SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK —T ¦ hi —-* OoVe ef Met leelagwt ' ~. .,—« »t ss3j Wasblnxtoa •j* chSgV IB. Mass! b. bum ¦¦jk^gMSWiive Secretary Ia*¦ *^mmtt\mt ergaahBUieB, speak•rff^tc^ilranrU....

...B. LiUenbloom, chairman of the Workman's Circle Youth Committee...
...402, and the Workmen's Circle School of Bensonhurst...
...158 Third avenue, near Sixteenth street...
...Circle 1, Bronx.—Sunday...
...aeppUes •ar^PSirt Partr poblieaUem •im^r^troard U> the National fif* ¦ eMrebae tecaJ erganhaHX Jaar tw-tnKy, too naajfceceaaa ^JSeMe to taw National Ochae...
...The Cleveland Circle was formally reorganized last Sunday at a meeting held at the home of Comrade White...
...August Claessens and Samuel H. Friedman will discuss the issues of the municipal campaign...
...and all our Socialist work will be in vain...
...The first branch picnic of the season Will be given by the 12th Ward branch on June 16, at Coyle's Park on raw son avenue (County Highway B. B.>, between Eighth avenue and Kilbourn road...
...190 Belmont avenue, Newark...
...West Virginia...
...The branches of the Socialist party are asked not to conflict with the date, June 23, on which the Young People's Socialist League plan to hold its annual picnic in Grant Park...
...Workers are being sdei te stay away from Chicago as aa* of those who Live and hold their laaaanuup here sre walking the streets aaVBf for wort sjaaarbl Of Unemployment Councils (smei and work dene should be sent a tht JUtions.1 Office at once so as to ssast ana encourage others iambs ACROSS THE SEA...
...One of the greatest problems that Socialists on both sides of the Atlantic have to face at once is the growing rivalry of the Anglo-American Capitalism, and the , victory of Labor is the only safeguard for the American and British people...
...ts*»« be said... once...
...This |ra ein not get the movement anya if*??* to do is to work unfailingly *aB_?**5v*ur own Yipsel circles real ^^J^schools for Socialists...
...candidates and other matters...
...If we were really very much bst...
...Intermediate and Senior clubs, members of the Central Committee, leaders of clubs, members of the National Executive Committee gathered last Sunday at a testimonial dinner in honor of Mr...
...Those of us who were present at the picnic last year need no second invitation...
...A. Mollln...
...Nettaw te Braaobee...
...While the seminar is conducted for the benefit of Socialist Party candidates, speakers and campaigners, visitors are welcome... automobile outing will be conducted and an effort is befog made to get as many comrades as have can to volunteer...
...5th and 6th A. D. A joint meeting of the 5th and 6th Assembly Districts... convention banquet, to be held at the Teutonia Assembly Room...
...The prooeede will be devoted to the campaign in Brownsville...
...June 18, 8:30 p. m...
...6-8-12 A. D. Braaoh...
...A musical program and moving pictures depicting the activities of the many institutions of the Workmen's Circle concluded the gathering...
...He married in 1906, leaving his widow, Mrs...
...The Austrian-Hungarian Women's branch will give a benefit card party Thursday...
...The Debs Junior Young Circle Club entertained parents and friends last evening at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...8.30 p. m„ corner Pitkin Rnd Hopkinson avenues...
...The object was to plan the building of a radical center in Bensonhurst...
...Subscription S2.00 per plate...
...David Breslau... Workmen's Circle Building...
...Rest Monday evening he wtll discuss the various plans of unification and present the socialist point of new on this important question...
...therefore, resclved...
...Watch this column for further information...
...12th Ward Branch Picnic...
...This meeting will be held in the Labor Temple, 243 East Eighty-fourth street...
...An effort is being made to get out a record attendance...
...Frank Crosswaith...
...secretary of Local IfeaBODC...
...Celebration Banquet On Saturday evening...
...The following officers were elected: SecretaryTreasurer, John Lazorowski: Educational Directors, Victor Deprez and Florence Nelson...
...June 15-16...
...The delegates of this branch are urged to be present and participate In the discussion as to candidates, platform and campaign plans...
...An Interesting discussion was held on the clause in the proposed constitution providing for the admission of "any boy or girl regardless of race, color or creed...
...A review of the important news of the week was given by Sidney London and a debate on the abolition of regents was held...
...Ohio CLEVELAND...
...Circle 2, Brooklyn.—We are officially informed that the BELIEVE IT OR NOT social last Saturday was really line...
...A New Junior Group is being organized In the Claremont Parkway section...
...Organizers, Hyman Pish and Weaver M, Porter...
...Charge is $2 per plate...
...The Sunnyside members have raised $135 towards the British Labor Party Campaign Fund...
...There will also be a discussion on the City Convention...
...The situation in raaaao, particularly in the building SS eeeording to authentic lnformaa at bad if not worse than it has ken for many years...
...167 West Twelfth street...
...4215 Third avenue...
...Writs to Mary E. Gallagher, Secretarygafeuiti, Tom Mooney Molders' Defense Oasntttee, Box 1475, San Francisco...
...Samuel Orr...
...June 11 In the headquarters...
...Socialist Maennerehor...
...New Jersey STATE CONVENTION The Annual State Convention of the party will be held Sunday, June », 10 a. m...
...The voters of Cleveland will decide on August 20 whether this form of government shall be replaced with the old system of an elected mayor and a council elected by wards...
...This branch will meet Tuesday...
...H. G. ROBINSON...
...The program included a declamation contest in which many members participated...
...June 11... tried in the past, but gsir^ met that humans have a habit Ji72*"7 easily of snvthtng that lasts HgSS* 01 tiBit- they failed to acoome^-j...
...June 14...
...J* wattl i ana getting ahead of my' TJs Labor rietorv will mean little to »h lot United States if w- don't take ? .est and put lr greater efforts for the eeslMiiiant of a Labor and Socialist snaujBgnt here...
...gj a»ei|»l"Mi" riT situation is particuarf> bad in the south aad many letters Stt* same come from Virginia...
...An interesting musical program was presented...
...of his pardon...
...Circle 2. Here's hoping all your undert"v'ngs are as fine, and even more successful...
...aawaM the National Office that a new Tba Mooney pamphlet is ready for distnbuasn...
...Reservations can be made at once at the City office...
...June 14, a joint meeting will be held of the Yorkville branches, including the 14th, 15th and 16th Assembly District Branches, the Oerman...
...Matters pertaining to the Municipal Campaign will be on the order of business...
...N. Y„ in 1845 and at the age of eight met with an accident that crippled him for life...
...Names and addresses of interested young people between the ages of 14 and 17 should be sent to the Bronx Boro Commit tee...
...Comrades, the present rivalry Is a real danger to us all...
...Card Party Jane IS...
...June 9th...
...slate and national governing Sea also for reduction in the hours jEr far those who are employed so 2 a rtr» others sn opportunity to work...
...Jane T, a Mraw open air meeting will be heM ee earner mt gopkmson aad Pitkin avenues...
...167 Tompkins avenue...
...A drive was initiated for campaign funds and considerable money was pledged to begin with...
...Rouse moved to Champaign in 1924...
...TSt National Office is busy receiving jbm saaaasgss and letters from all sectaw eVer the seemingly assured comskW ttetory of our British comrades, -at capitalist papers after weeks of a swasng conspiracy of silence now use aaadkMS m announcing the victory of a* User Party...
...The branch will meet Tuesday evening...
...210 Superior Building, opposite the main library...
...Socialist Party Banquet.—On June 15 the Socialist Party of New York is holding a Convention Banquet at Teutonia Hall...
...Saturday, June 8. 8:3C p. m., cornor 144th street and Seventh avenue...
...June 13th, at 2 p. m...
...This branch also raised 8112 towards the Southern Mill Strikers, largely through the efforts of Harry Leber, who circulated a list with excellent results and at whose home in sunnyside a rent party and candy pull was successfully carried out...
...Organizer Claessens will speak on "The Coming Municipal Campaign...
...3-5-U A. D. Breach...
...Bohemian and Hungarian branches...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH LILLIN S. KAPLAN EDITOR Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...COUNCILS OF THE UNEMPLOYED *2l all sections of the country come to the effect that the ursemployJJKgsaytkm is growing more and more * the time when the Socialists _T^L realise the impending dan2 esaftonting the workers should do "iljjljbt possicle in organizing Councils ^ai awl Btplo i' "I Finances are not rcwj _ do this- Wherever there is a ^P*Pm—rtiaatkm...
...Friday, June 14...
...Braaeh Ssstnyaide...
...August Claessens will be the guest speaker and his subject will be: "The Coming Municipal Election...
...New York City COMING EVENTS...
...The provision was adopted overwhelmingly...
...Zznd A. D. The last meeting was well attended and nominations were made for the following public offices: Assembly...
...Price Jrfpsmgsblet...
...7th A. D. Branch...
...Xd and 5th A. D. A joint meeting of members of the 3rd and 5th A. D. branches will be held Friday evening...
...The lesson to learn J "j* the future belongs to the youth JJ" SMsns...
...At the meetins Thursday evening...
...James H. Distant assisted In circulating a hat...
...Illinois A VETERAN PAS8ES...
...8:30 p m. 2d A. D. Branch...
...June 13...
...Theodore Shapiro: Alderman of the 55th Aldermanlc District, Louis Epstein: for Alderman of the 56th Aldermanic District...
...All indications point to a large attendance of delegates and party members from every organized county in the state...
...In addition to this a discussion will be held on the position of the Socialist Party with refcence to the proposed abolition of the City Manager Plan and Proportional Representation under which Cleveland has been governed...
...Wednesday,'June 12...
...1167 Boston road...
...P. J. Murphy...
...It consists of official docuaett* and historical data, compiled by sassry himself, and setting forth the psab of bis innocence and the activity af oast and police officials and jurors in Mas...
...On Friday evening... the home cf Mr...
...The meeting will be held in the c'.ub rooms, 600 West 181st street, Room 10...
...He was an intimate friend of the late Eugene V. Debs and Barney Berlin, who recently died in Chicago...
...Iht importance of getting this document before the citizens of California, a bso ss other states, has been greatly abaaeed because of the claim of Gover-asf Tttung that "It is true that a great ass* people have written to me urging ub» Mooney is not guilty, but as you say "Imagine, the great majority of these aaaaarfly base their opinions on hearn? sM not on any first hand study of St esse... they do from old comrades in isoassi (from s Socialist Party point of star) sections where they are lone SocialaB sail hungry for encouraging news, jajst others Indicate that the comrades ¦ SB) more populous localities are also aabsatd sod feel that the great victory a Britain will point the way for greater sal lad victorious in this country...
...sends in a report of the last saaBaf of their local, which would inenfe thai the comrades arc determined at as some constructive work...
...Wc should jCtS **c° circle—organize groups for Ij^ay of Public Questions Socialist Sal™j*> Trad- Unionism, etc...
...923 Simpsou street...
...Organizer Claessens will speak on his observations and experiences in the South... Great jj"*^send well-trained voung men ^*eaen to the legislative halls of this ^*^ssd not go out to Union Square, 35*5: *t the top our voices-J'REVE_T»N... 830 p. m„ in the county headquarters...
...We meet every Sunday at 4 P. M a; 1167 Boston road...* Fr°m England PEs7_ ¦• ?¦ Halushka to write a few aa.y u* FREE YOUTH...
...Young Circle News JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP MEETING GREETS LABOR PARTY At a general membership meeting of the YCL juniors in Greater New York and vicinity held last Sunday at the Forward Building, the following resolution on the Labor Party victory was unanimously adopted: "Whereas It is the aim of the YCL to develop amongst youth a sympathetic understanding for the ideals of the labor movement, se it...
...169th street and Boston road...
...who for years has been ineaMhalae in the work of trying to seen Justice for Mooney and Billings...
...June ; l, in the office of Dr...
...And we are expecting victory- In tiny case it is fairly . certain that Labor will gain heavily...
...We regret that it was not received a bit sooner...
...Britbh Labor Party, i Note—This article was sent to Comrade Halushka...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN...
...S. A. Rouse, but no children...
...A ways and means committee was elected to start a drive for funds...
...On Monday evening, June IT, at the Labor Lyceum, a Joint meeting will be held of branch psssshsi i and enrolled Socialist voters of the 23rd A. D. Organ toer Claessens wfll speak on the issues confronting the coming ntwntrlpal campaign...
...Workmen's Circle Branch No...
...John D. Cathys, Tslbert White and Hyman Fish were elected to the Executive Committee...
...All Yipseis are urged to get their reservations through the YP8L city Office, so that we can have a few YPSL tables, where we will all be able to enjoy ourselves in a body and entertain the others present...
...Have committees jjljn w*l headquarters cf trade unions Ssstertsin the number of their memJJ_ got of work: try to get as many of mm see«P*>yed together and formulate XL...
...The CkSBSns meeting in Richmond was very ssasafBl and after all expenses were am s Oiee sum was turned over to the Rsfe^PaBd...
...June 15, at the Teutonia Assembly Rooms...
...meetings should be *£« committees formed and the work •"Si...
...was held...
...Ethelred Brown...
...Mneng whom are the two sons of £*y neadeisuii...
...22nd S. D...
...Wednesday, June 12, 8:30 p. m„ corner Jefferson and East Broadway...
...He moved to Chicago in 1893 and joined the S. L. P. in 1896, later becoming a member of the Socialist Party...
...The next session will be held on Monday, June 10, at s o'clock...
...Open air meetangs are being planned for the early part of July and will continue- through the summer...
...the son of Ramsay J*8"**!*, and the son of Stanley Bald_Jh I eatttve that the strong youth E_P ¦ England Scotland had quite a SJ » the fine socialist training that Nasjg men had...
...and Mrs...
...Prominent labor and Socialist speakers will discuss the British victory and the coming campaign...
...Tht Norman Thomas Juniors, the Marxian Sorority and the Jewish speaking clubs were the invited guests of the evening...
...It was decided that regular meetBgt should be held every second and sen* Mondays Plans are being made !¦ kektrng s picnic...
...This branch will meet Monday evening, June 10, in the club rooms, M Avenue C. Important items wtll be the nomination of new officers...
...Stamp Collectors are requested to get in 'ouch with H. G. Robinson...
...w our cause, such things would ass>2E: w* raust and we CAN do %j^a«roctlve work along these linear bataS fersist-ace and optimism...
...Organizer Claessens will be present...
...California ft* MOONEY PAMPHLET Use Morrow Lewis...
...He was born at Port Gibson...
...Representatives of Junior...
...The principal order of business will be the nomination of candidates for assemblyman and alderman in the Yorkville District...
...Watch for announcement of a hike in the very near future...
...One of the important tasks set for this convention, is to devise ways and means of co-operating to the fullest extent with the plan laid out by the Eastern State Secretaries' Conference for carrying on efficient Socialist propaganda in the state...'ies to those outside of New York City as well as to those in New York City...
...corner Pitkin and Hopklnson avenues...
...Speakers, Louis P. Goldberg, Ethelred Brown, and David George...
...In a very brilliant and Illumine ting address, WaUanaa sketched the history of New York City transportation, franchise and the numerous scandals involved...
...Cleveland Socialists have nominated five candidates for the City Council and regardless of the form of government every effort will be made to elect them...
...158 Third avenue, near Sixteenth street, a banquet will be held to celebrate the victory of the British Labor Party and the opening of the New York City Convention...
...nT relief and assist in agitating IJ^aabaton of public improvements by aa et9...
...This was an occasion for demonstrating their appreciation and regard for the man whose youthful spirit and mature wisdom has guided the Workmen's Circle youth clubs since their birth...
...8:30 p. rr...
...On Friday ewesinw...
...Members are requested to assemble at 6 a. m. at Scboegler's Hall, corner Ninth and Brown streets...
...Speakers, Henry Jager, David Oeorge...
...Oklahoma, and ZLr other states, but it Is by no means ISaed to the south...
...Burnsld* and Walton avenues...
...June 8, 8.3C p. m., corner Sixty-eighth street and Bay Parkway...
...State Secretary of Caaavnla...
...David George...
...It is anja^sure to see new Socialist papers Jms«* to big centers of capitalism •BC35: 11 is fresh evidence of the BBCiallst Youth, and its determinatlon to extend the struggle for Soc' iaiism to a wider and wider front Here, in England, we British Socialists are also busy, for next month we fight the forces of Capitalism at the polls In over 500 constituencies...
...Congratulations to our Br.Msh com¦SB from the Socialists of the United Virginia Same Waste rite In...
...june 15...
...On Sunday, Jun* 21...
...All three comrades have rendered splendid service and were nominated by acclamation...
...London, S. E. SO, England...
...Socialist Party Picnic—On July 27th the Party is holding a picnic at Ulmer Park...
...South Sena...
...jj'jfcjerestlng thing in this election in "¦¦•was that quite a number of 21 People were elected cn the Labor TTP...
...Many Socialist and affiliated organizations will participate...
...Citv Convention, to take place at the People's House, 7 E. Fifteenth street...
...Seymour A. Rouse died at Champaign at the age of 84...
...All party members and friends are invited to attend the Monday evening meeting, which will be held in the International Ladies' Garment Workers Hall...
...88-2.1 A. D. Branch...
...A program of summer activities was approved... 4 P. M. we are having s discussion on JUDICIAL CRIMES...
...Henry Jager and others...
...Ssanlnar'sbet Monday night was very wen gpt^b^tt BPMS Problems...
...August Oases ens devotes bis time to short talks on the preparation and handling of material by sasaktri for the most effective results...
...These CTiJn...
...91 Anerlev Road...
...On Tuesday, June 11, the branch Is calling an tareUed voters' meeting to be held at the Co-operative League...
...Speaker, Henry Jager...
...The branch distributed 2.000 copies of the timely leaflet, "The Story of the British' Labor Party," by Morris Hlllquist, and published by the National Office...
...In Miller's Hall, Eighth and State streets...
...We must have a strong ^Ljejeut youth movement in the gj* a***** before we can...
...Sane fetters are rather pathetic, combs...
...Williamsburg Jewish Branch, and enrolled Socialist voters of the 5th and 6th Assembly Districts, will be held Tuesday...
...What about it...
...Free Youth is rear organ...
...Socialist Party branches and groups that are anxious to co-operate with them in making the annual Socialist and Labor picnic of the Socialist ~ Party and the Trade Unions a success are urged to make sure that they make no plans for any events on Saturday, July 27 With proper co-operation the picnic this year will eclipse-^he one held last year when a record-breaking crowd attended...
...Prank Crosswaith, L. P. Goldberg, Morris Korinsky and others win address the meeting, which wiB be advertised aa a "Victory CeiebaUoa af the British Labor Party...
...Local Cleveland has called a general meeting for Monday, June 10 at 8 p. m„ at which Prank J. Manning, local organizer, will discuss the rise of the British Labor Partv to Power and the future of Labor Politics in the United States...
...Permanent officers were sbsbs, with Comrade Wasserstein as seclesfy...
...Picnic on Jaly 27...
...1405 Walton avenue...
...Phone Algonquin 4620...
...The wen be no task at all...
...and it must not be allowed to develop...
...The circle will meet again Sunday at the home of Clarence O. Senior...
...If we allow national antagonisms to arise betr-eii us...
...The dinner was held St the Civic Club, 18 East Tenth street...
...of Chicago...
...June 7. 8:30 p. m...
...Speakers... cents jar copy CpnWisconsin MILWAUKEE...
...You are the o;ies to contribate...
...7 East Fifteenth street...
...that we salute the British Labor Party on its glorious victory and wish It success in its pledge to advance the cause of peace and economic equality...
...Published Every Week bv The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League VsM Youth Can Do— If It Only Wanted To Tag labor victory in England is some/¦ka that we shall lor.s remember JJja use years have gone by and we are •¦I at our proverbial firesides, telling asjBlkiran of the "good old day*..'' the *"sja wtn look into our eyes and envy having lived at the time when •eMf fast came Into its own...
...Meyer Marshall...
...Refreshments were served...
...another 1914 will be upon us...
...The Socialist Maennerehor will have a stag outing on Sunday, June », to) which all active and passive members are cordially Invited...
...ltth A. D. A joint meeting was held on May 26 with representatives of the following organizations attending: Socialist Party, 16th Assembly District branch...
...It is expected that an energetic campaign will ht (snatex aswgsKmswtaajB aaejesd faavt Monday*erexS^fmmfmSt edid Mr of The Hew Leader, spoke on the tariff- aa bMeaasMBS eaastsaaud MeB*w*M and a very enjoyable meetins...
...Speakers, Prank Crosswaith, Louis P. Goldberg, Morris Kurlnsky...
...The --^ffViliSsT'ftffii^inpsli...
...The object is to discuss plans of the coming campaign, obtaining joint headquarters, open air meetins...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 21

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