Wis. Students Defend Three Pitt Expelled Collegians of Nation Urged to Join in Protest Against Pittsburgh Expulsions <*y a Haw TeaSar CtrnapieSiaO mf ADXSON, Wisconsin,—The expulsion 1 of...

...His speech was suggestive and created unprecedented enthusiasm, and the chairman was our friend and colleague, Kiigman, business manager of the A. C. W. In the afternoon the Young Circle clubs and the women members of the Workmen's Circle as well as many others assembled at our club rooms...
...Only recently it has carried on a campaign against the terror of the coal and iron company police...
...From the craft point of view the building workers are th heart, center and backbone of the American Federation of Labor...
...Yet the craftsmen here mentioned receive twice and, to some instances, thrice the pay of a silk weaver or machinist...
...The strikers are not Comsssnsti but are merely shoe workers on arfee far better conditions and with the tstsnitnitlrin to form a progressive unfce which shall represent the wishes of IS* rank and file...
...One resolution, signed by Sidney Slotznlck, secretary of the Liberal Club of the University of Wisconsin, is addressed to William Albertson...
...suspended professor, and Arthur McDowell and Frederick Woltman, expelled students...
...It seemed a miracle to the case-hardened business men that so many thousand men could keep on battling without asking any other craft for financial aid- On the contrary many of the boss wreckers and truckmen began to desert and sign separate agreements and put up bonds for their future behavior...
...The Harvard club has sent the following letter to Mr...
...The occasion was the annual building trades war and the prophets and pioneers of the new era were the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Chauffeurs, Local 816, and the House Wreckers Union...
...Worse than both of these were the brutal lectures and threats of deportations on the part of the legal nabobs who had been clothed ta brief authority and robed by the political tailors and milliners of the governing machines...
...The contractors were further dismayed when they saw there was no appeal for funds on the part of either craft on strike...
...Tammany Dogberries and McCooey-manufactured cadis ta Queens and Manhattan handed down harsh sentences and big fines...
...Such an overflow at the Mass Meeting, such splendid concerts and such a turn out will long be remembered...
...We also had an Italian speaker from the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and he was followed by our very good Comrade Woods worth...
...For five weeks they struggled with the five boroughs for a battlefield and all of the boss wreckers and brick dealers and material men as their enemies...
...After their program was ironed out they declared a strike and agreed that no one accept terms without the consent of the other...
...These men guided their followers with intelligence and worked like Trojans all ;hrough the strike...
...This speaker spoke of the movement very encouragingly...
...Woltman have helped bring to the attention of the public the brutal and deliberate murder of John Barkoski...
...Every known form of violence and ter-ortsm were resorted to by the boss wreckers and trackmen and their tools of :he law and order brigades to smash the strike and loosen the solidarity of the :ombined crafts...
...Resolutions have been adopted calling on students all over the nation to back the three involved in the Pennsylvania conflict...
...Bosses AU Sign Up • The fifth week saw the ranks of the two crafts unbroken with no deserters or whiteflaggers...
...If you have any left, put them to work...
...They *ave taken out twenty m ffcirty injunctions already for the sup?mi Tioistion of which many strikers gcia been arrested...
...It is" our opinion that such moves to censorship are altogether unfair and unwarranted, and The Harvard Liberal Club declares itself openly at war with any force which seeks to pervert, or to prevent the publication of, any truth which is of such vital concern...
...The answer is that an employing builder can not supplant his workers or break a strike by sending his orders elsewhere as Is done often by the textile magnate when weavers are on strike...
...ox manufacturers faced with the loss a* * season are becoming desperate and sn trying all measures to put an end to lae strike...
...We celebrated May day with a Mass Meeting in one of the largest of halls we could get We had a splendid set of speakers...
...The second speaker was Alderman J. Schubert, who gave us a thoughtful talk on local and international questions and was followed by H. C. Kalserman...
...Local 95...
...Morris TTUkroit, who is to go abroad in the near future, has oonssTitad to delirwr an address, the title of Which is to be announced in an Invitation which is to be addressed to the residents of the section...
...The boss wreckers offered their strikers anything and more than was asked if they would only eliminate clause twenty-five of the agreement which stipulated that all material must be hauled by members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Chauffeaurs...
...The uninitiated asks, "Why...
...It is because the boss builders are so tied to the Jobs that the building workers could win the highest wage scales...
...Iajwaetien In Force...
...Being hardboiled and calloused to the ways of humans, especially the exploiters, they did as hardheaded men usually do...
...The red flags were there too, and plenty police protection, but we could hav spared them the trouble as all was going on fine...
...Recsgnttton of the United Shoe Workers, via standard wages and working eondisoos, ire also demanded...
...Leonard M Wallstein, Counsel for the Citizens' Union, and Mayor Mitchells Commissioner of Accounts, will preside...
...Montreal Labor And Socialists Are Enthused rBy a New Leader OSTWSSwaaeat) Montreal,—May Day celebration to this city has given the trade unions as well as the Socialist organizations new Impetus...
...This week witnessed the last of the House Wreckers Association walk the plank and promise to be good...
...There was singing and music furnished by the members of the Y. C. L. The New Leader was distributed and was taken by many with a will...
...yon are out of subscription cards, send for some...
...The members of the Liberal Club of the University of Wisconsin consider this curbing and strangling of the expression of opinion on important social issues in Pittsburgh a further indication that the charge "Mellon University" is true...
...One learned a lesson from this strike...
...On Tuesday they signed up and swallowed their pride and the hated clause twentyfive with it...
...McDowell can be interpreted only as the natural concomitants of an administrative attitude which is a direct violation of the principle of academic freedom...
...Comrades are asked to keep that date open and to attend the meeting...
...The luncheon wiH take the farm of a symposium on "A Program for New York City—1939-13...
...The skill factor is a poor third and by no means as important as the friends and special pleaders of the craft unions claim it is...
...Mention should be made of Alexander Marks of a. F. of L., Martin Lacy and William Leary of the Teamsters and Chauffeurs Union and Charles Glenn and P. Ostreco of the House Wrecker...
...The Liberal Club and Mr...
...Given certain uniform economic factors, good spirit and clear understanding with intelligent direction and crafts ta different unions can combine and win signal victories...
...The magnates tried wiles and industrial bribery in the shape of separate contracts for the wreckers union with substantial increase to pay...
...They also see this incident as a threat to "academic freedom" and to the socially minded students of the country...
...MsMtag of practically all shops struck pel fonrsnl three times a day In spite of a temporary anti-plcketlng Injunction ¦wuned ay the Shoe Manufacturers Assasatkn...
...The reasons for this peculiar and advantageous position on the part of the building workers in the world of labor to this country are mainly geographi:al and secondly economic...
...a miner, by the police of Andrew Mellon's Pittsburgh Coal Company and the state of Pennsylvania...
...Refreshments were served bythe woen's branch who distinguished themselves at this service...
...This luncheon will be broadcast over station WBAF from 1:90 to 3:30 put HiTTqiih WiH Address West Side Socialists Next Wednesday Night Members of the Socialist N. Y. Upper West Side Branch, enrolled Socialists and a large group of non-Socialists are expected to attend a am Mug of the branch on Wednesday eve., May 33, at 8 o'clock at the Temple Israel Community Center, 310 West 91 Street...
...Wreckers, Teamsters Win Strike Close Cooperation of Unions Humbles Employers in N. Y. Walkout By Patrick L. Quinlan |> UILDINO trades workers have the -** craft influence and tradition stronger sad more virile than those of any other trade or industry...
...A humbe of strikers rushed there only to find yajfeemen who grabbed hold of the first thirty who appeared and loaded them Into patrol wagons...
...All failed to break the spirit or weaken the ties that bound the two crafts ta the fight for better conditions...
...Bt a New leader CorrespendenO Boston,—The Harvard Liberal Club has joined the Wisconsin University liberals in denouncing the treatment accorded two radical students and a professor by the University of Pittsburg...
...Alan Fox will represent the Republican party, and Norman Thomas win give the progra of the Socialists...
...Yet the seemingly impossible has happened,—and ta New York City, the home of...
...It is only because of such activities that these students were expelled...
...Boston— (TP)—The main object of the mm strike, according to Sec Fred Meade, k itioasnttTifinn of the piecework wage ¦ale, which under present conditions rsnai considerably, not only from town to town and shop to shop, but from worker to worker in a given shop...
...So fierce were some of the craft wars that many well Informed persons having the Scottish and Irish clan feuds to mind gave up all hope of ever seeing united action on the part of the craft unions to any struggle with the building magnates...
...The Y. C. L. are becoming a recognized factor to Montreal...
...Corporation Counsel Arthur J. W. Hilly will speak for the party is power...
...In this struggle they aaerre the support of all those who have 1st labor movement at heart...
...tne Boston papers, which had been gihsg no publicity to the strike, suddenly ksssd forth into headlines to the effect last Communists had been seized, and tbt Boston Transcript for the first time tsjsmsg1 its readers that there was a arks of 13,000 shoe workers by having ss editorial which denounced the strike H OBBMMnist ¦sch s charge is silly as well as SBsradksa...
...Text of Resolution Mr...
...Students Defend Three Pitt Expelled Collegians of Nation Urged to Join in Protest Against Pittsburgh Expulsions <*y a Haw TeaSar CtrnapieSiaO mf ADXSON, Wisconsin,—The expulsion 1 of two students and an Instructor from Pittsburg university for agitating for the release of Tom Mooney and Warren K THmwf has stirred the resentment of students at the University of Wisetosln...
...Member of Parliament...
...It is that while an industrial union is desirable it is not at an times necessary to win a battle...
...Joint Program Worked Out j.hese two craft unions made up of re, resentatives of many creeds, nationalities and races got together and worked out a program of action...
...The dismissal of Processor Woltman and the expulsion of you and Mr...
...A copy of the letter has been sent to the Pittsburg university authorities...
...of the International Hod Carriers and Building Laborers Union...
...They turned out en masse...
...H. MeOanasek, Ohio...
...Having company unions in mind and also the possibility of dual unions the house wreckers told the bosses it was sign on the dotted line the full contract as drawn up by their lawyers^ Rice and Magulre, or nothing doing...
...one of the few shops running, had walked out...
...and most powerful center of craft unionism in the country...
...The latter having the legions of the law, the magistracy, the police and the city officials as their allies and associates...
...The soup kitchjjl^ewell supplied with bread from the *V ,54 Lawrence Cooperative BakerLrtfle relief parties going around to pggfjr* in neighboring cities, have been — soeesssful...
...T^i Boot and Shoe Workers Union has declared the strike and the new union •tBsa, and Pres...
...Many people wondered what had happened...
...It takes longer to produce an all round first class weaver than it does a carpenter, a painter, a concrete worker, a lather, an iron worker or plasterer...
...Harvard Liberals Join Protest...
...There were wholesale arrests and many flues...
...Not the least of the >uccess of the strike is due to the tireless work and whole hearted energy dismayed by those men vrho labored most of the time under a severe strain a&d under greet difficulties...
...The Liberal Club of the University of Wisconsin asks the immediate reinstatement of Frederick Woltman, Arthur McDowell and William Albertson and the immediate recognition of the Liberal Club by the university officials, and calls upon the students of other universities to protest this czarism on the part of the authorities of the University of Pittsburgh...
...About 100 arrests of pickets kste been made, but few fines and fewer jail sentences have resulted, most being freed far want of evidence...
...Albertson, one of the expelled students: "The Harvard Liberal Club heartily commends the efforts of The Liberal Club of the University of Pittsburgh in attempting to publish the truth about the Mooney-Billlngs Case, and strongly deprecates the action of the authorities of the University of Pittsburgh in suppressing this oreanization...
...at 13:30 PM...
...And while doing that the workers could, and too often, did, fight each other...
...It was like a religious revival...
...30 Strikers Jailed, Shoe Fight Still On ggot and Shoe Workers' gead Admits Supplying Strikebreakers in Boston _ m , M* Utltf CwrraaaoaSaat) Mtan-_Tbe sixth week of the Boston . Chebe» shoe strike finds a, general Sagainf of the lines...
...The inevitable Injunction was trotted out and the company union made to order was sent forth to battle and to scab...
...CoUls Lovely of the A t. of L. organization told Federated Bast, that his union has sent members to set si strike-breakers in 15 struck "Bara'i two dollan for a sab to the •tot safer that is printed In the into*** sf the working people...
...A lev days ago there came a false ^ketone call to the effect that the njjgg gboe Co...
...Three New York City Party Leaders to Discuss Municipal Problems The N. Y. Municipal campaign will start with the Municipal Affairs Luncheon of the League far Industrial Democracy at the Hotel Manger this Saturday, May l«th...
...vjn second issue of the United Shoe WSker which bids fair to be a perma—j labor paper appeared on time, dis^asj the fine fighting spirit in evims MMPg the strikers...
...They are powerful to its national councils and practically speaking dominate nearly all of its local and state councils or federations...
...The Liberal Club of the University of Pittsburgh has consistently exposed the forces of reaction and oppression in Pennsylvania...
...Slotznick also made public the following resolution which has been sent by him to John G. Bowman, chancellor of the University of Pittsburg: "William Albertson, Arthur McDowell and Frederick Woltman have been expelled from the University of Pittsburgh for participation in a meeting demanding the release of Thomas Mooney and Warren K. Billings, two militant labor leaders who were framed up to California thirteen years ago...
...One of them was Gus Strabel of Rochester, N. Y. He was impressive and Intensely interesting and gained us many friends...
...All our plans for this day turned out better than we desired...
...As this wffl probably be Comrade Hillquit's last apctsarance at a public meettog before his trip abroad, and as his subject will be one of timely interest, it Is expected that the Socialists in various pari* of the County will Join the Socialists and non-SociansU of that district in making the meeting successful...
...It expresses support of the activities which led to the action against them...
...f]M response to the appeal for funds ^dally from the Lynn shoe workers Ikabs** voted one-tenth of their wages, u Bfsn very good, though further help %m% needed...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 18

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