Mayor Hoan Welcomes Investigation Anti-Socialist Pack Probe Committee, But Socialists Will Appear i^aOO—m Chicago papers of recent |Sr«eared articles that would lead •wJobeMeve that Daniel...

...And her crowning offense was that she got up a social club among students at the school Including both white and Negro students among its members, as she is very much Interested In friendly interracial relations...
...Further when the pickets were arranged in court the next morning there was no lawyer from the A. C L. L to represent them...
...He informed me by letter that he is very hopeful of the strike situation in EUzabethton...
...They will not be 1 -^T * WWcal horseplay...
...t*Tee "Pon the selection »aJ5* i*?Ter who would be aatisfae•aa'nLf Soc^ts bejTT*** the "nonpartisans" intend to •kTiw1* "aooth over anyJSajTj1 dl*cJoae<1 *bout their own 2g*Mtolows and "to try...
...Instead of giving a reply in ten days, Marsh replied at the end of two months that her work was satisfactory, but sne was not to be kept on the teaching force, reorganisation of the school being given as the reason...
...A committee of students immediately got up a petition requesting that Miss Nutting be retained, and had an Interview with Marsh while presenting this petition...
...190 from Roumania...
...A number of manufacturers have already gone Into conference with the Executive Board and more -settlements may be made in the near future...
...Inquiry revealed the fact, however, that all of the courses taught by her were to be kept, so that the alleged leorganization did not affect her department...
...As a result the American Civil Liberties League, Massachusetts section, was asked by Alfred Baker Lewis to contest these arrests since they were so obviously in violation of the right to picket...
...Comrades Willert and Martinek spoke about the local situation...
...He has requested that I write you an acknowledgment for him sending his thanks for your generous response for financial assistance to assist In carrying on that strike...
...promising a reply in ten days...
...He said that the people there are determined to go through with this fight to the bitter end If we can provide them with food, shelter and clothing as well as shoes...
...A number of pickets had been arrested on the charge of loitering...
...The Milwaukee Leader car2?Be truth about the so-called inves^ the City Hall, but believing SSj adateadtng articles of the caplflLfcTMaeri will be given much wider zS^gm than the header, the NaZ^^gtee of the Socialist Party se2 statanents from State Secretary ^nscocsln, John M. Work, The Leader, and others for the press news...
...Henry was Spplauded and cheered when he said...
...Legal Action Needed Despite all this, it appeared later that nobody from the A. C. L. L. had been present at the time of the arrests...
...Norman Thomas, League for Industrial Democracy, 70 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. C. "This morning I received a letter from our Vice-president Kelly who is in charge of the strike in Elizabeth ton, Tenn., and he informed me that your check for $3,000 had been received to assist in carrying on the fight that is now going on in Elizabeth ton...
...It seems fairly evident that the ruling classes in Boston are still heresy hunting, but the younger generation are beginning to wake tro...
...but In vain...
...Shoe Strikers Score Their First Victory American Shoe Co...
...Boston College Drops Teacher Who Voted For Thomas Students Protest Discharge of Miss Nutting, Head of University Department noSTON,—Miss Elizabeth Kutting, who has been for the past two years the head of the Department of Social Ethics at Boston University's School of Religious Education, is being dropp-d by the action of President Marsh without any explanation being given...
...nonpartisan" party havb*i7^**" four out ot tae flve mem§4Investigating committee, and a|.?77B>t «fusal of the'"nonparUaj b-sJ...
...To enable it to do so all comrades who have not been circulating must get petitions from their branch secretaries and get names... find t^gy^ which they can hang on the thi!/"'" I» spite of the disadvantage a* jj, ¦ nnf*'r method of organizing 2?*te" pl*ces the Socialists un: ajfc^* *• confident of the final outL^ttt^" 8oci*llsts first came upon IjlfraSy *° official capacity in the »aV'*7«!?le *** •» corrupt as any WtiS* C0Untr7' The Socialists K? * np' made it the cleanest big t<**El^*ertc*' Mu1, thelr ezu,Fle' I ajtak Jl** *ocijJ conscience...
...Disarmament Petition Campaign Continues Zurich.—The sending of ~ petitions by Labor organizations, requesting the Preparatory Disarmament Commission to prepare a real Disarmament Treaty, has continued undiminished even since the reception of the delegation of the International In Geneva...
...Tmt Fend Sought JLcanfortable mcrsel '..•hich the "nonastam" have eagerly seised upon Is a ctgSBtnoiuon made by the grand jarj...
...We have already been striking for seven weeks To get our full demands we are ready to stay out another seven weeks, and, if necessary, seven months...
...Comes To Terms In BostonMany Pickets Arev Jailed By A. H. Kalish DOSTON—The first break in the ranks of the Boston shoe manufacturers came on Wednesday when the American Shoe Company agreed to the terms of the United Shoe Workers...
...Nearly 1,100 petitions have been forwarded to Geneva from Prance...
...It was voted to make a test case by having some of the pickets arrested and then having them turn around and sue the police for false arrest...
...Manning pointed out that the British elections, even If unsuccessful, would reawaken interest in labor and Socialist activities in this country...
...In addition to Comrade Manning...
...I &lao wast to thank you and your colleagues for the wonderful moral and financial assistance that you are rendering this International Union...
...The Investigating Ij****** wffl consider the question, and, ^ wsanttec being overwhelmingly ¦^isillaiuu,- n is probable that the ¦*«B later bring suit~to see what ¦¦•I done with the money...
...nonpartisan" alderman in Mil^ asked the common council rZoeaeh another "nonpartisan" alder* ^ charges of misconduct in con*2ia with some transaction which has **]et b/en fully disclosed...
...The significance of this action may be gleaned from the fact that Miss Nutting was the only member of the faculty who voted for Norman Thomas in the straw vote held among faculty members for presidential candidates...
...250 from Great Britain...
...The pickets all pleaded not guilty and it is hoped that the A. C. L. L. will go through with their pnrutse of making this a test case After trying for weeks to get from the city officials a permit to speak on the Boston Common, the strikers accepted the offer of the permit of the Socialist Party and on Sunday a very large crowd was on hand...
...said Miss Harding, "but I have relatively little hope of success because college professors and teachers have not as strong a feeling of solidarity as trade unionists have developed...
...The EL** this...
...Mayor Hoan Welcomes Investigation Anti-Socialist Pack Probe Committee, But Socialists Will Appear i^aOO—m Chicago papers of recent |Sr«eared articles that would lead •wJobeMeve that Daniel W. Hoan §SSajt members of the Milwaukee under Investigation by the f^Tjary...
...This settlement has given new courage to the strikers...
...ftp these and other reasons the SoaJ*U do not expect to get a fair deal t the hands of the committee, but, fcs-lne their own records to be clear, * t don not bother them...
...On behalf of this International Union...
...1- Hay Cenceal the Facte ^"nonpartisans'' also take comfort fcet that two of the appointive T"* «ader criticism were appointed _,,***' but, as these appointees are 2****b>- they cant get anywhere JJ^Jtt except to drive home to the | wT8* conviction that if Socialists , sea* appointed there would have ¦» eecaaion for criticism, h...
...Beat after the war, when the people tae being gouged to beat the band, by Set prices, Hoan...
...The total of petitions received in Geneva up till now amounts to not less than 11,000...
...The one ajektikt member of the committee...
...Alamo Carl P. Dletz, although handiapsed, win make every effort to see to t tsat the investigation Is thorough...
...13O0 from Belgium, and 130, from
...150 from Switzerland...
...I have written the Boot <fc Shoe Workers to find out where we" can buy shoes reasonably for the strikers in Tennessee...
...He saved ik people of the city many thousands d dollars in thlst way...
...The American Civil Liberties League also voted to send two of its members to observe the actions of the pickets and police...
...B**enpartJsans" want it turned over reneral fund...
...was, however, a profit of about ba thousand dollars, which, with inewst, bow amounts to over twelve thouThe mayor desired to turn this ¦eej over to a marketing department * the etty, as a safeguard against fu«¦» profiteering, and he has tried sev***bses to get a marketing bill through •»•*»** legislature so that this could "M6...
...He has not returned yet...
...She instituted) a Forum in her classes and invited Socialist and Labor speakers among others to present their viewpoint to the students, Powers Hapgood, Norman Thomas, and Alfred Baker Lewis all having had a chance to speak there this past year...
...United Textile Workers Thank Thomas For A id Given Strikers IN a letter received from the United Textile Workers of America by Norman Thomas, acknowledging the receipt of 13,000 from the Emergency Committee for Striken' Belief, of which he is chairman, James Starr, Secretary-Treasurer of the V. T. W., stresses "the wonderful moral and financial assistance" that the committee is rendering the textile strikers in Elisabeth ton, Tennessee...
...sixteea cut of the seventeen memasa of which were non-Soclallsts, that fetisU...
...Mi-s Nutting was one of those who promptly requested reappointment...
...Rouse Wins 4,57* te 4,199 Leon Rouse has been reelected president of Typographical Local 6, largest printers vnion in the country, by 4,578 to 4.169 lor John Simon... vjew of a* fact that it brought prices down, it s probable that the total saving to them bai bam hundreds of thousands of dol•n, poes&ly millions...
...In the absence of any aaasftty on the part of the city to buy sat sen groceries, bought, on his persaal responsibility, many carloads of kfi-mr army goods, and sold them to tat aegple practically at cost...
...Again thanking you and your colleagues for your wonderful assistance, and with kind regards, I am _ Fraternally yours, JAMES STARR Secretary-Tressarer, United Textile Workrn of America...
...Marsh failed to give the committee any specific reason for dropping her...
...The party expects to file the petitions with the required number of name* in the next few weeks...
...No doubt you are aware of the fact that President McMahon has been in the South for almost two weeks...
...The letter follows: "Mr...
...aji and other matters will be considJZ*f an investigating committee which ^|HB provided for by the common mr*\ some of them are matters Sato were probed recently by the grand >gji in which the acts of some non-SogfcMt eVetive and appointive city offl£g and employes were criticised but not ggygsed to be Indictable, j Welcome Investigation <jhe Socialist members of the common a«g favored the investigation, but iuiiiwsiiIt objected to the action of the .,-fpiHnni" In giving the Socialists —jy got member of the Investigating gilder and in selecting an attorney committee who Is not satisfacm to the Socialists...
...This International is fully determined to go the full distance not only in EUzabethton, Term., but in any other section where they attempt to discriminate against our people because of their Union affiliations...
...The character of President Marsh's social outlook may be guessed from the fact that a request from the students' to form a Liberal Club was turned down by him on the ground that the name "Liberal Club" denoted a lack of sound sense...
...Comrade Manning will soon address a meeting ot the party and sympathizers...
...500 from Czecho-Slovakla...
...and they wbd down a proposal not to have any MWseyi but to have the committee ItSi conduct the Investigation as the lnssflfrrtmf, committees In congress do...
...A good Trade Unionist would not take the job of another who was unjustly fired...
...In the meantime he will get acquainted with the local field...
...According to Miss Anne Harding, one of the committee members, they intend to ask the Professor who is scheduled to take over Miss Nutting's class to refuse to do so, on the ground that she has been given an unfair deal by the University authorities, and he should not lend himself to help in putting through such an injustice...
...They pointed out the menace of the Republican-Democratic machine which has been feeding in the green pastures around the city hall, and to the danger that the Van Sweringen interests will get a strangle hold on Cleveland that cannot be broken for years...
...Considering the *"»»al responsibility he took In the be believes that he should have ' '•ethtag to say regarding what the city *» *lth the money, and he wants it ** as a protection against profiteering...
...President Marsh in February asked all the teachers at the School of Religious Education who wanted to stav to write and request reappoin'.inen...
...The "nonparti^» gjgo voted down a proposal to let as Socialist member of the committee Soe an attorney of his own...
...After some disturbers had been quieted, the audience listened to six speakers Including A. B. Lewis and E. Henry, president of the United Shoe Workers Union...
...500 Attend Socialist Picnic in Cleveland (Br a New Leaser Cvrrespeaieiit) CLEVELAND.—Between flve and six hundred Socialists and sympathizers from Cleveland* and surrounding towns enjoyed themselves at the annual picnic Sunday...
...Frank J. Manning, newly arrived organizer for Cleveland was the main speaker...
...On Thursday those who had been striking from this shop went back to work and can now contribute to the help of the others...
...If there had been »io* on the transaction he would have bd 1e pay It out of his own pocket...
...If the British labor party wins we will be able to make tremendous organization gains in this country if we take advantage of the opportunity...
...bribe a civil suit In the courts k determine the legal ownership of a bad...
...Their addresses were enthusiastically received and the circulation of petitions was begun Immediately...
...fc^LH"** 018 "lonpartisans" expect ^Jta Political capital out of this mat*» we in future campaigns, but, if P*J bare another guess coming...
...of something over Ten Thousand BoOsis held by Mayor Hoan In trust for i proposed marketing department of the Tae history of the fund is Interesting...
...As a result some five hundred strikers went to the National and Harvard shoe companies and walked in single file up and down In front of the shops a few minutes before the factories closed police began to arrive and in a short time 42 strikers, including eight women, had been roughly thrown into patrol wagons...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 20

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