Laidler, Harry W.
THE RADICAL FERMENT IN THE GOLLEGR Growth of Socialist and Progressive Idas Stand Out Aeainst Background of Reaction and Indifference COMMENCEMENT exercises in the thousands of colleges...
...We leave out the Senate, which, issuing from almost the same electoral body as the Chamber, has, as in Czecho-Slovakia, an analagous composition...
...A survey of tbe twenty-one clubs conducted by the organisation during last year developed the following interesting statistics...
...ol no value will then come to taessal to haunt them...
...Freddie Marvin find their influence distinctly on the wane...
...The children are not required to wear uniforms...
...has be developed an enthusiasm for social Justice...
...The scholarships, most of which are for boys and girls from twelve to sixteen years of age, are offered to the children of unemployed trade unionists and will be granted for only the first two weeks of camp...
...In my more optimistic moments, when I concer'xte on one group of facts I can readily convince myself that the American college student is decidedly on the forward march...
...An unusually fine and attractive program is now being worked out, which will include an all star soccer game, in which the famous "Hakoah" team will participate...
...There is not a conspiracy of predatory wealth in tils country," declared Roosevelt, referring especially to the ..graduates of his own alma mater, "that is not backed by Harvard brains...
...Nine of the clubs stasaated of girls and tbe remainder boys...
...For the Chamber, therefore, the following ,are the results compared with the last appeals to the electors: 1921 1925 1929 Socialists...
...In the Cabinet, Bat Oat In the second place, to avoid a monetary catastrophe, which nothing but a truce between tbe parties could ward eft, the obligation to form part of a Government of '"financial redress" (Catholics, LUjcra^and SocUOlsUJ to hoag about which was indispensable but fatally un» popular...
...And indeed, It would have been the same if we had remained in the Government until the election, or if, at our departure from tbe Government in 1927, our adversaries had bad the courage to dissolve the Chambers and proceed to immediate elections...
...In a rmmbw g» J colleges the professor is it—*+fL class most of tbe time sad "n eat aiscuss their problems "on tssktsl This kind of educational proceab ml to develop a more democrats* jnsg crthodjx type of college rradaaby ^9 What of the Fataref Ten years after graduation...
...On the other hand, the old OH Fcxty, ta which the democratic del suffer with a growing impatience tat] of the Conservatives, will find nasi ously "nibbled at" by the Fiuulbb Many of our friends hoped Sat tank and file of the Christian Danst the worker-believers who are asp by the bourgeois coalition at freest and cures, would come over town* Labor Party... we have always pointed out, once the stabilization was effected, once the financial redress was realized, we resumed our liberty...
...Five of tbe clubs were predominantly Catholic and six predominantly Protestant, four ~-»+«'Tmi mixed...
...It accommodates both girls and boys...
...Communists Out of PiebM But if they have not been isms powerless to do 111...
...I have to get baa St...
...rate must be made before Wednesday, June 26, at the office of Pioneer Youth, 45 As tor Place, Stuyvesant 7865...
...The camp aims through the reading matter provided and the stories told around the camp fire, to help the children become aware of tbe creative efforts of scientists, thinkers, and leaders in social movements through whose work humanity Is attaining a greater degree of freedom and happiness...
...Leuuc for Industrial Democracy) ™JTAY back in 1906, in the early days of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, Jack London, the first President of the Society, appeared in Woolsey Hall, Yale University, and issued a stirring social challenge to the great audience that came to pay tribute to him as a famous novelist and war correspondent...
...It includes also some young people who are well known to reople of the movement...
...The outstanding achievement of the movement is its New York Camp...
...Pioneer Youth Camp Offers Scholarship* Special reduced scholarship rates will be awarded a limited number of workers' children from June 29 to July 12 at the national experimental camp of Pioneer Youth, Rifton, New York, according to announcement made this week by the organisation's camp committee...
...Through the Junior staff and weekly meetings a huge degree of group self government is achieved...
...Will the 800,000 college students be won for progress...
...The D.A.R., the Ku Klux Klan and Mr...
...And I see besides the men students the increasing army of young, dapper, girl sponsors, dolled up ta military uniform as the latest device to sugjer-coat military training and to prevent a healthy rebellion against the inli'ufsiiHua of the military apsrtt mat, crrt aav jwgB**hadt jrgala-in" those wsat'wslMpa wtaea to read ttw "radical letajrksaV* wfttsng of Barry Emerson F-wdtok si reanaded as a mtrftam and where stansast jean with i rust eat aad legislatoes ta dwssadsag that the doctrine of gjsstiUuu be taboo...
...Local New York and prior to that director of the Labor Education Committee...
...They are demanding the right to smoke, to go unchaperoned, to be treated as mature members of society and not as wards of the college administration...
...81 78 76 Liberals...
...Actuated by the feeling that the average child finds all too little opportunity to lead his own life, follow his own interests, it aims to provide a wide range of opportunity for activities for each child...
...were sitting around the twar_] tbe warm sunlight, most'of tat saw dents in their shirt sleeves, assa...
...In short, the result of the am battle which has just concluded bl glum may be summed up at' Mi The two great opposing partial Wt isu and Catholics—have each exatna losses: the Communists are laid jet Frontists have gained: the Libera* I recovered in part the ground wldea' had lost...
...American university students are at least usually ready to listen to the utugrueiln iiwaiage at times with the keenest enthusiasm 3. In general, there bt an increased understanding of the causes of war, a better knowledge of international relations than before the World War, and...
...Applications for the special scholarship...
...They are breaking down many of the old regulations and conversions...
...I ass eertata collage prssidawts, deaptts bitter i illlisan inviting laiajieealeas of all stripes to address their itaaeata, eat the ground that otuy by the rmtraaimeied presentation of all sides can the troth be found...
...The president said that with an inflexion that seemed to safer, The aaa win dte soon, and if we are good wa will get a pue of money...
...Tbe camp contains children of many races and is nonsectarian...
...While presenting distinct lists of eandidates, the two Government parties, whose chiefs are as thick as thieves, agreed not to fight each other and to reserve all their blows for the Labor Party, On the other band, the Communists, who numbered two ta the Chamber ta 1925, had put forward candidates ta nearly all the constituencies of the country, and the Prontlsts (Flemish Nationalists, who want Home Rule for Flanders) fought ta the whole of Flanders against the bourgeois parties and especially against the Catholic party, from which the majority of them have come...
...Among them are Rose Smoke, secretary of the Neckwear Workers' Union, David Sinclair, son of Upton Sinclair, and Bettina Sinclair, daughter of David Mlkol, formerly Rand School secretary...
...He . wouldn't understand these liberal Ideas of yours...
...I take up again the first issue of The Progressive, the paper published by the newly formed and vigorous Harvard University Socialist Club and dedicated to the unnoticed and unsung heroes of the Socialist and Labor movements in all lands who, by sheer heroism and steadfast endurance of hunger, want and actual persecution, will, ta the cooperative commonwealth of the future, be hailed as the true emancipators of mankind...
...5 6 11 Independents (Flemish) — — 1 187 187 197 In comparing these figures the following facts emerge: 1. The Catholic Party (Conservatives and'Christian Democrats united), which has always been the most powerful and the most redoubtable of our adversaries, has not ceased to go back, from election to election, since 1921, and this decline continues a regression which, with one or two momentary rises, has been going on since the time when the Catholics had 120 deputies ta the Chamber out of 163...
...Ibis man," Use president continued, "is personally the salt of the earth...
...They don't count much in the college field...
...tant servic ( -r progress...
...1 preferred to the Socialists tbe Trad who are like themselves bsbcvsa I Flemish nationalists parading far I siders an extreme left prograsi b a ical and social matters...
...other hand, will be found dhugj'Sam...
...Is he more or lew of a Babbitt...
...Noted Educators Co operate m this work the eamp has the advantage of the co-operation of some of tbe leading educational psychologists in tbe country...
...I wish that I were free...
...It has been a score of years since these characterizations of college students were uttered...
...It contains a lake and a swimming pool, athletic fields, a tennis court, workshops and modern sanitary plumbing facilities...
...Particulai'y have I been asking it during a three months* trip recently concluded among the colleges of the country from New York to Florida, from Florida to California, on through the State of Washington and by the Northern route back to the East, a trip which brought me face to face with some seventy-odd college audiences of all sixes, interests and states cf development...
...wrote a college mesa me a while ago...
...Experimental colleges of the type of Reed College ta'Portland, Oregon, Rollins College of which Hamilton Holt is president in Florida, and Alexander Melkeljohn's Experimental College in'Wisconsin are utterly discarding the old formal lecture method...
...Tbe advisors for the eamp in this regard are Dr...
...Information about the scholarships will be given over the telephone, but applications must be made in person by parents asking for the scholarship rate...
...And they were not dilettantes...
...Think of it," London declared, "the great world moves on with u» passion and its pain but the college student gives no heed...
...Record Crowd For Socialist Picnic Is Seen All Indications point to a record turnout at the Orand Pienlc which will help open the mayoralty campaign for Norman Thomas, which will take place on Saturday, Jury 37th, 1939, at Uhner Park, Brooklyn...
...We did not remain a day too long ta the "Government of the Three Parties," and I venture to say that the Labor Party after having lent Its assistance—an indispensable assistance—to the salvation of the franc, has...
...These are things that bring pessimism...
...Yale students distributing circulars on the streets of New Haven telling of the conditions under which the neckwear workers of New Haven were suffering and arrested by the dozen for exercising this right...
...Children who present behavior problems have been generally helped to normal healthy attitudes through the discovery of purposeful and Interesting activity...
...This includes 13 international unions and the central labor bodies ta the three above named cities...
...Camp problems and social problems affecting society at huge, m fact anything that interests the chikben, h discussed as *$£ as their interest lasts...
...By Harry W. Laidler f Director...
...the spirit moved, not as i'wSsfttw ex but as student to student & aire note-taker is being i niiiesied l discussion method into an ir'iagS _] ed explorer of the truth «s|9 and teacher jointly engaged 1a.fb2 for knowledge...
...In the course 'of bis address he quoted a professor of the University of Chicago as declaring that the ideal of the American student was "the passionless pursuit of passionless intelligence...
...Pioneer Youth wishes to make the opportunities of its camp Increasingly available to workers' children, the committee, announces, and it Is in agreement with this purpose that the scholarship plan has been effected...
...Organisations are given an opportunity to bring their membership out for a good time while at the same opportunity, they are afforded the chance to make a substantial profit for their own treasury, by purchasing blocks of tickets...
...Laidler, director of the league...
...Or will they become a bulwark of things as they are...
...The individual child's problems receive a great deal of attention...
...And I see hundreds of other college presidents limited by tbe heavy hand of millionaire contributors...
...speak for Sacco and Wansetti in Boston"—if they see ft, others urge them to hold fast jfe old-time traditions of eonserzaHrm...
...And I become an optimist on the college situation...
...The Pioneer Youth Camp differs from other camps In many respects...
...I enter a class ta economics at the University of California devoted to the studying of socialistic theories and find...
...The staff, however, is not propagandist, but is merely present to help the children discover the various aspects of.the subjects talked about...
...There wa much of it before the elections'at i Vow there is still leas...
...In the ferment of radical ideas in the colleges, the League for Industrial Democracy has played a leading role...
...Mass sal tea] idea which they heard van earn graduates but which they pat sag...
...And I lead in this issue Gardner JacksonS bitter denunciation of President Lowell for suppressing evidence of the utmost importance in the Sacco-Vanzetti case...
...were right and I'm a radical...
...This camp, situated on 140 acres of a wooded mountain-side ta the foothills of the CatakiUs, is admirably equipped for the care and development of tbe 300 children who spend at least part of each summer there...
...For the care of this number there is a camp staff totaling thirty-one...
...Seventeen of these are members of the educational staff...
...On gra4uatatl3 coliege men and women wfll finsesjl tition for lobs ever keener...
...New York School of Social work...
...Instead, the aim is to help the Individual children make the utmost use and derive the greatest benefit from the opportunities 'or activity that the eamp offers...
...I observe the students of the New York colleges taking early morning trains to serve on the picket lines in New Jersey...
...That being so, it was generally expected that the Socialists, first defeated by tlie "power of money," then obliged to make a truce with it In the interests of tbe public welfare would lose ground at the time to the benefit of the Communists and of the Catholics, who are considered, ta spite of Christian Democratic elements, as the most solid nucleus of the parties of social conservation...
...If your organization has not acted as yet, get in touch with the arrangements committee at once for more information, at room 505, 7 E. 15th St...
...and the only result of the mobilization which they attempted throughout the country is to have taken from the Labor Party some thousands of working class votes and to have thus caused them to lose 3 or 4 seats at Charieroi, Antwerp, Ghent and Moris...
...Aid bfl connection it must be realised fijjM college body of todsy is from two bafl times as large as the college boa>«3 pre-war period...
...ISaWssi continue to think like Karl least ] they will act like Babbitt . Sana...
...But what shall we do next...
...New Teaching Methods 5. The old lecture method, calculated to convert the average student into "a net package of fixed ideas" or an air encyclopedia of heterogeneous facts, is undergoing a distinct change...
...What is he planning...
...It is not regimented in any way...
...A growing number of them are asking increasingly, however, what concrete things they can do to bring about better conditions, and they are more anxious than ever before to study the industrial situation at first hand rather than to theorise about it...
...And finally he pictured the collet* student as "sitting quietly ta bis cool library and turning the pages ef bfekaa books...
...In the past year...
...The growth of progressive ideas is marked, if not widespread...
...Like the awbwS pilgrimage we have taken thm * forward and two steps backwajd, sal are advancing a,:: the same...
...But he has spent all his life in acquiring money...
...Tbe CsBB Democrats of Limbourg and Fast believers and Flemish nations Was...
...3 l Frontista...
...4. The Communists, who had two deputies, have now only one...
...a new sessal esnecy % viatt swsdssS oeav* figbTat S» oSajastjr otTmnoarand at other r-rtegei agatoc ccrnpubnry nsflttary training...
...119 ChiMren at Cam The staff Includes a bat of outstanding men ta the newer school movement such as Frank Sengster of the Waiden School, Harry Pa ley of the City and Country School...
...Tbd1 be seen in the elections of 19M, si tag that the a ntl-Socialist Cmssb maintained until then and b SBt1 strained to anticipate tbe coatisfS to the electors...
...Eduard C. Lindeman, of the Department of Social Education...
...What, after all, is the college student thinking about...
...There are no set programs, nor awards or prises...
...Them clubs are also self-determining in activities and control then- inter-club affairs through a central ootnmittee of club delegates...
...Babbitts or Menckens...
...This includes woodcraft, handicrafts, nature study, athletics, dramatics, music, singing, arte, construction work, playground games, astronomy, photography, discussion, ta fact, anything that the children might want to do...
...Teachers College, and Dr...
...The arrangements committee, of which Abraham I_ Bhtplacoff is chairman, and A. N. Weinberg, secretary, announces that nearly 100 organisations have purchased blocks of tickets for their membership, amongst the organizations including, trades unions, branches of the Workmen* Circle, Seemhst Party tranches, as well as various friendly fraternal organisations...
...The children conduct a camp store, library, post office and bank...
...It seems to me that tbe following general trends may be seen: The General Trends 1. As In the community-at-large...
...Unemployed workers will thus be able to have their children at the Pioneer Youth camp at a material reduction from the regular rate... in a neighboring city...
...But what are the actual trends...
...But they went over • side of the Prontlsts...
...Many of tbe camp children find an opportunity to continue then' activities and Interests in neighborhood and special clubs ta the city...
...H. Kilpatrick, professor of philosophy of education...
...But after grades I found out from experience bat...
...A valuable feature of Pioneer Youth Camp is that it is pert of an all year round program...
...X recall say conversation with the pressdestt of a Southern cortege He was ipeel Ini about tbe difficulty of permuting p.ugreeslTS speakers to iddress his student beat...
...the hysteria of the war and post-war period are largely a thing of the past in the American universities...
...He doesn't know anything about public affairs...
...There are over 800 000 m oetessfl at the present time...
...I recall long conversations with students in Texas, In Washington, in Colorado, ta other states, who were planning to go into industry during the summer to find their own lobs and learn about industrial life at first hand...
...While one speaker urges the collegians to Sprat their1 minds— "to defend Maamey in California...
...amid the mist of Seattle and the snows of Montana, and incidentally developing the militarist point Qf view and graduating, many of them, with the belief that war is the only way out of our international difficulties...
...I see again those armies of students I confronted ta the state universities drilling ss members of the Reserve Officers Training Corps under the cloudless skies of Baton Rouge, Los Angeles and Berkeley...
...How does ho differ in his social atUtude from bet predecessor in the beginning of the century...
...In 1935 we had been carried by a wave of discontent which had caused us to advance much more than the normal development of the party required...
...I bear of the students of Syracuse University selecting an their student council eandidates rsasnhsg as Socialists, with a program of democracy in education at the university...
...Recently X received 9300,000 from a busmss...
...Questions of graft, of municipal ownership, of poverty, of child laser, of Imperialism press for solution.' Disturb me not, aays the ooQeaai student, I do not need to care...
...formerly secretary of the Socialist party...
...Tickets for public sale will soon be placed at a number of ticket selling stations...
...88 78 , 70 Catholics...
...Ferment in the South I note the awakening of students ta many of the large Southern colleges, their growing rebellion against the southern attitude toward the Negro, and their increasing, though still feeble demand, in the name of democracy and of common decency, that the colored population be accorded the rights of every other citizen of the country...
...And they wis Job I army for social change...
...The result is that the Communists, who in 1927 anticipated a triumph, have lost all the ground which they had gained at the time of financial difficulties and the menace of inflation...
...Fifteen years ago the Intercollegiate Socialist Society was the only organization in the colleges tiiat presented the social challenge...
...a check which was due to extrinsic causes and to tbe scandalous attacks (as against Herriot in France) of the "power of money" against democratic government, the government of the "small people...
...Theodore Roosevelt a few years aster contended that the greatest trouble with the canssdsa was not his scientific aloofness or his passion for sport, but his passion for money, aad his willingness to seS out to "the interests...
...the present college generebea esj fear, have oriented themselves a] industrial life of America... the South, with its increasing Industrialization, an increased interest in social problems and in tbe solution of the race question...
...Dividend amongst themselves, cast off by the "sympathisers" who at a given moment Inclined towards them, they lost one of their two seats, they are in marked regression at Brussels and at Liege, where they had their members elected ta 1935...
...No one is oetter qualified to uritc of this ferment than Harry IV...
...It hai mart been shown—and that is of casks' portance for the future—that In Sag as for example in Austria, the Comas...
...He is 0* yean cad...
...I talked informally in January at Rollins College to groups cf students in oae of their regular Sheas...
...New Vork, Philadelphia and Baltimore and conducts two camps, one in Rifton, N. Y. and the other in Baltimore, Md...
...One hundred sixty-two trade u-iions have endorsed tbe movement...
...Paul to march with the tteehsri ion ta the Labor Day Parade...
...But against a Government Ooes rendered particularly fragile by w a* rogeneity, the Socialist cpposSas ranged, more united, more ardest' vigorous than ever...
...Now numerous .jrganizationx are calling attention to industry, race and problems of peace 4. Women students are demanding as never before the same rights ae men students...
...6. The Prontlsts (Flemish Autonomists), who combine Flemish nationalist demagogism with feigned ultra-democratic behavior, and who always vote with us on working class questions, register, to the great injury of the clericals, a notable success...
...Three of the clubs constated of colored children, one meeting in Harlem and two in Philadelphia...
...During the four years' legislature which has lust finished, we have only known, so to apeak, unfavorable circumstances...
...Originally formed at a conference of trade unionists and educators, it has spread to three cities...
...The revolution ta the morals and customs of women students," declared one woman professor to me In a Pacific Coast college, "is the greatest revolution that has occurred ta college life in tbe last decade...
...Tbe staff members are expected not to teach the children skill, but rather to be enthusiastic and interested friends, respecting tbe child's individuality, and be ready to adjust their work to the growing interests of the children...
...Tan smile at this . When I Joined the 9s Study Club you organized at wsaesj was pretty flippant...
...It has the co-operation of a large number of educators and progressive schools...
...And, more recently, I hear of the expulsion of two students and a professor from the University of Pittsburg for holding a meeting on the Mooney-Billings case...
...The Cant Democrats of the Walloon psefl hardly count: they are domestkatd the bourgeois parties... this trip and the general experience of the last year in the work tor the League for Industrial Democracy demonstrate regarding the social thinking in our American colleges...
...This camp accommodates 110 children and is directed by a mature staff of educators, trained in the progressive school movement...
...Sony.I am watt for you...
...It has a large social ball and an open air dining room—both a part of a large rustic camp building...
...THE RADICAL FERMENT IN THE GOLLEGR Growth of Socialist and Progressive Idas Stand Out Aeainst Background of Reaction and Indifference COMMENCEMENT exercises in the thousands of colleges and universities of the nation bring vividly to life the struggle going on to capture the minds of the college students...
...Others in that day, watching the student on the football field chasing the gdgskrn, mamtslned that his ideal was not so much the passionless pursuit of passionless lnteligence, but the passionate pursuit ef paatinnlees uninteUisenee...
...I meet from college to college members of the faculties who had tbetr early u-atamg at chapters of the tetercoil agists So nls sat Society and the LLP, and wha are revolutionising the teaching of si mil aati e bt their leapewUte lnstituttaas aad welcoming our apeak m nth open arms...
...Has he become the cynic with Mencken...
...The camp nurse is Son la Radina, for three years nurse in Unity House of tbe L L. G. W. V. and tbe director is Joshua Lleberman...
...Tbe result of this battle, on divers fronts, is for us a net loss of eight seats, and tor the Government Coalition a gain of three seats...
...made good use of the eighteen months which preceded the election, to achieve in its favor a remarkable redress...
...ifi smoking, and asking uutatSBM^s...
...Discussion is encouraged...
...1 have many times been asking myself this question...
...A new branch is about to be started ta Denver, Colo...
...Children who do not readily participate In activities are not forced to do so, but are studied with a view to discovering latent interests which might be developed...
...Party has no future...
...J wish I were tree,'' he declared...
...A CAMP FOR LABOR CHILDREN Pioneer Youth's Great Achievement By A. J. Kennedy Financial Secretary, Lithographers' Union Local 1 A REMARKABLE phase of labor education has been the development of the Pioneer Youth movement during the past five years...
...S. Students are not so interested as ta some periods ta abstract theories either of classical economics or of socialism...
...33 33 38 Communists...
...And when all is said aad does 1 much can be said cf the average ess a responsible economic heretic bit a more chance to address uneensast1 students of the American linlnislsj day than he has to speak before tins age Central Labor Council in Stabs...
...In addition to this they elect a Junior staff consisting of a chairman for each major activity interest chosen by the children...
...To be frank, those among us who retained their sang frold in the midst of the ardent enthusiasm of the Socialist troops during the electoral campaign, have not been unduly surprised by the check of the 26th of May...
...Self-government Practised The children are afforded a complete opportunity to be self-determining...
...Setback Was Expected 3. The Socialists, who had made an enormous, abnormal jump ta 1925, have lost four-fifths of what they had gained...
...Two well known jazz bands will provide the dance music until late hours of the night, as well as other features which will entertain the huge turnout for the occasion...
...The New Chamber But to appreciate the meaning of this result it is necessary to give first of all the composition of the Chamber of Deputies after the three General Elections, of 1921, 1925 and 1929...
...Harvard's Socialist Club I call to mind again that serious group of students in Los Angeles whom I met in February of this year, each of whom was devoting part of his leisure to the investigation of labor conditions In an Important Industry In Southern California . Of course, they maintained, the whole system must be changed...
...students from the University of Wisconsin helping in the struggle of the Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers In Kenosha...
...3. The Liberals, on the other hand, who had lost at the last elections a third of their modest strength, celebrate as a great victory the fact of having regained six of the ten seats which they had lost...
...A Darker Side On the other hand, ta my more pessimistic moments, I recall other pictures of college scenes...
...sal friend isn't the only example ef agj development...
...One hundred ten children are accommodated in the camp at one time...
...Do they hold true today...
...In bolstering up that conviction, I torn to the old Quaker college of 8warthmore, in the conservative state of Pennsylvania, where some ISO students east their votes for Norman Thomas in the last election, as compared with about 380 votes for Hoover and lees than 80 for Al Smith and I get to figuring how many states Norman Thomas would have carried if the same ratio of -Tjting had been found in the remainder of the country...
...ELECTIONS IN BELGIUM Vandervelde Analyzes Recent National Poll-Labor's Loss By Emile Vandervelde Leader of the Belgian Labor Party TPHB General Ejections which took place on May 38th were everywhere characterized—as In Sweden last year— by a furious assault on the positions which we had conquered in 193S, by all the forces which constitute the present parliamentary and governmental coalition: Liberals (Conservatives or Radicals) and united Catholics (Conservatives and Christian Democrats...
...First and foremost, under tbe PoulletVandervelde Socialist and Christian Democrat Ministry, the cheek to the plan of monetary stabilisation presented by the Catholic Finance Minister Jannson...
Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 23