and parents were present...
...former Bronx member and who had been very active in Jacksonville...
...Emanuel Deutsch...
...NOMINATIONS All party branches in the territory of the five counties in New York Citv" are urged to complete local nominations for members of Assembly and Aldermen...
...95th street and Broadway...
...HI* further dates are as folks: *e» K Douglas Square (Tremont and esaess streets), Boston...
...ALBANY PICNIC State Secretary Merrill was present at the picnic of the Albany Workmen's Circle at Sharp's Grove...
...Friday, July 8, 8:80 p. m., Havemeyer and South 4th street...
...rappBea »*g**TI2 rmrty pabUcatien* gsjie***"** ^uliT N" SffU^Sie' -y" a^USTS . ¦¦"JEL t» tke Natienal Omee...
...A resolution of condolence was passed to Comrades Samuel and Hstv Ulanoff for the loss of their father...
...Another of our esteemed, activp and tireless workers...
...Locals can be supplied with this leaflet, which is the first to be issued by the Conference of Eastern State Secretaries, at $4 per 1.000 copies...
...Members are also elated over the return of Dr...
...Saaruei H. Friedman, H. Rosner, David George...
...A motion was passed to send a letter of good wishes to Boris Kostinsky whose Illness has removed him from Party activities for some time...
...It was also decided that an automobile outing be held July 14 for...
...68th street and Bay parkway...
...Jaly 15, Douglas Square...
...Cpcn-air meetings will...
...July 8—Junior Executive Committee meeting instead of Sunday July 7ih...
...A htoBin, chairman sad Louis Painken, vice chairman The following nomination* were made: Samuel orr, former ammhljnmi and one of the most beloved of the Bronx Socialists...
...6th A D., nomination deferred and Abraham WlsoUky tentatively suggested...
...Feldman now resides In the Bronx and will soon transfer his membership and activity...
...Molly Mandel and Clara Markowitz...
...t letter received the headquarters m Wormed that 30 De Pere Socialists aa arranged to attend the picnic by an...
...BRONX Friday...
...The committee is hard at work to make a success of the annual auto outing on July 21...
...At the last meeting a debate was held on the abolition of capital punishment...
...Florida Comrade M. E. Bdson, State Secretary of Florida, dropped into the city office in New York recently to report fair conditions in his state and a bright outlook for party work...
...8th A D., Esther Friedman, Board of Aldermen: 25th A. D...
...Bos¦*£ My 18, Lowell: July 17...
...Mehlman and Eva Dann...
...Anthony DiBlasi...
...Picnic tickets have been obtained and the membership nf both branches will be visited and urged to cooperate...
...Marion Lang...
...BROOKLYN Saturday...
...55_Wmte ¦*» David O. George, 01 tne Virginia Party...
...The names of delegates and alternates may appear on the same blank as that of the candidate for member of the Assembly...
...Nomina!!-•• -' J r ftnlf-rr: recommended . - "•- ¦<» •• •¦ •-' rw...
...New York Citv PICNIC AT ULMER PARK Excellent progress is being made towards the success of the picnic to be held Saturday, July 27...
...MANHATTAN 3rd...
...Springfield: je.lL Holyoke: July 12...
...An interesting program was presented...
...The last street meeting a we?k ago Friday, was one of the best of the spring season...
...Individual members, declares the state secretary, can well invest a dollar in 250 coDies of this leaflet and personally distribute them...
...jSSm to its grain and sorghum inzS They are asking tor literature Bwver agriculture bill...
...The talk was well received and an interesting discussion followed...
...The second mailing win contain a new leaflet on "Old Age Pensions...
...Brooklyn, and the "Friends" of Rockaway...
...YPSL at the picnic given by the Socialist Party and Trade Unions...
...Three new clubs applied for- "The Friends of Art and Education" and the "Dawns" of 190 McKibben St...
...begin shortly...
...Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee These states may not be represented at the Southern Conference In person, but certainly will be in spirit...
...3rd and 5th A. D. A joint membership meeting of both branches was held last Monday evening at the Hunts Point Palace...
...23rd A. D. At a very spirited meeting last Monday evening, the following candidates were nominated: Member of Assembly, 23rd District, the veteran campaigner...
...Max Dolson, David George, Seymour Goodman...
...13th District...
...Rhode Okun, Anna Berson and Jack Leant wire elected to settle the eontVoh . The .social committee reported -the pitsyaBt tar the general membership meeting...
...The ksrsast sad Important meeting of the^Ses win or held Sunday evening, of the same ^^•H-W?-' hi the auditorium of the Lahor Temple, st the corner of 11th and Marshall streets...
...July 2. in the county headquarters, 1167 Boston road...
...26th A D., Abe WlsoUky...
...3rd A D., S. A DeWitt...
...sanation* of condolence were adoptd sy ajrhes labor organizations, inaesf Be Clgsrmakers' union, of which arthainen was a member: the Mil— ash* Federated Trades council, the fSSBBm State Federation of Labor, of BBS at was secretary 12 years, the Scans party and the Milwaukee county - Massachusetts rlAXE CBOSSWAITHS TOUR rsak R Crosswaith held an excelSt aaettag on Boston Common last muj...
...JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS Supreme Court Justices are to be elected in the 1st... now ready for distribution...
...Candidates for Assembly: 1st A D- Henry Gross...
...The first of these mailings will contain a pamphlet on the rise of the British Labor Party...
...July 27—Baseball game YCL vs...
...Virginia ¦?***** Convention and Richmond y. invention will be held in the "[*¦«'* Circle Hall, at 71...
...Debordie was a farmer whom fa^m relief hadn't relieved...
...A committee of five was empowered to make recommendations for candidates for Assembly and Aldermen...
...Amongst the speakers who win address ^'\£everV satberings win be Alexander w*lb*r...
...Crowds are growing larger from week to week and many, new members are beins obtained...
...Speaker, Henry Jager...
...29th A. D., A P. Con an, tentatively...
...13 and 14...
...The outlook Is bright in all...
...The rules of the State Committee provide that Assembly Districts in which 1.000 or less votes Were cast for the Socialist candidate for Governor in the last preceding election will be entitled to one delegate and one alternate, with an additional delegate and alternate for every 1.000 votes or majority fraction thereof...
...Speaker, Henry Jager...
...Joseph N. Cohen spoke on "The British and American Labor Movements—A Comparison...
...This rjfftte state is not strictly agriculS kcting s mixture of sheep, turkey, m |»ct of all live stock raising...
...About 13.000 tickets have been sold...
...H. Morris...
...Rensselaer County, last Sunday, and gave a short talk on tlic rise of the British Labor party to power, snd the significance of the British election to Americans...
...31st A D. Gertrude W. Klein: X2nd A D...
...4th A. D. At the last meeting it was decided that during July and August meetings will be held but once a month...
...The pamS aia particularly appropriate at Cae***01 the unemployment procffia) gust »od when the victory of "arSae comrades la so bright before JTsTawaii...
...July 19, Douglas Square: *e B, Dorchester...
...Harry Smith: 19th District...
...A hundred dollars was contributed towards the campaign fund...
...The state win be represented at the Southern States' Conference...
...June 26, Cambridge at jssfl Share: June 27...
...July 5. 8:30 p. m., Bathgate and Tremont avenues...
...The automobile outing last Sunday was very successful and netted the branch more than fifty dollars...
...Sane sections of the state have mm hr sddttional tickets...
...was nominated for Alderman...
...Georgia I rm% SOUTH INVADED : an a/sshburn of Atlanta reports «trnattw of a new local with twelve ^^na and that more members in *1~ ' Texas i . THBEE-DAY PICNIC nassBScretary Taylor writes for a _mS at Stature to be sent to the 23o of ktcCulla county, who are i,m |or a three-day picnic at Sm JofJ J- « snd 5 w M Ken7*M » in charge of the arrange•5...
...Hyman L. Greenberg: Board of Aldermen...
...There was an attendance of about sixty, and the posters of the British Labor party, which Comrade Reynolds had borrowed from the National Office, were much admired and the speech by Comrade Thomas listened to with intense interest...
...Each branch, however, will retain its existence and officer...
...N. Y. Reservations must be made not later than July First...
...BROOKLYN 13th and 19th A. D. At a recsnt meeting the following candidates were nominated: Member of Assembly...
...Abe Yormak sod Julius Lavender spare' elected to represent the Executive CoBUnittee at the din, ner to Mr...
...Ail three ir.ate...
...Speakers, Joseph Tuvtn and others...
...ayjjK UNION PAMPHLETS ef the new trade union parn¦""n...
...Joseph A. Weil: 20th District...
...5th and 19th A. D. Despite the severe storm, a well attended meeting was held last Tuesday evening in the home of Comrade Hughan...
...Born President...
...Central Branch The next meeting will be held Tuesday evening...
...QUEENS Sunnyside Local Sunnyside at Its last meeting...
...We are fortunate in having Nina Prey in this district...
...New ¦SaT...
...Comrade Clark, treasurer, announced that he would begin work immediately to collect a one-day pay assessment in response to the national drive...
...The meeting was very well attended, the enthusiasm ran high, a very excellent and harmonlus spirit prevailed...
...nt <i .. ing last Friday this committee repori?d to another joint meeting and there is every indication that an active campaign will be carried on...
...Morris Gisnet, District Attorney...
...Socialist Local Expected In Lake Geneva After Thomas Makes Address CHICAGO...
...tear.t aitd there and every irtdtt'ion that a very lively campaign will be held...
...Many young people are being attracted and at the last meeting, twelve were enrolled in the Y. P. S. L. 18th A. D. At a well attended meeting on June 21 in the Rockaway Mansion...
...North Carolina The outlook for Socialist activity in the "Old North State" seems to be brightening...
...NEW LEAFLET A new leaflet entitled "Is It a Crime to Be Old...
...Tuesday night, heard Paul Porter...
Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 24