Ala. Utilities Propaganda Is Revealed Publicity Director Admits InflneBcing Newspapers - Throughout the State By Laurence Todd WASmWOTOW "Cmw C. Brantey, «•>. mer publicity" «#mt for the...
...Over too different hypes of Job are- jlsted In the survey...
...Warning is Issued to prospective student- wageworkers that they should have from $160 to *400 at Wast, in cash, on arrival to the college town, to carry them until they can find jobs while befinntng their studtet...
...The long list of names of men of our upper classes cited in support of this impudence indicates that that code has a wideVcceptence among them...
...Bradley tried to retreat from his* position .by...
...It is a One Big Union of the ruling Interests of the nation...
...The same evening Joseph M Oemea will begin two litem a courses, one at 7 p. m_ on Elements of Social Psychology, the other at 8:30 p. m., on the fjiiHaT ogy of Personality...
...mer publicity" «#mt for the Alabama coal operators In tWr fight to amash the United Mine Wierawrs'ta flHMb of MSI...
...The only difference between these editorials aawl hundreds of others that have appeared in the Alabama papers since I have Been conducting the Bureau," he wrote Us boas, "is that I have had the name of the Bureau mentioned in these so that there could he no misunderstanding as to who had them pot In...
...For just as American capitalism was today the greatest, the richest and the most powerful which the world had ever seen, so the Labor reaction, which it would Inevitably call forth againat itself would be the most formidable In history...
...without union cards were selected to raise the stone Ftrurtsirea...
...The man with ideals is a rooL Honor is rated with pig iron, stocks and bonds...
...I also serve as a clearing house for Alabama utilities information for the National nee trie Light Association and «**»»"" organisations...
...Red Bones Rattle* First exposed by the St...
...Ba spent $46,000 for the power companies in that parted, in a pgaspsjaji to make the public afraid of government ownership of utilities...
...Tell the Aifyertisers you "Saw Their Ad In TOe !Mev Leafier...
...o: Illinois utilities fame...
...Its defeat will be a victory for peace and freedom...
...At the box office the tickets will cost $135...
...Princess Kropotkin says "No...
...Bonds bad been voted at a previous election, but the amount was not enough to buy a site in the heart of the city and erect a suitable building...
...Colorado College and Colorado Teachers' College...
...Lectures will be delivered to every chamber of commerce...
...I am constantly furnishing information and propaganda advantageous to the utilities, not only to newspaper men and to the Public Service Commission but to other organisations as well...
...jyj he Brwin vACl cb^Hi bwM darted with Bfrtjamtn N. Dukes money...
...I nnd," the speaker continued, "all lortg of impresstans and estimates of tba Wtikh Labor Pasty in Mnsetes, Anne jeople seam as greatly to overestimate :he radical and drastic character of the measures which it win put into force •rhen It is returned to power, as others .underestimate them...
...w ^ ¦ < Reading Socialists Show READING, Pa...
...Page 853, will be found a reprint of the first page editorial article which appeared in The New Leader on December 15 but with the last five paragraphs omitted from the reprint...
...It seemed to be the inevitable reaction of the skilled workers to the heyday of capitalism, through which Great Britain had passed some 30 or 40 years ago and through which America is passing today...
...However, we should not underestimate their power to inflict infinite harm., They are unscrupulous...
...t , , -*- * Big Manufacturers Want War Orders Now WASHINGTON (FP)—What'big badness thinks of peace pacta s> '•vtl-Ttaj by the plea made Jan...
...Their itch fori power is insatiable...
...Benjamin N. Duke was a member of the board of trustees of the Duke Endowment which determined the university's labor policy...
...Strachey said that he thought that the differences—great as they undoubtedly were—were sometimes even exaggerated...
...Ten years later it became the tobacco trust, taking in all important competitors with the financial aid of Thomas Fortune Ryan and Col...
...was • sorry spectacle when lie testified bef ore the Federal Trade Coamrtaston Be was grilled by Chief Counsel Healy far the Cia.....lias si u to ha service as director of the n»"»—— Public utilities Information Bureau, from October, 1832, to January, 1836...
...AtnJswssate JawH ojwawjaw^^^ OwtfatV^ flwT JtDft^t ^381"* the Civil War and bad aoAs ajttoa^mfn^employerbQka could mEavooeawd ^^''nwewtefitoreaven^Breta^Heed...
...The "chief of theB4ttortaT»partthe masters of American hfe propose to pre us from the ogm of "Bolshevism,", The exposure of this monstrous insolence at its inception win help to neutralise the poison of the squirt guns when they begin to fire but the proposal itself jffers an interesting example of the rthics of our ruling Classen They regard til forms of education and publicity and the men associated with them in terms jf the libertine who behaves that "every woman has her price... another time be was a teacher of Journalism...
...They formed the American Tobacco Co...
...dealing with the influence of Bgl natural environment upon man's sflfB evolution...
...James Weldon Johnson, president of the Civic Club, will be chairman...
...T have always suggested to the newspaper men...
...22 The Civic Crub of New York has arranged a public celebration of the life and work of Paxton Hibben, their former president, who died Dec...
...Senator Cole L. Blease of South Carolina is responsible for* the reprint...
...Among the individual lectures of the week are: "The Law of the strike and the Picket Line," by William Karha, at 7 p. m. and also at 8:80...
...Others, on the other hand, go to the other extreme sad suppose that a Labor majority would mean practically no change at all...
...Building trades unions were ousted a year ago and 600 less competent and worse paid men...
...Bradley bad been a newspaper man for many years...
...Like his older brother, Benjamin first rose to wealth through the cigarette machine...
...11 a resolution proposing that the House and Senate committees on foreign affairs and foreign relations, respectively, make a study of the question of war guilt, and report on It by March W this year...
...wherever possible to avoid aaawMpadng my name or the name of the Bureau, aa anyone who understands publicity or pontics knows It la more effective if the article appears to the reader to emanate from the newspaper Itself rather than from some utility source...
...asserting that be had meant only that-be furnished facts...
...Who will be the first solon to strive for this exceptional honor...
...Watch the "Industrial Conservation Board" of Chicago...
...No one will be out of place, whether in plain working dress...
...J. J % The father of this super-propaganda xmcera la W. J. Sjl>aster, formerly with be New Tark Cimssinlal when Bred Harvln of notorious "Key Men" fame waa working a similar racket through that jubllcation...
...In these 763 institutions are 34 percent of all the college students In the United States, m the remaining eoUcgas...
...11 before the House military affairs committee by John C. Gall, assaatete counsel far Use National Association ox Manufacturers...
...A number of coirs dee have ordered the paper to be sent to barber shape...
...Shipstead points out that...
...FrH — CouliNflnWH James H. Maurer figures the socialist odministration has saved Reading a pietty penny on its new city hall...
...either from the Edutional Department, 3 West 16th street, or directly from the local unions...
...A. J. Muste of Brookwood will speak on January 19 on the question, "Can We Have a Progressive Labor Movement...
...Young and members of the California legislature the question of amending the state primary law so as to reinstate the Socialist Party on the ballots without petition...
...In evening gown, or in a tuxedo...
...Then Maurer discovered a school house in the business district that could be bought for $95,000...
...This Item considered the relation between Berber...
...Tsjf opponents fill be Norman Thomas, recent candidate tor presides*, and Princess Kropotkin, daughter of the world famous scientist...
...The present Tory government of Mr...
...and the next week Judge Jacob Panken on "Social Aspects of the Law...
...Bradlay wrote a letter, marked "Personal," to Thomas W. Martin, president of the Alabama Power Co, Jan...
...The purpose of the organization is to Din the "Bolshevik" label on every idea, •very man and woman, every publication and organisation that supports public ownership of industry end public utilities, a. digest of the program shows the following: 1. A Financial Department to get that me mill out of every $100 of net corporation income, working out a five-year Budget in the 41 states...
...A conference is to be held in Chicago in February to erect the machinery...
...Naturally, the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes...
...The plan is the same as that of the Power Trust that was exposed by the Federal Trade Commission except thai it is more sweeping...
...3. An Editorial Department to send out "short, snappy, concrete facts, stated in a way to arouse the Interest of the voter" in favor of corporation enterprise...
...3. "Tie up" daily, weekly and monthly publications with the super-propaganda mm » 4. Sending out a weekly clipstaeet -of articles and editorials to these publications and every office-holder in the country, "down through the states to the village fathers in the four comers of the 48 states...
...Some people in America seem to think that the day on which a majority of Labor members are returned to Parliament would be a signal tor the immediate outbreak of bloody revolution...
...Muste Speaks Saturday The speaker for next Saturday's Forum wH1 be A. J. Muste, dean of Brookwood Labor College, who will speak on the topic, "Can we Have, a Prawrcawjte labor Mvement in Anerlca.?- . Propaganda Mill OnNational Scale Exposed In Chicago Penetration of Entire In, trUectnal Life in Interj est of Bmimtm Planned lOBUrol cWUwTvrtMle^nwyrctoal life^ the naUen...
...Turning to a comparison of the British and American Labor movements, Mr...
...Tha subject is of universal interest: "Resolved, That Recognition ol the Russian Soviet Government by the United States is Essential to World Progress...
...It might interest yon to know that there have been more than 75 separate articles on the editorial page of the Montgomery Advertiser during the past 12 months regarding public utilities which were taken verbatim from our news bulletin...
...Paw>«4^^wwp : ¦., ¦ ^""*m^aw (see, thus hastening a new war "to save Bis world for democracy...
...powers either to amend Article 231 with- j out further delay or to tnnruirw^ severally their purpose to disregard it or to' propose to the Allied powers that the' question of the responsibility for the' World War be submitted to a commissjon of neutrals...
...5, 1338...
...The party lost its standing last November by failing to poll 3 percent of the total vote, and would have to get 66,000 signatures of registered Socialists, by affidavit, to be reinstated...
...on the two Saturdays, January IB and St, two lectures to Russian Literature by Ellas L. Tartak...
...7 K. 15th street, phone Algonquin 4620...
...8. Radio and films "will be embodied In the plan of education.'' Bulletins have already been sent out to prospective Investors in this great propaganda mill...
...We hope bowever, that members of the Senate will become so accustomed to light htat the} will eventually use the whole of a New Leader article when reprinting in the Congressional Record...
...Taajy hope Whpnlist the col jperanon of every banking and Industrial xvporatione te the ouuuUy and obtain met fund* by contributions of one MP xte ef every d 00 of net tocewjs ewallaed lor evert eOlMted eerp*Tatf*n...
...Baldwin is deeply and increasingly discredited in the eyes of the British people, both because of Rs handling of foreign affairs, and especially because of Its failure to reach a settlement with the American government in the naval dispute, and also because of its failure to tackle the long continued and terrible depression in the mining territory and the other 'heavy' industries of Great Britain...
...Memorial- Meeting For Paxton Hibben Jan...
...that might yet prove the turning point in the U. 8. A- He believed that when in the due and Inevitable course historical development American capitalism reaches its period of decadence and decline, then an American La bo: movement, adequate to the task of superceding it would be found to have arisen...
...the reporting authorities estimate that a high proportion of the students must earn aff or part of then- expenses during the school year...
...Labor ¦ on inflroll Jrlof power," sald&r...
...r Unity House Reunion Dance February ,2nd The coming Unity Reunion Dance, Feb... 1380...
...Among the worthies whose' names appear in the literature of the propaganda mill is the noble patriot, Samuel Insull...
...The committee in charge calls attention to the fact that tickets may be bought In SdvBJBpe for 81.00...
...In an editorial it declares that "The bones of the.Bolshevism bogey are beginning to rattle in this country...
...One of the exhibits secured from Brad^leys flies was a report by the Rocky Mountain Committee on Public Utility information on its success in getting propaganda lectures delivered by utility spokesmen at the University of Colorado, Colorado Agricultural College, Colorado School of Mines, Denver University...
...Would AM Miens Above all...
...The record for December 18 shows the following item: "Mr...
...4, 1986, boasting that be was ti—^ for two editorials that had Just appeared in the Birmingham News...
...Mr, known conservative weekrF"* newspaper "The Spectator," and is a eowsta of Mr...
...After all, there was a time within living memory when the British Trades Union movement was every bit as reactionary as the A. P. of L. today...
...effect of this legislation la to, not only increase the burden of taxation, bat invites the greater armament ef those who are likely to engage in war with America in the future, thereby endangering the safety of our country...
...President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Appendix of the Record an article from last Saturday's issue of The New Leader, a journal published in the Mate of New York, which is entitled...
...At one time be was city editor of the Birmingham Ace-Herald...
...On sale at Rand School, 7 E. 15th street, Community Church Office, Labor Temple, 2nd avenue and 14th street, and by mall from Socialist Party, room 506...
...The turning point in Great Britain had been the organisation of the unskilled workers... on Gogol and the c#>>— on TXi'eewlev...
...And that is the story of how light b breaking into the upper chamber of Cop-, gross...
...Curious to know the reason why a Southern Democrat should give this indictment of American "prosperity" a place in the Congressional Record, the editor wrote Senator Blease to enlighten him and in a few days an answer was received...
...The celebration will be heldJTuesday evening, January 22, at 8:30 p. m. at the Community Church, Park avenue and 34th street...
...The mask would bt some such bunk as that the Russian redi are about to throttle poor, old Unci* Samuel...
...ShipStead, of Minnesota, offered Jan...
...On the whole, however, I think it was a splendid article and you are to be congratulated...
...This is apparent from the Congressional Record, issue of December 18...
...Many are calling up the Unity office to find out how they should be dressed for that evening...
...On Tuesday, January 33, at 7 p. wS lectures, illustrated with U^st^reopttt con, under the title, The World We Ltvs In...
...wBWaBawfMfiM^ >" ¦"¦li its "¦ "laawT aaWaTUP^ jl IMi i i -i apewawe...
...Counsel Healy pressed Bradley for further details as to his "propaganda advantageous to the utilities," furnished to the press and to the Public Service Commission...
...We Teach The Senate The New Leader is educating United States Senators...
...They would make icbools and publications so many broth•Is, themselves becoming prcp-..«org of the dirty business...
...They are asking it-since they see that the general election which must take place is Great Britain during this year—probably In June or July—Is moat likely to result In anotberU«bor government...
...Norman Thames says, "Yes...
...15L1T, 8:30 p. m., a debate will be held at the Community Cbgrch...
...Tickets are going rapidly...
...His resolution declares that Germany was forced to sign the Versailles treaty, Including Article 231, which had been drawn up and signed by the Allies after Lansing and James Brown Scott for the United Stages—had rendered a judgment that Germany was solely guilty of making the war...
...Rotary Club, Lions Club, Ki wards Club—every civic body—as often aa necessary to fit into the general educational plan...
...2nd, Manhattan Opera House, is now the talk of the day...
...Education Is Not Free, U. S. Survey Indicates WASHINGTON (FP)—Estimated secured from' 763 American universities end colleges by the U. S, Bureau of Education show that 48 percent of the men and 23 percent of the women students are earning all or part cf their way through college...
...the Editor and Publisher ol January 5, devotes more than a page tc it...
...If you see that label it is poison...
...His resolution calls upon the two committees to report whether the time Is "appropriate for the American government, inspired by a sense of justice and fair play, to recommend to the Allied...
...While the iniiRlnillHnnalre's body lay hi state in the auditorium on the >ld campus of Duke University, the hammers of open shop workers were ringing m the new campus a mile away where 133400,009 worth of new buUdtaga war* aetog erected...
...Hoover's tour of Latin-America and American utility interests...
...Straehsy eontimiert "That is the question which everybody, not only in Great Britain, but almost throughout the world, * asking...
...Tickets are limited and reserved—75c, si and $1.50...
...Strchey Sees Victory For British Labor -Thorough - going Reorof Triumph immmBB...
...Park avenue and 34th street...
...Congrats to pass the Morhv bfil authorising the Secretary ef Wv • to "place educational orders tor equipment...
...He asked...
...Tba two brothers were millionLire tobacco manufacturers by the 80's...
...BBtracbf pito^of British Apr j JaW^B Labor Candidate for Parliament, speaking Saturday at the Rand School...
...Oliver Payfje of Standard OIL | * 1 m ••• » i j .¦ e bf Would Ease Primary Law In California SACRAMENTO, Cal...
...Representatives of man...
...distinguished historians and statesmen of all nations have, since 1919, shown that I this judgment was unjust and false...
...steal, rattroad, tesur What If the propaganda mill encoufciVjS*, same tadegmSmt newapapers...
...6. Invite to Chicago "the professors of economics of all the leading universities of the country, to formulate an educational plan for the graded schools, high schools and colleges.' 7. Establishing a Board of Lectureship...
...Extreme democracy will be the rule...
...on Thursday, at half past eight, "Book T<earnmg and Experience," by David P. Berenberg...
...The building was no longer needed for school purposes, as residents had long since moved from the business district...
...Tinally he said that he was Just a "publicity man...
...For the power companies be wrote and circulated a "news bulletin" of •^00 copies each week...
...banks and trust eompaqUa, shipbuilding ejBBteactinfc riwsint...
...he, declares that - the establishment of the truth is "vital to a reconciliation of 'the peoples of Europe and to their moral disarmament...
...Money is their only argument and human poodles their tools... Also on Tuesday at half past eight will be the beginning of the second tefla in David P. Bercnbotrs course to Appreciation of Modern Literature...
...tppears he expects every employe to tip Us bat The Dukes fought labor on a wide Front...
...Brief tributes by the following speakers will be paid to his memory: Roger N. Baldwin, Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles A Beard, Claude Bowers, Solon DeLeon, Francis Fisher Kane, Albert Jay Nock, Gregory StragnaH, Norman Thomas, Oswald Garrison VUlard...
...Everything is merchandise to be bought with their dollars...
...Senator Shipstead Would Have New War - Guilt Inquiry WASHINGTON...
...Of the poison mill it says: "The subsidized press, the coerced editor, the propaganda corrupted schoolroom, the hand-picked paid lecturer and the bamboozled or bribed university professor are the familiar properties in this set-up...
...w#wswewaB> oaaw awawaaas^wsap* " rrTa^«Ayr| Music of tba Nations, by Isadora A safe—3...
...B On Friday, January 35, at 8:30 p. bl, a series of twelve lectures on FhUceophy and Social Thought by Dr...
...Louis Postnsapnlrh...
...V. TaiaiiW McOIH of Oolumbta University...
...of December 22 which bore the caption "Our Expanding Utilities...
...This is a good plan aa it will mean new readers and sabs for The New eSaawa^^^ a^awa^aTawJ^awwy^ ^^^^^^^^J^jj^^j^jjj A^twwafesww wwB^BFawsaaxaVa>w'' 'flowafk ¦¦|ajaBMMUMr> a9af afaTWawaai ^SwV': ^voWewaa^P^ ^ -sawm...
...One of his Jobs, he testified, was reading afl textbooks submitted by the approved schoolbook publishers to the Alabama school authorities—"to see that they took a reasonable attitude toward the utilities...
...King proposes that new parties obtain 1,000 names of registered voters to gain party standing...
...This reunion has become a family affair...
...Prince Peter Kropotkin...
...Buy, bribe, or prostitute your way to eminence...
...Fred has since' lost in a fbel suit and his "patriotism" is under a sloud...
...FP)—Cameron H. King, San Francisco Socialist, has taken up with Gov...
...Thomas Will Debate Princess Kropotkin On Sfrviet Recognition Friday evening...
...Out te "Educate Employees...
...It will greatly accommodate the arrangements' committee if tickets are bought in advance, as this will abolish waiting lines...
...Of course, we can understand why a United States Senator will drop the last five paragraphs of an Important, editorial article, especially if be is a Democrat and desires to hurl a brick at,' Coo lid ge "prosperity...
...w awawawaa...
...our members and their families and friends come there to enjoy the warm, comradely atmosphere of the evening...
...Destroy the independent man who refuses to sink to the low level -of these exponents of the code of the brothel...
...Lytton Strachey, author of "pawn Victoria," etc . . "What use will the British Labor Party make of Its power when it once more constitutes the government of Great Britain...
...The second iwrlm of tba sympostoai on Socialism in Theory and Prsftles will be held at half past eight on Friday...
...Labor would come to the aid of the British miners whose desperate condition is a standing reproach to any civilisation...
...It takes in all the powerful banking and industrial corporations in the United States...
...H * LjC~—^^^"mIdJC aSo was bsMasT tofcm^iTaWlrtXok...
...So the school board got enough to build two new buildings where they aA» needed in the residential section, the city got a fine city haB and the contractors lost out all around...
...Maurer had the remodelling of the city hall done by union men directly, without calling in a contractor...
...The number tn the weakly papers runs into the hundreds...
...5. Launching of a monthly publication, "a'jly edited and furnished to the employer for additional education among bis employes...
...Another one i Robert W. Stewart, head of the Steadarc Oil Company of Indiana, who profite* through the notorious Sinclair-Fall lease of public lands...
...This 380,000,000 endowment was estebnshed by J. B. Duke, an older and richer brother who died In 1335...
...A footnote in ink stated that anotht* editorial had been inserted in the Recur' on December 22 which aroused more curiosity...
...A Labor majority would not mean revolution, but it would mean a period of severe and probably strong polltisal struggles in which labor would make % determined attempt at a thorough going re-organisation of British industry and the basis of public ownership and control...
...Get yours before it is too hue...
...If Sylvester enlists the support of nost of the Ug business and banking Inns be will have a vast fund for employing the most powerful poison squads n American history...
...These are the gentlemen who seek to dominate the intellectual life of the nation, who poison it at its source, who pose ts "right thinkers," whose fat heads are incapable of conceiving unpurchased opinions in the arena of free debate...
...In the Appendix to that issue...
...munrHone, and accessories with commercial cntaieraa in peace time, so as to familiarise them with ordnance manufacture as a measure of national defense.*' Gall said the object of this bill*.to gmw mlt private Industry to educate Itself for its "huge wartime fob, and thus save the unnecessary (Mays in getting into production . which characterised our latest improvised attempt to hook up the industrial war machine...
...The Hell of Poverty.' "There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed In the record as follows:" Then follows the article with the last five paragraphs missing...
...When the Record arrived #th« issue of that date carried an editor:from the last page of The New LeccSe...
...Tb«*1 easy...
...In the Saturday Forum, at 3 p. aw Dr...
...This material, which emphasised the argument that widely distributed stock ownership in private corporations was the genuine "public ownership," waa sent free to hundreds of state and county and city officials, to bankers, doctors, dentists, manufacturers' associations, service clubs, libraries and newspapers^ and to influential private When he felt Insecure in his job...
...A vote for the hill is a potential declaration of war...
...Hundreds of Union members and friends of Unity to general, are getting ready for this evening...
...The Senator explained that the editorial was used in a speech on a prison-labor bill and continues: "As to the omitted paragraphs, I will state that I do not endorse in their entirety some of the references made to Socialism therein, and did not consider, the omitted paragraphs of sufficient rel-' evancy to the issues which I was discussing to justify their Insertion...
...Those who support the program of public ownership of utilities and industrial democracy In general may well be proud of such enemies...
Vol. 8 • January 1929 • No. 1