rLTailtoaftJ Office at d» I 7 MA BL Mabel BL l«n« i^fiiiC ot ganfrn tlon, speak? V It b# total atfinti ft* *e*»*7' yaa may Mr ii ¦E * maw r amfhlkt f ¦ l^ilVSJe'. containing *"...
...the election of a Campaign Committee and plans for the coming campaign... has been circulating in *****fcsn colleges and among laymen JJbBtftM educational problems for "SsRsssm years...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...Interesting and entertaining educational programs are being arranged for the summer month* —no admission charge—All Welcome...
...June 3. Edward Brink was elected to represent the 1st district on the state executive committee...
...Nomination* were made foe Members of Assembly and Alderman: a Sam paten Coanafttae was ejected* sCmet neetingf were planned to beam next seek...
...This caused a great deal of discussion among the numbers...
...Morris Hurwich was elected organiser for local Hartford...
...Although not very well attended, two new members were obtained...
...treasurer-financial secretary, Mine Pilat...
...the New Student VlUt the recent June issue—tbe New _ dsatSSt, an intercollegiate student **sabs of news and comment, ceased •••fin...
...The new state organizer, Fred Cederholm of Bridgeport, expects in the near future to make an organizing tour ol the State New York State Niagara Fads Niagara Falls party members have been discussing the practibility of putting a Labor ticket in the field this fall...
...Future historian* will gsss'refer to It as the coming of Inerleac college students...
...An excellent attendance was present and an interesting discussion followed...
...1st district...
...Flora Afros...
...Sunday, June 33...
...mmiro* City COMING EVENTS Juno 15, City Convention Banquet, Teutoass Assembly Hoososv'lM 3rd avenue, near loth street...
...SYRACUSE YPSL* The Ben Hanfprd Circle of Syracuse held its regular meeting last Thursday at the home of Comrade Ushask A hike was planned for the 36th of June...
...7 E 15 th street...
...N.ll -II...
...Prominent Labor and Socialist speakers wm discuss the British victory and the coming campaign...
...June 7, two large open air rallies were held, celebrating the British victory...
...June 15, 8:30 p. m. Corner 68th street and Bay parkway...
...The Campaign Committee and a campaign manager will be elected...
...tays Norman StudeT who for ¦ tm-tvo years edited the magazine, jf* saavoBrrents of student thought in ¦_nuaaety Importan: decade of our ***** oSacstion...
...StutojJ?™** began to be suppressed for a»?ytB0 energetic in defense of stusnjaa...
...They can be sseured from the state secretary, Martin E Pluntett, Poh Blag., 33 Church street...
...June 22...
...Labor Organisations and fraternal and friendly groups...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-10 A. D. A meeting was held Tuesday...
...The problem of future wars *Bj>a?5!L2!?flic.t'= h£ve also been ob^ ewoent attention...
...In the large room in Bldg...
...The first American student tour to Russia was under New Student auspices...
...Translator-Secretary Caasj^Jsv socialist T»»c> ration re'JPa^fcsmetion oi a new branch in JJfJflS u the second branch formed ii in th...
...One of the most famous jazz bands has been engaged.' Numerous organizations are ordering tickets and these is every reason to believe that the picnic will be as well attended If not j better than the one held last year...
...State Executive Committee at large, Walter E. Davis and Swen Ottoson, of Hamden, Joseph Pede, of New laven, Crosswaith Meetings Prank Crosswaith of New York City, will make a tour of the state starting on June 17...
...bscessary changes as the aboll— R compulsory class attendance...
...od th rat...
...8:30 p. m. Burnside and Walton avenues...
...252 Warburton avenue, Yonkcrs... the Teutonia Assembly Rooms, 186 3rd avenue, near loth stress, a banquet win be held to calibrate the victory of the Brio tlsh Labor Party and The opening of tbe New York City Convention...
...The date is Friday — the time is 6:30 p.m...
...It is fLTL jbe Ariaona Socialists will J-CrsBrade Coombes loyal support and ^saatkn in her efforts to build up ^aw*g ssmmeni in the state...
...Cetoeesttea Beaeaet On Saturday evening, June IS...
...Several jojSJ" smt stenographers to certain ¦gaaStnen published the aslnlSsj j...
...New Leader ¦¦an ss tins region will also be apseatoa at prospects...
...State Secretary Herbert W. Merrill will be on hand to welcome the delegates and their friends, as will also State Committeemen Morris Berman of Pleasantvllle, and Fred L. Arland of White Plains and possibly other speakers...
...Tbe picnic was enjoyed by all and the trip back to Milwaukee, in a special chartered car, waft the end of a perfect day for the Young People's Socialist League of Milwaukee, also proud of the fact that their banner, tii red and white colors, superbly fluttered hi the breeze hi ths park...
...Bewy Is engaged for six months ss vffl spend practically all his time * UK Shore cities which are favorable btsbmt Socialist locals...
...Organizer Claessens will discuss the coming campaign...
...Picnic at Ulmer Park The Arrangements Committee reports excellent progress in behalf of the picnic at Ulmer Park on Jury 27 by the Socialist Party...
...Glaubennan's office...
...The dates will be released next week by Comrade Richard Briggs of Rochester , who has .arranged the tour... the Social Hall...
...The following were nominated: Pauline Newman, J. W. Hughan... you want to see the YCL team beaten the way it should be beat...
...This IFliaan£T*tlon "neets once a year wsja-z^*** uPPermcrt problems...
...i*lg25 8***enU'* Will Increase 3*ar'3c-lhe Past few years the NaBbj*CJ*esnt Federation of America jtaEvg...
...which i ^K?*1 °rg»nisatioo of students...
...A committee on recommendations for candidates for public office reported...
...t-g-12 A. D. A well attended meeting was held Monday evening at the headquarters, 96 Avenue C. Nominations were made for new branch officers...
...Ail locals and language irtnches will be represented by five delegates each...
...Speakers, Henry Jager, David George, P. J. Murphy...
...On the 30th of June, Comrade Briggs of Rochester will visit Syracuse...
...Some cities will be included that have no Yipsel groups, but the Party Local will be urged to start some...
...Organizer Claessens will be present...
...a^~Jwearier i6«re are students who ¦hlt ij*" oi their education to '"tetortes and study conditions b) aii"Z_?ort *° study and Improve ffM^lts* °f !»bor Others are ens%"L^Ba"tmg the spread of militar•saj-.™.0°Iieges...
...The difficulty facing trade unionists putting tickets in the field is the provison of the electon law which requires independent designation petitions to have the signatures of 6 per cent of the total number of voters in ths unit of representation, while official political parties only need to get 3 per cent of their enrollment...
...Organizer Claesseni delivered a talk on "The Results of thi -British Elections...
...All these activities, and many more, the New Student has reported and constructively criticised...
...Every' activity was promoted that helps to make the student a real Etor on the stage of education, and not passive listener...
...Frederick Oederholm...
...The Brighton Beach, Kings Highway, Flatbush Jewish and Snd Assembly District Branches will be invited...
...4 A.D...
...June 21, in the large room of the County Headquarters, 1107 Boston road, at 8:15 p.m...
...and sent one of its ediitors to Mexico to investigate student life there...
...The principal business will be the nomination of candidates for Assembly and Alderman...
...Report of the City Convention will be given...
...Speaker, Louis P. Goldberg...
...Campaign S^aataar The fourth session of the Campaign Seminar wfil be held Monday evening, June 17, in room SOS, Peogdes House...
...James Morgan, of New London: third district, Louist O. Krahl...
...Sea to print criticism of their ¦w,.** " their publications...
...S Vernon ¦treat, Hartford...
...The rich are sSBg richer, tbe poor are getting poorr...
...The election will be held at the next meeting June 24...
...It must be admitted that this qulcking of intellectual interest has been confined mainly to a numerically insignificant aristocracy in the colleges," Mr...
...This Friday, Melville Cohen is scheduled to speak on the Development of Man...
...A charter will be presented to the circle by the executive secretary, Comrade Umanaky...
...Jamaica—Woman's Section Another meeting under the auspices oi the Woman's Section of Branch Jamaica was held Friday evening, ah the W. C Center, Jamaica...
...A new circle is to be admitted to tbe league on Friday...
...of Bridgeport: state executive committee...
...Schenectady, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls...
...the branch will hold its annual automobile outing...
...Process of formation...
...BE Ireland reports that the attendee est sot aa great as had been hoped kt BJ thai the state office will be at •at Bta a light glimmering from tbe I saesaS* that will carry hope and course to other sections...
...Matthias Palm: recording secretary, W Farrelly: financial secretary and delegate to the Central Committee, H. Cherkas...
...Bmr wQl (his disproportion be saeBd by me ruling class...
...The committee of arrangements for the state convention reported that plans are nearly completed...
...The Socialists of Kentucky aa) bkddy pleased with having him as imrcsmtatlTc of the National Or, Wisconsin j! Biw Stale Organizer IBsm H. Henry, former National Exssbb Smttary begins his work as kemrsry organiser for Wisconsin Monet...
...Walter T. gaw...
...corresponding secretary...
...The principal business will be the nomination of candidates for boro and county officers and the ratification of nominations made by branches for members of Assembly and Board of Alderman...
...QUEENS COUNTY Jackson Heights At the meeting June 7 the following officers were elected: organiser...
...Auto City The W**IZL*r now has approximately as* ^JErs...
...Solomon and August Claessens spoke on 'The Coming Campaign and the Necessity for Intensive Activities on the Party of the Brownsville Branch...
...At present such tSfiSr* i? proc-ss in several state s*jj""*a...
...Circle 6, Man...
...former I aw a* Milwaukee and running mate sajaw v. Debs on the presidential aad at ilia...
...containing *" •"¦a**** I of the United States I mS»,*^„moal to all worker* to con1 ow***T./th7 grave problem* ocnVmm%m*txtiie<l workers, is now ^"Cr*»*tSa-M\ by the National BP rj^LselaUst Party The psm*W «S compactr-just right to S**j7£nVtnto the pocket for fur»*W*fL—ar oistributinn...
...8th A. D. A meeting of the newly organized 8th A. D. Branch is to be held Thursday...
...Kings County on Wednesday...
...residents and voters of tbe Amalgamated Houses will be invited...
...Friday, June 31, 8:30 p. m. Corner Pitkin and Hopklnson avenues...
...Out of this experience ~, * Sjaokencd interest in the me25.¦ ••"cation and In an intelligent ~*ZT» of social life...
...Simon Wolfe, one of the old reliables of the Brownsville Socialist Movement, and Organizer at the 18th A. D., has been nominated for Alderman...
...a irtojipal speaker, the convention was awawd by Mrs...
...vw a wave of student consJSsJ?* b** not vet subsided...
...rLTailtoaftJ Office at d» I 7 MA BL Mabel BL l«n« i^fiiiC ot ganfrn tlon, speak? V It b# total atfinti ft* *e*»*7' yaa may Mr ii ¦E * maw r amfhlkt f ¦ l^ilVSJe...
...YPSL va YCL—do you want to be in the YPSL-YCL (Young Circle League) baseball game at the Socialist Party picnic at Ulmer Park on tbe 37th of July...
...Benson writes that the educational material carried to The Mew Lead, ar U "tncoepenslble to any one who wants to keep afar test with what Moor at dame at this country...
...Branch officers are...
...lVio cents per single copy: tkf *»""",-« 'sanies L-->c.°.Lf and branch*«»wr ^jth th^ir work on the ~-ncita should order this ssfjjf...
...OrganmMTlahd™wffl*be^DowS aT*"The jewish^erojkUsrt Verband, jarar^joe...
...Hartford A Joint meeting of the English branch and the Polish Socialist Alliance was held Sunday...
...Reservations can still be made at the City Omce...
...Connecticut state ris relln The State oanreaskm of the party will as held in Hartford Ban gay...
...2nd A. D. A joint meeting will be held of the members of the four branches in the 2nd Assembly District...
...June 17: Bridgeport, June 18: New Haven, June 19: Waterbury, June •* 20: New Britain, June 21...
...A special meeting will be held Wednesday...
...June 19, at the Socialist Center, 204 East Broadway...
...BRONX A general membership meeting of Bronx Socialists has been called for Friday...
...He concluded with an appeal to the members and enrolled : voters for a real campaign in that dis- i trict, so that the citizens will know that j the Socialist Party is functioning...
...A campaign committee was also elected and is proceeding with its work, a meeting having been called for Thursday evening in Dr...
...The circle meets at 2095 Daly avenue, near 180th street, the Bronx...
...printed In gar type and very convincing...
...In his speech CBMsMSetdei said: "Many Socialists do at kek keek farther than 1B12 and, ¦BSC HuA>jrowth on the surface, they seSBjsgMUeBt They overlook the fact sat a» many reasons and yet for some as II *BM our propaganda in this easjy aaa ke BtUs more tran a 'voice rdsf M} the wilderness...
...Nomination Petitions Tbe State Bureau of Elections has advised state Secretary Merrill that the 1939 edition of the election law will not be ready until about July 1. However, changes in the law made by the 1929...
...New York BxecuUve*'sacretary to go on tour...
...Action was deferred until the next meeting...
...July 37, Socialist and Labor Picnic at Ulmer Park...
...experienced campaigners, tireless workers and effective speakers...
...June 11, at which a number of enrolled Socialist j voters were present...
...Frank MsnrUtag ia at present administering to the needs of the group which has over twenty awsabsrs, fully aottve...
...Nominations will be made for Assemblyman and Alderman...
...In Comrades Wolfe and Afros, the 18th has two young men...
...33rd A. D. An enrolled voters meeting was held Monday evening...
...Branch On Tuesday...
...Ethelred Brown, David George, Harry Schachner, Roland Stubbs...
...aJni* knpetus came from a college ns**" to which the World War was -_¦¦* fnby...
...Prominent speakers will address this gathering...
...Studer concludes...
...1167 Boston road...
...June 16—10, City Convention, Peoples Bouse, 7 Bast 15th street...
...Samuel Orr, Ethelred Brown, David George...
...Fbt SS^^^9ir%SS^SittKtes Wm jsakegg^ ' • a ^otllt aewbsfttsf ^whsst llttd *VTke9&Kf ctgv ling of the members- ad the a-g A, D. Branch and the WSuhunsbuTg Jewish Branch...
...18th A. D. At a rousing meeting on June 7, in the Boekaway Mansion, candidates and sranch officers, were nominated...
...It Is essential that every Bronx Socialist attend this important meeting...
...Cleveland VW»a Now York Comrades Ben and Isidore Yudm of Cleveland dropped Into the New York YPSL office to exchange gveetlngs...
...Edward Brink, of Hartford: second district, Wm...
...June 23, at 11 am...
...LILLIAN S. KAPLAN EDITOR Panliahcd Everv Week bv The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League ' ¦ ¦ .- ¦ 1...
...and touched briefly on the progress made in other countries by So- i ciallsts and Laborites...
...began to draw up Ideal educa**^JkSgrain» modeled on the theories fca_* smcvators as Meiklejohn and hJ* They were partly responsible gjSJ* ranging from an entire reorJ_2^"je of the curriculum to such gg*B...
...Kentucky A STATE CONVENTION f a, May M the Socialist Party of Ken' _3Sga a Stats convention in Union f ufcr gall at Louisville...
...Westchester Convention The Socialists of Westchester County will hold a get-together and County convention on the evening of Wednesday, June 19 in the Workers' Cooperative Center...
...For Assemblyman, Jacob u Afros was endorsed...
...many of whom are old Ernthe Socialist movement, and "Jioi oranlae that the movement in "ZAwt greatly Increase It* member*TiC»attonal Office joins in giving *x-jj sskninr to the new branch... the Labor Temple, 97 Park ¦treet...
...Tbe first part of tbe program consisted of two recitations and the I oaSing of aa editorial on Patriotism...
...Arizona ---ganrtCS CHANGES ADDRESS "JLs^aaadea hi Arizona should take _2Trf ttw fact that Ethel W. Coombea, St> saattary has moved to Hillside, TJsaaTsas mail should be addressed to ¦"ass* a care ef Alec Lucy...
...the New Student co-sponsored the first student tour to China...
...August Claessens ! delivered a talk on 'The Coming Municl- i pal Election...
...has changed Its meeting night to Friday, at 8:30, at 62 East 106th street...
...June 19, at 8:30 pk, in the W. C. Center, 1396 Coney Island avenue...
...BROOKLYN Saturday...
...Friday, June 31, 8:80 p. m. Corner Havemeyer and South 4th streets...
...Organizer, Simon Wolfe...
...NEW YORK CITY EVENTS Circle 4 BTUyn meets every Friday evening at the Workmen's Circle School at 7316 20th avenue, Brooklyn...
...A banquet will be held at silverssrg's Restaurant, «3 Windsor street, rickeu at cents...
...The president and secretary of the Niagara Palls Trades and Labor Council are Socialists, and the National and State constitutions of the Socialist Party make it possible for Socialists to cooperate with genuine labor parties...
...A membership campaign la now .in progress, :t is hoped that a large membership wffl x obtained to conduct this artve and for the present to finance the preliminaries...
...Besides Seldel...
...Thursday, June 20...
...J*.Ba files of the New Student sre...
...Henry Jager and others...
...Certainly there is no one thing needed today so much ss college graduates who in their student days learned to stand on their own feet intellectually, and who have a genuine interest in helping to bring Intelligence snd humanity into tbe ordering of our social life...
...Comrade Julius ymansky, the executive secretary of Greater New York, and secretary of tbe Eastern District , Organization, wffl leave New York on the 27th to speak to "Yipsel circles in Upper New York State...
...The new branch was •Ij^ab twenty members, and the ***natip* that many more will be f£Zm oear future Pogorelec tails ^ op, Double fact, that is, fifff Joirag paoofi are Joining their r""' has recently had an EatssJttreds of mm from the coal s^TJSK...
...State Office State Secretary Martin P. Plunkett reports that the following officers have been elected for the coming year: state secretary, Minnie Cederholf, of Bridgeport: national committeeman, Walter E. Davis, of Hamden: state organizer...
...All those who wish to make reservations are urged to get in touch with Co made Rosen at the Labor Lyceum...
...Speaker, Henry Jagcr...
...The branch made recommendations for candidates for public office in their territory...
...He is one of the younger element and an able comrade...
...Milwaukee •St gssutary Benson is trying for • •sBsjBsn in the city to seU The w***"bt sljbbbjsawst ttbal vtacil '^atateullflgab1' ascbav is wen o» ha wtrt the^iass^inmTOon win order a bundle for each week...
...then get in touch with Ben Kantor at the City Office at once...
...Max Cohen of Yankers has assured the County Chairman that Local Yonkers will once more step forward and place itself on the Socialist firing line, inspired by the brilliant victory of the Socialists of Great Britain...
...ftll, Ireland, of Louisville, was am* SMUinsii and Mm Oeorgie IreksLfil E OoBess strest, Louisville, was MM state secretary...
...Ml Socialists and sympathisers are urged x> assist The subscription for membership to the Labor Lyceum Association is H.oo a year...
...The first day on which legal signatures of petitions can be secured is July 3. Petitions cannot be filed before August 13, and they cannot be filed later than August 30...
...nominations will be made for Member of Assembly and Alderman...
...BRONX Wednesday...
...For much that* has .happened it has been directly responsible...
...June 19, 8:30 p. m. 163rd street and Prospect avenue...
...Central Branch The next meeting will be held Tues' day evening, June 18, in the County Headquarters...
...June 14...
...Tbe committee of arrangements for .he convention and banquet consists of members of Local Hartford and tbe Po1Mb...
...of Metiden: fourth district, Fred Schwartekopf...
...Branch meetings are to be held during July and August on the second Tuesday of each month and open air meetings are to begin after the 4th of July...
...A good program includes a soccer game between two prominent teams and other athletic events...
...June 20, at 8:30 p.m...
...Re lenkroal Organization of the party as sssssioted by Emll Seidcl...
...New York City...
...Entertainment and refreshments will be had...
...before the team is cnosen...
...Comrade Bdaner Jed a tBssisafan » "The Hew British Cabinet and the The drive for the collection of funds for the proposed radical center of Bentonhurst is gathering momentum...
...of Bridgeport: fifth district, to be filled later...
...Tbe Secretary is Max K. Polikoff, 2306 83rd street...
...The cities so far are Albany...
...Bandrlckson, Sheffield WilmTTt —iiti James Kerr, J. L. Bell and •isBdnesn...
...more deadly professors...
...recording secretary, Joseph N. Cohen...
...3, Amalgamated Cooperative Apartments, a mass meeting will be held to celebrate the victory of the British Labor Party...
...Amalgamated Cooperative Apt...
...At the next meeting Mondayj June 17...
...June 18, at 8:30 p.m...
...meetings will be held every other Friday...
...Socialist Alliance...
...MILWAUKEE VISITS CHICAGO The Milwaukee Young People's Socialist League, as a delegation of thirty-two members and friends, attended the Socialist picnic which was held in Riverview Park, Chicago, Sunday, June 0. They were the guests of the Chicago Branch of Y. P. S. L-'s, a committee of which met the group at the station and conducted tt through the city to tbe park After Indulging in the various amusements offered in tbe park some of the members, together with the Chicago group, took active part in collecting funds for the future campaign...
...Comrade Sanders then gave a talk op Surplus, Value, and Use-Value...
...One definite accomplishment of the N. 8 F. A. so far has been the facilitation of student travel, through its contacts abroad, travel that is as much a part of education as any classroom lecture...
...All Welcome...
...Street meetings will be held during the campaign and a house-to-house distribution of leaflets on "The British Labor Victory' was successfully conducted...
...Evelyn Hughan, Ben Blumenberg, and Leonard C. Kaye...
...On Friday...
...During July and August and until Labor Day...
...New Haven, or from Edward Brink...
...In the sssnc, Sadei Joined with about thirty Mkn a discussion on the needs of (Oration...
...Phone, Algonquin 4030 or at the banquet hail Subscription, S3 per plate...
...he works...
...Legislature were inconsequental and there is' no reason why organizations of the Socialist Party 'shoSJd not immediately proceed with the indorsement of candidates and the preparation of designation petitions...
...His dates are as* follows: Stamford...
...Our analysis dSSSBssni B correct...
...The meetings are well attended...
...However, the new students will probably Increase in number despite the death of the New Student...
...All comrades having machines who have not yet volunteered their services are also urged to get in touch with Rosen without delay...
...yrbdt^-noN growing l*JSr*nadreiec...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Wednesday, June 19, 8:30 p. m. Corner Jefferson and East Broadway...
...Most students are interested til the snobbish aristocracy of the chaser after material success...
...Afros also needs no introduction...
...1940 Andrews avenue, Bronx...
...AH Yipsel* welcome...
...7 East 15th street August CMesssns will talk on "The New York State Legislature, The Results of the Last Session, and The State Issues Confronting the Campaign for the Election of Members of the Assembly...
...f editorial rejgggffkge authorities during the t£^T.**T*8 been about one a-month...
...It t^MeSJwi' c 1 *¦ iConfedera¦BjSS'^uonale des Etudiants...
Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 22