
Who's Dictator Now? Birth Control Fiendish Plot of Lenin and Trotsky, Learned Doctor Declares They Appointed Debs Dictator, He Reveals — "Pebs If Dead, Bat the Office Remains" ~ •» By...

...By the way, that job you performed for the steel masters was an excellent one for open shop exploiters...
...Two this Una...
...Connolly and Paino, the latter a Papal Knight, belong to the K. K. Styles belongs to the K. K. K. Berg and Levin, presumably, are Jewish and belong to neither...
...Joseph W. Soak, Dayton...
...That murder is still a "mystery" to the police department...
...Textile Senators OPPOSITION in' the U. S. Senate by some * ^-southern Senators to an investigation of conditions of the textile slaves was to be expected...
...In the cities other bands gathered and fought with valor against the Klan and for God and Country...
...In this way you Increase the circulation, help your paper financially, and promote educational work in your locality...
...Debs is dead," the speaker announced to a breathless audience, "but the office Is stffl there!* At this point the physician disclosed how the birth control movement was Implicated in the Red Plot Funny no one thought of it before—it was really very simple...
...The two sentences) which «pa quote cannot bo recoasriJed with facts...
...Bronx Free Fellowship To Give Dance May 4 The Bronx Free Fellowship Is holding a dance for its members and friends at Azure Masonic Temple, 1501 Boston road, near East 172nd street, this Saturday evening, May 4th, from 8 o'clock to 12...
...A Tale of the K's (yUT on the plains, in the woods and mountains and in caverns white figures have stalked at night robed in a battle for God and Country...
...Capitalists, bankers and politicians have expressed admiration for Mussolini and they have more power in shaping the "American ideal" than the workers have...
...Michel MttUeglick, New York, Ban Sckhard, Pennsylvania...
...a festival or fair...
...j this time, one ef these arhoaaaa, I Charts* OJaser finds tbat ha en 1 seek off sabs In Chicago...
...But never mind, petty offenders are still being sent to Sing Sing for long terms...
...The company guarantees that there will be no discrimination against any striker...
...This prevails to some extent and in some sections of this country under the "American ideal...
...It should establish a morgue and a cemetery in charge of special department agents and employ Poison Ivy Lee to broadcast the new ventures...
...In return we ask that the net proceeds be sent to The New Leader together with names and addresses of Mends and sympathizers who may become regular readers...
...The situation is made more vivid by the knowledge that the Transit Commission has placed the blame for the wreck on the I. R. T. which permitted nullification of the automatic trip-stop system, a system wliich is intended to eliminate the human hazards in train operation...
...Besides having a jazz orchestra for dancing, there will be a string quartette to play chamber music between dances, Florence Crosble, a very fine soprano accompanied by the son of Senator Ooar, will sing, and Sam A. DeWltt will be present and read some of his latest poems...
...The small audience quailed: as the speaker shook bis finger in a final threat: "And by that time the birth controllers will be dust and ashes...
...Outlawing science is another...
...Machinists Begin Drive To Build Union VTICTORY for striking machinists of the American-La France first engine plant at Elmira, N. Y., was celebrated at a stirring mass meeting held by the International Association ot Machinists In Cooper Union, N. Y. C. Full recognition of the union, a cleanjut of all strikebreakers, and every striker's job back, were the terms of the settlement reached with/the La France bosses after negotiations covering six weeks...
...We have not forgotten it...
...At Chicago a similar drive is being planned at the banquet and at a large mass meeting...
...It was night...
...G. JV...
...We don't want the American Bernard Shaws, H. O. Wellses, Sidney Webbs -et el...
...Fascism is in part the "American ideal...
...The verdicts...
...He knows better...
...Tt is just part of the feminist plan to play into the hands of the Communists," declared the physician...
...Party Branches Taking Steps To Help Leader Several weeks ago the Board of Management of The New Leader decided to expand the responsibility for maintaining the party organ to the whole membership of the party...
...You helped to defeat this great effort to organize the workers in the steel industry...
...If there is one alarming trend in this coon try it is the tendency to make the state supreme over the individual and tins is largely due to the failure oi oar trade unions to establish their own political party...
...Ton bare made me appear to refer to the labor movement as "our labor movement," the "our" referring to The National Civic Federation...
...The big celebration at Madison Square Garden also included a special effort to get subscriptions...
...Marks Place...
...Information regarding any other secret knifing of working class struggles will be ol Interest at this time...
...There was also a good deal of common nonsense in that period and it is still cherished in some quarters...
...Both are essential to the operation of the I. R. T. Some Inverted Reasoning y^E ARE rather amused at an editorial provided by the A. F. of L. news service for trade union papers...
...We do know that the powerful capitalists and banks who finance your drug firm were amply repaid for their investments in it.—Editor, The New Leader...
...The New Leader feels that It speaks for the thousands of comrades and trade unionists in New York City who have known Comrade Nemser when .it extends to him its best wishes tor a fruitful career In she praetaue et law...
...Today Boston is Fascist in the matter of censorship of books and magazines...
...The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan burned crosses for the faith...
...Thus a higher unity of piety is found in graft, bribery and perjury in capitalist politics...
...It is not true that in the United States the individual is supreme, not the state...
...PHILADELPHIA — (FP) — Labor men, economists, employers and government statisticians tackled Textiles as a Community Problem in relation to the widespread unemployment in northeast Philadelphia, at a conference called by the Philadelphia Labor College April 27, 28...
...The first investigations proposed in Massachusetts about a hundred years ago were opposed by members of the legislature whose politics were cotton profits translated into law...
...Machinists and electricians, be said, are key men in modern industry, and should take advantage of their position to unionise...
...The Labor Party and Sea Power PUBLICATION in this country of J. Ramsay MacDonald's views on the dispute over sea power this week shows that the British Labor Party has had the courage to face the issue...
...How much credit for this setback is due to you we do not know...
...Of course, Lenin and Trotsky are at the bottom of it all...
...Word also comes from the local in Worcester, Mass., that the proceeds ot the May Day celebration will also be used for extending the circulation of The New Leader...
...There were labor men in your National Civic Federation who were working for the success of that strike...
...In Queens County, N. Y., sewer rats stole millions...
...Permit us to say, tlui "Pioneers of Freedom" will be eagerly read by young people and the oktrn ones who ore ever young in mind and spirit...
...Mayor Walker may be enlisted to make inspiring addresses on the day assigned to dedicate the morgue and the cemetery to the comfort of those who use the lines...
...Harry Hasan, California, (2 subs), Esther Spoou* Wright, Waterloo...
...see A staff writer on the "Magazine of Wall Street" declares that when this nation was founded "its common interests were political, and there was no economic life...
...They represent commodities...
...He presented the politicoCatholic version of the big plot...
...A few returns are now coming in...
...Birth Control Fiendish Plot of Lenin and Trotsky, Learned Doctor Declares They Appointed Debs Dictator, He Reveals — "Pebs If Dead, Bat the Office Remains" ~ •» By Spectator A STOUNDINO revelations Indicating that the birth control movement Is but the advance guard of the radical onslaught which is to dethrone the middle elsss and set up the dictatorship of the proletariat were made last Monday evening at a meeting of physicians, dentists and pharmacists held in the Academy of Medicine, Fifth Avenue and 10Sd Street...
...R. E. Martin of West Virginia, *rs* that work is scarce down his way as] that many of the miners have bam a strike for many months...
...But the revelations were made in English...
...New Tort The reason that Andrew W. Brass « Chicago, wants The New Leader, a fey cause he is "Anxious to know the ami about all things and for that mesa i am subscribing to the paper...
...We bear from him again tub ess...
...You must give It...
...Executive Council, NatL Civic Fed...
...Among the N. Y. C. newsdealer...
...Let's have the morgue and the cemetery...
...With the compliments of the season, I am A BALPH M. EASLEY, Chairman...
...He showed that before the population of this country became as dense (i.e., had as many persons per square mile as) Holland, where birth control is practiced with Impunity, 1,169 years would flow under the Brooklyn Bridge...
...In steel, textile, and mining areas is it not a fact that free speech for the unions is often destroyed ? Does not trade union history seethe with complaints of this despotism...
...8. Steel Corporation and providing some of this Bolshevik stuff...
...The reasoning is also absurd...
...Several hundred branches are yet to be heard from...
...Remember, The New Leader expects your branch to arrange only one affair each year...
...Outside a fierce wind was bowling and a mysterious black shadow was descending-an Central Park...
...i . . Just what the tariff on wool will be when the present Congress adjourns we do not know but the members will see to it that the supply will be sufficient to pull over the eyes ot the voters...
...One objection is that what is for sale isn't worth buying...
...The voter who gets scared when a political broker denounces Socialism reminds us of our childhood when Dad told us that the Bogie Man would get ua if we did not watch out...
...that leaves the class between...
...If you win put on your spectacles and re-read the sentence from which you extracted the rather t»»«™g statement tbat I was calling the labor movement mine or The National Civic Federation's, you will discover that the quotation you make is contained in the following paragraph: 'The favorite argument of the Intellectual' radicals in this country has been that, following the example of the British labor movement, American labor should take in their 'superior minds' and make use ot them...
...The meeting was under the auspices of the International (sic) and SpanishSpeaking Association of Physicians and others of the same general profession...
...He is doing tt by selling as) cards...
...With an increase in the death toll of this corporation it is fitting that publicity should be given to the proposed grab...
...O'Reilly admitted that the two leaders of the Red Revolution put their heads together some years ago and decided that there could be no revolution In the United States unless and until an American Communist dictator was designated...
...You secretly helped to break the strike of the steel workers while publicly avowing your love tor "our labor movement" If you are capable ot doing this once you are capable of doing it often...
...Senators Overman and Simmons of North Carolina are playing the same role in their opposition to exposure of the southern textile hells...
...Z cannot sj3_fl miss any of the valuable mf anMSsfcT^ I Socialist news contained hi ear as...
...Mussolini has made' Italy an ideal Socialistic state that outlaws strikes, suppresses free speech, arranges how the people shall vote for puppet lawmakers and takes charge of working conditions and production...
...Any good drug clerk would know better...
...We never will...
...And Stilt The Army Grous | UTTAD no Idea that sab to 291 " Leader was about to espfca check for renewal...
...The best incentive in the escnrtagat subscriptions, are the subscription ear...
...Where were you and what were you doing in that great struggle...
...Business men urged textile factors to get together to restore some order to the production and distribution of cloth...
...IS YOUR SUB ABOUT TO EXPlStl Just a few more copies of "Punters cf Freedom" art en hand...
...The Knights of Kolumbus were astir...
...You will be helping your paper and your paper will be helping you to the extent that you increase its circulation In your locality...
...It is an able survey and the author notes that Great Britain as an island state occupies a different position in the dispute compared with the continental states...
...IN A NUTSHELL One of the big- problems now facing Congress is to frame legislation that will frame the farmers rather than relieve them...
...The war of the godly will now extend to Sing Sing...
...We labor under an illusion when we think that most Senators represent geographical areas...
...He is a fraud...
...More are expected in the coming weeks...
...Local Philadelphia ordered 500 copies of the May Day number with the view of Increasing the number of readers in that city at the May Day celebration...
...But to the question you raise...
...A 'Personal" Transaction Well, an agent ot the National Civic Federation framed a report which asserted that the Interchurch Movement, which endeavored to help the strikers with fair and Intelligent publicity, was filled with "Bolsheviks...
...5-Day Week Demanded Speakers at the Cooper Union meeting were President A. O. Wharton of the I. A. M., Martin J. McMahon, grand lodge representative, and Alfred Peabody, business agent of New York District 15...
...Overman is especially stupid, his anti-radical antics of the immediate post-war period showing that he had no comprehension whatever of the forces and influences that were then stirring in the world...
...Comrade Nemser has often been a candidate on the party ticket for public office...
...A resolution passed by the meeting formulated machinists' union demands, to be put Into effect as organization is perfected...
...Many years ago Mary Ellen Lease told western farmers to "raise less corn and more hell...
...Therefore, we would like to ask you: How many other jobs of the same kind have you palled off in this country...
...Backed by the voting power of or[anized labor, a nation-wide demand that_ city authorities refuse to have dealings with a non-union fire apparatus firm was the weapon which brought home the bacon...
...The "uplifters" are trying, to undermine the class number two, the balance of society, and thus upset things in favor of the class that loves children...
...number two and number three, number three standing for the workers...
...John Morris, ahan...
...Since its appearance in England and the United States the textile industry-, with the exception of the sweated trades, has been the most inhuman...
...The speaker ended and the hearers left the hall...
...38th St...
...The implication of such language is that you and your millionaire backers own the labor movement and have authority to speak tor it...
...You admitted the secret correspondence with the steel masters...
...The strike, precipitated when the company repudiated its agreement with the union and attempted to run a company-unionized open shop, had been on since June, 1928...
...In an unguarded moment Dr...
...Felts, S.W, car...
...If he does not know it he has much to learn...
...There was no denial that that secret agent who framed the report was working for your drug firm...
...New York City Ralph, it is your duty to sell all the drugs you can and not quarrel with those who refuse to be your customers...
...We suggest that as this vampire corporation charges up the cost of breaking strikes and maintenance of its company union, that it go in for some philanthropy should it succeed in holding us up for two cents more on every fare paid...
...Textiles, the economists said, were as wildly chaotic as coal...
...A New York pastor declares that what is needed is salesmen to sell religion as there is a big market for it...
...They need your help...
...Wen, number one doesn't need birth control, or can get it easily, or doesn't marry...
...The section has sent in eight subscriptions and another affair is being arranged to extend this work., The South Park branch at Los Angeles, Calif., has arranged a card party the proceeds of which will be devoted to the same purpose...
...You denied the transaction at the time...
...In recent years they have raised little of the latter but the politicians they support have made up the deficit...
...Hearty congratulations are due to the British Socialist and Trade Union movement for this advanced program...
...and Mrs...
...This shows what a live women's organization can do...
...In a letter to the New York World of July 16, 1920, you said that it was a personal transaction, not an official job of your drug firm...
...But American labor has always answered, "Nay...
...If you art a subscriber, ycu may order the paper sent to a friend and the book to yam own address...
...Beware of the . professional pietist in politics...
...The whole trend of the document you Issued last February is that of such a spokesman...
...The whole labor* movement, including the Socialist Party, was united In behalf of that effort to organize the workers in the steel industry...
...Advice to the I. R. T. QNE day following the wreck in the Lexington Avenue Subway in which four people lost their lives and forty-five were injured, eight seriously, it became known that counsel for the Transit Commission is studying the brief filed by the Interborough Rapid Transit Company for a seven-cent fare...
...Moreover it is an offense to the British labor movement which annually exchanges fraternal delegates with the American Federation of Labor...
...Comrade Nemser found time while carrying on intensive party and trade union work to equip himself for the practice of the law...
...But the facts later came out and you admitted them...
...Never before were chances to organize machinists so good...
...zoi Ave...
...Yd receive this splendid work of Mat Alts :er Coleman and The Neat Leader for one year,—all for $3...
...Has not the injunction process almost outlawed strikes and have not trade union men often said so...
...The birth controllers are directing their influence to the second class, Dr...
...Several weeks ago every party local and branch in the nation was informed ot The New Leader plans for associating them in this responsibility...
...Other May Day meetings will also stage a drive for subscriptions...
...His accomplishment is indicative of his determination and energy tor which the New York Socialists honor him...
...That report was sent by you with a covering letter to the offices of the United States Steel Corporation on March 30, 1930...
...Intelligent trade unionists know better...
...John J. O'Reilly, a practitioner of Brooklyn, blurted it out in a straightforward and brave way, apparently unaware of the tremendous importance of the expose...
...Bosses pay men, not in proportion to their skill, he said, but in proportion to their organized power, pointing out that hod carriers get more money than highly skilled tool and die makers...
...i - m K. W. Anderson uses the sab easfcfc> get the wide-awakes to ctga ea dotted fine...
...The rest follows logically...
...6th Ave...
...Labor men charged the industry as short-sighted and brutal in its labor policies...
...Workers who follow these fakers in politics may contemplate this collection of worthies and learn a lesson— one that Socialists learned long ago...
...It believes that Great Britain has most to gain by abolition of private blockade...
...Plan your own program...
...Berg, Paino and Levin guilty of bribery and under sentence...
...You are a dealer in opiates...
...The Women's Section in Queens County, N. Y., was among the first to respond to this plan...
...It adds that we uphold the "American ideal that the individual, not the state, is supreme...
...vta have ordered The New Leader, art tie following: Walter Bruley, N. W. Dane...
...Styles guilty of perjury and under sentence...
...A. K. Famellrln...
...For a number of years he has been one of the mainstays of local 4, cutters, of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...The closed union shop, which had prevailed In the La France plant during many years of Industrial peace prior to the strike, again becomes the rule...
...50th St...
...Having done all this the two institutions may be maintained out of the increased fares the corporation may obtain through some judicial magic...
...It accepts the freedom of the seas and defines this by saying that "the high seas should only be closed by international agreement for the enforcement of international covenants...
...And is it not true that great corporations in this country too often have become states, Fascist in outlook and intimidating voters as in Fascist Italy...
...Briefly, The New Leader asks that every subdivision of the party organise at least one affair each year for the benefit of your paper...
...Consider the other assertion that Italy is an ideal Socialistic state in outlawing strikes and free speech and forcing voters to vote a certain way...
...The trade union movement in nearly all countries except the United States is socialistic in outlook and aim and what the writer of above lines asserts is that this world wide Labor-Socialist movement seeks its ideal in Fascist slavery...
...Machinists, who ought to be one of the best organized groups, are actually on one of the lowest rungs of the trade union ladder, Wharton asserted...
...It believes that, in so far as we continue to claim license to close the common seaways for our private ends, we antagonize America and the rest of the world and impede progress towards all-in arbitration, cooperative security, and radical disarmament...
...The 5-day, 40-hour week, a minimum wage of $1 an hour for machinists, $125 for tool and die makers, and $1.50 for building trades machinists and machinists employed by municipal governments (including city auto mechanics) are the chief points...
...Increasing unemployment does not appear to disturb the big masters of industrial corporations as increasing dividends are a big consolation to them...
...The following 1st us know that ft* are on the firing line by picking 'an g hare and there: A. C. Brancher, aasak Frank Kofatt...
...But your action in that great battle of the organized workers justifies us in asking a few questions...
...Incidentally it is interesting to note that the Women's Section in Reading, Pa., raised a hundred dollars for the park fund of the local in that city...
...Since you raise the question of good faith we will call your attention to an incident of the steel strike of 1919...
...Your job Is to drug them...
...MacDonald traces the issues through thx colonial period and the French Revolution, the later dispute with Great Britain which led to the second war with the United States, and subsequent history through the World War and post-war period...
...a picnic or an entertainment...
...Coupled with this is a policy of scaling down armaments and codification of international law...
...This may be a lecture or a debate...
...Magnus Jacobean, New Twfc Max Click and H. M Fretdman et m. nols, are among those who report tak week...
...Therefore, "Labor stands for the unqualified renunciation of war and of blockade as a private weapon...
...Firstly, birth control "is unsafe, untrue, unscientific, unsocial, uneconomic and un-American," "It Is un-American because it denies "the unborn American a fair deal thus undermining the republican form oi government and promoting the domination of the proletariat...
...But the defeat of the steel strikers marked a halt in the hope of immediate organisation of the powerful open shop industries...
...i W. «~ Snow, State ¦esreaaw still SeetaBst Parts', nttnsts, (sages eesT J wide field bat he goto the aaka...
...In the first column you authoritlvely speak of all "who do, not represent, in the slightest degree, the American labor movement...
...This is intended to identify Socialists with Fascists and Socialism with Fascism, but it is a rather feeble effort...
...O'Reilly said...
...Two men mysteriously died, one certainly being murdered...
...MacDonald speaks for the party as the complete statement appears in a pamphlet published by the party and which has been received by The New Leader...
...Yet despite this special position the Labor Party reaches a conclusion which widely differs from the British admirals and jingoes...
...Out of the trials came indictments of others for bribery and perjury...
...The writer of the sentences we criticise inverts the facts...
...In other words, while the mercenary press was placing a Bolshevik label upon the steel strike and labor men were denouncing this lying, you were in secret communication with high officials of the TJ...
...If the organized working class continues to have as little political power power as it has today in this country the United States is likely to arrive at the Fascist ideal, thanks to the kind of leadership expressed in the editorial we criticise...
...Hyman Nemser Opens Law Office in N. Y. C. Hyman Nemser for many years one of the leading Socialists ot Brooklyn and well known in New York City for his Socialist and trade union activities has opened a law office at 305 Broadway...
...They do not patronize Ralph's drug store because he handles scab goods...
...Number three likes children (because as a Jewish physician explained at the same meeting, you could never ten whether an early child is going to turn out so well as a late child...
...New Jersey...
...a. B thews...
...O'Reilly disclosed that Eugene V. Debs was decided upon...
...Another order for $5 werajust arrived...
...It is your -game to prevent any genuine progress in the labor movement...
...He dees assage to corral a couple of subs oocanm...
...Somebody turned on the light and the rats rap to cover...
...Now that it is settled just where the sister of the Vice-President is to sit at the dining table the unemployed may give attention to the problem of where they are going to get the next meal • • e We can understand why Ralph Eaaley of the Civic Federation does not like progressive trade unions...
...In Minneapolis, Buffalo and other cities, the firm found Itself hurt by its non-union reputation...
...Several months ago a New York bank was wrecked by responsible officials, four million dollars have disappeared -and public officials have made no move to find out what happened...
...Esther Friedman spoke in Baltimore and she promised a drive for subs...
...President Wharton told the assemblage...
...Financing The New Leader has chiefly fallen to the board and friends of the paper for years In Greater New York...
...It makes La France the only union fire engine plant in the United States...
...Eostey Grous Modest Sdttor, The Mew Leader: Knowing how meUmVuHuy fair an Socialist and Ooaaaaanaft writers are toward their opnonents, 1st me call your attention to * little slip in the columns of your, to use the popular vernacular when addressing an editor, "respected sheet...
...That has been your profession for nearly thirty years...
...Had this great industry been thoroughly organized it would have inspired hundreds of thousands of workers in other serf industries to organize...
...It is true that the sentence you quote is from the late Samuel Oompers but you pass It on as though you were his father and the official spokesman ot the American Federation of Labor...
...Censorship laws and regulations in various states and cities are examples...
...NX cot 6th Ave...
...coming in and playing havoc with our movement, as was done in England.'" You will note from the quotation marks (and I assume that, although a Socialist, you know what quotation marks are for) that it was not I who made the statement but, for your information, I will say that It was none other than Samuel Gompers who did make it, and if he didn't have a right to call the labor movement "our movement," I know of no one else who did...
...O'Reilly ended with a warning...
...He prophesied a resurgence of activity and union strength...
...Chief rat Connolly guilty and under sentence...
...Secondly, there are three classes in every society, class uuntbea one...
...Some rats were indicted...
...Did' you have any hand in defeating trade union organization on the transportation lines of New York City in the past ten years...
...Among the first to return to work will be the active members of the strike committee...
...Taylor, State Secretary #/ the Socialist Party cf Texas, wash to build up the Party in the Lone Sim . State...
...Out of the organized working class has issued the most promising and realistic proposals to settle an old dispute that has threatened another plunge into the bloody ditch...
...Is this not also making the state supreme over the individual through the order of a judge...
...You had to...
...I A. Klrrman...
...Now, Ralph, do not strike a moral pose by hinting that we have no regard for the truth and that you have...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 16

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