SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK - -» Omce mt tha SeeteMst »' 4853 Washington mH * . — TO Mabel H. Barnes &°^5eattve Secretary. Inf^Mj^rVfanlaaUoa. speakrf-^^rTben***- books, supplies 2 "TSreved...

...Open air meetings, which are being held every Friday night, are reported to be successful Henry Jager is the speaker...
...April 21...
...MANHATTAN lst-2d A. D. Socialists of the lower East Side, encouraged by the gratifying response shown at the open air meetings are increasing their activities...
...May 15...
...speakrf-^^rTben***- books, supplies 2 "TSreved "> the National ^ "I IT- ¦ o« local orgaaiza•tiCTs* Larre by appbdng tar HjgJL J, ike NaUooal Office...
...The survey is being made for k intkoal Executive Committee with ¦g r)rw of concentrating the party reaaca in the most favorable cities and Connecticut Dteaer te Morris Btee lb) Socialist Party and Workmen's mm «Q1 celebrate the fiftieth birthday ^okt of Morris Rice of New Haven...
...m Kjasaca J CooTentian ¦ Zf-—1 Office has issued a call *P^B MBftntton of the party to te* Labor Lyceum...
...The first of a series of lectures on Municipal Issues by Louis P. Goldberg was given at the 23d A. D. branch...
...LUllan Cooper, 8yfvia Steckler and Comrade Rossner as teachers, and Viola Levenson as secretary, is concluding a very successful season...
...Athletic contests are being planned by the Meyer London Athletic dub, Tha Workmen's Sport Union and the Bohemian Gymnastio Association...
...Gussie Nelson as chairwoman...
...July 27—Socialist and Labor Picnic at Ulmer Park...
...League Hike—The Youth Committee for Industrial Co-operation, consisting of the YPBL...
...such a tendency, hownot necessarily mean that we ""¦twain dormant, and depend upon y»^ntl bankers to hand us World Pa Bather, I am led to beUeve that 5» Van of this international growth T"»W0re possibility than ever of war...
...IliilWui made in the issue of * j*W *th, by Comrade Seymour Is one worth discussing *}* there Is a marked tendency ol ¦Jt™ to become international in scope ^•¦¦nfcle...
...Iw'ta* te remembered that in the , '**, many American bankers and J* 1« as a result of America's m the war...
...The compilation of The State Federation of Labor shows that 78 out of 88 upstate Assemblymen voted against labor in every roll call in which they pertkitpsled...
...tabor Party campaign fund ¦*» |J* National Office of the Soas a result of a resolution passed unanimously...
...If party members win begin the campaign properly by turning out in large numbers at the nominating convention the first step in an energetic campaign will have been taken...
...Illinois W. R. Snow, State Secretary, reports tat» BBmaer of down state towns are Paartag for (men air meetings during * and that perhaps a couple • Mat will be held, h» recent meeting of the State Exalte Committee, John T. Whitlock mekebd as National Committeeman from Dhnots to serve until the next state convention...
...British Comrades: I «¦) ftrj*"*'"1 Office is the happy reap - Jrw MR than thirty of the most atEfee and-, effective campaign posters [Z* wtBL our pleasure to see...
...This was filled by the election of L S. Walker, of Anderson, The State Committee decided to work in conjunction with Local Marion County in the issuance of the Bulletin the local has been publishing...
...A canvass of the enrolled Socialist voters is being planned...
...About one hundred workers attended: a pile of literature was sold: and many names were collected, until a fresh cop came and ordered the orator to "get the Mephistopheles out of here, and take your goddamsoapbox with you...
...One of the biggest crowds In recent years Is expected should the weather hold good...
...On Friday evening, June 7, an enrolled voters' meeting...
...Between 60 and 70 enrolled Socialist voters and non-Socialists were present, mating it the largest meeting held there in a long time...
...7 East Fifteenth Street, at which the election returns of Great Britain win be announced...
...The blending Jdarfmf of the colors is cleverly and ¦akaQy done, lanvjtag Favorable Localities gag executive Secretary Barnes has 0 , questionnaire to the state and disgl ¦eretarles to ascertain whether I* ire any favorable localities in their MM In coming city or Congressional <*HBt...
...The committee on open air meetings will report on the Jager meetings and submit recommendations as to how activities can be extended...
...State Picnic The State Committee is planning a state picnic to be held late is August... Alpines...
...PHILADELPHIA In appreciatiton of what Frank Manning has done for the Philadelphia Circle, the members tendered him a farewell party to show their appreciation and to honor him...
...New York City, at 8:30 P. M. The program will consist of a symposium on The Dance, social dancing, and other surprises...
...May 36th...
...New Jersey County Nominations The following" counties are making preparations to place a ticket In the field for the November election...
...62 East 106th Street, on Wednesday evening...
...Nominating petitions for Socialist Party candidates must be filed with the County Clerk in each county five days before the primary election...
...They m jnt to us by the British Labor hk sach of the posters has a story rj een—short—crisp—to the point, — u appeal to the voters that reaches k atod and the heart...
...for example, that Z.wUta* of American Capitalists with JJ~m>w "brothers'' tn other coun*S * ttfe- regardless of the poli™«Tte governments of those counr~ .wffl they not clamor for trie supE.ajte Stan and stripes the moment mV^T are affected...
...Hal pern te Speak Comrade Halpern wul lecture on "The History of Marriage" at a meeting of the 22nd A. D., Tuesday evening...
...A picnic committee consisting of Comrades Miller and Novak of Passaic and H. J. Sutton of Essex is tn charge of arrangements... 8 P. M. 4— Admission—26c...
...A short musical concert zrUl open the program at 7:30 p. m...
...wul be held at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Freeholders and other county officials will be elected tn every county...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...Ifc eekbrstion will be held at Dorman Ma Bose Street, Sunday...
...3 the date^—June 1st...
...Pioneer Youth, and several other organizations, is fostering a general hike on Decoration Day...
...The activities of the branch are meeting with a favorable response from the enrolled Socialist voters...
...At a recent meeting Organiser Stodel reported that satisfactory progress was being made...
...Forgetting other problems...
...May 26, rite eoncluuon of the meeting a bana* wil...
...A Ra pa port, reporter...
...Sophie Segaloff made a special effort to make the...
...This is N i*6*" Put our faith, where we Rai energv...
...3d A. D. A strawberry festival and reunion of party members of the Third Assembly District will be held Saturday evening, June 1, at the County Headquarters, 1167 Boston Road...
...Forrest Wallace, of Veedersburg, was chosen to fill the vacancy, which in turn created a vacancy on the Executive Committee...
...Comrade Fogleson, State Chairman, asked to be relieved of his office because of numerous other activities...
...In the afternoon there was a program of music and Joseph W. Sharts, of the National Executive Committee, gave a very interesting and informative address...
...Remember the date: Decoration Day...
...the po*er to keep ever, fc^y- » make the gun conspicuous K akJu...
...The committee of arrangements is headed by Mrs...
...167 Tompkins Avenue... a circular letter sent to the upstate members of the Soetelatt Party the State natir Isi j requests that a "talking point" be made of the labor records of these legislators tn comparison wtttt the 100 per cent record scored by Socialist Aaw uihlyiif n Buffalo Is a city that should be given preference in the matter of Socialist activity this fan, according to State Secretary Merrill, who baa answered to this effect a query sent out by the national offloe...
...Joseph N. Cohen, corresponding secretary, and Simon Wolfe, organiser, are preparing the program that keeps the members and others interested...
...Hudson, Passaic...
...Further information wul be sent you through the mall...
...NEW YORK CITY EVENTS Circle 2. Brooklyn—Circle 2 is going to dry up the rainy season with its redhot "Believe It Or Not" social...
...18th A. D. Lactam WeB Attended The Friday night lectures continue to retain the interest of the residents and bring oat a larger attendance each week...
...About 70 youngsters attended, four classes being conducted...
...June 9th...
...meeting successful and was rewarded by the large turnout...
...All welcome—no admission charge...
...fresh from his Southern trip, wul address the meeting ol members and registered voters who have been Invited to attend, as will Henry J. Ressner, who has made a keen study of war debts and reparations...
...1167 Boston Road...
...Indiana State Secretary Newlund reports that while the conference In Indianapolis was not as large as wished, it was a profitable and inspirational meeting and much enJoyed by those present, as evidenced by the good collection taken...
...In the Swedish Workmen's HaU...
...leter Party Contributions mtattouJ Office had the pleasure of 2 frw 8yd...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, last Monday evening...
...Circle 6. Manhattan—On Sunday, May 26th...
...June 15 and 16—City Convention to take place at the People's House, 7 East Fifteenth Street...
...5th, 10th AD The Branch wfil meet Tuesday, May 28...
...115 short, a movement able NTte' rf, **r ' machine...
...May 36, on "Jewish Conditions in Soviet Russia...
...I. Olauberman spoke on Transforming Personality...
...A representative of the naJ^^ianauon of the party will ** Banmti........I Councils _u Lorr'* *"d Branches all over the rCjm MPected to loyally carry out *?Lj«bi of the National Executive Jj52^on unemployment councils...
...5th and 6th A. D. Plans Following the successful reorganisation meeting of the 5th-6th A. D., at which Comrade A. L Shiplaooff spoke, the first of a series of gatherings preliminary to the campaign win be held this Tuesday night at its headquarters...
...Registered voters of the district, please attend...
...June 6—Meyer London Memorial Meeting to be held at the Second Avenue Theatre, Second Avenue and Second Street...
...Discussing "Crime and Ponce...
...representhe Young Peoples Socialist of Chicago, who proudly handed j*^ igtSbBOsn of $50.00 from the ay the British Labor Party camJSTfrad...
...Circle 2. Manhattan—Circle 2 ithe Washington Heights group i is to hold its second meeting this Sundav evening...
...Cask Ceaaty Netea The Cook...
...6th, 8th, 12th A. D. On Monday, May 27, the Branch win hold a business meeting...
...i BROOKLYN JagW te Begin Leetare Series The first of an -open air series of six talks on SoriaHsm, arranged by the 16th A. d., will be delivered on gaceatatw Saturday nights, beginning tonight, at • o'clock, by Henry Jager at the corner of Sixty-eighth Street and Bay Parkway...
...v4D take Part (^q^ an entertabunent and danpe...
...State Convention Reports of the election delegates to the state convention are beginning to arrive at the state office...
...a subject that should be both interesting and instructive...
...Surrogate, Register...
...Last week Dr...
...There wul be an exceptlonaUy Interesting educational program...
...An automobile outing is being contemplated for the latter part of June... held for the benefit of the tee organization and The* CommonMtk, the State paper, lecal Hew London has secured a cotte * the beach, which wul be used as Mhw jar the meeting or the State »emei*Committee, and the banquet...
...They wul report on a suitable place and definite date to the next state committee meeting, June 2. New York State Vote on Labor Bills State Secretary Merrill Is calling attention to the record of upstate Assemblymen as set forth In the recently issued bulletin of the State Federation of Labor entitled "Official Record of Votes Cast in State Legislature of 1929 on Vine Labor Bills...
...The special committee on reorganization, headed by Samuel H. Friedman, will report on plans for the coming year, including lectures, study courses and outdoor forums before the campaign, and a vigorous drive as soon as the campaign starts...
...State senators, members of the General Assembly...
...Special nttr* for Yipsels will be arranged for...
...Rhode Island Cbanin te Speak In Providence The Women's Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle, of Providence, are to have Nathan Chan In of New York deliver a lecture on Sunday...
...the si matini and «k* friend...
...Comrade Manning will return to Philadelphia to resume his work here after a short stay in Cleveland...
...Goldberg outlined one of the leading issues of the coming campaign from the Socialist point of view...
...At a meeth^^*the*branchrtich,wa» reorganised temntli and wfetah has secured the co-operation of many old timers, it was decided to obtain haadruarters in order to accommodate the increasing number of people beoomtng interested in the branch and to bold a series of open air meetings as toon as speakers can be procured...
...With proper co-operation the picnic this year will eclipse the one held last year when a record-breaking crowd attended...
...The school ran a May festival, a hike into Westchester, and an outing on Long Island...
...May 30th, 1929...
...We meet at Dyckman Street Ferry at 10 A. M. sharp...
...Goldberg's Lectures...
...hetac sent to every known *fr n the state who is Invited to aw...
...May 25, at Vi, a Comrade Rice is president of Jflttdnnen's Circle Educational Cenk prominent member of the WorkMpfecte, having been a delegate to Ml Meat convention held in Chicago...
...The Socialist Sunday School, with Comrade Friedman as principal: Anne Bpero...
...June 15—City Convention Banquet, to be held at Teuton!* Assembly Rooms, 158 Third Avenue, near Sixteenth Street...
...Chestnut and Pine streets...
...The place of meeting Is undecided, but members will receive this information...
...Circle 6. Man...
...Ik State Executive Committee will ¦a at Hew London Sunday...
...4th A. D. to Meet May 29 Important party problems on the lower East Side wul be considered at a party meeting of the 4th A. D. Wednesday evening, May 29...
...BRONX Conference Monday Evening, June 3 A survey of branch activities in the Bronx, preparation ol plans which will carry the Socialist campaign Into every part of the county, will be made at a conference of branch officials and active workers of an the branches to be held Monday evening, June 3, at the County Headquarters...
...AU Yipsels are expected U> come down to sing, dance, and join in the merriment...
...All those residing in the vicinity and interested in a youth group are cordially invited to attend the meeting...
...May 28, at the party headquarter...
...Branches should keep that date open...
...OF OfR YOUTH ARE jkfcjiy TO GREAT BRITAIN rbiterP Y p s L 8ent *50 10 Vif...
...A motion was passed the state secretary to send ¦ m appeal asking for loans to help its t pamphlet on unemployment Inlaw sad aid age pensions, as suggest* e tb» Conference of State Secretaries Its tmmtt States...
...The entire membership of the circle was present...
...The last meeting addressed by Comrade Jager was attended by over 500 people...
...Next Monday evening, May 27, he win speak on "Housing...
...Jager s series baa created considerable interest throughout the Bensonhurst section, and it Is felt certain that he win have a large audience during the entire series...
...On Sunday the -wai lor class, young folks of high school and junior age...
...The seniors win continue their study ol Socialism and current events for four weeks more and promise to take part in the activity to the district...
...May 2Gth, at 8:30 P. M...
...timer Park Engaged tor Picnic en July Z7th Socialist Party branches and groups that are anxious to co-operate with them In making the annual Socialist and Labor Picnic of the Socialist Party and the trade unions a success are urged not to make plans for any events tor Saturday, July 27...
...There is work for all to share in...
...the fighting Mayor of Milwaukee, will be the principal speaker and ten of his experiences with the labor movement in the various European countries that he recently visited . George R, Klrkna trick fill also speak...
...New York City Ceasing Events May 30—New Leader Dance, Debs Auditorium... 600 West 191st st...
...August Claessens...
...The committee to obtain candidates will report and a comrade who is familiar with conditions in Austria win talk on "The Socialist Party in Austria...
...The first was held on the steps of the Newberry Library...
...Music win be furnished by Al Henkie's 'band, also ^"g^g by the Young German Glee Club...
...2—The place—219 Sackman street...
...Sheriff, two municipal court Justices, six aldermen and six assemblymen to be voted for at the coming elections...
...May 30th...
...The lecture last week by D. Brealow on "The Labor Situation in Latin America" was delivered before a large and interested audience...
...Remember: 1—The occasion —The BeUeve It Or Not Dance, sponsored by Circle 2. Brooklyn...
...Quite a number of smaller ^rtHdOOS have been received by the J^tei Oflke and will be forwarded zlpi to ear comrades abroad...
...Max Polikoff will act as chairman...
...318 Van Siclen Avenue...
...Buffalo Is to elect a mayor this year for the first time since a commission government was voted out of existence there...
...The commit¦ a charge say that they have a treat i Mr lor those who attend and a fine ¦rind program State Executive Committee Tm April meeting of the State Execute Committee was held in Bridgeport...
...A cordial Invitation is extended to all persons Interested to attend this lecture and concert...
...Henry Jager addressed 2,000 people at one meeting last week...
...The party was held In the home of Comrade David Kaplan...
...where we shall M Wvement that we shall build |» BVaJ ?4t we n»ay look upon as ¦t^Ty tactor in ending the cause let to giving the world a permal. \ "*BK YAVNE KAUFMAN...
...L1LLIAX S. KAPLAN EDITOR ;«HAliahed Everv Week by The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League Another War...
...County plans axe under way for a big gathering at the annual Press Picnic to be held at Riverview park Sunday... running a social meeting at 62 East 160th street...
...New Leader Dance—On Thursday... the East Side Socialist Center, 204 East Broadway...
...QUEENS County Nominating Convention On Tuesday evening* May 28, the members of Queens County win meet in convention for the purpose of nominating candidates for Borough President, District Attorney...
...Harlem Socialists In Harlem who had misgivings about their, ability to hold meetings of enrolled Socialist voters because a large number of Socialists are moving out of the section, were pleasantly surprised when they turned out to hear Louis Waldman speak on "New York City's Political Future," at the Harlem Socialist Educational Center...
...Officials of the Workm circle from Boston and New York m enwrted to attend the celebration, i ahner will be served...
...Louisville, gfS 16, beginning at 1 JO pjn...
...Likewise lor [^¦^Jpanese, and other Capitalists...
...The last day for filing nominating petitions is Thursday, June 13...
...Every branch win be caned upon to submit a report of its activities and suggestions as to what they feel ought to be done to start off the summer season with the proper amount of activity...
...An especial effort will be made to secure new members for the Socialist Party...
...AS^T^t- labor organization should be IJ^JJj an this matter without de¦^Jpgtt what action is taken to the *m...
...A number of applications for membership have resulted and the Executive Committee of the Branch has deckled to conduct a series of lectures on Socialism on various corners, Branch meetings are held at the East Side Socialist Center, 204 East Broadway...
...The Executive Committee held a meeting on the morning of May 5th and took care of the necessary organization work...
...If America had [J2 ** Central Powers as its ally LS?'* now know wa* not impossible >. l^^m have lost...
...Some lapsed members rejoined and a few new members were added...
...The Open-air meeting season started with a bang...
...1 banquet was served by the local Soaks of the Sixth District...
...As for their lives KZta "f^1 be had They will not put J2*a°Barty anv more than they did J?'*'- Worsen, biood is good enough taw""* Wt much tntth in the profit ™ used as an effective aid in Jb***1-surely not...
...Daniel W. Boan...
...Locals and branches throughout the state who have anything to propose for the consideration of the State Convention are requested to send their proposals to the State Secretary not later than June 2 in order that they may be placed on the convention agenda...
...With Queens occupying the limelight as the cesspool of municipal corruption, the opportunity of bringing our message before the people who are tired of the unenviable position occupied by the county is ¦brighter than ever...
...This will help to reach the membership with state and other party news...
...Journey out by truck to the home of Comrades Morris and Mrs...
...This will be a real novelty in Yipsel entertainment, with George E. Jay and his Oxford Grays supplying the music, and the Yipsel "Rudy Vallee" as a master of ceremonies...
...Berman, where they found walbng them a joyous time and an elaborate luncheon... 10 A. M. sharp, at the Dyckman Street Ferry...
...Camden and Bergen...
...jM the Socialist candidate for Mayor i Wm Raven two years ago and has m ken Socialist candidate for United sea Senator...
...the New Leader is running a dance at the Rand School, 7 East 15th street...
...Election returns from Great Britain will be announced...
...a K Been a member of both organigtm fee many years... preventing a te K ^ultJ* 011 ,hr contrary'- I most (independable, and can £ew?^ convened into a weapon for %teS^' »hm"» *> murh be-ter by putting teZ,* 111 enlightened working-class t^J*> *eH organized on both the ted political field*, a movement ¦ ate to say NO!, a movement tejS **v...
...Patrick Murphy, is rmnw^^tog his personal canvass of enrolled Socialist voters...
...The convention win be held at Workmen's Circle Institute, 190 Belmont Avenue, Newark, Sunday, June 9. Secretaries of branches in all organized counties are urged to send their delegate credentials to State Secretary Andrew P. Wittel, 44 Linden Avenue, BeUeviUe, N. J., without delay...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 19

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