A PAGE OF? EXCEUSIVE; FEATUKESl "SONQS BEFORE SUNRISE" vrtztt know why exactly. Heaven knows there's O ™, be gloomy about and we haven't "put through ^ » as we plutes say, and none of our...

...The Professor has been suffering from ntkeu...
...I do not intend to summarise the findings of Dr...
...Another day was given to discussion of labor problems in the new industrial south, where again, women's labor is the crux of the situation...
...You boldly reach Shyness recalls...
...it was rather itrange that our comrade who baa convictions on every issue, failed to vantare into an opinion of his own iiiasarnnaj a rather important question...
...business manager of Spravedlnost...
...And how I build a homey nest, And every child who learned thereof Would think of me with wholesome love...
...Telegrams have already com from every country in the world congratulating the Labor party...
...Not being a journalist craving for head lines...
...The members continued to discuss the qualifications of various men M»r"i, and the comrade who raised the tosns did not persist—poor thing...
...Quite definitely n-featism, which received a staggering body blow durkf the Presidential campaign, has been knocked out...
...And never need to kill for fame, ' Or play the cruel business game, Or fly a skip across the sea Or write this limping poetry...
...And all my traveling would be done...
...This meant, on the part of officers and committees, much thought and diligent preparation...
...But ¦St the same he is well on the road to success...
...There's ^¦""¦ag Indecent about it...
...Son voted and lived and thought like father...
...The music from the concert sttnd Strokes her dulled spirit With a lover's band...
...Helen Keller's Birthday is Tune 27th, she will be 49...
...A Contrast At a certain Socialist meeting, where the discussion turned to the nomination 3f candidates for the city ticket in the coming municipal campaign, a comrade in a low and rather apologetic tone of voice said: "Don't you think, oomrsrka...
...Here we find a number of differences within the uniform trenH...
...The convenUon program aas aesardIngly built around a theme;, an obvious, almost Inevitable theme for the rtatkmal Women's Trade Union League, it to true, but a more than ever timer/ theme Just now...
...Its faith in education is as unquestioning as the faith of primitive man in magic...
...The National Women's Trade Union League took advantage of its opportunity in this convenUon, for Just such a study in real life...
...Get it, if for no other reason that it will some day constitute an interesting exhibit of what beggars for punishment the people of the United States were in that year of Universal Prosperity—192...
...What they •n tell, to each other and to the world, i not to be found in books, and can not ,i taught by teachers...
...i^ekpect there is a moral for all of us who would |j"T'=0,»* in the world in Jacob's quiet patience...
...It waves and nods And makes no moan...
...It follows that If women's wane can be controlled by women themselves, the whole wage structure can be...
...There is a fascination In the study of the extent to which the literature of a nation, of a people, reflects the changing history and material conditions of the race...
...The result to a clash between this traditional, occult education and the liberal, courageous education that is not afraid of any knowledge...
...I repeat, X don't venture an opinion, I only want a> ask you, that to an...
...But we are going to count and count aa-vfly, I believe, in the making of a new city fit for sartors to live in...
...No answer...
...So we won't get pa* sp yuu ih»«*y- _ r rsis feeling that things aren't quite as rotten as " TIT ^ been naa hung around ever since we heard STrasuit of the British election...
...Convince us, prove to us you art sincere, and ws win treat "Twenty years ago young women were rsther carelesn in their person, in dress and in views of life...
...This general statement is followed by seventeen paces af detailed quotations from these authors, and keen discussions of their work, so as to bring out the causes of their individual variations within the general response the social and economic conditions of the period dictate . . . The book Is a landmark io> sociological criticism and should be read by all Interested in liteisture, in the Jew, or in social developroert Freedom for Education' ""pHTRTY-FIVE years ago . Predeasor Old dings expressed bis dtaaareement with the then prevalent opfuntottr confidence that the long struggle for liberty of teaching was practically ended...
...unconsciously and, we may add* very* much against ear will, the Professor has made an important conaaation to modern science...
...When war fever was at its height the city was prevailed upon to accept a loan of a number of guns for the parks...
...The trouble lies in the fact that the great mass of people—and in a republic, maas all too frequently counts for more than intelligence—expects education to work miracles...
...The whole anniversary program, so carefully thought out by Elisabeth ChrlsUnan in advance, represented certain convections of League officers that one of th**most fertile possibilities for workers' education is precisely that afforded by the conventions of national, international, state and local labor bodies...
...And whether or not the first steps awards the building of that city are made as a result af this campaign or some campaign to come, it is agajeeant that the Socialists have done pioneering 'work to blazing the trails...
...Since then many have objected to these hideous ornaments...
...Ws place this in the category of superfluous Information y One of the most Interesting things about cagoXaiafl politics is that it reverses a law of peynrcs...
...Whether he will get enough of them or not is a question...
...The sieve of night...
...requires finesse, adaptability, the constant making ¦jjtoe decisions and a perseverance that would do ***51t to a nagging wife...
...Many from Canada...
...or a morbid self-consciousness brought about by an abnormal situation which results in inhibitions and subterfuges...
...the progress of a small black fly across a a* th/V* ceilins*- It was jake with Jacob...
...Professor Oiddlngs calls for volunteers to enlist in this stubborn conflict...
...MacDonald on the Young Woman Voter Esther Friedman writes me: "I nosed in on an interview lexclastve- given by MacDonald to foreign Socialist journalists...
...And as is always the case with this sort of hoopla, there Is the further adjuration to our rulers to let up on the Sherman anti-trust law on the ground that only through "cooperation" can the glorious goal of making everybody rich be finally achieved In "THE NEW DAY...
...The miner's daughters in the village want silk stockings—dresses better than did the middle class woman a few years ago...
...Norman Thomas Nominated For Mayor of N. Y. C. (Cantiaate from »«r« 1) Edited by Pauline M. Newman concerning woman A <*s«rta»ettt af ntwi and view* •( aartlealar lateral t» th* wastaa af the lakar atTcaat...
...Mew Charles outdoes himself by turning an toUervlev with a corporation lawyer into a 300 page book with board covers and a jacket sad everything...
...at We knew it In the midst of life we are on Third awiiM The bell just rang and we went down four Sghti of stairs, lickety-split...
...From the entrancing title to the Arthur Brtsbanlsh last page with its capitalizations...
...Frank D. Halsey...
...A jerky flight against the sun...
...The interview originally appeared ia "Forbes Magazine," of which ex-Comrade Wood la now the guiding grains, and there are very naturally frequent references to* this Wall Street oracle throughout the book Any of you, boys and girls, who have read the latest propaganda for "The New Capitalism" know the theme of the book...
...A stir Of old uneaatneas, A stab of shame, Conjures up a fright Of writhing thoughts...
...Bohemian Socialist Party Raises $135 For Strikers The Bohemian Socialist dally...
...Perhaps a more inclusive hatred Once had fired Her living length by length...
...If Jbjitak fly-catching is a simple business, forget it...
...And there'd be nothing mere to say...
...Houston has available for textile mills over 7.000 naUve female workers, ranging from 18 to 44 . . . Operators in the 12 Texas textile mills receive an average of 814.41 for a 55-hour week...
...Its* higher up you go the lower you sink...
...The chairman: "We need a good campaigner, and that to the »in est X can give you...
...Tradition and position determined that...
...At fim ^used us considerable There was on his face a seraphic expression y~ had once seen on the beatific mug of a _~* 'wbo was hitting Billy Sunday's saw-dust trail...
...Further contributions are being received...
...Actually, the book is the fullest application of the Marxian theories to criticism that has yet reached beyond vague general-ration Into direct consideration of literary history, and application to particular works...
...braxgart men Who streak a phrase with erudite veneer And cavil when The strings are thraaodhdng With a silvered grief____ "Oh music drown their sac religious sneer, And flood me with a new belief____" Again...
...X dsns, remember him asking comrades to fofm opinions for htw He ^^rufnj has them, and gives them freely, too" Only En this particular issue would he not even, "venture" to give one...
...la that convention wast a new note...
...Limp quietness Upon ycu falls...
...names and words...
...Wm McAlister Coleman...
...j* Jake just cast a scornful glance at us and then js-n...
...They know that "equal pay for equal work" was not originally a feminist slogan, bat the selfprotective demand for working men...
...Here to as brilliant a bit of promotion work as has been done in recent years add from the standpoint of the publishers, the delightful part of it to that it to being sold to the public as though it were a regular book...
...Jr*** for at least half an hour on some lofty place "T*.** Aw bed or the bureau and gazes intently up fMi» ceiUng...
...Dullards, drones and prigs...
...And winds which • come Sep f--the highlands have a way with them of j^,Hrir the stale odors of a dying system...
...fcotch-Irish gloom is always in the background to „. that something mighty awful is liable to w u, on the jolly old Emersonian theory of •jS-Luon which runs to the effect that If you are stTmi will soon be as far down...
...j,j they mil ride out...
...IsJeZ/?' moan around because the fly persists in TtQtafi!!*1, out of P*w-etroke...
...For each period from 1800 to the post-revolutionary period of today, he begins with a presentation of conditions in life, of the general sta'e of affairs in Russia, and of the relations in particular between the Russian and the Jew...
...T» the heights that are hid from our eyes...
...An Iris staunch Thru sun or gale...
...It is but one example of the "Inducements" offered Northern capital to exploit the women workers of the South...
...we said, "for Heaven's sake don't go m us- You know that all this evangelism up with your repressed sex desires and we s-jy* you to go howling, "The Brewers' Big ^"Can't Run Over Me' all over this house...
...Javits and Wood have lathered themselves into a frenzy of hosianah yelling that outrivals the best to date of their fellow holy rollers for "The New Capitalism...
...I do hope that he and the others present, got as much amusement oat of Aecuaslng It, as I did by jtotening to ltl THE CHATTER BOX two poems for superior people Robin No...
...that we should nominate a woman on the city ticket...
...Jfai a red sun in an angry west...
...iaW*J^* «™aring thing about it is, that sooner or sntnjhf focl flv does come down and that at just ^eS«.m0ment' Jake *et-s him...
...Heaven knows there's O ™, be gloomy about and we haven't "put through ^ » as we plutes say, and none of our ships SW nomc and we have one dollar and eighty!*l?t*Bts In our jeans and a mass of rejected manujg*^ » pregnant blaek cat for security against . ^ Bame we are sitting pretty, mentally...
...He failed to give them anything sensational and they were disgusted...
...M*J°*f technique is something like this...
...He bides his time...
...It is hard to reconcile the failure of Russia to send greetings in view of her demand of the league of Nations for total disarmament.' "To what extent and in what manner have the women participated in the election campaign?' I asked...
...here she turns her head Full to the silver weeping For the dead...
...m*ZmZ: fiayer thinka he slays, or if the slain thinks saj -I*™' know not well the subtle ways I keep, IF *nd tur« again," sings Jacob with Emerson...
...1 // any choice wee given me, A robin is the thing Fd be...
...several of us asked...
...It is to the effect that nowadays capitalists are all really Socialists pacing the doors o "nights thinking up new ways for making all of us rich, through SERVICE, etc...
...Wood's bruliant writing and his uadimmed sense of humor neatly obscure the Rotarian touch...
...Man.—(FP)—Feeling that pins and other war trophies are not desirable objects for the public—especially children—to gaze upon in the parks, the Winnipeg City Council at its last meeting ordered all of them to be removed and handed back to the Dominion government...
...For the first time In all history a divided opinion is expressed in a divided vote...
...thinking it was a check Sal it turned out to be a jury-notice...
...Braggarts, now as then...
...Ik B_y°und- comrades, we'll get them yet, the black bm;, m B0W swarm on the body politic...
...Now everything lies hushed And cold____And even pain Slinks like a scavenger That cannot find a shred it spoil To lure it back again...
...They did not want fire works, not interested in Churchill's attacks...
...A Loriir Cheer for "SerTice" Vf'RTTl3t8 of advertsaanents, leiansJlrm men and propagandist* for The New Capitalism" are takmc ott their hats in admiration for a book called, "Make -everybody Rich—Industry's Men Goal," by B. A Javits in collaboration with C. W. Wood, published by B. C. Forbes Publishing Company...
...A tripping chirp against the day...
...Something that has lain Inert within her being Has been stirred To acrid pain With a word...
...And never need to fill the news With ardors of an icy cruise...
...We didn't want to - *l»rm you bojs and girls, but the truth is she has -ana a pretty sick little kitten for several weeks...
...One typical passage begins: "The tyrannical power of stereotyped,emotions and literary fashions is nowhere so strikingly illustrated as in the well-nigh* herd-like uniformity in type and sentiment with which the Russian authors manipulated the Jewish subject...
...We find either an intellectually generated sentlmeniallsm which runs counter to an emotional aversion of racial, traditional, or class origin, and which often degenerates into didacticism, insincerity, and sterility...
...Socialist organizations, sections of the Bohemian (Czechoslovak) Marxian federation and individual readers of the paper...
...Taine has attempted a history of English literature along the vague lines of environment Influence...
...This he follows with a consideration of the books of the period, discussing the various Jews presented by prominent and by typical authors, so that the various emotions from jealous hatred to sentimental affection (over scorn) appear rising directly out of the life into the literature of the people...
...v J?8* J«*e...
...We also jotn in the criticism of blocs la pontics but our dissent is chiefly against the A. F. af L, political policy which makes a butcher's block oa which the workers are cut to pieces...
...it ltuueatombed with graft and that "goats" are prtnlsnetl for the grafters higher up...
...So that we have a Baldwin Jr...
...The Iris blooms And btckons you...
...He was 6 Bnlk d"boiJe<1 agnostic that all cats are...
...Ranees Net Beard From "Russia.' he said...
...How is it both Are in your eyesT * * * The Iris has A silken touch...
...A bunch of scientists has been experimenting with a highly concentrated ¦aace of something or other which they hope will naa hell with rickets...
...She left for Prance as soon as the results were known...
...I urge students of the present day high power propaganda to get this masterpiece...
...Oh, silent sea' Where you set sail...
...Bus to gain such control needs not only organized collective action, which we are striving to l ring about, but knowledge brought rr> to date in every fans...
...Now she must make her own living...
...Oh no, I don't mean that fee are going to take over the government of the City sf New York...
...ft is quite a shameful admission to make but facts Will out...
...tibet Iris and You (To Brian Kellers) HPHE Irit bloom* A tec of blue...
...lanathtag of this laid hold on us as we heard the »aT-lunged singing of "The International" at the close «f tie colorful convention of the "New York City Sooaests which nominated Norman Thomas for Mayor...
...He would say nothing definite on co-operation with the Liberal party, or on Nationalization, or disarmament—except that he stands by the party's position...
...ago, Until the truth had crushed The bastions of belief into a ruin...
...At last they are successful...
...For her...
...AS for Jacob, the Professor's father, he's doing very Weed, thank you...
...His argument is brief, refreshingly clear, and unanswerable, but unfortunately it seems to be the fate of good books that they are not read by the people who need them the most...
...Their assumption was that sooner or later they would marry...
...A generation later, he now restates ("The Mighty Medicine," by Franklin Henry Oiddlngs, The Macmillan Company, $2) bis apprehension that perhaps God's not in His educational heaven and not all's well with the pedagogic world...
...He that conceals a useful truth Is equally gaSty with ths propagator of an injurious falsehood—St Augustine...
...the young, the big...
...The music sifts rigU...
...Ja these parts at any rate...
...He is a big husky tiger and » anting promising headway in his chosen profes¦aa No, he has not married the daughter of the boss ¦4 there is not a bit of the snob about him...
...Winnipeg Removes War Trophies From Parks WINNIPEG...
...The money has been donated by Bohemian trade unions...
...Taw* will come a daa.it, my comrades, Wdk the shrilling of trumpets...
...So reads a bulletin of the Houston Chamber of Commerce issued to New England textile manufacturers...
...I appreciated his position...
...lg thg convention spent ope Vhpk day discussing the subject of wages— men's wages, women's wages, the trends of each, and so far as possible, the reasons for those trends...
...Baldwin was silent...
...lbs Citizens Union ef New York City declares that Mayor Walker's administration lacks hnnssy...
...From France she goes to Vienna —lucky person...
...Withers quickly If handled much...
...Lightly tilting back her head For song lit eyes To read the glistening score X summer Bight has spread Upon the skies---"Tchaikovaki plays the sentimental strings...
...We knew you would be relieved...
...Here merely economic interpretation yields no results, and the student is forced to indulge in a bit of psychological dissecting...
...There is no rushing in for Jacob...
...Women beheved in a way for which we cannot be too grateful...
...To the trade .union woman it to no new thought that women's wsges hold down the wage scale and the standards of living of all workers in the womenemploying Industries...
...There was the regular convention business which must be transacted, there were plans for future work to meet the growing needs, and these things meant busy hours In committee sessions...
...Twisted, living things that curl Within a livid flame...
...Frills and laces, snuff and wigs, The paunch ad pomposities once wore...
...There was intellectual stimulus as well...
...but no one before this century has sought to trace, for any extended period, the relation between economic and social conditions and the attitudes revealed in the writings of a time and people...
...who has long been crying for, and trying to produce, a criticism rooted in an understanding of life, and the social and economic relationships of men, will find in "Russian Literature and the Jew" a model for, and a spur to, future efforts...
...There were hosgssafttats and exchange- of fraternal courtesies which always mean so much to pleasure and the spirit of team work...
...Perhaps she had not loved Because love came too tired Or far too frail in that fine strength Her dreams required...
...Think of the glee that permeated the offices of "Forbes Magazine" when it was discovered that even "The New York Tunes" took this tour de force seriously enough to give it a portentous review...
...Is answer to a number of inquiries about the pres¦t status of our cat family we beg to state that the - Padsssur, the youngest and most wistful of all Isa-ton descendants, is doing nicely...
...but Wagner is a Titan god Compared to all the moon tags of tins Sentimental clod----" But she ss stone...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Struggle as we will *w (he dangers of an easy optimism, every now yTyii we dare to believe that maybe and perhaps 2 nerchance there is a vague stirring of the peoples vtaVearth towards a new deal...
...God, what have we done To earn thin stripe of men...
...They said 'we are Interested and concerned not so much in your program a*, in your intentions...
...she had reasoned K so Ions...
...Though the strike in Elizabeth ton has come to an end, the donors of the funds are willing to have it go to relief purposes for men and women who are not yet back at work...
...Friedman spoke at women's meetings and was well received...
...A thousand pens would scratch and ring The way I usher in the Spring, And teachers praise my scarlet chest...
...And hand in hand with this faith has developed a tendency to regard "education" as something traditional and sacrosanct, to make of it a thing wherewith to crush Intellectual liberty...
...s • Let me make the superstitions of a nation sad I ears not who makes Its laws or its aongs, either.—Mark Twain...
...that Miss Bondftold has bees SMOlnted Minister of Labor, and an thai, whether it would not be well to ftonuahhl a woman on the city ticket...
...And hated since she hardly knew What she desired...
...That's why these Russian Jews Come here and drink his mendiing mummery Like subway sirens lapping up The tabloid newa ....-"' Now Wagner...
...It to there just the same...
...They knew the facts and explained them ably...
...Spravedlnost, has collected funds for the southern textile strikers...
...Just as to millions of voters the flag to more sacred than the country which files it and a written constitution more sacred than the rights and liberties it defines and guarantees...
...This is a NEW DAY and he who has the slightest doubt of it Is now our impractical sentimentalist," and "America Must Go On To Her Logical Destiny As The Liberator Of Human Life...
...2 Mid-summer's Night Theme For the Stadium Concerts...
...I admire her love of color, her trimneu, her style and her sparkling mentality...
...When you can get the suckers to pay for being advertised to, you are on the way to making everybody around the plant rich at any rate...
...That is usually caused by undernourishment, let let us hasten to add that in this case it must have ken some thin gelse because the Professor has always nanated the late William Jennings Bryan when it asses meal-time...
...Who strutted in a gilded pen And crowded armies off like pawns To smirch the glory Of unnumbered dawns...
...The Iris blooms Oft times alone...
...3** •**> kis occupation is that of fly-catching...
...This is particularly true of the period now under consideration...
...We got hold of a bottle of tan and, with the aid of our wife and a medic ineaasper, forced some of it over the period of several Jjs down the protesting maw of the Professor, "setter it was the medicine or Nature, we know not, an at any rate we are here to affirm that the Profesjet to bow busting about at a great rate, apparently ¦asstf again...
...A splash of color for • vest, A dash of brown, ami Fd be dressed...
...Or deeds of statesmanship and such Frail stuffs that stem to weigh so much, Because we are too blind to see The grandeurs in humility...
...Then a comrade to whom every one listens rose and said: "Ah (pause), I, I don't venture an opinion, I only want to ask you, whether from the point of view of political expediency, now...
...The American negro, probably, will afford an enterprising stuaent fertile field far such study...
...The Iris steals Its blue from the skies...
...The older registered women have taken an active and very Intelligent part in the campaign...
...Fortunately, the following authors (Gorky, Korolenko, Tolstoi, Andrelev, and Artsibashev), by their expressions and reticences, have given us a glimpse into the hidden working of their souls...
...Only one country sent us no greetings."Which one...
...I asked him several questions: "What effect would the British elections h ve on world peace and disarmament?' Tt win inspire and solidify the peace movement of the world...
...The New Leader this week received a check for $135.80 from Frank Kozumpllk...
...What better subject could this convention spend its time upon...
...marching on By ETHEL M. SMITH (Continued from but week) NOT only were hearts stirred by this convenUon week of course...
...Such assemblies bring together the moving spirits of their respective organizations from all trades, localities, and sections of their various jurisdictions, the principal characters of the living labor drama, the actual persons -f the vast industrial story...
...As we have repeatedly suggested, the cause of such uniformity inheres probably in the uniformity of the economic and social influences playing upon different authors of the same epoch...
...The young women, the new veters brought with them a sincerity, an interest and seriousness that to marked...
...only her head Is turned full to the stiver sorrow For the dead---S. A. de Witt...
...Several came from America...
...Women's wages are the crux of the labor struggle in every hatsatoy where women are employed, and the League to dedicated to the woman worker's eause...
...We only hope that to the worst Fate has in store for us for the Taniilliti future...
...What is more perplexing and more difficult to explain is the drab mediocrity—as revealed by our cursory survey of the twenty-odd authors of the Pity Period— into which some even of the greatest Russian writers have lapsed when they composed on a Jewish theme...
...We have always regarded Charles Wood, (for it is that selfsame Charles Wood who used to write foe the oM "lfsiaaf who "collaborates" on whs book,) as the beat interviewer in the country...
...f ***• to him about this...
...and Lady Cynthia...
...Tennessee, and Gastonla, North Carolina, are chief among the products ef that policy Just now...
...The vote was never divided...
...And now to hear them talk Of Wagner...
...and the labor aldermen have thereby felt strengthened In their urge to stop tliis method of glorifying war...
...Like |F "orthwestern police he was just getting his man...
...Winnipeg has 18 aldermen, eight of whom are labor...
...L. Geo -e was silent, why should he show his hand...
...And that to how the question was settled—or was it...
...When he J™**'*11 to business he spends quite a time in a £*l«hiary survey...
...his evea again and we saw that he was J...
...Anyhow the etaleand sense of futility of the years from 1919 to rati atlTS suddenly to have given away to a young ZZh, from across the watera They tell us that atui snow on the Grampian Hills of Scotland .T^L, ahadowf of which a man is poring over the blue"iats for a new society...
...But the basic job of the National Women's Trade Union League a education Its organisation work, its legislative wprfc its work of every kind, a in essence eaaastkna Its conventions should be made a performance of that function...
...Kunits calls to mind the shift from the sentimentality of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" > the different sentimentality of Carl Van Vechten's work and our reception of the new negro art...
...A robin is the thing I'd be If but the choice were given me...
...J, Vmier the crimson standards, ,: To the "final conflict:1 Jt the ultimate brotherhood...
...Another extreme change is seen in the young elector of the old, respectable aristocracy...
...As a result of which her mind has grown, she dresses better and has acquired as a result of this a fine selfrespect...
...That's what acnes from being a little Pollyanna...
...Sociological Criticism Bv Joseoh T. Shipley "fOSHUA KUNITZ subUtles his volume, «» "Russian Literature and the Jew" (Columbia University Press, S3) "a sociological Inquiry into the nature and origin of literary patterns...
...If the League of Nations would only agree not to have another war until the last one is paid for, everlasting peace would be assured.—Lord Dewar...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 23

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