Court Edict Aids Utilities, Thomas Says kfwftft** Leader Sees SuB5,pe Court Aiding Tendency Toward NaI sjpiaajization -jplBttAN THOMAS, Socialist candifT^,, for president last year and...

...On sale hi th...
...Telephone, Ambassador 5680...
...The right of asylum is one of the most valuable weapons of the international class struggle...
...The highlight of the decision is the removal from work in the party of Comrades Jay Lovestone and Alexander Bittleman, respectively leaders of the majority and minority factions of the party...
...Our union men are holding the lino 100%," Clarence L. Maclvor, U. 6. W. executive board member, told Federated Press...
...The attempt to mulitr puDlic services that ought to be safely owned is breaking down...
...Some ¦beta) have too much water...
...Discussion to Be Be-Opened In conclusion ECCI is moved to the following decision: 1, to liquidate factionalism by the most severe methods "clear up to expulsion" if necessary...
...That is not to sty that any government, municipal, •btofor federal, ought to questioningly wept the market value of stocks of puhto utilities as their real value...
...According to this heresy there is a crisis in capitalism, but not in tbe United States...
...M. Chernoff, well-known theoretician of the Socialist Revolutionary Party of Russia, former president of the All-Russian Constitutional Assembly, will speak tin Russian) on "The Road of Russia...
...He is collecting contributions from trade unions, businessmen who wish to see the Lyceum grow, Socialists who can contribute goods to be sold at the bazaar, and to all others who wish to help make the bazaar a success...
...Unionkto believe that this bribe held out to prevent bosses from settling shows that the U. S. W. has the open shoppers on the defensive...
...Centralia this year voted a $050,000 Bond Issue to build a Hydro-Electric generating plant on the Nisqually River, to cost nearly $1,000,000...
...Gray's Harbor is to be blessed and favored by a "cut" in rates, the company announces...
...The people of Wash...
...Its decision on the fipao valuation case has pointed out VvZL that nationalization of the railJU^ht be cheaper by $1,200,000,000 mmmBt than regulation...
...They are employed mostly in certain independent nulla in the Youngstown, O. and St...
...of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, so far as a frontal attack on the steel trust's" unorganised plants is concerned...
...As a fugitive persecuted by his Government because of his political activities Trotsky had a well-founded claim to an asylum in Germany...
...Worse, both factions "have been guilty of right errors...
...Both factions Show serious deviations to the right from the general line of the Commintern...
...Jama**, oiinvin* 7»ai...
...Carl Cummings, manager of the Lyceum, Is in active charge of the arrangements...
...Charles Dann, acted ¦ ***** of ceremonies...
...He charges Briggs with trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes, and to pacify the large users of light and power who are the only gainers, by the cut and bunk...
...On examination we find the following old and new lighting rates...
...Pity the poor Power Trust...
...Finally, exasperated, ECCI sent the American party, in Dec., 1928, an open letter and demanded that the forthcoming convention obey its orders "concerning the liquidation of factionalism...
...They may get It in their heads they can own as well as operate the Lumber Industry next...
...That right was under attack both at the New Orleans convention of the American Federation of Labor and at the Washington convention of the Workers Education Bureau...
...Then, in 1928, the Sixth World Congress of the international, pointed out that the American comrades were still acting like anything but comrades, snad demanded more action along the line of liquidation...
...On the other hand, the minority fell afoul of Trotskyism...
...Erinst Fried, John Thomas, William Waehal, John Suchala, Charles Dite, Johan Moady, Paul Pristie, John Lentz...
...Alexander Korn of 903 Lenox Road, Brooklyn, Business Agent of the union testified that Patrolman Massie was In plain clothes when he entered the restaurant and when asked by Korn who he was and why he interfered with the men, Massie struck him in the face and caused him to bleed...
...While the strikers ranks are holding firm, according to Pres...
...Pays to Buy Presidency Tfe can thank the judges appointed to Ok) court by President Harding for this aeUon...
...The Central Committee of the Communist Party has accepted unanimously this decision, The Daily Worker announces in its issue of May 20th In its issue of May 21st, The Daily Worker prints cu page one announcement stating that "by a technical error the fact that the decision was by a unanimous vote was omitted...
...They go ¦) every time rates are allowed to go up...
...Too Much Pepper The trouble with the Majority was that it stood in too great awe of American imperialism, "in underestimating the swing to the left of the American working class," and "In underestimating American reformism...
...We have not lost one striker in Boston...
...His offices are now in the Pittsfield Building, 65 W. Washington street...
...For this Comrade Lovestone was mainly respdimible...
...The Barbers and Printing Pressmen's internationals have donated $1,000 each to the strike...
...It is an outrage that a Government which considers itself revolutionary and which has arisen from the working class, should furnish the Fascists with a pretext when they wish to have possession of their revolutionaries who have escaped from their dungeons and gallows...
...These methods clearly "bear the imprint of petty bourgeois politiclandom...
...Centralia has been buying its' power from the Western Cross Arms Co...
...In Chelsea another strike kitchen serves 1,600 free meals a day...
...Before any more flat to lost we should bring about public amership of public utilities...
...This sum repack f per cent on twenty billion dol-Tw&fcb may be added to the rate base _¦ tb» railroads...
...Every night during the week the bazaar is to last will feature a prominent artist and an exceptional number, while :he regular features will continue night after night as the residents of the section and progressives from other parts of the city travel to the Lyceum to help in the celebration...
...Used n w r.s a strikebreaking chest, the remainder of this kitty in tbe event of a union victory is to be the reward of the boss who holds out the longest...
...Court Edict Aids Utilities, Thomas Says kfwftft** Leader Sees SuB5,pe Court Aiding Tendency Toward NaI sjpiaajization -jplBttAN THOMAS, Socialist candifT^,, for president last year and Joint -»^bs*n of the Socialist party's Com— on public Affairs stated this week . |j fejg opinion the Supreme Court jrytm harder than anyone else to gfcoat nationalization of railroads *y<flMr utilities...
...Seattle and Tacoma are making good with their Municipally owned power generating and distributing plants...
...and the great industrialists who kssv that they get their money's worth torn they elect a President...
...6c per K.W.H...
...Wiseman looks forward to again meeting his old-time radical and liberal friends.—ADV...
...The struggling working class must attack as a counter-revolutionary opponent every government which ventures to shake this fundamental law of democracy and the conditions for the resurrection of suppressed revolutions...
...The lesson is plain...
...Harry O. Wiseman, who was the personal physician of Eugene V. Debs when he was in the Lindlahr Sanitarium, and who, himself, has been ill for many months, has now recovered his health and is again practicing in Chicago...
...H. O. Wiseman, Who Was Debs' Physician, Resumes His Practice Dr...
...Tickets 75 cents...
...34 Iron Strikers, Held for Loitering, Win in Court Magistrate Harry Howard Dale, presiding at the Williamsburg Plaza Magistrate's Court, Brooklyn, discharged 34 striking ircn workers who were charged by Patrolman Joseph Massie of the 14th Inspection District, Brooklyn, with disorderly conduct, in congregating In the neighborhood cf the Reliance Door Co...
...that Patrolman Massie entered her restaurant, locked fhe door, and proceeded to take the names of all those present and then caused their arrest...
...Massie stated that the crowd of strikers refused to move on when told to do so...
...The American party swallowed Pepperian "exceptionalism" despite "repeated decisions of the Comintern for removal from the American party of Comrade Pepper who repeatedly exhibited opportunistic tendencies...
...scale a discussion of the questions concerning the situation within the party...
...Aided by the progressive groups, trade unions, and individuals, as well as Socialist party branches, the bazaar will be inaugurated at an entertainment, the features of which will be provided by artists who have agreed to give their services gratis In order that the moneys • aised at the bazaar may be applied to extend the usefulness of the Borough Park Labor Lyceum...
...Monthly average K.W.H...
...Rocco Maria, Max Kluge and Alexander Korn...
...Czech Communists Drop Prominent Party Leader (By s New Leader Correspondent) PRAGUE.—Deputy Muna, long a prominent member of the Caecho-Slovakian Communist Party, has been ordered excluded from the przty organization...
...7c per K.W.H...
...This fall was certainly a shock to human feeling and for the Socialists was deplorable: but no matter how one regards this struggle one must say: the Revolution defended itself in this case against Utopian Socialism, which would have been capable of bringing it to destruction...
...PHILADELPHIA— <FP) —Union hosiery workers in Philadelphia have sent $1,000 to the Elizabethan rayon strikers...
...The outlawry, the banishment, the exile of Trotsky were acts of warfare in a dangerous struggle...
...Trotsky represented over against Stalin and his group the illusions of the Revolution, the wish and the thought to metamorphose the Russian Revolution into a Socialist one...
...William Karlln, the attorney for the strikers, however, placed on the witness stand Mary Gavers...
...The exclusion order was a sequel to length...
...of 95 Dobbins Street, Brooklyn, New" York, in large numbers in the conduct of their picketing In connection with a strike pending against the iron and brass firms located on that block...
...ECCI had again found it was being flouted and once more Inveigled against "an impermissable situation of faction formation...
...J*"l*ui were made by Gerber and 7*">*rg on behlaf of the city commitBarry KrtLzer...
...Sessions were secret The union has but 10,000 members out of the 300,000 workers in the steel industry...
...A. Sltvack, I. Villatser, and others will speak...
...Communist organ...
...But there's a hitch to it...
...capitalization ji prosperity...
...Saving under new rate over old— NOTHING...
...Factionalism did not cease, and in 1926 the 6th Enlarged Plenum demanded "unconditional termination of the factional fight...
...wHb Julius Gerber...
...Into this fund each contributing shoe boss h3i> put Irom $10,000 to $180,000, depending on hi...
...Charles Spencer...
...This is the decision of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (KCCI) this week in a lengthy address to the American party published in "The Daily Worker...
...So inconsistent was the American party that at one time it expelled Comrade Pepper, denouncing him as "cowardly," and "a few days later the Central Committee reinstated him in the ranks of the party...
...The leaders of the Majority as well as the leaders of the Minority who repeatedly gave their verbal pledge to ECCI have systematically violated the decisions of ECCI and their own pledges...
...They know the only solution to the Rate problem is Public Ownership...
...The line of the Commlntern," it is alleged, was "grossly distorted...
...Teachers Convention In Chicago July 1-6 CHICAGO—(FP)—The American Federation of Teachers will hold its 13tb »nrm»i convention in Chicago at the Congress Hotel, July 1 to 6. The convention will be of particular interest to labor in general because tbe federation is expected to take a strong position on the right of freedom of teaching and freedom of learning in labor colleges in the United States...
...consumed in 5 room home between 30 to 35 K.W.H...
...We • toadd then have a definite sum which aaU be amortized at far less cost than • we must continue to pay 6 per cent to I per cent on ever rising valuations ¦ai by reproduction costs...
...The convention met, passed resolutions, debated its sick and death benefit policy, and adjourned...
...No interest of the Russian State or of the Soviet Government demanded that entry into and residence in Germany should be refused to him...
...ECCI finds that factionalism has been "unprincipled" in the American party, notwithstanding repeated definite instructions from its own august body...
...Suite 1417...
...What city will fan victim next...
...At the call of tne Lowell strikers, speakers and organizers from U. S. W. headquarters were rushed to the new industrial battle zone...
...They were cruel, but politically understandable, and from the point of view of successful policy were perhaps also necessary...
...That none of the arrested persons had been outside of her restaurant for over a half hour and some of them had been within the place for over an hour...
...and 5, to hand over the case of the hapless Comrade Pepper to the International Control Commission Having thus liquidated factionalism once again, ECCI then invites the Communists to start it all over ag-in by initiating within the party "on a larg...
...Three union shoe workers who have Just been released after serving 10-day sentences, are believed to be the first persons actually jailed in Massachusetts for contempt of court in an industrial dispute—In this oase violation of an anti-picketlng injunction...
...With the same injustice with which the Soviet Government comes forward against the right of asylum of political fugitives who are inconvenient to it, Mussolini, Primo de Rivera, Horthy, Zlvkovic and Liaptschew can come forward against the right of asylum of the Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Yugoslavian and Bulgarian emigration...
...In 1925, ECCI stated "the factional struggle must absolutely cease...
...On July 1st...
...New arrests of pickets on trumped up charges continually occur...
...After hearing only two witnesses for the defense, Magistrate Dale discharged all of the defendants The defendants were: Joseph Sparacin, C. Cores, Louis Goldstein, Issie Lobel...
...State are getting "on to" the tactics of the Power Trust...
...but which he has not offered until he volunteered his services for the bazaar...
...tote buy out public utilities even at ¦••eat par value would be far better ftaa to remain at the mercy of private ¦¦Paiatkms which find public service •atsaBssiona and courts so friendly to •tot as five Justices of the Supreme "tort have once more proved themselves, kjtoe O Fa lion decision the Socialist J5 fcaa new justification of the pub« ownership position which Itr'has con•atoafly taken...
...4, to reorganize the American party's secretariat...
...purpose of further factional struggle...
...New York Socialists Give Joseph Weil Testimonial Dinner flwtoUsti from various parts of the city ***tom worked with Comrade Joseph a veteran of every Socialist fight **gat daring the last quarter of a cen¦T «r more, paid tribute to him and to *¦ ojvotkm to the cause of Socialism at * T—< In ii 111111 dinner given in his honor ** Friday evening, May 17, at the Phil* Morris Mansion, in Brooklyn...
...Theodore Podest, Joseph Kontroes, Claus Wiebalk, Walter Wakeford, Andre Gluck, Joseph Mataych...
...and will be over $300,000 on Jan...
...1st, 1930...
...Louis P. Goldberg, y-ftto Rotter representing the city **ttolW committee of the Socialist parg*"tol than 100 Socialists, representa* P'rty branches throughout the y**tor City were present to bespeak ¦torjegtrd and the esteem In which Joe y b held by the rank and file of the yWtot movement, many of whom can *beir conversion to Socialism to ^*totognmg he has done and is still ¦tog on the platform practically every « the year...
...ECCI Grows Impatient "All of this was absolutely of no avail so far," ECCI complains In its current edict...
...Those who seek to break ranks and settle with the union, it has been asserted on credible authority, are persuaded to stay in the fight against the union by means of an open shop fund started by the big anti-union concerns...
...Compared With Fascism But to attempt to prevent Trotsky's entry into Germany or Norway, as the Soviet Government and the Norwegian Communists have done, cannot correspond to any political necessity, but is the expression of a mean, vindictive disposition, which in decent people can only awaken disgust and indignation...
...Rand School office, or by telephone, at Dr...
...In the great human and political tragedy of Trotsky this refusal of admission to Germany, which can be traced back to Russian influence, is truly only an unimportant interlude...
...We continue to hold fast to this conviction, but the fate of Trotsky and Mjasnikow teaches us that this elementary right of a suppressed revolution must be defended not only against the Mussolini of the right but also against the Stalin of the left...
...Since the invention of the automatic puddler, the union has shrunk to include sheet and tin plate workers, for the most part...
...Its normal production is 100 case* a day...
...S. Ingerman...
...There has obviously clear way of fixing values, aad any effort to fix them by methods kfletofore used is enormously expensive a tsne and money...
...Janes calls »o the jrablir to back the fight far a CMy Light PtaaL far which sentiment feaa grown strong recently...
...Quite rightly they call a government which refuses the right of asylum, or which demands extradition, a hangman's government...
...It "was unable to dissociate Itself at the right time from Trotskyism and did not struggle properly against it" Acceptance of Pepperism, being the theories of Mr...
...7c per K.WJL Second 2*0 K.W.H...
...Strike May Spread Spreading of the strike to more distant towns is foreshadowed In a walkout of workers from a factory in Lowell, 25 miles north of Boston...
...One half of the 10,000 strikers said by the union to be out are from factories which were open shop before the drive...
...After a six month survey by a rate "expert...
...Brlggs published In the Aberdeen "World" of April 30, shows that 72% of the light consumers receive no reduction at all...
...Lovestone and Bittleman thus join in outer darkness, unrelieved by blessed proximity to paid party Jobs, others whom they have in the past consigned to the discard, among them William Z. Foster and James P. Cannon...
...Steel Union Fails to Face Organizing Problem CANHOIUBBUBO, Pa.—(PP)—Futility marked the convention of the Amalgamated Assn...
...Utility Co...
...And one could find it comprehensible from the point of view of the Russian rulers that they wished to subdue with all the means at their command one who seemed to be a dangerous enemy to them...
...Reproduction costs at peculiarly unfair, first, because they an sever be accurately determined, and, aaond, because society itself has helped to create the high values for which it aat bow pay not only because it has an franchise* to the railroads but also ¦Kaon in so many cases the land on rnieh the railroads now seek valuation ¦sad on reproduction costs was a gift Pabsc Ownership Justified *B we owned our public utilities, lnMisg the railroads, this question.would aaar arise, short of public ownership to* future holds nothing except a confetti wrangle on valuations with a steady trend upward...
...Municipal ownership seems contagious...
...m sat street railway industries," he 2t "toe going to profit by this decision 1 fs«n the railroads until that mowhen the people get enough money mm t» take them over and keep them gg* being used as a constant gamble B prtess...
...The large coBsyineia get the cut and tbe people get the bunk, a mage of complicated figures -aad talk...
...there is a necessity for struggling against the right danger, but not in the American party...
...Factionalism alone was standing in the way of the American Communists from accomplishing their "historic mission...
...The company promised rate cuts but could not defeat tbe voting of the Bonds...
...The rest of tbe cost will be paid out of the City's profits from the electric distribution plant which amounts to over $230,000...
...As Socialism in Russia is a Utopia, the overthrow of Trotsky is historically founded and indeed can hardly be remedied?' When Trotsky was banished to Siberia from the Kremlin, outlawed as a traitor and counter-revolutionary, when he was expelled and exiled from the party and the country which were born out of his revolution, and sent across the frontiers, the grim reality born of the Revolution triumphed over the illusions and Utopias of a great realist...
...The last legal obstacle was swept aside last week in Court...
...Ernest Henry of the new independent union, the shoe bosses' association is also keeping its men In line...
...One of the nights will find August ClaesserJs, organizer of the New York Socialist organizations going back to the entertainment for which he was famous years ago...
...Joseph Petetl, Ernst Slgle, Herman Humprecht, Frank Ojojowisch, Leo Roziger, Desmond Davlgnon, Tom Gavigan, William Hartung, E. McDonald, John Weidennan, Erich Reichelt, Walter Reichelt...
...OLD LIGHTING RATES First 2«« K.W.H...
...The City Council toss diseased condemnation proceedings, or entering into competition on a small scale with a rapid expansion program...
...Possibly Billingham or Everett...
...No right thinking person can receive the information of this action without a feeling of indignation...
...Joseph Hubka...
...The convention became the arena for "unprincipled maneuvers" and was "mobilized for th...
...there is a leftward swing of the masses, but not in America...
...Soviet Wish Bans Trotsky From Germany Stalin Using Tactics of Fascism in Refusing Political Enemy Home in Exile (By 2 New Leader Correspondenti Berlin,—Notoriously by the wish of the Soviet Government, Trotsky has been refused an asylum in Germany...
...She testified that all the arrested strikers had been in her restaurant for over a half hour prior to the arest...
...He stated that while the gfjl decision leaves the Interstate (sonerce Commission free to recapture pdtiosd excess earnings on a basis only dfcjrillT higher than the present one, the (MoT was that the inferior and subserstate public service commissions sasM take it as an excuse for letting futilities have everything they wanted k p* my of a high rate base and highsrgsf "The power industry alone," he 104, "may as a consequence of such misgf>M|Bi laflnn of the decision secure the pMsga of charging rates on as much as tm Bfitton dollars more than was actuary pot into the industry...
...Over 400 K. W.H...
...Makes Phoney Rate Cut to Defeat Municipal Electric Plant Reduction Exposed as Aiding Large Consumers Only—City Plants Attracting Support (9t a Wow leader CorreoaoBdent) ABERDEEN...
...2, to remove Lovestone and Bittleman from work in the party...
...All over 35 K.W.H...
...Borough Park Socialists To Have Bazaar Four years of service to the Socialist ar.d labor movement, as well as to the community in which it is located, will be commemorated by the Borough Park abor Lyceum and its friends at a bazaar which will begin Saturday, June 1, and continue until the following Satur ¦ day, June 8. It will be held at the Lyceum building, 14th avenue and 42nd street...
...4 He per K.WJL NEW LIGHTING BATES First 35 K.W.H...
...It complains that at the last convention not only was factionalism not abated but became more accentuated...
...John Pepper, one-time emissary from Third International to the American party, caused much of the trouble., Comrade Pepper held to the theory of "American exceptionillsm...
...Replying to statements by the manufacturers that their factories are 'operating', he stated that one large representative shop on which the union had definite information was sending seven cases of shoes a day to the shipping room...
...Regan Jones, of the firm of Jones and Jones, in an open letter to Vice Pres...
...Herbert Hoover, one of your loyal States seems to be headed for Socialism...
...Contributors can communicate with him at the lyceum...
...Chernoff To Speak At Rand School Tonight On 'The Road of Russia' The Relief Society for Socialist Prisoners and Exiles in Soviet Russia, has organized a Symposium, Saturday, May 25, at 8 p. m., in the auditorium of the Rand School, 7 East 15th Street...
...who conducts a restaurant at 57 Norman Avenue...
...The address opens with reference to the "unprincipled struggle of many years standing" within the American party...
...3, to reject the demand of the minority for another party convention...
...It would to ar cheaper for the people of the BnBea states to substitute bonds at the ¦cast par value of outstanding public •BBtJ securities for those security...
...Wash,—With a dairying shower of figures and paid advertizing, the Grays Harbor Railway and Light Company's Vice President, "Wally" Brtggs is staging a grand stand play against municipal ownership of an electric generating plant...
...there is the necessity of accentuating the struggle against reformism, but not in America...
...If a capitalist Government refuses this right to a Communist, or If a counter-revolutionary government demands the extradition of a fleeing Communist, then the Communists with perfect right call out that the working class must protect the persecuted revolutionaries...
...infra-party tuutiuvaratoa Shoe Bosses, Desperate, RaisingFund Boston Strikers Keep Employers on the Defensive—Relief Kitchen Operating DOSTON— (FP>—Deadlocked in Its eighth week, the strike of the United Shoe Workers in Boston and nearHy" cities begins to look like an endurance contest...
...Louis districts...
...Tacoma is the pride of supporters of public ownership...
...B. C. VTadeck, man*J* °f the Daily Forward, Bery* * Riley, and others...
...Factionalism persisted...
...Nothing availed...
...Sam Fried2*** Gertrude Weil Klein, daughter * guest, of honor, and herself promhi SocUost and labor circles, renEyjto vocal soles...
...The relief kitchen recently opened in Boston by the United Shoe Workers is feeding 1.000 people twice daily...
...Joseph Stein, well known Brooklyn Socialist, is chairman of the Bazaar Committee...
...5c per K.W.H...
...The Supreme Court ¦srsnk* the mistake of convincing the that the Socialists have been right fix power industry, the telephone...
...Moscow Orders American Communist Leaders To Cease Work in Party Lovestone, Bittleman and Pepper Disciplined for Factionalism — Discussion to Be Resumed COMMUNIST PARTY factionalism 's to be subjected to still another liquidation...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 19

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