A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "ToMAKE THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME" Bp new York Times informs on that after preside -^u^ William Green of the American Federation aflasnr bad addressed the...

...Sloan of the bbwer Trust and Mr...
...now as you know, people have many conflicting ideas...
...We -agar* that Andy Mellon can fish out a couple of pairs ef asjpsaders when put to it and Mr...
...This settlement, alas...
...You'll win, my boy...
...gay further punishment is sheer superfluity...
...The following from Miss Margaret Bowen, secretary of the strikers' local, speaking before the convention of the National Women's Trade Union League in Washington, would indicate quite the opposite...
...BjS^personaily I'm so little of a snob about the . 5_**^*«ses that I've often been caught mingling /B^jj^apeper columnists and once a comrade saw ^pilthgr in a middle-class taxicab...
...Lodge was, in order to get a paying job...
...Resolved, That none of us will go back unless they receive us all as one...
...Minnesota Labor Nominates Two For Aldermen MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—For the first time in years the labor forces did not enter a candidate in the primary campaign for mayor, but two of labor's candidates for aldermen received nominations...
...fast's about the only honest Commencement speech a* hare ever read...
...f* the hierarchy of the A. F. of L is now seriously BBsttsanag t0 emulate the Queen of Roumania by •Kktaj up the Army in a Big Way...
...bsla^haetB are notoriously beggars for punishment, agsf it from one who has heard Green speak (God jj^g...
...Must have had a fall on sis head or something...
...wSL- Mjt time this was done was when the Queen ;ji msiniini- visited West Point...
...This discussion of problems and exchange of ideas is of great educational value and most stimulating to men and women...
...What turned this army, ragged, torn and soiled, To be infused with courage, never foiled...
...The above poems are written in compliance with your request in Chatter Box of May 18, 1929...
...IHEAR the sound of trumpets coming near,' The tramp of myriad /erf, the shout* of jubilant cheer.' " I hear the echoes rolling through the •*>, The ring of songs that presages a fairAnd nobler age to open to this world...
...and the following to offered without further comment to acquaint my readers with the toys of mtninntatag hi a labor toarrnai...
...At the same meeting William McShorley of the A. P. of L. declared that the labor movement in Louisville is dying because it lacks the leadership that is essential to a growing movement...
...And whither...
...Baptists love .pa ceremonial and are constantly dressing up in trick |Ebjras...
...Oppressors, yield before them...
...O, comrades of the common-wealth to be...
...This Chatterboxers life to not always aa sppy one...
...IVhence' This army is tht crusade of the slaves, The endless victims af oppressions...
...The rule of Greed, from an Industry, take...
...Whatever alcohol we need, the Government should make, And give away...
...Maybe he was a little bitRfc he certainly gave us an accurate road-map of Jta**y to success under this blessed system which we ^taedoped out vjj** High Hat, The Front, The Right People and ¦•bather you work for a living or sell bonds it makes fjs difference...
...Ochs of The New York Times sad the rest of our rulers all look to us as though they tare plenty of braces...
...March on...
...IVith the WHOLE Of Natures Resources USED FREELY BY ALL...
...of course the only flaw in it is that the onessspender hoys aren't exactly ruling anything...
...The story told of how Miss Weinstock got her appointment is interesting...
...Even that ever young Upton Sinclair sponsors Miss Frieda Fischer of Pennsylvania, with a sheaf of her Proletarian Poems...
...For ourselves we can only hope and pray that Miss Weinslock's settlement notwithstanding, the strikers will maintain their union and their splendid spirit...
...bttt speaking of commencements did you see what tte Professor of English at Massachusetts Institute let Technology told the graduating class...
...And shaking off the long-worn chains, you greet The promised land that lies now at your feet...
...Marching On" is the title of Miss Smith's survey...
...Will that meet our need...
...I announce with pride that whereas I have attended every Comasta Commencement since my graduation in 1909, fmj year I didn't go near the place...
...a. a. da witt cbaturboat, new leader, new tor* city...
...Anna Weinstock, Pall-Bearer IT was with a feeling of bitter disappointment that I read of the terms upon which the Elizabeth ton strikers were to return to work...
...i bat the snob part is honest-to-God...
...I do not think that the strike lasted sufficiently long enough for any one to be in a position to tell...
...the middle of the leaflet displays a camel with two humps, one of which to labapad "long hours, law wafts, industrial suvery, homes of poverty* misery...
...Awake The steeping brothers from their curse and shake The blindness from their eyes...
...Said Miss Bowen: "I had eight injunctions filed against me...
...The "Union Advocate" devotes an editorial to them, surveying their activities in the Twin Cities, and drawing the following conclusion: "All over the nation the Communists have shown a singular uniformity of unprincipled activity which makes them odious to every fair-minded person...
...Kentucky Labor In Critical Mood...
...to ignore any intellectual understanding and emotional feeling the strikers may have had concerning their struggle...
...But everyone knew he was talking •** automobiles and country clubs, und so weiter...
...at the left side of the picture is a hat of the reynolds brands of cigarettes, smoking, chewing and scrap chewing tobacco...
...So long will THE PLUTOCRATS over us rule...
...O, now the gale af brotherhood will op-en The Twentieth Century fulfills the hope Of generations perished.' How the goal Within our reach...
...In the majority of cases the job is given for services rendered to ah individual officeholder...
...Instead of antagonizing either Wets or Drys, PUBLISH WRITINGS FROM BOTH SIDES AND get BOTH WORKING FOR SOCIALISM...
...You are the banner-bearers of the better days That bring redemption to the wronged who moan Beneath the weight of poverty...
...is a Menace, I fear, To a Nation controlled by Organized GREED...
...Urged the strikers to return to work under conditions which may prove more unsatisfactory than those which existed before the strike...
...And yet every tensed string within me twangs back in discord in response to the like...
...If not, add the limitless stores of coal...
...We have, says he, ^^•Paomoric snobbishness" and are stuffy about the ffir™* classes...
...The mighty army marches toward the light, Its phalanx presses, on with ever swelling might...
...We can envisage the joy that would preHEg en Labor Day when the parade started with Gen¦bbj Green in his union suit, riding up ahead on a pit ¦he, Followed of course, by Lieutenant General Matt hfrflv- in a uniform made entirely of life insurance Matteies, riding on two horses called Rank and File...
...underneath this drawing it to recited that w. n. reynolds, chairrnss of the board ef directors of the company, speaking to edward f. mcgrady, representative of the american federation of labor, said: we are cot interested in any contractual relatione with organised tabor...
...unfair to organised labor...
...Trotzkyites and Stalinites each had a candidate for Mayor and the total for both was 1,600 votes...
...The past action of the A. F. of L. can give us an answer to the above question...
...The peoples have awakened now and see Their latent powers arise: The rights the mighty tore Out of their grasp...
...Why do th'^y boost...
...ffe Mc A lister Coleman...
...In most cases the term fitted them excellently...
...May I suggest that my proletarian poet comrades read "Man with the Hoe" by Edwin Markham, yes even Thomas Hood's "Song of the Shirt", to just see if they cannot learn something through comparison...
...Women in Industry, Why the Labor Movement Needs Women's Auxiliaries, What Women have done in the Labor Movement...
...Hi Ms banner might be blazoned "hemispheric intertsis is the time of year when our so-called institussbs of learning let loose upon the community their tardea of young men who have been exposed to four vesrt of education within academic walls...
...However, the methods of these peacemakers have changed but little...
...Alderman John Peterson, labor indorsee in the Sixth Ward was nominated without contest...
...1 i-snee had the misfortune to be caught on a plat^arsi with the Coshocton orator and while I am all tS* easily driven to drink, there was one occasion in IKeg my usually over articulate Puritan conscience ass silent, what time I attempted to drown out the ssatol ssemory of that stream of bellowed "I's...
...That we will not go back into the mills to work unless our wages are continued to us as they have been...
...THE CHATTER BOX rpherk to aneh a thing as a little drop at water hammering a hole lata-a granite through drtpdrip-<wpptbg long enough...
...Union Relief—the Job of the Auxiliaries: and other subjects...
...2j***er we won't go on along that line as we're tajjta£quite chipper today...
...exchange all that tor a job, one can, indeed, be proud of being nailed as a "labor adjuster" by the press of the country...
...tea will realize what a great, big, enormous boy I'm *teuiag to be when I tell you that it was my Twentieth **TJanssncement which I stayed away from and that "Teas' been in receipt of constant pep letters telling me ' *fa be sure and show up for the costume parade, etc...
...Roger Baldwin in a speech at 2**wood, recently, urged the graduating workers E5?tte middle classes their control over all g-j**Ptasive movements in this country, which now, j^™**e, they are maintaining...
...yours for the revolution...
...We beseech you not to asperse our characters or stigmatise us as disorderly persons.' "Thus, tat 1847, spoke the ladies who were lately employed in the factories of Lowell to their associates, they having left their former employment m consequence of the proposed reduction of thenwages from 12 to 2* per cent, to- take effect on the first of March...
...The countless heroes lying th the grave, The fallen fighters on the wayside, gave A firmer will to the unshattered throngs...
...The race to he one whole United brotherhood, heirs to the sou...
...We once wrote ..ail far a clothing firm whose slogan was "Success hresses^the Part" and very subtly we intimated that at an depended on the Front...
...But why this urging the workers to go back at any cost...
...I have more at your command...
...Lynn Thompson, Socialist, and present member of the school board and for years active in the Minneapolis tabor movement, had charge of the campaign of the slate...
...I see the banners flying in the breeze...
...another group opposes it, and between these rival groups for leadership the whole labor movement suffers and dies...
...Adherents new from'every road swell on Your March Triumphant, The impassioned souls From workshops, hells of drudgery, from Holes Where even beasts refuse to dwell, are drawn Away from patience, and the dawn Is theirs now, theirs the day: the night is gone...
...Of Natural Gas and of oil...
...With a few exceptions McShorley's opinion appears to hold good of many local unions...
...Or maybe ~ffi because I can remember only ten names of my I das* of 150 and a number' of miscellaneous faces " ehath I hope never to gaze on again...
...More of this anil appear hi an early issue of this department...
...It is said that when H. C. Lodge ran - for the Senate from Massachusetts, his campaigners were looking for a labor representative to take the stump for Lodge...
...edited by pauline M, newman CONCERNING WOMAN A eeaartseeat of m*i aaS vtewa mt sartlealsr Interest to the wo—a mt the labor aiorcbcat...
...With ever fervent songs Till victory completed crowns the loss...
...I. d. mcfadden...
...why not uniforms Bfctht officers with appropriate insignia ? Saffet General ^himself, General Green, by God, might K itl ms long-lost mining past by wearing a gold jSp—1 on his cocked hat and crossed picks on his HEbc This would go big in the Baptist circles in faii where he is a considerable noise...
...given to people who are riot necessarily equipped with a knowledge of industrial conditions, who might turn their knowledge into a real service for the workers and industry...
...Ye thunderous trumpet sounds...
...Were the strikers discouraged...
...The wrongs the masses bore Have made them rebels and their passions glow...
...Then you will take ttaaji away from the one-suspender boys and be the tastng class...
...I have seen envy, jealousy and prejudice on every hand...
...L d. mcfadden...
...And ain't it the truth, boys and cmi...
...And I remember well that until everything else was tried and failed, these pallbearers were not invited to interfere...
...dear comrade: \ i enclose rhymes which your readers will enjoy if you will permit them to do so...
...Press on...
...when one is willing to trade whatever idealism he may possess...
...Chicago Ironworkers Confident of Victory CHICAGO (PP).—The 2,200 union ironworkers who walked off Chicago's skyscrapers, apartment buildings and bridges under construction on Saturday are confident that their wage demands would be substantially met in short order...
...Or maybe it's ' tacaose I'm generally regarded as being slightly mad...
...THE IDLE RICH, to this, must bow WHEN POOR UNITED STAND...
...I believe that the summary will prove of Interest to the readers of this department Any comment or discussion from readers pertaining to the summary will be welcome...
...So long will THE WORKERS BE KILLED who resist The wicked demands of the Capitalist...
...red apple and brown's make are...
...In fact my file of Western verse is just crammed full of such poetry, and heaping itself up with every mail...
...let writers express themselves in their own way on side issues like wet or dry, while working for abolition of all exploitation of people...
...Our members and friends who wish to attend the conference should immediately get in touch with our Educational Department, 3 West 16th St., Chelsea 21M...
...There were no scabs to our it not worth while for the American Federation of Labor to invest sufficient funds to encourage and retain that spirit so simple and yet so well expressed by the spokeswoman of the strikers...
...He estimated that only about 170,000 people out of the one BbS** *Bd twenty millions who are doing anything along radical lines and that among these ap...
...Its color ONE: the crimson of the fleece That lines th- skies when out of night awakes The herald of the coming down that breaks Through dark and gloom, to spread the light unfurled...
...It bears the message of\0 new-born day To thronging questioners that block the way, Aroused from depths of wot and ignorance To scan a glimpse of the exalted host Why does the throng rejoice...
...The Wages above named WOULD SE RATHER SMALL...
...Among the subjects win be , Current Events in the Labor Movement...
...as a rule...
...if you would publish my songs and poems you would find a ready sale and would solve your financial problems...
...minimum pay 9t*&' pay week...
...Montrose, Colorado, May 22, 1929...
...Urged a settlement which is no settlement...
...Must be getting old...
...The discussions will be led by prominent speakers and the audience will participate...
...Perhaps, his .style of verse is what the Far West decides to help sing in the Cooperative Commonwealth...
...O, show the gleam Of the tomorrow to the doubting mass...
...We do not estimate our liberty by dollars and cents...
...Then must I hesitate aad cogitate, before I propagate any definite opinion...
...Ye marching feet...
...Finds All Not Well LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Charles Gorman, president of the Kentucky Federation of Labor, at a recent meeting, is reported to have said that organized labor in Louisville is getting weaker...
...Triumphant hosts o f world -wide human liberty, We join your marching ranks, with you to share The task of liberation that you bear, To hasten on the birthday of the cause...
...Hemispheric Internationalism" Urged by Woll Another jurisdictional dispute, this time over control of the hemispheres, is posed by President Matthew Woll of the National Civic'Federation in answer to the criticism by the international tabor office of the League of Nations of the A. P. of L's refusal to co-operate with the International Federation of Trade Unions...
...I recall, in days gone by, labor people used to refer to Labor Department Conciliators as "undertakers...
...Robert A. Feder in the Third Ward and Edmund I. Hudson In the Twelfth Ward...
...ihuy nine out of ten are middle people...
...we don't know what animated the Professor to shoot esttos mouth so straight...
...montrose, colorado, may 22, 1929...
...Resolved, That if any have not money enough to carry them home that they shall be supplied...
...suffering, despair...
...Said the "Times": "At a meeting of the strikers, Miss Weinstock described the situation and urged a settlement...
...Which makes slaves cf workers and keeps them in need...
...To claim credit for such a "settlement" Is but vain and foolish...
...A writer in the New Bra, the local labor weekly, declares that the rank and file will have to look for new leadership If the unions are to make .any advances...
...Or maybe it's because 'tat only good times I've ever had at reunions are lost *Is aaemory owing to the fact that I was unconscious ;wku* having them...
...I did not do a thing, either...
...do not fight a. F. l or any other group of workers...
...Be snobs," said % "and you will be successful'' Wear slick clothes, starry the daughter of the boss, use all the social pull jtotre got and you'll get there...
...This start may, to some extent, explain why Miss Weinstock did not hesitate to urge this abominable settlement knowledge—not enough to make much difference...
...baft kaansl aad reyno, as well as cam eta, are reynolds cigarettes...
...To him that hath ¦ertty pants and shoe-trees and a nice new hat shall ss given and from him that hath not shall be taken •my even that shirt which he hath...
...11 one group starts something to better men...
...The rank and file should wake up, get together and take an invoice of all their leaders and measure their conduct and compare their work with unions in all oth parts of the country...
...The Communists are out of the picture...
...Now, Heywood: You know that one ¦j-tair troubles is that we are too darned nice to the Sr™* classes, principally because they are the only ^•ta who right now give one single damn about the stand for...
...Was the spirit broken...
...M. Noreen and Walter E. Johnson for the short terms...
...The slate consisted of Helen L. Bauman and Laurence M. Brings, for the full term, and Dr...
...She had accomplished more than some of her co-workers were able to accomplish...
...The L F. T. U., however, has been sniping at various Latin American and Canadian union bodies, inviting them to membership in the Amsterdam international, while the P. A. F. L. has been trying to extend its practical jurisdiction beyond the Latin American countries, which are economic colonies of the United States...
...The army of the law...
...Will it, in the end, have gained more by accepting a settlement for the strikers which is apt to destroy that magnificent spirit of the newcomer in the trade union movement...
...Thus happy harmony can be established...
...Or just WILL NOT VOTE (Do vou know such a fool...
...I am only a visitor in this city," declares the writer, "but I have recognized the shallow mockery of the labor movement in what time I have been here...
...The wretch of days gone by had, at least, the decency to do away, with himself after his deed— had more courage than most of modern Judases seem to possess...
...Your vote is ¦c"" the next man's...
...My prolonged atelrirrnrr has been abated that much at any rate...
...This is an important phase of the Workers Educational Movement...
...Tell your friends) to get the New Leader and follow this most interesting comparison ef ; conditions as they existed in 1M1 aad ! ap they are today...
...In the New York "Times" Miss Anna Weinstock was hailed as the savior of that strike situation, was praised as an expert labor adjuster...
...and hope for the tabor movement...
...They were getting $13 a day under the contract that expired May 31 and they had originally demanded $14 but trimmed down to $13...
...To call it a settlement in the sense in which such settlements are usually understood, is...
...Nothing, only get all the union members I could get hold of...
...To urge the acceptance of such a miserable adjustment is to place oneself in a position quite comparable to that of a Judas...
...now i have sent poems aad songs innumerable to yourself and other editors of the new leader and no attention whatever has been paid to them, although g. augustus gerfoer, manager of wevd found one "our gene" worth broadcasting...
...Better still, send off and bring a few live labor leaders from places that are successful and let them explain how they do things...
...f even resisted a telegraphic urge to come up and '''sputa a fool of myself all over the dear old campus * • Amsterdam avenue...
...the other carries the legaad...
...Woll has replied that if the I. F. T. U. promises to observe the Pan-American Federation of Labor's jurisdiction over the Americas, the P. A. F. L will keep its hands off Europe and Asia...
...pout old mac with his fool socialism...
...According to recent figures these Labor Department Con cilia tors have thousands of "settlements" to their credit...
...We have just read that "•¦her Baldwin has decided to resign and that Harry "*tah is to get six months more in jail...
...The bosses bad offered $12.50...
...prey vf knaves Who crushed the masses, innocent and weak...
...The Professor is*** **y J™** what you'll win...
...Inspire the disinherited ye pass With your undaunted confidence, and cheer The sorrow-laden, to dispel their fear: The people marching—who will stay the stream...
...the body of the beast is labelled "what price camel...
...Ye bugle calls, ye cheering lips, ye hearts that beat With yearnings deep press on...
...Unity House Conference From June 13 to 16 The Second Annual Unity House Conference of Women's Auxiliaries of the Trade Unions of Wyoming Valley, Pa., will take place from Thursday, June 13, to Sunday, June 18, inclusive, at Unity House, the summer home of the I. L. G. W. U„ Forest Park, Pa...
...These and similar problems are left in the hands of one man, and that man a salaried official of the company...
...Miss Smith presents a splendid picture of the activities of the early trade union women and the activities of the present generation with special reference to the striking women in the South...
...They bad difficulty in obtaining one who held a position of trust in the labor movement Then a certain man, who is now a prominent official in the A. F. of L., told Miss Weinstock, who was a member of the Neckwear Makers' Union of Boston and a member of the local Women's Trade Union League, that if she took the stump for Lodge and he- won, that she would gst « position as a Federal Labor Mediator...
...unknown To them till now the splendors of the toil...
...O, marching brothers of the new-born race...
...Th* victims rose and on they march to seek ^¦"^heir liberty...
...does not give them their •rights...
...prince albert stud, r, j. r. advertiser aad george washington are rtf^t lalxtuiwe...
...five * years' profits more than 137 mffftoa dnltara...
...I worked both night and day since the first strike, for two months, and if it lasts, I am still ready and willing to work...
...But one can hardly claim the respect of thinking people...
...consequently It was not the reduction of wage alone which caused the excitement but that haughty, overbearing disposition, that purse-proud insolence, which was becoming more and more apparent...
...work for unity...
...A summary which appeared in Life and Labor Bulletin of the twenty-five years of services rendered to the American trade union movement and to the unorganised working women by the Women's Trade Union League was written by Ethel Smith, for many years legislative representative of the League...
...o / BY OH WING THE TRUSTS, so much wealth can be made, 7 hat no one of POVERTY, need be afraid...
...it seems that coin of the realm la needed by the, new loader...
...S. A, de Witt...
...The only ?'Wr ointment is the fact that they let Burns off, ¦JPtaently on the ground that snooping and spying ?P**stag whoppers is his profession and that he was ¦EJJ Practicing it when they caught him shadowing yi*y**od Broun has a piece saying that American gwtrj*" are inclined to be snooty...
...Ambitious labor leaders vielng with each other for control, resorting to any kind of tricks to keep in power...
...Perhaps the most gratifying outcomq of the primary was the showing made by the progressive slate for school board nominations...
...The ironworkers have the most dangerous of all the building trades jobs except the caisson workers and yet the scale of $1.50 they were working under was less than most of the other unions enjoy in Chicago...
...These are Dr...
...net profits la five years fj2t,ss9,244, this is one of the bits of tefornselintt carried on leaflets sow la circulsttob tsarohahotst north carolina, bearing the union label aad announcing camel cigarettes and alt piodsatts of the reynolds tobacco co...
...The March of Triumph By JULIUS HOPP be-dedlcated to the vietormaa latrr party' of Great brttasa...
...Was upon the poor strikers...
...So long as we VOTE for a Plutocrat tool...
...sen one's belief in...
...But money was needed...
...Put up the Front and al things will be added unto you...
...For, according to the press, no machinery was established to deal with discriminations, unfair discharge, with men and women who, because of their union activity, are now persona non grata with the company...
...Fighting Spirit Was High...
...When one is willing to take the stump for a reactionary such as the late Mr...
...He was careful not B **** euccess...
...I don't care how long it lasts, just so we get our rights...
...What means their searching quest...
...It was the secret_of the success of the Klan bat there...
...Communists must be treated like lepers —they have to be isolated as a pest...
...The appointments of these important government arbitrators are...
...But be sure, it's marked tat H^r00 cnuched away a good one on Al Smith 'bsSw™*- Don't waste it on a La Guardia next Fall, h°pe to see an American labor party get rP1" English are today...
...So long as we will not our interests pool...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "ToMAKE THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME" Bp new York Times informs on that after preside -^u^ William Green of the American Federation aflasnr bad addressed the cadet corps at wast point 5 (»¦ blessings of war and the hearty friendship _ak* his labor movement (laughter) had always felt Z^faa United States Army, the Commandant of the announced that all punishsnents for infractions ^EL rules of the Post would be rescinded for thirteen ¦mm* fa honor of Mr...
...Was the settlement urged upon the strikers because the union leaders felt that there is nothing more to be expected from the company...
...it to the policy of the capitalists to divide aad conquer...
...March on...
...Tyrants, flee...
...Whenever and wherever.they came into a situation' they brought with them a sort of hopelessness, a gloom, a "something" which deadened the hopes of the strikers, subdued the efforts of the leaders and crushed the spirit of every one connected with that situation...
...Times evidently have changed...
...It would be quite unsportsmanlike to pile on here any levity as to the foregoing literary work of Brother McFadden of Colorado...
...All of these were nominated, with the exception of Mr...
...Camels and Prince , Albert Are Unfair "average wage in the reynolds factories 111.00 per week...
...Miss Weinstock is a case in point...
...Re was §fk kajsly, almost deliriously candid...
...Ye valiant brothers of the deep Awakened finally from self-inflicted sleep...
...EQUALITY OF INCOME NOW, is Bernard Shows demand...
...It opens with this interesting quotation: " "Resolved...
...E|*F• Bless you, Heywood, we axe just bubbling wRh human kindness to dumb ffwi*"»ie and lines ___pp»t forget that next November...
...Lodge won, and, soon after be got to Washington, Miss Weinstock was appointed to her present position...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 21

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