Many Eager To Entertain Mac Donald Socialists and A. 1> of "L. Ask Him to Be Guest if He Visits Here QINCE the announcement that Rim^ my MacDonald. Socialist Premier of Great Britain, is...

...Amplifiers carried the mayor's voice to every part of the gathering...
...Croeswaith's meetings have been among the best attended in years and large scales of literature show the interest displayed by his audiences...
...M. Nigen...
...Cloak Uriel Votes Strikl Aid Offer...
...Labor Govt to ltatify 8 Hour Pact Miss Bondfield Instructs Geneva Representative to State Cabinet's Position (CoaMaeo* tnm Pan Oeek In A. miring Socialist i NimiiiiMtfcm for Mayor . -'it...
...Applications for bail from this source will be made to and passed upon by the American Civil Liberties Union, and the records of these bail bonds and the actions of those for whom they have been written will be kept by the Labor Bureau...
...Westchester, N. Y. Socialists Name County Ticket New Rochelle—The County Convention of the Socialists of Westchester held last Wed...
...When he arrived in New Britain it appeared that the Mayor was agreeable but the Chief of Pouce Intervened against any meeting...
...Plunkett's Work Praised Louis O. Krall in making the presentation speech recalled Comrade Plunkett's long service to the workers, the raid of the office and arrest of Phinkett during the war...
...The Socialist Campaign, he said, will do more than attack and expose corruption under, the Walker administration...
...4th Dist., Andrew Petersen...
...New Rochelle, N. Y., $3.25...
...and Gardner Jackson and Mrs...
...The Commttee expresses its most »Ulcere thanks to all contributors...
...Major J. Henry Stump told a crowd of about 5,000 persons at the first of three big Socialist picnics Sunday in Keller's Park...
...Phila Socialists Are Planning Vigorous Fight (By a New Leader Cormsontcnt) PHILADELPHIA, Pa.—The Socialists of Philadelphia have decided not to nominate candidates for minor offices in the coming city election...
...The management, too, is making preparations to receive the guests who are eager to spend this fourth of July week-end in Unity House...
...With the labor market overcrowded, the employers of America are picking only the younger, more active applicants for jobs...
...Broadcasting Co...
...t. Mn miutjtmf fa» mm* • fusion "good goTerntasmP* ""Tflgn tr the coming city ilirHtiWl were sharply criticised by Norman Thorn**, aorta list candidate for Mayor, In a letter formally accepting hie party's nomination "Parties are stroma1 than men," Mr Thomas' letter declared...
...As a matter of fact, the editors who prepared the material for the press -derive no pecuniary benefit from*the publica! tion...
...Colorado, representing fifty-five colleges and universities In Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, respectfully petition you to immediately pardon Thomas J. Mooney and Warren K. Billings...
...Eve., June 19 in the Peoples Co-operative Center, Yonkers, N. Y., resulted in the designation of Candidates representative of a larger area of th« county than ever before...
...Norman Thomas and Harry w. La idler have asked MacDonald to be the nest at a non-political reception of Socialists, trade unionists, liberals and peace advocates...
...It will, Thomas said, fight for the positive Socialist program for transit, housing, schools, markets, taxation and other vital issues...
...Further confinement of these men because of their political beliefs and until "they demonstrate the right attitude toward the social order.' we deem to be a denial of fundamental American principles.'' Editors and Publishers of Sacco and Vanzetti Letters Sue N. Y. Herald-Tribune The Viking Press...
...During the last three weeks a sum of between S3500 afid $4000* has been collected...
...An enjoyable banquet was held in the evening and some funds were raised for the state organization...
...The convention adopted a ringing resolution of protest against the chief's action which was sent lo the Board of Aldermen...
...Franklin A. Griffin, have stated that if they had known all the facts of the case at the time of the 1 trial, the men would have been acquitted: and furthermore because the | state's witnesses have been proved to be | perjurers, we believe these two men to : be innocent, and therefore justice dei minds their freedom...
...Dembo and Aronovlch, $3: Powers and Mary D. Hapgood, Brookfleld...
...Mass., $5: Dr...
...Anticipating Plunkett's decision to resign, the party branches and branches of the Workmen's Circle had decided to offer him a testimonial of their appreciation...
...Detroit, Mich...
...Misery is resulting and...
...U„ Local 38, $5: Dressmakers Union...
...He reviewed his work of speaking to party locals, trade unions and local women's organizations...
...Crosswaith held excellent meetings in New Haven...
...563 Raised To Aid Russian Socialists The Relief Society for Socialist Prisoners and Exiles in Soviet Russia announces these contributions received in response to an appeal: Jewish Daily Porward...
...Thomas urged on the Socialist Party not merely a campaign "to turn the rascals out," nor a campaign for "good government'' alone...
...Marion Derunan Frankfurter, editors of •.hat volume, have begun suit for damages against the New York Herald Co...
...The invitation is extended by unanimous vote of the federation and Is seconded by the officers of the Illinois State Federation of Labor as well...
...R. Pearlstein...
...Chicago's Invitation CHICAGO—iFP)—Premier MacDonald la invited to be the guest of honor at the annual Labor Day celebration of the Chicago Federation of Labor In the Grant Park stadium...
...If you can see year way clear to accept oar Invitation we win arrange for broadcast - ing of year speech through organised labor's own official radio broadcasting station WCFL on a chain hookup with the Natl...
...232.60: Boston Branch Jewish Socialist Verband, $2...
...This decision was made Monday night by the combined meeting of the Socialist Action and Executive committees...
...The Polish Socialist Alliance of Hartford was represented and the Jewish Socialist Verband was represented by delegates from New Haven and Hartford...
...2nd Dist., August Suelban, Mamaroneck...
...235 at4 Y" Meet Demand Freedom For Tom Mooney (By a New Le.i*er Correspondent) DENVER...
...3rd Dist, Arthur P. Simmons...
...for Treasurer, Max Cohen, Yonkers...
...5th Dist., Louise Kerkes> Yonkers...
...The second picnic of the season will be neld at Keller's Park on Sunday...
...State Secretary Plunkett resigned his office, stating that ill health and continuous service in the office for sixteen years required that he retire in favor of some other comrade...
...Advices from Washington state that MacDonald has been Invited by William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, to be the guest of the Federation and its officers at a testimonial dinner...
...Ballot Is Overwhelntfeg for a Walkout—-Cwtf munis ts Admit Tk% Bankruptcy " J».ia$B lOMSM—< twwm rat* CM " . «*8...
...Young of California: "We, the undersigned students and teachers of the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. conference, Estes Park...
...1: Dr...
...The Executive Committee of the party will meet Monday night at the Labor Institute whert attention will be given to the question of employing an organizer...
...A. J. Sack, $25...
...Workmen's Circle, 69 branches...
...The executive council "of the A. F. of L. has asked him to dine with them...
...We know the Governor of California to be the only man who can render this justice...
...All contributions to be forwarded to Mrs...
...At the same time the party will give wide publicity to its position on the loan and other municipal issues...
...There they were well received and after an appeal for relief collected 1179...
...A big state-wide affair arranged by the party is a State Socialist basket picnic which will be held at the State Park...
...The suit will be prosecuted vigor| ously...
...At the present time there are in this countrv* about 4,000.000 unemployed, although our, government statisticians admit that they have no way of telling the exact number of jobless men and women...
...The State Executive Committee at its next meeting will also take up the matter of holding a meeting in New Britain...
...1: Dr...
...the mayor continued, "workers who have been so unfortunate as to live 45 years or more... addition, the Worcester Cooperative sends 750 loaves of bread per week, and a permit for a tag day in Lawrence has been granted...
...Stump began...
...On Sunday the General Board and the Relief Committee went to the opening of the Workmen's Circle Camp in Ashland...
...Atlantic City, $5: Dr...
...The sable reads: "The Chicago Federation of Labor in regular leering here today in cooperation wita the Illinois State Federation of Labor seasV rs to yea heartiest eongraiasstiona upon the splendid victory of the British Labor Party and your essraUea to the premiership of Great Britain which we are flrmry convinced aagnrs weO for the working people of all the world...
...that will enable listeners to hear yea throughout America and Europe...
...The Chicago Federation of Labor and the Illinois State Federation of Labor are respectively the regularly chartered city and state branches of the American Federation of Labor...
...Thus despite the fact that Adlow, attorney for the manufacturers, had applied for a sweeping Injunction prohibiting the strikers from holdirg meetings, running soup kitchens and distributing relief...
...S. Abel...
...Machinery Is taking the place of human beings and driving men upon the streets...
...For information and reservations apply at 3 West 16th street or telephone Chelsea 2148...
...for Comptroller, Louis Uffner, New Rochelle...
...If you have grey in your hair, and if you tell the truth about your age your chances of getting an opportunity to earn an honest living are slight...
...H. E. Wills, Washington, p.C...
...The plaintiffs charge that they were libeled in an editorial recently printed in the Paris edition of the New York Herald, in that it was intimated that the letters in the book were dressed up or forged for profit...
...Hits Age Limit "I mean...
...Among the actions of the convention were a decision to resume the old time method of general distribution of literature, to tour more speakers, and hold mass meetings in the larger cities to be addressed by prominent party speakers...
...Shoe Manufacturers Ask Sweeping Injunction Against Boston Strike (Br a Kcw seeder OarsessMOsatl BOSTON—The beginning of the twelfth week of the shoe strike found meetings as well attended and as enthusiastic as during the Stat weeks of the strike...
...Under Comrade Mclvor, an old Socialist, relief work has been going on splendidly...
...Socialist Premier of Great Britain, is considering a visit to the United states, he has received Invitations from many American organizations who wish to entertain him...
...M. M. Kadetz...
...One important matter not anticipated by the delegates was the action of the Chief of Police at New Britain refusing to permit Prank Crosswaith of New York to hold a meeting...
...Unity House Special Pro cram for Fourth A special gala program is being prepared in Unity House in the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union in Forest Park, Pa., for the fourth of July week-end...
...Members and friends are expected from all parts of th6" state...
...G. Astrakhan, $3: N. Stember...
...A resolution was adopted strongly condemning the Mitten management of the transportation system...
...The American Fund win supply $100,000 of collateral, enough for the writing of five times that amount hi ball bonds...
...M. M. Ravitch, $5...
...Because nine of the ten living jurors and the trial judge...
...Stump Addresses 5,000 Socialists At Reading, Pa...
...Charles Rayevsky, $5: Furriers Joint Council of N. Y. lLocs...
...We assure you of a hearty welcome from the trade unionists of ear country...
...The 'good men' will be the sugar coating on the pillin accepting the nomination for Mayor, Mr... make matters worse, the growth of unemployment is hitting those folks who can least afford to be idle...
...The Workers International Relief (Communist* in five weeks collected $1500...
...Paul Robinson...
...The Republican Party will be the party of privilege, whomsoever It nominates...
...We are delighted to learn throufh press reports that yon are contemplating a visit to this country in the near fstore,'and the Chicago Federation at Labor and Illinois State Federation of Labor very earnestly invite yea to attend the 4Sth annual Labor Day celebration M the American Federation of Labor U be held at Soldier field in Chicago on Labor Day...
...The retiring secretary urged the accumulation of a fund for propaganda purposes...
...The date of the dinner...
...for Register, Frederick Arland of White Plains...
...5: Mrs...
...and of his many fights before the logislature for legislation of benefit to the working class...
...July 14...
...The excellent social and dramatic department is busily occupied in making all the arrangements...
...F. Baranoff, 9 West 110th street...
...New York, publishers of "The Letters of Saeco and Mrs...
...Morris Hlllquit, $10...
...Bridgeport, Hartford, Stamford and Wallingford, returning to the capital city for an extra meeting...
...Vernon... to date...
...Of party branches, delegates were present from Hartford, New London, Bridgeport, Ham den, Meriden and New Haven...
...State Organizer Jasper McLevy reported the organization of a local at Waterbury and urged members to get out and organize new groups, saying that the people are now receptive to our message...
...July 28...
...Colorado.—Of the 400 men and women who attended the Estcs Park conference of the Young Men's and Young Men's Christian Association conferences at Estes Park...
...Paris i and the New York Tribune...
...for Judge of Children's Cour, Nat Cinnamon, Yonkers...
...We hear so much about prosperity that we are likely to be blinded to the true conditions which prevail in this richest of all nations...
...B. Reiseroff...
...At the same time the resolution goes on to demand municipal ownership of the lines and a five-cent fare as the alternative to the greed, exploitation, and mismanagement so glaringly exhibited by the Mitten management...
...L. Ivanov...
...A gold watch bearing the inscription "The Socialist Party" was presented to Plunkett at the close of the convention...
...235 signed the following resolution sent to Gov...
...June 19, 1929...
...Its gross abuse of funds followed by increased fares and depriving the city of its share of the profits were especially singled out for denunciation...
...S. Pcskin...
...By a X«w Lr-.«er C«rre»»«nd«ot> Reading, Pa—"The welfare of the workers of i community and not the extent of territory or the growth of population is the rule by which a greater city is measured...
...Baseball games are played on the grounds nearlv every Sunday, and a number of other events are being planned...
...35: Cloak & Suit Tailors U„ Local 9 I. L. G. W. U...
...I, and to deliver an address on that date at the great public stadium in Grant Park en the lake front which seats more than IM.Mt persons...
...Thomas and Laidler cabled: "If, as papers announce and we hope, yee will visit America m the cause of peace, may we arrange non-political weaeasa* ssertlng in New York ander nan-partisan committee representing sat aohy labor and Socialists, bat pro giiilin and peace-lovers...
...established with the money which Charles Oar land refused to inherit several years ago, has entered into ah agreement with the American Ctvfl Liberties Union, Inc., and the Labor Bureau, Inc., where a total of $500,000 worth of bonds may be Issued...
...Assembly 1st District, Thomas Doyle, Mt...
...If the leader of the British Socialists should accept, will be adjusted to the other dates planned for MacDonaJw when, and if, he comes 'to Washington, some months hence, to discuss naval reduction with President Hoover...
...and Mrs...
...The Chicago Federation of Labor hopes MacDonald can be the principal speaker at a Labor Day gathering of 100.000 in Soldier's Field, Chicago...
...Ladies Tailors, Custom, etc...
...Perkins Nominated For Buffalo Mavor (Continued from Pitt 1) Connecticut Socialists In Convention ?lunkett Retires From State Secretaryslup After Many Years of , Service (By • New LeaSor Cau—emid—tl HARTFORD.C Conn.—Delegates of Socialist Party branches in Connecticut met in the Labor Temple of this city last Sunday to plan for educational aad organization work...
...Local 22 I. L. G. W. U . $5...
...Stump spoke briefly of the achievements of the Socialist administration in Reading and then launched upon the main theme of his speech, which was a review of economic conditions under capitalism...
...New York City...
...W. L KrieghofT...
...Socialist Party To Raise $50,000 (Cent Used Trvm F»»* One) Garlaltd Fund Creates $500*000Bait Bond Fund For Qvii Liberties Cases Those who WH1 be arrested tor exerctsfng their constitutional rights or far parttetpatir* In labor activities of which the police dtsapuiuTe, will be able to secure ban more easily after July 1. The American Fund for Public Service, Inc...
...State Secretary Herbert M. Merrill delivered an address of welcome after which the following candidates were designated: For Sheriff, Morris Berman of Pleasant ville...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 24

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