P., J. Ramsay MacDonald, M.

Tory-Liberal Alliance To Stem Labor Tide Seen By Mac Donald British Conservatives, Despairing of Own Success, Striving to Elect About 70 Liberals and Thus Build Balance of Power Against...

...I prefer to do it and 2* tt "ben circumstances will pery«to4 when it seems possible for me ••as-a* y_^S *•* Know of Controversy •t»au» particular instance I flnd'mySJfhfronted by a strong desire and j "ration to do the thing you ask me IwT1 «<J on the other hand, by a g^emse of duty, of obligation and J""™- Before I received your eom¦wauon, in fact quite a long time '^m^r •ecepted an invitation which had i^P Repeatedly extended me by Mr...
...It will not even order an investigation of the textile industry which will be given higher protection without being made to show cause for the shockingly low wages it pays and the long hours it exacts...
...I did not know of the controversy between Collier's Magazine and the printing trades...
...To let the situation drift is to permit discontent to become ignorant fury and this in turn to spend itself in blind and impotent action...
...The program is not regimented and the children find themselves in a rich environment, stimulating to creative activity, in association with a mature, well trained staff of educators, who not only understand the ways of children, but are wholesome, socially minded people who help in developing the children's view of life.'' Vladeck declared: "The Pioneer Youth Camp is the finest camp for children who can appreciate play and freedom within the bounds of an intelligent and voluntary discipline...
...Schools arc not going to be located to benefit real estate agents, and contracts will not be let to favorites...
...We appeal to you as we have never appealed before, to seriously undertake the task of raising funds for this Important national work...
...Liberals today have some queer doctrines to suit their trouble...
...Glanzstoff-Bemberg executives and their private detectives from the Auxiliary Corporation Co., have had Elliott under surveillance ever since Pres...
...Four candidates were to be nominated The Socialists had hoped to poll a large vote and do a, lot of propaganda work in the campaign, but when the smoke of the election cleared away, two of the Citizen's Committees' candidates had been electee In the primaries, the other two had been nominated and their two opposing candidates, to be voted on June 4th in the final elections, were two of the Socialist candidates, George S. Grant and Irene Smith...
...We Kcnder if a week will ever pass without hearing from Alfred Baker Levis, Secretary of The A'rte England District of the Socialist Party...
...I assure you that there was no Intention on my part of extending to Collier's Magazine any sympathy or any support to the controversy which exists between the International Typographical Union and the owners and management of Collier's...
...Vladeck and Linville Urge Support for Pioneer Youth Camp In a letter recently sent to a group of labor people, specialists and progressives, B. C. Vladeck, manager of the Jewish Daily Forward, and Henry R. Linville, president of the Teachers Union, urged them to utilise the advantages of the Pioneer Youth Camp for their children this summer...
...The fight has been given nation-wide publicity...
...Labor Conferences passed resolutions condemning Mr...
...There is not a single valid argument for the debenture except one...
...American Federation of Labor...
...It is the duty of Socialists \ind progressive workers everywhere to anticipate the results of economic change and prepare to meet the problem it ' brings...
...Mc°*>B wrote President Green stating that ¦» executive committee of "Big Six" *aasi htm to cancel the date with Col...
...At the same time vast fortunes are being reaped by the possessing classes while wages for millions who still have employment show that their income is not sufficient for a minimum standard of decency and comfort...
...Green:— Your communication of May 3d in answer to my protest over your speaking under the auspices of the Collier hour recently and enclosing a copy of a letter to Mr...
...Helped Boost Collier's The address was delivered by President Green over a network of stations of the National Broadcasting Company on April 28th last...
...r loyalty to the A. F. of L. has •BB and is proper...
...Officers with field glasses mounted the towers of the mills to watch the peaceful hilltops overlooking lovely Happy Valley for some possible trouble...
...Farmers who can't be helped by a tariff want debentures on their exports...
...Then they will know that we do...
...Sk and Brother: • •toe receiving your letter dated 2™3Sth, in which you request that I 2** >ny engagement to deliver an Jffftotoby radio over the National JJJflpssttng Company's net-work of during the Collier's Radio H*"-1 have given most profound conyffin to the reason you assign for yatlng this request...
...You must know, as every Union man knows, that Colliers is unfair to Union Labor and that the International and Local Typographical Union are making a determined fight on them...
...Wild headiness has been absent from those mighty crowds which packed the great halls at Buxton and Leicester, and filled the vast spaces of the Albert Hall on Cup Tie day...
...Frank Morrison In Washington...
...But no one in his ¦esses would say that at Elizabethton er elsewhere the A. F. of L. is dofcf what it ought and what it could...
...ft is time for the Socialist or near •tiaMft leaders of certain trades to 'Wntritr their situation...
...In SouUl Een' ?7 a challenge to new energy and ••tope all along the line...
...I do not agree with you...
...Collier's which sponsored the address, has been staging these "hours" as a regular feature in an effort to advertise the publication and boost its circulation...
...The railroads got subsidies by immense grants of lands from the governments...
...The distress of the farmers is as widespread as tt ever was and their hopes of relief at the hands of a government by millionaires are vanishing...
...The machine revolution promises to add to their number...
...In a peaceful word it would not be necessary for each nation to attempt the impossible task of being economically self sufficient and we should not penaliza ourselves by building up at a great cost an industry like the chemical industry...
...If the needle ior example, have to buy the fcftttmate support of the officials of of L. by sycophancy and sion their real beliefs it is not the purchase...
...Union ofBcers have been informed that troops will shoot to kill if pickets shout out to these auto loads of strikebreakers, transported miles and miles from outlying hamlets and mountain valleys...
...John R. Neal of Jtnoxville in his letter to the governor in which he stated that the use of troops as company guards was illegal under the Tennessee constitution...
...McCann failed to satisfy the proofreaders' secretary...
...It is now vanishing...
...President Green wrote: **DBflCAN FEDERATION OF LABOR Washington, D. C. „. April 37th...
...needle trades were never or5*** oy the Matthew Wolls of the ¦¦^movement...
...It is precisely this failure of the JL F. of L. which requires that those ' loyal to it, those who know the inItaiU harm a dual union may work, amid rally in a great progressive movement to bring back the old spirit of solidarity and devotion to the interests of the workers...
...Dubinsky declared, by the national convention of the Workmen's Circle which he addressed while in Chicago...
...The number of unemployed workers continues to increase and we are today facing an unemployment problem which threatens to be as grave as that which sent armies of the unemployed marching across the continent some thirty years ago...
...The polio of the Preaa is to boycott the Opposition, aad lead people to assume that the two combatants are the Tory and the Liberal leaders...
...Both Vladeck and Linville have been sending their children to the Pioneer Youth Camp for a number of years and have been well pleased as is Indicated by their letters...
...I hope all our candidates and speakers will, wherever it is worth while referring to Liberal candidates, tell the illuminating story of unemployment pledges and performances between 1918 and 192R...
...On May 7th, he sent President Green the following letter: THE NEW YORK SOCIETY OF PROOFREADERS May 7th, 1929 My dear Mr...
...Lloyd George's Election Address of 1918: "The Government have schemes for developing the resources of our own country in a way they have never been opened up before...
...Having organised the first council of the unemployed tn a state it skojfld call for organization of other ccmm&ils in the state...
...above all, to strengthen the Socialist party throughout the nation...
...McCann's letter was followed by a telegram which likewise failed to move President Green to change his course...
...The grounds, the management and the general spirit of the thing is very praiseworthy and 1 don't know of anybody who could give his children a better summer's vacation than by sending them to your camp...
...Why should we not beat them both, either singly or combined...
...Green's statements made under Collier's auspices...
...Trusting this answer to your communication may be satisfactory, I am, Fraternally vours, WILLIAM GREEN, President...
...Young rtH are in jail simply because they eeold not pay board bills totaling less tfcan $10 apiece...
...On May 1st...
...Tory-Liberal Alliance To Stem Labor Tide Seen By Mac Donald British Conservatives, Despairing of Own Success, Striving to Elect About 70 Liberals and Thus Build Balance of Power Against Socialist Government SECRET DEALS IN NUMBER OF DISTRICTS LAY BASIS FOR CO-OPERATION IN COMMONS Labor Will Fight and Defeat Both, "Singly or Combined,'" Leader Promises—Urges Candidates to Expose Disastrous Record of Lloyd George on Unem ployment By J. RAMSAY MaeDONALD, M.P... way of reply, the Prime Minister is being told that he ought not to advise the King, is the sweat of a Government defeat, to send for the Leader of the Oppoatttaa...
...Certainly the management of Collier's knew that as a representative of the A. F. of L. I would speak on some subject extolling the philosophy, the virtue and the benefits of organized labor...
...But there is one argument...
...Their chief concern is how to help the capitalist groups ini their r^fpective districts j through special tariff nursing...
...A local leader named Hick Elliot has his bouse blown up lynMit it was used as a meeting ¦lace for the strike committee...
...As usual the middle-men and the land owning farmers will be the chief beneficiaries of this new subsidy, not the tenant farmers...
...Socialist Party Outlines Program For Unemployment and City Elections National Committee Urges Setting Up of Councils of Jobless—Asks Fund Be Raised Wr£ DIRECT special attention of our readers to the accompanying statement of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party...
...Several hundred thousand workers affiliated with the A. F. of L. through the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, the Fur Workers, the Cap Makers and'the United Hebrew Trades took part in organizing and staging the tremendous May Day Demonstration in Madison Square Garden, contrary to Mr...
...1) the increased sugar schedule for the benefit of the poor Western Sugar Co., employer of peasant labor which only made 38% last year...
...1929 j» McCann, Secretary **aiUie Committee, 2* York Typographical Union No...
...I followed a course which I have steadfastly adhered to since Conventions of the A. F. of L. instructed the officers of the A. F. of L. to utilize the radio at every opportunity to presenting Labors message to radio audiences...
...When the Liberals found that the discussions on the problems of unemployment were to be conducted with some serious desire to find solutions, they tried the showman and the circus to revive their fortunes, and to throw elections back on to exciting tremors, uncritical emotionalism and bad judgment...
...Their political agents in office are cynical and indifferent to the suffering of the masses...
...The Socialists entered four candidates for the Board of Education against the reactionary Citizen's Committees' candidates, who were incumbents...
...The Pioneer Youth Crjnp office is at 45 As tor Place...
...Considering the fact that exception was taken to your address even before It was delivered I can find no excuse for your defense...
...Sums up Position Summing up the situation, therefore, I would be placed in this position if I failed to keep an engagement which I had honorably made: First, as President of the A. F. of L. occupying a very important place in public life as the leader of millions of workers, I would be compelled at the last moment to cancel an engagement to speak over the radio which I had honorably made...
...McCann, on receipt of this letter, wired President Green, repeating his previous plea...
...Government, the Liberal vote will be swollen in any event by such electors >\ to give the Liberals a chance of numbering 70 or 80 in the House of Commons...
...We are really fighting two parties, which appear to be independent, but which, as a matter of fact, at essential points will do their beat to combine against us...
...We will go on, on our own way...
...Proofreaders Angry Mr...
...Their hearts are one...
...Liberals, Once a Party, IS'otc a Fund Then there is the simple aim to keep the Liberal Party alive... is of the greatest advantage to the complacent comfortables that political conflicts should be carried on by those who accept the same family tradition and interest...
...It is no exaggeration to say that we are rapidly approaching a new cycle of postwar capitalism which is already beginning to exhibit a stark contrast between niscry for millions of workers and last fortunes for an idle owning class...
...Dear Sir & Brother: It is my Judgement that I can clearly and accurately reply to the inquiry submitted In your letter dated May 1st by enclosing a copy of a communication which I addressed to Mr...
...To this Edmund L. Burke, secretary of the proofreaders' .society has reported, in a letter to President Green, "you should have shown loyalty to your own members of the American Federation by refusing to make this address...
...The Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief, 79 Fifth avenue, of which Norman Thomas...
...Of these but 100 are from the ranks of the 5.500...
...Tories Counting on Liberal "Revival" Some weeks ago I pointed out that the only use that a Liberal revival could serve in our politics was to be a screen behind which Toryism could rally to recover its wind and to, prepare to recapture Whitehall...
...In the regular order of work a copy of my address was sent to the management of Collier's and I am sure they would get no consolation out of the address which I will deliver over the radio in the quarrel they are having with the printing trades...
...Green Explains Again To this President Green replied: AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR Mr...
...George's negligence, and told him what to do...
...P.)—More than 800 cotton mill workers of the New England-Southern Mfg...
...Will Attempt Settlement In appraising the situation and to weighing the facts it seemed to me that notwithstanding my very great inclination and desire to comply with your request it would be better for you and I know for our labor movement as a whole for me to keep my promise, discharge my obligation, deliver Labor's message over the radio and try...
...They are particularly enraged because boys are being arrested for their inability to pay board bills...
...The party is now mobilixing its full strength for victory in the final poll to be held June 4th...
...In reality decide the point...
...The elector...
...Labor has had a fine start sober, determined, enthusiastic...
...When a government sets up a public authority to operate public utilities or take over a coal industry for the common use rather than for private profit it helps to enrich us all...
...Baldwin is sure to do after election, and the compacts now being made in the constituencies will save the face of the Liberal Party but bind it to the Tory Government...
...It is going to be a dull election...
...They can resolve to act as though we did not exist, and play that game until election day...
...The best laid schemes of mice arid men gang aft agley...
...Unemployment mounted up, but no schema was ever produced...
...But our infants never grew up...
...THE election is now begun in earnest...
...Lat« they returned to work...
...Second, I would fail to carry out the declared policy of the A. F. of L. to avail myself of the opportunity extended me to deliver labor's message by radioThird...
...You explain •JJsar communication that you base *** request upon the fact that the SWBt'» magazine is published by the Publishing Company of SpringOhio, which is a non-union print¦» •tiabhshment...
...Of course, those who hope for false issues object to a dull sobriety...
...These statements produced much criticism among officials and members of these unions...
...Unless Labor has an absolute majority, an attempt will be made to keep it out of office...
...Striker's Heme Bombed Violence against the union reached another climax In Happy Valley when the home of Mac Elliot, union officer, was blown to pieces...
...Organized labor put up one candidate and there were four Independent candidates endorsed by newspapers and minor groups, making thirteen candidates in all...
...Surely they do **need to prove that loyalty by ela•BSte deference to men who lose nc •Vwi Unity to flout the opinions J*eomrades hold...
...It ceased to be a Party, and became a Fund, but a Fund can buy and make a noise...
...In expressing my surprise over your address I know I am voicing sentiments held by many other Unionists...
...They ^belong to the same class of politicians, and, wnatever their differences, they will be tempted to enter a temporary confederation for mutual safety against a common danger...
...But when a government leaves the profit system untouched but takes from some people money to subsidize other people it does nothing fundamentally constructive...
...Sir George Riddle kept watch over the other...
...Display same* organised power and the masses will wrest some concessions of relief from local, sfjte, and national legislative bodies that are now indifferent...
...Ten or a dosen of these can be relied upon to vote for a Tory Government, especially one which is reconstructed, as, of course, Mr...
...The Union Labor candidates polled 39,553 votes...
...It may be imagined by some Liberal* that it ia to important to aet Dumpty up on the wall again that the constitution ought not to stand in the way...
...The Socialists carried on ara^extensive speaking campaign, also distributing thousands of their platforms and attracting quite a lot of publicity ta the papers...
...Los Angeles Socialists Win A Big Victory Two Candidates for Education Board Get 35,000 Votes, Win Places on Final Ballot (Bt s New Lrsdrr Corre»ssns>nt1 J^OS ANGELES.—The Socialist party has scored a striking victory in the primary elections for members of the Board of Education...
...Your committee declares that this situation imposes a solemn duty on the members to take the Initiative in the formation of unemployed councils to every city possible...
...What is to be done...
...down into its treasury to dispatch funds, while local unions throat-hoot the country are rushing In funds...
...J?**1 hundred and fifty million dol2# .Jtobert B*rry'> estimate of new tariff bill will cost us annually for the benefit of "T**™ favored producers before we - 'ttBl—'*'**1" BUt W8 arC re,iablV *» rtn?f that toe Congress which is j*~*f*«as with our money will not * Public hearing on a bill to 'wEttfi?* * few miliion» for toe re|g »the children of the unemployed, ^•ttkrupt farmers and the textile strikers...
...HELSyfe ^ "V ***** 04 the radio time assigned to Colliers oy the National Broadcasting Company, to deliver an address on April 28th...
...Printers Attack Green For Collier's Radio Speech Proofreaders'' Resolution Raps A. F. of L. Head for Talk Delivered Under Seab Auspices "BIG 6" MADE URGENT REQUEST HE DESIST Statement He Did Not Know of Conflict WJiipif Cost Union $17,000.000 Increases Anger THE organized printers of New York have been stirred to deep resentment against William Gi4en, president of the American Federation of Labor, for his insistence on delivering a radio address under the auspices of Collier's Magazine, a bitter and notorious open shop publication...
...Some of those Infants like the beet sugar industry were never worth having...
...ought to have special fa* duties in helping on such a campaign a? organization... present petitions to legislative bodies for unemployed relief...
...Declaration of Socialist Party, N. E. C. Socialist Party Outlines Program for Unemployment and City Elections 'J'O Socialist Party Members, Friends and Sympathizers: Comrades: Your national Executive Committee in session in Chicago, considering reports of the situation facing the working people of the nation and the opportunities for educational work, feel it necessary to send this message to the party members...
...Thus the blind and dangerous rage of worklrss men may be transformed into an intelligent force and out of it come a mere pow| crful economic and political movement aj the nor king class... j to expand the power of capitalists and I bankers ovsr ethtr regions of the world, and perfecting war and naval machines to support this imperial ambition...
...Green of the A. F. of L. to aU Internationals and local bodies to rush relief funds to Sec...
...The first stage of the plan if to get enough Tories to vote Liberal (and'as so many Tories are weary of the...
...The first is to prevent a Labor Government coming in again ¦-> haDdie home and foreign affairs...
...They still cry for more...
...Great is prosperity for those who get it Pasting Round The Pap When a government by scientific taxation on land, incomes and inheritances takes for social uses what society creates it does its duty by the people...
...Martial law, in effect, has been declared in the .strike-bound rayon district in the eastern Tennessee bills...
...Edmund L. Burke, Secretary...
...For nearly ten years we have been living in a fool's paradise...
...A Tory bill accuses the Liberals of haying put us in office in 1924— the only good thing they have done for the country for many a year...
...National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party...
...The Socialist Party to2 neither the right nor the de* party to run the needle ¦*¦»» or any union...
...Labor publications all over the country, official surveys by government bureaus, and pre«s accounts in the daily press all show the substitution of workers by new machines and perfection of industrial organization...
...When I accepted this invitation I did not know of the controversy which existed between the owners and publishers of Collier's Magazine and the printing trades...
...There is an even chance that we will carry the final elections June 4th," Busick predicts, "as we are going to keep on with our campaign to drive military training out of the schools...
...Furthermore, there was no reference whatever made to Coly*r» during ibis address, no endorsement of Collier's nor was there any expression of appreciation of the opportunity extended me to speak...
...B» A. F. of L. should have a deftrtment organized for the rapid and cSdent administration of relief...
...The present deplorable state of unemployment, and failure to devise and apply measures to meet it, did not begin with Mr...
...I feel sure I make no mistake when I assume UiAt pou m4 si, tfts aggers «gd members of the printing trades would welcome an opportunity to open negotiations with the Collier Company which might eventually lead to a successful settlement...
...James Starr said the union had been digging...
...In the days of our civil conflicts it was often ararnged that families should have members on both sides, so that fortune would smile whichever side won...
...London Labor Mayors, at their wits' ends to cops with the unemployment of those days, followed the Prims Minister who had given that enticing pledge up into the recesses of the Highlands whither he had fled...
...Pioneer Youth Camp provides an excellent opportunity for these parents and their children...
...Green Pleads Ignorance The printers are particularly Incensed with President Green's explanation...
...President Green then delivered the address...
...Millions of wage workers are walking the streets unable to find work and others are working on part time...
...Further, Norman Thomas, chairman of the Garden meeting, felt constrained to "remind President Green what he ku evidently forgotten, "to wit, that t»e observance of May Day as a asor holiday was originated through ta* action 0l the A. F. of L., then tts Federation of Organized Trade ¦d Labor Unions, in its convention ¦ 1881 Text of Letters "to Hew Leader is able to present ¦datively much of the correspondence totween the New York printers and Pre•tont Green...
...The kqral under there circumstances are tfcs progressives...
...In delivering my address I was inspired by a stogie dslre and that was to present the message of Labor to the vast radio audience which listens in during the Collier's Hour...
...Now there are two possible Justifications for subsidies by tariffs or otherwise...
...N. Y. Cloakmakers Promised Fund if Strike is Called Fifty thousand dollars, with promises of thousands of dollars more, were pledged by Chicago and Cleveland cloakmakers to the strike fund of the New York garment workers' unions to the event of a general strike here June 1, David Dubinsky, acting president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, reported upon his return from Chicago where he had gone to elicit support for the organization...
...The vote polled by the Socialist candidates surprised the Socialists and everyone else...
...The matter was not brought to my attention...
...Subsidies are only valuable if some people get them at other's expense...
...Not only are the workers of the cities seriously affected... help concentrate our efforts in local elections where the situation is favorable...
...The committee has also considered the work to be done this year and believes that there are a number of localities where the prospects of success in city and Congressional elections are good...
...What fes really going on la an attempt to get something like another coupon ruction against Labor...
...These can federate tn a state council for common action throughout the state...
...Seme people are really frightened Of Labor in power, but the controlling consideration is that neither of the other Parties can afford to have Labor succeeding, where they hava failed...
...WILLIAM GREEN, President, American Federation of Labor...
...Ibey will get nothing...
...Unionists MtgAT is a very gallant strike which *the rayon workers of Elizabethton an carrying on to the usual accompajjment of hunger and ruthless reuieiikm Hoffman and McGrady were Satapped and at least one of their kidnappers out on bail is acting in conjunction with the militia as a deputy sheriff...
...Send all contributions and monthly pledges to the National Secretary of the Socialist Party, 3853 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Hi...
...There will be two grand objects in front of them...
...The committee has planned a budget for the work ahead, the details of which will be reported to you...
...You say "I would be placed to this position if I failed to keep an engagement which I had honorably made... to dispose of the enormous values sweated out of the working class...
...Burke, for the proofreaders' society, wrote President Green as follows: THE NEW YORK SOCIETY OF PROOFREADERS My Dear Mr...
...Never has there been such a flight and chase since the Hanoverian troops ran after Prince Charlie...
...The second important suit will be the injunction proceedings as outlined by Dr...
...Strikers Fight Back in Courts When the overlords of rayon decided to serve citations for contempt of court upon four of the strikers including such leaders as R. D. White, a former miner who helped these textile workers organize themselves after their first walk-out four weeks ago the leaders of the strike here decided to do a little fighting In court also...
...the policy ot the managers will be private arrangements against Labor...
...This used to be the argument for our American tariff...
...Radicals are often worried about their children's summer vacations," said Dr...
...Horton's reply to President Green, were stretched out along the highway for over a mile in front of the great rayon plants here, each man with a bayonet set...
...They are teaching Labor a very bad lesson...
...Co., have struck in protest against the discharge of a fellow worker who was soliciting relief funds for the 1,750 strikers of the Brandon Mills, now out nearly two months...
...When 500 farmers threatened to storm the jail to free the pickets, the sheriff ordered their release...
...The Workmen's Circle contributed $32,000 to the 1926 cloakmakers' strike to New York Martial Law And Violence Injected In Rayon Strike National Guardsmen Herd 300 Pickets Off High¦ways—Workers Resentment Grows Dangerous LABOR QUARTERS WRECKED BY MOB Evictions Take Place in Gastonia—A...
...Throughout the nation there is a wide sense of economic grievance shared by workers and farmers which promises a great labor movement and a more powerful Socialist party...
...Is chairman, is also busy raising funds for the textile strikers...
...New yjk City...
...It k ridiculous to say that the A. F. of L could not do this because of its limited power...
...Starr was enheartened by the special appeal made by Pres...
...So, it is essential for the larger program of Toryism that Liberalism should survive...
...F. of L. Union Refuses to Interfere By John W. Edelman ELIZABETHTON, Tenn (F.P...
...P.)—Evictions have spread to Bessemer City, near Gastonia, where three strikers' families have been thrown out of Goldberg mill shacks...
...the present pledge is not the first ^e has given in the glowing language of Welsh sunsets...
...strikers the rest being imported from other places...
...A tent now constitutes WXR headquarters...
...To supplement this work the committee Is negotiating for speakers of national prominence to tour the country, placing them in every locality where branches can arrange meetings, to inspire members and friends to devoted work, to dramatize the important Issues of unemployment, old age pensions, the need of nationalization of the basic industries, and of disarmament to insure international peace...
...I refrained from saying a word that could tte helpful in any way, shape or form to Collier's Magazine...
...We are also going to continue our fight to have as good schools in working class sections as in wealthy neighborhoods...
...The story begins with this pledge in Mr...
...Lloyd George...
...Evict Strikers in Bessemer City, N. C...
...The other five candidates all polled less than the Socialists, but received a total of 90,000 votes...
...Officials of the typographical union point out that the International Typographical Union has spent about $17,000,000 in an attempt to organize the Collier's plant...
...Intelligence and foresight alone can avert this...
...Instead everybody is scrambling for more...
...Do not delay in faking tki initiative m this, matter* Such couu cits should be functioning in every city before next winter and they should be able to focus attention on the problems of the unemployed...
...As a result of the campaign the Socialist Party in Los Angeles Is making giant strides...
...Anyway that's what's happening at Washington...
...And as Flora kept watch over one...
...Green: As a member of the American Federation of Labor, through affiliation of the International Typographical Union for nearly two score years, I was amazed when it was announced over the radio on Sunday evening, April 28, that you were to speak under the auspices of the Collier publications...
...Very little benefit by way of revenue goes to the government treasury...
...It sbsaM have a publicity department to dramatise for the entire nation the agnincant events at Elizabethton...
...The Entire machine gun company of the National Guard doing duty here was mobilized for the parade of these native white Tennessee workers... the best of my ability, to utilize the situation thus created and the opportunity presented to use my good offices to an effort to bring about a settlement'of the disagreement which exists between the printing trades organization and the publishers of Collier's Weekly...
...It is not thereto* loyalty to labor or to the A. F of L. to approve openly or by silence i keeers or the policies of leaders which Bake so humiliating a showing...
...This work requires funds...
...On Monday the first steps in a complicated legal offensive were started which may Involve four or five different suits against the Bern berg and Glanzstoff corporations...
...he had to devote an autumn session to the problem, and his Government and himself had to confess through the mouth of Dr...
...The New York Society of Proofreadewmeeting in Brooklyn last Sunday unanimously passed a resolution denouncing President Green for his action...
...6. Mr...
...It is moreover J*—tagly clear that in thus wooing ¦¦•of Matthew Woll they are ady*"» a course which bewilders the ¦¦os and -dulls the energy of their ** rank and file...
...Widespread publicity should be given to the measures of relief that are proposed and an effort made to awaken the public conscience to the grave national crisis that confronts us...
...It enables a favorite producer to put his hand in our pocket to get higher prices...
...The matter was net brought to my attention," the head of the A. F. of L. wrote in a letter to Mr...
...John F. Kelly of the United Textile Workers met at his home to consider strike strategy...
...When Loray mill strikers went to the Gastonla Workers International Relief headquarters for their day's rations, they found a lock and chain on the door, meaning that the strikers' commissary has again been evicted...
...Five new party locals have been formed, and two large groups of young people are working with the party...
...Their two opponents polled 87.326 and 100,330...
...8. C—(F...
...He fosses 6 subs to us this time TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas flu, Plain Duly of ggdtHrt Trade...
...There will be a fine constitutional row if he does...
...Organised camps to which they might go are generally regimented, and contain staffs of young college people who have done very little thinking, about life and are often reactionary in their views...
...5j**«Plj appreciate the facts you set "2™> the reasons you assign and the J* roa express regarding impresBjawhich may be made as a result SLy...
...I would be confronted by the possibility of inflicting greater injury upon our labor movement than the good I could do for the printing trades through the cancellation of an engagement, by failing to keep my promise and by falling to carry a message of Labor to perhaps millions of people who will be listening in during Collier's Hour...
...The Elliott house has been an informal headquarters for strike leaders...
...Little do the schemers know how little this would trouble the Labor Party, and how it would really be welcomed by those who look two moves ahead sad not on...
...True enough, having got the tariff habit we can't change overnight but in general we shquld be reducing not raising tariffs...
...said a Tory paper regretfully...
...Newspapers and magazines get subsidies because they are carried to the mall for less than cost...
...The coming winter will make this general distress all the more acute...
...2) a tariff on certain lumber products like shingles in a country which is already too near deforestation, (3) the change in the methods of appraising goods which apparently makes the Secretary of the Treasury the final authority on appraisals and allows for an Immense increase ir, duties by higher appraisals...
...A friendly mountaineer, formerly a coal digger, owner of the lot, has also opened a workers ranch counter for the benefit of strikers...
...On April 25th, Mr...
...The strikers can have their beds and stoves back if they will go back to work, they are Informed...
...All were released but the stream of arrests continues...
...F. L. McCann on April 27th...
...I am positive that the action of the American Fedeatlon never had to mind, any such case of the radio in broadcasting labor's message as you made of it...
...This remarkable showing has filled the party with great enthusiasm... proceed without delay to the organization of councils for the unemployed...
...I know you will accept this answer to your communication in the broad, tolerant, constructive spirit in which it is transmitted...
...In skirmish formation long lines of staie militiamen, acting new as special police, according to Gov...
...The printers are thus .not a little annoyed to be told that no word of the struggle has ever reached the President of the A. F. of L. President Green's other explanation was that he felt, "out of a deep sense of duty, of obligation and honor," bound to keep his engagement to speak under the auspices of antiunion Collier's...
...You may rest assured that I will aid in the pursuit of such a commendab'.e purpose...
...I can speak with authority because two of my children have spent several seasons at the camp and I had all opportunities to know the camp from the inside...
...on the public highways to warn mountaineers -being brought down to take the jo be the strikers wont work at, is ben% charged by troops aa "highway robbery" and this fantastic charge is being entered against the pickets...
...With kindest personal regards, I am, Verv cordially yours, EDMUND L. BURKE...
...They were organiz? *y men with Socialist vision and 7*"B»t fire...
...enough of itself to push orffaaag work in the South although ta* add is more than ripe...
...More than 300 pickets were arrested May 14 by national guardsmen cooperating with sheriff's deputies, miles from the Bemberg and Glanzstoff plants...
...Local trade unions and other sympathetic organisations should be associated in these councils to cany on agitation for extension of public improvements by city, state and national governing bodies: by a reduction of the hours of labor, and support of any other measures of relief that will aid the unemployed...
...Though stating that he accepted the invitation to speak because of a desire to spread the philosophy of the labor movement, he devoted part of his time to denouncing "May Day" as a holiday of the workers...
...But, in any event, we shall be greatly amused to see the Liberal leaders doubling like foxes to avoid the inevitable...
...The New Leader b"s learned that President Green delivered the address despite a plea sent him by F. L. McCann, secretary of the executive committee of N. Y. Typographical Union No...
...I will ask you this: Now having made your contact with the Collier organization, will you make an endeavour to have their magazine printed under Union conditions...
...Leader of the British Labor Party, Former Prime Minister of Great Britain LONDON...
...In accepting this invitation to speak during the Collier's hour I was Inspired by the one thought, "Here is an opportunity to deliver another Labor message by radio...
...Entering the campaign as an opportunity for propaganda and organization work, two of the four Socialist candidates amassed totals of 35.000 votes each, defeated seven other candidates and thus won a place on the final ballot...
...B there was a will the A. F. of L. coaJd find a way instead of depending in every dramatic strike upon the dance help of those whom it persists in regarding as "outsiders" in ¦netful times...
...The New York Society of Proofreaders, • New York, New York...
...The Prime Minister is not fool enough to fall into this trap...
...Labor pressed and pressed...
...It seems as though there was a move on foot to manipulate what has now become constitutional practice in order to keep Labor out of office...
...At each corner of the two massive mills and on the roofs of both shops ugly looking machine guns bristled...
...They have and still have a difficult task...
...Even the middle class of business men see their ' doom as the chain stores and mail order houses drive them to the wall...
...Financial aid was also promised, Mr...
...As the independent candidates and the union labor candidate all run on platforms opposing the present Board of Education, it is expected chat the Socialists will get most of these votes...
...Stunts, trombones, tally-hos— upon such depend the fortunes of the other parties...
...just as the first was barren words, so is the second...
...The A. r* at I...
...Address Delivered...
...Urges Exposure of Lloyd George The Liberal campaign an unemployment is only a gambler's throw of exactly the same character as the issue of coupons in 1918 and the high falutin program of hangings, last pennies, the land for heroes and what not...
...F. L. McCann, Secretary of the Executive Committee of Typographical Union No, 6, has been received... publish the literature that is needed, and...
...Every party branch and every sympathetic organization must be associated together to a drive to raise this budget and to carry out the work that is planned...
...19 pickets were jailed on highways from six to 16 miles from Elizabethton, where they had been waiting to warn autos filled with strikebreakers of conditions at the struck rayon mills...
...In reply...
...Strikers Being Goaded It is become more difficult every moment for union leaders to restrain the strikers from retaliating against the goading tactics of employers, militia and deputies...
...Thanking you for your interest to this matter, I am EDMUND L. BURKE...
...But maybe the only way to end the subsidy habit is for the fanners and everybody else to try to grab what they can...
...Grant polled 35.646...
...A big charge of dynamite, placed under the living room, literally blew the room through the roof...
...I would be glad to hear from you to defense of speaking under the Collier banner...
...It is evident that little will be done by these bodies to relieve distress unless the workers themselves in cooperation with other sympathetic groups begin an agitation in every city, formulating measures of relief, and insisting that relief be extended as speedily as possible...
...he himself announced the appointment of Cabinet Committee after Cabinet Committee to see how he could carry out his pledge...
...Of course if we could all get subsidies, share and share alike, it would be like our living by taking in each other's washing Or it would be like standing In a circle and passing a five dollar bill from hand to hand and kidding ourselves into thinking that handling the bill made us richer...
...The agency through which this action should be taken is the organisation of councils of the unemployed tn every important (ity of the Cnited States...
...The Society is composed of members of "Big Six," the typographical local...
...It would be more honorable to my opinion, to have recalled your acceptance of the Collier invitation and to man fashion told them why...
...No wonder President Green almost in degpair confessed the failure of his pojey of respectability "ueber alles" in 'thee words: "Employers in most tnry section of the country are just U hostile now as they were two decades ajo, particularly when there is tarrohred in any dispute that arises between employers and employes the rignt of collective bargaining and the recognition of union relationship...
...To talk about science or Justice in the tariff grab game at Washington Is ridiculous nonsense but three features of the present tariff law are particularly bad...
...Smith polled 35.174...
...The manufacturers get subsidies by tariffs...
...If everybody*is to get subsidies why not the farmers...
...President Green has thus permitted himself to be used in an effort to promote the popularity of a determined anti-union concern...
...That the Government should be tried and judged \by the rational processes of the law is the very last thing which Tories want...
...Considering the fact that in the struggle for the 44-hour week the International Typographical Union spent in round numbers some $17,000,000 and then the Collier publications were put into a non-union office, and every non-union member is a potential menace to a union member, you should have shown loyalty to your own members of the American Federation by refusing to make this address...
...Strikers on the streets in autos after midnight are also being arrested under city curfew ordinances never before enforced...
...President Green's address has drawn criticism from other sources...
...President Green's respectability and all his after dinner speeches, Matthew Woll's coming opposition to old age pensions which churches and fraternal orders have endorsed, his effort to Bike labor's life insurance company t Bulwark of the existing order, hie l* as buddy of the bosses in the National Civic Federation—these things ¦*»• got precisely nothing for labor...
...Important leaflets will also be published for wide distribution, including old age pensions and unemployed insurance, two measures that have become of extreme Importance to workingmen and "Women...
...Unquestionably the United Textile Workers is handling the Elizabethton situation well...
...1) a sudden and temporary emergency of a particular group of the population, (2) the value under capitalism of encouraging a useful "infant" industry which may soon be self supporting...
...Lawyers for the union claim that the agreement which the executives of these concerns signed with Paul Aymon of the State Federation, Alfred Hoffman of the United Textile Workers and with federal, county and state officers as witnesses is a binding contract in law and an effort will be made to see whether the courts will back up this agreement...
...6. ¦*» Tork, New York...
...A. F. of L. Issues Plea For Funds to Assist Elizabethton Strikers Relief is being rushed to the striking rayon workers In Elizabeth ton by the United Textile Workers...
...To all this plotting and manoeuvring we are indifferent But there is one thing to which we shall not be indifferent...
...He declared the holiday was of "foreign origin" and declared A. F. of L. unions would not and should not observe the holiday...
...his pledge was found to be wanton deception of the electors...
...OASTONIA, N. C.—(F...
...gas mask slung, and tear gas bomb or grenade in hand, as the striking workers...
...Big Six" will meet this Sunday...
...Burke Reprimands Green This reply, enclosing the letter to Mr...
...It has a right Wwrpect men who profess Socialist whether they are leaders or r"*"» in the ranks, to act as the J*"™*** of the progressive forces in F. of L., not as the allies of ^¦reactionaries who have led the J2*teen labor movement to so painj*vlow * level of numbers and moJ ^ not events at Elizabethton * Ban...
...As the second week of attempted operation of the mills started, 345 workers were counted going into the plant...
...And this is what is 4eee to a peaceful strike under reipeetable A. F. of L. auspices...
...they are bad company for it to keep...
...Charitable agencies in many cities are unable to meet the problem...
...The scabs are guarded by deputies armed with bayonets and tear gas bombs...
...Resolution Baps President Condemnation of President Green followed at the next meeting of the New Tort Society of Proofreaders...
...Manoeuvers are now being engaged in to arrange for this...
...County Organizer W. W. Busick reports that membership has Increased over 200 per cent, in the last three months...
...Picket lines are growing despite the evictions, assert National Textile Workers Communist organisers...
...Food is now being given out on an open lot...
...The distress because of unemployment becomes more widespread and yet local, state and national government bodies make practically no effort to face this problem...
...Though, out of courtesy to President Green, the union may not issue a public condemnation of his action in speaking for the antiunion Collier's, members of the union interviowed are unanimous and bitter in denouncing his action...
...The U. T. W. is not ¦toons...
...The response to this appeal will determine the extent to which we can carry out this work...
...On May 13...
...These essentials of intelligent action are outlined by the Notional Executive Committee...
...Everyone knows perfectly well that a resigning Prima Minister ft*** advice to his Sovereign as to who should be Bent for...
...Pays Women Workers $17.03 a Week BOSTON — fPP.l — 117 03 a week is enough for most women workers In industry, according to Massachusetts employers, as revealed by the state labor department report for March...
...Unquestionably it has got valuable support from the A. F. a? L as a whole...
...acceptance of the invitation ex2*f* *° me to deliver this radio adMy inclination and desire Is to y°to° to the requests which affiliated r '*"*s of our organized labor moves',*** make...
...Why not subsidies for the farmers...
...Macnamara, the Labor Minister, that the mighty schemes and the pledges and the expenditure of public money had found work for only 100.000 men when the unemployed were numbering from 1,500,000 to 2,000,000...
...Empty store buildings in every city mark the victories of the greater capitalism of today...
...To Make Protee* Effective The great capitalists and bankers rule American society as they never ruled it before...
...And this requires organisation, publicity, a program and action...
...The Communiets do it b every strike in which they enter...
...Fraternallv yours...
...These localities will be surveyed with the view of concentrating our efforts to carry them...
...Loray managers sprung a new trick on striken) whan they started confiscating the few (ticks of furniture they possess...
...Baldwin but with Mr...
...Thomas F. McMahon and Vice Pres...
...The only thing that makes the consumers stand tariffs is nationalism In economics...
...2.500 strong, paraded past the mills and through the town...
...ould get together on program and ¦oHcy...
...Every tariff is a subsidy...
...And progressive...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 18

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