British Labor In Sweeping Victory; Socialist Cabinet Is Seen Probable Tory Government Repudiated; Liberals Nearly Wiped Out First 216 Districts Heard From Give Socialists Clear Majority Over...

...A truce, if not peace, has come in this amazing industrial battle in Happy Valley...
...It was, more•wr, his former partner, Attorney General Mitchell, who as Solicitor General pushed the case on the part if the Government...
...William F. Kelly, vice*president of the U.T.W., and a staff of organizers and assistants will remain in Elizabetbon indefinitely...
...At the end of the reading of this statement the vast auditorium was filled with a roar of "Noes...
...Failure to engage other workers shall automatically make the manufacturer employ the workers so discharged...
...She knew with what difficulty they had been obtained, and—from the management's point of view—what a concession they represented... an attack not only upon the power of the courts to issue injunctions m industrial disputes but also upon their attempts to cripple unionism and to enslave labor thru yellow dog contracts...
...Socialist candidate for president last year, is also behind the movement He was named on the executive committee...
...Collective bargaining has been established, not formally nor directly but in fact...
...That the number of workers 41*anaraad bar rsatrrn Ct Um I'scirainlw tion shall be replaced within two week* after such discharge...
...Executive Board Elected The following working plan was tdopted: Name: Conference for Progressive Labyr Action...
...Strikers Declare War to The End on Allen-A KENOSHA...
...Senator C. C. Dill has introduced a similar resolution in the upper house...
...and "Boos1...
...It is altogether likely that Labor will emerge the largest singleparty, and even possible that Labor may win a majority in the House of Commons...
...Lloyd George"s latest "wizardry"' appears to have impressed the British voters as a bit of fakery...
...50 going to Labor...
...It ha* been conceeded here...
...The responsibility for this educational task must be assumed by progressive militant elements who dare face realities, who are conversant with American conditions, who do not feel that vituperation Is a substitute for effective organization and who stand ready to dedicate their lives to the labor movement and to serve it in every field, apolitical, educational and social...
...In the 216 distircts heard from...
...We urge the workers to demand the wealth they create: to strike for their rights as of old: to give Industrial battle whenever necessary...
...Membership: Shall be of two rinds, individual and group...
...After two hours and a half of selling the settlement to i the strikers they still seemed uncon- j vinced...
...On the contrary, like the A. F. of L. leaders, they have ignored realities, have shown a complete ignorance of American Kbor and its psychology and have undermined the faith of the rank and file in the possibilities of the organized labor movement...
...The same day a letter rrom Dr...
...I <xcU* that that seems unlikely...
...But it is numbers aat brains, and certainly not ideals, feat coast in the Supreme Court...
...F. O. Roberts, Rhys J. Davies...
...This can be done by promoting and aiding in a more effective organization -along, voluntary industrial lines of the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in basic industries so that they may successfully cope with centralized and militant company union capital...
...If they do the fact is plain that they never understood what the strike was about—and this is probably the truth...
...But the union svmpatnizers see in the settlement a victory of great historical and practical importance to the movement for raising the economic standards of the southern worker, and above all to the movement for establishing the right to organize in the South... state guards or the terrorism of local or state police la complete disregard of constitutional guarantee...
...Thanks to Justice Butler and his ls>» liln, a nation which has led in satiawing war will not admit to citirpsbjp even a woman who goes all to way in outlawing war...
...Similar conditions prevail In other industrial areas...
...44 p "As labor's effectiveness depends J» to ¦ considerable degree upon the control of agencies, we urge independent labor party action as a substitute for the useless and confusing non-partisan policy which results in the selection of public officials completely dominated by employers who seek to crush and to enslave the workers of America tx thev are now trying to do In Tennessee...
...Wis.—(FP) —Kenosha lab- | or celebrated 15 months of the Allen-A ! lockout with i:i cpen-air mass meeting in library Paik...
...Tory seats fell like nine-pins...
...Is it any wonder that they look with complacency upon the exploitation of workers of other lands...
...None of the speakers received more than perfunctory applause...
...he said...
...In pushing "that organisation we must make it plain that we ai» not a labor party though we are working for a labor party...
...satjet combat Intrenched capttallam wrdeh dominates our millionaire cabinet, our legislative halls and the courts through' their control of both dominant political parties—a control used to cripple labor's struggle for the right to live as free men and women...
...Give us a grand tury com Dosed of union mcu...
...Duncan is author of the antl"yellow dog" bill which has passed betassembly and senate in Wisconsin and Is awaiting the governor's signature...
...Only through intelligent cooperation expressed on the industrial, political and educational fields can workers bring in a new society embodying the age-long ideals of all great leaders and teachers,—social and industrial justice...
...Green was giving aid and comfort to militarism, "contrary to the traditional policy of the labor movement... strike for their rights as of old...
...It will be remembered that the second strike at Ellxabethon, after some Improvement la hours and wages had been won in the first strike, was caused by discrimination of the company against the strikers sod against the union...
...Willson will tell any employe who seeks to return to work and cannot get back why he is being refused a job...
...illlab Labsn Orestes A supplemental report of the resolutions committee offered messages of support to the British Labor party and a' demand for the freeing of Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings Another resolution opposed expulsion of members from unions because of their political beliefs...
...The EUzabethton settlement is...
...PUNISHED ENOUGH* WEST POINT, New York.—After listening to an address by wmiam Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, and being reviewed by Matthew WoTL acting president of the National Civic Federation, the cadets at the U. 8 military academy here had an punishments for infraction of army regulation* •vtoksd...
...FP)—Ovei 3,000 BUsaeethon textile workefs had gathered on the wooden benches of the dim "tabernacle...
...The right to organize is the fundamental need of the textile operatives...
...The plan which for comfortable and graJjJJi living conditions for a popula2** twenty million people by 1965 J...
...To a surprising extent public opinion has been aroused on the side of the strikers, ot which the most striking example was the resignation of Acting Governor Lehman of New York from the Board of Directors of the Bemberg-Glantzdorf Company in protest against their policy...
...frankly, disappointing...
...To this end we call upon progressives to organize for the achievement of the following: To educate the workers to demand j. a complete program of social insurance to meet the problems created by unemployment, old-age dependency, sickness and accident...
...Along with this unprecedented prosperity for the owners and manipulators of capital, millions of workers exist on tfcmn a living wage...
...A letter from Benjamin Schleslnger, president of the union, urged the workers to unite for the Impending struggle against the right of discharge, piece work and the return of the sweatshop...
...A new unit Is to be added to the already huge mills now operating, and before another year has passed thousands of additional workers will be employed here...
...Acting with our Trade Union colleagues we can command the industrial and political power which together will enable society to control its economic resources and re-fashion its organization so as to secure justice... is already evident that the Labor Party has scored decisively...
...North sad South Carolina and elsewhere...
...These are members of 31 unions, Including the Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Auto Workers, Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Accountants, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Hod Carriers' Union, International Jewelry Workers, Laundry Workers, International Ladies Garment Workers, Amalgamated Lithographers, Longshoremen's Int'l Association of Machinists, Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Brotherhood of Painters, Paving Cutters, Pocket book Workers, Railway Clerks, Railway Signalmen, Seamen's Union, Shoe Workers, Associated Silk Workers, Federation of Teachers, United Textile Workers, Int...
...Only John W. Edelman of the I Hosiery Workers made a dent in their resistance...
...There is still need of relief while tht workers are getting back, and tbe Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief will probably continue some such relief...
...Emphatically the EUasbethton strike, indeed all the strikes in the South, have been worth while...
...A list of the union's demands follows: Shop chairmen to be immune from reorganization clause...
...TJ 8. mediator for the Department of Labor, who had held two long joint conferences wtlh strikers and management, advised acceptance of the terms...
...Sir Austin Chamberlain came within 47 seats of losing to his Labor opponent...
...They had wanted to fight for something more definite and binding...
...To meet this menacing situation the organised labor movement offers opposition to "paternalism," but presents no inclusive constructive program...
...Typographical Union, Tapestry Workers, Barbers and Women's Trade Union League...
...A motion to delete the reference to the communists was ^defeated by the overwhelming vote of 83 to 6. The statement as adopted follows: Text of Policy Statement "America la the richest and 'most prosperous' country in the world with a national annual income of one hundred billion dollars or several times aa great as the next richest nation...
...Clynes, Mosley Elected Labor "knocked out" four mem- r bers of the Baldwin minister, one being Steel-Maitland...
...Far better to , strive for industrial justice than to die in foreign lands In order that powerful American corporations may make untold billions through exploitation...
...Mothwurf in the name of the GlanzstofT-Bemberg corporation...
...Far More Fruitful Policies 4»0 To help in a constructive spirit «• every honest effort to extend the sphere of trade union influence and effectiveness...
...At Budenz's recues... * layman both wise and at¦Wttve...
...Moth- 1 wurf to the striking employees and one to tile "loyal workers"—the strikers called them "yellow dogs"—had been published in the local papers...
...may once again be called to form a cabinet to rule over the British Empire...
...To a great extent a* parks and playgrounds and airport* called for in this plan of the esparto can and should be financed by tea principle of excess condemnattoa which has been widely applied hi foreign countries and has been grade, ingry recognized in New York...
...Any worker who feels himself unjustly discriminated against may appeal to an "impartial person"—one E. T. Willson...
...Organization of the progressives under the name of Conference of Progressive Labor Action and completion of plans for fighting for more aggressive trade union policies marks the inception of a new opposition within the official labor movement...
...Only through intelligent cooperation expressed on the industrial, political and educational fields can the workers bring in a new society embodying the age long ideals of all great leaders and teachers—social and industrial justice...
...Few of them seem contented...
...They make a formidable list, but who can hope to deal with the evils of today except by undertaking tasks that are both weighty and numerous...
...ii A To help establish and to bring to ^**the fullest possible development, genuine farmer and labor cooperatives in order to strengthen labor consciousness, to develop labor solidarity and to give the workers an effective and necessary training In Industrial democracy...
...This labor activity must be accompanied by aggressive fight on the political field and on the picket dne...
...As The New Leader goes to press, reports from 216 parliamentary districts show the Labor Party has won 120 seats, the Conservatives 77 and the Liberals 14...
...When a rising vote was finally taken it was almost unanimously, if somewhat reluctantly, for settlement...
...In the survey of wrongs to be righted we mention a long array of parliamentary and administrative measures...
...And the pathetic docility of the workers hat been broken...
...The papers, however, carry full details...
...3.000 held up their hands and pledged themselves to "a perpetual war" against the Allen-A Co...
...24.857 for the Communists and 93.903 for the Independent...
...G F. Sawver* AO...
...Individuals jelonglng to a labor or farm organization who are in agreement with the aim of .his association and desirous of actively following its purposes shall be eligible for membership...
...Inskip, Tory attorney general, has also lost...
...Ac usual Justice Holmes, backed if Justice Brandeis, with wit and...
...There seems to be a profound desire among the workers to maintain their union and to work through their organization for better conditions...
...Yet If It is honestly carried out it represents something of > victory for the workers...
...It is necessary for it, therefore, to be clear in its aims, because only in relation to the goal can immediate steps be either understood or justified...
...and designated "Labor Age" as the official publication of the new jsmnisslit labor movement...
...FP) — Miners' struggles to wrest anthracite coal from the hills of northeastern Pennsylvania have resulted in casualty lists comparable only to few of the great battles in world's history...
...123 were active members or officials in 31 of the largest trade unions, most of them affiliated with the A. F. of L. The trade unionists came from 25 cities in 17 states...
...Union leaders agreed with Dr...
...labor n-*tlcal organisations, etc., shall be eligible tor membership...
...The union proposes to go ahead at once to build its own headquarters...
...I think, however, that If the A. F. of L. had been on its job in backing the United Textile Workers properly with relief, publicity, etc tbe strike might successfully have been turned into a strike for recognition...
...That the new movement will have the backing of the Socialists, was indicated by the active part played in the conference by James Oneal, Socialist National Committeeman, and Algernon Lee, director of the Rand School of Social Science...
...Congressman Hamlltoa Fish, Jr...
...It is expected that most of the party will attach itself to the Tories in the near future...
...In that same period, more than 90,300 were injured...
...A meeting with the Manufacturers' Industrial Council is scheduled for next Tuesday and unless an agreement la reached then the workers will be called out...
...and we will guarantee to have more of the open shop gang indicted in 10 week* than the Allen-A grand jury can indict among our group...
...The strikers did not jump at the agreement offered, and would have willingly continued the fight indefinitely...
...Is it any wonder that they still believe In the myth of "rugged individualism" Instead of labor cooperation which is the basis of the labor movement...
...The matter of u-ts was referred to the new executive committee...
...Other Communist candidates heard from polled insignificant votes...
...until they surrender to unionism and decency...
...Walkden* Oliver Baldwin* F March Ellen Wilkinson °*° Isaacs* Walter Baker T Naytor H. Small James Sexton D Mort* F. F. Riley* Derwent Hall David Williams Caine* H. W. Samuels* Guy Rowson M. T. Palmer* G. E. Spere* In the constituencies reporting, 3,236.067 votes were cast for Labor
...Twenty Democrats gM1 tor this bill and most of the OaTaocrats who perfunctorily voted %**»*t It took part in the log rolling ¦ let extra duties demanded by pow?y lobbies on goods produced in 2**r ***ricts...
...Description at Meeting By Mary Keaten Verse ELIZABETHTON, Tenn...
...Trade Unionists Organize To Fight For New Policies Conference for Progressive Labor Action Is Launched at Sessions in New York City 'J'RADE union progressives flung a challenge at the backward policies of the American Federation of Labor and completed plans for mobilizing of progressive laborites in every state of the country, at a conference held Saturday and Sunday in the Labor Temple, New York City...
...Executive committee shall have full power to carry on the work of the association...
...Support was voiced for the International Typographical Union some of whose locals have ex; essed disapproval of President Green's address...
...Striking workers began to register for —ork Monday...
...It doesn't seem that the strike is over," they say...
...Union leaders are making no loud claims that a victory has been won, and the unbending Dr...
...But no one did...
...1. Ramsay MacDonald, spurned and outlawed but ten years ago because of Socialist opposition to the World War...
...of New York has presented In the house a resolution calling tor the appointment by the speaker of a special committee of five to Inquire into the old age security problem to "study modern methods in effect In an advanced nations of the world to afford constructive relief to the worthy aged poor...
...With the Eiaxbethton agreement the last of the great Southern textile strikes has, at least temporarily, been ended...
...Asterisks indicate a seat captured from Tories or Liberals...
...Elizabetbton swarms with groups of strikers talking the situation over...
...acting president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, explained the demands made of the employers, stressing the necessity of limiting their right of discharge...
...J. Compton A w ^* A McEluee* A v ZiT Gr^endfrBOn* J„J»<££ ArtS^Greenwood g££ Charles Trevelyan Hb'^SP^ r Hall I r w£e...
...It was obvious, as many local leaders afterwards declared, that had anyone spoken against the somewhat ambiguous settlement the strikers would have risen in an ovation...
...A statement on policy , adopted voiced condemnation of the Communists aa well as the policies of the present regime in the A. F. of L. "The A. F. of L. policies have failed to meet the needs of the labor movement," A, J. Muste, a leader of the movement declared...
...and It* alllec...
...sensing In the agreement the seed of future betrayal by the management...
...Louis Budenz, leader of the workers, defied the present grand Jury—"the Allen-A Grand Jury"—to bring indictment...
...If in addition to this the public should take over the miscalled "public" utilities which under the blessing of courts and public service commissions now gouge us it may be possible to finance the expert'* plan so that it will be a blessing sot only to the people of the Metropolitan area but an example to other metropolitan areas throughout tat world...
...We are striving * Imbue in It a new spirit and a new p* icy, not to capture offices...
...Of the 151 men and women who attended the two-day conference...
...Ldeiman Wins Support The successive readings were received with mutterings and scattered "boos...
...Research aad 1Hmlani Planned .4/: "American labor faces a grave crisis...
...J. R. Clynes, J. C. Wedgewood, Norman Angell, Ben Tillett, Oliver Baldwin, Ellen Wilkinson, Herbert Morrison, F. W. PethickLawrence...
...The Doctor, however, declared that no man will be discriminated against for union membership or union activities carried on outside the plants...
...That the percentage of the workers in the shops to be discharged shall be reduced...
...Norman Thomas...
...The sorry British Communist Party cut a poor figure, losing its only MP., Shapurji Sklatvala, to a Laborite...
...It was for the right to organize that the big w&sftout of March 22 was staged, and the right to organize has been the only issue in this great fight from that day until Saturday afternoon when the situation was settled by an almost unanimous vote of some 2.600 union members In the tabernacle here...
...We are out to convert it to new progressive policies and to infuse it with a new fighting spirit...
...Returns from the country districts where the Tories have been strongest are still to be heard from, Scotland and Wales, where I>abor counts its heaviest strength, have likewise not been heard from...
...The crucial fact in bringing about the vote to end the strike waa the announcement by the company on Saturday afternoon that E. T. Willson had been appointed personnel director of the two corporations and would have full power over hiring and firing...
...Messages of support were received from others who could not attend...
...If something is at last done to end the disgraceful apathy and incompetence the A. F. of L. leadership it will be dote by the pressure of the rank and flb through such an organization as the new Conference for Progressive Labor Actios whose recent convention In New Yott was one of the most heartening things I have seen...
...Prominent laborites elected include Arthur Henderson, his son Will...
...A still more adequate approach te the problem is the application of tha simple principle that society creates the Increased value of land should take it by a tax which approaches the economic rental value of such land...
...1.604.210 for the Liberals...
...Workers Are Susptclooa The great audience filed out without rejoicing...
...It was a strike against discrimination rather than for recognition...
...By that time it will be known whether this settlement is a victory for the workers or not...
...Mothwurf through Miss Anna Weinstock, federal mediator, through whom the settlement was negotiated, that no statement wot Id be Issued regarding the term* agreed upon...
...Their officials say he is a fair man...
...Another resolution condemned President Oreen for delivering a radio address under the auspices of Collier's magftizne, which maintains non-union open shop printing plants...
...It is evident that his appointment is a tacit recognition of the grave mistakes that have been made by the Bemberg-Olanz«toff overlords in their handling of Tennessee mountain labor...
...James H. Maurer Norman Thomas A. J. Muste Nathaniel Spector Louis F. Budenz J. B. 8. Hardman Leonard Bright Frank Manning Andy Vance James Oneal Frank Crosswaith Frank Morris Justus Ebert Clinton J. Oolden CarlHolderman Carl Johanntges A. J. Kennedy - Walter Wilson Abraham Lefkowitz Winston Dancis Henry R. Linville Leonard Craig Israel Mufson Joseph Schwartz Chales Maute Nellie Llthgow The session- Sunday morning heard a report of the resolutions committee, made by its chairman, Israel Mufson, director of the Philadelphia Labor College which is an official organization of the Philadelphia Central Labor Council...
...Five resolutions were adopted with little debate from the floor...
...Thus are we #w auied...
...Socialism Was The Issue The Labor Party, an avowed Socialist party, fought an a program of "thorough-going reconstruction t^vard Socialism," with nationalization of basic industries at the tof of the program From all indications, the election will mark the most spectacular and brilliant Socialist victory since the inception of the Socialist movement less than 80 years ago...
...Almost every effort of the worker to secure a larger share of bis increased productivity or to stabilize employment— even under the most conservative leadership—is met with the most brutal clubbing...
...Lady Astor had a narrow escape, winning over Labor by only 211 votes...
...2.856.801 for the Government...
...The agreement was read and reread, and Its text explained successively by Paul J. Aymon, president of the Ten- i nessee -Federation of Labor, by Edward F. McGrady, legislative representative of the A. F. of L., by William F. Kelly, strike leader and vice-president of the United Textile Workers, by Major Paul E. Devine, union lawyer, and by the committee of five strikers who had negotiated it...
...But this time he would hold power a= well as office...
...We sham far rather convert the able leaders a the A F. of L. than oust them...
...Officers: Chairman, two vice-chairmen: secretary, and treasurer: an executive committee of 26, and a national committee of 100...
...The present clause pertaining to union activity, which read: "there shall be no unfair discrimination for union activity," and which was nullified through an additional clause in the agreement, shall be modified to read that no workers shall be discriminated against by reason of their union activity...
...The strikers especially at- | tacked the clause in the agreement calling E. T. Willson an impartial arbi- j trator...
...In a tariff IB designed to relieve the farmer he **» been "relieved" by this thoroughjfct addition to his budget...
...Seven of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum...
...Workers Unimpressed at First Under Its provisions the strikers are <•> return to work with only the company's word—already once broken—that it will not discriminate against any employe because of "lawful and legitimate" union activities outside the plants...
...The union further asked for the resstablishment of an unemployment insurance fund, higher wages and the certification of contractors: Several shop chairmen addressed the meeting and called for a return of the fighting spirit of 1910 when the then young union won Its greatest victory7,000 Miners Killed in Battle With Hard Coal SCRANTON, Pa...
...If this person feels he is being discriminated against, the committep—which the agreement sets up—will take the case up with Willson and arbitrate it...
...The strike has ended so suddenly that it's hard for them to realise what has happened...
...Why must the proouctive forces of America whether in the factory, in the mines, or on the farm, suffer intolerable treatment and unbearable working conditions...
...Wheat, corn and cotton farmers *sa still export a large surplus can¦Jtfet any benefit by tariff on imfta Wheat has fallen below a *|jar a bushel at the very moment thanks to the House, the wheat gj*y* bave to add to their fPnr/ budgets...
...The wXWn is a disgrace to the A marts** *rrfmra) of freedom...
...The Bemberg and Glanzstoff executives may feel that they have forced the workers to accept their terms...
...Leonard Bright, chairman of the credentials committee, reported that there were 123 trade unionists present from 25 cities in 17 states...
...Thus hundreds of thousands of workers lace more acute employment find old age without any means of support...
...The party is essentially one of action, and it asks for power in order to lay the foundations of a new social order and to relieve immediate distress...
...A shop chairman's committee of ten was selected to prepare for the strike...
...That the reorganization right be exercised in one week instead of four weeks, as heretofore...
...Rayon Truce Spurs Spirit For Union Settlement Not Entirely Satisfactory, But Gives Opportunity to Strengthen Forces By John W. Edelman |7 LIZABBTHTON, Term., (FP)—The *-* great strike of the Eliabzethton rayon workers has been settled...
...Something of the demands of the worker has been gained In South Carolina and Tennessee...
...One resolution deplored the fact that President William Oreen and the executive council of the A. F. of L. have accepted an invitation to review the cadet corps at West Point...
...They voiced among themselves a feeling of frustration...
...In the southern textile mills, men and women toil twelve hoars daily for a weekly pittance of twelve dollars...
...As chairman of the Committee on Policy, Abraham Lefkowitz, leader of the Teachers' Union, presented a statement of principles which was adopted...
...Once more it to up to the A. F. of L to show what it can do to redeem past failures and meet present opportunities...
...Our representative, Paul Porter, advises us that then is still a fine chance for the U. T. W. to build a strong and militant union...
...These tasks, one after the other—the more pressing and important being dealt with first of allmust be undertaken by a Labor Party in power, and every parliamentary opportunity used to settle them...
...A—and here's the rub—so far ffywt*a appear from newspaper rethese experts have practically gj*1 our system of real estate ^*-«»hip and taxation as well as Private ownership of public utiliSJ- This means an incalculable adto the cost of their plans even J^bm*11 flnally worked out There l^** single ethical or economic ^^2"**!^ tor continuing a system of jg* •waership under which every great growth of population and eeesr social improvement puts uneamet money into the pocket nf ptl.u... give industrial battle whenever necessary...
...With the adoption of a program on policy and organization, work will commence shortly in local and international unions, city and state bodies to win popular support for these policiesl which include the formation of an independent labor party much like the British Labor Party...
...On the one hand it...
...Few ¦naers who get the benefit of protection on some one item will profit as much as they will lose by the ¦ peatly increased cost of other items *f food, clothing, building materials, ¦6...
...that we are set a co-operative though we are wcrttof to strengthen the co-operative movement Most of all must we make It plain that we are not a labor union, that we • not at all desire to supplant the A * of L. but that we do passionately desk* to re invigorate it...
...That is the aaty interpretation to put on Justice Better's decision denying citizenship Madam Schwimmer, the Hungarian pacifist...
...A Clarion Caff The closing paragraph in the statement of policy sounded a clarion call: "We nrge the workers to demand the wealth they create...
...But likely « unlikely we are not fighting against a* dividuala save as they embody tbe P** Icy and attitude which is paralyzing «• labor movement and with it our hop* « plenty, peace and freedom...
...Secretary A Epstein of the Old Age Security Association regards the resolutions as marking a major step forward to adding the United States to the list of nations protecting the aged, a list which includes every clvrttoed country save China and India...
...Perhaps if President Oreen lent too bis* keeping engagements of honor to speak for scab publications like Collier's, a* Matthew Woll isnt too busy sabotaging old age pensions to which the A. F. ot L. under Samuel Oompers was thoroughly committed, if labor leaders aren't tea oppressed by the dignity of reviewing the West Point cadets who are the main hope of imperialists abroad and held boiled employers at home, something may he done...
...The spontaneous demonstration came as a surprise to the U. T. W. leaders, who for days had known that a settlement was In the air, and who looked on the terms as 1r signal and almost unexpected victory...
...And the Jsstice who writes the decision durfef all his public life has been the sistt stalwart defender of corporate istrrarti and reaction...
...These rayon workers will surely form the backbone for a vast organization of textile workers in the South...
...30,000 Garment Workers Ready To Strike Tuesday Qoakmakers, Union Will Hold Final Conference With Employers Group r"kFFICIALS of the New York cloakmakers' union are making preparations for a general strike affecting 30.000 workers as the result of a meeting of 1,000 shop chairmen at Webster Hall, East Eleventh street...
...At the time of going to press, the following Laborites were elected...
...a personnel expert employed by Glanssix.ffBemberg...
...That principle means that when a cfty-Sr state acquires land for public haprovement it can also acquire the aft joining land and so get the beaaSt of the increase in values which nasally go to real estate speculators whs erect office buildings, apartments sag houses in neighborhoods made more attractive at public expense...
...That there shall be only one reorganization in a period of two years...
...Norman Angell* rJw^!UcJt' Walter Ayles* * j t^^* James Welsh j JJ ^ r John Beckett j <?ik£*yeB O. Lathan* I ?ll*°£» J J. Moses* v t Tom Griffiths o w Mffctee* | n&T**' Somerville Hast- 7 o* W T. Kelly JB F. W. Lmdley i 5' ttTUPmm J Toole* ? 2 w lmnt A. W Haycock* ™ B?**2 Ben Tillett' , _f *ro7rT>' Arthur Ponsonby * ° Ootlin' P. C. Hoffman* JT, r' burgess* F. Longden* 5? Oswald Motlej Ben Riley w Hirs...
...A P. of L. and Communists Criticised "This situation has not been met by the present officials of the trade union movement largely dominated by the boss psychology of the National Civic Federation nor have the communists shown any greater ability" to cope with the situation...
...Regardless of what the other returns may be...
...Faulty Conveyor Caused Death of 46 Men in Mine Explosion, Experts Report Violation of law, a faulty conveyor and only partial rock dusting caused the death of forty-six men in the explosion at the Kinloch mine, near Parnassus, Pennsylvania, which shocked the country March 21, according to official report* now open to inspection, says a review of the tragedy in the American Labor Legislation He view...
...Far better to strive for industrial justice than to die in foreign lands in order that powerful American corporations may make untold billions through exploitation...
...Primarily through working class education for action...
...Be** ing would seem to me better than » Matthew Woll would begin to serve ft* A F. of L as ably as he now sertel the National Civic Federation...
...Other resolutions pledged support to the railroad brotherhoods in their struggle for the six hour day: condemned the C. S. SUDreme Court decision on the OPaQon ease as esssalatsd to aid the public utilities at the expense of workers and consumers...
...While K Is true that from an administrative standpoint the Federal government at present is far less of an offender •gainst civil liberties than state and heal governments, the legal basis of repression has been well established ty oar judicial oligarchy...
...The bill now goes to Senate where the tariff hogs will • tfcalr best to raise the limits of ~" liaited revision still nearer to V* "fy grand scheme for develop9.Metropolitan area of New g**> * district lying in three states covering as much ground as the Connecticut, has been preC** ^ a commission of experts 3~ were sponsored and financed by s*«"e Foundation at a cost of S**y°P dollars...
...that has been won in years...
...Towards the close of the session the following executive committee was named...
...Ho worker, organised or unorganized, is on the body...
...Trade unions, cooperative jocieties, workers' education classes or restitutions, farmers' unions...
...All these resolutions were adopted...
...THE LABOR PARTY, unlike other parties, is not concerned with patching: the rents in a bad system, bat with transforming Capitalism into...
...It will then transfer its activities to tht help of the 10,000 shoe workers of Boston now on strike whose case has been warmly endorsed to us by Alfred Baker Lewis of Boston and other competent observers...
...The present grand jury has sat 10 weeks without bringing in an Indictment, although it has a number of Aller-A men on it...
...The Liberal Party appears to have been wiped out, losing ten of its few seats to the Labor Party...
...She read to the strikers the settlement tendered them by Dr...
...If that is the case...
...The seats of Ramsay MacDonald and Philip Snowden have not been heard from as yet...
...It adds «mn to the long line of deci-4ppi of the Supreme Court which lew aide the Constitutional Bill of, kfgtU almost meaningless...
...Since 1870, when statistics were first kept, 7,000 miners have perished in explosions, rock falls and other underground accidents in the three hard coal counties of Pennsylvania, which produce the entire American supply...
...UO To encourage uncensored working **• class education not only to enlighten workers so that they may sea clearly through the poisonous propaganda like that of the power trust but also to encourage them to think clearly and fearlessly about important economic and political problems... have a little competition in grand juries...
...By reviewing the cadets, it was charged...
...Liberals Nearly Wiped Out First 216 Districts Heard From Give Socialists Clear Majority Over Both Parties in Sensational Victory —Arthur Henderson and Other Labor Leaders Return to Parliament HPHE British Labor party has scored a sensational success in -*- the British general elections...
...Anna Weinstock...
...This Is the first time that this has happened in a great southern textile plant In a decade, and it is something the southern manufacturers fought during the whole strike with amazing bitterness...
...These letters throughout had given the strikers the Impression that the promise of no discrimination might be only a scrap of paper in the eyes of the management...
...Arthur Mothwurf, head of the Bemberg and Glanzstoff plants, issues his expected proclamation that he has not dealt with nor rccogniezd the union...
...This has been referred to the Judiciary committee headed by Senator Moris and favorable action is expected on Dill's request for an examination of state old age pension* statutes, of oondittona of the aged dependent, of the relations between federal and state pension* and »f the constitutionality of a federal law...
...This is in accordance with the recommendation of the Governor's Commission...
...Skilled and competent workers are being thrown upon the Industrial scrapheap as martyrs to capitalist greed before the age of 45...
...jtsay completely refutes the stand of jsjtica Butler...
...The reorganisation right shall not be used as a means to reduce wages...
...minister of labor...
...He has been personnel director of several big textile mills and has dealt with the United Textile Workers in Passaic...
...Because they are not organized well enough on the industrial, the political, the cooperative, or the educational field: because they have bei n educated to believe In the viswi,r>'7,t of employers rather than of the werksrs Is it any wonder that they mU^afcenly believe trux the present system as it stands holds out nope for the workers...
...Moreover, the increased use of labor saving machinery accompanied by speed-up methods and other Industrial changes is intensifying the Ills from which American workers are suffering...
...Old Age Pension Bills Proposed In House and Senate Due to the insistent agitation carried on for the past three years by the American Association for Old Age Security, the old age pensions issue at last has been placed before congress...
...See Gains for Workers Those closest to the situation see to this agreement, however, the most tremendous gain for th* worker...
...David Dublnsky...
...j» a "limited" revision of the tariff 1» shall under the bill which has Jstt .massed the House pay more *ar!y for every article C? food and •Mag and for many of Che articles go into buildings...
...Union to Keep Up the Vork Willson came here from the North...
...The Conference for Progressive Labor Action States Purpose The purpose of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, as stated in an official resolution at the organizing sessions in New York last Sunday, is: % "To carry on research, educational work and agitation among the workers, both organized and unorganized, in industry and agriculture, In order to stimulate In the existing and potential labor organizations a progressive, realistic, militant labor spirit and activity In all its phases—trad* union, political ----aJanUauL'1 TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas (a CCORDING to the majority of y\ the Supreme Court, the same •ssjority of corporation lawyers who sjaally interpret the Constitution in As defense of power and privilege, ftmdl of Assisi, Tolstoy, William pun and Eddington (the great modcm scientist who was a conscientious (kjartor in the World War), could tot possibly be admitted to citizen0jp in the United States because of Mr apposition to war...
...Dtsplte mid-November bias's, chilling the crowd through and through, a.000 heard Senators Herman J. Severson and Thomas M. Duncan, Socialist, flay the reactionary officialdom of Kenosha county and expose private detectives...
...How then can we induce the workers of our toantry to thnk and tc act as workers...
...On the other hand, fooled by propaganda, disgusted with the cloak of patriotism, the workers are Induced to lay down thenlives that imperialistic and aggressive capitalism may accumulate untold millions by exploiting their fellow workers In other lands...
...It will be the second week in June before the plants can begin full operations again owing to the technical nature of the process...
...Sir Oswald Mosley and Tom Shaw...

Vol. 8 • June 1929 • No. 20

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