Penn. Labor Maps Fightin Legislature ffifcjanetiori and Aped f^on Legislation Are ay a^tcrty hostile admtahdrsJ^jojeph^R. Grundy, the Penn"^fSleilf ~~ of labor legislative Wm% Attended...

...Finally, quite recently, the mother herself was rebuked for kneeling too long on the stone which covered her only son...
...The Des Moines Cooperative Dairy • Marketing Association, in its annual report, sh3«-i< that the 1,500 members received for their milk in 1938 the sum of $1,185,486.31...
...Paterson suk manufacturers are being notified that after January 31 twisters of both organisations win refuse to accept employment through the "Twister Wanted" signs usually displayed by bosses on the "Help Wanted" boards in front of the nuns...
...Neither union win interfere with the other's men on steady Jobs...
...the United States...
...It is necessary to go back a little, to the most critical moment of the war... the Chicago Federation of Labor, for...
...An agreement for co-operation by either union in strikes involving twisters of the other unions has proved mutually acceptable...
...Only through such a merger can the Hew Bedford unions be broken, the paper argues, and speedup in proportions hitherto unknown introduced...
...Employers . desiring to employ union twisters after January 21 must seek them through the twisters' branch of their respective organisations—broadsilk twisters through the Associated, ribbon twisters through the United Textile Workers...
...Bologna, did ait accept tab Fascist- yoke, and a certain amount of toleration was felt to be nsriiaary...
...when the Fascist reghmi was firmly seated In the saddle, Bologna wan one of the towns to be attacked with the greatest fury and the most nhsttriste determination to impose the new system upon its population, by no matter what moans...
...In view of this action of the Red Cross, the Trades Assembly, at a meeting held Jan...
...Its list counted an average of 44,500 votes, with a maximum of 45,235...
...National advertising agencies are reluctant to sign contracts with papers whose circulation bas tumbled in the past three months to the lowest figures to the past ten years...
...Outside of New Bedford, spinners tend up to 3,000 spnatlfs...
...Paterson Silk Bosses Test Workers' Reserve PATERSON, N. J. <PP)—How many looms can a suk weaver attend without literally dropping in his tracks...
...In that city on plain automatic looms the weavers only tend 10 looms...
...Even now New Bedford workers are being subjected to unconscionable speedup, resulting in sporadic strikes, despite the recent exhausting 6-month strike against a wage cut...
...In Connecticut, for Instance, the spinners could get the sympathy of the loom fixers and tie up the whole null or city...
...Outside of New Bedford, in some instances the loom fixer takes care of 130 looms...
...Paterson silk bosses are seeking the answer by direct experiments, through .advertisements of the Komrad BroadsUk Mills for weavers to run six looms...
...The father was not allowed to Join him, and to order to prevent hto doing so, the Fascists formed a cordon around the house over which death was hovering...
...A. EpOmflf the Old Age Security Assn., a saaarlar pensions In the Keystone state, ag *aft these bus) in conjunction with Bfe waferetion officials...
...This hi the first time the ¦•as and brotherhoods have gotten after «a a uiiBhiih program...
...At the end of the war the Socialists of Bologna found themselves at the head of the new provincial and communal government, with a program of Just taxation and assistance—not merely verbal —to the trade union organisations and above all to the peasants...
...But, whether in Galilee or in Bologna, the arm of the soldiery is powerless against those who choose to die that they may live again in the soul of a nation...
...AU the locked out printers are busy, either In the composing room of their own dally, or in the circulation, news and advertising departments, where they are showing the printer's high level of intelligence...
...The Socialist deputies, amongst them the former mayor of the city,- Dominique Zanardi, the brother of the deceased, were forced to leave Bologna where existence became impossible for them...
...Albany's Rat Papers Lose Ads and Readers ALBANY, N. Y.—(PP...
...Never In our history has thee been such a bold and brazen attempt to seize control of the means of communl...
...Argentine Socialists Gain in Buenos Aires...
...bas granted to organised labor's station j WCFL at Chicago, the right to broadcast j on only 1500 watts power during the daytime only...
...A conference between two committees of six—one representing each organization—reports definite progress as a result of several sessions during the past few weeks...
...The rest of the S50 Strain have been granted to miscellaneous persons of no importance...
...Ttototos am lets have a special list dawaaswi applying to the mines, such ¦ a* satt-dedeage bill to prevent the abator of the miner in selling his coal bttoasnpany, sad s bill to forbid the at St ehcali Itj to gaseous mines...
...It was on this grave that be committed Suicide, evading the vigilance of the soldiery posted there to keep from the grave the pitying homage of the whole town...
...Wages are the same for four looms as for two looms in 1934, although production per weaver has been doubled...
...One of Its functions win be to prepare and use an unfair list of manufacturers who refuse to pay the union scale tor twisting...
...Grundy, the Penn"^fSleilf ~~ of labor legislative Wm% Attended by 135 delegates sari* of the state, decided to posh -jVgfc...
...In view of the foregoing," the senators are reminded, "we have now to state an astounding and wen-nigh unbelievable fact: Organised labor with some 1,000,000 members and comprising with their families almost a fifth of the entire population of the country, has asked the federal radio commission for Just one channel of the 89 available in this country together with ample power and ade-' (mate time of operation...
...Mark Starr of the British Labor Party addressed the meeting on Labor Education...
...This aeeeting...
...And the scenes which accompanied, three years ago, the death of the young student, Zanardi, showed thte clearly...
...of milk than the prevailing price at omaha...
...Jules Zanardi succumbed to the blows of a clever and pitiless per-, secution...
...Bach union has agreed to stand by the other's prices and rales when working in the others branch of the industry...
...Work would be shifted to other mills in the merger until the members of Mew Bedford's anions an starved out and wilting to go back under non-union oooutttons "There are nracttosl ss weS as financial reasons," the editorial states, "for a consolidstton of this kind...
...John sj 0* tsnVwasoh K is hoped can be so aBmftsl era Pennsylvania Judges win Btto abb to invalidate its intent or des^fcaaiissilliiiiiiiini tte-oid age jB»»wj ¦miiIIiiii will be introduced, one flag tor s referendum and the other I Saba counties to pay pensions under ISBS) administered fund...
...Four looms to a weaver Is now the Paterson standard, although before 1934 two looms were moqgh a bitter strike in that year was lost and three looms were assigned to each weaver...
...comprehensive legislative Hffm»r on the long list of !J7»» astrodueed In the present legfe_.og| be anti-injunction and antiHaoT contract measures, probably mmm* ,y m> MIL Other loading b>aa he the limiting of the power of sal aad hen police and the power 74_Sa> to forbid the right of aesemBsus to appoint deputies...
...This of earnings of the nuns because of the loom fixers, domination is in fact, for tnitsnre...
...which win take ptooe under the obab> assnissto of J. Ramsay Manias.wild has been fixed for Feb...
...Although deserted by Major Berry of the Pressmen's Union, who signed a unkm contract,with the non-union publishers for hto own men despite their opposition, the union printers feel that they hold the whtohand over Hearst and Gannett...
...The loom fixers in the fine cotton mills of Mew Bedford are nn inn toed but not outside of Mew Bedford, Loses Visas Strong "The loom fixers' union in Mew Bedford to so strong that tt dominates the situation...
...But the step, to which weakness would never have led him, he was driven to take by his misery and disgust at the series of outrages to the grave of the boy whom he bad loved ss bis son...
...40 to charehes, 70 to schools, 30 to chambers of isminern, etc...
...3. The sseaabara at the radto trust, sjasrattag 11 stattona, have the exetaawneattsrlotttoa) araitoble air channels to...
...Mitten Condemned By Teamster Vice President in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA (FP)—Mitten Management, traction monopolists in Philadelphia, came in for denunciation once again on the floor of the Philadelphia, Central Labor Union when Thomas O'Brien, vice president of the Teamsters and Chauffeurs Intl...
...Union twisters, who say that these signs lead to wage-cutting, bidding for Jobs, and violations of the 8-hour day principle, describe them as "a demoralizing influence with effects felt throughout the craft...
...He was arrested on two or three occasions—in order, as it was alleged, to protect him from the' dangers of the days of greatest violence...
...Socialists of Four Nations Will Confer In London Next Month cUsfpsrtie^oT Befaman^aaee^O^ which wfil be a special dtoeusaton of the problems affecting these countries st the present moment...
...Independents" Lose (By a llaw loader Correspondent ( BUENOS AIRES.—The municipal elections in the capital of Argentine resulted in the Socialist Party, affiliated to the Labor and Socialist International, receiving 44,080 votes, whilst the Independent Boctonet Party, which split off from the main party, registered 35,237...
...Under the proposed merger they would be forced to accept a speeded up system that would throw thousands out of work and Incapacitate those on the Job within a few years, say union leaders...
...Jules Zanardi, the lawyer, whom the Fascists feared for his ability and courage, bad most to suffer...
...We are therefore only carrying out his wishes if we trace in a few lines the incidents (unbelievable for those who do not know the real Fascism) which drove to self-destruction a man of the energy and moral endurance which have characterised the whole life of our regretted comrade...
...Naturally enough, therefore, Bologna was the first victim of the Fascist attack which was directed full against it in consequence of the understanding reached between the land-owners and the government of which M. Gioiitti was then head (October 1922...
...New Bedford out antes ilsm at the ana asata cotton mflto of Wow Bedford to sf#eh as the practical reason for a gtont Bisrgtr of If important fine goods cotton nuns in Hew England, in a scheme ouUmed editorially by the American Wool aad Cotton Reporter, l—<«««g textile weekly...
...Following ratification by both memberships of a plan to outlaw "twisting signs" originally worked out by the conference...
...Women protested and were arrested...
...In Mew Bedford spinners tend about 1,500 spindles each...
...With both circulation and ads below expectations, and with strikebreakers being paid wages far above the union scale in addition to free board and lodging at good hotels, the publishers are finding the financial burden menacing...
...The agreement was criticised in Hat Central Labor Obion as a compromise WCFL In Demand On Congress Chicago Labor Radio Challenges Distribution of Air Channels pHICAOO—(FP)—Shabbily treated by ^ Hoover's federal radio commission the caosagB Federation of Labor has appealed to every senator and congressman in the interest of WCFL, its broadcast station...
...Hearst and Gannett newspaper executives are war- i ried about their non-union Albany newspapers, which locked out printers Nov...
...But the miawiil of vengeance came...
...The barbers * abaters to submit to a physical BVBsntoa and be licensed...
...WASHINGTON — OTP)—Hearings before the Federal Radio Commission on the demand of Station Wtn, operated...
...Labor Unionism Is Target TexJ^Weekly Says Com- ¦ mmin...
...Standard prices for broadsilk and ribbon twisting have been agreed upon by the conference, but must be submitted to the membership meetings of the two twisters' branches for final approval...
...The weavers of New Bedford are not strongly unionised...
...Mlnat mm eat that while tt is illegal to ufaanflaa fight into a gassy mine, it is ataatto hate a trolley wire throwing ffaaito, canting innumerable accidents, Bprsnjetog trades seek to make ssfdsl ssdot apply to the state as a ifcaaf not merely to cities while the batad workers want an electricians Bsndto prevent fire loss by bad wiring, mBf moa by scab labor... channel, of the 89 available in the country, together with ample time and power for broadcasting, have been postponed until Feb...
...Dairy Coop Improves Paslttou DBS MOINES, Is...
...The conference ad»IUi a greater feeling of solkfar*gbf JBtoiiiliiaUiai than has existed despite the weakened condimttfat mine unions in the soft coal ^"*jMtt»»Rfpnbucsn sweep .In the 70 Cotton Mills Planning Merger In New England...
...whilst tile Independent Socialists had 49,000 with a saaaabeuai ai 51,353...
...Before the lockout they figured they i could whip the printers easily enough, the more so as the union pressmen stayed i on the Job...
...5. About 350 neeases have been issued to various private business concerns...
...Politicians are studying the question of possible danger to their own tenure of office if they let the radio trust gain mere power—or if...
...1929, adopted a motion to advise all affiliated local- unions and members of organised labor to withdraw further support - of - the- American Bed Cross Society until such time as that organization showed some sympathy toward the women and children of American working people...
...llth and lttfa she Executive of the L. & L WW meet with Arthur Henderson as chairman...
...New Haven Labor Says Brookwood Deserves Hearing (By a New Leader Correspondent) NEW HAVEN, Conn.—At a recent meeting of the New Haven Trades Council Forum a resolution was presented by the ¦Teachers' Union, which is affiliated with the Council, demanding that the American Federation of Labor Executive Council reopen the Brookwood case and give the labor college a fair hearing...
...chief miners' aVat V*t ke to ought to Barrisburg to esfalA* was agreed by Pres...
...We seek peace and order and combat the murder of people, the class war, and the social anarchy.—William Liebkneeht...
...O'Brien said that plans are being made to place union taxis on Quaker City streets and asked for labor support for the venture...
...On Feb...
...The chief subject of the agenda for tats meeting wfa be the Piublems of Disarmament, - In addition to this a large number of questions of organisation win have to be dealt with, amongst them the Report of Entile Vandervelde on the Situation at the Socialist Movement In Argentine...
...Published in the beginning as a 4-page tabl id, it has expanded steadily until it n~w runs 13 to 20 pages daily, standard size, with ss high as 40 pag3s Sunday.' As a newspaper it outranks the non-union papers with the result that its circulation has mounted to 20,000, malting it the biggest in Albany...
...The association, which is the largest cooperative institution in Iowa, paid the patrons 40c more per 100 lbs...
...Bar Instance, 50 percent of the fine fancy gray goods industry of the counts* is hi Mew Bedford, and New Bedford Is In a more or baa desperate situation because of the labor situation in that city...
...The federal radio ] Commission has denied this petition and...
...It became a sort of altar...
...f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We seek Justice and fight injustice...
...Mitten Management, which has featured its company union treatment oi surface street car operators, has used "undercover men" to km the taxi drivers union and to keep Its own employes from Joining, O'Brien told the Central Labor Union...
...Labor Maps Fightin Legislature ffifcjanetiori and Aped f^on Legislation Are ay a^tcrty hostile admtahdrsJ^jojeph^R...
...on the other band, they now offend the trust...
...b) *SB .fbthtonid Hosiery Workers ¦Ms am almost identical with In law obliging priTate "dicks" be licensed but to be bonded...
...Paterson Silk Unions Work Out Mutual Aid Plans Paterson broadsilk twisters (organised in the Associated Suk Workers) and ribbon twisters (organised in the United Textile Workers) except to be much better co-operators in the future than they have been to the past...
...The communal and provincial government of Bologna were in the hands of the Socialists, who made every effort to bring assistance to the victims of the war and the population hi general, whom the war was robbing of its all...
...aB -undercover men" to be listed n a* ssaretary of state...
...In town and country alike the Socialist organisations were broken up and their premises burned...
...cation and to dominate public opinion as la now going on in the field of radio broadcasting...
...the number of looms per operative could be made reasonable, and if aU the help in New Bedford should go out on a strike the business could be shifted to the fine goods mills outside of New Bedford, and not a practical dollar would he lost because the 'justness would would be taken care of in outside mills...
...Two or three times',, his professional office was sacked on the occasion of Fascist demonstrations, and the first occasion was enough to frighten off his already timid clients...
...Unable to tolerate this state of things, the Fascist authorities recently Issued orders that persons not belonging to the family were not to stop before the tomb or place flowers upon it...
...Dally Citizen, which has been an unexpected success...
...Socialist Lawyer Suicide In Bologna as Fascist Outrages Wreck Family...
...Jules Zanardi, Former President of Socialist Administrative Board, Ends Tragic Years «? a Hew leader Correspondent) rSARIS.—<>anrade Jules Zanardi, fbrmer presidsat of the Socialist Administrative Board of the Province of Bologna, a very wen-known lawyer, and only a Utile over forty, has Just committed suicide at Bologna on the grave of his nephew, who died three years ago and who was the son of the former Mayor of Bologna, Dominique Zanardi...
...Position Won Tolerance Jules Zanardi, however, had so strong a moral position that he could afford to brave the threats of hto adversaries...
...4. About 35 great metropolitan nensnsatis have seen given very choice channels...
...8th aad ttfa...
...Schenectady Labor Urges Trade Unionists Refuse Aid to Red Cross • (By a Rew Leader Correspondent) ALBANY, N. Y.—The Trades Assembly has received communications from the 13th and Pittsburgh districts of the United Mine Workers of America showing that when the families of the miners were forced into a condition of utter destitution by the prolongation of the strike in the soft coal fields, the American Red Cross was appeal to for assistance, and that after consulting with the operators the Bed Cross refused to grant any aid whatever to the sufferers...
...In any case it is very satisfactory that the steadiness of the Socialist vote at the two elections shows clearly that the Socialist electorate is animated by a spirit of true devotion to the party under all circumstances...
...Be denounced the Mittens as the biggest foes of organised labor In Philadelphia It was with the Mittens that resident Mabott of'the Street Car Men's union recently entered an agreement not to attempt to organise Mitten company unionised employes la Philadelphia and Buffalo, to return for a promise to be permitted to organise employes on linos to be acquired by the Mittens to the future... antiSptov, one or mare aid age pension mm* aad a bin to reduce the hours , stBa wnsuai In tnrtnili j from 10 a anMa vent to 8 a day and 44 a * tftaaws X Kennedy of the United g-j hasfenti ifcpan-td the tangle into gjjl gat natMnloncthBi sttuatlon has B^mm^ ****** the Snlpstead Basry T. Wsruau...
...union, warned all union men to stay away from the Yellow and Quaker taxicabs, both of which are owned by the Mitten interests...
...And never in our history has the federal government shown such a erass disregard and contempt for the rights of those who toll...
...The Independent Socialist Party now shows a decrease of about 15,000 votes, which would seem to confirm the view that its success In April was largely due to the particular circumstances attending the election of the president, which was taking place at the same time...
...The state of siege was proclaimed...
...nato Peuesatton will support a Ofnew safety regulations an the worked out by the four rail tobaoda...
...aasferenee decided to strengthen ¦J"*"*"* compensation law by wktHh» provisions rather than seeking tonnes m rates, to bring Pennsyl> •* to the level of other northern "*taW'*totoS...
...Even then, however, he would not have yielded—there are witnesses who can attest as much...
...It will sit once a week...
...The death, however, is only a suicide in the physical sense of the word, and if events are to be Judged by the factors underlying them, rather than by material events, it should rather be regarded as a murder...
...Outside of New Bedford on similar goods some weavers tend 60 looms, but if the New Bedford manufacturer tried to get his weavers to tend sp looms, or 30 looms, the weavers themselves, through their own union, are not strong enough to resist it, but again they get the sympathy of the unionised loom fixers or the unionized slasher tenders, and close down the whole city...
...Grave Becomes Shrine This tragedy greatly moved the whole town, and the grave of young Zanardi in the cemetery of Bologna became the' object of touching manifestations which were constantly being repeated...
...In view of the fact that work- j ingmen and women do not return from j their work until after 6 o'clock in the I evening, it is manifest that the limitation put upon the station by the federal radio commission practically destroys its usefulness...
...15, but on that date the Commission went to the capital to discuss proposed changes in the radio i law with the Senate and House committees...
...AU that remained to him was the choice of his manner of death, and he chose that which was a protest against the sole responsible agent—Fascism...
...The resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote... increase of $90,000 over 1927...
...The Mew Bedford mills are not thoroughly unionised, but particular branches or groups of operatives in Mew Bedford are so thoroughly nnionfani, that in fact an of the mills are at the mercy of the unions...
...It need hardly be added, that during aU this time life was being mate more and more impossible for the Zanardi family...
...For days and nights together outside the room in which the young Zanardi lay dying could be beard the fierce singing, the cries of hatred, the cynical taunts of the Fascists of Bologna, showing themselves, in their pitiless cruelty, more cruel than death itself...
...8. The federal radto tow makes public welfare the tassto of the radio cssnsshston's skeletons...
...Before the meeting of the Executive the Bureau of the L. 8. L win sit to deal with certain business matters...
...In a detailed letter the federation effectively makes the following points: 1- BsaUa bresarattlng to the most effective means at halaasawag public opinion...
...If the Mew Bedford manufacturers attempts to stretch out bis spinning so that the coats of spinning room production fat New Bedford compare with the costs of t...
...We seek free tabor aad fight wage-slavery...
...Here Is where the Hearst and Gannet advertising executives miscalculated...
...Came, be off, you are trying to stir up agitation" 1 and she was hurried away...
...This is the last great public domain...
...The textile ntas effl atoo push this bin...
...limits the hours of operation, limits the production per operative and Bunts the earnings of the mills...
...The battle raged through the streets of the town and overflowed into the country-side...
...Loom fixing is important, but of itself this Btoareyeury ins sum Mew Bedford and outskle mffls Is not swfarWnt to make a great diffeieuco in net income between lbs and non-unionised mills, bat indirectly has a bad effect...
...This result Is particularly interesting in connection with the Parliamentary elections which took place in Argentine on April 1st, 193a On that ouoasluu the two Socialist Parties In Buenos Aires registered about \ an equal number of votes, but as the Independents bad a slight advantage, all the six "minority" seats in Buenos Aires were accorded to them, whilst the Socialist Party received nothing, although it had the same number of votes to record as in the present December elections...
...The unfortunate youth was dying of fatal and rapid disease, watched over by hto uncle and hto mother...
...Speedup In Practice "In such a combination of fine goods nulls as we are outlining the labor situation in New Bedford could be straightened out...
...that in Mew Bedford a loom fixer takes care of 80 looms...
...Meanwhile members of the Senate and...
...6. The hearings were to have taken place Jan...
...All the meetings wfil take place in the Transport House, where the Labor Party baa Ha headquarters since one year...
...It was indeed due to his protection that the son of the former mayor was able to continue his stomas' aS the anlimMj...
...Then the four loom 'system crept in, but workers never imagined that efforts would be made to saddle six on them...
...He remained on the spot and for some time his proud and loyal line of conduct made it possible for him to carry on his professional work...
...The armed forces of the State drove out the local administrators who had been elected by the people but were hated by the landlords...
...A few squatters have set up their tents, turned a few furrows and now ask the nation to confirm in them title to a continent...
...House have read the vigorous letter issued by the Chicago labor body, pointing out that the radio trust is gaining control of a dangerously large proportion of the broadcasting channels—dangerous especially in view of the fact that American public opinion is being influenced more by radio talks than by any other means...
...But Typographical Local 4 made aj flank attack on Hearst and Gannett newspapers by starting their own Albany...
...A complaint committee of three twisters from each union will be established to handle Joint problems which may arise...

Vol. 8 • January 1929 • No. 1

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