Hungary Jails Leader Of Socialists Crhicism of Fascist Regime Brings Dr. Kis Three Years of Imprisonment. "¦fWy tawn wewteiiw SiiiBiisBtot §Mlls§p <<*BTsns» BtarW ToeMrrs leader ''af...

...D. Sbiels W. Graham Vernon Hartahome George Hardie T. Hendefon John Wbeatley Oapt J. P. Hay Intelligence and Morality Main Paths To Socialism, Is Ramsay Macdonald's View Heir Laber Premier of Britain Bryse Frem Poor Farm Laberer — His Record and Philosophy By Lods Stanley poa m P'iy" ***** m 1 freT^WlrJ«t of ErrgtoBd «* be A BBanttl of she British User farty...
...It is certain that the good ftrrerrdnatf Issue, which is being worked by opponent* of Tammany, will not be the eoeunant issue of the campaign so far si the Socialist* are concerned...
...its economics is the imperative to which commercialism itself must respond...
...There are those was look Upon J. Bamsay Mac Donald as an intellectual, ti he is...
...Cot Malone I. Shartd ywwa--« GesStT'eTeneori* ? CroterBBto* r^*MMBB«M* M. fctey ^ John Lawaan Joseph Ritaon WTWatooB DavM rtlrkWood A Barnes Ottsan Lawrence Dr...
...His interest in Scotch lore—which is still unabated—led him to books...
...Today w* are in the economic stage...
...His old instructor rescued him from oblivion—if he could have been kept in oblivion— by appointing him k pupil-teacher in the old school...
...Information Wanted on Missing Cleveland Man Information at wanted as to whereabouts, by parents of Myer Herd, age about 31 years, 5 ft 9 inches to height, light hair and blue eyes...
...Socialist Convention Next Week Party Authorises Munis ipal Reaoarch Boresu for Begin Work Immediately •trrtTH the Bsato upon which Socialists will make their sapaa) at the vetoes ta the ocsntng miintojaal BBBsj Stoign considered well-defined and sBBftl able for a huge socialist vote ant 'nit... is inevitable not because men are exploited or because the fabric of Capitalism must collapse under its own weight, but because men are rational...
...HaM C. Edwards P. flt¦more1 Cocks Lieut...
...The keynote address and the election of important committee* will oonstitatt the principal order of business at tht opening session...
...At S o'clock Sunday afternoon all other business of the convention will be suspended and nomination* wtll be made for Mayor...
...TBh pari a BBBI0.BJ MaMBhncst his estoe study of BahtBBl Q^esdans, Bar vrtd* travels, hB clearness of purpose, his idrolWm...
...the cemnebrn As the first step m the conduct « aa - effective campaign the ftoctalBt AeBoe...
...It is inevitable only if irgelligOce makes it .o It is inevitable only if we are to develop on rational lines...
...The sentence of the bloody tribunal puts an end to the legality of Social-Democratic propaganda...
...M Phbns* A. eBBBB* H. H. Lewrte* _ sPrtaJ*!* ^TeSeMBBBtt* A. McKlnley* W. Garter* Dr...
...Every sentence of Hungarian Pasta** Justice is revolting, but the sentence against Comrade KB B the most unheard of...
...Its morality is the command of the heart uttered in persuasive firmness that the injustice done to one is the reproach heaped upon all...
...For a while he was associated with the newly organised Social Democratic Federation led by H. M. Hyndman, the follower of Karl Marx...
...aBSBH^ttanto eay htasXBatoM thai Prtoto Man* tram fB»ABt BBsM occur* that prat In the eeant af a tabor victory was captain...
...Gillett Harry Gosling a. if...
...Joins With the Socialists Shortly after Mac Donald's arrival in London he discovered kindred spirit...
...The pamphlet, weighs its words carefully, and is not characterised by the pathos of violent emotion but by the calmness of theoretical demonstration...
...Mnert Law* PetoT*?retoB»*r# Capt...
...Corruption in municipal affairs will be shown to M bi-partisan, but that greater than the evils of corruption is the subserviency, of city officials to the rule of transit milk, realty and other interests that prtf upon the people...
...He has proven to be a proline and forceful writer...
...Committee, at a meeting heM at tht People's House last Tuesday evenhYt, de- • ; cided to establish a municipal nsauil I bureau...
...its politics is the path mapped out by destiny for a state which uses communal consciousness as a protector of individual life and liberty...
...R. Morgan* J. Lees* Ben Ttototr Mbn aBrachey Bonnie Bttlth ft O Wstofhan T. Maffto-Jones 5»ni?Bj^ atC...
...Comrade KB concluded his eburareooa, upright speech to defence wttb a fine picture...
...Information sought by and win be greatly appreciated by I. Goldsmith, Editor...
...1 East Fifteenth street, Saturday afternoon, June It, at J o'tkeh...
...antM then, »ia> the akoaMtoa s#tMs*stcfB»a yean, lMB^sBl, BBS* Bis BBHvwar though litt paetn* ettftro* cost MM hB Btot, BtBSDBBkM Bat keen BBbrBBt at Svery stent ii3n...
...Dinner Saturday Night...
...The black-hearted judges in the pay of Bethlen justice, accomplish In Hungary what the blackstarted Militia accomplishes in Italy...
...AstertoS to* dtoate new member...
...xh3 (Kber factor wee the Christian Socialism of Charles Kings!ey and Frederick Denison Maurice, which gave warmth to the cold analysis of Henry George and the Single Tax propagandists...
...Today, when the Italian-Hungarian alliance is being knitted more closely together, Bethlen and his colleagues are most sensitive in relation to attacks directed against the Pescist foreign policy which is creating the danger of war...
...the war propaganda, he had resumed the leadership as tf It bad been waiting for him...
...Rybarde* Dr...
...MacDonald became convinced of the •utility of Liberalism and in 1S94 joined the Independent Labor Party that another Scotchman...
...The banquet wtll bt devoted to a celebration of the British labor victory...
...The modest collection of a consumptive watchmaker, who had come home to die, afforded Ramsay MacDonald the opportunity to read up on the lives of famous Scotchmen...
...s. Saturday evening at T o'clock dsloftuBj: their friends and Socialists of every pan of the city win gather at Teuton la Assembly Rooms, 1M Third avenue, nearSixteenth street, for the municipal eon* vention banquet...
...Count Klebelsberg, Bethlen's Minister, seeks to obtain the goodwill of Comrade Lobe in Berlin, and utters drivel about the Hungarian cultural mission...
...Yesterday we were in the- political stage...
...Keir Hardie, had founded in the previous year...
...sTtfjea KB* the Btol UBI lawyer and town I etastrBrv to three rears- fa *im ml tar hsvetog fsstoUahed a Bsnstl neati ralli panuVhlta Although be appealed against the sentence, Kis was thrown into prison imfnediasMy after the sentence was prostotaMdsL *Ata smme Moody Senate has inflicted a sentence of imprisonment of seven and a baV years upon Baron Hatvany, she tnoderato w«t taenia th I of the snuRgOis Den»3rat*e Party, and recently of five years est Emmerich Veer, a bofanfenis Deaaecrattc Party, and reton... 1KB Hr*b .feBBBBBnl sbbsBsBisV PO I 1 ¦ «| fOCBsBsBBnu last" taBsBB* flsBBsf eBsBsMaOu*bbbbn*sst° " BsBBBst * MbsBsubV* ajpu ODh is 'Bar* fWiiirBM to Partis ¦BBt...
...President of tat Board of Aldermen and Comptroller...
...He still returns to that place for Ms vacations, Tiwuleinouth was as humble a town aa there was anywhere In the British Isles sad MacDonald-> youth was spent in the most abject poverty...
...EN.Bennet* A. RBstttoon^Jr •** i. JtJm Baker* M^l%^p Price • ^B^Otorke*** a. Muff* J. Arnott* A. O. Cameron* A P. Brock* ay* B. Winterton* T. Dickson* D. Qui be i* Robert Young* J. Marley* W. Carter* Dr...
...One is the doctrine of evolution,—first as applied to biology by Charles Darwin and secondly as applied to society by Herbert Sprnc"- Hvf'utton reached MacDonald to Lossiemouth through his scientific studies...
...There you have it: community consciousness, not class consciousness...
...R. Mersey* Ben Gardiner* Prank Smith* Tarn smith* W. BU&sfleM* C. Stolen Buxton T. W. Grundy J. Owtot O. Hirst W. Maekeader P. SnoWden Room Tonne* Daniel Hopkins* h— SPJ55^i " a. fUlUBls" ft...
...Louis Stanley, journalist ant research worker for other Socialist toth* | unions, will be placed in charge- IT* :day after the convention adjourns, tht M work of assembling the data upon whsB -» Socialist speakers and writers arm bsay their appeal during the Campaign wftt ^ begin...
...In these circumstances, what can explain the Draconic severity of the sentence, what was the terrible sin of Comrade Kis...
...At the village school he was easily first in studies and not far behind in pranks...
...Eventually he found employment in a chemical laboratory, where he soon distinguished himself...
...But every Soetahet eotsMe M Hungary alee has the duty to seaport the Hungarian Labor Movement fa the straggle wttb Hungarian Fsec km...
...The pamphlet comes forward energetically against Bolshevism, which endeavours in Hungary to destroy with its subterranean agitation the unity of the labor movement...
...What Kis Said The publisher of the pamphlet, Comrade Kis, is an earnest Social-Democratic politician who always reckons with facts...
...The committee has sent nearly S5.0O0, including an allotment for this week's relief, to the southern textile workers during the strike and is now administering temporary relief to the textile workers and their families waiting for reemployment...
...One thing led to another...
...It suffuses al things In this age...
...His interest in science had been whetted by the popular periodicals of the time, and when he obtained work as an invoice clerk in a warehouse the chief compensation—the wages were miserable—was his proximity to the Ouudhall Library^, nt studied at night and read a great deal...
...Thomas Committee Sends $500 to Boston Strikers Norman Thomas, chairman of the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief, announces that $500 has been sent to Frederic Cook In Boston for the relief of ten thousand workers of the United Shoe Workers Union who have been on strike in and around Boston for the last eight weeks...
...The "Nepeaava," central organ of the Hungarian Social-Democratic Party, in its leading article on the conviction of Kis...
...Go slowly and rationally...
...the Hungarian political system is a dictatorship...
...Upon smootbinc mai daBhtoittBI an* sobering the L. B. C. In the direction of a Labor Pbrw ' B>ente paved the way...
...And J. Ramsay MacDonald...
...He had been engaged for a brief period to do agitation work in Bristol for a social reformer...
...Human evolution is a stretching out, not a being pushed forward...
...j election of a number of Meal csBrsaav: about 1M delegates to the Soestlat mm ntetpal convention wtll i isisnkli at the people's House...
...His wanderings through the countryside cultivated in him a love for the second and mellowed his character...
...And once more: "The industrial and social inevitability of Socialism is a mere fancy...
...The research work will be car- ^ ried into all phases of municipal got-,., eminent, and will differ froto that wohV | done by other groups opposing TamroaBj Hall in that...
...Ethel Bentham* t. It West* H. a. ltoaBctir* Matters* Te^SL^ W. M. A MB I * •Plato...
...MacDonald had entered practical politics while he was still at Lossiemouth...
...During the four years he held this position be learned a good deal of politics and made valuable contacts...
...Therefore, even before MacDonald had left his native village he was well on his way to becoming a Socialist, though he still had faith, as many others like him did in those days, in the possibilities of the Liberal Party...
...f*kblpi*e&:*tme, too...
...Now when he was recovering his health, he accepted appointment as private secretary to another left-wing Liberal who eventually was elected to Parliament...
...We nope to complete the Bet of victors in an early issue... evolution through persuasion, hot violence...
...The basic Mea ef the pamphlet is s* follows: The Hungarian Parliament, elected without a secret ballot, is only a sham Parliament...
...Now once more the destinies of Britain and of Socialism lie in his bands...
...fits Views en Socialism And again: "Socialism is more than an organised movement and a creed...
...Cleveland Poderatlonist, 450 Rockefeller Bldg...
...That in the interests of warlike propaganda no peaceful word should be allowed, that in the interests of Fascist propaganda no democratic word should be allowed, is the real meaning of the prosecution of Kis, Bethlen Coantting Faver Comrade Kis hit the bull's eye in his speech in defence when he uttered the reproach that with his condemnation the possibility of legal Social-Democratic propaganda in Hungary came to an end...
...the Socialists will she* " what Socialist administrations have dent >wj to solve municipal problem* in other...
...What can we expect from him...
...It considers, however, that the most effective weapon against Bolshevism Is the most energetic struggle against the dligillssd Hungarian Fascism...
...Three session* may be required to complete the work of the convention...
...The group, however, which claimed most of his energy and enthusiasm was the Fellowship of the New Life that Thomas Davidson had founded on the ethical principle that social salvation must come through 'the peaceful perfection of individual character" aa well as through changes in material conditions...
...The British Labor Party is committed to action based upon this philosophy...
...fWy tawn wewteiiw SiiiBiisBtot §Mlls§p <<*BTsns» BtarW ToeMrrs leader ''af the BliiigaitoB Buatol Dssauacstic Left wing...
...Bays MacDonald: "History B a progression of racial stages which have preceded and succeeded each other like the unfolding of life from the amoeba to the mammal, or from the bud to the fruit...
...H B not because of hi* social origin...
...First Worked as Farm Laborer When schooldays were over, the bright but poverty-stircken pupil would in the ordinary course of events have been lost in the obscurity of village life...
...It was to him a holy conviction that to the great werM struggle between Capttattora and Seeiansaa the truth Is en the auto ef SoetoBRn, and, as a lawyer fighting for the truth, it is therefore a duty tor ban to devote himtoBtt to the cause of the Party ef Socialism...
...for a two-day session, in the eeunst of which they wtll choose their ssaraBrav', bearers, embody the toraes to a jJasBBBB and map out plan* far the isaatoi I at...
...Socialist Prime Minister for the second time of Oreat Britain, is the embodiment of this philosophy...
...He conceives society as an evolving organism...
...Behind the scenes MacDonald and bis friends drafted the resolution which the Trade Union Congress adopted in is9» calling for a conference to aa*> what couM be done... upon parliamentarianism, constitutionalism, not extra-legal methods...
...SSaTlton R. D. nteton i T. W. Stamford Sir Henry Stesser Bmanuel Shin well John Scurr Mai C. R. AUes T, Proves G. ft...
...1. Harosay MacDi Staid was chosen secretary...
...Significantly the future leader of the Labor Party connected himself with the London Trades Council, the apostle of the New Unionism and among the first of workingmen's organizations to take a stand in favor of Independent political action for labor...
...Every Socialist must avoid these men like the plague...
...It must everywhere be thrown In the faces of these sham holies, who are more wicked than the Fascists, in that they put on the mask of democracy when abroad, that they are the prison Warders of Hungarian democracy and the executioners of the Hungarian tabor movement...
...Hungarian Fascism, watah keeps the masses under the most fearful social oppression, wishes to benumb them with the hope of a great Hungarian war of liberation...
...Before long MacDonald bad exhausted the possibilities of Lossiemouth and ventured forth to London...
...In the meantime he tried his hand at writing...
...Keynote to be Sounded The convention will be celled to order under the plan provided for by the Committee on Convention Arrangements, kt the Executive Secretary, Mars LrwJa, The first order of business will to to* election of a temporary chairman, wbswill sound the keynote of the sosaiag election...
...His writings and speeches reflect both influences...
...and his tireless energy, have made him the leader of the party...
...He neve* returned to science as a profession, though it has always held his interest and affected his thinking...
...Bis whole career has been a preparation for that office...
...Arrangements are bring made to have messages read from leaders of the British Labor Party...
...He almost became a fisherman but instead went to work as a farm laborer...
...Prom all appearances he was destined to follow a scientific career, when overwork broke down his health...
...Aeservations at 17 per plate may be made by addressing the Socialist Party office, Room 505, 7 East fifteenth Street...
...establishes that he bad only fought for demands which are the common property of Western democracies, and that with equal justification every member of the Social -Democratic Party could have been thrown into prison...
...136 More Labor Victore In British General Election menL tOxty-nine names were printed tost week...
...and to set up against the Hungarian Fascist Benetton she moral boycott of the Socialist world...
...Tomorrow we shall be in the moral stage...
...Bis thinking B in terms of evolution and ethics...
...Zt was at this tun* that be sect hi* co-worker and mmrarte for many years, the future Mrs...
...His action* will spring from his Socialist philosophy...
...Later he found more congenial association in the Fabian Society...
...He had campaigned vigorous*/ for a leftwing Liberal aspirant to Parliament...
...wss the uertaonto n year later...
...When the Labor Party was called to take over the Government in 19S4, it was J. Ramsay MacDonald who became the first Labor Premier...
...Under this dictatorship Parliament can only be a debating assembly tor unmasking Hungarian Peectern, for exhibiting the war danger* of the Hungarian revision policy and the Hungarian-Italian alliance, for preaching Republican opinions and a radical agrarian reform...
...Two influences helped to make MacDonald the kind of a Socialist he Is...
...Thus, he stumbled upon Journalism as his profession, if any he has...
...While Hatvany and Veer bad composed theft- Incriminating articles to the free air of emigration, tne pamphlet "Back to the Masses: The Attitude of the Social-Democratic Left Wing," published by Comrade Kis, was written under the leaden yoke of the Hungarian White Terror...
...His grandmother fed him on the first and stirred Ins imagination...
...He threw himself into propaganda work in Southern England and in 1895 stood for Par'lament from Southhsgipton on the I. U P. ticket...
...Bethlen's confidential representatives constantly court the politicians of democratic countries...
...It Is the action of reason alone which makes our evils a sure cause Of progress and not the possible beginning of final deterioration... is a spirit and a tendency...
...In London the approved representatives of the Hungarian White Terror solicit the goodwill of Comrades MacDonald and Bnowden...
...The child must be called by its correct name... LosstosnoBth, a small fishing Tillage in Scotland...
...There will be several addresses of weloome...
...Intelligence and morality Indicate the goal by which the struggle to escape the existing purgatory is guided...
...Lossiemouth, however, was rich In legend and natural beauty...
...The aanulag eote far Labor was mil...
...The delegates will reacsembble at 10.J* Sunday morning, when committee reporti will be considered...
...He was born in October, IBM...
...His brother, Nathan, was kfltod in the Cleveland Clinic fire...
...Elected to Perm maul The great task In these days was to effect an affiance of the Socialist and trade union organisation...
...Within a week after his reelection after the war, though be had been almost forgotten by some of tne Labor men whose beads bad been turned by...
...But what little schooling was given, was old-fashioned and thorough...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 21

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