POLITICAL OUTCASTS OF YESTERDAY BECOME TODAY'S RULERS OF BRITAIN Premier MacDonald—Marry Who Sa*r. Toll la Early Childhood Now 9ft in Cabinet—A Number Came From Liberal Party . y » PACIFISTS,...

...I do...
...Lanabury has been a member of the Independent Labor Pari...
...He is a noted authority on agriculture and was Minister of Agriculture in 1924...
...Today he Is acknowledged as a skillful parliament* r i a n , keen negotiator...
...Oneal, don't you know that Mr...
...He is known as a mixer with friends running Into the thousands in an walks of life...
...his peace views kept him out oi the Liberal cabinets...
...He has declared himself in favor of all-around cancellation of war debts, but failing that Is determined to revise the debt agreements more favorable to Great Britain...
...Snowden, Arthur Ponsonby, K. D. Morel and Norman Angel — all now...
...Yet those who know snowden count him a kind, mildmannered comrade and Mend, With Pet hick - Lawrence, and Hugh* Dal ton...
...The men in the British cabinet bear the scars of war tor peace...
...fee umj>mmm*m*^BBampWt>< ments would require pages, the story of his hte a book...
...Is the gradual vertical trustification of utility and non-Utility Industries on a parallel to the horlsontal trustification of the power Industry Itself...
...J. H. Thomas Lord Privy Seal and Deputy Leader of the Heose of Cessations At the age of 9 "Jimmy" Thomas started to work as an errand boy...
...Others Who Aided British Labor Fund Loeal Mew York City, Socialist Party, has receired the following contributions to the British Labor Party Campaign Pund: B-'-Letser...
...Oas 1 Batt...
...hi 1921, whan a Poplar town councillor, he paid . v&njjk/jntBt benefits In defiance of government instructions, la IS 12 Landebury strode across Commons to tell Premier Asqulth to bis face that he ought to be ashamed of himself...
...will argue tor working tbnsjgs the major parties, while B. Oharney Vav deck, manager of the Jewish Daily Par...
...In the Labor Government of 1924 he was colonial secretary...
...1 On Friday morning, June ttb...
...Tables showing the representation of the largest companies in the T^tinpoi production are attached: Raak Masse laeo'i Ptreoat . _ _ oi kwk of total 1 Kectrle Bond aad Shan lajwS.STlMS.as 3 united Corporation.........ic.014,tss li.ts 3 Insull ......................aM7,SH xo.« 4 North American...
...A Molltn, $3...
...and Mrs...
...In tbe 1934 Labor government he was Minister of Labor...
...wra welcome the fact that our oppon" ents helped us to make tbe British electors understand that the issue of this election was bigger and more far-reaching than any question of road making, race tracks, or the export of cauliflowers...
...On the directing body of the League sit the pillars of Hungarian Pascism...
...M. Oshln, *3...
...I,*SS,8r7 4.TS 7 aaaaaanl Oas and Boetrie...
...He was crippled for life end now walks painfully with the aid of two canes...
...Hair-raising things are told of the miserable wages which are justified by the Treaty of Trianon...
...Shaw to an accomplished linguist and has often addressed French textile workers in their own language...
...vttL Of trade anion...
...As a matter of fact I remained in London at least two weeks...
...04.sis «ai S Southern California Bdisoc...
...Not an Anarchist but a Socialist...
...Patrick Murphy, |6...
...Tins to the vital dl Serencc between as and the other parties...
...they have been outcasts, ¦afajBl by the war-nx*nger...
...be was manager of the London Dally Herald...
...There are Intellectuals—Sidney Webb, Trevelyan, Greenwood, Buxton, Qraham—as well as manual laborers...
...The Federal Trade Commission found that in the Standard Gas and Electric, one of tbe first eight, an investment of si ,000.000 conferred the voting control over a total investment of $370,000,000...
...When the workers In the frontier regions dare to bestir themselves they are hunted across the frontiers...
...Anna Ksthly related that she had sent letters and books to agricultural workers through the post...
...OH nss SjsBasat biSaaij ahwi at ten 1m worth* at a eotinc sffl: thoaaa...
...In addition the villages are hermetically sealed: agricultural workers are not allowed to reeerse then* relatives from the towns...
...But as the pioneers for the revision of the arbitrary peace are...
...Among the non-utility industries eontrolled by leading power company groups are listing by-produeUng (notably tbe Hoppers Company), oil, coal, aluminum, some parts of the electro-chemical and fertiliser industries, paper and lumber companies, newspapers and-radio...
...the League for the Revision of the Peace...
...He has served as secretary of the International Textile Workers...
...As a liberal be served tn ireland as Secretary to the then Viceroy, Lord Crowe...
...Since the age of ten be has lived In East London...
...During the war...
...Morn., "The City of a<i Future" with Stuart Chase and LoskK Brewnlow as speakers...
...Mosley served in the war, deserted the Tory benches to sit with the Laborites as an independent, and in 1924 r»n and was elected ss a labortte...
...They hare but recently heard their names hissed thrrasfh the length and breadth -of England...
...Shaw was born In 1873...
...UssTrnsM as pi inter beads the Bet Durksg the war he wsa ashed -the asset I pail Oil most dsMTseated saan hi Sngiaod,' Then there an Phfltp aoowden, hen hearted invalid, driven frosa leccmd Uml^^feedtng^stn^men and woman": Less gsntth who...
...Distant, 14...
...Such control to maintained through the holding company device which gives the controlling financial powers a dominance out of proportion to their actual investment...
...Be has written a book on "Fisiduai of tbe seesaws**** Lord Parmoor Pnista—I at the CeaseS Lord Parmoor held the stead pcefttex la tbe IBM Labor cabinet...
...That MacDonald has summoned him to sit in the second labor cabinet, as he did in the first, will mean that be will be recommended for the peerage and sit In the House of Lords...
...refusing to run for re-election to parliament...
...Msemii dog coal for 37 years...
...During the 1919 railroad strike...
...Prom the age of 31 he has been a trade union and cooperative official...
...In 1*33 opposed...
...He was out of sympathy with the "left" policies of the I. L. P. Snowden was born in 18S4 of working-class parents...
...partment of Oovernrttent OoluaiMs TksV verslty...
...J.m.oit id atoeo sad Webster..........S-*».4t», id 11 Detroit SdSMn---- .........3.1U.S4* 3.SS 13 Associated Oas and attctrts...
...George Lanabury Pint Csssasdsssssssr ef vVoi** The ghosts of the old convention-tied Tories who hare sat in British cabinets will be sharply disturbed by the presence of George Landbury In the Labor cabinet...
...Among the most important utilities controlled by the leading power company groups are natural and manufactured gas, the only possible competitor to electricity tn the lighting field, and electric railways, the largest single customer of power...
...Jolsnson, SdMor whose papa* waajsace thereat t** ^hwssattiea, , Than there are the recent gataJaSi men of htgh poBUcal station ate bate broken with Ws-long traditions to throw tn their jut, mm the new Labor party...
...Ha served In the first Labor cabinet as Chancellor of the Exchequer...
...was the daughter of the late Marquess Curson, the apex of British stand-patlsm and aristocracy...
...The figures presented to Governor Roosevelt by the City Club of New York State utilities alone have paid $202,832,331 more than the book value for operating companies, are cited as an Illustration of the unlikelihood of lower rates automatically following combination In the power Industry...
...He has sat In parliament sinoe 1903...
...a • a The questions, the startled looks of the officers, and the eagerness with which they awaited my answer convinced me that it was doubtful wheLhci I would be permitted to land...
...gar Msn aaakey, Lord Thorn isn and...
...A pistol shot in the Jaw from a fanatic Turk was Buxton's only accomplishment...
...o Fifth An, K.Tffp The conference will open Thursday, oBfln 27th, at Camp Tamlnent, ForestPs**Ob Pennsylvania, and continue throngs 2] Sunday, June 30th...
...He was the founder of the London School A ¦conomics and one of the founders of the Fabian Society...
...S.TMJS1 T.1J 5 Eutarn Statu Power......4.070J1T S.S3 « CotiMtldatod Oa...
...Twenty children crawled about in this smelly, narrow hale.'' The beie facts which Sseder produced on the wages of agricultural workens were so Inflammatory that the police officer threatened to prevent htm from speaking further...
...Snowden is the financial brains of the Labor party...
...Sometimes in palliating present-day evils our policy may appear to conflict with our Meals...
...The Hungarian ¦ employers reply to every wage demand by -""'""g to the Treaty of Trianon...
...They write and speak as if it were possible to give the workers a lust and res none hie standard of fife, and at the same time preserve the Tight of the few to become Inordinately rich...
...Noraesv, Thomas will act as chairman of tat^ various sessions...
...Plfta Avwaoe...
...1.0S.1M 1.T7 15 Con...
...He was born In 1898, and married Lady Cynthia Canon In 1920...
...He grew to accept the war, though he twice declined cabinet posts In the war-time coalition governments...
...dathe has hsrexz mes was told By james Oneal aatS...
...fttlgerwood-Bern g us rotary far Iaolia Captain Wedaewood Benn two years --- -* ago deserted the smiting ship of Liberalism for the Labor Party...
...I was placed ia the center, re" garded qutrxically, and then the questioning began, laqalsltive Net OffeasiTe It must bs said that these officers , were not of the pompous and insufferable type one finds so frequently in the United States...
...T. T. Tbobe, $3.50: X. Campbell, |2: Lillian Tepllta, $1...
...1: J. Handier, tl: t-8-10 A O. Branch, $6: M. Hoc hen, $J...
...These who rale est hekaV ef the Beeare net sshissp* to vote ihosasstvaa and tbetr Mends doses te tbe tan* of assay We are living through a period ef change: the workers are surely conquering ignorance through a system of communal, as opposed to private, organisation of educational services...
...Par that reason he has already lain for a month In the public prosecutor's prison...
...He is a world-famous authority and student of economics and the author of the famous "History of i British* Trade Unionism...
...He began work at' 19 in a cotton mm...
...was Food Controller, a strange office for one who In his childhood had often gone hungry...
...He is 61 years old...
...from Us earliest days...
...Pa., Jessica Smith, Leo Krysi, *, former Milwaukee alderman, and Dr...
...Among others 3. Bsmssy MacOonald, X answered...
...We are also slowly but surely conquering preventable disease, being hindered only by conditions which private enterprise creates...
...He flu ma term "canny a*o#£ ssMSlliigly J^jjg Ardmr Cree^o-atl ,Arthttr jSgwVboJSof afcmg.tt* m«st...
...His attacks on Baldwin and the liberals were bitter and merciless...
...Sir Edward Grey, behind Buxton's back, opposed his efforts...
...I explained my conviction that MaeDonald had maintained a critical attitude toward the war as the American Socialist Party had in accord with fundamental convictions and that England with Its long traditions of free discussion had a better record during tbe war than tbe United States had...
...Of all men, why do you want to see him...
...Old George" has twice bean in j ail, once for his strenuous advocacy of women suffrage and...
...The social Insurance election* crtnoalrd with the attempt to drive the workers Into "the Revision Tsaane...
...qeudarsaa was an trorastouMars appreuUCe at tt, Mtos Bondfteid was...
...The American Socialist Party was opposed to the war, was It not...
...ao that actual control to probaahP ttghtsr h*fsa4s*i*B/ \\* . - ^.aattanas^of ments in the past years, the final report will state...
...Attention was given to the specially Important question for Hungary of the revision of the peace...
...eCsJI rdcxeai government m New »-» **tM cage, Cleveland and other seatsch 'eaUlUgf will survey the future of Tmirissgel ejjll fairs in the United States, at tbe ifffg Annual Summer Conference of the lasfiH for Industrial Democracy, according a* on announcement made at the besdsxekJ tars of the League...
...But the letters and books did not reach the agricultural workers) An old comrade on the land, the seventy-five years old Paul Urban, dlaruaaad with his conrgadej tn fate their sad situation...
...Fit aft, mcM student session on "The Invisible Oe«ernment in New Tork" tod by Mean Bishop and Weiss...
...He served tn the war in the Infantry and In tbe air fores...
...Henderson's three sons fought in the war and the eldest was killed in action He was a Labor member of the Aeqnith coalition government during the war...
...He has associated himself with the Independent Labor Party and its aggressive policie* of the last few years...
...He has also served} on the National Executive of the Labor rarty...
...They acted like human beings...
...Even then he was a Socialist, it is said, hot It took the World War to jar him loess from his traditional sJBBattone...
...Here are"a few facts of the second Labor-Socialist cabinet of Oreet Britain: Philip Snovrden Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Snowden s addresses were among the most notable in the recent campaign...
...No, our palliatives will pave the way for the day when we shall reorganise industry on a basis of social co-operation so as to bring the benefits of industrial re-orgaahsation and rationalisation to the servioa of the whole community...
...Roberts was a printer for 25 years...
...The remainder of the program fofiosj^ Sat Mom...
...tention at the four-day oonfersaea^ , 2 Debate febedaled " ^ A feature of the sessions to to ha s esV bate, to be held Saturday evening...
...The whole administrative machine endeavors to BsalBtalB this barbarously low wage level In the provinces the fate of the worker is completely in the hands of the gendarmes...
...In many quarters be is held to be a coming leader of the Labor Party...
...He visited Bulgaria where a street now bears his name...
...Thomas is considered representative of the extreme right wing of the Labor party...
...cuss "The Brighter Side of Municipal Government" Friday afternoon will to devoted to a student conference led by Norman Studer, editor of the New Rut- . ent and Sidney Btoitaberg...
...1.74S.T7S 3.17 14 An...
...Matxrer te Speak The conference wm open Thursday eve.* nlng with a discussion of '"Munidssl Governments as They Are...
...While the fanatic Turk was soon forgotten, it was not so easy to forget the British war-mad fanatics who lamed him temporarily on election night 1918 when he was mobbed as a "pro-German...
...During the war he was a fervent pacifist and never com promised on the matter...
...With ah the austerity of his learning, he is modest, friendly, cheerful and humorous...
...Jaross E ^1 Maurer...
...George Lansbury to now 89 years old...
...Did I know this Anarchist and that Anarchist in New York...
...o a o All the passengers were permitted to leave while I was taken into the dining salon where about fifteen military offiI eers in uniform were seated la a semicircle...
...These sasn Save worked at their, toads and ashasd long years...
...During the war lansbury was an uncompromising pacifist...
...Accordng to the report, the contention that mergers and combinations mean lower rates has yet to be proved...
...of tbe Cat...
...law* eating for the Future City" with Dt~ Jessie W. Rttghan...
...We entered Into a discussion of the difference between Anarchism and Socialism, education and force to obtain social changes, and the rise of Bolshevism tn Russia...
...1-Pens Water Mls.SK) 1.71 17 international paper-Power** l.ttt.seo l.st IS United Lisa* and Power...
...He often warned of the approaching great war but without avail...
...They have written a suggested constitution for a Socialist Commonwealth tn Great Britain, and have convincingly written of the decay of capitalism...
...the age of ten he was a halftimer In a cotton mill, the fate of a miner's child...
...John Roberts Clmes Secretary for Home Affairs J. R. dynes was one of seven children I of an Irish laborer...
...Immediately my questioner leaned forward with a look of Intense surprise and blurted out: "Why, Mr...
...Snowden was elected to the executive of the Independent Labor Party tn 1MB...
...He a Is yean old, a student of tnowlngy and zauglox rnd was Wear-General of Canterbon from ia« to IBM...
...In agricultural worker's speech was cut short when he began to speak about the severe corporal punishment tn flirted upon agricultural workers...
...What is your mission to England...
...A local paper remarked sarcastically at the time that he came to rally "the Socialist 400," referring to the numerical weakness of the Socialist party here...
...He was out of Commons from 1911 until 1932, except for that period serving continuously from 1*06 until the present day...
...Whom do you expect to see in England...
...As the Social-Democratic party did not respond to the League's invitation, there followed tn some industries an unheardof pressure to obtain members...
...With the Socialists listed above he helped form tile Union of Democratic Control, of which he has been an executive member sinoe its inception...
...tome have felt the fury of mobs, one the buffet of a fanatic...
...His main duties In the new government will be in dealing with unemployment...
...A year ago he resigned from the party, urging it to close up shop...
...When, in 1913...
...Thomas hoped labor internationalism would avert the war...
...ft to pointed oaf a^Seien to sets, sates*, and have ekusMr cmmswtMaa trtth the eataSar hsAatBff and "mi iijpajr i ninpaartsi...
...O a • Now the "most discredited man tot England" is tor the second time the head of the British Cabinet...
...Sidney Webb, Miss Beatrice Potter...
...Clynes has long been a member of the Independent Labor party though he has not been connected conspicuously with it for many years...
...This answer seemed to appeal to the officers...
...but when it be£5 ansTus^SssS...
...a dark in bar girlhood...
...Miss Lorie and Mxa...
...In fine with other passengers to i have my passports ersmtned, I was requested to step aside...
...Solomon and Algernon Lee...
...No man cares so little for tradition and custom where these conflict with human interests...
...home from the war on leave, shoskwd the War Offase by ais eoatiftot speeches dettrersd as a corporal la uniform...
...Toll la Early Childhood Now 9ft in Cabinet—A Number Came From Liberal Party . y » PACIFISTS, Sodaffsts, trade unionist* make up the majority of the British Labor cabinet, formed by J. Ramsay Mac Donald...
...and MeAltoter Coleman as speaksn.ai Among other participants m the prtt-,, gram are H. S. Kaushenbush, Cbsrskte...
...Socialist premier of Great Britain...
...This, however, is only something temporary...
...Sir Oswald Mosley Chancellor of tbe Duchy of Lancaster Much of Oswald Mosley's fascinating story was told in his own article in The New Leader two weeks ago...
...H. Meyer and N. Peterson, (4...
...He supported the war...
...commissioner of Finance a"*1 Beading...
...ward and former Socialist leader te far Board of Aldermen, will urge the stdsV ing up of a new opposition party...
...Shaw at 10- was a "halftimer" in the cotton mills...
...The Aim of the British Labor Party As George Lanabury, M.P., Sees It By George Lansbury, M.P...
...In 1908 he was the Liberal's under secretary to the Board of Education...
...They were convinced that I was not a Bolshevik or an Anarchist but limited my stay in England to one week, requiring me to register and to report frequently at ponce stations...
...June 24, "The City and *%, Cltisens" with Percy B. WQHams, Esoneth Spenee, Louis Ooldberg and Pstakj Crasawalth as speakers...
...New Tork Ofcty...
...During MacDonald's retirement from the leadership jecause of opposition to the war, Clynes was leader of the Labor Party in Commons...
...he was oast in prison for aiding the suffrage militants, he went on a hunger-strike and was soon released...
...He helped much In bringing Labor Party-trade union relations into perfect harmony...
...Has an Its board directors from other Now Eiiaiano companies re Desoto thai a fertbel production of l.«8,4S0,o00 Kwh...
...Our program of necessary, immediate, benefi cent reforms was before the country for all to read and understand...
...Bvery proposal we made was put forward not as a means of making the exploitation of the tolling masses more bearable, or of making the workers mare contented—we want tbe masses never to rest till we have "Built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land...
...Por stx years he was chairman of the LLP...
...Sidney Webb retired from active pollties a short time ago...
...Though he entered politics through the trade union movement...
...He certainly has been an uncle to the Labor party: He is always on hand for prudent advice, timely rebuke or smoother out of difficulties...
...Tbe reason given for tbe parches* ef newspapers by the International Paper and Fewer Company, that ft wanted a market for He prodnet, cos Id with equal validity be offered te jesttry vertical treats frees the eoal saines and ' power plants straight throagh the railroads and hit* almost every manufacturing industry in the eonntry," the report states...
...H* has been MsseZasT tdth or roseareaTaad has University La dor nadirsllii In the lt»* Labor steins* be was under sears ¦ tarf far health.Ha has served 04 ssasy government oosamieaUwan^haJs3BsS "to Ms twenktes, OrssaHNml a tabor Journal at Leeds, where he whs a^'igW parSsat %SSTSS 558*16 g^saBSttaf the ^rynSScwUS was ¦ sore tii of the I<s*or>Cwasassraass whssh Tliisesaisliil •» " • Noel Bunon was the son of a weatthy hndowner yet ne was among the first to demand a minimum wage for farm laborers, timer l* In g wealth, he turned much of It over to a trust fund for public purposes...
...His writings and his founding of the Piecers Union attracted Will Thome, who offered him the Job of union organiser...
...Laldler will discuss thb j subject...
...tir B. K. Han-sen...
...iJOS.OSS l.M •Cm basis of mergers to June 1. ISM and la teat nikushad ngarsa ef ptwawaStsa, lan— W.3M.MS.06S Kwh...
...In their mkfet will sit one who has twice seen the inside of British jails as the price of his militant Socialism...
...waterworks and Boetrie l.Trr.ses 3.11 18 CMOS Service...
...Mac Donald...
...Of an the speeches of the Conference the most moving were those which dealt with the fate of the agricultural workers...
...Sir Charles P. Trrvelyan Prsssstut of the Beard ef Bdncaiion Sir Charles P. Trevelyan was one of the little group which Included Mac Donald...
...The attempt mlfff "**»1 ;only in some Industries In which the lowest stratum of the working class are employed did the extortion succeed...
...Lady Cynthia, elected to Parliament with her husband three weeks ago...
...Because this is so, the word Socialism is hlsaimd on our Red Flag, symbolizing that we are engaged fat tbe great task of transforming Capitalism to co-operation, and nationalism to internaUonalism, and It Is to that task we invite the cooperation and help of all who can for the rulers af '"wivrtty...
...wmisn> E Allen, director of the institute of PoUfe Service, Clarence O Senior, secretary of the Cleveland Adult Education Assoda- jj tion, and Dr...
...Webb's work is associated inevitably with that of Mrs...
...Do you share Jits opinion...
...Be resigned his seat, ran again as a LaoortU and was elected...
...Trevelyan was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge...
...In 1918 he ran as anti-war candidate of the Independent Labor Party...
...Mac Donald to tbe most discredited man in England...
...Tom Shavr Secretary For War Tom Shaw was in 1921 elected secretary of the new Labor and Socialist Internation...
...It was...
...Por pears Socialists of Hungary In Convention Delegates Meet Open Surveillance of Gorermnent Police—Dfeenss Treaty Revision YrEOOtA—The Vienna "ArbeiteT-Zett* onf" bu received the foOowbsg froen BsMepest: The Socialist Party Conference mee> under the «7" of Um Police—U» Police offlcar sits by the Ohalrmtn and gtres him directions...
...The arrested Comrade Kls was also honored with applause which lasted for several minutes, and he was elected to the Octmnussaan for the Protection of Political Prisoners...
...A few years ago be stood at the head of a "ginger" group whose purpose it was to supply ttie official labor movement with "pep which he held to bs lacking...
...in Parliament as victors — who fought British participation la the World War...
...Lloyd George to today probably tbe most discredited man in England As Rectus Brown once said, "The world do move...
...coimment old of electroicity ttfece^lli-try* Sana, of: jB-ffroapi, Many snstt(Bi^"ˆonWWBC(tetl gTaVBR half of the electric power la the Veoaatry is in tbe handaol Ave bcMtag gv^upa/acetsdlisi to an advance summary of a report on cuuoentrarion, issued by_ the Qoajaalttoc m <*2J*#JH?%l...
...There was no attempt to intimidate although they were firm in their intention to learn everything possible about myself and my mission...
...in the whole world, the social-Democratic Parties, the Government feverishly endeavored to win the Hungarian Social-Democratic Party for Use Revision League...
...He visited, the United States a few years ago when, with Lady Cynthia, he addressed a Socialist party meeting in Cooper Union...
...Clynes, pro-war...
...l.tn.os* 3 40 U Duka Power...
...The General Election marks our entrance upon our biggest task, tbe conquest of poverty—poverty of mind and body...
...It will not be possible for any Government very long to educate the sasasss and at tbe same tune keep them la manmade poverty...
...Thomas has been criticised bitterly for his conservative outlook, yet the men of the National Union of Ballwaymen, who he has led for many years, put great trust in him...
...In agricultural workers' dwellings," reported Seeder, "I saw four families in a common kitchen...
...Arthur Henderson Secretary for Foreign Affairs Arthur Henderson Is called "Uncle Arthur...
...2.431.MT 3.00 * Pacific Oas and Steetrle...
...Men and women will oot use poHMsal power to perpetuate a system which dooms mrluooa of educated men, women and their dependents to exist in Insecurity and poverty, end dependence on doles of Poor Law relief or so-called charity...
...The merger of the Brooklyn Edison with the Consolidated Gas, where the company officials pleaded for the merger on the ground that rates would be reduced and then kept rates at one of tbe highest levels for any large city In the country, is cited as an example of the usual procedure In merger and combination proceedings...
...Official Hungary does not carry on openly the oomnolan for the revision of the Peace Treaties, but has created a covering orgintostlnii...
...I represented the Socialist Party as an observer who was to convey to British and Continental Socialists the greetings of ,the party and to gather such first-hand information as was available and useful to our organisation...
...City affair Topic of L.I conferenes Camp Tamiment Scarigajg| to Be Held From JmL 27th to Jane 30th H •pWENTY-FTTB leading expert...
...When the catastrophe came he accepted a mission to the Balkans...
...Of all the passengers ! aboard the Cermania, I was singled out k bp nUHtary officers tor detention on the ship...
...was tbe next question...
...He has -fought for a capital levy...
...Max OoMsmlth, $2...
...Sir Oswald has risen quickly tn labor ranks because of his recognised ability...
...He was defeated, thus interrupting a nu-llamentexy career Aa*aarwssssadiaT gtWiavtsBBs^Bwi tS'xtttnd tStLt of opposition to the war.^ H<^was U* years...
...He held that since the Labor Party Is now a Sociaikt party, the I. L. P. had no further reason for existence...
...Jost 2*th, on the comparative value of wort, lag through the Democratic or EspsV tican parties or organising a new pxaei as an Instrument for municipal ressaae Pmfeasor Joseph McOoMrtek of the Bs...
...They are collaborators on a long series of economic works...
...Alexander Flchsndkr...
...The writer evidently knew little or had forgotten entirely the story of tbe miraculous rise of the British labor party from a scant 400 to the largest party in Britain...
...at a. vuisis^slMk, and at 1* was a mass a snmsji...
...When MacDonald returned to the house, Clynes gracefully surrendered his leadership...
...lism J. Van Bssen of Vienna, wm da...
...Buxton came back to parliament In 1923 as a confirmed Socialist...
...and the issue tn these elections was thstwsnw elm a Hungarian specialty—the attitude of the working class to* wards the Revision League After the elections the Government press was obliged to revise Its judgment on the breakdown of the Social -Democratic Party...
...WOTWa fi...
...While still a liberal, Noel Buxton was recognised as a leading authority on foreign affairs...
...He was suspended from the house...
...D. Blankenheim...
...He ha* been a leader in the tainera' onion and was first elected to par* Tlesninf from Scotland In 1J10...
...Eve., "Bow Can Pfcgts»'t sives Take Power" with Joseph MeOoU-i rick, B. Charney Viadeck as spssjawj followed by a skit on The New Taaunasswritten by Solon DeLeon and McAUstaColeman: Bun...
...At the age of 39 he was Injured in a cycle accident...
...He was first elected to parliament in 1(10 and hat served continuously since...
...His desertion of the Tory party raised a howl of Indignation...
...Lloyd George seriously considered arresting him...
...Iff* I arrived at the British fore, the world alaughtsr had cceae to an end with the signing of Che Armtotstost, ssss>0wW nn Tfu&QBt rtot te ttw United Statea where we war* getting oar initial tnataTrtent of sv "world It wis my purpose to see J. Ramsay Macnonald and other lepeeeosilatlvt ' Isadess af the Socialist and Labor of* I ganlsations...
...I informed them that the Socialist and Labormovement of the world had been shattered by the war and efforts were now being made to reconstruct the International...
...At 18 he was a fireman on the railroads...
...4 Barry W. Laldler co-director tjjf» Norman Thomas of the League tor |3H dustrial Democracy, announced TestiJiajS that the present administration ef 3gH City of New Tork has book iaVltef *I have one or more representatives P*av9 tnt to take part In the llirisatsui etJ local pohoes and problems, wbtoc, a k' expected, will receive considerate* at...
...leyShf'oabrreaaoM sjaa^js^s«s<pag nerure a^nucr* | Margaret Bondfletef . £ youth "s* jUsts«s aaa^B^r^asv^sn^ °*Afl*her ate lSmS£JmtU}imM BsBBsssBBsssTgL A. Ml VgsBtJfl wsssBO gasssTg* frsassaBBssrt awbsi _ Sidney Webh _ i|iiihj...
...The* success was trumpeted abroad by the Government press, and the Breakdown of the Social-Democratic Party was spoken of...
...verslty of Wisconsin...
...Theas fire kshjast compsnWa sBEdjal ft* far sent of the isSwiil nu jiiurssai'tas nsBt fares groups snritrol an addrti««al 13 per cent, and the following ten BsBJairriii oontroT a farther 23 per cent >%Ws assess, ac iuiTag in ttii report M per otnt of the Oaa and Bsatrto 4*% and tsnttstni CsBsoraia BdMon...
...First Commissioner of Public Work* in the British Cabinet) LONDON...
...While Lloyd George begged him to go...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 22

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