Stauning, Theodor

Stauning Tells Of Plans For Disarmament Needless Expense of Heavy Miiilarism Witt Be Dispensed With, Is Plan ef New SoeJal&st Premier of Denmark—Will Also Seek to Democratize Parliament By...

...Negotiations with the Jobbers yesterday bad for then* purpose the "^Inauguration of a system of certification whereby contractors and sub-manufacturers working for jobbers would have to prove to an impartial Joint Control Board, upon which the public would be represented, that garments are manufactured under hygienlo and humane conditions...
...In this capacity he has charge of the litigation over the five cent fare case and all other legal aspects of the transit question...
...Petition On ESsabethten Discussion of the situation at EUzajethton, Term., by speakers at the openng session led to adoption of this message, sent to Gov...
...Y. O. On learning of Comrade Mlchailovsky's death, the 17 th, 18th and 30th assembly district branches of the Socialist party adopted a resolution mourning "the toss of our good comrade David Michailovsky who has rendered a long life-time of service to the working class...
...The Shoe Workers' Protective Union, meanwhile, has been warned that the shoe workers of Salem will be asked to come out if they continue flntohlng shoes sent from Boston factories...
...Strike Of Shoe Workers Fifth Week of Walkout Finds Union Forces] Stronger Than Ever By A. H. Kalish DOSTON.—The Boston shoe strike has now entered its fifth week and is still going strong...
...vice rpresident...
...In bis long span of years he served the Socialist movement devotedly as a speaker and in other capacities...
...Miners' Chief la Ptlagatiia Hartley answered that be oouVs net exercise the pardoning power unless the i judge and pioeecutors asked him to nev< edy an injustice...
...There was no destructive, anarchistic organization trying to speak for the workers at Elizabeth too," he cried...
...Matilda Lindsay, southern field representative, in a report on the textile, to>acco and other large-scale industries in -he South, said that the Trade Union League is cooperating with the North Carolina State Federation of Labor and Jie United Textile Workers in working 3ut plans "that will meet the Industrial situation in North Carolina at the present time due to the great unrest among the textile workers...
...Reservations for this luncheon should be- made at once at the office of the League for Industrial Democracy, 70 Fifth Ave...
...Why should innocent men bag ehav . ency," shot back the delegation, "No person with red blood would respect werkers who cringed and crawled for IMS when they had committed no wrong.' Hartley was reminded that seven of the jurymen in the Centralis ease had ssjssi 1 affidavits that the LW.W...
...Disgusted with the treatment of the local newspapers, the strikers are now getting out a weekly of their own, the United Shoe Worker, a wide-awake paper edited by Fred Meade, Secretary-Treasurer of the union, which tells the true story of the strike...
...The Social-Democrats made use of this opportunity, voted against the Budget, and In this way placed the Government in a minority...
...Julius ! Hocbman, International Vice President, {chairman... the governor's attitude...
...Some of the plants have been trying the old gac of giving stories to the newspapers saying that they are going to move out of town...
...1 ment of thousands of union mm sag - 'women and other citizens whs reserdet 'the fate of the Centralis prisoners a | squarely in his hands...
...were virtually ~^ppw»* with the appointment of the following committees: Organization committees, ' Nicholas Kurtxman...
...H. J. Abopp of United auat Workers District 10, appealed for tbnr ' release on the broad grounds of justice • and vindication of American prtoctohy Sec...
...David Dubinsky, actl ing International president, before leav[ tog for Chicago where he expects to re{ceive the moral and financial support of the Chicago and Cleveland Joint Boards In the event of strike, declared that it was important for the Industrial Council, the large manufacturers' organization, to recede from the "unfriendly attitude" previously evinced if there is to be no general strike when contracts expire Jane 1. Mr...
...fc»*r»e» *** Trade Union Women Meet In Washington Delegates Tell of Great Seed for Organization Work in Many Industries By Laurence Todd Dr*ASHINGTON— CFP) —What the real " America is, which supports through rrtvate exploitation and public taxation he leisure regime in which the Dolly Sarins and Alice Longworths and DA.Es ire staged as hair-pulling comedians, was nought home to thinking readers in the ;apltol by the convention of the National Women's Trade Union League, which be;an its annual sessions May g. "The evils ef the sweatshop, of starvaion wages and an healthful conditiens unang women werkers are still present n American industry," said EBxabeth Jhristman to her report as secretaryxeasorer...
...If the strike lasts longer than this, the manufacturers will lose an entire season...
...The Radical Party stands near the Social-Democrats on the question of armaments, and also in relation to a series of problems of democratization, such as the introduction of a Single-Chamber system of Government International Prepares For Strike In N.Y...
...Only the important picket i and law committees have not yet been ; designated...
...The charge for members is $1.35 for non-members $1.50...
...This confession was received with satisfaction in many trade union offices in the capital, where the bashfulness of the A. F. of L. as .a fighting force, as contrasted with that of its affiliated national and international unions, is becoming a matter of scornful comment...
...H Asked pototbtonk at the doss et session if the delegation was to ssjgsw stand that he refused to do anything mtmu toward the release of the eight wsrtsJp the governor gave an exaatrs reply...
...President Green of the American Fednation of Labor, bitterly denouncing the calling of troops to Elizabeth ton "for the terrorization of the community," snowed astonishment that the bosses made no distinction between the A. F. of L. unions and the radical workers when they both sought the same gains...
...Local 9, chairmen...
...The Merchants' Association was 'represented by M. W. Haft, chairman: Jacob Sperber, A. Rlfkin, Ellis Stelnhardt and S. Blum berg, counsel...
...He believed, lie saaV that the men had had a fab- Mat aetf that the only basis of appeal to htm essU be that.the lumber workers bad sufferat enough punishment for a crime whkb they would acknowledge...
...Of course the Party nevertheless wishes for the maintenance of a defence force sufficient for the protection of the frontier, and a Nary which can guarantee the neutrality of Danish waters...
...Arthur J. W. Hilly and a prominent representative of the Republican or Fusion Party...
...settlement committee, Selvataee Ntnfo, flasfc...
...In the following article, presented exclusively by The A'str Leader, Theodof Stangsing, the Socialist-prime minister, tells of the issues txltuli brought tlie Labor Parly into Sower and indicates its future course on the matter of disarmament...
...If he does grow aggressive., most of the W.T.UX...
...Before leaving for Chicago, Mr...
...Old age caused him to slow up his activity about ten years ago, though be was seen at party gatherings np until about two years ago...
...Preparations for strike went forward despite conciliatory conferences held with the Merchant Ladies' Garment Asi sociatlon, the jobbers' organisation, at | the Hotel McAlpin... the 'world's ar»r»t cigar factory" a week's wages for firl workers range from $3.5* to 911, and women date packers work nnder unparlon»ble conditions for less than the sseagereat living wage...
...The "Populalre" of the 18th Asta printed one and a half columns of tabgrams from all parts of the world, Tb* secretary of the SX, Friedricb Aafec, telegraphed: The whole IntematJoaal will greet with the greatest entrmttass the return of Leon Blum to Psrrjssssat Heartiest congratulations to the Fragsk , Socialist Party, especially to the vsBsst comrades of Narbonne, and to Lean Bass personally...
...M. J. Miller of Carpenters Local ML'' largest In the state, stated that this wai not the first time workers had been sat to prison for defending their right to organize...
...Conferences with the American Association will be held next week, upon the return of Mr...
...Stone ham has followed the example of Boston and Chelsea...
...Efforts are being made for another meeting shortly with the Industrial Council...
...Benjamin Kaplan...
...A good many of the factories have not even tried to open...
...something which only' a very few large firms can afford to do...
...The Old Berime Ousted The Government majority was very small, and could only be maintained through a series of reactionary measures: reduction of social legislation and wages, reduction of the taxes on the owners of great wealth, a penal law directed against the bade unions, the so-called Prison Law...
...Local 2, chairman, Samuel jLefkowltz, Local 9, secretary...
...On this question the Social-Democratic Party took the view, as is well known, that the smallness and special situation of Denmark exclude an effective defence of the country, on account of which its weakness should be openly recognised, and all preparations for war avoided...
...The response has been very good...
...I'HE defeated Danish cabinet was the successor of the first Social-Democratic ministry of Denmark, of which I happened to be the head...
...The speakers will be Norman Thomas, the Hon...
...Leonard M. Wallstein, the counsel for the Citizens Union will be the chairman...
...Loca) lev chairman, D. Rubin, i sample makers, secretary...
...At the conference the union was represented by Mr...
...Michailovsky died at the age of 89...
...The strikers are as determined as ever, and from their enthusiasm it can be seen that...
...In addition telegrams arrived from (to Party Executives hi Belgium, Omniay...
...Delegation spokesmen after the interview declared themselves ss not surprise...
...His ssatow labor record as a saw mill and lasher, employer In Kverett before the day* ef the Kverett Massacre and the hostility he bad shown toward all labor measure* at chief executive gave little ground, they stated, that appeals.for justice would be heeded...
...Green Finds Besses Adaaaant Almost in despair be confessed that bis policy of anti-radicalism and gentleness and of lecturing to dinner-meetings }f employers, had failed: "Employers in most every section of the country are lust as hostile now," he said, "as they s-ere two decades ago, particularly when there is involved in any dispute that arises between employers and employees the right of collective bargaining and the recognition of union relationships...
...The Socialists bad dissolved the,House of Commons In December, 1936...
...vice j chairman, Maurice W. Jacobs, Local 10, ; secretary...
...We know from experience that the presence of state troops is provocative of disorder and conflict, and believe that is why you have been asked to send them...
...Leon Blum Election Enthuses Socialist Parties Of Many Countries Paris,—The return of Leon Buns Is...
...At the elections the Stauning Government Coalition which was composed of the Social-Democrats and Radicall...
...The workers in the making-room of the Bancroft and Walker factory have joined the ranks of the strikers, while the Shelling factory walked out Monday...
...were not grne a fair trial and are entitled to fuD pardon...
...Death came this week at the Daughters" of Jacob Home for the Aged, to -the Bronx...
...Holland and the Social-Democratic laser Party of Russia...
...If Green has learned that bosses will stm point machine guns at women strikers, despite bis assurance of the non-radical and "spiritual" character of the Federation, the rayon strike and the Trade Union League convention will have been valuable to the whole labor movement...
...Plans, ajtoatlng saVPOO fkiakmakTfs...
...The relief campaign is scheduled to go through the entire country...
...In numeroos pett»;, i tions and resolutions they had urged tat" I release of these workers, and with tor ! mountain of evidence which had ksafr | presented to him and the parole beers, | there should be no question to hat attel as to the justice of their appeal...
...The Cabinet of the Agrarian Party, chose the same way out of the difficulty as the Stauning Ministry, namely the Issuing of a writ for new elections...
...women werkers to the stock rards earn *» a week...
...j—-7—t-~7~17-.---—^ ..w ¦ -aSaBSgaBav¦^sssy«*w^aw^,*™aesga1faaP''aaiavavsassdaw* nebs**Bew' a wbav *' TAsboway aaaw^ to the eeavftottasi at IBsssr aeehaas*th» S^^^^ s^*nnit*** , **«*baiOt sawhsseisl to the sesiHriiMiry •» » fraaaed tap charge Fall Fashioned II nan*j Workers TJsdars eesttotafc...
...Soup kitchens in Boston and Chelsea will begin functioning this week...
...ball committee...
...As Employers ¥aB to OTRIKE preparations of the Interna...
...Proposals of this kind were adopted by the House of Commons during the time of the SocialDemocratic Government, but they were turned down by the Senate...
...electoral campaign, the rejoicing of Hatbonne communicated itself iliiuuglwsj.j the whole of France and beyond...
...A Coalition of the Agrarian Party and the Conservatives was formed,' which was the basis of a Ministry formed by the Agrarian Party...
...The strikers are getting ready to stay out until June at least...
...Dubinsky stressed that the re-organization scheme which is part of the expiring contracts constitute the union's main point of grievance...
...Stauning Tells Of Plans For Disarmament Needless Expense of Heavy Miiilarism Witt Be Dispensed With, Is Plan ef New SoeJal&st Premier of Denmark—Will Also Seek to Democratize Parliament By THEODOR STAUNING Socialist Prime Minister of Denmark j^S a ft suit of its recent lie lory *r the potts, the Socialists of Denmark, organised in the Labor Party, have taken office...
...Horton of Tennessee ry the national body and by each of its ocal leagues: "The National Women's rrade Union League in convention assembled, representing workers from many ?adea and from many parts of the country, petition you to withdraw militia from Elizabeth ton...
...The elections gave judgment on the policy of the Agrarian Cabinet, especially on the question- of defence...
...Pres... Washington win consider rrieastog $bssci This was the attitude reveals* #¦ state's chief magWrsto to a tsss^gejff miili ii i in the capltol at Olympat what* visited by a delegation of M trade artaaIsts and Other citizens, organised by' aS* On tralia Liberation Cornmittee...
...Dubinsky pointed out that the jobbers were not direct employers of labor, but the Industrial Council and the American association are...
...They were thorough-going American citizens, represented by an organisation that is loyal to our country and its flag...
...out-of-town ' committee, Jacob Halpern, International j vice president, chairman, L. Lagem...
...Relief parties are going out to neighboring cities and towns as well as to sympathetic unions...
...j The governor was told that the dsUgef I tun had come to emphssrss tb* esatt...
...We repeat our urgent appeal for withdrawal of troops...
...Dubinsky from Chicago...
...Benjamin Mceer...
...When to triumphed in the first ballot over all opponents after an uncommonly vkesti...
...Arthur J. W. Hilly was formerly First Assistant Corporation Counsel and was/recently appointed by Mayor Walker, Corporation Counsel...
...David Michailovsky Passes Away at 89 The Jewish Socialist world this week mourned the passing of David Michailovsky, veteran worker in the Socialist movement...
...More Join In Mass...
...delegates will be delighted...
...We strongly oppose the is© of state troops in Industrial disputes, and most emphatically In the case of the rayon workers at Ellxabethton, who have ihown by their restraint and conduct that they believe to law and order and arbitration as the way to settle industrial llsputea...
...At the conclusion of yesterday's conference between the union and the jobbers, it was announced that some progress was made and that further negotiations would be held very shortly...
...Despite a review of the evidence pro»I ing the lumber workers' Innocence, Bart-' ley parried with Legion-inspired conden\ nation of the men...
...Part of this plan, the disclosed, will call for a shorter work seek and abolition of night work...
...Parliament has released a lively Jay which has extended far beyond Frsnet to the workers of aS countries...
...And yet we Ond that city . .. filled with troops and bayonets and swords...
...Girls have been feud puting raffle* en delis' dresses at S cents 'er twe desen, making a beat 11 cents to 'our hears...
...speakers' committee...
...they have decided to go through with this figbtsfo a complete and full victory...
...Announcement of those who j will fill these posts will be made within f the next few days...
...On important social questions, such as measures against the economic crisis, and unemployment, the Coalition could not agree at all...
...The Main speeches will be broadcasted over Station WSAF from 1:30 to 340 PM...
...failed to secure a majority...
...Persons who desire to hear the speeches and discussion will be admlted at 1:30 for 50c...
...Governor Wants I. W. To Beg Mercy Plea for Centr$tlia Vitffal Made by Trade Unfa* Delegation -J* CtATTLE—<FP>—If the eight Cs*.j 0 tralia prisoners wffl get down oa *aV3 knees and beg for mercy as guff nfijM teals, then perhaps Gov...
...International, chairman, 1st-! dors Sorkin, manager, jobbing department, secretary: relief committee, Max j Stoller...
...ttonal Ladies' Garment Workers* Tftjton to the n. Y. dee* and toll trades moved resolutely ahead last week with the appatntmrnt of important strike committees at a special meeting of the Joint Board at 3 West 18th Street...
...These took place on April 24th...
...Dubinsky, Isidore Nagler, General Manager of the Joint Board, Vice Presidents Harry Wander and Joseph Breslaw, Isidore Sorkin and Morris Hillquit, counsel...
...And when at last negotiations toot place on the question of defence, the unity of the Government Coalition was lost, notwithstanding that ho questions of principle were down for discussion but simply the amount of the credits to be granted for armaments, For/ the Agrarian Party, oat of consideration for the peasant population, did not venture to gr- so far as the Conservatives demanded, j The-Conservatives declined to vote for the Budget, as their claims were not ful-1 Oiled...
...Thomas, Tammany Man And Republican to Discuss New York Gty Problems "A Munlclpal^Program for New York City: 1939-33" will be the subject discussed at the coming luncheon of the League for Industrial Democracy May 18th, Saturday at 13:15 PJ...
...Some scabs from Brockton have arrived, but their attempts have accomplished little good...
...The campaign for the freaton of the workers in Walla Walla penitentiary win continue, they announced...
...This has not affected1 the strikers, since they know, even though 1 the manufacturers act as if they don't that it is cheaper to send a union organizer to a neighboring town than to move a factory...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 17

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