SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK _i Mftce of the aoetanat m^St* at ZS53 Washington a* «- WBnani H. Henry ¦VSKweatrw Secretary. Inej**e»*32_7 arxinizatioB. speakJt* "gLTwneU. book*....

...Sunday, May 26th, at 8:30 p.m...
...In view of the present situation in the South, this topic is of unusual importance and Interest...
...Open air meetings were also discussed and a committee was elected...
...EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - the Executive Committee of Greater New Ycrk urges each member of the YPSL to become guardian of one or several newsstands in his neighborhood, which stands are to be placarded with small posters advertising Feature Articles in the Weekly...
...He will speak on "The Economic Revolution in the United States...
...c.narle.' ha» b*en *f'^a» *»t* membership as the j fiWOBSBB»teeman for the State of, •bf^Mer of Fairmont, has been ' l* "jfjoonal Committeeman for a* west Virginia...
...May 21, at 1167 Boston Road...
...Rae and Essy Botwinick...
...gjtHMwd enactment of the twentieth bat succeeded in securing J**** from onlv five of a necessary Bate legislatures...
...May 24, at 218 Van Sicklen Avenue...
...New York City Coming Events May 38—New Leader Dance lane 6—Meyer London Memorial Meeting at the 2nd Avenue Theatre, 2nd Ave...
...Eager crowds Bed the auditorium of Labor Institute ratr Barman Thomas define the imabb) abas of the Socialist Partv...
...a musicI at, Th* International," a dance east, sad tongs by the YCL glee taaar Aarikos Entertain Parents tte ante Amikos of the Bronx Cen11M Boston Road, held a "Parents' bk* sanday evening...
...Comrade Jager spoke to a large audience at Britol and Pitkin Avenues...
...Sam Isman, Honnie and Dorothy Rubenstein...
...street, Boston...
...Boston, at 8 p. m...
...An enrolled voters meeting is being planned for the near future and since the theatre party did not &an out, .he branch is arranging an automobile muting in the early part of June...
...Comrade MeGuire...
...A new constitution was adopted to conform with Maryland election laws fad the new due* system adopted by the national convention was approved... was announced that more than 110 had been raised by Edrard P. Clarke for the British Labor Party campaign fund and more to follow... 62 East 106th street...
...b fla bat two months, since the apBate* af Prank J. Manning as orsar, than has been a gratifying increase In the sate of dues stamps, our, iympeirrtt*r* have grown and the organization ha* become more opttnustle and active...
...Laws on fcT"* *o not tell the whole story SawfS...
...Dancing to a real jazz band . . . excellent program admission 25 cents...
...The State Convention The one day state convention met in 'Hagerstown on Mav 12 with members from Baltimore, Cumberland and Hagerstown...
...relish Soelauct Alliance The Salem Branch of the P. S. A. will hold a meeting Sunday...
...No admission charge...
...The sieeting was well attended...
...IJjJJam't compensation vary trea^5 "¦B *tate to state...
...Our May a aaaaasaaUon this year was the ¦a* ante the war...
...May 21...
...Most iounties have now issued their enroll - ¦nent lists...
...May 19th...
...Branch members are asked to contribute...
...The gain is largely the result of the renewal of branch activities In which most of the members are parttdpatte... Christmas... 1167 Boston Road...
...Let's make this a real go: CIRCLE 6. MANHATTAN—on Sunday...
...harmful child labor does still S Ibis is steadily, though slowly, UMer control, and the most flahave, for the most part, been 2**total age group from 10 to 15 ~*> SUafaHy employed in non-agrlculthere were 686.213 (7.1 per gaaa group) in 1900 compared with jjjjort oss succeeded in securing 5™*sa from onlv five of a necessary fate legislatures...
...Five dollars was donated to the Southern mill strikers...
...Esther Friedman of New York was the speaker and Samuel M. Neistadt represented the party...
...Orpmuation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young- People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...Meetings will be held Friday evenings at 2127 82nd Street...
...J. May 21, s*30 n., hl^ Fred_8htthnan ^3f^tb« lJKh^A^D tory of BRONX Central Branch MMabeiahhj Gaining Six new sppUoatloxaa have been submitted and approved...
...EVERY MEMBER GET A MEMBER" is the auogaa...
...Campaign bhajraong program has been araal lor Sunday evening...
...City Convention Delegates A number of branches have not forwarded the names of the delegates to the City Convention...
...Erica May Brooks... "•J^SaweBBw to the National bp** « S. b> bo local erganisa*» ^ vM»*X yon may becoaao ¦ ¦ Large by applying far the National Office...
...It has the appearance yf a small magazine and bears the name "Spotlight...
...The first meeting of the iSeries will be held on Saturday evening...
...Flans are being considered for open air meetings in the near future...
...BROOKLYN Oncal to Address 12 nd A. D. James Oneal the speaker at a meeting of enrolled Socialist Voters to be held Friday evening...
...with Alfred Baker Lewis as the speaker on "Socialism and Americanism" at 22 Kosciuszko street, Salem...
...The ana constated of songs by Bertha an, s latltatkai by Florence OoldBk t ststant, "a gaming scene," v and ¦ abbas by Mr...
...We are interested f.^2f« ss is scientifically post iSS*1 development of all chil§b_i~™ work, under conditions set I - ¦u...
...ln^Sulleung No...
...On Friday night...
...Resolutions demanding the release of Mooney end Billings and expressing sympathy with the textile strikers ware adopted...
...Dancing, refreshments and a short address by Barnet Wolff rounded out a pleasant evening...
...we are holding a social evening...
...Charles W. Erwin of New York was the principal speaker...
...They are Libby Klein...
...Comrade Patrick Murphy, who hat been canvassing enrolled voters, reports a wider interest than was generally anticipated...
...State [¦*J -«•*¦«¦ this comment: "Com- j **E^~S)» prominent business man t8...
...The chairman of every official county committee is entitled to a :opy and should Insist on getting It...
...The two meetings held have been successful...
...Massachusetts Boston The Boston Central Branch and the Sipsels will hold their regular Friday educational meetings at 31 Essex street...
...Ten members joined after Mr...
...CIRCLE 2. BROOKLYN—Circle 2. Brooklyn, invites all Yipsels and their friends to a social to be held at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street, on Sat., May 25th...
...Bella Lipshitz of the Filials...
...and poverty resulting jy™t too little wages, caused by rjJWtiuong workers, and not by hnT-T* *° Produce...
...Thus, it is our WL "5* only to secure the enforceB^™ wlnimum standards of the •laJS™* labor Committee, which CEaettw than the existent conb*Bt HLttnoer capitalism, further to EL* «»feguards surrounding the I?™*8 01 folks 18 years of age or •mTJS™ lt* abolition, and also, CPattttv* aids ii^were are certain more vital Er" « considered from the view fjgsocialist...
...We are a*Bf little by little in breaking t tbaater of alienee with which the m asafspi 11 have been greeting us...
...who spoke on "The YCL and Education...
...Brighton Beach Branch Simon Cohen, organizer of the Brighton Beach Branch, urges all members of the branch to attend a meeting to be held at his home, 58 Ivy Court, near Tth Street, Brighton Beach, on Tuesday pvening...
...b»J manner the State Committee • ^««at an intensive campaign to 2#ast party in West Virginia...
...Everybody welcome...
...R. B. Hot tetter of Hagsrstown...
...May 14...
...if possible, to establish a Philadelphia edition of the Reading Advocate...
...The following Saturday evening...
...Communicate with Rose Rubinstein, 24 E. ?451 Giles Place...
...BRONX BORO MEETING—Comrade Frank Poree will address the joint meeting of all Yipsel circles of the Bronx on The Negro & the New Social Order, on Sunday...
...May 21...
...Jasper Barnett Cowdln...
...This work is being undertaken in conjunction with the other Eastern States and we must do our share...
...NEW YORK CITY EVENTS EIGHTH A. D. BRONX YPSEL circle, through the ehorts of Party members, has re-established a budding Yipsel circle...
...Pennsylvania PbBtifhipJa Reports rtTstlphli moves forward...
...A number of other enrolled voters signified their willingness to join...
...The price of admission • k M cents...
...The meetings will be held in Dr...
...Socialists residing in that assembly district are asked to communicate with Comrade Murphy, at 1831 Cedar Avenue, Bronx...
...which will also be held at 218 Van Sicklen Avenue, at 8.30 p. m. BenSonhurst Open Air Meetings The first branch in the city to make arrangements for an entire series of open air meetings is the 16th A. D. Branch...
...14-15-18 A. D. Branch The Yorkville Branch of the Socialist Party has begun to increase its membership...
...Branch Jamaica The Women's Branch and the Jamaica Branch of the party held an enjoyable affair last Sunday night at the Workmen's Circle building on 161st Street...
...At their next branch meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 21, Dr...
...QUEENS Snnnyside Branch At the meeting of the Branch on Tuesday...
...These talks are Intended "to help speakers for the coming campaign...
...Next Monday night...
...At a meeting last Thursday...
...P. J: Marphy Canvasses 8th With a membership that has already reached the number of 30, all anxious to do their assigned duties, the recently organized 8th A D. Branch is nourishing...
...May 18...
...Leonard Bright spoke on "Progressive Unionism...
...Fred Shu'.man spoke on "The History of Marriage...
...All readers living In raar CSteafo should be sure to re^dai asy for attendance at the California Las Angeles • Ba af the first local organizations to lot tat request of The New Leader to !¦ ax affair each year is the South m artnoh of Lot Angeles...
...Coming- Events Sunday, May 26—All-day outing to Indian Point on the Hudson...
...May 25...
...May 19...
...and good volunteer readers from the audience will give s poetry recital at the Labor Temple Poetry Forum...
...New York City, Thursday, May 30th, 8.15 to 10.30 n m. Young Circle News (The Young Circle clubs haze been formed by the Workmen's Circle to provide children of its members an opportunity for social and intellectual contacts in an atmosphere sympathetic to the ideals of the labjr wovemcut...
...Afros addressed the meeting...
...might be utilized tn a Socialist regime under workers' control...
...Crosswaith Attracts Large Audiences Resuming the campaign among the Negro workers which has already given the Socialists a substantial following is the 21st Assembly District, Frank Crosswaith is holding meetings almost every night and is selling large quantities of literature of special interest to Negro workers...
...Tuesday evening...
...Louis Edelstein was chosen temporary chairman and Rae Botwinick temporary secretary...
...Many clubs will abkeb The program constats of the h act of "The Weavers...
...Henry Jager will begin a series of six lecture* on successive Saturday evenings on the same corner...
...Several1 Lac ease* will be staged on the ath¦^saab...
...I Comrades Lewis and Kalian have been active in speaking for the shoe strikers in Boston and Chelsea...
...The bbSI sete Hv Kaolan of the Flatbush Seniors, who spoke on "The YCL and the Labor Movement...
...Croat ¦ atth's Tour j Prank R. Crosswaith will be in this district for a tour from June 22 to Juiv 28 inclusive...
...Ben Kabakow a awter of ceremonies... follows: Donald Thompson, May 17...
...Athletic events...
...William A. Toole of Baltimore, organiser: Dr...
...B. Lillienbloom on taste and Children...
...Furthermore, each stand could be supplied with Leaders and excellent arrangements might be made which would be acceptable to any newspaperman...
...Moe Becker, Louis Edelstein...
...Latest rePJJoacate that a considerable amount I...
...This work would fit in as a supplementary part of the education of the child...
...At 10.00 sharp we will leave...
...In I tar tie Branch helps The New aar sad th* latter reciprocates bv Bj ass the homes of six subscribers a at* become permanent readers...
...Power": A. H. Kalish, May 31, "Avoiding Bureaucracy...
...The proceeds win go it* fund being raised to buy tools for Sea* axettan Jews...
...Other participants were Belle Finkelsteln...
...Mayor of Milwaukee, i w tat principal speaker...
...The ¦**}**• a great inspiration...
...Action Committee Meeting The Socialist Action Committee will meet on Tuesday...
...The new State Committee was trartrueted to renew publication of a weekly paper as soon as possible, a weekly edition of the Beading Advocate being favored...
...He will try to cover as many sranch meetings as possible during the week beginning Monday night...
...A special drive is being made to secure a large attendance at Oneal's lecture, at which it is expected additional party members may be obtained...
...Watnick is the Director...
...Copies of "The Next Emancipation," a pamphlet written by James Oneal, editor of the New Leader, with a foreword by Frank Crosswaithe, organiser of the United Colored Socialists of America, will be on sale at this meeting...
...r Illinois I f^fgt BJaafaet a Big Sneeess -J^3»«t given in honor of the Z^mltthe National Executive ComI^M aw Douglas Park Labor Ly_i DiSMl'T evening... 7 p. m...
...Samuel M. Neistadt of Baltimore, secretary...
...Branches or members at iiraf that want meetings are asked to write at oi:ce to the state office, 21 Esse...
...L1LLIAS S. KAPLAN EDITOR Wkltthed Every Week bv The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League i rreUeaaa of Child Labor iSttaTHW on the problem of child ^ **ar hat not been so active recently...
...Comrade Epstein reports that each of the meetings held recently has been successful and that the attendance is on th...
...June 2—General membership meeting of all junior clubs at the Amaleamated Co-onerative Houses...
...The subscription price is one dollar per year and is published at 908 CNeil street, Cheyenne...
...Oar goal la 600 sew members...
...Speakers, including McAlister Coleman, will address the membership and enrolled voters... 4 p.m...
...James L. Smiley of anna polls, Elizabeth Oilman, Charles Bernstein...
...Our colored comrade is an able and experienced lecturer and is wen able to discuss the topic...
...All Yipsels and their friends are invited to join us . . . bring your lunch...
...Members of the new committee are William Munro of Cumberland, chairuui...
...Wyoming The first issue of a 12-page bulletin in mimeograph form appeared on May Dry in Cheyenne as an organ of the Socialist Party...
...May 12...
...A. B. Lewis, May 24...
...May 19th, Circle 6 will meet at 9:30 a.m sharp, at 242nd street, Van Cortandt Park station, for a hike to Ardsley-onthe- Hudson...
...May 21...
...Breslaw will speak on "The* Labor Situation in South America...
...May 5. was a **j «w—a Three hundred people ¦JL a»aa collection of S607 was j 5^ at bek> defray the expenses of oisste Meeting and to carry on L J a>ftBlsttk>n ntaea Picnic Sanday, June 9 '^Tgit Mg event in" Cook County • total annual press picnic at Riyer-1 ¦ Boan... carries a number 3t short propaganda articles, an open forum for discussion, and runs an announcement of the book by the late Eugene V. Debs, "Walls and Bars...
...on the corner of 68th Street and Bay Parkway, with Frank Crosswaith and Samuel Stodel as the speakers...
...Another meeting of the branch win be held on Tuesday evening...
...raaamnaeernen Electee ,f 141...
...Comrade Goldberg will begin a series of talks on "Muncipal Issues in New York York City...
...Maryland Baltimore The Central Labor Union cooperated with the Socialist Party in a Mooney protest meeting here but owing to a heavy rain the audience was not as large as it otherwise would have been...
...Comrade Alexander Walker who was the guest speaker addressed the membership... 8.30 p. m. A number of important matters are to be taken up...
...Branches which fail to respond in the near future will have delegates elected for them by the City Central Committee...
...State Office Notes A special appeal for funds for printing pamphlets and leaflets and putting speakers.steadily on the road has been started...
...Amalgamated Apartments Branch Members of the Amalgamated Cooperative Apartments Branch are extending the last meeting two new maabbor* were admitted, and the appltcaUonwol several nso...
...Building the party was thoroughly discussed and it was geoeratt* agreed that the time ts st hand whan rebuilding can be accomplished... are numerous violaCtn.iTiletter and spirit of the existLjy...
...a staunch Socialist, a flrst^rtft- inwrrr and was our can**5oeternor in the last election... 1373 42nd Street, final plans for these meetings wiill be made, committees aril: be elected and a report will be rendereC of the successful luncheon held on Maj 4. Socialists residing in Bensonhurst art asked to attend the open air meetings...
...The program will consist of a symposium on dancing, with demonstrations, and other surprise features...
...242 E. 14th Street...
...American Imperialism...
...Cinrt st Help Toe...
...Labor Temple Poetry Forum Doctor Leon Feraru of Columbia University...
...oi.r.Frf, anri T j*a H*r< arp obtainable at the City Office and New Leader Office...
...May 20...
...Claessens and Walker at 22-13 A. D. Comrade Claessens on his return from the South will address this branch at 600 West 181st Street, Room 10...
...The new members will be admitted in a body at the next meeting of the branch and It will add to the impreasiveneaa of the occasion if there is a large attendance...
...JJlT*y*ltnd domestic service, street r^**Bg*rcna trades and occupations...
...Senior dab m Bensonhurst A senior club was organized last Sunday in Bensonhurst...
...NATIONAL CONVENTION—it is suggested to the New Yorkers that if they desire to be well represented at the coming National Conven'ion it would be proper to purchase du?s stamps, that being one small reason for paving dues...
...The ¦at hea s card party and the pro• ten devoted to paying for six Bsbanat to The New Leader...
...Latest rcEJjajak that a considerable amount a, J?* Per cent of the group) in 5 akeitbildren 647.309 in 1920) are !?*M.b agriculture and the total iy * these 10-15 years of age em* t*t», according to the census, ff-S'Jglor 8.5 per cent of the 12,daalren of those ages, ot the lack of any Federal legb^g QjaUaont relative to minimum 2goTment, school attendance, K"JJWx, night work, work permits... 8 o'clock, at the People's House, 7 East 15th St., in room 509...
...The lecture by August Claessens on May 2 was well attended and the members were weU pleased...
...May 24...
...It is expected that every branch member will attend and bring with him or her some friend or neighbor...
...The next session this Sunday at 12:00 noon, will discuss "Why I Am or Am Not a Socialist...
...this problem is great"V vith unemployment and pov¦"¦¦Wcyment resulting from the Producing more than they are a^ecntume...
...Round-trip fare ifrom Van Cortlandt Park) is 25c...
...On the 26th...
...and 2nd St lone 15 and 18—City Convention June 15—City Convention Ban*net Claeeaens to VisH Branches August Claessens will begin a tour 3f the Branches beginning Monday...
...Branches particularly anxious to have him are asked to telephone the party office, Algonquin 4260... i and school...
...Q*- Incidentally, New York ¦j™"** relatively high in its juvenile bl 1929...
...The hall was filled with old and voung folks who enjoyed an excellent entertainment of recitations given by a number of youngsters...
...Comrade Volovick of the Socialist Party has also offered her services to make this circle one of the largest in the Bronx...
...All are children of members of the Workmen's Circle...
...Mhb Win Oratorical Trophy lb Both (intermediates) of Browns¦ aaa the banner in the intermea* tad senior oratorical contest... rase it is impossible for any local to get a copy of the enrollment, the State OfSee will supply a list of enrolled SoctalIst voters to the local secretary...
...May 9. an appeal by Julius Gerber resulted In two applications...
...New York State State Secretary Merrill requests that every local secretary make a compiliation of enrolled Socialist voters within the jurisdiction of the local' organization, and arrange to canvas every name For membership, paying particular attention those who appear to have enrolled ts Socialists for the first time...
...In report'TTikft^" Comrade Higgins...
...At a recent meeting, efforts of other groups, including the Communists, to diminish the size of Crosswaith s audience by opposition were made, but without success...
...Comrade Harrsen made an app4ai for the British Labor Party Campaign and contributions were made by various members...
...dances by IbjBXt, The Tailor Shop...
...At a meeting of the branch to be held Friday evening...
...summer activities and...
...Members of the 21st Assembly District arc elated at the showing Socialists are making at Crosswaith's meetings...
...Jane Dransfield...
...who so ably took charge of all arrangements i last year, has again offered his services...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-1* A. D. Branch Tuesday, May 14, at the Cooperative Cafeteria, a number of interesting meetines were planned...
...Sarah and Anna Schmukler...
...Alexander Walker of the Scottish Labor Party will deliver a short talk on "British Labor Party...
...The party and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers held a May Day meeting and concert...
...23rd A. D. Branch At the last meeting on Monday evening...
...Martha Solomons, Abe Wasserman and Jack Sewitch...
...May 19...
...An Action Committee has Just been formed for the purpose of H«n^ii«s...
...Clarence Tayor, and 8. H. Lacey of Cumberland...
...Watnick's Office, at 3451 Giles Place, the Sholom Aleichem Co-operative...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 18

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